Glad I found the lyrics. I had this song stuck in my head all day and the only part I knew was 'TERRIBLE LIE' which just repeated in my head over and over...
michael kelligan Ty,plain simple straight TRUTH!These wackadoo. g-d nuts want to always get n make shit so profound.To the point of tryn to push that shit down your throat.N I ain't saying its wrong or not to have a view,opinion,meaning interpretation,or memory or emotion towards or about it.But 1,everybody has their own.Nobody needs some force feeding them some1 else's.N then if they don't see it that way,holy shit,the nasty,aggressive attitudes is wild.N Fkn forget about these chicks/n chicks w/dicks(dudes)just plain crying,whining,poor me poor mewing.N just pouring out thriller hearts,emotions,business,n experiences to total strangers on u tube.Give me a Fkn break,I got my own issues.I ain't saying it ain't nice or cool to help some1 w/advice.Or not understanding pain,emotions,anger can build up enuf to were it needs to be discussed.But come on.If you got insurance see a shrink,or self help group.If not talk to a friend in person.If neither is possible or work,n its ssso bad u feel need to hold ppl hostage that are just here to hear real music,just end it.Cause come. have a long future of history repeating itself!!!Ty again for the short straight TRUTH!
michael kelligan Ty,plain simple straight TRUTH!These wackadoo. g-d nuts want to always get n make shit so profound.To the point of tryn to push that shit down your throat.N I ain't saying its wrong or not to have a view,opinion,meaning interpretation,or memory or emotion towards or about it.But 1,everybody has their own.Nobody needs some force feeding them some1 else's.N then if they don't see it that way,holy shit,the nasty,aggressive attitudes is wild.N Fkn forget about these chicks/n chicks w/dicks(dudes)just plain crying,whining,poor me poor mewing.N just pouring out thriller hearts,emotions,business,n experiences to total strangers on u tube.Give me a Fkn break,I got my own issues.I ain't saying it ain't nice or cool to help some1 w/advice.Or not understanding pain,emotions,anger can build up enuf to were it needs to be discussed.But come on.If you got insurance see a shrink,or self help group.If not talk to a friend in person.If neither is possible or work,n its ssso bad u feel need to hold ppl hostage that are just here to hear real music,just end it.Cause come. have a long future of history repeating itself!!!Ty again for the short straight TRUTH!
I grew up with lead guitarist he was so shy with us girls around our group of cool teen kids we rocked and partied like it was our job !! They all got together and rented a former radio station made it their collective the band boys are moved in but no showers !!we blasted live music all weekend long parking lot had pot holes all over it and a small cars lost thats how deep !we were downtown right next door to city jail believe it or not those cops never came by snooping or to complain bout our loud parties!! we were all surprised seriously greatful to there was plenty they could have charged us for if they had ever went inside !!
This came you 31 years ago but still sounds fresh and relevant to this day. Pretty Hate Machine could release tomorrow and I would listen to it and think it's brand new music. Trent is a mastermind so far ahead of his time it isn't even funny.
Words cannot even sum up the Awesomeness that is..... Trent Reznor was Warning us & telling us how things already were & were heading; but ARE SO MUCH WORSE NOW So relevant NOW...... Look into History & all the advanced civilizations..... THAT DISAPPEARED- regardless of your beliefs- THIS IS TRUTH-Are we learning anything as everyone is so consumed with technology they forgot basic human decency-empathy- respect & kindness compassion & peace It's a sad sad world but 'I Want SO Much To Believe We Can All Do Better & think of the children & future generations too & those less fortunate-oppressed-picked on & discriminated against based on medical issues-race-gender- money-power-religion-It's all before a joke-Our Superpower is crashing & being laughed at by other Countries -We need Reform everywhere & to stop going backwards- The CONSTITUTIOM was written for a reason so why are we letting them take away our rights & why does this legal GANG of pigs have power when they are MOSTLY corrupt & the few good ones get pressured into 'joining the club or they get IT MARCH OF THE PIGS LOL Down in it The Becoming- The Fragile-Reptile-Me I'm Not- Find My Way- Copy Of A.......
