I absolutely lloovvee cats. And I really love it when they "talk" to you; "answer" you/ verbally "respond to you. What wonderful companions they are!!😊
My cat also says "mine". When I first got him and we had other cats, he had toys and our other cat had toys. When our other cat would try to take his toys, he goes over to our other cat and yells, "MINE!" "MINE!" 😂😂😂😂
That was so darling!! I totally enjoyed hearing the kitties talk. They are amazing! Thank you so much for sharing, friend. That was amazing. Have a great day!
My younger cat speaks fluent German. He often says "urrrlauub" and urlaub means vacation in German. Probably he needs some days off from his hard job as an interior designer and alarm clock. 😺 🐈
I had a smart miniature female poodle that was a good communicator, not by voice, but by actions she was able to express herself. Very sweet, very affectionate and playful little lady. Too bad she only lived 16 years.
@@perindneWe have an australian shepherd, she is fantastic with language you can tell her pretty much anything a few times and she will understand. If you would say Timmy is stuck in the well go get help she would.
One time when I was taking my cat to the vet, her voice changed from her normal sweet meow, and she meowed “I am ok, I am ok, I am ok” in a strange tone I’ve never heard before. I said well we have to get you checked out anyway. It was so funny to hear her speak “words “ Turns out she was fine nothing serious. I guess she was right…..lol 😄😼
What a great collection you've made here. I had a kitten years ago. One day she climbed up my clothes and I looked at her and said Meow. She looked at me for a solid ten seconds in silence, then said Meouse! We talked to each other after that for 13 years.
My cat would sleep all day but as soon as I would fall asleep, he would be right there wanting to play. After he passed away, I later found out I had bad Sleep Apia. He might have been waking me up to breath. He came with the name Sherman because he loved to push things over and off the table. So they called him Sherman tank. We kept the name. He was awesome.
I hope you don't feel bad about the cats condition and blame yourself. It is difficult to understand what is going on with any animal and especially if it something rare or not really known. I have more than my share of guilt over lost pets in my lifetime.. I know it HURTS and no way to make it heal. I've loved and lost so many cats aka FAMILY and they were each very special. I'm 63 years old and lived in the country a large part of my life and people were always dropping cats off. I was about 7 years old and someone said there was a kitty in the pump house. It was a little building outside that had the well and water tank in it. It was dark, run down and spooky. I had to go see for myself so I did. It was a small mostly black long haired cat with white paws and chest. She was way back in a corner. No one would attempt to try to get her as she was in attack/self defense mode and FERAL. I couldn't stand leaving her in there.. I was so skinny and tiny but I kept at it until I finally got a chance to grab her before she got out the door. I had her in my grasp close to my chest and ran to the house. Well, long story short - I had a lot of scratches all over me but I saved her. She ended up being the sweetest most gentle female kitty our family even had. She had a few litters of babies . She was the FAMILY cat and so beautiful and gentle. Slippers RIP mid 1970's. I don't know why your story made me flash back to that memory though I'll never forget her. take care of you and any fur babies. I have a 12 year old Calico female right now and she is lonely as I had another older cat that was like her big brother (though they did have their arguments hee hee). He died a few years ago and it almost did me in.. my boy.. gone now but never forgotten. I blame myself because I felt I could've done more... perhaps except it wasn't possible at that time. He was a wonderful funny sweet tough beautiful boy.. he looked like a cow and the shelter I adopted him from called him "Moo Moo" and I still have his "baby pic" from the shelter with the name Moo Moo typed on it. My big cow cat is gone now and I'll hurt forever at losing him but I/we gave him LOVE and a home and so much more for 13 years (he lived just passed his 13th birthday) and I will never regret adopting him. Now I am afraid to adopt another one.. I feel like it would be hard for my "baby" "KiKi" because she has been an only child now for a long while but she IS so lonely and bored.. I want to adopt another... I lost my courage. When I was young I was always rescuing kitties.. I couldn't say no to one. I did my best to care for as many as I could through the years and give (those I could) him/ her a home. Moral of all this is ... they need us to at least try to care for them and all we can do is our best in whatever situation we and they are in. sorry.. wow this sure made me write a LOT longer than I was going to. Love as many kitties as you can and do the best you can I guess that's all we can do.. thanks for posting....
