Worthy Is The Lamb - Natashia Midori (Official lyric video)

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • Lagu “Worthy Is The Lamb” terdapat di album Thank You Jesus Pt. 1
    Thank you for the cross, Lord
    Thank you for the price You paid
    Bearing all my sin and shame
    In love You came
    And gave amazing grace...
    Thank you for this love, Lord
    Thank you for the nail pierced hands
    Washed me in Your cleansing flow
    Now all I know
    Your forgiveness and embrace
    Worthy is the Lamb
    Seated on the throne
    Crown You now with many crowns
    You reign victorious
    High and lifted up
    Jesus Son of God
    The Darling of Heaven crucified
    Worthy is the Lamb
    Worthy is the Lamb
    Thank you for the cross, Lord (thank you)
    Thank you for the price You paid
    Bearing all my sin and shame
    In love You came
    And gave amazing grace
    Thank you for this love, Lord
    Thank you for the nail pierced hands
    Washed me in Your cleansing flow
    Now all I know
    Your forgiveness and embrace
    Worthy is the Lamb
    Seated on the throne
    Crown You now with many crowns
    You reign victorious
    High and lifted up
    Jesus Son of God
    The Darling of Heaven crucified
    Worthy is the Lamb
    Worthy is the Lamb
    Worthy is the Lamb
    Worthy is the Lamb
    Worthy is the Lamb
    Seated on the throne
    Crown You now with many crowns
    You reign victorious
    High and lifted up
    Jesus Son of God
    The Darling of Heaven crucified
    Worthy is the Lamb
    Worthy is the Lamb
    Worthy is the Lamb
    Worthy is the Lamb
    Worthy is the Lamb
    Worthy is the Lamb
    #WorthyIsTheLamb #Natashiamidori #maranathaindonesiaofficial
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Комментарии • 900

  • @cairozulu6700
    @cairozulu6700 5 лет назад +637

    He bled and died for a wretched sinner like me, thank you Jesus.

    • @graphguy
      @graphguy 4 года назад +8

      Amen brother.

    • @biblicalsounddoctrines8252
      @biblicalsounddoctrines8252 4 года назад +3

      @@graphguy be always watchmen on the wall

    • @HughJaxident67
      @HughJaxident67 4 года назад +1

      And sadly, you have no comprehension of just how immoral and absurd this idea is. But that's your disgraceful religion for you, a religion that persuades its proponents that they are unworthy, that they can never be worthy, that they are sick with original sin for someone else's supposed indiscretion.
      An all powerful god that requires worship for some reason, an omniscient god who always knew every single ramification of everything, so knew with infallible certainty that man would fall because that was always his intention. To create a situation where he could punish for its own sake, I say 'punish', but punish is the wrong word as punishments eventually end, damnation and torture in hell never ends - how abhorrently immoral is a deity that knowingly creates a Universe with such a place.
      Your religion is patently ridiculous, sickeningly immoral with zero evidence to support any of it as being remotely true

    • @cairozulu6700
      @cairozulu6700 4 года назад +11

      I really respect your view about my religion however I believe that its a religion that mankind must hold onto simply because of Jesus Christ who bled and died for every repented sinner. Christianity is the only religion that guarantees eternal life through Christ Jesus. He is the only way to our heavenly father.Have a blessed day.

    • @HughJaxident67
      @HughJaxident67 4 года назад +3

      *It's the truth*
      No, it's an unsubstantiated claim of a truth, in epistemic terms, that is not any truth in itself.
      *We have all violated the ten commandments by lying, stealing, and committing adultery in our hearts and we will be held accountable for our sins on a day of judgement*
      To begin, the first 10 commandments are not even a decent moral code, indeed, the first three only deal with pleasing your god. Moreover, what idiot needs to be told not to steal and lie? Such moral tenets existed millennia before your biblical authors adopted them and passed them off as their 'wisdom'. As for 'committing adultery in our hearts', that is thought crime which necessarily means your god acts in an identical fashion to the Orwellian Big Brother. It deprives/punishes humanity for one of its basic natural states whilst also misrepresenting the fact that such thoughts only exist in our brains and not our hearts. Biblical authors often refer to the heart as being involved in thinking because that is what the ancient Greeks erroneously believed was the case at the time. It's nothing more than a reflection of the contemporary ignorance on the matter.
      Why should we be accountable for our sins when your god shackled all humanity with a sinful nature in the first instance, knowing with infallible certainty all the subsequent ramifications of this decision? It's a similar concept to a Judge ruling that an individual be injected with a chronic and debilitating disease, setting a time frame of 10 years for that person to 'get better' and then punishing that person for not getting better when they are still sick after the 10 years elapses. Only it's immeasurably worse in your theology as the sentence is eternal torment and torture.
      *God is good and just and because of our sin his sentence against us is just and we are deserving of punishment*
      LOL This exemplifies how your religion has poisoned your thinking and forced you to abdicate your own moral agency. Your god imbued you with your sinful nature and then judges/punishes you for this sinful nature? Why can't you see just how immoral and unjust this is???
      *But because God is rich in mercy and love he sent his only and beloved son Jesus who is without sin to die on a cross under the hands of men*
      And here we have a rather glaring problem as you've now claimed your god is both just and merciful which is a direct contradiction as mercy is necessarily a suspension of justice. Of course, Jesus is god incarnate, so one and the same entity, so he sacrificed himself to himself to create a loophole for the conditions he was initially responsible for setting down....yeah, we have several problems here don't we!
      *Jesus was beaten, bruised, pinned on a cross and endured the wrath of God becoming a curse for us*
      Ignoring the fact we have no historical evidence this ever happened, I repeat that Jesus is god, so why are you attempting to separate them?
      *Jesus willingly laid down His life and became sin for us because He knew it would be the only way for us to be reunited with God*
      Which is palpable nonsense in the light of my previous points.
      *Jesus is now risen and the evil one is defeated*
      Why would the 'evil one' ever be an issue for an all powerful agent? Such an agent could click it's fingers and Satan would be gone.
      *All we have to do is repent of our sins and accept Jesus in our hearts and He promises that we are redeemed and made righteous by His sacrifice and shedding of blood on the cross*
      You really ought to read the words you type and let them sink in. 'Repent' for the sinful nature we had no choice in having, a nature that was forced upon every human being after Adam and Eve even though no subsequent person was guilty of their indiscretion. Or perhaps you think it is moral to punish someone for the crime of another do you? Finally here, why on Earth does an all powerful god require a barbaric human sacrifice? Why does your religion place so much emphasis on blood magic? How is any of this moral?
      *Also, God doesn't force us to worship Him neither does He command us to worship Him*
      Of course not, just like the Mafia boss doesn't force the businesses in his protection racket to pay up, however, if they don't....
      *He doesn't require our worship or praise and is still just as strong without it*
      Strange, the bible calls for people to praise and worship your god, if he doesn't require it (and why should an all powerful agent), then why is it called for in the bible?
      *When you realize how much God loves you and wants you to live your natural reaction is to fall down and submit to Him*
      I see zero evidence any god exists and zero convincing arguments otherwise in an iron age book mostly written by anonymous authors. If god 'loved us' he would never have given us a sinful nature, would never have punished Adam and Eve for something they could not have known was wrong and would NEVER allow a place as abhorrently evil as hell to exist. Lastly, such a loving god would NEVER threaten his creation with eternal torment and torture, indeed, your god is more accurately described as evil incarnate. How you consider this deity as loving is frankly, inexplicable.
      *All you need is a humble heart and Jesus promises to change your life forever*
      Our hearts cannot be 'humble' as they have no cognitive function at all. And promises absent of any evidence they're remotely true are not promises, they remain unsubstantiated iron age claims made by anonymous writers.
      *I would recommend reading the book of John in the bible which details the life of Jesus*
      I have read several version of the bible, much of it done when I was studying for my Masters Degree in history. Ironically John was most likely written in the early part of the second century, perhaps as late as 125AD. One thing is absolutely clear here, whoever wrote John never met Jesus, in fact, all the gospels were written by anonymous authors who were not eye witnesses. So please tell me, how do you think the author ofJohn knew about Jesus's life exactly? How did he quote the words that Jesus allegedly said? Indeed, if the authors of the gospels had have been the disciples themselves, how did they recall anything Jesus said in detail 40 years and more after the events? We simply do not recollect such details after such huge time frames have elapsed. Of course, this is a moot point as we know no disciple wrote any of the gospels.