@@repentnow8823 HA HA If I am reading this Correctly then why are you when here watching & listening when there's SO Much you can do besides put down WHAT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND Isn't that what causes all the issues in the world- Not understanding or being afraid of What you don't Understand so what's your answer******'Start some BS with people who enjoy the music & people WHO GET IT????? We don't need any more Hitlers or discriminators or racists & if you don't Understand fully then you can't pick & choose- Teach us ALL YOU KNOW- These days- The Lost civilizations-The sadness of the current state of the world-The US going backwards & taking away Constitutional rights & invading our privacy through technology & now if we egregious want to update a Samsung Google phone they want us to AGREE to their unlawful invasion of privacy in our homes & in our lives- Does your know that????? How about Female oppression & how decades ago women who were beaten by husband's were told to wait until nothing before reporting to the constable or 'police so as to not dispute their sleep..... Do you think it's different today-It's Not- They just word it differently- Have you ever experienced getting assaulted & threatened & afraid & told by Detective Chavez 'If you call again or I get called back here before my shift is over at 4:00AM I'll arrest you- Even though No criminal record or activity & you didn't even call- Neighbors did......While you watch the PIGS laughing with the Felon Male who is IN THE WRONG SO WHAT DO YOU DO when you're in your home with your child & dog & all your belongings & suddenly not only your EX but his brother is suddenly there & doesn't even live there for last 2years & Police are telling the FEMALE to stay in a shall little extra room in their own home & POLICE EVEN use extension cord to literally lock Female in this little storage room in her house-A room with no tv-A Female with back issues & various chronic pain from various 'accidents????? As The Men are taunting through the door-Talking about going through your belongings & things you struggled all your life for- Laying in your bed-On your clean sheets & the other 1 on your leather couch using more fresh linens from linen closet enjoying your food & drink & cable tv & Your meds are all there that you need but we're told to stay in this small extra storage room without a bathroom or soap or anything while the MEN ARE LAUGHING- stealing your meds & who knows what &1 NEVER LIVED THERE & had warrants for his arrest & made cops aware but did they do anything????? PIGS So Female doesn't know what to do or how this can bw gathering in her home in her 'free country-So she calls Domestic Violence hotline since her ex who did live there in past but MOVED OUT OVER 2 YEARS AGO YET came & went-stole mail-broke window to get in- the list goes on but the PIGS NEVER HELPED IMAGINE calling domestic hotline to report this-In fear- Knowing phone needs charger which is in my home but I'm trapped in a room & don't know why.....I want someone to know what is happening as I don't know what's going on- The Twilight Zone feeling but I need to tell someone before battery dies & give name of officer who told me NOT TO CALL UNTIL HIS SHIFT IS OVER REGARDLESS of my safety & Rufus being violated IN MY HOME THE HOTLINE CALLED 911.....Thanks for Nothing-Chavez comes back with his buddies & I get cuffs put on in my home-After never in my life should I ever have had that chappen- much less in my own home & they hurt me too -I CAN GO ON & ON but unsure it's worth my Time I was taught if you don't have shutting nice to say then don't say anything at all so I am not looking to put you down orargue-I am song for your facts since you started very little & it makes not sense that you're here but to start trouble Do you gain pleasure from that as anyone with a moral compass wouldn't but I'm interested to hear your point of view without any remarks about grammar & punctuation which I know very well but condense the comments & using a broken device- broken sensors yet still thankful I can type something & ENJOY THE CONCERTS & songs
I think the doctor who promised me before cutting my back and inserting titanium hardware and plates and rearranging things where nobody can read my MRI's due to nothing being where it should anatomically be anymore. He said, "Don't you want to be like you were as a teenager? Don't you want to work full-time again?" I wanted so bad to believe all of his promises. They sounded so good, but I should have looked at his eyes right before surgery. I swear I saw hell in that man's eyes. "Doc it was a terrible lie and I have nothing much to live for and I believed your promises, but your promises were all lies!!!!"
I saw your story on another NIN song too. What was wrong with your back that he thought you had to have surgery? I've heard about so many back surgeries gone bad. I have scoliosis and some old injuries from a car accident years ago. I'm not too bad yet, but worry it could get worse as I get older and back surgery scares me.
Sorry that this happened to you, but your putting a good message out There about doctors just recently a friend off mine also went thought a same sort off situation said we are the patience, they should listen to us,to help us not fix us, we were laughing at some doctors how they can never be wrong, but in your case it's Sergey and very serious. There is something wrong with doctors att times I don't know what it is. I went to a doctor trying not to tell him what I wonted, just told him about the pain , and he was just being a doctor said I don't know what it is, and left me didn't listen to my problem with pain that I had taken alot off nuprifin and it wasent helping. He could off gave me something to get rid off the pain, the next doctor gave me a pain killer for that spasific pain.
you do know that he his talking to god that's why in the start of every verse is 🎼hey god🎼 😇🙏 they use sound to make Trent not look like a fool saying hey god Wikipedia page much
I LOVE THIS SONG. PLEASE COME TO LONG ISLAND NY or NYC or Queens Or anywhere Nassau County or Suffolk County NY preferably but even the trip-state area so O can really enjoy a full live show UP CLOSE as its been almost 2 years since driving 900 miles to see you st festival in KY bit still arrived so late & missed first 35-40 minutes of your set WHICH OS ALL I WENT THERE FOR & had to do withput so many basic necessities to get the tix-car-gas & lodging & all that-It was still worth it to see you BUT PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE COME CLOSER THIS TIME PLEASE 🙏
This is a GOOD song. No questions asked. I actually own a CD with this and several other NIN tracks. This song, Head Like A Hole, and Starfuckers Inc. are my favorite NIN songs. And btw I have a friend who's actually meant Trent Reznor. He said Trent was very nice.