My cat gets super worried when i'm ill. I have a bad heart defect and get bad chest cramps sometimes and have to lie down for a day. One of my cats always gets extra super cute, comes lying on my chest and purrs real quiet, touches my face with his paw like - Are you ok mummy? Brings me to tears every time. My Kiko is just the sweetest most caring being i know.
I've met ONE dog and ONE cat in my life that could understand french perfectly. They didn't talk it but they could understand every words. It was shocking and mind blowing 😧 I'll adopt a kitten soon, I will talk to him A LOT like he's just another human. He will learn fast I hope 😊
Never knew how wonderful cats were until I took the time to pay attention and love them. My Belle says I love you very clearly and says it on her own a lot. Now I found a feral kitten in my back yard under my shed that acts like she's known me all her life. A total sweetheart and already trusts me after two weeks. The first day she came out and immediately started rubbing on me and wanted me to pet her. Now working on her getting to know my three dogs to bring her in the house. She already comes up to the patio door when she hears my voice. BTW I feed her at the place near the shed when I met her. She's a Calico with light greed eyes and a small meow. She's starting to talk a little bit. I think she has been attacked by adult cats and they have tried to eat her food I put out for her.
Have several outdoor kitties and 5 i door kitties. Several are $300+ kitties from having been to the vet. Ran over my $900 boy a couple of weeks ago. Broke my heart. Put Revolution on another, who went into kidney failure and died. I knew he was frail, but fleas were eating him alive. Sometimes the cure kills... Fleas have been terrible this year. Have an indoor kitty with a seresto collar. He has developed a rash on his head that may be allergic reaction to collar. Going to do skin scraping microscopic exam to rule out mange or fungus. He is itchy all over, but rash is only on head. Keeps life interesting.
The cats in the video were really cute! My cats talk to! They say "noo," "now," "wow!", "whohwha~!" and purping noises, among other noises. They will also nip, swat/reach for me or stare at me, depending on what they want. They're total characters, lol.
I bet you believe that a god talks to you also! They can mimic some of what we say but, in my experience female cats do not make for good communicators!
My cat says "right now" when it's time for her dinner. I say "can I get a what what" and she answers with a "right now.!" It's pretty darn cute. It never fails but it's so hard to get on film....
Dogs will try to do this, too. I had a Blue Dobermann that would CLEARLY try to talk, but lacked the ability to generate the proper sounds. Having said that, it was clearly a form of speech outside of the usual barking and howling of the average dog.
@mehchocolate1257 Definitely not true. My cat knows commands and responds to certain words I've taught her using repetition just like dogs but it's true that not all cats take to it.
A neighbours cat when she wants to go in at night calls "Muuuuuuuuuuum" and the other one apparently when asked where he is going says "go out"!! I was once feeding some cats in a cattery and said to one old chap what flavour do you want.... beef or lamb? As I turned away he clearly said "Lamb!" 😄
When my kids were young, I often had to check whether they were calling for me. Frequently, it was one of the cats. That same cat will ask for water when he wants the shower turned on, and tell me NOW when I tell him just a minute. He also, occasionally, tells me he loves me. 😮😊❤
Don't wash cats. No need unless they rolled literally in dirt. It's just for the human and it's really distressing for some cats. They always smell clean. Washing them just disturbs their natural, perfectly working skin covering.
I wish you would have teaches this to my crazy boy Tom. I was taking a bath, and then he jumped to me into the bathtub 😂 even it`s a long time ago, i still remember this white flash and the splash as he landed. He loved water, he loved to swim a few minutes im a forest pond when we were outside together in summer.
You should have included the cat sitting in a window with his back to the camera, barking just like a dog, but when spoken to by his master, he is back to sounding like a kitty again!
I had the habit of saying "What" frequently without thinking about it. One evening my kitty started following me and kept saying the word ,"what" like I did. I was so surprised!
