After 3 years in prison and years of drug abuse and losing my mothers who is on death row I finally was humble enough to call out for help. And I was SAVED
17 years ago when I was strung out on crack cocaine and knew I needed to be saved or I was going to die I was calling or should I say crying out in silent even while I was hitting the pipe GOD sent a family member that is now a pastor to come rescue me. I have never went back to that drug, but from one recovering drug addic to anyone out there straggling with an addiction their is power in prayer even when you are in the middle of using he hears the cry's of his children. Iam living proof of it, I should have been dead a lot of times ago. Life changing music is what this is because its alive. GOD BLESS MY BROTHERS & SISTERS IN THE STRUGGLE l LOVE YOU CAUSE I KNOW YOUR PAIN. KEEP THE FAITH.
Indeed this music is Alive. Nothing compared to mainstream media music brother that it is satanic and demonic. I am also struggling with a drug addiction. I pray that the Lord sets me free from this bondage in Jesus Mighty Name!
@michael king I have been battling drug and alcohol addiction for 15 years hating who I am. I've been a Christian since I was 8 and now 32 and just need jesus so bad in a desperate way.. I feel its hopeless been to rehab 10 times also I was raped when I was a kid so have never gotten over that also that turned me into someone I'm not. I'm a bi sexual Christian who asks God all the time to take my ssa attraction away as its not from God and I feel shame. I just want to be healed so bad.. not sure where to turn
I just found about this song, I’m in middle school right now, always cursing, almost thinking about vaping with my classmate. But When I go to the church I feel like pain in my body and that god and Jesus is taking the devil Out of My Body! AMEN! I just want to thank god and Jesus that I’m saying less cussing words and not getting in trouble like always anymore!
Julie Green me encanta la música cristiana en ingles, aunque no se nada del idioma. me gustaría hablar contigo para que me enseñes un poco de inglés. espero no te moleste mi comentario. soy de Colombia
This is funny because whenever I'm lost and pray for him to help, he always does it in some way and makes me think it was a coincidence. At the end of the day I truly believe he will answer anyone, somehow in someway. So don't lose hope.
Diannely You should ask the Lord to answer you clearly , he is not the author of confusion , he wants to give to total and absolute peace , God will answer you clearly like he did in the bible to his people thats why Jesus died on the cross so you can have a REAL relationship with the Father, not just be "saved" but walk in the calling that he has for your life.
linda harlow Revelation 11:11-14 Now after the three-and-a-half days the breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and great fear fell on those who saw them. And they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them "Come up here." And they ascended to heaven in a cloud and their enemies saw them. In the same hour there was a great earthquake, and a thenth of the city fell. In the earthquake seven thousand people were killed, and the rest were afraid and gave glory to the God of heaven. The second woe is past. Behold, the third woe is coming quickly"
it is also written that jesus ascended far above all heavens. so clearly there ismore than one. but my question is where does the bible say we will be in heaven with christ. i havent seen that, where will we be at his second coming
A few days ago I called on God to save my babies from a threatening miscarriage...He answered...He told me that they will live. I'm grateful my Lord🙏🏽🙏🏽.
Jesus Christ give more blessings of safety and protection to papa asmo carpio wag maaksidente and maalis ang pagkalasing nagalaga Ng Asawa Meron sakit yeyeman in negosyo magkaroon din Ng marami costumers always and forever safe and protected please please please please please yes amen thank you 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
God usually answers when you least expect it. It just proves that his ways are higher than ours. Always trust in him, he never fails. He knows your name, he knows what you're going through. He fights battles for you... Thank you Jesus!
I am heartbroken beautiful young lady Jesus Christ give more blessings of many money moneyeye Moneyeye Moneyeye yeye Moneyeye Moneyeye yeye Moneyeye jisoo jihyo tyla chef jelliegant yeyeman is smart traveler around the world and around the Philippines yes amen thank you 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Everyone listening this 2020? Everytime when I listen to this song. I can't hold my tears. This song is such a wonderful song. The title itself says Came to my rescue. My Rescuer. Thank you Lord for everything. ❤
I pray for you my sister, remember, God doesn't always pull us from the fire, but he is there with us, helping us make it through and refining us. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7).
2024 and listening to this song ago. This song brings memories of times when I was facing difficult situations and the song gave me soo much comfort and courage. ❤❤❤
Who else came here because first you heard it in church, and probably radio, then dreampt you float every day to and from being back in kindergarden like a dandelion, and sing this for homework learning to praise god authentically as a child?
I love this song because when I was feeling really sick, I sat there and prayed for a while asking for healing. God answered my prayer right there and then! This song popped into my hand out of no where and I've been listening to it ever since. It's crazy how God works. Don't doubt him, he will answer if you call for good things. He only wants good. Have a great day!
i admit to be the most sinner person in this world ive been imprison in the work of evil for a long time!!! BUt God still loved me as his Daughter He always remind me with his Love ....and HE RESCUED me!!!! GOD IS always Good although ive been suffering many problems in life now but its ok God still helping me he always find ways for coup up those trials and problems...THANK YOU SO MUCH LORD GOD the King of all KIINGS!1!!!!!!!!!!!!
This morning I was journaling thanking Father for the place that He has spirituality and physically brought me the last year or so. The journey to this place i did not go very gracefully, but I never quit staying close to Father. Today I couldn’t stop singing this lyric, ‘be lifted high’.. so I finally came to listen to the whole song! Yes, I did call and He has been answering!!! He is FAITHFUL.