This song was with me when I was awakening from a huge deceptive slumber, after being brainwashed through baptism in the holy places. This song IS representative of that time in my life. It was awful coming to the truth. Agonizing even. But I’m free from it.
Indeed the world is a terrible place at times. And there are a great many lies told to us, starting when we’re young and continues throughout our lives as we grow. The real struggle is to not lose yourself in its darkness, to not be consumed by its spreading fire. And not become jaded, heartless zombie under its disenchanted spell. Things like true love & truth really do exist in this world. And yes, there can be terrible things that people do involving these two things and your worse fears can & will visit you throughout life, but it doesn’t make love any less true. I struggle greatly with that notion but I refuse to give that up for its all I got left. Like taking care of a single shinning flower in a toxic wasteland, I am it’s caretaker & it my muse.
Love this song, and yes people, God himself is the terrible Lie. Try not to get offended and for 5 seconds, imagine a world without God, but add education, truth, and serenity to the mix. Look nice to you??
"When someone tells me they are relgious, its kind of like they just gave me a shortcut to offending them. with atheists it's a bit harder" -Demetri Martin
Lol a world without God would have nothing good at all. absolute zero. since all good on earth comes from Him. You really do not know The God you are referring to here. As if humans arent wrong 95% of their life. Oh but you know that God does not exist right? you are jusy that smart. You have less proof than Vs He does exist. He actually is real though is the thing. God is real
I love this song too, I can relate to it completely. I grew up going to church and things happened in my life at an early age that I prayed over and that completely crushed my "faith." God is a terrible lie. There is too much money to be made by religious organizations to stop and think about the lies they spread. Terrible Lies!!
@pinksasquatch What I don't get is why people don't just listen to the lyrics. This song is about trying to believe in a god a force that justifys all the wrongs and just being unable to. In the lyrics on Pretty Hate Machine under Head Like a Hole is written "Hey god, I really don't know who I am in this world of piss"
First mistake god cant talk to those that are unholy with sin. It is hey Jesus. For Jesus is the only way to get to the Graces of God. You are forever unclean and god can not interact With sin.
They tell you the intentions at the beginning of the album. No wonder i felt frightened at the sound. Same goes with "beatles" music and all the rest. "Terrible lies" indeed
i dont feel right disableing comments i like to allow people to speak their minds but when it gets to petty bickering over stupid shit i feel like i should but i dont feel right doing it. if that makes sense
They actually don't upset me at all. I'm amused that you put so much effort in trying to butcher that sentence, suggesting that you are the one who is actually getting upset. :P I don't eat ANY breakfast cereal, so it's funny that you would say that. You know, empty threats aren't very threatening, all they do is make you look butthurt.
It evokes emotion most definitely ...more about the awful things our government does to us as opposed to religion...religion doesn't demand you obey..the government does or they lock your ass up...think about it
Well atleast with the government; it changes. It's flexible, but religion is tradition and "infallible." But, realistically, you don't have much of a choice if your alternative to religion is eternity being tortured...
Annebelle Bell what do you mean religeon doenst demand to obey? most popular religeon christianity demands that you believe in god or your going to hell
3:28.... Is there really a such thing as a "great keyboard solo" honestly? Seems like a terrible lie to perpetuate. ....Nothing? No? Okay, I'll show myself out
Many say this is about Trent blaming god for his problems but I think this is actually him talking about an ex girl friend who may of been extreamly controlling
Except there is no way you would ever be able to get to my cornflakes, I don't even HAVE cornflakes, so there is no way you are going to piss in my cornflakes. Therefore, that is a lie, and thus you lied twice. Oh, on a side note, not only did you start a sentence with "and", but you forgot to capitalize it.
I think making bold statements (sometimes) gets emotional genuine reactions. A good way for and understanding person to TEST the waters so that they can assesss the situation...
