The depth and richness with which you explain the gospel is mind blowing and enriching. Indeed hard work and dedication bears fruit that can be enjoyed by the whole world at large. Thank you Dr NT Wright. May God continue to bless you and your family.
One might expect a deity, if there were such a thing, would be known by everyone or is fudging the title a bit. The fraud of religious people is revealed by the failure rate of prayers in a children's hospital & the lack of mountains moving by verbal commands. Theologians grant themselves the title without any input from a deity & then use fantasyland vocabulary in academic settings, usually as a podium jockey with clergyman dress. But if I can't use my weak argument, then I don't have an argument at all. Those arguing God, get their knowledge of deity from the same place they get understanding of reason. Rather than a beacon of inspirational light, they are avoided like the old woman with too many cats. It was secular law & order ending the inquisitions & witch killing. Nothing fails like prayer in a children's hospital & even Jesus Christ proclaims faith is worthless if you can't get magic mountains to move when you practice verbal-command landscaping. No wonder Freud wrote the antidote to Christianity is literacy. These are the wolves in sheep's clothing, you know them by their works: Who has honor while suggesting a reality-God? As if we did not have the saying: God helps those helping themselves, because the fiction is known for a perfect record of nothing-doing. Moreover, it cannot be moral or ethical to suggest there is a god. As if one should respect the suggestion, we all travel with one foot in fantasyland, using a fantasyland vocabulary. It is religious vocabulary fascism finds useful. Law is authorized from fantasyland & the workings are a mystery, unknown to the non-believers among the oppressed. I grew up in line to be sent to fight in the "Vietnam Conflict." I don't expect much from the national bomb-factory, so I don't vote. I tell people to consider this a prison without bars. Read the Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars.
Thank you Dr Wright for this wonderful talk which make clear something I always accepted that the purpose of Jesus teachings in the Gospels is to create Heaven on Earth not to wait for it 🙏 God bless you 🙏
He's preaching what the Early Church believed: that Jesus fought, and won, a cosmic battle to set the universe right. This is very much like the perspective of the Orthodox Church. Reformed Christianity (Calvin) and even more, Evangelicalism have focused more on the individual person's relationship to God. Most modern Christians have this understanding which translates into: How do "I" get to Heaven? Wright preaches a broader view, a corporate view, which was the view of the Early Church.
Thanks. After reading Romans all the way through in a single sitting, I think that one of Paul's main points for writing to all who were at Rome, was an appeal for unity in the church there - unity between Gentiles and Jews. Rome was a place where Jews were especially despised. Claudius had earlier expelled all Jews from the city! By the time he wrote, Jews had filtered back into the city, and into the church. Paul didn't want the prevailing attitude towards Jews to exist in the church at Rome. So he answers the question, "Has God cast away his people (the Jews)?" Paul was addressing an attitude which went too far. God hadn't cast them away: Jews could still be saved. His promises hadn't failed: a remnant of Jews did get saved, by the means God had always planned, which is faith; and Gentiles and Jews getting saved together is how it was always meant to happen according to the prophets, and how it is to continue until the end, Paul showed. So Paul wasn't so much forecasting a future Jewish dispensation; nor was he discussing why some of us get saved and others don't - he was really just dealing with a threat to the unity of the church at Rome. Jews shouldn't think that the Gospel can't be right because it hadn't been completely accepted by Israel; and Gentiles shouldn't think too lowly of Jews as if a Jew couldn't get saved anymore. Jews needn't expect Gentiles to become proselytes to Judaism; and Gentiles shouldn't utterly despise any Jewish church members who still felt conscientious about diet and days (chapters 14,15) To make chapters 9-11 instead a discussion about why some individuals get saved and others don't; or about a future Jewish dispensation, would come completely out of left field; quite outside the flow of where Paul was going. But what would I know.
Endless, Song·Love the monicker). about the time I was introduced to Dr Wrights work, I was coming to a great appreciation of the Christian distinctive, the Resurrection, Christ as the firstfruits-and the rest of us, the full our turn. I was realizing that there had to be more than floating around disembodied in a Platonic empyrean forever with my Lord I was captivated by Toms notion of life after life after death. Made lots more sense. Pauls teaching of a new spiritually embodied existence in the new spiritual creation. Changing the subjectI note that despite the fact that Wright poo-poos what some call the Rapture, Im literlaist enough about the Scripture to believe that if Paul says we shall be caught up to Jesus, when we see him coming in the clouds- the great cloud of witness of the Hebrews? According to the Word, we will be caught up to Christ immediately after we are changed, simultaneously with the resurrection of 1 Cor 15. I wonder whether Wright has been embarrassed by th ''Evangelical, Left Behinders' Theyre 'Bad News', may God help them', on the Right, and Shamed by the Liberal Scholars on the Left. It seems to me perhaps, that as the Savior Ascended from the Mount of Olives, and will reappear to catch us up. I coud be wrong, but it seems to me that The Rapture for the whole Harvest is the functional counterpart of the Ascension of Christ as the First-Fruits
13:25 "we've domesticated these powerful stories", 19:30 "this is a vision of radical cosmic renewal, and we have turned it into religion". 23:05 "cruciform theocracy". 40:25 "when God wants to change the world he doesn't send in the tanks". 47:18 is the end of his talk. Questions and answers follow. 54:54 rhyming poetry Giorgio Agamben 1:03:03 "the real stuff on the ground locally". 1:05:53 "the gospel is not about something other than God's creation and humans within it".
This is the truth and I conquer. I had this feeling for a long time. Let's share in all the languages available and b the pioneers of the bringers of the kingdom of Jesus to earth. And at least have something to live and die for in love like God from one another. Indeed. Praise the Lord God is time to kill violence and death and live forever and ever indeed in 💕🎉❤
37:10 "The Western Enlightenment of the 18th century, and after, has hated that message [of the Kingdom of God which has entered history decisively through Jesus], because its own claim has been that nothing really happened with Jesus except a few new religious options, for those so inclined. And that the real turning point in of history was the 18th century with new science and technology and western democracy, and that clash stands behind many of our puzzles today"
As CS Lewis said, “The greatest witness of the Kingdom is a hospital”. There are few, if any, charity hospitals in the world before Christianity. In many nations, nobody but Christians and Jews care for the poor, sick, and females. Karma is getting what you deserve. Christianity offers mercy and grace.
"Nobody but Christians and The Jews car for the poor" 😅Matthew 21:43 Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people producing its fruits.
Rev Wright is right , it's the bible , nothing could be clearer , can't understand all the critical, negative comments , unless you have a problem with Jesus , God.
What is your problem with Hercules? My issue is with the dishonesty religion forces it's followers to practice. Your comment is a perfect example. I hope you don't actually think people have issues with "Jesus". But you made that lie so casually and easily without even considering the truth to attempt and shame others.
["WE. ARE. HIS. HANDIWORK." 🌺 Nbrs. 23:23; Isa. 26:12; John 6:27, 28, 29; ROMANS 4:2-5, etc.) "Without Me, you can. do. nothing." "ABIDE WITH ME, and LET MY WORDS ABIDE IN YOU. "He that abideth in Me and I in him, THE SAME BRINGETH FORTH MUCH FRUIT. "HEREIN is My Father glorified, THAT YE BEAR MUCH FRUIT; SO shall ye be My disciples." (John 15, KJV)
The only way America could work as a society with its vast religious, ethnic, racial variety, is by having a strict separation of church and state. This is the true origin of the concept Wright questions. Whether Jesus meant that or not, practicality rules among limited human beings, especially among cantankerous Americans, never impossible religious idealism.