I first heard this song a few months ago and could do nothing but cry, the words are so beautiful.... and it is my desire for Christ to be lifted high in my life!
I just can't fathom how quickly and readily He is willing to forgive us even when we've turned our backs on Him. He will remain faithful although we may lose faith in him. He is not a God of condemnation but of forgiveness and putting off the old self. For the first time in the longest time my heart hears His voice calling once again. The walls I have put were not match for his love. I know this is Him because I have not felt love ( I mean real flawless unconditional love) in a long long time. He's kept me safe from a lot of my foolish decisions and tonight he's rescuing me from the path of destruction. I'm so overwhelmed at how He loves us, oh how he loves us.
please pray for me... health problems... confused about God’s will for my life, continual attacks from the enemy... struggling with addiction... thank you for the prayers
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.'" I hope you get better soon Aman
I was having one of the most painful days of my life because I felt like the church rejected me until I went to church anyway. I sat completely still and silent the whole time and for the first time my pastor said words I never thought I would ever hear in my life. "He Loves YOU!" He was staring down at me with tears in his eyes... That moment I realized that the churches opinion of my past and present are NOTHING compared to the Grace and Love that God had already shown me.
I first heard this song in 2014, and the line "I wanna be where You are" made me long to be with God. I found myself sobbing, saying, "Get me now, Lord; I wanna be where You are." But God responded directly, saying, "You are selfish." His straightforward words made me realize something profound, especially since I had just received Jesus at that time. God said, "Just because you’ve received Me, you now want to be here in heaven; why not also have the desire to share Me with others?" Since then, sharing the gospel has kept me moving forward. I’ve come to understand that my purpose, while I still have breath, is to proclaim His name and share His words with the world.
Thank you came to our rescue when you touch the heart of the world to help my Fellow Filipinos in this trying times... rise again with faith that you will never leave us nor forsake us...thank you Father bless everyone and keep them safe.
2021 the song still speaks. I was reading psalm 3:4 and God revealed this song to me this morning. If you are reading this, know that Yahweh is waiting for you to call on His name and for sure HE will answer you. I'm a testimony of HIS doing.
2021 here...Anyone? GOD always comes to my rescue in Corona time, and i believe HE will always be through many years as long as we always call upon HIM..
Maria is doing much better! The prayers are working! Within 5 days of dying twice in surgery on her brain, lungs, liver, etc. she drove herself back on campus to meet with our Christian group. She was talking and recognizing people but obviously still has some brain damage. God is good and worthy to be praised!!! I heard she went for a run the other day! The works of the Lord are mighty indeed! Thank you for your prayers. Jesus saves! Please keep praying for fast and complete recovery. Thank you
May God richly bless you hillsong. This song has ministered to my soul for months, it is my prayer driver for this year. I called Jesus several times amidst many challenges and he came to my rescue
This is my prayer. I'm hurting yet by the Grace of God I manage to keep trusting in the Lord n smile.. hurting in silence I await to see what God has in store for me🙏 He is my Hope...
+Jorden Houston Father God in Heaven i ask that my brother in Christ to be lifted up to you right now..Lord i ask in the name of Jesus that anything thats not of you flees from his life..God i ask that you touch his heart mind an soul give him comfort an peace..Strengthen his Faith an his back for that heavy cross he has to pick up every day an continue to follow you..Help him Lord IN the NAME OF JESUS I PRAY AMEN
Almighty Father we lift up our brother in prayer. Lord that you be his very present help in everything and may all that concerns him be filled with your Glory. Give him peace, joy and comfort in Jesus name.
+Jacob Murray GOD wants u to hear him but u have to completely change by living for God ... god is a dearest friend and he wants everyone to know and love him he's not going to push u he wants u to make ur choice ...I'm not pushing just saying ..there's a reason u landed on this amazing video ... u can never go wrong with God he is always there
Man this song hits me hard. Im Dang and i wanted to share my personal testimony if anyone can b bothered reading. The day i realised God was real was the same day i found out my ex (who i thought i had gotten over) had settled down with another guy. The realisation hit me like a tonne of bricks. I was completely paralysed with shock. I drove home with my heart racing, rushed to my bedroom, closed the door and cried. I felt heart broken beyond belief! I could barely catch my breath. Nothing at that moment would have been enough to suppress my grief. I was a total mess! The thought of suicide began circulating through my mind as i felt completely empty and lost. But as i was crying which so much pain, the thought of Jesus pops into my head. I had hit rock bottom and had nothing to lose. I cried out "Jesus, if ur real...pls help me" and i kid u not, instantly i felt this indescribable love and peace that iv never felt b4 just start filling up inside me. I felt a euphoric sensation! A love i cannot even begin to describe started to fill my body. How the heck was this even possible all of a sudden??? If anyone has been in a similar situation, you would understand that there is absolutely nothing anyone could have done to console me. Yet, i was delivered from this heart ache and filled with overwhelming love! It hit me. I understood in the moment that Jesus just intervened in my life, it caused me to cry again. But this time it was tears of joy and gratitude. I still find it hard to believe as im writing this.... If i had never felt this kind of love and peace before, id have been another skeptic. But now i am so confident of his presence and the magnitude of His love. Jesus is so real and he's love freely washes away the sins of every single person, if only u let him. If we just humble ourselves b4 Him, call out to Him, He will never fail us. I pray that this testimony blesses at least one person. Please repent and turn to Christ. He loves us SO much that he doesnt want anyone to perish, thats y he gave His life for us. In John 14:6 Jesus says that He “is the way, the truth and the life. Nobody come to the Father except through Him”. Thank you Jesus. ❤️ your son Dang.