  • @GoodPraiseSongs
    @GoodPraiseSongs 6 месяцев назад +24

    I am 18 years old and I am happy to have accepted Jesus in my heart, May Glory be only to the only King of Kings ♥"🎻🎻

  • @nadiacalista6227
    @nadiacalista6227 5 лет назад +142

    Jesus You are worthy to be praised🙏

  • @worshipprayer8165
    @worshipprayer8165 2 года назад +9

    Don't block your blessings by seeking revenge on people that wronged you. Let it go and trust God to fight all your battles and Pray until your situation changes. Miracles happen everyday, so never stop believing in God and His timing. God has a perfect timing; never early, never late. It takes a little patience and faith, but it's worth the wait. Just trust in him. Amen.💕

  • @djonlie
    @djonlie 5 лет назад +314

    Thank You Jesus for Your Sacrifice on The Cross..


      Amin, God Bless you

    • @jamesrichard8933
      @jamesrichard8933 5 лет назад +1

      DJON LIE Amen 🙏

    • @HughJaxident67
      @HughJaxident67 4 года назад

      What sacrifice exactly?

    • @lindsaythebe231
      @lindsaythebe231 4 года назад +4

      ​@@HughJaxident67 you and I have sinned against God and we deserve God's judgement. But as much as God is just he is rich in Mercy and so he provided a way for us to be free from sin and death by providing the perfect sacrifice that is Jesus Christ "God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." -2 Corinthians 5:21 If you put your trust in Christ alone you can be forgiven for your sins and become a new creation with new righteous desires. God bless

    • @HughJaxident67
      @HughJaxident67 4 года назад

      *you and I have sinned against God and we deserve God's judgement*
      NONSENSE! There is no evidence any god exists and I do not recognise the religious construct of 'sin', there are only moral, immoral and amoral actions. Of course, your sick theology states that this gawd of yours imbued all of mankind with a sinful nature even though only Adam and Eve were responsible for the 'claimed' indiscretion. You then think it's perfectly fine for this deity to 'judge' us for the sinful nature this same god was responsible for giving all of us!! It's the same thing as injecting a child with a virus and then judging the child for being ill! You think that's moral do you???
      *But as much as God is just he is rich in Mercy and so he provided a way for us to be free from sin and death by providing the perfect sacrifice that is Jesus Christ*
      Are you really this stupid? Why can't you see the obvious contradiction here? A perfectly just and perfectly merciful being cannot exist as mercy is necessarily the suspension of justice, it's the same thing as a married bachelor! Use your damned brain FFS!!
      *"God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." -2 Corinthians **5:21*
      Interesting you should quote Paul, a man who never even met Jesus and who claimed his entire position was based on an alleged 'personal revelation' and appeals to existing scripture. Why should anyone take any notice of what Paul said eh?
      *If you put your trust in Christ alone you can be forgiven for your sins and become a new creation with new righteous desires*
      No thanks, I don't waste my time believing immoral iron age nonsense from the pens of mostly anonymous authors.
      *God bless*
      Tell me, what is the difference between something or someone 'blessed' and not blessed? What is the difference and how can we test for it? ......I think we both know it's a meaningless religious platitude and one you're welcome to keep to yourself thanks.

  • @darryldanzinger9996
    @darryldanzinger9996 4 года назад +245

    I can never ever thank you enough Jesus for saving such an unworthy wretch like me who fails you over and over again. You are beyond words!

    • @karlyost4732
      @karlyost4732 4 года назад +8

      Amen brother in Christ Jesus I agree I am grateful for the Lord's mercies, we are wretched but God is so merciful Amen

    • @dannyfaulkner1006
      @dannyfaulkner1006 4 года назад +4

      I'm with you my Brother, he is Amazing🙃😉💌

    • @JohnO318
      @JohnO318 4 года назад +5

      Now this is a "me-too" movement that I can join.

    • @rekhag9422
      @rekhag9422 4 года назад +4

      @@JohnO318 me too from India

    • @SuperSpieth
      @SuperSpieth 4 года назад +4

      Darryl Danzinger Amen! I can’t thank Him enough either!