When my cat, Loki, wanted me to feed him, I would say "Okay, okay, okay..." while getting his food or, if he was satisfied with what I gave him or did, I'd say, "Is that okay? Okay?" Eventually, he figured out "okay" meant agreement, or at least something positive. Now, when he wants me to do somethng...such as, to come look out the window at what he sees or to feed him or whether or not we're leavng the room right then, he'll clearly say in his kind of cat-gravelly voice, "Okay? Okay? Okay?" But twice now, he's used the word in a way that makes me think he understands other meanings of "okay." Once, when he was sleeping in the living room, I was in the kitchen, drinking a glass of water, and it went down wrong, so I began coughing loudly and a lot. Loki came running into the kitchen, sat next to me and looked up at me, and he said, "Okay?" It seemed he was asking if I was all right! The second time he surprised me with his understanding was just last month. I wanted Loki to stop scratching at the window, so I repeatedly told him to stop it, stop scratchiing, stop! He finally stopped, looked at me, and said in the best imitaton of an irritated and spoiled toddler, "O-kaaaaay!" Loki has also said, "Okay?,"and led me to his kitty litterbox, then stared at it and then at me, clearly wanting me to clean it before he used it again. Since oneof my other cats died, Loki has been more clingy, and he tries to be in whatever room I'm in. He likes to take a nap on my bed after breakfast, but he wants me in the bedroom, too. So, if I linger too long in the kitchen before going tothe bedroom where my computer is, Loki will reach up and tug on my shirt or sweater, and he then walks toward the hall, loooking back to see if I'm following. The first time he did that, I thought he wanted more food or water, so I filled both bowls. But he just stood at the entrance to the hall and waited till I got the message. And, as soon as I'm in the bedroom Loki immediately jumps on the bed and takes his morning nap. Over the decades, I've had dozens and dozens of cats (all but 2 were strays). But I've never had a ca tlike Loki...parcat, part dog, and part little kid.
Cats and dogs have the capacity to comprehend "X sound = Y object" to a pretty good degree (which is the most basic concept of language). Some better than others. It's known that cats specifically become more vocal towards humans - so, they comprehend the concept that "throat sounds = signal human." It's said that if cats had lips like humans did, they'd be able to be trained to talk. There's already "talk boards" for cats, and they have demonstrated remarkable understanding.
My wife & I have a Devon Rex. It's our 2nd one. Izzy has a huge vocabulary. We take her everywhere with us. She has her own Travel cat backpack. Loves slow car rides and will stick her head out the window. Walks with a leash & harness. She can meow but is a bird chirper. Her purr sounds like a flock of cranes. Drinks from the fountain in the bathroom. Retrieves her mouse. She will sneak attack you and jump on your leg and hang on like a little kid going for a ride. Her favorite thing to do is catch bugs & retrieve. Cats are different than dogs and you can never discipline a cat. They do not understand. A simple no & redirect their brain.
My cat died a year ago. She was 20 and she was able to count lol yes count to 20 and I have hang some shirts outside sometimes and I would tell my cat “call me if anything falls down” she would literally go get me and lead me to my backyard to see it. She was soo smart and had a personality lol I miss her she was my baby and wish I could’ve done more, should’ve done more but I’ll see her again when it’s mg time. Till we meet again chula
My gentle 7 year old calico Beatrix and I have sweet daily communications. Very occasionally I swear I hear little Trixie words like 'thank you/ 'aaa uuu' while being let out. She's especially clear with her tone of voice and we understand each other very well.... and I get many 'gifts'. 'Mumma Nikkee Beatrix walk?' are her favourite words! When she comes in after bad weather there are a lot of exclamation meows. :) One late evening she wanted out past bedtime and I said no . She answered back in no uncertain terms. Me: "Did she just tell me off?!" BF: "Yup!" Interesting note: Cats communicate love with sweet squinty softly closing eyes! Do it back!
There was a study done on cat vocalization. They studied groups of feral cats with no human interaction. They rarely, if ever, meowed. They determined that meowing is specifically used to communicate with humans. The ferals still hissed & growled, but didn’t meow to one another.
A linguistic professor in sweden also did a vocalization study. Turns out cats have different dialect depending on what dialect their humans" have when they talk. As I recall she recorded the most common frases that cats use along with their human counterparts and it was oblivius that cats actually modified their voice to match.
I wish the announcer would quit talking over the cat's meows. I want to hear them, not a human. There was plenty of dead air available and text comments can be less intrusive. 🐈⬛
I love cats and had them all my life and the one i have now is 15 years old and i love her alot. I have had many cats from young till they have passed away which has always been hard when they have gone as eveyone one of them has been difference and one of a kind. My wife and i have loved so many BUT now at 70 i feel i cannot ever take on a young cat as it might out live me but will always look out for a old cat that wants love and effection and we will always take them in as we look after 2 stray cats and we feed them and give them a place to sleep.