Lol. In order to understand what I mean you might need to understand some basic sociology and history. The key thing is that in the past theism is dominant and atheism was oppressed, and now in tends to be going the other way around. Here a "pop atheist" would be the same type of people who would have blindly followed whatever in the past, they don't really understand the meaning or significance of the old atheists arguments, they are just atheist because society says that's what's "cool".
Because 1. You couldn't take a joke, albiet a really bad one, 2. you've shown yourself in one comment to one of those annoying, hypocritical, self righteous, superficial "pop atheists" who act like they are smart, but really aren't, and 3. it's entertaining. Really it just boils down to you taking the bait and continuing. The reason I came here was to listen to NIN. I may or may not humor your interests. Do you find this entertaining? Your threat is still just as empty.
I'm only interested in what Trent HIMSELF has to say about the meaning of this song. But I can't find his vision of it anywhere. Can anybody help? I hear he's a self-proclaimed atheist.
Heehee... I'm positively terrible, no? Yes, that is true. However, I can say with the utmost confidence that I have never burned a fellow human being alive. And being logical, there are plenty of things worse than a preachy atheist. And I'm agnostic.
If you give me some of that cookie dough I'll let you shit in my lasagna. I assume that's supposed to be "By the way". I don't watch Game of Thrones, mainly because I haven't found a good way to watch it. A friend of mine was going to give them a few seasons to me, but I don't think we ever got around to it, and now we are living on opposite sides of the globe.
The more you go through in life the more you appreciate this music
Glad I found the lyrics. I had this song stuck in my head all day and the only part I knew was 'TERRIBLE LIE' which just repeated in my head over and over...
Fuck what anybody thinks.....this does what it's supposed to do,EVOKE EMOTION!!! I fucking love nine inch nails.....thank you so very much Trent
michael kelligan
Ty,plain simple straight TRUTH!These wackadoo. g-d nuts want to always get n make shit so profound.To the point of tryn to push that shit down your throat.N I ain't saying its wrong or not to have a view,opinion,meaning interpretation,or memory or emotion towards or about it.But 1,everybody has their own.Nobody needs some force feeding them some1 else's.N then if they don't see it that way,holy shit,the nasty,aggressive attitudes is wild.N Fkn forget about these chicks/n chicks w/dicks(dudes)just plain crying,whining,poor me poor mewing.N just pouring out thriller hearts,emotions,business,n experiences to total strangers on u tube.Give me a Fkn break,I got my own issues.I ain't saying it ain't nice or cool to help some1 w/advice.Or not understanding pain,emotions,anger can build up enuf to were it needs to be discussed.But come on.If you got insurance see a shrink,or self help group.If not talk to a friend in person.If neither is possible or work,n its ssso bad u feel need to hold ppl hostage that are just here to hear real music,just end it.Cause come. have a long future of history repeating itself!!!Ty again for the short straight TRUTH!
michael kelligan
Ty,plain simple straight TRUTH!These wackadoo. g-d nuts want to always get n make shit so profound.To the point of tryn to push that shit down your throat.N I ain't saying its wrong or not to have a view,opinion,meaning interpretation,or memory or emotion towards or about it.But 1,everybody has their own.Nobody needs some force feeding them some1 else's.N then if they don't see it that way,holy shit,the nasty,aggressive attitudes is wild.N Fkn forget about these chicks/n chicks w/dicks(dudes)just plain crying,whining,poor me poor mewing.N just pouring out thriller hearts,emotions,business,n experiences to total strangers on u tube.Give me a Fkn break,I got my own issues.I ain't saying it ain't nice or cool to help some1 w/advice.Or not understanding pain,emotions,anger can build up enuf to were it needs to be discussed.But come on.If you got insurance see a shrink,or self help group.If not talk to a friend in person.If neither is possible or work,n its ssso bad u feel need to hold ppl hostage that are just here to hear real music,just end it.Cause come. have a long future of history repeating itself!!!Ty again for the short straight TRUTH!
Joe Smith yup
I grew up with lead guitarist he was so shy with us girls around our group of cool teen kids we rocked and partied like it was our job !! They all got together and rented a former radio station made it their collective the band boys are moved in but no showers !!we blasted live music all weekend long parking lot had pot holes all over it and a small cars lost thats how deep !we were downtown right next door to city jail believe it or not those cops never came by snooping or to complain bout our loud parties!! we were all surprised seriously greatful to there was plenty they could have charged us for if they had ever went inside !!
That's right..... Thank you Trent Reznor
My friends are afraid of this music. They're stupid. NIN sums up my emotions.
@@aarongarza8224 Damn this was almost a decade ago.
@@vampirexion What does that say about this music? People are still here over a decade later.
Agree So Much
Allot of People are stupid and cannot understand it
Nine Inch Nails is soo good.
