Cash is king in tipping; Always tip 20%, or a little more, but not 40%, that is just showing off or trying to impress. The IRS automatically computes an equivalent to 8% of a waters food sales is the amount of their added tip, so if they serve 200 non-tippers about 1000 in food the GOVERNMENT declares that they got at least 80 in tips and taxes them on that amount, no matter how much they actually got, 800 or 8. And many employers charge the "Run outs without paying" on the employee waiter, so some days may end up in a negative paycheck, or quit or get fired.
Cash is king in tipping; Always tip 20%, or a little more, but not 40%, that is just showing off or trying to impress. The IRS automatically computes an equivalent to 8% of a waters food sales is the amount of their added tip, so if they serve 200 non-tippers about 1000 in food the GOVERNMENT declares that they got at least 80 in tips and taxes them on that amount, no matter how much they actually got, 800 or 8. And many employers charge the "Run outs without paying" on the employee waiter, so some days may end up in a negative paycheck, or quit or get fired.