If we can communicate with cats like this, it will be interesting and life will be more colorful
The language barrier is the only thing keeping cats from ruling the world.
I absolutely lloovvee cats. And I really love it when they "talk" to you; "answer" you/ verbally "respond to you. What wonderful companions they are!!😊
I couldn't finish watching this video. This is entirely too much cuteness for me to handle. I think my cute-a-meter is broken now.
Hah! I know the feeling. :-)
I couldn’t finish the video because the awful narration ruined it
It's all true... Very very true I've lived it
“Nicole? Nicole?”
That cat ought to get the Most Articulate Cat award 😂
Our little friends don't have a problem with communicating, people have a problem with listening.
Sometimes people ask. Someone once asked why a cat's tail is straight up and I said that means they're very happy and 'more please'.
My cats bring me their toys too. I always praise them and tell them thank you……lol such good hunters 😉
@Hello there, how are you doing this blessed day?
My sweet boy used to say MOM and Hello. It was strange at first but then we found it to be hilarious
Funny cat vidio
Իմ կատուն մամա է ասում, բոլորը զարմացած են այդ տեսանյութի վրա։
Mine says "MOM" and "MAMA" too. 😊
My cat also says "mine". When I first got him and we had other cats, he had toys and our other cat had toys. When our other cat would try to take his toys, he goes over to our other cat and yells, "MINE!" "MINE!" 😂😂😂😂
Your boy? Down's syndrome?
I love cats….I love vocal cats even better 🥰
Yeah me too ❤
@@Earthangel63 Mine is for sure!
I love cats too. But... I have 1 cat that's extremely vocal,doesn't know when to stop.
@@TammieJohnson-r4e Mine too! He's so funny, everytime he sees me, he's vocal. Says "mama" (Sounds like mama)
Saw a cat point to his mouth when he wanted his deaf owner he was hungry… omg I couldn’t stop watching it ! Like 50 times 😂❤❤❤❤❤❤ I love cats
2:43 I love the way the two cats chat with each other 😂
I enjoy the cat chats
They are hilarious. Thank you
such worried sad face the gentle soul has. so beautiful. Cats god's best work.
That was so darling!! I totally enjoyed hearing the kitties talk. They are amazing! Thank you so much for sharing, friend. That was amazing. Have a great day!
My cat Milo talks, fetches, decides what he's going to eat for dinner, steals from all the neighbors, and has better health care than we do!...
Lol my cats name is milo too!
Such a sweet and precious video!!! Warms my heart!!!
My younger cat speaks fluent German. He often says "urrrlauub" and urlaub means vacation in German. Probably he needs some days off from his hard job as an interior designer and alarm clock. 😺 🐈
Translation of ausgezeichnet - German-English dictionary
Ausgezeichnet! Sehr gut! Your post is too funny. Yes they can speak many languages. Super smart and aware. More than I realized until now.
My cat is Russian and his name is Heil Putin.
My cat was a clock watcher also. In the morning just before my alarm rings, he would jump in bed and rub noses with me to wake me up.
Quote: "My cat is Russian and his name is Heil Putin."
"That means "Bless Putin". 😳
Greetings from Germany.....🙋🏻♀️
Cats are cool 😎
Cats are smart. Good communicators .... great collection here!
Usually when cats make that rolling sound, is just before they're getting ready to hack up a fur ball.
Brilliant !! Our Cats know much more than we think.
Cats and dogs are bilingual. They speak cat and dog, and understand hooman. It's up to hoomans to learn *their* languages, too 🥰
Totally agree with you 👍🐾🐾❤️
I had a smart miniature female poodle that was a good communicator, not by voice, but by actions she was able to express herself. Very sweet, very affectionate and playful little lady. Too bad she only lived 16 years.
@@perindneWe have an australian shepherd, she is fantastic with language you can tell her pretty much anything a few times and she will understand. If you would say Timmy is stuck in the well go get help she would.
Hey, if Han can understand Wookie then we hoomans should have no problem!
