Kobajasi Kenicsiró legkedvesebb külföldi karnagyom. Zenei felfogásának közvetítése minden karmesternél közelebb áll hozzám. Ha hallhatom azt a zenét amiben közreműködik, máris bearanyozta a napomat!
Köszönet az értékes magyarázó megjegyzésekért. Így még inkább érthető és élvezhető ez a csodálatos mű. Egy apró észrevétel: 1941. október 20-án volt a híres előadás (1940-ben még nem állt hadban Németország és a Szovjetunió).
For those of us who do not read Hungarian: The Hungarian audience knows and loves Kenicsiro, Kobajasi, whose relationship with the Academy of Music and the student symphony orchestra has been close for many years. Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 5 (E minor), Op. 64 Symphony Orchestra of the Academy of Music Conductor: Kenicsiró from Kobaja Symphony No. 5, written in 1888, originated in Tchaikovsky's last creative period. According to the author’s original plans, like Beethoven’s fifth, he would have revolved around the subject of fighting destiny, but one of his letters during the work proves that he eventually rejected the symphony’s program plan. Yet the view holds to this day - mainly because of the motto-like theme that pervades the items - that the work is a complete bow to the inexhaustible command of doom. One of the most memorable performances of the symphony is related to the Leningrad Radio Orchestra: the ensemble played the piece on October 20, 1940, during the bombing of the city, which was broadcast live even in London. The Japanese conductor Kenicsiró Kobajasi won the 1st International Conducting Competition of the Hungarian Television in 1974, later he was the leader of the State Concert Orchestra, so he became a part of the Hungarian music life. His relationship with the Academy of Music and its students became closer in 2012, and he has worked with the student symphony orchestra several times. (recording of the concert on May 8, 2017)
Köszönöm a feltöltést!
Kobajasi Kenicsiró legkedvesebb külföldi karnagyom. Zenei felfogásának közvetítése minden karmesternél közelebb áll hozzám. Ha hallhatom azt a zenét amiben közreműködik, máris bearanyozta a napomat!
Mèg gyerekkoromban làttam a TV ben azt a karmesterversenyt amit megnyert!
Köszönet az értékes magyarázó megjegyzésekért. Így még inkább érthető és élvezhető ez a csodálatos mű. Egy apró észrevétel: 1941. október 20-án volt a híres előadás (1940-ben még nem állt hadban Németország és a Szovjetunió).
Kobajasi Kenicsiró, a MAGYAR, igaz keleten, de MAGYAR !
Rgi nagy kedvencem.Még 74-ben láttm a magitszigti Opere előadáson.Müsor:Bajzok, és mási kis opra előadásán.
Nagyon szerettem a hogyan vezélnyelt
For those of us who do not read Hungarian:
The Hungarian audience knows and loves Kenicsiro, Kobajasi, whose relationship with the Academy of Music and the student symphony orchestra has been close for many years.
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 5 (E minor), Op. 64
Symphony Orchestra of the Academy of Music
Conductor: Kenicsiró from Kobaja
Symphony No. 5, written in 1888, originated in Tchaikovsky's last creative period. According to the author’s original plans, like Beethoven’s fifth, he would have revolved around the subject of fighting destiny, but one of his letters during the work proves that he eventually rejected the symphony’s program plan. Yet the view holds to this day - mainly because of the motto-like theme that pervades the items - that the work is a complete bow to the inexhaustible command of doom. One of the most memorable performances of the symphony is related to the Leningrad Radio Orchestra: the ensemble played the piece on October 20, 1940, during the bombing of the city, which was broadcast live even in London.
The Japanese conductor Kenicsiró Kobajasi won the 1st International Conducting Competition of the Hungarian Television in 1974, later he was the leader of the State Concert Orchestra, so he became a part of the Hungarian music life. His relationship with the Academy of Music and its students became closer in 2012, and he has worked with the student symphony orchestra several times.
(recording of the concert on May 8, 2017)
The legendary performance was conducted on October 20, 1941 (in 1940 there was no war between Germany and the Sowiet Union).
Rákóczi induló
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