I've had a similar situation my brother. But I was living a sinful life addicted to sexual immoral acts with a girl I was with for 5 years. I was also living a very bad life style, I mean robbing and so on. I was feeling empty inside feeling like there was more to life, I hated my self and the things I was doing feeling broken and not knowing why and I cried out to God " if you are real, God show me, I need you" that very week I heard a pastor on a station while I was working security at night all alone. I somehow accidently changed it to this station called Bott radio network And they started speaking about the Bible. It was one pastor speak about how God saved paul, a man who persecuted Christians and was responsible for their murders, that if God is able to save him, he is able to save anyone. not on what you have done or what you can do, but what he has done for you he offers it freely and he quoted Romans 10:9. That struck me hard, I never new anything like this, I always thought I was too evil for God to save, but I accepted Jesus as my savior that very night. I was still living with this girl in sin, but something was convicting me so bad at the time I did not know but it was the holy spirit. I knew I loved this girl more than I loved God, and she did not like that I was following God, and I could not separate myself from her she was all I knew before God. But I came to my knees and I asked God to remove everything that was holding me back from him, from his plans in my life. I did not expect God would have done it this way but a week later, that girl said she did not love me anymore, and we split, I could not understand why she did this, it was quick and I was in the deepest sorrow I have experienced, and I hurt for a whole year. But I quickly realized it was the work of God that put me hear and I recognized it. I asked God to help me in the situation, because I know it was for my good and his glory. I learned so much about God during this time, and I also realized that God did not need to pull me out of the fire but he was in the fire with me, guiding me through it. I grew so much with God because of it and now my Love for God is greater than for anything else. I look back and see that if he is able to save and forgive someone as evil as me, he can do it for anyone. God hears us and he will reveal himself to you if you sincerely ask. Nothing can ever move me away from God. And i look forward to seeing you in heaven someday my brethren. Job 13:15 Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him
Blessed be His holy name, yes He is a healer, savior, a deliverer, mighty to save, a strong tower, our shelter...He die to set us free from bondage, drugs, alcohol and sins..keep trusting in Him and call upon Him.
Awesome brother. Thank you for sharing. I can relate. I myself could not explain what was going on when Jesus came to my rescue. With slips and falls I continue to follow Jesus.
God will always come to your rescue.No matter where u go in life when u call all the Name of the Lord he will answer and you will see the Lord is waiting upon u to ask him for help but he cannot go against our will.Praise God for this song
"I called, and you answered; and you came to my rescue and I, wanna be where you are" I had completely forgotten about this song until I was looking for a worship song. It really is comforting.
Whenever i feel down or things are not ok i listen to this song and find peace knowing that my prayers are answered..God is faithful and his love endures forever 🙏
God will never be distant from us. It's us who fall away from Him but we can always find our way back to Him. Romans 8:39 says "Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Isn't that just awesome?
Prayed for help during sleep paralysis and literally within seconds I was speaking in tongues for the first time and I was free . Hallelujah! Our God wants to answer you !!
I called and you heard me and rescued me..who is like God." Michael the Archangel cried out in Heaven" no one can compare to you..lord i love the works of your hands.who can fathom are beyond descriptions.
Beautiful such a great gift the Father has given us. We may no longer be free in this country we have so loved, but there is a country where we will be free indeed. We press on to a higher calling in Christ Jesus.
In this world we lift you high in the after we will lift you higher. Literally I called and He came to my rescue and now here I am 22 months later, living a life that I could not before being deliverd from the power of addiction. If he has done this for me He will do it for you. 2 cor 5:17 therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation the old is gone behold the new has come. And now Romans 8:38-39 For I am concinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any power, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Amen! BUT don't forget the standard Jesus gave us to be his disciples along with the importance of baptism :) Luke 9:23 - "Whoever wants to be my disciple MUST deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. Acts 2:38 - "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins." GOD BLESS!
Whoever wrote this song had the holy spirit leveled up in them honestly!!! Every verse every word in this song touched me. I called and you answered my Lord!! ❤️❤️❤️
My church sang this song today, and I feel in love with it. This song is really beautiful and the fact that I never heard it before is crazy, because it’s SO GOOD! I’m so glad I came across it! :)
I was almost brought to tears with this song! I started following Christ about 2 years ago and I remember listening to it when I was in middle/high school and was almost brought to tears from the memory and the difference in lifestyle between then and now. The lyric of this song take on a whole new meaning when a person truly understands the difference between living with Him than without Him...
Psalm 82:3-4 Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver us from the hand of the wicked.”
I know this is an old song but this has definitely been a life saver for me during last months, it's amazing how you feel God holding you while listening to it! Thank you Hillsong for this and thanks to the lord for saving me!
Yea this song here and God's love helped me get through a tough 2022...and this year is still challenging as well, but God draws close to those who seek Him. Ty Jesus for all the lives You touch today & always
A song that touches the depth of my heart. His (Jesus) words are yea and amen (Psalms 46, Romans 5:8). Thank you Jesus for coming to the rescue of millions of souls all around the world. You did it before, You are still in the business of doing it today and You will continue to do it until the earth folds up. I bless you My Rescuer.
