I like that you don't make your videos primarily for views or likes. It's clear you are a smart nuclear scientist, who loves his job and wants to share its vibe with other geeks. Thanks for doing that. Brofist from Slovakia, EU.
Glad I hit the mark ! I am trying to bring something different to every project . I am not a fan of constant repetition.. thanks for noticing my little channel and thank you for watching! Have a great weekend!
Another fantastic presentation! I really appreciate the detail and background you provide on the topic. Plus I’m jealous of the toys you have to play with in your home lab ☢️ Great work!
wonderfully detailed explanation, I'm already on my second watch of this video and still learning! You have some amazing equipment but better yet, the knowledge to make good use of it. I have been trying to find an XR-100T for some time now, but they won't sell them in my geographic region. It's always good to look back at the history of discoveries, in this field, it is rather incredible to think that when my grandfather was a child, the some of the things we learn in high school were being discovered. I had never really thought about what the periodic table might looked like back then. Obviously, I loved the bit at the end too ;-)
You`re very welcome! glad you enjoyed it! and thank you ! this Xray spectrometer is already pretty old ! There is better options but some may need liquid nitrogen.. You might be able to find an even better one in China? cheers!
@@Neptunium it was a great vid, I always learn something new when I watch your content, even on subjects that I assumed I understood pretty well. I found a used XR-100T on the CN equivalent of eBay, 18000 RMB ($2500 USD)... I'm sure there must be some local alternatives, after-all the cheap XRF guns are all made here.
Thank you sir! That means a lot to me! If there is any place on earth you can find expensive equipment far cheaper than anywhere else, I would think China would be the place right? .. look for electron microscope parts too. They often have an xrf attached with it's dewar.. finding the correct license free software to run it may be difficult but then again in China? Maybe not..
there's a lot of great stuff in this video, but the two things now living rent-free in my head are: - a reminder that Uranus was "just another star" until
Lol!! Yes he may have been! The official announcement was 5 days later according to historical records but the scientific announcement had been made a few days earlier... So he did not technically violate any military secret . Thanks for watching!
The boiler was found on ebay: www.ebay.com/itm/154142364775?itmmeta=01HT9ECNW2E4N9GEW63QR993AQ&hash=item23e399d467:g:G6IAAOSwhcZd5-QR&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA4NyVHxV5KfbbBGQLp8SBBsMP1HLt1HFi7r4UmVqmIzCBj%2FJ%2BFCc6PGel%2FJmocpYNxio4VZ%2FFGTygGP27RCoQA0A9vpJ3BCK1c5ORNw9Ufo0qmQhZoyP4Vwq4oTFqyz6aJMs7v9SkyJUqm9MaQNqfykds%2FI4tXm0MCzt8iXO2Ul5r7a4vUV6880yTqU2H--xf1vLqrwP2kGO%2Bdhr0cRp5tnNY5l9gryp408SLjuAOAG4ixrm8TVRAjNUUn4A6kL5tPtDCOMmiQJufmbTYLoDdZncuJv6VU0ET%2F9%2FvgA7nEbnA%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR5zesq7SYw As described in the videos, the pipes elbow fittings can all be found at hardware store very easily. the relays were found on amazon: www.amazon.com/PACK-AMP-Waterproof-Relay-Harness/dp/B074FSZWVT/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=UIO6UH1HADWE&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.6CiXZXcyMGg2s9FmvU_NFAm1BwgBhfYmZaiI1z53RpVvyXtoLhSZfXyNjz027XGgsVvsBSvN42wofJ65s7TWUJJHjpby9jCkBK5pp9WiYH6I1NaAqwXaRwo6x9aRgmmAah7JS3mGigYkwX4YCaRvAEtrNsh3xM9UDMLPGh26NsCVxLIS2LjRtLHR3b2AIjGcDMMDleLgWJ5BwgSENdDcKBg4o6OXJi4nSDF52n_ijDY.A6CXqboSx5mznkRoiu9dEzUcKQwyToH0YTZgz9rPvVQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=12V+relay&qid=1711861727&sprefix=12v+relay%2Caps%2C152&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1 The valves were also found on Amazon, but I am sure ebay has them too: www.amazon.com/Beduan-Electric-Solenoid-Normally-Colsed/dp/B07N6246YB/ref=sr_1_3?crid=ODSGS3F11AOX&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.E-dp_P-7ACwJ8ZU0k54AzK9gDqMzkxkC74U1Rj81NEkVmavkdbAzqqo2j2EaoCVV5MPgrD-nO6LhiJOL0p4vNaHGyuxGFYQ1il1RwWKfE31iniPUlW7cxrfHMGf-OiMChj5MhULumYCwkd5JCZsw5HTkeMn_gwGRAEVvdz0lT-zmkvVxOPOLROUh6YrrYQzxiAYhW69V9Jg_Z21EfmPJuzKqf4ctFU8z_baxGCQw2ro.AUnXjKR1nGx4nVzS5KPUEgBv32SLCO5ElgwxVMOwdtk&dib_tag=se&keywords=12v+valve&qid=1711861770&sprefix=12v+valve%2Caps%2C176&sr=8-3 the link to the command module was linked in the description for both videos ; weedtech.com/ you can browse for the module with analog output and input, thermocouples and digital in/out listed here: weedtech.com/wtx4.html you`ll need wires. I used these: www.amazon.com/TUOFENG-Hookup-Wires-6-Different-Colored/dp/B07TX6BX47/ref=sr_1_5_pp?crid=22XS1ED74OZ1&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.VcNFeYpulSX_NTIy1KXkQmpIdQz-QrJ-qSkg8cNLucaaY_r5UKFkopHdBRu0aVmyWiAdg9qj5uwxfuIVRPikGseuRwFzFgPEB8ccoxJY7CR5nhu0XPfiY4CUCpAA5Ry0yb-U-nzOjz1MvylWSrnakg7ACc-D4xBJZU5Xse-mEc38g94T0mr9LvmBSCLn9dR7tiSjXe4tznPW1FlzgC0h7GFM60Lb-47ZUiqVQvDBcXaiGTCDtgwqaUgYonm1bYyc1c7W0BQJHiDJ9hMV0mhVDr5mndvGY2fM_FNp2P2LxY0.y3VRTTX2KYOyhNMY7v0selMHkzJ_UY03s1RCFjILrvI&dib_tag=se&keywords=wires&qid=1711861977&sprefix=wires%2Caps%2C146&sr=8-5 the pressure sensor: www.amazon.com/Ronybuy-Pressure-Sensor-Transducer-Sender/dp/B0CFJ7BN3L/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=2A9W1Y8BOOPNX&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.deKOy59oKgZ26YQ5od7CTvXecGlglLus0ZLq99-Crr6eSJzlvAeOeMBCbS2lWDPdrWI6wjad7VhNGnun-px8o2qo0A_cS9PjIv2FaaJP_uM8V1yeRKUg-QuEPZWTNSE5pFQsFwXix_7UMxVzzvd4gUSVLabzScZ1x_-TnbWkuOCG45RG2PTT5P_YafkVlKs0Qv40DW139iyJGksHQ2PSYRAk7k8uMa5bbjtKblg6iyE.nnzXZtQVR6394fuhKE7TsJ5i2CqVlOVjsDaX0AeOG7M&dib_tag=se&keywords=pressure+sensor&qid=1711862052&sprefix=pressure+sensor%2Caps%2C377&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1 and conductivity meter for the water quality: www.amazon.com/Acxico-Hydroelectric-Conductivity-Detection-Monitoring/dp/B0859XYK7W/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1KG65DGG2S63E&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.FIF9gda3ze-ag-KHJZ7FGJUhGTW4_5S7lHqSn9MZy0bLHVhhtnd_2_F9nJmC0pOgfbDC6lD1CIl1jx-KFcNpSZiqIj0z3iaIeUurfNnDP5jFwLFImK6HZpPV4cFjNkICUFolTUkKJvqiWN2JBDQeUMboH3auyDiajWENA_Rkvdj2xuYe36rwlbjoYMIEaGMoX1wiNFKkNhe4r5laii9VStwkSHmYbvQ1aeFyfyFQNao.J85YIGan09_RgPgkKf1qzJTQ2k7ozfgDTWsm9HVHKxA&dib_tag=se&keywords=conductivity+sensor&qid=1711862218&sprefix=conductivity+sensor%2Caps%2C197&sr=8-2 Hope this helps! if you have more precise question I`ll be happy to help as much as I can ! Thanks again for watching and commenting!