  • @karrindobbins2024
    @karrindobbins2024 4 года назад +130

    This song brought me to tears thinking about our LORD and savior. Jesus will reign forever. Thank you for dieing for my sins!!!! I love you so much. I could never repay you, but I'm so thankful. ✝️❤ #jesusisking

    • @rodicarus7990
      @rodicarus7990 4 года назад +1


    • @JohnDavid-vh3rn
      @JohnDavid-vh3rn 4 года назад +1

      And is it so! I shall be like Thy Son,
      Is this the grace which He for me has won?
      Father of glory, though beyond all thought,
      In glory, to His own blest likeness brought.
      Oh, Jesus, Lord, who loved me like to Thee?
      Fruit of Thy work, with Thee, too, there to see
      Thy glory, Lord, while endless ages roll,
      Myself the prize and travail of Thy soul.
      Yet it must be, Thy love had not its rest
      Were Thy redeemed not with Thee fully blest;
      That love that gives not as the world but shares
      All it possess with its loved co-heirs.
      Nor I alone, Thy loved ones all, complete
      In glory, round Thee there with joy shall meet,
      All like Thee, for Thy glory like Thee, Lord,
      Object supreme of all, by all adored.

    • @user-hx5vh9uh2n
      @user-hx5vh9uh2n 4 года назад +2

      You’re our sister in Christ! Love the title daughter in Christ. Let’s keep going fam!

    • @DavidBrown-vn5fw
      @DavidBrown-vn5fw 4 года назад

      Sis....please go watch this on youtube the animation of our precious Saviour Jesus on the cross produces by joseph prince....Must watch....

    • @meryanadoko4432
      @meryanadoko4432 2 года назад

      yes, I agree with you, we cannot repay his sacrifice

  • @Queen-Of-Hearts144
    @Queen-Of-Hearts144 5 лет назад +180

    Beautiful, made me cry; Jesus we love you!😭

    • @cmebans35
      @cmebans35 4 года назад +5

      Love and appreciate Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

    • @lmathelifemusicacademydima1790
      @lmathelifemusicacademydima1790 4 года назад +2

      Worthy is the lamb

    • @ingtii4320
      @ingtii4320 4 года назад +1

      That's what Jesus wanted he given us free will he died for us so that we worship his by loving him not by force such a wonderful God who suffered the pain people spit at him beat him the angel were ready to destroy the human but yet Jesus didn't allow the angel to do that the love u can't imagine he died for us

  • @rajsekhar7777777
    @rajsekhar7777777 5 лет назад +97

    Glory to the God Almighty💐 🇮🇳

  • @catherinesikazwe86
    @catherinesikazwe86 5 лет назад +104

    We give you all the glory and praise oh Lord Jesus our beloved Saviour.

    • @lancerichercariaga1550
      @lancerichercariaga1550 3 года назад

      Thank you Lord for saving us 😭😭😭😭😭😭 My grandpa run away for cancer of kidney

  • @pastorwarrenlyons8507
    @pastorwarrenlyons8507 4 года назад +44

    Beautifully sung, Jesus Christ crucified is the wisdom and power of God. All hail King Jesus, all glory and praise to God who so loved the world He sent His only begotten Son. The Word made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory the only begotten of the Father full of GRACE AND TRUTH. SHALOM

  • @suzyjackson5514
    @suzyjackson5514 5 лет назад +208

    pretty voice! I like the way she focused on the cross of our Lord and Savior and not her selfie.

    • @pamjames2161
      @pamjames2161 4 года назад +6

      Amen! That’s what I was thinking!!

    • @gatw1977
      @gatw1977 4 года назад +4

      @L John Amen

    • @tez817
      @tez817 4 года назад +2


    • @elijahnicolas8496
      @elijahnicolas8496 3 года назад +4

      I like the part that worthy is the lamb

    • @amyyyelizabethh9354
      @amyyyelizabethh9354 3 года назад +2

      That’s what worship song videos should be. Not them focusing on impressing the people on the other side of the camera but impressing GOD by singing and praising Him.

  • @merlynmenezes_0106
    @merlynmenezes_0106 4 года назад +12

    Sorry Jesus i have sinned against You... I repent of my sin'... Have mercy on me a sinner...🙏

  • @JohnMoore-lf1zp
    @JohnMoore-lf1zp 4 года назад +33

    There's no such things in this world to compare for the love of GOD. He gave His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to cleanse us and pay for the penalty of our sins for us to obtain salvation. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ you are worthy to be praised.

  • @warriorofgod9465
    @warriorofgod9465 4 года назад +23

    He's always my Jesus, forever and ever and ever. Amen👑👑👑

  • @dbnarizona
    @dbnarizona 4 года назад +19

    John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

  • @ernaenfredtetelepta6990
    @ernaenfredtetelepta6990 4 года назад +13

    Even So Come LORD JESUS SON of GOD

  • @jemartejero7536
    @jemartejero7536 3 года назад +16

    As we face the uncertainties of life, always be reminded that Jesus orchestrates everything and He will lead us to our genuine happiness. Trust HIM with all your heart no matter how impossible the situation is.

  • @SEranger7
    @SEranger7 4 года назад +9

    I am ashamed of myself and I have been a disgrace to my parents but Jesus saved me like my dad saved me from the mess. However, I have been ungrateful, bitter and I have even revoked at my dad; I’m sorry and I don’t even want to look at myself at the mirror and I can’t even recognize who I am anymore. If anyone is seeing this, please keep me in your prayers. Thank you. I’m convinced that Jesus has saved me from my sins, and sorrows and have given me eternal life by faith. And his amazing forgiveness in my arm stead.He’s blood was meant for me before even I was born. It was ready for this moment to cleanse me. My savior has watched me grow to this day. Indeed, worthy is the lamb Jesus killed on the cross for me. That I shall have eternal life and indeed believe in the LORD and thou shalt be saved! I claimed the victory of Jesus over all my sins. I happily renounce all my sins and affiliation in darkness and with the chief of this world. God be my Father, take my hand.

  • @israelgonzalez3619
    @israelgonzalez3619 5 лет назад +31

    Thank you my Lord and savior Jesus Christ for taking my place on the cross I deserved

    • @biblicalsounddoctrines8252
      @biblicalsounddoctrines8252 4 года назад

      be watchmen on the wall

    • @HughJaxident67
      @HughJaxident67 4 года назад

      How truly pathetic and immoral that sentiment is....