One time when I was taking my cat to the vet, her voice changed from her normal sweet meow, and she meowed “I am ok, I am ok, I am ok” in a strange tone I’ve never heard before. I said well we have to get you checked out anyway. It was so funny to hear her speak “words “ Turns out she was fine nothing serious. I guess she was right…..lol 😄😼
Really?? She actually said that?
@@talknewz7617 yes clear as a bell. It was strange and shocking to hear yowling like that.
My cat speaks 6 languages!!!
Funny cat
dog,mouse,cow,horse,bird and pig@@wizelogic5006
What a great collection you've made here. I had a kitten years ago. One day she climbed up my clothes and I looked at her and said Meow. She looked at me for a solid ten seconds in silence, then said Meouse! We talked to each other after that for 13 years.
The cat in the thumbnail, and first clip, is beautiful. Makes me want to give it a big hug.
My cat would sleep all day but as soon as I would fall asleep, he would be right there wanting to play. After he passed away, I later found out I had bad Sleep Apia. He might have been waking me up to breath. He came with the name Sherman because he loved to push things over and off the table. So they called him Sherman tank. We kept the name. He was awesome.
I hope you don't feel bad about the cats condition and blame yourself. It is difficult to understand what is going on with any animal and especially if it something rare or not really known. I have more than my share of guilt over lost pets in my lifetime.. I know it HURTS and no way to make it heal. I've loved and lost so many cats aka FAMILY and they were each very special. I'm 63 years old and lived in the country a large part of my life and people were always dropping cats off. I was about 7 years old and someone said there was a kitty in the pump house. It was a little building outside that had the well and water tank in it. It was dark, run down and spooky. I had to go see for myself so I did. It was a small mostly black long haired cat with white paws and chest. She was way back in a corner. No one would attempt to try to get her as she was in attack/self defense mode and FERAL.
I couldn't stand leaving her in there.. I was so skinny and tiny but I kept at it until I finally got a chance to grab her before she got out the door. I had her in my grasp close to my chest and ran to the house. Well, long story short - I had a lot of scratches all over me but I saved her. She ended up being the sweetest most gentle female kitty our family even had. She had a few litters of babies . She was the FAMILY cat and so beautiful and gentle. Slippers RIP mid 1970's. I don't know why your story made me flash back to that memory though I'll never forget her.
take care of you and any fur babies. I have a 12 year old Calico female right now and she is lonely as I had another older cat that was like her big brother (though they did have their arguments hee hee). He died a few years ago and it almost did me in.. my boy.. gone now but never forgotten. I blame myself because I felt I could've done more... perhaps except it wasn't possible at that time. He was a wonderful funny sweet tough beautiful boy.. he looked like a cow and the shelter I adopted him from called him "Moo Moo" and I still have his "baby pic" from the shelter with the name Moo Moo typed on it. My big cow cat is gone now and I'll hurt forever at losing him but I/we gave him LOVE and a home and so much more for 13 years (he lived just passed his 13th birthday) and I will never regret adopting him. Now I am afraid to adopt another one.. I feel like it would be hard for my "baby"
"KiKi" because she has been an only child now for a long while but she IS so lonely and bored.. I want to adopt another... I lost my courage. When I was young I was always rescuing kitties.. I couldn't say no to one. I did my best to care for as many as I could through the years and give (those I could) him/ her a home. Moral of all this is ... they need us to at least try to care for them and all we can do is our best in whatever situation we and they are in. sorry.. wow this sure made me write a LOT longer than I was going to. Love as many kitties as you can and do the best you can I guess that's all we can do.. thanks for posting....
These cats are sooo cute! Cutenesses overload. 🥰🥰. They are adorable and beautiful. Love them all! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️😍😍🥰🥰😘😘👍🙌👌
My cat gets super worried when i'm ill. I have a bad heart defect and get bad chest cramps sometimes and have to lie down for a day. One of my cats always gets extra super cute, comes lying on my chest and purrs real quiet, touches my face with his paw like - Are you ok mummy? Brings me to tears every time. My Kiko is just the sweetest most caring being i know.
I’ve heard that some cats will lie where their owner has pain. A late friends cat would lay on his head when he had a migraine.
I'm convinced our Egyptian Mau says no when she doesn't want to be carried.