@@RickKaiserrsk Mustard seeds grow rapidly, just as yeast transforms and expands flour. Mustard plants are a voracious weed which penetrates brick and stone to break up walls and floors and roads, transforming the world. Beginning at the bottom of society, among ignored and despised people, creating revolution.
Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world. John 18:36. Kingdom of God is NOT an earthly Kingdom. The Kingdom is within everyone of us. Luke 17:21-22. Seek first (Matthew 6:33) the Kingdom of God within you.
We all must come into the Unity of the Faith and swing the Two-Edged Sword of our Lord Jesus Christ in Unison. See Population Growth Explosion around 1948 when Physical Israel became a nation. Judgment begins at the House of God
I think we were unfair to Bishop Wright with the allocated time. He brought to fore the main mission of Christ on earth as recorded in the Gospels. This could be linked to John 3:16 and the global plan of God for mankind. This new Humanity is what is lacking. His concept of theocracy could be misunderstood. I guessed if he had more time there could have been more elucidation on it. That is the voncept of the Shite Moslem now. We will be glad to have him revisit this in the future.
So when you say 4 gospels, do you mean 4 "good news" accounts. I ask because pluralizing the word "gospel" would seem to imply different gospels. But there is only one gospel, not four. There are 4 accounts of Jesus life, living, death and resurrection, but only one gospel. Paul speaks about "his" gospel Romans 2:16. Is it another gospel than Christ's? God forbid! It is the gospel of Jesus Christ whether told by Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, or Paul. There is only one gospel.
The Kingdom of God is a real Government. Unlike most churches teach, it is not an intangible feeling in each individual's heart. In 1914, Christ Jesus was installed as King and was authorized to “go subduing in the midst of [his] enemies.” (Psalm 110:1, 2) Also in that year, “the last days” of this present wicked system of things began. (2 Timothy 3:1-5, 13) At the same time, events that Daniel had seen in prophetic vision actually took place in heaven. “The Ancient of Days,” Jehovah God, conferred upon the Son of man, Jesus Christ, “rulership and dignity and kingdom, that the peoples, national groups and languages should all serve even him.” Reporting on the vision, Daniel wrote: “His rulership is an indefinitely lasting rulership that will not pass away, and his kingdom one that will not be brought to ruin.” (Daniel 7:13, 14) It is by means of this heavenly Kingdom in the hands of Christ Jesus that God will enable lovers of righteousness to enjoy the countless good things that he purposed when he put our first human parents in Paradise. God’s Kingdom is a stable, enduring government (Daniel 2:44). Its enduring quality is ensured by the fact that Jehovah himself is not subject to death. (Habakkuk 1:12) In contrast with human kings, Jesus Christ, the one to whom God has entrusted kingship, is also immortal. (Romans 6:9; 1 Timothy 6:15, 16). JW.Org ( Matthew 18:8= You receive freely, give freely).
What Gospel did Jesus preached? The true gospel talks about the Kingdom of God. Luke 4:43 "I must preach the Kingdom of God to the other cities also, for I was sent for this purpose." Matt 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom (NOT the Bible; NOT Jesus; NOT his Resurrection nor the Cross) will be proclaimed throughout the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come." Luke 9:2 And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God,... Luke 16:16 Since that time, the good news of the kingdom of God is being preached, All churches & pastors in the world preached the wrong Gospel... The gospel of the kingdom is not about Jesus. Is about the kingdom of God.
Based on the saying of Jesus in Matthew 24:14, the ONLY one true Gospel...that is the Kingdom of God preached by Jesus, will be proclaimed as a testimony to all nations, and the END will come. From the beginning till the end, the only one true gospel is the gospel of the Kingdom.
You seem to be missing the point. The Kingdom of God is Christological, meaning, it is Christ centred. All that the Kingdom consists of (the promises brought forth through the OT to explain the Kingdom) is fulfilled through Jesus. Through His incarnation, crucifixion, death, and resurrection - Jesus fulfilled (and is fulfilling - “already not yet” paradox found within the Bible) the promises and brought the Kingdom. Saying the gospel is not about Jesus is skewed, for the bringing and fulfilling of that Kingdom is through Jesus and Jesus alone. Very Christ Centred.
Jesus preached the kingdom of God, but He IS THE KING of the kingdom of God. You can't have a kingdom without a king. And before you say "God is the King", Jesus is God. And the Father promised He would give the Kingdom to the Son. It's not very hard to understand, unless you don't believe the Bible (or are ashamed of Christ's words), in which case there's really no point in arguing.
The Heavenly Kingdom is not a place…it is a way of being! Spiritual life is not the learning of spiritual truths, but a life of union-communication with the Holy Spirit Sainthood which is a description of being Holy is a supernatural state of being that is an acknowledgment of the Union of man with God. This union takes place in a Mysterious way during Baptism delivered by the Apostles as described in (Galatians 3:27) “You were baptized into union with Christ, and now you are clothed, with the life of Christ himself” In his first letter to the Corinthians chapter 6 verse 19 the Apostle of the nations Paul is very clear in describing the “details” of this supernatural union/condition. “Don’t you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and who was given to you by God?” Being the temple of God (Holy) describes the only purpose on man on earth and it also describes describes the Heavenly Kingdom. [Luke 17:21] No one will say, “Look here it is”! Or, “There it is!” because the Kingdom of God is within you”. So when the body becomes the Temple of the Holy Spirit the words in (John 17:3) “And Eternal life means knowing you, the only true God, and knowing Jesus whom you sent” take a new enlightening meaning. Eternal Life: The union with God. It is the remaking of man by Lord Jesus to a new creation, a godman by the grace of God! This is how (the Holy Spirit with in) the Apostles and the Saints teach and make miracles. The words “Knowing you” : Is is communicating with God (Eternal Light) during an actual physical experience through which the Apostles and the Saints get Apocalypses or Revelation The Heavenly Kingdom is not a place…it is a way of being! The Image and Likeness of Godвидео.html If the Salvation does not include the return to the presence of God...what good is it? The vision of Divine Light This is what Lord Jesus told St. Symeon when He became worthy to His presence in His Divine Light. “It is me, God, Who became man for you; and behold that I have made you, as you see, and shall make you god”. Ierotheos Metropolitan of Naupaktos about Greek Orthodox Baptism “Through the "rite of birth in God", holy baptism, man's nous (mind) is illuminated, freed from slavery to sin and the devil, and is united with God. The word Salvation means "salvation from death" and the word "death" means the eternal separation of man from God! What Is the Orthodox Church? - Fr. Andrew Stephen Damickвидео.html God bless
Pilate asked the Lord Jesus, are you the King of the Jesus, worried Maccabean rebellion, He replied ,did you come to this conclusion yourself or did others tell you, Pilate said, you own nation and the chief priests have delivered you to me, The Lord Jesus stated, My Kingdom is not of this World , if My Kingdom were of this world them would servants fight, that I would not be delivered to Jews, but now My kingdom is not for now
Nice words but hard to follow and relate to the simple Gospel. I do not consider myself ignorant of scripture and history, but his message seems vague without biblical take-aways.