Me and my friend were both in a tough financial situation. I had no financial support from my mom anymore and my friend lost his job and his apartment. We both prayed and depended on god and now we both have jobs and my friend now has a place to stay. God is so good! He came to our rescue! :D
I never understood the true meaning of this song until I hit the lowest of my lows and almost took my own life. Before I did something stopped me and I reconsidered. I cried out that night to Jesus. I haven't in so long but He answered me. I know He was with me that night. If I hadn't thought of Him and asked for help one last time. I don't think I'd be here right now.
As the song said I called you and you came to my rescue, thank you Lord I always want to hold your hand. Because your are my God, my hope and the light in darkness.
My youth was this kind of worship. Totally immersive and powerful. Watched Hillsong Live in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, in 2005, unforgettable... lifetime memory.
God is good, he may not appear to be there but only because he wants you to move along so you can see him better. He has shown me that living with God and Jesus is magical and wonderful.
Love is something that has confused me for many years, including this time, I always hear people speak of the love of God, I know He loves us because He wouldn't of died on that cross for us, I know that His death on the cross was an act of love. Pray for me so that the love of God will be made perfect so that I no longer have to fear his punishment. Pray that I know longer be indifferent to the power of love
A few days ago i felt like it was my last i for sure that i gotten alcohol poisoning i had over drank the night before that my body was going numb i was spoting blood from my nose but i got on my knees and cried out to god i asked him to forgive me and that i would never drink again so hear i am well alive and praising god.. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
hey... I came from work and I'm so stressed. and guess what I saw your comment here while listening to the song... I just wanna thank you for posting your comment. God bless you. :) your comment really helped me to get over the negativities that I have right now :)
In my life be lifted high, in my world be lifted, in my love be lifted high, higher higher!!! I called and you answered, and you came to my rescue and I wanna be where you are~ Amen
2024 anyone? ❤
This is my favorite song these days I listen to it almost everyday ❤
I still need rescuing sometimes ✝️
Here, from Kenya.
Here Amen...i was reading Pslam 138..and i remember this song. He will fulfilled the purpose in my life.
After 3 years in prison and years of drug abuse and losing my mothers who is on death row I finally was humble enough to call out for help. And I was SAVED
How you doing 7 years later, brother? 10 years sober?
U are so blessed.
Praise God🙌🏾🙌🏾
God bless you! 🙌💕
Amen brother! There is nothing too impossible for Him 🙏
It's 2024 and nothing changes, God is always faithful, our refuge and strength❤️
17 years ago when I was strung out on crack cocaine and knew I needed to be saved or I was going to die I was calling or should I say crying out in silent even while I was hitting the pipe GOD sent a family member that is now a pastor to come rescue me. I have never went back to that drug, but from one recovering drug addic to anyone out there straggling with an addiction their is power in prayer even when you are in the middle of using he hears the cry's of his children. Iam living proof of it, I should have been dead a lot of times ago. Life changing music is what this is because its alive. GOD BLESS MY BROTHERS & SISTERS IN THE STRUGGLE l LOVE YOU CAUSE I KNOW YOUR PAIN. KEEP THE FAITH.
He really answered to your call and now you're alive in Him, we're both alive
Thanks God for you and for all others who have saved
God bless you!
Thank you and
May God Bless You.
Indeed this music is Alive. Nothing compared to mainstream media music brother that it is satanic and demonic. I am also struggling with a drug addiction. I pray that the Lord sets me free from this bondage in Jesus Mighty Name!
I am addicted to heroin and have a problem with Crack Cocaine I am now were you was I'm crying out for god please pray for me
@michael king I have been battling drug and alcohol addiction for 15 years hating who I am. I've been a Christian since I was 8 and now 32 and just need jesus so bad in a desperate way.. I feel its hopeless been to rehab 10 times also I was raped when I was a kid so have never gotten over that also that turned me into someone I'm not. I'm a bi sexual Christian who asks God all the time to take my ssa attraction away as its not from God and I feel shame. I just want to be healed so bad.. not sure where to turn
I just found about this song, I’m in middle school right now, always cursing, almost thinking about vaping with my classmate. But When I go to the church I feel like pain in my body and that god and Jesus is taking the devil Out of My Body! AMEN! I just want to thank god and Jesus that I’m saying less cussing words and not getting in trouble like always anymore!
Your doing a great job Jesus loves you watch Dan mohler
I walked down the aisle at my wedding to this song. 💗💗
Julie Green me encanta la música cristiana en ingles, aunque no se nada del idioma. me gustaría hablar contigo para que me
enseñes un poco de inglés. espero no te moleste mi comentario.
soy de Colombia
Your husband is a blessed man.
Julie Green Wowww!
Julie Green that is awesome
Wow ❤️❤️❤️
i called--- He answered. I passed my us embassy visa interview today. Glory to God!
Blessy Bugas Glory be to Him the lamb of God......
If you had failed that would have been an answer too....and the glory would still be His.
Glory be to God
Blessy Bugas amen, glory be to the Lord on high!!
2024 anyone?
This is funny because whenever I'm lost and pray for him to help, he always does it in some way and makes me think it was a coincidence. At the end of the day I truly believe he will answer anyone, somehow in someway. So don't lose hope.