Cats are such lovely creatures. I'm so proud my family has three lovely ladies at home.
Our mischievous tabby runs into house from outside and quite clearly says, hello. Then runs back out again.
Cats are so funny and lovely.
I've met ONE dog and ONE cat in my life that could understand french perfectly.
They didn't talk it but they could understand every words.
It was shocking and mind blowing 😧
I'll adopt a kitten soon, I will talk to him A LOT like he's just another human. He will learn fast I hope 😊
Amazing Precious Cats 🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Never knew how wonderful cats were until I took the time to pay attention and love them. My Belle says I love you very clearly and says it on her own a lot. Now I found a feral kitten in my back yard under my shed that acts like she's known me all her life. A total sweetheart and already trusts me after two weeks. The first day she came out and immediately started rubbing on me and wanted me to pet her. Now working on her getting to know my three dogs to bring her in the house. She already comes up to the patio door when she hears my voice. BTW I feed her at the place near the shed when I met her. She's a Calico with light greed eyes and a small meow. She's starting to talk a little bit. I think she has been attacked by adult cats and they have tried to eat her food I put out for her.
if you try to understand your cat, the cat will try to understand you - in the end, you settled for a common vocabulary :)
When they can hold fluent conversations, our lives will get far more interesting
@Hello there, how are you doing this blessed day?
Have several outdoor kitties and 5 i door kitties. Several are $300+ kitties from having been to the vet. Ran over my $900 boy a couple of weeks ago. Broke my heart. Put Revolution on another, who went into kidney failure and died. I knew he was frail, but fleas were eating him alive. Sometimes the cure kills... Fleas have been terrible this year. Have an indoor kitty with a seresto collar. He has developed a rash on his head that may be allergic reaction to collar. Going to do skin scraping microscopic exam to rule out mange or fungus. He is itchy all over, but rash is only on head. Keeps life interesting.
Fun lovely talking cat
The cats in the video were really cute! My cats talk to! They say "noo," "now," "wow!", "whohwha~!" and purping noises, among other noises. They will also nip, swat/reach for me or stare at me, depending on what they want. They're total characters, lol.
4:00 The found the cat makes, reminds me of the first Jurassic Park when that guy's jeep gets stuck and this Dinosaurs spits at him 🤣
I really believe that cats can talk, they tell us more than we think
He’s sounds like Dick Emery mr lampwick ,the first cat lol 😊
Funny cat
You need to cut the catnip
I bet you believe that a god talks to you also!
They can mimic some of what we say but, in my experience female cats do not make for good communicators!
They do... Especially telepathically. We just need to tune into the frequency
Aranyosak vagytok és kedves ❤.
My cat says "right now" when it's time for her dinner. I say "can I get a what what" and she answers with a "right now.!" It's pretty darn cute. It never fails but it's so hard to get on film....
Two of my cats are hopping and jumping around my computer going crazy and the dog started barking whilst I was trying to watch this 🤣😂
Cats are way, way smarter than many people give them credit! 🤣😻
They have conned us into taking care of their needs.
Dogs will try to do this, too. I had a Blue Dobermann that would CLEARLY try to talk, but lacked the ability to generate the proper sounds. Having said that, it was clearly a form of speech outside of the usual barking and howling of the average dog.
Dobies & pitties are the best. All you have to do is to raise them with love & discipline.
Such a cutie...I love cats they are so precious.😊😊😊❤❤🎉🎉🎉❤
I love the video of the first gray kitty!!! It has made me laugh so much during the covid & other despair!
Cats are so smart 😂
smarter than many people for sure.
We are scared of meeting aliens but the real ones are these animals we call our friends lol. That communication barrier makes them seem so alien!
My cat used to yell profanities clear as day at my kid when they would mess with her...
My cat Molly had the nickname Mimi and she could say it 😂
She could also answer "Yeah" when asked questions 😂 it was awesome
Cats are amazing. Mine has said no and yeah.
My two year old grandson and my cats would have conversations. When my cats hear this they all come running to listen.
My old cat always insisted on having the last word 😅Bless her ❤
That's nothing I've seen a cat communicate with it's deaf owner using sign language
Now that’s impressive!
@@jillruben8924 they say that you can't train cats that's not true
@@mehchocolate1257 I know. I have 2 that respond to me. The others are very old and can’t hear. They’re the best!