WHAT JESUS MEANT BY SOME PEOPLE NOT ENTERING THE KINGDOM OF GOD (PSST…NOT HELL!) Most of the Jews of Jesus' day believed in an imminent Day of Judgment-- a large Citizenship Court Hearing, that a new king, called the Messiah, would conduct following his arrival to oust the Romans from Judea. For those Jews who had been faithful to God, the Jewish prophets promised citizenship in this coming kingdom--the new, independent, theocratic, Jewish government the Messiah would set up, beginning in Jerusalem and, from there, eventually, spreading to all the rest of the earth! To be clear, this "Kingdom of God," was not some pie in the sky, but a real, earthly government, with a lot of people working in many of the administrative positions, and all the perks that would go with them, like nice places to live! This new state of Israel was the "inheritance" God promised the Jewish people once they repented of their sins. But it was obvious, especially in Jesus' day, that not all the Jews were living according to what the Law of Moses and the Prophets said they should, but just doing whatever they could get away with under Roman rule, to live it up, even at the expense of their fellow Jews! These errant Jews were called "sinners," and the ones thought to be the worst sinners were the "publicans," those who collected taxes for Rome by defrauding their fellow Jews. The faithful Jews, however, believed the Messiah would grant citizenship in the new Jewish government only to the observant Jews, and the "sinners and publicans" would be exiled and regarded no better than all the other Gentiles, if not worse! Jesus of Nazareth spoke about this coming Citizenship Court Day, but he added another element to it--that many of those who were claiming to be the most righteous for all their outward piety would actually end up worse off than the "sinners and publicans"! He said they would not only fail to receive some of the really good jobs in the new government of the Messiah, but would not even get citizenship at all! In fact, he said the Messiah was going to look at all their phony good works as if they are just a bunch of dry sticks and have them (the fake good works, that is) all "burned up"! Then, they'd have to leave and, in effect, be thrown out into the "cold" of exile from the kingdom and, as they're leaving, they would be crying ("weeping") and their teeth would begin chattering, ("gnashing") from the metaphorical sense of "darkness" and "cold" they're going to feel when, in complete contrast to all their expectations, they'll end up being the LAST ones to ever get their citizenship! However, it's not that Jesus said anyone, not even the self-righteous, would NEVER get their "green card" in the coming kingdom of God. He did say the "sinners and publicans" would get theirs beforehand! But let's be clear, it's nuts to think Jesus' many warnings to the self-righteous and fake pious people of his day would result in, themselves, getting burned alive in some spirit world after they die! It was only due to a real misunderstand of Jesus' teachings about fake good works getting "burned up" by later Greco-Roman converts to Christianity who thought he meant to say the exiled would, themselves, get burned alive! Thing is, there are false preachers and teachers who are perpetuating this mistaken idea as if it were really true! The real question, though, is whether or not Jesus truly believed in the coming of a literal Jewish state run by a special king! It would appear that he did not! Sure, he spoke about the coming "Kingdom" in the terms most of his listeners would understand...but only to call out the religious hypocrisy he felt had run rampant in his day. Toward the end of his ministry, he began to openly say what HE considered the REAL "Kingdom of God" to be-- a "place" located only in the hearts and minds of PEOPLE (Luke 17:20-21)! Rick Lannoye, author of Got questions? Go to
At 56-56 08 Rev Wright's comments on "God's wise and gentle stewardship over creation" I find this comment quite astonishing in the light of the Old Testament revelations respecting God's behaviour or stewardship. The conquest by force of arms, the theft, of the lands belonging to other tribal nations by his chosen people reveals not God's gentle touch, but shockingly his ruthless mind.
The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. No human society owns anything and their squatting status of any given parcel of land can be granted and revoked at will by its Creator. Furthermore, these weren't kingdoms of blue-haired old church ladies God killed but child-sacrificing pagans who saw what God can do with the plagues in Egypt and refused to repent. They deserved what they got.....just like Israel did when they followed in their sinful footsteps.
@@John-Adams According, then, to your philosophy, peoples and nations are seen as but squatters by God, on the earth that he owns; to be granted permission to stay or to be evicted without notice.Such an overview, however, presents God not just as a ruthless and sadistic landlord, but one who is also mightily confused in his own mind. The trials and tribulations of his chosen people, at his hand, is but one example of his reckless nature-which culminated in the destruction of the kingdom of Israel and the destruction of Jerusalem and massacre of its inhabitants. And when you say "They deserved what they got" in reference to the Ten Plagues inflicted on the people of Egypt, do you actually realise what you are saying. The enslavement of the Hebrews by the Pharaohs of Egypt, should not be blamed on the everyday people of Egypt. God's spate with Pharaoh, over captivity of his chosen people was a personal thing and it should have remained so. There was no need or cause to inflict punishments on the entire population of Egypt, just because of Pharaoh's obstinacy. God's stupidity or sadism becomes apparent in his first nine plagues. For we find no mention of protection for his enslaved people against these nine plagues inflicted on Egypt. God's concern for his people is remarkable absent during this period of time. Everybody suffered even his own people. Further stupidity is found in the time it took God to make up his mind to act. 450 years, if I am not mistaken was the time of the Hebrews captivity. Then came the final horrific act of the 10 Plague-the killing of the first born of every Egyptian, even those of the animal kingdom! And let us not forget the killing of the first born of the captive in the dungeon. The actions of this biblical god were breathtakingly stupid and barbaric!
This wonderful lecture is only marred when Bishop Wright claims that the "concept of THEOCRACY sends shivers down our modern western democratic spines", this is not entirely correct. It is ONLY the concept of Judeo/Christian theocracy which has this effect. Most of the British people today (modern, western, democratic) appear quite content with the prospect of an Islamic theocracy. Of course, the 'Kingship of God', as envisaged by Jesus and Bishop Wright is of an entirely different from from that intended, and hoped for, by Moslems. But this is just ONE of the problems with the Church no longer preaching and teaching the 'full-on'Jesus'!
The Gospels is Old Testament teaching for a Jewish remnant who will bring in Gods kingdom with 1000 year reign read Isaiah . The church is neither Jew our Gentile but one new creation in Christ his body as Paul say to preach Christ’s death and resurrection to put faith on that finished work on the cross. God promised that Abraham seed would inherit the earth with a king ruling over it the earth as we know it will not improve until this kingdom will be established by God the lamb will lie down beside the lion . Read the scriptures so much wrong teaching
@@stephenmckean3232 Thank you for this plite response, Stephen; but I'm afraid I do not 'read' our scriptres as 'prophecy'; except when it comes to that of the Messianic kind. And that prophecy has been fulfilled.
Epicureanism is essential to bourgeois power, and is part of bourgeois ideology, aka Liberalism (including Neoliberal/Neoclassical economics). It is essential to dehumanise, de-spiritualise and demoralise the political and worklife worlds so as to enable the absolute power of the rich over the rest of society, business owners over employees and the financial greed of corporations, rentiers and so on over political decision-making and the state, to be able to get away with pretending that the combined private interests of private businesses constitute the common good, and to be able to get away with the idolatry of private property, markets and market forces, the profit-motive as innovation and dynamism rather than greed and so on. That is why Epicureanism has taken over and been normalised into apparent common sense-icality, including the arbitrary and false division of life into seperate compartments of "religion" and "secular" which Evangelicalism assumes in its false eschatology and cosmology: because it serves the interests of the rich as the ruling class. That idolatrous cosmology and worship, in the process of capital accumulation, in public, cultural and political life cannot be erased just by preaching, because those ideas serve private interests. People find it extraodinarily difficult to accept ideas their income depends on not accepting. Those structures of power and wealth have to be overthrown before people will be able to reject Epicureanism, which is just too convenient to the lives of the wealthy and powerful.