Thank you for your word i needed to hear what you had to say. God bless you
Amen thank you
Diannely You should ask the Lord to answer you clearly , he is not the author of confusion , he wants to give to total and absolute peace , God will answer you clearly like he did in the bible to his people thats why Jesus died on the cross so you can have a REAL relationship with the Father, not just be "saved" but walk in the calling that he has for your life.
Diannely This happens to me too!! It's amazing. :)
The worship session in heaven will be epic y'all 😊! Glory be to the king
amen :)
i have read the bible many times over and can not find any evidence to support us going to heaven. Can you clarify with some scripture evidence please
linda harlow Revelation 11:11-14
Now after the three-and-a-half days the breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and great fear fell on those who saw them. And they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them "Come up here." And they ascended to heaven in a cloud and their enemies saw them. In the same hour there was a great earthquake, and a thenth of the city fell. In the earthquake seven thousand people were killed, and the rest were afraid and gave glory to the God of heaven. The second woe is past. Behold, the third woe is coming quickly"
it is also written that jesus ascended far above all heavens. so clearly there ismore than one. but my question is where does the bible say we will be in heaven with christ. i havent seen that, where will we be at his second coming
2024 anyone?🤚❤
A few days ago I called on God to save my babies from a threatening miscarriage...He answered...He told me that they will live.
I'm grateful my Lord🙏🏽🙏🏽.
Jesus Christ give more blessings of safety and protection to papa asmo carpio wag maaksidente and maalis ang pagkalasing nagalaga Ng Asawa Meron sakit yeyeman in negosyo magkaroon din Ng marami costumers always and forever safe and protected please please please please please yes amen thank you 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
God usually answers when you least expect it. It just proves that his ways are higher than ours. Always trust in him, he never fails. He knows your name, he knows what you're going through. He fights battles for you... Thank you Jesus!
GainzGuru amen!
When we are weak, that is when God mostly shows His perfect love.
Amen and Amen 🙏
Amen and Amen 🙏🏿. Stay blessed
I am heartbroken beautiful young lady
Jesus Christ give more blessings of many money moneyeye Moneyeye Moneyeye yeye Moneyeye Moneyeye yeye Moneyeye jisoo jihyo tyla chef jelliegant yeyeman is smart traveler around the world and around the Philippines yes amen thank you 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Everyone listening this 2020? Everytime when I listen to this song. I can't hold my tears. This song is such a wonderful song. The title itself says Came to my rescue. My Rescuer. Thank you Lord for everything. ❤
amen. same here brother
Glori be to God
amen bro♥️
Heal my anxieties and sleepless nights Lord 🙇
I pray for you my sister, remember, God doesn't always pull us from the fire, but he is there with us, helping us make it through and refining us.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7).
I hope your doing ok now your not alone
How are you now Sister?
God please come to my rescue. I don't like the situation I'm in right now. My children and family deserve to be happy.
i remember seeing them a long long time ago! i came back to find this beautiful song!
This song never fails to make me cry.
I sang this many times at my church winter treat and when I listen to this song again, it truly brings me to tear. Bless the Lord!
Abbie A. me too
Be Blessed In YESHUA’S Name,Amen!😇❤️🌏🌎🌍🌟❤️😇
Abbie A. Same
Very true
2023, this song is still impacting people. The "be lifted high" earworm gets stuck in my head all the time.
On the day I called, You answered me; You made me bold with strength in my soul.Psalm 138:3
Schubert Aloysius
Amen brother
Selah. For sure!
2024 and listening to this song ago. This song brings memories of times when I was facing difficult situations and the song gave me soo much comfort and courage. ❤❤❤
Still here in 2023, old worship songs is much better ❤
God is great. He's the reason why we live to worship and serve him until the end.
Who else came here because first you heard it in church, and probably radio, then dreampt you float every day to and from being back in kindergarden like a dandelion, and sing this for homework learning to praise god authentically as a child?
beautiful song. romans 5: 8 "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
one of my favorite scriptures.
I love this song because when I was feeling really sick, I sat there and prayed for a while asking for healing. God answered my prayer right there and then! This song popped into my hand out of no where and I've been listening to it ever since. It's crazy how God works. Don't doubt him, he will answer if you call for good things. He only wants good. Have a great day!
i admit to be the most sinner person in this world ive been imprison in the work of evil for a long time!!! BUt God still loved me as his Daughter He always remind me with his Love ....and HE RESCUED me!!!! GOD IS always Good although ive been suffering many problems in life now but its ok God still helping me he always find ways for coup up those trials and problems...THANK YOU SO MUCH LORD GOD the King of all KIINGS!1!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyone still listening 2019?
This morning I was journaling thanking Father for the place that He has spirituality and physically brought me the last year or so. The journey to this place i did not go very gracefully, but I never quit staying close to Father. Today I couldn’t stop singing this lyric, ‘be lifted high’.. so I finally came to listen to the whole song! Yes, I did call and He has been answering!!! He is FAITHFUL.
I first heard this song a few months ago and could do nothing but cry, the words are so beautiful.... and it is my desire for Christ to be lifted high in my life!
Yes 🙌☝️
2020 and more
2020 !!!!!! Yes I am listening Lord God !!!!!!