He’s taking bout the coronavirus
This came you 31 years ago but still sounds fresh and relevant to this day. Pretty Hate Machine could release tomorrow and I would listen to it and think it's brand new music. Trent is a mastermind so far ahead of his time it isn't even funny.
Bahahahahahahha are all the comments also terrible lies? Anyway i do dedicate this song to the State and Roman Civilization as a whole.
Words cannot even sum up the Awesomeness that is..... Trent Reznor was Warning us & telling us how things already were & were heading; but ARE SO MUCH WORSE NOW
So relevant NOW...... Look into History & all the advanced civilizations..... THAT DISAPPEARED- regardless of your beliefs- THIS IS TRUTH-Are we learning anything as everyone is so consumed with technology they forgot basic human decency-empathy- respect & kindness compassion & peace
It's a sad sad world but 'I Want SO Much To Believe We Can All Do Better & think of the children & future generations too & those less fortunate-oppressed-picked on & discriminated against based on medical issues-race-gender- money-power-religion-It's all before a joke-Our Superpower is crashing & being laughed at by other Countries
-We need Reform everywhere & to stop going backwards- The CONSTITUTIOM was written for a reason so why are we letting them take away our rights & why does this legal GANG of pigs have power when they are MOSTLY corrupt & the few good ones get pressured into 'joining the club or they get IT
Down in it The Becoming- The Fragile-Reptile-Me I'm Not- Find My Way- Copy Of A.......
@@repentnow8823 HA HA If I am reading this Correctly then why are you when here watching & listening when there's SO Much you can do besides put down WHAT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND
Isn't that what causes all the issues in the world- Not understanding or being afraid of What you don't Understand so what's your answer******'Start some BS with people who enjoy the music & people WHO GET IT?????
We don't need any more Hitlers or discriminators or racists & if you don't Understand fully then you can't pick & choose-
Teach us ALL YOU KNOW- These days- The Lost civilizations-The sadness of the current state of the world-The US going backwards & taking away Constitutional rights & invading our privacy through technology & now if we egregious want to update a Samsung Google phone they want us to AGREE to their unlawful invasion of privacy in our homes & in our lives- Does your know that?????
How about Female oppression & how decades ago women who were beaten by husband's were told to wait until nothing before reporting to the constable or 'police so as to not dispute their sleep..... Do you think it's different today-It's Not- They just word it differently- Have you ever experienced getting assaulted & threatened & afraid & told by Detective Chavez 'If you call again or I get called back here before my shift is over at 4:00AM I'll arrest you- Even though No criminal record or activity & you didn't even call- Neighbors did......While you watch the PIGS laughing with the Felon Male who is IN THE WRONG
SO WHAT DO YOU DO when you're in your home with your child & dog & all your belongings & suddenly not only your EX but his brother is suddenly there & doesn't even live there for last 2years & Police are telling the FEMALE to stay in a shall little extra room in their own home & POLICE EVEN use extension cord to literally lock Female in this little storage room in her house-A room with no tv-A Female with back issues & various chronic pain from various 'accidents????? As The Men are taunting through the door-Talking about going through your belongings & things you struggled all your life for- Laying in your bed-On your clean sheets & the other 1 on your leather couch using more fresh linens from linen closet enjoying your food & drink & cable tv & Your meds are all there that you need but we're told to stay in this small extra storage room without a bathroom or soap or anything while the MEN ARE LAUGHING- stealing your meds & who knows what &1 NEVER LIVED THERE & had warrants for his arrest & made cops aware but did they do anything????? PIGS
So Female doesn't know what to do or how this can bw gathering in her home in her 'free country-So she calls Domestic Violence hotline since her ex who did live there in past but MOVED OUT OVER 2 YEARS AGO YET came & went-stole mail-broke window to get in- the list goes on but the PIGS NEVER HELPED
IMAGINE calling domestic hotline to report this-In fear- Knowing phone needs charger which is in my home but I'm trapped in a room & don't know why.....I want someone to know what is happening as I don't know what's going on- The Twilight Zone feeling but I need to tell someone before battery dies & give name of officer who told me NOT TO CALL UNTIL HIS SHIFT IS OVER REGARDLESS of my safety & Rufus being violated IN MY HOME
THE HOTLINE CALLED 911.....Thanks for Nothing-Chavez comes back with his buddies & I get cuffs put on in my home-After never in my life should I ever have had that chappen- much less in my own home & they hurt me too
-I CAN GO ON & ON but unsure it's worth my
I was taught if you don't have shutting nice to say then don't say anything at all so I am not looking to put you down orargue-I am song for your facts since you started very little & it makes not sense that you're here but to start trouble
Do you gain pleasure from that as anyone with a moral compass wouldn't but I'm interested to hear your point of view without any remarks about grammar & punctuation which I know very well but condense the comments & using a broken device- broken sensors yet still thankful I can type something & ENJOY THE CONCERTS & songs
You can hear him say 'HEY GOD' layered into the Drum Track
Hell yes, I can so relate to this song. I was a moron-- excuse me, I meant Mormon.