Does Wright superimpose his conclusion of "an angry, wrathful, God" over and onto the protestant reformed conclusion? Wright's view of the cross reveals a loving, just, and good God (looking through his lenses, worldview). The protestant reformer's view of the cross likewise leads to a loving, just and good God (looking through their lenses, worldview). When Wright mentions the view of protestant churches leads to "a bully or hate filled or wrathful God, or a God who's motivation to send Jesus to die on a cross was hate, and Protestants just throw love at the end of the story, a God who's out to get you," the conclusion he paints reveals Wright possesses a premise that "God is unjust". A bully's behavior is unjust, and attributing the term "bully" to God, insinuates an unjust God. However, the protestant reformed view from their worldview and angle cannot conclude this. There is no injustice with God on either side. So where had Wright gotten this idea? It's possible that his denial of the wrath of God falling on his son, and his acceptance of God's wrath only falling on the sin within Jesus, point to the potential culprit. Since he denies the wrath of God falling on the person of Jesus, this leads to Wright's thought that such an act if the case would be unjust, therefore an unjust God. But the conclusion Wright seems to be coming to is only justified from his own beliefs, and cannot and is not the conclusion of reformers because they do affirm what Wright denies. My conclusion, Wright superimposes his conclusion of an angry bully God as if that is the reformed conclusion, when it is not. When Wright speaks like this he offends protestant Christians when doing so because it appears as a false caricature, of something protestant Christians don't believe about God (that God is unjust). If Wright would never make such statements and simply stuck with the bible, the appearance of offense would never have happened. I have nothing against Wright, and I'm not saying a belief in or denial of who or what God's wrath fell on or not.
The Battle For Ideas. Have you ever read Jonathan Edwards sermon, “Sinner in the hands of an angry God.” In Edwards view God seams to be a bully and nothing like the God revealed in the face of Christ Jesus.
260 Kingdom of God Jesus preached about the Kingdom of God. Only about the Kingdom of God. 1)"Be born-again to see the Kingdom of God". He continued to Nicodemus who still was skeptical, "the wind's effect could be seen on trees". Though being BORN AGAIN is internal and non-observable, the effect of the KOG would be observable in the surroundings, as the effect of wind on trees. 2) Of the Kingdom of God Jesus said " KOG is at hand". The Kingdom of God is right here and right now. 3) Jesus further said "Whatever you have done to the least of your neighbour, you have done unto me". Where the powerless neighbour is treated as King God, there is the Kingdom of God . But who is the least in the neighborhood? Whoever at the receiving end of a transaction is the least in the environment. A pedestrian in front of the car driver. A king in front of the tax-payer. Next one to use the toilet. Listener in front of the preacher with a mike. The posterity... Even tomorrow's me is at the receiving end today's me…. Where the sermon on the mountain is considered as practicable and honestly followed there is the Kingdom of God. Kingdom of God envisioned by Jesus is simply treating the least in the neighbourhood as the King God. To serve the powerless neighbour as the King God. One needs to be born again to replace the attitude of exploitation with the attitude of love and care towards the weak neighbour. Born again childlike mind is representative of a child's readiness to accept new interpretation of nature, ie. the scientific temper too. When we look around we will not be able to see KOG anywhere in the world. Churches build mansions in the name of the Kingdom of God. Church authorities and elders fight to loot the asset. Though denominations differ on petty details they are in harmony about the impracticability of the Sermon on the Mountain. Jesus invites individuals, not Church nor any establishment, to follow Him bearing one's own cross. If I find the invitation attractive, the onus is on me to bear my cross and follow Him from this moment on. Bearing one's own cross simply means to take the decision in favour of the weak neighbour (decision to serve little neighbour as King God). Now and here, at hand, is the Kingdom of God. Jesus invites each individual to create a node of one's own Kingdom of God around oneself, where the least in the environment is treated as King God. As long as the least in the neighborhood remains neglected, the Kingdom of God is willingly avoided by the individual. It's futile to wait for the Kingdom of God after the death neglecting the Kingdom of God at hand. The "Kingdom of God" which is at hand, as envisioned by Jesus is to be created willingly by bearing one's own cross. The cross of treating the little one in the neighborhood as King God. Anyone who wishes to follow Him, needs to take decisions in favour of the little one in the neighborhood , "Right here right now".. every moment of life. Indeed a cross, not as easy as following the mindless rituals prescribed by any religion. Jesus' invitation is to bear own cross to create the "Kingdom of God" at hand. No erring establishment, nor a leader unable to walk the talk, should be an impediment to the formation of my own personal "Kingdom of God".... The microcosm of "Kingdom of God" is at the node of the individual who decides to take Jesus' invitation "to be born again to see the Kingdom of God" seriously.
This guy has got it wrong! What is loosed on earth is loosed in heaven! Not the other way around. Also the Kingdom(s) of God are all smaller than a mustard seed. Perhaps an Atom? Also, Does not LIfe beget Life? Scientifically trudging, Is there not Our Cosmos and the Microcosmos and finally the Sub-Microcosmos? Who'd guess?
Eze 34:29 And I will raise up for them a PLANT OF RENOWN, and they shall be no more consumed with hunger in the land, neither bear the shame of the heathen any more. Cannabis for all of us? THINK>
Sorry to say but it's you that has it wrong.... even in your citation. Matthew 13 (the source of the mustard seed PARABLE) says nothing about the size of the kingdom. The point of the parable is that the smallest of things grow to have large results. So it is with the Kingdom... the little band of disciples were used to change the world... and that change, as NT Wright has not stopped.
Jim Needham It is noteworthy to notice the birds that perch on it. These birds are referenced in the previous parable to be the enemy!who causes the problem of growth.
Nuff said, indeed. The Bishop is simply telling what Jesus had in mind when he spoke of the K of God - based on the historic context in which Jesus lived, died and taught. If it is theocracy or nonsense your argument is with Jesus, not Wright.
In the end, you sign up for liberal programs. So much work to produce such a trite outcome. And the dude's trashing of Americans every chance he gets, well, it's classic Brit snobbery. Tell me, Lord Bishop, how is the health of your English church compared to American churches....You've lost your own people and your country and you have the arrogance to look down your nose at the colonials? Your theology might be thrilling, but no one in your country cares about the wreck of the Church of England.
A friend in church recommended NT Wright and it’s totally inspired me.
The depth and richness with which you explain the gospel is mind blowing and enriching. Indeed hard work and dedication bears fruit that can be enjoyed by the whole world at large. Thank you Dr NT Wright. May God continue to bless you and your family.
One might expect a deity, if there were such a thing, would be known by everyone or is fudging the title a bit.
The fraud of religious people is revealed by the failure rate of prayers in a children's hospital & the lack of mountains moving by verbal commands.
Theologians grant themselves the title without any input from a deity & then use fantasyland vocabulary in academic settings, usually as a podium jockey with clergyman dress.
But if I can't use my weak argument, then I don't have an argument at all.
Those arguing God, get their knowledge of deity from the same place they get understanding of reason.
Rather than a beacon of inspirational light, they are avoided like the old woman with too many cats. It was secular law & order ending the inquisitions & witch killing. Nothing fails like prayer in a children's hospital & even Jesus Christ proclaims faith is worthless if you can't get magic mountains to move when you practice verbal-command landscaping. No wonder Freud wrote the antidote to Christianity is literacy. These are the wolves in sheep's clothing, you know them by their works: Who has honor while suggesting a reality-God? As if we did not have the saying: God helps those helping themselves, because the fiction is known for a perfect record of nothing-doing. Moreover, it cannot be moral or ethical to suggest there is a god. As if one should respect the suggestion, we all travel with one foot in fantasyland, using a fantasyland vocabulary. It is religious vocabulary fascism finds useful. Law is authorized from fantasyland & the workings are a mystery, unknown to the non-believers among the oppressed.
I grew up in line to be sent to fight in the "Vietnam Conflict."
I don't expect much from the national bomb-factory, so I don't vote.
I tell people to consider this a prison without bars.
Read the Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars.
Thank you Dr Wright for this wonderful talk which make clear something I always accepted that the purpose of Jesus teachings in the Gospels is to create Heaven on Earth not to wait for it 🙏 God bless you 🙏
Wonderful and inspiring teaching.