I just can't fathom how quickly and readily He is willing to forgive us even when we've turned our backs on Him. He will remain faithful although we may lose faith in him. He is not a God of condemnation but of forgiveness and putting off the old self. For the first time in the longest time my heart hears His voice calling once again. The walls I have put were not match for his love. I know this is Him because I have not felt love ( I mean real flawless unconditional love) in a long long time. He's kept me safe from a lot of my foolish decisions and tonight he's rescuing me from the path of destruction. I'm so overwhelmed at how He loves us, oh how he loves us.
It's amazing to look in the comment and see how many people receive different and amazing words from god! Holy spirit is truly awesome!
please pray for me... health problems... confused about God’s will for my life, continual attacks from the enemy... struggling with addiction... thank you for the prayers
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.'" I hope you get better soon Aman
I'd consider myself a very hardened person emotionally. Gallons of tears flow when I hear certain hillsong songs. this being one of them
We sang this golden oldie in church today, 13th of October 2024. One Life for life!
I was having one of the most painful days of my life because I felt like the church rejected me until I went to church anyway. I sat completely still and silent the whole time and for the first time my pastor said words I never thought I would ever hear in my life. "He Loves YOU!" He was staring down at me with tears in his eyes... That moment I realized that the churches opinion of my past and present are NOTHING compared to the Grace and Love that God had already shown me.
I first heard this song in 2014, and the line "I wanna be where You are" made me long to be with God. I found myself sobbing, saying, "Get me now, Lord; I wanna be where You are." But God responded directly, saying, "You are selfish." His straightforward words made me realize something profound, especially since I had just received Jesus at that time. God said, "Just because you’ve received Me, you now want to be here in heaven; why not also have the desire to share Me with others?" Since then, sharing the gospel has kept me moving forward. I’ve come to understand that my purpose, while I still have breath, is to proclaim His name and share His words with the world.
This song is as timeless as the inexhaustible mercies of the Lord
Thank you came to our rescue when you touch the heart of the world to help my Fellow Filipinos in this trying times... rise again with faith that you will never leave us nor forsake us...thank you Father bless everyone and keep them safe.
2021 the song still speaks. I was reading psalm 3:4 and God revealed this song to me this morning. If you are reading this, know that Yahweh is waiting for you to call on His name and for sure HE will answer you. I'm a testimony of HIS doing.
2021 here...Anyone?
GOD always comes to my rescue in Corona time, and i believe HE will always be through many years as long as we always call upon HIM..
Maria is doing much better! The prayers are working! Within 5 days of dying twice in surgery on her brain, lungs, liver, etc. she drove herself back on campus to meet with our Christian group. She was talking and recognizing people but obviously still has some brain damage. God is good and worthy to be praised!!! I heard she went for a run the other day! The works of the Lord are mighty indeed! Thank you for your prayers. Jesus saves! Please keep praying for fast and complete recovery. Thank you
I was reading my Bible and this song came to my mind so here I am. 😌I first heard it when I was 15years old, I'm 29 now and God is still faithful.
May God richly bless you hillsong. This song has ministered to my soul for months, it is my prayer driver for this year. I called Jesus several times amidst many challenges and he came to my rescue
the only thing that's keeping me from falling apart right now if you Lord. Please, never leave me..
This is my prayer. I'm hurting yet by the Grace of God I manage to keep trusting in the Lord n smile.. hurting in silence I await to see what God has in store for me🙏 He is my Hope...
can someone pray for me please :(
+Jorden Houston Father God in Heaven i ask that my brother in Christ to be lifted up to you right now..Lord i ask in the name of Jesus that anything thats not of you flees from his life..God i ask that you touch his heart mind an soul give him comfort an peace..Strengthen his Faith an his back for that heavy cross he has to pick up every day an continue to follow you..Help him Lord IN the NAME OF JESUS I PRAY AMEN
Almighty Father we lift up our brother in prayer. Lord that you be his very present help in everything and may all that concerns him be filled with your Glory. Give him peace, joy and comfort in Jesus name.
+Jacob Murray GOD wants u to hear him but u have to completely change by living for God ... god is a dearest friend and he wants everyone to know and love him he's not going to push u he wants u to make ur choice ...I'm not pushing just saying ..there's a reason u landed on this amazing video ... u can never go wrong with God he is always there
+tina finley can i ask why u said what you did i have some things going on in my life right now an this is like a prophecy..
Jacob Murray // which part? I'm sorry And will be praying for you
Man this song hits me hard.
Im Dang and i wanted to share my personal testimony if anyone can b bothered reading.
The day i realised God was real was the same day i found out my ex (who i thought i had gotten over) had settled down with another guy. The realisation hit me like a tonne of bricks. I was completely paralysed with shock.
I drove home with my heart racing, rushed to my bedroom, closed the door and cried. I felt heart broken beyond belief! I could barely catch my breath.
Nothing at that moment would have been enough to suppress my grief. I was a total mess! The thought of suicide began circulating through my mind as i felt completely empty and lost. But as i was crying which so much pain, the thought of Jesus pops into my head. I had hit rock bottom and had nothing to lose. I cried out "Jesus, if ur real...pls help me" and i kid u not, instantly i felt this indescribable love and peace that iv never felt b4 just start filling up inside me. I felt a euphoric sensation! A love i cannot even begin to describe started to fill my body.
How the heck was this even possible all of a sudden??? If anyone has been in a similar situation, you would understand that there is absolutely nothing anyone could have done to console me. Yet, i was delivered from this heart ache and filled with overwhelming love!
It hit me. I understood in the moment that Jesus just intervened in my life, it caused me to cry again. But this time it was tears of joy and gratitude. I still find it hard to believe as im writing this....