i was an lds priest for 6 / 7 years, before i was a little more disillusioned
do you still have the magic underwear
@@o.m.p.h.4483 welcome to reality it's going blow your mind welcome home
@@lordeluciferdiablo1776 i had all my shit taken away whenever denounced the church.
yeah, the perspective within the church is wholly inadequate
@@o.m.p.h.4483 atheist will treat you better than you treated us and that's real forgiveness. welcome home brother
Great Keyboard Solo was the highlight of my day. Thank yo
This is probably my favorite song by nin
I 100% agree
I think the doctor who promised me before cutting my back and inserting titanium hardware and plates and rearranging things where nobody can read my MRI's due to nothing being where it should anatomically be anymore. He said, "Don't you want to be like you were as a teenager? Don't you want to work full-time again?" I wanted so bad to believe all of his promises. They sounded so good, but I should have looked at his eyes right before surgery. I swear I saw hell in that man's eyes. "Doc it was a terrible lie and I have nothing much to live for and I believed your promises, but your promises were all lies!!!!"
Linda Van Galder I’m really sorry Linda
I saw your story on another NIN song too. What was wrong with your back that he thought you had to have surgery? I've heard about so many back surgeries gone bad. I have scoliosis and some old injuries from a car accident years ago. I'm not too bad yet, but worry it could get worse as I get older and back surgery scares me.
I feel sorry Linda. What hapened to your back, why you had that surgery?
Sorry that this happened to you, but your putting a good message out
There about doctors just recently a friend off mine also went thought a same sort off situation said we are the patience, they should listen to us,to help us not fix us, we were laughing at some doctors how they can never be wrong, but in your case it's Sergey and very serious. There is something wrong with doctors att times I don't know what it is. I went to a doctor trying not to tell him what I wonted, just told him about the pain , and he was just being a doctor said I don't know what it is, and left me didn't listen to my problem with pain that I had taken alot off nuprifin and it wasent helping. He could off gave me something to get rid off the pain, the next doctor gave me a pain killer for that spasific pain.
Great love song. When someone is your everything and they tell you the same but then you find out its a Terrible Lie.
you do know that he his talking to god that's why in the start of every verse is 🎼hey god🎼 😇🙏 they use sound to make Trent not look like a fool saying hey god Wikipedia page much
perhaps that someone he speak of could be the governors of the land we dwell on.
@@lordeluciferdiablo1776 people can interpret things in the way they want just gtfo of here
Not quite. Much deeper than that
@@fsedwuncleriii4190 he's right though. But go ahead create your own reality.
Mean Mean Hook love the content makes me grin at times with profound intensity.
sick subscription s
I LOVE THIS SONG. PLEASE COME TO LONG ISLAND NY or NYC or Queens Or anywhere Nassau County or Suffolk County NY preferably but even the trip-state area so O can really enjoy a full live show UP CLOSE as its been almost 2 years since driving 900 miles to see you st festival in KY bit still arrived so late & missed first 35-40 minutes of your set WHICH OS ALL I WENT THERE FOR & had to do withput so many basic necessities to get the tix-car-gas & lodging & all that-It was still worth it to see you BUT PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE COME CLOSER THIS TIME PLEASE 🙏
what a song!!
great song best of nin for me
Can this world be as sad as it seems? Apparently it is. Lesson noted....again. Punk it out, Jazz👊
wow this song is more intense then i remember it
I love the kickass keyboard... love NIN
I also love the drumms
This is a GOOD song. No questions asked. I actually own a CD with this and several other NIN tracks. This song, Head Like A Hole, and Starfuckers Inc. are my favorite NIN songs. And btw I have a friend who's actually meant Trent Reznor. He said Trent was very nice.
This song was with me when I was awakening from a huge deceptive slumber, after being brainwashed through baptism in the holy places. This song IS representative of that time in my life. It was awful coming to the truth. Agonizing even. But I’m free from it.
WHO told you the terrible lies? You have to be certain of that to move on.
@@corkydelarge4440 are you asking who brainwashed him? he said religion
make sure to insult their gawd when they try to troll you 😈
The lie is american/western churches, not God Himself. The deception is the fact that they made you believe God doesn't exist.