I love this man...
@Mário R I wish more people did.
@@preacherofthecross I’ve been listening to a lot of his stuff the past couple years, very brilliant thinker.
He's preaching what the Early Church believed: that Jesus fought, and won, a cosmic battle to set the universe right. This is very much like the perspective of the Orthodox Church. Reformed Christianity (Calvin) and even more, Evangelicalism have focused more on the individual person's relationship to God. Most modern Christians have this understanding which translates into: How do "I" get to Heaven? Wright preaches a broader view, a corporate view, which was the view of the Early Church.
Isn't it both? Individual and corporate.
What do you think Romans 9-11 was really all about (Israel, foreknew, election, etc)
Thanks. After reading Romans all the way through in a single sitting, I think that one of Paul's main points for writing to all who were at Rome, was an appeal for unity in the church there - unity between Gentiles and Jews.
Rome was a place where Jews were especially despised. Claudius had earlier expelled all Jews from the city! By the time he wrote, Jews had filtered back into the city, and into the church. Paul didn't want the prevailing attitude towards Jews to exist in the church at Rome.
So he answers the question, "Has God cast away his people (the Jews)?" Paul was addressing an attitude which went too far. God hadn't cast them away: Jews could still be saved.
His promises hadn't failed: a remnant of Jews did get saved, by the means God had always planned, which is faith; and Gentiles and Jews getting saved together is how it was always meant to happen according to the prophets, and how it is to continue until the end, Paul showed.
So Paul wasn't so much forecasting a future Jewish dispensation; nor was he discussing why some of us get saved and others don't - he was really just dealing with a threat to the unity of the church at Rome.
Jews shouldn't think that the Gospel can't be right because it hadn't been completely accepted by Israel; and Gentiles shouldn't think too lowly of Jews as if a Jew couldn't get saved anymore.
Jews needn't expect Gentiles to become proselytes to Judaism; and Gentiles shouldn't utterly despise any Jewish church members who still felt conscientious about diet and days (chapters 14,15)
To make chapters 9-11 instead a discussion about why some individuals get saved and others don't; or about a future Jewish dispensation, would come completely out of left field; quite outside the flow of where Paul was going.
But what would I know.
Endless, Song·Love the monicker). about the time I was introduced to Dr Wrights work, I was coming to a great appreciation of the Christian distinctive, the Resurrection, Christ as the firstfruits-and the rest of us, the full our turn. I was realizing that there had to be more than floating around disembodied in a Platonic empyrean forever with my Lord I was captivated by Toms notion of life after life after death. Made lots more sense. Pauls teaching of a new spiritually embodied existence in the new spiritual creation.
Changing the subjectI note that despite the fact that Wright poo-poos what some call the Rapture, Im literlaist enough about the Scripture to believe that if Paul says we shall be caught up to Jesus, when we see him coming in the clouds- the great cloud of witness of the Hebrews?
According to the Word, we will be caught up to Christ immediately after we are changed, simultaneously with the resurrection of 1 Cor 15. I wonder whether Wright has been embarrassed by th ''Evangelical, Left Behinders' Theyre 'Bad News', may God help them', on the Right, and Shamed by the Liberal Scholars on the Left. It seems to me perhaps, that as the Savior Ascended from the Mount of Olives, and will reappear to catch us up. I coud be wrong, but it seems to me that The Rapture for the whole Harvest is the functional counterpart of the Ascension of Christ as the First-Fruits
@@allnations360 Right, people aren't going to be as interested in setting the universe right if they think it all ends at the grave.
thank you so much for posting this. this answers my many questions about the kingdom.
Sincerely grateful for your sharing of this masterpiece.
13:25 "we've domesticated these powerful stories", 19:30 "this is a vision of radical cosmic renewal, and we have turned it into religion". 23:05 "cruciform theocracy". 40:25 "when God wants to change the world he doesn't send in the tanks". 47:18 is the end of his talk. Questions and answers follow. 54:54 rhyming poetry Giorgio Agamben 1:03:03 "the real stuff on the ground locally". 1:05:53 "the gospel is not about something other than God's creation and humans within it".
Such a 'knowing' way of looking at the Bible. Thanks.
This is the truth and I conquer. I had this feeling for a long time. Let's share in all the languages available and b the pioneers of the bringers of the kingdom of Jesus to earth. And at least have something to live and die for in love like God from one another. Indeed. Praise the Lord God is time to kill violence and death and live forever and ever indeed in 💕🎉❤
I now heard about Richard Hayes and O'Donavan so my listening continues thanks
37:10 "The Western Enlightenment of the 18th century, and after, has hated that message [of the Kingdom of God which has entered history decisively through Jesus], because its own claim has been that nothing really happened with Jesus except a few new religious options, for those so inclined. And that the real turning point in of history was the 18th century with new science and technology and western democracy, and that clash stands behind many of our puzzles today"
On Earth as it is in heaven
IN earth as it is in Heaven. You are the earth.
@@truevision3189 not at all
As CS Lewis said, “The greatest witness of the Kingdom is a hospital”. There are few, if any, charity hospitals in the world before Christianity. In many nations, nobody but Christians and Jews care for the poor, sick, and females. Karma is getting what you deserve. Christianity offers mercy and grace.
"Nobody but Christians and The Jews car for the poor" 😅Matthew 21:43 Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people producing its fruits.
@commonsurvivor gentiles, you mean?
Bless you for this message.
"Our Father, who is everywhere......"
Very well said.
Rev Wright is right , it's the bible , nothing could be clearer , can't understand all the critical, negative comments , unless you have a problem with Jesus , God.
What is your problem with Hercules? My issue is with the dishonesty religion forces it's followers to practice. Your comment is a perfect example. I hope you don't actually think people have issues with "Jesus". But you made that lie so casually and easily without even considering the truth to attempt and shame others.
["WE. ARE. HIS. HANDIWORK." 🌺 Nbrs. 23:23;
Isa. 26:12;
John 6:27, 28, 29;
ROMANS 4:2-5, etc.)
"Without Me, you can. do.
"He that abideth in Me and
I in him, THE SAME
"HEREIN is My Father
shall ye be
My disciples."
(John 15, KJV)
Instruct believers to download and listen to the audio bible every day. However, ministers of the Church of England risk becoming irrelevant.
It is time for Preterism and goodbye to Dispy
The world TOMORROW😮❤😊
I've always regarded the SPCK as the society for the prevention of christian knowledge.
Why? I’m not familiar with it would like to know.
Only The late Dr.Munroe has the capacity to explain the message of the Kingdom.
You think God not going to give the capacity to others to teach this subject.
Munroe had a lot of new age thinking intertwined in his teachings unfortunately. It’s a very new view he has as in from the last 120 years
Jesus brought in a new age. Not new age.
The only way America could work as a society with its vast religious, ethnic, racial variety, is by having a strict separation of church and state. This is the true origin of the concept Wright questions. Whether Jesus meant that or not, practicality rules among limited human beings, especially among cantankerous Americans, never impossible religious idealism.
The Kingdom of God is a State of mind. A new spiritual State in which the King reigns by a Spirit.
The "Kingdom(s) of God" are inside all things of Life. Smaller than a mustard seed perhaps the Atomes?
That's what you may think. The question is if that is what Jesus taught. It certainly doesn't seem so.
The Kingdom of God is creation made new. It is a fusion of spirit and matter into a new reality. Christianity is not Platonism.
@@RickKaiserrsk Mustard seeds grow rapidly, just as yeast transforms and expands flour. Mustard plants are a voracious weed which penetrates brick and stone to break up walls and floors and roads, transforming the world. Beginning at the bottom of society, among ignored and despised people, creating revolution.
Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world. John 18:36. Kingdom of God is NOT an earthly Kingdom. The Kingdom is within everyone of us. Luke 17:21-22. Seek first (Matthew 6:33) the Kingdom of God within you.
Read George Eldon Ladd’s book on the gospel of the kingdom. It is considered by many to be the standard for understanding the kingdom of God.
In the sense that it doesn't follow the ways of the world
We all must come into the Unity of the Faith and swing the Two-Edged Sword of our Lord Jesus Christ in Unison. See Population Growth Explosion around 1948 when Physical Israel became a nation. Judgment begins at the House of God
Huh? Zionist Empire Religion is the worst idea I ever heard.
May GOD,s will be done...
I think we were unfair to Bishop Wright with the allocated time.
He brought to fore the main mission of Christ on earth as recorded in the Gospels. This could be linked to John 3:16 and the global plan of God for mankind. This new Humanity is what is lacking. His concept of theocracy could be misunderstood. I guessed if he had more time there could have been more elucidation on it. That is the voncept of the Shite Moslem now. We will be glad to have him revisit this in the future.
So when you say 4 gospels, do you mean 4
"good news" accounts.
I ask because pluralizing the word "gospel" would seem to imply different gospels. But there is only one gospel, not four. There are 4 accounts of Jesus life, living, death and resurrection, but only one gospel. Paul speaks about "his" gospel Romans 2:16. Is it another gospel than Christ's? God forbid! It is the gospel of Jesus Christ whether told by Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, or Paul. There is only one gospel.
The Kingdom of God is a real Government. Unlike most churches teach, it is not an intangible feeling in each individual's heart. In 1914, Christ Jesus was installed as King and was authorized to “go subduing in the midst of [his] enemies.” (Psalm 110:1, 2) Also in that year, “the last days” of this present wicked system of things began. (2 Timothy 3:1-5, 13) At the same time, events that Daniel had seen in prophetic vision actually took place in heaven. “The Ancient of Days,” Jehovah God, conferred upon the Son of man, Jesus Christ, “rulership and dignity and kingdom, that the peoples, national groups and languages should all serve even him.” Reporting on the vision, Daniel wrote: “His rulership is an indefinitely lasting rulership that will not pass away, and his kingdom one that will not be brought to ruin.” (Daniel 7:13, 14) It is by means of this heavenly Kingdom in the hands of Christ Jesus that God will enable lovers of righteousness to enjoy the countless good things that he purposed when he put our first human parents in Paradise.
God’s Kingdom is a stable, enduring government (Daniel 2:44). Its enduring quality is ensured by the fact that Jehovah himself is not subject to death. (Habakkuk 1:12) In contrast with human kings, Jesus Christ, the one to whom God has entrusted kingship, is also immortal. (Romans 6:9; 1 Timothy 6:15, 16).
( Matthew 18:8= You receive freely, give freely).
Savannah BrownSkin just stop talking about your Cult movement teachings which is a bunch of rubbish
What Gospel did Jesus preached? The true gospel talks about the Kingdom of God.
Luke 4:43 "I must preach the Kingdom of God to the other cities also, for I was sent for this purpose."
Matt 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom (NOT the Bible; NOT Jesus; NOT his Resurrection nor the Cross) will be proclaimed throughout the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come."
Luke 9:2 And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God,...
Luke 16:16 Since that time, the good news of the kingdom of God is being preached,
All churches & pastors in the world preached the wrong Gospel... The gospel of the kingdom is not about Jesus. Is about the kingdom of God.
Finally the truth
Based on the saying of Jesus in Matthew 24:14, the ONLY one true Gospel...that is the Kingdom of God preached by Jesus, will be proclaimed as a testimony to all nations, and the END will come. From the beginning till the end, the only one true gospel is the gospel of the Kingdom.
You seem to be missing the point. The Kingdom of God is Christological, meaning, it is Christ centred. All that the Kingdom consists of (the promises brought forth through the OT to explain the Kingdom) is fulfilled through Jesus. Through His incarnation, crucifixion, death, and resurrection - Jesus fulfilled (and is fulfilling - “already not yet” paradox found within the Bible) the promises and brought the Kingdom. Saying the gospel is not about Jesus is skewed, for the bringing and fulfilling of that Kingdom is through Jesus and Jesus alone. Very Christ Centred.
Sorry to disagree but the Kingdom is Jesus Himself(Luke 17:21) and the Gospel also is Himself. He is the Good News(Ro.1:1-4).
Jesus preached the kingdom of God, but He IS THE KING of the kingdom of God. You can't have a kingdom without a king. And before you say "God is the King", Jesus is God. And the Father promised He would give the Kingdom to the Son. It's not very hard to understand, unless you don't believe the Bible (or are ashamed of Christ's words), in which case there's really no point in arguing.
The Heavenly Kingdom is not a place…it is a way of being! Spiritual life is not the learning of spiritual truths, but a life of union-communication with the Holy Spirit Sainthood which is a description of being Holy is a supernatural state of being that is an acknowledgment of the Union of man with God. This union takes place in a Mysterious way during Baptism delivered by the Apostles as described in (Galatians 3:27) “You were baptized into union with Christ, and now you are clothed, with the life of Christ himself” In his first letter to the Corinthians chapter 6 verse 19 the Apostle of the nations Paul is very clear in describing the “details” of this supernatural union/condition. “Don’t you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and who was given to you by God?” Being the temple of God (Holy) describes the only purpose on man on earth and it also describes describes the Heavenly Kingdom. [Luke 17:21] No one will say, “Look here it is”! Or, “There it is!” because the Kingdom of God is within you”.
So when the body becomes the Temple of the Holy Spirit the words in (John 17:3) “And Eternal life means knowing you, the only true God, and knowing Jesus whom you sent” take a new enlightening meaning.
Eternal Life: The union with God. It is the remaking of man by Lord Jesus to a new creation, a godman by the grace of God! This is how (the Holy Spirit with in) the Apostles and the Saints teach and make miracles.
The words “Knowing you” : Is is communicating with God (Eternal Light) during an actual physical experience through which the Apostles and the Saints get Apocalypses or Revelation
The Heavenly Kingdom is not a place…it is a way of being!
The Image and Likeness of Godвидео.html
If the Salvation does not include the return to the presence of God...what good is it?
The vision of Divine Light
This is what Lord Jesus told St. Symeon when He became worthy to His presence in His Divine Light.
“It is me, God, Who became man for you; and behold that I have made you, as you see, and shall make you god”.
Ierotheos Metropolitan of Naupaktos about Greek Orthodox Baptism
“Through the "rite of birth in God", holy baptism, man's nous (mind) is illuminated, freed from slavery to sin and the devil, and is united with God.
The word Salvation means "salvation from death" and the word "death" means the eternal separation of man from God!
What Is the Orthodox Church? - Fr. Andrew Stephen Damickвидео.html
God bless
Tomorrow s world 😅
Pilate asked the Lord Jesus, are you the King of the Jesus, worried Maccabean rebellion, He replied ,did you come to this conclusion yourself or did others tell you, Pilate said, you own nation and the chief priests have delivered you to me, The Lord Jesus stated, My Kingdom is not of this World , if My Kingdom were of this world them would servants fight, that I would not be delivered to Jews, but now My kingdom is not for now
Nice words but hard to follow and relate to the simple Gospel. I do not consider myself ignorant of scripture and history, but his message seems vague without biblical take-aways.