    • @huldatachiri9613
      @huldatachiri9613 4 года назад +1

      @@HughJaxident67 why do you come to an obviously Christian song you can clearly see is about Jesus just to put down other people's believes? I've seen you commenting on other people's comments as well. What is your purpose with this? If you don't believe, that is fine, but let others believe what they want just the same way you are allowed not to believe.

    • @HughJaxident67
      @HughJaxident67 4 года назад

      *why do you come to an obviously Christian song you can clearly see is about Jesus just to put down other people's believes?*
      Why do you Christians keep asking the same questions!!! Don't you ever read the threads and other replies??? I come to these videos because beliefs always inform actions, your iron age religion posits fundamentally immoral tenets which only serves to retard our progress as a species. It's the same thing with the other two monotheistic religions of Islam and Judaism, all acting in similar fashions. All of these religions are Patriarchal and antiquated and paints their followers as unworthy or sick and demands servility. There are few redeeming elements and those that do remain are among the wisdom biblical authors adopted or plagiarised from earlier writings and religions, passing it off as their own.
      *I've seen you commenting on other people's comments as well. What is your purpose with this?*
      To wake people like you up and make you think for a change!
      *If you don't believe, that is fine, but let others believe what they want just the same way you are allowed not to believe*
      That would be a no, you see, my 'disbelief' is not a positive stance, it does not inform my position as it is a rejection of your religion's claims, doctrines and dogmas. Christian's 'beliefs' have had them lobbying for tighter or total abortion laws, completely disregarding the rights of the woman, had them attempting to prize ID and creationism into the science class where neither belongs, has blocked stem cell research which would have saved so many lives by now, it has also promoted the rejection of evolution, the best supported of all the scientific theories. Unfortunately, the list goes on and on - Your religion is a scourge on our civilisation (like most other religions too), it is high time it was challenged after millennia of privilege and protection from criticism.

    • @huldatachiri9613
      @huldatachiri9613 4 года назад

      @@HughJaxident67 but do you really expect to change anyone's mind with your attitude?

  • @thanhtran7
    @thanhtran7 4 года назад +12

    My lord Jesus lives in me before I knew him, He saved my life many times even before my baptism.I broke all the commandments but He never leaves . Who else have greater love than you Jesus

  • @djevespa
    @djevespa 5 лет назад +63

    Video lirik yang bagus. Kiranya makin memberkati banyak orang. LANJUTGAN!!! ✊🏼

  • @mikerose4168
    @mikerose4168 4 года назад +50

    Can you imagine the millions and millions that are missing out on this magnificent free gift of love ... From the perfect Lamb of God ...the Lord Jesus Christ.

    • @jesussaves7973
      @jesussaves7973 4 года назад +2

      Mike Rose yes 😭

    • @MegiddoProductions
      @MegiddoProductions 4 года назад +3

      That's why we have to follow Jesus' Great Commission:
      19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
      20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.
      Matthew 28:19-20
      May the Lord keep us, enlighten us and empower us to do it by whatever means He calls each of us to do it.

    • @HughJaxident67
      @HughJaxident67 4 года назад

      The vast majority of the word in fact and long may that continue. The good news is that Christianity is waning with fewer and fewer people associating with this horribly immoral religion

    • @earlyconnections8028
      @earlyconnections8028 4 года назад +2

      Let's do our little bit... Our role in life... whatever we can for Him

    • @HughJaxident67
      @HughJaxident67 4 года назад

      *Let's do our little bit... Our role in life... whatever we can for Him*
      Absolutely NO! You do your bit in life for you and others, that is everyone's role in life as a social species responsible for each other and the planet we live on.

  • @nanonogloshgloria
    @nanonogloshgloria 5 лет назад +23

    Thank you for the price you paid Lord
    I crown you now with many crowns Lord 🙏🙏 you Reign victorious

  • @joedesouza6686
    @joedesouza6686 5 лет назад +58

    Beautifully sung, the singer (Natashia) has a lovely warm tone to her voice and her vibrato is so pleasing to the ear. Loved it & it brought tears to my eyes.

  • @rosemarymarsh4322
    @rosemarymarsh4322 5 лет назад +15

    Amen.Yes Worthy is The Lamb Of God.Who came into The World to Reconcile man to God.Such a High Price He Paid for us.Thank You Jesus there is no Greater Love than Your and for dying for us.Glory Be To Our Almighty Heavenly Father.

  • @merlylee1838
    @merlylee1838 4 года назад +14

    You are my number one Worthy is the lamb Lord king dom for freedom Jesus Christ the hope of the world.

    • @ronnienaidoo7600
      @ronnienaidoo7600 4 года назад

      Just like Jesus. Absolutely beautiful. Love you so much Jesus. Saviour& King of kings.Johannesburg South Africa

  • @ugochinyereogbonna4401
    @ugochinyereogbonna4401 5 лет назад +25

    Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for bearing the anguish and pain of the Cross for my sake! The most amazing thriller of your death was that you died as a human being,so i try to figure out how it feels to bear those excruciating pains you took for my salvation and that of the entire world,i don't think i could ever take that for the person i love the most but you did all that for us! Today we're saved because we believe and confess Christ as our Lord and saviour.If you're reading this may you encounter and recounter the Lord Jesus Christ because there's no safety and salvation elsewhere but only in the name of Jesus Christ! God bless you,big time!

  • @lyndabouma5411
    @lyndabouma5411 5 лет назад +13

    Glory be to our Savior, Hallelujah!

  • @tonnemiessek1693
    @tonnemiessek1693 5 лет назад +14

    All to Jesus. Everything I have. The government is not the solution to our problems. The government is the problem.

  • @IntEmpires
    @IntEmpires 4 года назад +10

    Jesus Christ
    Thankyou Lord for the love you showed for me and my brethrens

  • @timeisoverjesusiscoming6996
    @timeisoverjesusiscoming6996 5 лет назад +10

    Darling of heaven
    you are my MIGHTY KING

  • @claudioyogi9478
    @claudioyogi9478 5 лет назад +82

    Worthy is the lamb 😇😇😍😍😍.. love the song 😇

  • @wellbuccat7312
    @wellbuccat7312 5 лет назад +10

    Worderful song praise the Lord ... Thanks natasha for all your songs cover.. Your the one of my favorite gospel singer.. I love all your beautiful cover.. Thank you so much... GOD BLESS YOU.