If i had never felt this kind of love and peace before, id have been another skeptic. But now i am so confident of his presence and the magnitude of His love. Jesus is so real and he's love freely washes away the sins of every single person, if only u let him. If we just humble ourselves b4 Him, call out to Him, He will never fail us.
I pray that this testimony blesses at least one person. Please repent and turn to Christ. He loves us SO much that he doesnt want anyone to perish, thats y he gave His life for us. In John 14:6 Jesus says that He “is the way, the truth and the life. Nobody come to the Father except through Him”.
Thank you Jesus. ❤️ your son Dang.
Great testimony! I think a lot of us had this similar encounter with Jesus, that's being filled with the Holy spirit. Bless you ♥
Couldn't hold back my tears 😭 😭. JESUS is so amazing, I would be hopeless without Him
I've had a similar situation my brother. But I was living a sinful life addicted to sexual immoral acts with a girl I was with for 5 years. I was also living a very bad life style, I mean robbing and so on. I was feeling empty inside feeling like there was more to life, I hated my self and the things I was doing feeling broken and not knowing why and I cried out to God " if you are real, God show me, I need you" that very week I heard a pastor on a station while I was working security at night all alone. I somehow accidently changed it to this station called Bott radio network And they started speaking about the Bible. It was one pastor speak about how God saved paul, a man who persecuted Christians and was responsible for their murders, that if God is able to save him, he is able to save anyone. not on what you have done or what you can do, but what he has done for you he offers it freely and he quoted Romans 10:9. That struck me hard, I never new anything like this, I always thought I was too evil for God to save, but I accepted Jesus as my savior that very night.
I was still living with this girl in sin, but something was convicting me so bad at the time I did not know but it was the holy spirit. I knew I loved this girl more than I loved God, and she did not like that I was following God, and I could not separate myself from her she was all I knew before God. But I came to my knees and I asked God to remove everything that was holding me back from him, from his plans in my life. I did not expect God would have done it this way but a week later, that girl said she did not love me anymore, and we split, I could not understand why she did this, it was quick and I was in the deepest sorrow I have experienced, and I hurt for a whole year.
But I quickly realized it was the work of God that put me hear and I recognized it. I asked God to help me in the situation, because I know it was for my good and his glory. I learned so much about God during this time, and I also realized that God did not need to pull me out of the fire but he was in the fire with me, guiding me through it. I grew so much with God because of it and now my Love for God is greater than for anything else. I look back and see that if he is able to save and forgive someone as evil as me, he can do it for anyone. God hears us and he will reveal himself to you if you sincerely ask. Nothing can ever move me away from God. And i look forward to seeing you in heaven someday my brethren.
Job 13:15 Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him
Blessed be His holy name, yes He is a healer, savior, a deliverer, mighty to save, a strong tower, our shelter...He die to set us free from bondage, drugs, alcohol and sins..keep trusting in Him and call upon Him.
Awesome brother. Thank you for sharing. I can relate. I myself could not explain what was going on when Jesus came to my rescue. With slips and falls I continue to follow Jesus.
These songs are timeless
Because of him I'm changed, saved and delivered, Thank you lord.
God will always come to your rescue.No matter where u go in life when u call all the Name of the Lord he will answer and you will see the Lord is waiting upon u to ask him for help but he cannot go against our will.Praise God for this song
"I called, and you answered; and you came to my rescue and I, wanna be where you are"
I had completely forgotten about this song until I was looking for a worship song. It really is comforting.
Same for me.
Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that he is Lord.
Whenever i feel down or things are not ok i listen to this song and find peace knowing that my prayers are answered..God is faithful and his love endures forever 🙏
LORD I love you with all my heart!!! Don't let me be distanced from you :(
***** Hallelujah! We are alive in Christ!
he will always love you no matter what. your his child he life. he loves you MRmaterolo
God will never be distant from us. It's us who fall away from Him but we can always find our way back to Him. Romans 8:39 says "Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Isn't that just awesome?
Meghan Beggs Amen !
MRmaterolo same ❤I get distracted too . But putting him first will remind you to make him your priority. I love God so much .he's a great father .
Prayed for help during sleep paralysis and literally within seconds I was speaking in tongues for the first time and I was free . Hallelujah! Our God wants to answer you !!
don't forget to pray to God cause he didn't forget to wake u up in the morning
Hallelujah 🙌
Blessings and peace be with you always...God loves you 💞
Amen all glory to god ❤❤❤❤❤
I called and you heard me and rescued me..who is like God." Michael the Archangel cried out in Heaven" no one can compare to you..lord i love the works of your hands.who can fathom are beyond descriptions.
Beautiful such a great gift the Father has given us. We may no longer be free in this country we have so loved, but there is a country where we will be free indeed. We press on to a higher calling in Christ Jesus.
In this world we lift you high in the after we will lift you higher. Literally I called and He came to my rescue and now here I am 22 months later, living a life that I could not before being deliverd from the power of addiction. If he has done this for me He will do it for you. 2 cor 5:17 therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation the old is gone behold the new has come. And now Romans 8:38-39 For I am concinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any power, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
One of my personal favorite worship songs of all time. We praise you King Jesus, blessed be Your Holy name
Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Rom. 10:13, Acts 2:21. I CALLED AND HE ANSWERED AND HE CAME TO MY RESCUE....
same fam same
Amen! BUT don't forget the standard Jesus gave us to be his disciples along with the importance of baptism :) Luke 9:23 - "Whoever wants to be my disciple MUST deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. Acts 2:38 - "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins." GOD BLESS!