Can you explain further bc I feel like we didn't watch the same video
Most of the Jews of Jesus' day believed in an imminent Day of Judgment-- a large Citizenship Court Hearing, that a new king, called the Messiah, would conduct following his arrival to oust the Romans from Judea.
For those Jews who had been faithful to God, the Jewish prophets promised citizenship in this coming kingdom--the new, independent, theocratic, Jewish government the Messiah would set up, beginning in Jerusalem and, from there, eventually, spreading to all the rest of the earth!
To be clear, this "Kingdom of God," was not some pie in the sky, but a real, earthly government, with a lot of people working in many of the administrative positions, and all the perks that would go with them, like nice places to live!
This new state of Israel was the "inheritance" God promised the Jewish people once they repented of their sins. But it was obvious, especially in Jesus' day, that not all the Jews were living according to what the Law of Moses and the Prophets said they should, but just doing whatever they could get away with under Roman rule, to live it up, even at the expense of their fellow Jews!
These errant Jews were called "sinners," and the ones thought to be the worst sinners were the "publicans," those who collected taxes for Rome by defrauding their fellow Jews.
The faithful Jews, however, believed the Messiah would grant citizenship in the new Jewish government only to the observant Jews, and the "sinners and publicans" would be exiled and regarded no better than all the other Gentiles, if not worse!
Jesus of Nazareth spoke about this coming Citizenship Court Day, but he added another element to it--that many of those who were claiming to be the most righteous for all their outward piety would actually end up worse off than the "sinners and publicans"! He said they would not only fail to receive some of the really good jobs in the new government of the Messiah, but would not even get citizenship at all!
In fact, he said the Messiah was going to look at all their phony good works as if they are just a bunch of dry sticks and have them (the fake good works, that is) all "burned up"! Then, they'd have to leave and, in effect, be thrown out into the "cold" of exile from the kingdom and, as they're leaving, they would be crying ("weeping") and their teeth would begin chattering, ("gnashing") from the metaphorical sense of "darkness" and "cold" they're going to feel when, in complete contrast to all their expectations, they'll end up being the LAST ones to ever get their citizenship!
However, it's not that Jesus said anyone, not even the self-righteous, would NEVER get their "green card" in the coming kingdom of God. He did say the "sinners and publicans" would get theirs beforehand!
But let's be clear, it's nuts to think Jesus' many warnings to the self-righteous and fake pious people of his day would result in, themselves, getting burned alive in some spirit world after they die! It was only due to a real misunderstand of Jesus' teachings about fake good works getting "burned up" by later Greco-Roman converts to Christianity who thought he meant to say the exiled would, themselves, get burned alive!
Thing is, there are false preachers and teachers who are perpetuating this mistaken idea as if it were really true!
The real question, though, is whether or not Jesus truly believed in the coming of a literal Jewish state run by a special king! It would appear that he did not! Sure, he spoke about the coming "Kingdom" in the terms most of his listeners would understand...but only to call out the religious hypocrisy he felt had run rampant in his day. Toward the end of his ministry, he began to openly say what HE considered the REAL "Kingdom of God" to be-- a "place" located only in the hearts and minds of PEOPLE (Luke 17:20-21)!
Rick Lannoye, author of Got questions? Go to
Tons of sophistry and prolix. I wonder if this style of academia does any good in terms of bringing people to The Lord, Jesus Christ.
"We're so hoity-toity and we sit up here and talk for hours about how you know nothing about the religion you were raised in."
I understand what you’re saying but they definitely can reach other academics with this approach even if it doesn’t do much for you
This man is honestly and sincerely dangerous
At 56-56 08 Rev Wright's comments on "God's wise and gentle stewardship over creation"
I find this comment quite astonishing in the light of the Old Testament revelations respecting God's behaviour or stewardship. The conquest by force of arms, the theft, of the lands belonging to other tribal nations by his chosen people reveals not God's gentle touch, but shockingly his ruthless mind.
The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. No human society owns anything and their squatting status of any given parcel of land can be granted and revoked at will by its Creator.
Furthermore, these weren't kingdoms of blue-haired old church ladies God killed but child-sacrificing pagans who saw what God can do with the plagues in Egypt and refused to repent. They deserved what they got.....just like Israel did when they followed in their sinful footsteps.
According, then, to your philosophy, peoples and nations are seen as but squatters by God, on the earth that he owns; to be granted permission to stay or to be evicted without notice.Such an overview, however, presents God not just as a ruthless and sadistic landlord, but one who is also mightily confused in his own mind. The trials and tribulations of his chosen people, at his hand, is but one example of his reckless nature-which culminated in the destruction of the kingdom of Israel and the destruction of Jerusalem and massacre of its inhabitants.
And when you say "They deserved what they got" in reference to the Ten Plagues inflicted on the people of Egypt, do you actually realise what you are saying. The enslavement of the Hebrews by the Pharaohs of Egypt, should not be blamed on the everyday people of Egypt. God's spate with Pharaoh, over captivity of his chosen people was a personal thing and it should have remained so. There was no need or cause to inflict punishments on the entire population of Egypt, just because of Pharaoh's obstinacy. God's stupidity or sadism becomes apparent in his first nine plagues. For we find no mention of protection for his enslaved people against these nine plagues inflicted on Egypt. God's concern for his people is remarkable absent during this period of time. Everybody suffered even his own people. Further stupidity is found in the time it took God to make up his mind to act. 450 years, if I am not mistaken was the time of the Hebrews captivity. Then came the final horrific act of the 10 Plague-the killing of the first born of every Egyptian, even those of the animal kingdom! And let us not forget the killing of the first born of the captive in the dungeon. The actions of this biblical god were breathtakingly stupid and barbaric!
This wonderful lecture is only marred when Bishop Wright claims that the "concept of THEOCRACY sends shivers down our modern western democratic spines", this is not entirely correct. It is ONLY the concept of Judeo/Christian theocracy which has this effect. Most of the British people today (modern, western, democratic) appear quite content with the prospect of an Islamic theocracy. Of course, the 'Kingship of God', as envisaged by Jesus and Bishop Wright is of an entirely different from from that intended, and hoped for, by Moslems. But this is just ONE of the problems with the Church no longer preaching and teaching the 'full-on'Jesus'!
The theocracy of the modern western democratic nations is "Save the Jews" and Holocaust Memorial.
Well then, let’s have a reformation that sweeps the planet 🌎
@@preacherofthecross No; because many Christians cannot be trusted with the freedom of other people, any more than the most devout Muslim can.
The Gospels is Old Testament teaching for a Jewish remnant who will bring in Gods kingdom with 1000 year reign read Isaiah . The church is neither Jew our Gentile but one new creation in Christ his body as Paul say to preach Christ’s death and resurrection to put faith on that finished work on the cross. God promised that Abraham seed would inherit the earth with a king ruling over it the earth as we know it will not improve until this kingdom will be established by God the lamb will lie down beside the lion . Read the scriptures so much wrong teaching
@@stephenmckean3232 Thank you for this plite response, Stephen; but I'm afraid I do not 'read' our scriptres as 'prophecy'; except when it comes to that of the Messianic kind. And that prophecy has been fulfilled.
Epicureanism is essential to bourgeois power, and is part of bourgeois ideology, aka Liberalism (including Neoliberal/Neoclassical economics). It is essential to dehumanise, de-spiritualise and demoralise the political and worklife worlds so as to enable the absolute power of the rich over the rest of society, business owners over employees and the financial greed of corporations, rentiers and so on over political decision-making and the state, to be able to get away with pretending that the combined private interests of private businesses constitute the common good, and to be able to get away with the idolatry of private property, markets and market forces, the profit-motive as innovation and dynamism rather than greed and so on. That is why Epicureanism has taken over and been normalised into apparent common sense-icality, including the arbitrary and false division of life into seperate compartments of "religion" and "secular" which Evangelicalism assumes in its false eschatology and cosmology: because it serves the interests of the rich as the ruling class. That idolatrous cosmology and worship, in the process of capital accumulation, in public, cultural and political life cannot be erased just by preaching, because those ideas serve private interests. People find it extraodinarily difficult to accept ideas their income depends on not accepting. Those structures of power and wealth have to be overthrown before people will be able to reject Epicureanism, which is just too convenient to the lives of the wealthy and powerful.