  • @BuenasMusicaEnIngles
    @BuenasMusicaEnIngles 3 года назад +8

    That was anointing on him. I completely lost it crying and had to lift my hands to praise God. Wow. I'm so glad I clicked on this video. One of the most beautiful voices I've ever heard....

    @IMAN-MRSC 5 лет назад +32

    Luar biasa berkatNya... Thanks Nathasya dan Maranatha

  • @Indianahillclimber
    @Indianahillclimber 4 года назад +10

    Thank you Lord for making this beautiful woman who glorifies You.

  • @lioncity11
    @lioncity11 4 года назад +6

    Thank you Jesus, my Lord and Savior, for your sacrificial love, dying for my sins and purchasing Your church with Your own blood.

  • @Nucalale-sc9qz
    @Nucalale-sc9qz 3 года назад +7

    Terima kasih Yesu ❤️ maafkan aku meragukan besarnya KasihMu. Ingatkan aku untuk selalu yakin dan teguh

  • @miguelmusa67
    @miguelmusa67 5 лет назад +30

    God bless you, Sister Natasha

  • @wepaultabianan8273
    @wepaultabianan8273 4 года назад +1

    Thank you lord sa umaga nato.. Binigyan moko. Ng blessings..

  • @jezreelenargan7643
    @jezreelenargan7643 4 года назад +10

    Nice song Godbless you my beloved sister in Christ love you

  • @kelvinpoetra
    @kelvinpoetra 5 лет назад +1

    lagu membuat tersentuh. bagus banget lagunya

  • @nadiacalista6227
    @nadiacalista6227 4 года назад +10

    Back to RUclips..back to Spotify.
    My fave worshipper! All glory to Jesus alone.

  • @joymendoza6387
    @joymendoza6387 2 года назад +2


  • @kolonglangittv9483
    @kolonglangittv9483 5 лет назад +26

    Luar biasa sungguh lagu-lagu yang menguatkan dan memberkati, God Bless you Nathasya & Maranatha

  • @melizzamodino4943
    @melizzamodino4943 4 года назад +1

    thank you God for the love ! Indeed u are my savior in my everyday life..ilove you Jesus!

  • @qitzpaquitojr.reston2337
    @qitzpaquitojr.reston2337 4 года назад +24

    Gospel's message: Repent ( turn away from all your sins and be born again ) and trust in Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

    • @HughJaxident67
      @HughJaxident67 4 года назад

      No thanks, I'd rather live in the real world rather than believing this nonsense!

    • @elreygarcia6608
      @elreygarcia6608 4 года назад

      thank for cross oh and save all of my sin all over the world you are my god and saviour

    • @HughJaxident67
      @HughJaxident67 4 года назад

      Thanks for a barbaric human sacrifice and alleged blood magic? Do you ever think about these things or are you simply mindless like so many other theists? Tell me, who gave mankind their sinful nature in the first instance? When you work that out, maybe then you will realize the rest of your religion is immoral nonsense.

    • @TimTim-jf3pk
      @TimTim-jf3pk 4 года назад

      Amen 🙏

    • @peza1000
      @peza1000 4 года назад +1

      @@HughJaxident67 He is real and He loves you. Please don't let this world darken your spiritual eyes and harden your heart. Jesus loves us all and we are all welcome to Heaven but it's a choice and we receive his gift of grace through faith. There is no better feeling than having a heart that is full of Gods love. Peace and love to you.

  • @chrisjosephtante7624
    @chrisjosephtante7624 4 года назад +2

    Thank you for taking my sin and shame on the cross- Jesus, I love you more than anyone and more than anyhting.

  • @guitarinstrumentalworshipa9214
    @guitarinstrumentalworshipa9214 4 года назад +5

    Thank you Jesus... Thank you for your infinite love, Lord... Worthy is the Lamb!

  • @studiobencivengamarcusbenc5272
    @studiobencivengamarcusbenc5272 4 года назад +9

    Simple and bold like the way it should be - great music

  • @ivandgr8224
    @ivandgr8224 5 лет назад +19

    The Lion of Judah, the God of everything, became a Lamb led to slaughter so that we can be saved. Bcoz He rose again we serve a Loving Savior. Thank you so much, Lord Jesus. Your grace is sufficient. Otherwise, I would be heading for eternal damnation......& hell.

    • @HughJaxident67
      @HughJaxident67 4 года назад

      Saved from what exactly? That sinful nature this same god was responsible for giving mankind in the first instance?

    • @ivandgr8224
      @ivandgr8224 4 года назад +2

      No! Before you were born / mankind was created, & the devil, better known as Satan existed. You would also be knowing that the angel Lucifer revolted against God, & with 1/3rd of the celestial beings, who had joined him, were thrown out from heaven into the nether world, and since then they occupy space, earth & sea.... in another dimension / realm, physical or spirit. The first man, Adam was not created to sin, but sinned when he & hiswife Eve disobeyed God. It wasn't so much the eating of the forbidden fruit than doing what God commanded not to do. It was a victory of satan thathe could also easily condemn God's greatest creation.
      God has given mankind a human nature, a free will and intellect. Sin enters when we given in to those desires of the heart which displeases God. God is absolutely pure & holy, & so, to accuse Him of creating sin would be blasphemy. God has given all mankind the wisdom to choose right from wrong, but without any doubt we fail according to His very high, infallible standards. So the atoning blood of God's begotten so, Jesus Christ saves us from sin, satan & eternal death & reconciles unto Him. Without blood sacrifice of the most Holy God through His son there would have been no redemption for us, and we would still wallow in sin. If God had made sin, why would He need to save you from what He made! Having been saved doesn't mean you get the licence to sin again & again & keep on asking for forgiveness & being saved again. While there is no limit to God's forgiveness, one cannot make a mockery of His immense love & goodness, or fool Him. If you are truly repentant with a contrite heart, the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ will be with you to guide you & to tell you in your inner conscience. But as humans, we can fail many times, but then we can rise again. Hallelujah, that's the wonder of God's love & salvation worked in us through the Lord Jesus Christ's blood. You need to choose to become holy rather than blame God that He did not give you a holy nature. If your nature is deviant from that of the Holy God, surely He didn't put it in you. Some people willingly go to the devil. Others would give their lives to serve the living God in holiness, no matter the price.