Whoever wrote this song had the holy spirit leveled up in them honestly!!! Every verse every word in this song touched me. I called and you answered my Lord!! ❤️❤️❤️
2024 he is still our refuge, we still run to him 🙌
Thanks God for your love. My heart needs your presence everyday.
Joven sabornido
Matthew 6:33 but ye seek first the kingdom and rightousness and all things shall be adead to you
My church sang this song today, and I feel in love with it. This song is really beautiful and the fact that I never heard it before is crazy, because it’s SO GOOD! I’m so glad I came across it! :)
I was almost brought to tears with this song! I started following Christ about 2 years ago and I remember listening to it when I was in middle/high school and was almost brought to tears from the memory and the difference in lifestyle between then and now. The lyric of this song take on a whole new meaning when a person truly understands the difference between living with Him than without Him...
Promise you
this is my all time favorite worship song right now!!! constantly on repeat
Just like me since beginning of 2023
Psalm 82:3-4
Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver us from the hand of the wicked.”
I know this is an old song but this has definitely been a life saver for me during last months, it's amazing how you feel God holding you while listening to it! Thank you Hillsong for this and thanks to the lord for saving me!
What a beautiful song, our youth group sang this song and as soon as I heard it I couldnt helped be moved by its beautiful lyrics
Every time I call you answer. You always reward My Lord. May your mighty name be praised forever
I love this song!!! "Sometimes you worship because you believe it, sometimes you worship until you do." - Steffany Gretzinger
Please pray for the Philippines.
Yea this song here and God's love helped me get through a tough 2022...and this year is still challenging as well, but God draws close to those who seek Him. Ty Jesus for all the lives You touch today & always
A song that touches the depth of my heart. His (Jesus) words are yea and amen (Psalms 46, Romans 5:8). Thank you Jesus for coming to the rescue of millions of souls all around the world. You did it before, You are still in the business of doing it today and You will continue to do it until the earth folds up. I bless you My Rescuer.
We sang this song yesterday and I was crying through out the worship time
Thanks for the cross. Still relevant in 2021😍🤗
i remember singing along this song as a very young boy(♥️♥️♥️now I'm 25
Me and my friend were both in a tough financial situation. I had no financial support from my mom anymore and my friend lost his job and his apartment. We both prayed and depended on god and now we both have jobs and my friend now has a place to stay. God is so good! He came to our rescue! :D
2020... Almost thought of ending my life.. but GOD is still Great..
I never understood the true meaning of this song until I hit the lowest of my lows and almost took my own life. Before I did something stopped me and I reconsidered. I cried out that night to Jesus. I haven't in so long but He answered me. I know He was with me that night. If I hadn't thought of Him and asked for help one last time. I don't think I'd be here right now.
Truly amazing how words and music can take you back to the best years of your life. Thank you God for reminding me of who I really am
The Hillsong that brought me to My Knees in worship, truly ❤
As the song said I called you and you came to my rescue, thank you Lord I always want to hold your hand. Because your are my God, my hope and the light in darkness.
Try reading the comments as you listen to the song ... its really emotive how so many people have been touched and rescued by the Lord
God is coming to our rescue in these times. He's fast approaching to take us home.
My youth was this kind of worship. Totally immersive and powerful. Watched Hillsong Live in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, in 2005, unforgettable... lifetime memory.
God is good, he may not appear to be there but only because he wants you to move along so you can see him better. He has shown me that living with God and Jesus is magical and wonderful.
He came to my rescue!!! Amen God is soooooo good
My whole life I place in your hands, God of mercy, humbled I bow down, in your presence at your throne this line is so powerful
Love is something that has confused me for many years, including this time, I always hear people speak of the love of God, I know He loves us because He wouldn't of died on that cross for us, I know that His death on the cross was an act of love. Pray for me so that the love of God will be made perfect so that I no longer have to fear his punishment. Pray that I know longer be indifferent to the power of love
I believe in calling and calling again because God is the true God with answers
A few days ago i felt like it was my last i for sure that i gotten alcohol poisoning i had over drank the night before that my body was going numb i was spoting blood from my nose but i got on my knees and cried out to god i asked him to forgive me and that i would never drink again so hear i am well alive and praising god.. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
I called thirteen years ago and He answered. He is still here everyday.
The first time I heard this I was a teen at church camp. This song still gives me goose bumps at 31❤
Ty Lord... Plain & simple.. Sweet Jesus💛💛🙏🙌
Not only did he come to my rescue he keeps coming to my rescue. The promise keeper never leaves never forsakes
The Lord presence is amazing
hey... I came from work and I'm so stressed. and guess what I saw your comment here while listening to the song... I just wanna thank you for posting your comment. God bless you. :) your comment really helped me to get over the negativities that I have right now :)
Lol is a validation for me too. Focus on God
In my life be lifted high, in my world be lifted, in my love be lifted high, higher higher!!!
I called and you answered, and you came to my rescue and I wanna be where you are~
I called you answered, and you came to my rescue and I, wanna be where you are
I love this song, whether I'm going through a tough time or things are great it always makes me feel closer to the Lord!
2021 and this still pops into my heart years later when I need it 🙌🏼