Encore merci Youssef pour cette belle chanson profonde et sensée. :)
I believed your promises your promises and lies!!!!!!! Good stuff!!!!!🐰
that end is great with a bomb solo to finish it off
you're the reason why we cant have nice things
Nine inch nails is awesome
You are smart, when I look at a song I go through the comments and all there are petty people fighting feeble arguments and you should disable them.
Off with their heads!
hell no I enjoy cussing at them things. religious folks are scared of gay peoples genatila it's a fact that has been documented 🤭
Great memories 🎉🎉❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉😮
TRENT IS GOD !!!!!!!
Dog si tnert
My favorite song from NIN
at first i thought it said caroline instead of terrible lie.
anyway its EPIC XD
Indeed the world is a terrible place at times. And there are a great many lies told to us, starting when we’re young and continues throughout our lives as we grow. The real struggle is to not lose yourself in its darkness, to not be consumed by its spreading fire. And not become jaded, heartless zombie under its disenchanted spell. Things like true love & truth really do exist in this world. And yes, there can be terrible things that people do involving these two things and your worse fears can & will visit you throughout life, but it doesn’t make love any less true. I struggle greatly with that notion but I refuse to give that up for its all I got left. Like taking care of a single shinning flower in a toxic wasteland, I am it’s caretaker & it my muse.
the tune !
For years I thought Trent was saying "Tell a lie!" I think I liked my way better 😭
So true..... Exactly
Thank you!
Great keyboard solo
Love this song, and yes people, God himself is the terrible Lie. Try not to get offended and for 5 seconds, imagine a world without God, but add education, truth, and serenity to the mix. Look nice to you??
"When someone tells me they are relgious, its kind of like they just gave me a shortcut to offending them. with atheists it's a bit harder" -Demetri Martin
lol, i like that
Lol a world without God would have nothing good at all. absolute zero. since all good on earth comes from Him. You really do not know The God you are referring to here. As if humans arent wrong 95% of their life. Oh but you know that God does not exist right? you are jusy that smart. You have less proof than Vs He does exist. He actually is real though is the thing. God is real
I love this song too, I can relate to it completely. I grew up going to church and things happened in my life at an early age that I prayed over and that completely crushed my "faith." God is a terrible lie. There is too much money to be made by religious organizations to stop and think about the lies they spread. Terrible Lies!!
+nate johnson your proof of this is? and don't say the bible. you can't use the bible to prove itself.
NiN captures terrible feelings with the music. That shit at the end is like dying slow
❤love it!!! We r different lol
@pinksasquatch What I don't get is why people don't just listen to the lyrics. This song is about trying to believe in a god a force that justifys all the wrongs and just being unable to. In the lyrics on Pretty Hate Machine under Head Like a Hole is written "Hey god, I really don't know who I am in this world of piss"
Trent: Hey god?
God: .....
Trent: Oh, i forgot, there is no god.
Actually, I beg to differ...all his lyrics go to God...I'm sure he would attest to that...
First mistake god cant talk to those that are unholy with sin. It is hey Jesus. For Jesus is the only way to get to the Graces of God. You are forever unclean and god can not interact With sin.
God I miss those days
They tell you the intentions at the beginning of the album.
No wonder i felt frightened at the sound. Same goes with "beatles" music and all the rest.
"Terrible lies" indeed
it rocks
Trip this is what that mass shooter was bumping. Wicked now and makes sense. Crazy.
Don't turn away from me.
17 people are always telling terrible lies
You forgot to add the "Hey God" in the verses. Great video though
i dont feel right disableing comments i like to allow people to speak their minds but when it gets to petty bickering over stupid shit i feel like i should but i dont feel right doing it. if that makes sense
I Get you
Correction:Badass keyboard solo
Thanks Fox...
Trent Reznor is a God. Let the flaming angry rants begin please. P. S. I am the terrible lie
I believe we are all parts of God. Me, Trent, You. And I think your a terrific terrible Lie.
free will and compassion, good for you (((:
Aileen wuronous is that you
Fuck Yeah #TerribleLie🤘😎!!!
Great truther song. Along with "Anybody Listening" by Queensryche, and "The World Around Me" by Kings X. My gold, silver and bronze.
He didn’t want anybody else to think like him.
yea sorry about that tried to increase quality but my computer was all "nope.avi"
They actually don't upset me at all. I'm amused that you put so much effort in trying to butcher that sentence, suggesting that you are the one who is actually getting upset. :P
I don't eat ANY breakfast cereal, so it's funny that you would say that. You know, empty threats aren't very threatening, all they do is make you look butthurt.