    • @HughJaxident67
      @HughJaxident67 4 года назад

      *No! Before you were born / mankind was created*
      WRONG!!! Mankind evolved along side every other life form on this planet.
      *& the devil, better known as Satan existed*
      No evidence this is remotely true, however, according to your theology, who created Satan eh?
      *You would also be knowing that the angel Lucifer revolted against God, & with 1/3rd of the celestial beings, who had joined him, were thrown out from heaven into the nether world, and since then they occupy space, earth & sea.... in another dimension / realm, physical or spirit*
      And, according to your theology, as god is omniscient, he always knew this would happen before he even created the Universe so once again, your god is ultimately responsible for this event.
      *The first man, Adam was not created to sin, but sinned when he & hiswife Eve disobeyed God*
      Ignoring the fact we know there was never a first man and woman, according to your theology, god created both Adam and Eve perfect and completely innocent (without knowledge of his moral prescriptions). As such they had no concept of what constituted a 'sin' and could therefore not be held accountable for any action your god perceived as a sin. And that sir, is why this account is fundamentally immoral, your god punished them for an 'indiscretion; neither could possibly know was wrong (or sinful).
      *It wasn't so much the eating of the forbidden fruit than doing what God commanded not to do*
      Perhaps something your god ought to have told them in advance eh!!!! Of course, it was always your god's intention to punish Adam and Eve, he even allowed a talking snake to make a convincing case to Eve and despite being omnipresent, did nothing to intervene. Of course, your immoral god didn't stop there either, he also decided to shackle every single human who would be born with the sickness of original sin, even though no subsequent person was guilty of the original indiscretion, thus consigning billions upon billions of souls to eternal torment and torture - ALL this was done with god's infallible foreknowledge, so was all done deliberately, punishment for punishment's sake, the most sickening form of sadism for its own sake.
      *It was a victory of satan thathe could also easily condemn God's greatest creation*
      Hum, so an ALL POWERFUL deity getting its ass kicked by one of its own creations and something this deity always knew would happen. LOL This is the absolute absurdity of your religion, fortunately, it is evidently fiction, however, the meaning behind it is abhorrently immoral and paints your god as a monster of monsters, quintessentially evil and wanton. Your religion is disgusting, shame on you for believing such utter nonsense!

    • @ivandgr8224
      @ivandgr8224 4 года назад +2

      @@HughJaxident67 I'd rather be called all sort of names, be abused, pilloried and be spat upon, kicked, and killed by the likes of you than say that the God of Abraham, Issac & Jacob, Moses, Elijah & David is a work of fiction, and thus my God who loved me so much so that He sent His only begotten son Jesus Christ to die for the sins of mankind, so that believing in this ultimate sacrifice of love and because of His grace, we are saved and guaranteed eternal life. You may call the eternal, heavenly Father God all sorts of names_ wanton evil being, greatest monster, disgustingly immoral etc., but He still loves you. That is what's so great about God. He is love, and He wants the world to love and not hate. That is why so many Christians have died as martyrs. Do you know if any God has been as abused or mocked as the Lord Jesus Christ? Why is this so? Is it because there must be something very right with Him with God so that it ushers in the thoughts and actions of revulsion against Him and His followers. Jesus himself said that "if the world hates you, you know that it hated me before it hated you" (John15:18). If Lord God YHWH, and Jesus Christ never existed and satan also is a figment of imagination, why is it that the Bible is the most read and published book, why is it that the Lord Jesus Christ is the most controversial figure on earth, why is it that so many books have been written about Him, why is it that so many courses and materials are available about this "fictional" creator. If there was no element of truth (but ofcourse Jesus is the TRUTH only), the world would have long forgotten Him. On the contrary, everything possible is written about Him, mostly good... but there are few people who get pleasure in denying the divinity of Christ or the existence of God. My point is, if God is so unreal and so meaningless to you, why discuss Him at all. And if you are right, why have so many people right through history died for this cause. It was so easier to deny Him and live, or be not deprived, persecuted, reviled, denied basic human rights etc.
      Nonetheless, I wouldn''t wish that you neglect so great a gift of salvation, and find one day that you have to spend eternity in perpetual torment. There is a way out.. Jesus Christ. This same God who you and your kind accuse of being immoral, sick, sadistic still will forgive you, if you come to Him and grant you freedom from sin, pain, hellfire, demonic presence etc. God loves you... He forgives even the most vilest offender. Ofcourse, in your site, God's followers are the nasty ones in need of forgiveness, and not good persons like you. You are absolutely right. No Christian was good. Otherwise they wouldn't need God. Only when they felt the need of a Saviour who because of His grace has taken all the shame and guilt of sin upon Himself, they became free from sin... not because of their good works.