@@jillruben8924 it all depends on the cat
@mehchocolate1257 Definitely not true. My cat knows commands and responds to certain words I've taught her using repetition just like dogs but it's true that not all cats take to it.
A neighbours cat when she wants to go in at night calls "Muuuuuuuuuuum" and the other one apparently when asked where he is going says "go out"!!
I was once feeding some cats in a cattery and said to one old chap what flavour do you want.... beef or lamb? As I turned away he clearly said "Lamb!" 😄
When my kids were young, I often had to check whether they were calling for me. Frequently, it was one of the cats. That same cat will ask for water when he wants the shower turned on, and tell me NOW when I tell him just a minute. He also, occasionally, tells me he loves me. 😮😊❤
Love their talking !!!!😀😙😍
1:51 Now that's how you troll your owner right there. Lady speaking German and cat just pretending to only speak English.
Don't wash cats. No need unless they rolled literally in dirt. It's just for the human and it's really distressing for some cats. They always smell clean.
Washing them just disturbs their natural, perfectly working skin covering.
I wish you would have teaches this to my crazy boy Tom. I was taking a bath, and then he jumped to me into the bathtub 😂 even it`s a long time ago, i still remember this white flash and the splash as he landed. He loved water, he loved to swim a few minutes im a forest pond when we were outside together in summer.
Tigers are known to mimic the sounds of their prey, so it wouldn't be much of a stretch to suggest domestic cats have the ability to mimic sounds too.
I love cats and also they good sense of nine lives of way of communication with their owners !😻😻🐈
All the Kitties are supersweet! 😻🤎🖤🤍🧡😽💖
You should have included the cat sitting in a window with his back to the camera, barking just like a dog, but when spoken to by his master, he is back to sounding like a kitty again!
Cats don't have masters, they have staff.
Some of them clearly saying maa (the sweetest word in Bengali ) . Maa means mother . I also have some very talkative cats . They are extremely sweet .
Oh my goodness, Gordon makes the cutest sounds.
This is so cute!😍😊
i loved this video... thank you for making my day😻😻😻
That first cat is amazing!
A cat is always on the wrong side of the door,😺-meow❣
This makes me smile I haven’t smiled in a long time thank you alison❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ 4:44
Oh my goodness the 2:10 meaowing cat's meow is so precious 😊
I had the habit of saying "What" frequently without thinking about it. One evening my kitty started following me and kept saying the word ,"what" like I did. I was so surprised!
My big kitten used to tell me no .
When she heard the sound of this reel, my "translator" came running.
"Hey 🙄"
that car was having none of that lol
How adorable 🥰
it's interesting to know what the cats are saying, it makes me happy all day 😆
How adorable ❤😊
When a cat makes those sounds they are extremely upset - the ones like awwawawwAawaw a
Well now we know why meowth is the only talking Pokémon 😂
When my cat, Loki, wanted me to feed him, I would say "Okay, okay, okay..." while getting his food or, if he was satisfied with what I gave him or did, I'd say, "Is that okay? Okay?" Eventually, he figured out "okay" meant agreement, or at least something positive.
Now, when he wants me to do somethng...such as, to come look out the window at what he sees or to feed him or whether or not we're leavng the room right then, he'll clearly say in his kind of cat-gravelly voice, "Okay? Okay? Okay?"
But twice now, he's used the word in a way that makes me think he understands other meanings of "okay."
Once, when he was sleeping in the living room, I was in the kitchen, drinking a glass of water, and it went down wrong, so I began coughing loudly and a lot. Loki came running into the kitchen, sat next to me and looked up at me, and he said, "Okay?" It seemed he was asking if I was all right!
The second time he surprised me with his understanding was just last month. I wanted Loki to stop scratching at the window, so I repeatedly told him to stop it, stop scratchiing, stop! He finally stopped, looked at me, and said in the best imitaton of an irritated and spoiled toddler, "O-kaaaaay!"
Loki has also said, "Okay?,"and led me to his kitty litterbox, then stared at it and then at me, clearly wanting me to clean it before he used it again.