It evokes emotion most definitely ...more about the awful things our government does to us as opposed to religion...religion doesn't demand you obey..the government does or they lock your ass up...think about it
oh and btw not saying that the author of the lyrics shares my opinion, before the arguments start
Well atleast with the government; it changes. It's flexible, but religion is tradition and "infallible." But, realistically, you don't have much of a choice if your alternative to religion is eternity being tortured...
Annebelle Bell what do you mean religeon doenst demand to obey? most popular religeon christianity demands that you believe in god or your going to hell
Are you joking. All religion does is demand you obey. That's the whole point of religion.
O' yee of little to none,faithless bow your knees and pray selfless gain. for yee art vain.
Idk why but I always hear razor Ramon theme in the beginning 😂
So much pain in those chords.
it is a mystery that you can feel the pain that person has felt and despite of that he is giving that fantastic song
I need someone to hold on to
Trents talkin bout the coronavirus
Stabbing Westward used the same keyboard solo in their song "What Do I Have To Do."
XD thats too funny
Ribbit ribbit
word !
Exactly the same.
Love Mari number 13
What is that supposed to mean?😊
religion is a lie god is truth yes at times he /she is hard but we need that to grow in strength we became better
When someone is your everything and they tell you the same but then you find out it is all a Terrible Lie !!!
3:28.... Is there really a such thing as a "great keyboard solo" honestly? Seems like a terrible lie to perpetuate.
....Nothing? No? Okay, I'll show myself out
Great keyboard solo
I wish I didn't feel this so much.
Many say this is about Trent blaming god for his problems but I think this is actually him talking about an ex girl friend who may of been extreamly controlling
why is the hey god lyrics missing at the beginning of each verse
my old account☝️
Hate to be "that guy", but 69,069 views.
you said butt
god, atheism, and god, and atheism. delete me
The idea of God is only an abstraction of what is real and can poison the mind
I'll take atheism for 600 pat
@@MandrakeFernflower lmao. Translation: I don't know anything.
@@MandrakeFernflower why capitalize that fuckers "name"
Except there is no way you would ever be able to get to my cornflakes, I don't even HAVE cornflakes, so there is no way you are going to piss in my cornflakes. Therefore, that is a lie, and thus you lied twice. Oh, on a side note, not only did you start a sentence with "and", but you forgot to capitalize it.
@jeffrey42088 i didnt realize i forgot tht part until i uploaded it
I think making bold statements (sometimes) gets emotional genuine reactions. A good way for and understanding person to TEST the waters so that they can assesss the situation...
Bursted out laughing when I saw this comment
I love, this song, but if your gonna make a lyric video on this song, you gotta get the lyrics right.
Very good song, I think it is about a broken relationship. Not one single shred of evidence for god nor is there even a reason to believe in one.
In order to understand what I mean you might need to understand some basic sociology and history. The key thing is that in the past theism is dominant and atheism was oppressed, and now in tends to be going the other way around. Here a "pop atheist" would be the same type of people who would have blindly followed whatever in the past, they don't really understand the meaning or significance of the old atheists arguments, they are just atheist because society says that's what's "cool".
oh my fucking god stop putting oh god this god that dude! ur right its annoying BY THE WAY AWESOME VIDEO!
Because 1. You couldn't take a joke, albiet a really bad one, 2. you've shown yourself in one comment to one of those annoying, hypocritical, self righteous, superficial "pop atheists" who act like they are smart, but really aren't, and 3. it's entertaining. Really it just boils down to you taking the bait and continuing. The reason I came here was to listen to NIN.
I may or may not humor your interests. Do you find this entertaining?
Your threat is still just as empty.
It's that keyboard solo.
It's not about God.. it's about feeling betrayed ny life. I've lost everything.
O.o I think maybe half of the link got erased or something...
just copy and paste it in ur url after the yotube dot com bit
"Great keyboard solo".
I'm only interested in what Trent HIMSELF has to say about the meaning of this song. But I can't find his vision of it anywhere. Can anybody help?
I hear he's a self-proclaimed atheist.
Heehee... I'm positively terrible, no? Yes, that is true. However, I can say with the utmost confidence that I have never burned a fellow human being alive. And being logical, there are plenty of things worse than a preachy atheist. And I'm agnostic.
If you give me some of that cookie dough I'll let you shit in my lasagna.
I assume that's supposed to be "By the way".
I don't watch Game of Thrones, mainly because I haven't found a good way to watch it. A friend of mine was going to give them a few seasons to me, but I don't think we ever got around to it, and now we are living on opposite sides of the globe.
Ironic, a youtube update on the new pope on this video.
To me
This song is about the god. He wants to believe, yet feels betrayed.