    • @HughJaxident67
      @HughJaxident67 4 года назад

      @@ivandgr8224 Part 1
      *I'd rather be called all sort of names, be abused, pilloried and be spat upon, kicked, and killed by the likes of you than say that the God of Abraham, Issac & Jacob, Moses, Elijah & David is a work of fiction*
      Which is just another way of saying 'you'll believe what you want to believe no matter what evidence, rational argument or sound reasoning is presented'. Thanks for confirming that your religion has completely closed your mind ;) BTW Yahweh was adopted by the Jews from Canaanite tradition where he was a member of a Pantheon of gods headed by El, Yahweh is not even the Jews fictional deity!
      *and thus my God who loved me so much so that He sent His only begotten son Jesus Christ to die for the sins of mankind*
      He loved you so much that he shackled you with the sickness of original sin and demanded that unless you believe and accept him, that you will spend an eternity in torment and torture - if that's your idea of loving, then your religion has poisoned your mind!!! BTW Jesus is allegedly god incarnate so he sent himself as a sacrifice to himself to create a loophole for conditions he originally created - Your religion is RIDICULOUS!!!
      *so that believing in this ultimate sacrifice of love and because of His grace, we are saved and guaranteed eternal life*
      Utter rot and shame on you for not just believing this crap but thinking it's a good thing. As for eternal life, who the hell would want to exist forever? Have you ever once thought about it? We are hardwired to be finite beings, an eternity in any state would eventually drive everyone insane unless we were altered in some fashion - then it wouldn't be 'us' anymore would it!
      *You may call the eternal, heavenly Father God all sorts of names_ wanton evil being, greatest monster, disgustingly immoral etc., but He still loves you*
      He is all these horrendous things but he is certainly NOT loving, in fact, he is anything but loving within the description and tenets of your theology. If your god did exist, I would want nothing to do with such a monster just on the basis of his divine ultimatum, 'love and accept me or get tortured for an eternity'. That isn't love, that is a Mafia strong arm tactic, 'pay up or suffer the consequences', well fuck your god and fuck you for claiming this is remotely loving - you are SICK!
      *That is what's so great about God. He is love, and He wants the world to love and not hate*
      Ah yes, he loved so much he enacted numerous genocides, killed children en masse and instructed others to do the same thing. 'Love me or get wiped from existence', you have no idea what love is, your religion has utterly warped your mind....
      *That is why so many Christians have died as martyrs*
      An all loving god would not allow for anyone to die in his name, martyrdom is something Islam thinks is a good idea and I'm sure you don't believe this makes their religion true, so why should this be any different for your religion eh??
      *Do you know if any God has been as abused or mocked as the Lord Jesus Christ? Why is this so? Is it because there must be something very right with Him with God so that it ushers in the thoughts and actions of revulsion against Him and His followers*
      Just LOLOLOL This is how ridiculous your thought processes really are....
      *Jesus himself said that "if the world hates you, you know that it hated me before it hated you" (John**15:18**)*
      Er no, whoever authored John was not even an eye witness (neither was any gospel writer as all of their authors remain anonymous). John was also most likely written in the early half of the second century which is another reason it could not have been an eye witness account. Either way, no one knows what Jesus 'said', this is what this author claimed was said. Here's a test for you, think back to a conversation you had yesterday, can you remember what was said? Perhaps the main theme of the discussion but not the specific dialogue right? Now, try and recall a conversation you had a year ago, what can you recall of that chat eh? Now try and recollect a conversation from 40 years ago and try and tell me you can recite verbatim what was said - NO ONE CAN DO THIS, NO ONE. Your gospels are so ridiculous that Matthew describes what Jesus was doing in the garden when all of the attendant disciples were asleep!!!! So tel me Einstein, who the hell recorded his words or what he was doing when everyone with him was asleep?????? It's utter nonsense, invented fiction, none of it ever happened and more fool you for believing it did!
      *If Lord God YHWH, and Jesus Christ never existed and satan also is a figment of imagination, why is it that the Bible is the most read and published book, why is it that the Lord Jesus Christ is the most controversial figure on earth, why is it that so many books have been written about Him, why is it that so many courses and materials are available about this "fictional" creator*
      This is an argument ad populum, a logical fallacy. It does not matter how many people believe a lie, it remains a lie, the truth remains the truth even if no one believes it. The Romans adopted Christianity, the largest Empire ever yet known to Europe and Asia minor, that is why your Christianity spread, that is why many books were written about Jesus! more than 2 billion people believe this nonsense and that's why we find lots of material about it!
      *If there was no element of truth (but ofcourse Jesus is the TRUTH only), the world would have long forgotten Him*
      No, Jesus is NOT the truth because you cannot demonstrate he is the truth and any claim of truth necessarily requires demonstration via evidence. Of course, using your faulty reasoning against you, Mohammed and Islam ought to be the truth because if not, the world should have forgotten him and yet 1.7 billion Muslims have not forgotten him and Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world - so explain that Einstein!
      *On the contrary, everything possible is written about Him, mostly good... but there are few people who get pleasure in denying the divinity of Christ or the existence of God*
      It appears you are blissfully ignorant about the history of your religion and the millions of deaths it's been responsible for. I do not get 'pleasure in denying anything about your deity', I simply see insufficient evidence to believe any of it is remotely true.
      *My point is, if God is so unreal and so meaningless to you, why discuss Him at all*
      Because beliefs always inform actions, Christianity does not exist in a vacuum, many Christians attempt to influence government policy and law so it includes measures consistent with their theology and beliefs and they do this at the detriment of others who do not believe the way they believe. That is precisely why it needs discussing because this world does not need the poison religions bring to the table
      *And if you are right, why have so many people right through history died for this cause*
      Many Muslims have died for their cause, does that mean Islam is true?

  • @backcheck31
    @backcheck31 5 лет назад +5

    Now that's a God-given talented voice. Lift His Name upon high! PTL!

  • @mikamika792
    @mikamika792 5 лет назад +23

    Oh my.... Her voice gives me the chills. Thank you Jesus

    • @HughJaxident67
      @HughJaxident67 4 года назад

      Why are you thanking Jesus when the girl was singing?

  • @slaveofLORDJESUS
    @slaveofLORDJESUS 4 года назад +1

    Very beautiful and meaningful especially for persons like me. Because HE had to pay a huge price to deliver me from the bondage of satan. I love you my Lord Jesus Christ

  • @sheelamae.socito
    @sheelamae.socito 5 лет назад +17

    Thank you Lord, How amazing and faithful you are. When im in battles remembering How merciful and you are, really made me cry. Thank you Lord. Worthy is to praise you Lord!

    • @sheelamae.socito
      @sheelamae.socito 5 лет назад

      Blessed afternoon, I can only speak english, n Filipino

  • @vulcan-900bobber7
    @vulcan-900bobber7 4 года назад +6

    Worthy is the Lamb of God Worthy is the I AM

  • @jeremykillpatrick5074
    @jeremykillpatrick5074 4 года назад +7

    Heaven and earth shall past away but his words and love shall not past away

  • @natassyamichelle1989
    @natassyamichelle1989 5 лет назад +38

    Love this song

  • @emmaabraham9197
    @emmaabraham9197 4 года назад +5

    In these moments of quarantine I thank God for being able to leave the world and return to it. Greetings

  • @stef422
    @stef422 3 года назад +3

    Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

  • @lionelal5767
    @lionelal5767 5 лет назад +13

    Lovee banget sama lagunya, moga 1 album dibuat video lirik kaya gini ya? Gila sih ini 1 album bagus semua soalnya 😍😍

  • @bonfer20
    @bonfer20 4 года назад +6

    At this uncertain time, its so comforting to know how worthy He is and how much He loves us. We are held in the arms of our Savior. Thank You Jesus❤

  • @headdragondavidaustinsimmo4025
    @headdragondavidaustinsimmo4025 4 года назад +7

    hallelujah all praise be to God he let me come from heaven so i could hear this my pretty thing my sister

  • @ritapoirier1870
    @ritapoirier1870 4 года назад +8

    HE IS MY "LIFE"❤

  • @laurajeffreys9347
    @laurajeffreys9347 5 лет назад +13

    Amen and Amen! He is SO Worthy!! Thank you Father!!