Does Wright superimpose his conclusion of "an angry, wrathful, God" over and onto the protestant reformed conclusion?
Wright's view of the cross reveals a loving, just, and good God (looking through his lenses, worldview). The protestant reformer's view of the cross likewise leads to a loving, just and good God (looking through their lenses, worldview). When Wright mentions the view of protestant churches leads to "a bully or hate filled or wrathful God, or a God who's motivation to send Jesus to die on a cross was hate, and Protestants just throw love at the end of the story, a God who's out to get you," the conclusion he paints reveals Wright possesses a premise that "God is unjust". A bully's behavior is unjust, and attributing the term "bully" to God, insinuates an unjust God. However, the protestant reformed view from their worldview and angle cannot conclude this. There is no injustice with God on either side. So where had Wright gotten this idea?
It's possible that his denial of the wrath of God falling on his son, and his acceptance of God's wrath only falling on the sin within Jesus, point to the potential culprit. Since he denies the wrath of God falling on the person of Jesus, this leads to Wright's thought that such an act if the case would be unjust, therefore an unjust God. But the conclusion Wright seems to be coming to is only justified from his own beliefs, and cannot and is not the conclusion of reformers because they do affirm what Wright denies.
My conclusion, Wright superimposes his conclusion of an angry bully God as if that is the reformed conclusion, when it is not. When Wright speaks like this he offends protestant Christians when doing so because it appears as a false caricature, of something protestant Christians don't believe about God (that God is unjust). If Wright would never make such statements and simply stuck with the bible, the appearance of offense would never have happened. I have nothing against Wright, and I'm not saying a belief in or denial of who or what God's wrath fell on or not.
The Battle For Ideas. Have you ever read Jonathan Edwards sermon, “Sinner in the hands of an angry God.” In Edwards view God seams to be a bully and nothing like the God revealed in the face of Christ Jesus.
Kingdom of God
Jesus preached about the Kingdom of God. Only about the Kingdom of God.
1)"Be born-again to see the Kingdom of God". He continued to Nicodemus who still was skeptical, "the wind's effect could be seen on trees". Though being BORN AGAIN is internal and non-observable, the effect of the KOG would be observable in the surroundings, as the effect of wind on trees.
2) Of the Kingdom of God Jesus said " KOG is at hand". The Kingdom of God is right here and right now.
3) Jesus further said "Whatever you have done to the least of your neighbour, you have done unto me". Where the powerless neighbour is treated as King God, there is the Kingdom of God .
But who is the least in the neighborhood? Whoever at the receiving end of a transaction is the least in the environment. A pedestrian in front of the car driver. A king in front of the tax-payer. Next one to use the toilet. Listener in front of the preacher with a mike. The posterity... Even tomorrow's me is at the receiving end today's me….
Where the sermon on the mountain is considered as practicable and honestly followed there is the Kingdom of God.
Kingdom of God envisioned by Jesus is simply treating the least in the neighbourhood as the King God. To serve the powerless neighbour as the King God. One needs to be born again to replace the attitude of exploitation with the attitude of love and care towards the weak neighbour. Born again childlike mind is representative of a child's readiness to accept new interpretation of nature, ie. the scientific temper too.
When we look around we will not be able to see KOG anywhere in the world. Churches build mansions in the name of the Kingdom of God. Church authorities and elders fight to loot the asset. Though denominations differ on petty details they are in harmony about the impracticability of the Sermon on the Mountain. Jesus invites individuals, not Church nor any establishment, to follow Him bearing one's own cross. If I find the invitation attractive, the onus is on me to bear my cross and follow Him from this moment on. Bearing one's own cross simply means to take the decision in favour of the weak neighbour (decision to serve little neighbour as King God). Now and here, at hand, is the Kingdom of God.
Jesus invites each individual to create a node of one's own Kingdom of God around oneself, where the least in the environment is treated as King God. As long as the least in the neighborhood remains neglected, the Kingdom of God is willingly avoided by the individual. It's futile to wait for the Kingdom of God after the death neglecting the Kingdom of God at hand.
The "Kingdom of God" which is at hand, as envisioned by Jesus is to be created willingly by bearing one's own cross. The cross of treating the little one in the neighborhood as King God. Anyone who wishes to follow Him, needs to take decisions in favour of the little one in the neighborhood , "Right here right now".. every moment of life. Indeed a cross, not as easy as following the mindless rituals prescribed by any religion.
Jesus' invitation is to bear own cross to create the "Kingdom of God" at hand. No erring establishment, nor a leader unable to walk the talk, should be an impediment to the formation of my own personal "Kingdom of God"....
The microcosm of "Kingdom of God" is at the node of the individual who decides to take Jesus' invitation "to be born again to see the Kingdom of God" seriously.
What an elegant and proper way of saying nothing..
I just cannot bear to listen to Wright's silly prattlings!
To say he spent years as minister and bishop is the biggest joke ever.
I felt the same way as a student at Oxford University. I deliberately missed some of his lectures. He’s simply reading his books.
His teaching here is excellent
@@Mrm1985100 get a bible and read it.
This guy has got it wrong! What is loosed on earth is loosed in heaven! Not the other way around. Also the Kingdom(s) of God are all smaller than a mustard seed. Perhaps an Atom? Also, Does not LIfe beget Life? Scientifically trudging, Is there not Our Cosmos and the Microcosmos and finally the Sub-Microcosmos? Who'd guess?
Eze 34:29
And I will raise up for them a PLANT OF RENOWN, and they shall be no more consumed with hunger in the land, neither bear the shame of the heathen any more.
Cannabis for all of us? THINK>
Sorry to say but it's you that has it wrong.... even in your citation. Matthew 13 (the source of the mustard seed PARABLE) says nothing about the size of the kingdom. The point of the parable is that the smallest of things grow to have large results. So it is with the Kingdom... the little band of disciples were used to change the world... and that change, as NT Wright has not stopped.
Jim Needham It is noteworthy to notice the birds that perch on it. These birds are referenced in the previous parable to be the enemy!who causes the problem of growth.
You have it wrong, sorry to say. The gospel YESHUA preached is about a kingdom/government. ISAIAH the prophet made it clear in Isaiah 9:6
Theocratic Nonsense Senior Wright! Your words proclaim theocratic Hypocrisy...... Nuff Said
Nuff said, indeed. The Bishop is simply telling what Jesus had in mind when he spoke of the K of God - based on the historic context in which Jesus lived, died and taught. If it is theocracy or nonsense your argument is with Jesus, not Wright.
I won't even touch the charge of hypocrisy. Do you Bishop Wright? Why would you make such a statement?
Rick Kaiser t
In the end, you sign up for liberal programs. So much work to produce such a trite outcome. And the dude's trashing of Americans every chance he gets, well, it's classic Brit snobbery. Tell me, Lord Bishop, how is the health of your English church compared to American churches....You've lost your own people and your country and you have the arrogance to look down your nose at the colonials? Your theology might be thrilling, but no one in your country cares about the wreck of the Church of England.
Socialist, not liberal. As Jesus and the whole of scripture is, against class inequality.
You font know WHO