Since oneof my other cats died, Loki has been more clingy, and he tries to be in whatever room I'm in. He likes to take a nap on my bed after breakfast, but he wants me in the bedroom, too. So, if I linger too long in the kitchen before going tothe bedroom where my computer is, Loki will reach up and tug on my shirt or sweater, and he then walks toward the hall, loooking back to see if I'm following. The first time he did that, I thought he wanted more food or water, so I filled both bowls. But he just stood at the entrance to the hall and waited till I got the message. And, as soon as I'm in the bedroom Loki immediately jumps on the bed and takes his morning nap.
Over the decades, I've had dozens and dozens of cats (all but 2 were strays). But I've never had a ca tlike Loki...parcat, part dog, and part little kid.
WELL Spoken Wyatt, Respect Gonzalo you were a Brave Honest Man RIP BRother.🦖
Beautiful clip ! Thanks
Cats and dogs have the capacity to comprehend "X sound = Y object" to a pretty good degree (which is the most basic concept of language). Some better than others. It's known that cats specifically become more vocal towards humans - so, they comprehend the concept that "throat sounds = signal human." It's said that if cats had lips like humans did, they'd be able to be trained to talk. There's already "talk boards" for cats, and they have demonstrated remarkable understanding.
"Oh long John, oh long Johnson. Old don Piano, oh my eyes yah. All da live long day." I'm bringing it back baby.❤😂😸
Cats run the household. 😅
Very smart happy cat it makes my day I wish I have one like him 🍀 owner 🙏❤️💕❤️🙏
My wife & I have a Devon Rex. It's our 2nd one. Izzy has a huge vocabulary. We take her everywhere with us. She has her own Travel cat backpack. Loves slow car rides and will stick her head out the window. Walks with a leash & harness. She can meow but is a bird chirper. Her purr sounds like a flock of cranes.
Drinks from the fountain in the bathroom. Retrieves her mouse. She will sneak attack you and jump on your leg and hang on like a little kid going for a ride. Her favorite thing to do is catch bugs & retrieve.
Cats are different than dogs and you can never discipline a cat. They do not understand. A simple no & redirect their brain.
Love the talking buttons idea.
The more and more I am around cats the more I fall in love with them
Thank you guys this made my day 😎😃🇺🇸❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
My cat died a year ago. She was 20 and she was able to count lol yes count to 20 and I have hang some shirts outside sometimes and I would tell my cat “call me if anything falls down” she would literally go get me and lead me to my backyard to see it. She was soo smart and had a personality lol I miss her she was my baby and wish I could’ve done more, should’ve done more but I’ll see her again when it’s mg time. Till we meet again chula
When your cat tells you that it’s cold… get a towel and warm them up
Funny, but definitely a distress meow 😹
My gentle 7 year old calico Beatrix and I have sweet daily communications. Very occasionally I swear I hear little Trixie words like 'thank you/ 'aaa uuu' while being let out. She's especially clear with her tone of voice and we understand each other very well.... and I get many 'gifts'.
'Mumma Nikkee Beatrix walk?' are her favourite words! When she comes in after bad weather there are a lot of exclamation meows. :)
One late evening she wanted out past bedtime and I said no . She answered back in no uncertain terms. Me: "Did she just tell me off?!" BF: "Yup!"
Interesting note: Cats communicate love with sweet squinty softly closing eyes! Do it back!
There was a study done on cat vocalization. They studied groups of feral cats with no human interaction. They rarely, if ever, meowed. They determined that meowing is specifically used to communicate with humans. The ferals still hissed & growled, but didn’t meow to one another.
A linguistic professor in sweden also did a vocalization study. Turns out cats have different dialect depending on what dialect their humans" have when they talk. As I recall she recorded the most common frases that cats use along with their human counterparts and it was oblivius that cats actually modified their voice to match.
I wish the announcer would quit talking over the cat's meows. I want to hear them, not a human. There was plenty of dead air available and text comments can be less intrusive. 🐈⬛
I love cats and had them all my life and the one i have now is 15 years old and i love her alot.
I have had many cats from young till they have passed away which has always been hard when they have gone as eveyone one of them has been difference and one of a kind. My wife and i have loved so many BUT now at 70 i feel i cannot ever take on a young cat as it might out live me but will always look out for a old cat that wants love and effection and we will always take them in as we look after 2 stray cats and we feed them and give them a place to sleep.
That cat’s necktie really brings the whole room together. :-)