  • @davidjordan7161
    @davidjordan7161 5 лет назад +2

    Thank you , David Jordan

  • @eliezerpashanael5702
    @eliezerpashanael5702 5 лет назад +11

    Because He is our savior , tank God !

    • @chameycute836
      @chameycute836 5 лет назад

      Thanks my Lord Jesus. 👏👏😘😘

  • @roycelt9694
    @roycelt9694 4 года назад +4

    Jesus I adore you

  • @charmainevlog943
    @charmainevlog943 4 года назад +5

    Jesus I Love you Lord🙏🙏🙏💖

  • @arthurr7866
    @arthurr7866 4 года назад +9

    I was blessed to have a Compassion International child from the great nation of Indonesia many years ago. He is still prayed for 25 years later. I love you Andreas in Christ Jesus! Praying that you are still reigning victorious in Jesus my brother.

  • @sibolang6501
    @sibolang6501 5 лет назад +21

    I love Jesus

  • @bernard.rosario.2013
    @bernard.rosario.2013 4 года назад +8

    The voice of Natashia Midori makes this song delightful. Thank you sister for sharing your artistic talent. Your brethren in Christ rejoice. -Love, from the U.S.

  • @DinahReviews
    @DinahReviews 3 года назад +3

    Worthy is the Lamb, to receive praise, honor, AND worship!! My Savior, my Lord, my God. Thank you Jesus.

  • @HigherHope
    @HigherHope 3 года назад +2

    Guys can you include our brethren name Serio Pacura a 12 years old boy to your prayers who has right now an acute Leukemia, please we need a prayer warriors like you guys. May God bless you all, Thank you! All glory to God forever! we are no longer a slave to fear! hallelujah! hallelujah! hallelujah! thank you for your prayers!!!! Amen!

    • @psalmgabrielgabion
      @psalmgabrielgabion 7 месяцев назад


  • @sylvialongakit5551
    @sylvialongakit5551 3 года назад +9

    Amen you are worthy enough to worship Lord Jesus. Halleluia!

  • @josephsyukurperanginangin5029
    @josephsyukurperanginangin5029 5 лет назад +4

    Nice song membangun rohani

  • @laurawofford-brown4351
    @laurawofford-brown4351 5 лет назад +7

    Beautiful voice Beautiful Lzdy. May the Grace of Christ Jesus be with you. 🌈💜🦋

  • @barilinkhongjoh3362
    @barilinkhongjoh3362 4 года назад +3

    Thankyou Jesus for giving your life
    ...so we can live

  • @mariviccalivoso9329
    @mariviccalivoso9329 5 лет назад +20

    Amen a millions of times

  • @lyndao-wan8801
    @lyndao-wan8801 3 года назад +6

    Jesus you are worthy to be praise.Amen

  • @calebchia5136
    @calebchia5136 5 лет назад +11

    Beautiful voice

  • @donaldson6499
    @donaldson6499 2 года назад +2

    You died for my sin. Love you Jesus

  • @nammeus4302
    @nammeus4302 4 года назад +5

    Amen. Jesus our savior.🙏

  • @nayweeoen3793
    @nayweeoen3793 5 лет назад +19

    Jesus bless you.

  • @allanwright5231
    @allanwright5231 4 года назад +12

    Good song. God bless everyone who listens to this song

  • @shubhamdas4791
    @shubhamdas4791 4 года назад +3

    Amen wonder full song...sister lord porterck u ..amen ...

  • @thevlogginggeneral-johnnym122
    @thevlogginggeneral-johnnym122 2 года назад +7

    The best version. Thanks a lot. God bless you Sister

  • @danilodumagan2253
    @danilodumagan2253 3 года назад +2

    The Lord Jesus Christ is worthy to be worshiped because He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. Hallelujah.

  • @yamok2li
    @yamok2li 4 года назад +5

    The Lord is alive. He died on the cross for my sin. Praise the Lord. It is a very beautiful song.

  • @hughenadasilva5055
    @hughenadasilva5055 4 года назад +5

    Thank You Lord Jesus. You are Worthy.

  • @lowrenciaminj1670
    @lowrenciaminj1670 5 лет назад +15

    Thank you Lord!!
    Amazing song with amazing voice.
    God bless you always in abundance!!

  • @louisaccardi6808
    @louisaccardi6808 4 года назад +7

    Wonderful video with the crown of thorns and the other scenes along with the arrangement of this song. It touched me as I watched the scenes and heard the words. For some reason what stood out for me was the phrase, "The Darling of Heaven Crucified." Jesus was pure goodness and holy love that was cruelly treated and rejected, yet He loved us all the way to His last breath on the cross. Now He loves us forevermore. What a wonderful Savior we have in our Lord Jesus.

  • @marshaperez4158
    @marshaperez4158 4 года назад +15

    God bless you!!! Beautiful message in this song!!!🌷😊🌻

  • @ryzellmamay3143
    @ryzellmamay3143 3 года назад +1

    Jesus thank you sa pagmamahal s wlang HANGGANG pag gabay saamin

  • @Pigbelk
    @Pigbelk 4 года назад +6

    Natashia Midori, thanks for beautiful song.♥️🙏🏻

  • @eloisarheacruz4407
    @eloisarheacruz4407 4 года назад +4

    Yeyy! Go Indonesia!! - filipina from Toronto! ❤️

  • @photonspark
    @photonspark 5 лет назад +14

    Excellent version, your voice is clearly a gift from God, thanks for sharing your talent😊

  • @christinazothangmawi8812
    @christinazothangmawi8812 5 лет назад +5

    Praise the Lord!!..Thank you for the Cross Lord!!

  • @josegeraldo8663
    @josegeraldo8663 5 лет назад +8

    Thank you very much. The best voice. Wonderful song. Glory Jesus my Lord.