@@Neptunium I was also wandering how to put it all together the video kinda shows some of it. Could you make a video on how you put it all together like a step-by-step tutorial? If not that's okay 👍
I am not sure I understand what you mean by step by step? It's pretty straight forward. Water goes to the boiler and steam to the turbine. That's it. A quick Google search is enough to get an idea how a thermal plant works. Just replicate that! Making another entire video just for something as simple as that would be difficult, time consuming, and not worth much to most viewers. I could be wrong though. Honestly, if you really need step by step instructions for something as simple as putting pipes together, you should probably not do it at all. I'll be happy to answer specific questions for details and troubleshooting, but I can't do a general put together tutorial. I hope you understand. Thanks again and stay safe my friend!
It is hard to find any videos that you can learn from these days I know it's hard but keep up the good work 👏 you did a awesome job and I love the energy when you accomplish something totally new I know the feeling well it makes all the hard times total worth it 👌
@@Neptunium Nah it's fine. It's just an old TV program, not like I put any work into it or anything. I would like to see a little more on the He production in vacuum though, if you can in a future video, maybe showing how other sources were ruled out etc. I've never seen anyone else show that before and it's the closest I've ever seen of a recreation of the 1909 Rutherford-Royds experiment!
Studio 326 is really great also something interesting i noticed when using my radiacode 102 on a button of americium was the peaks we spead apart but flipping it to have the housing of the button in the way the spectrum was clean and corrected
@Neptunium hey you have big boy toys, so use them, but letting one of the smallest gamma spectrometers take a look at a sample could be interesting to analyze, interpret, and discuss
Thanks ! Yes the alpha spectrometer is very finicky! The LS works a lot better and gets very similar results for this source anyway! Thanks for watching!!!
I was able to isolate Americium Nitrate by boiling a 3 megabecquerel source in aqua regia. The nice spicy little bottle of liquid death makes my Geiger counter go off scale
20 micro Ci That's quite a few smoke detectors ! About 70 of them if I am not mistaken .. you could do a lot more than make a Geiger counter scream at you with that solution. Thanks for watching and stay safe!
You need to check if you made your vacuum chamber hot in case you succeeded in evaporating any Am. Though with an estimated boiling point of 2607 °C (4725 °F) you probably did not succeed using a SS wire. Evaporation is a function of atmospheric pressure, so the boiling point is a guide. Any metal that you evaporated will probably stick to the first "cold" surface that it encountered and not make it into your Residual GAS Analyzer (RGA). It would be a very lucky and possibly impossible path depending on the internal RGA geometry. Usually RGAs are specifically designed to block accumulating solid contamination on the detector.
I totally agree and I suspected as much . I didn't pursue any further because of this very fact! I didn't think I would evaporate anything but I wanted to see the peak ! Like I said in the video, there wasn't any point going further since almost everything was detected anyway, but it would have been a great addition! Thanks for watching!
Yes I know... Lol! English is not my first language and I DO know what you are talking about! Beyond that ... Did you gather anything else from this video?
Most of your content is over my head, but what permeates my mind is great. Im always looking forward to your videos.
I am glad you do enjoyment out of my work! I wish more people were curious about history and science ! Thank you for watching!
lol same, but I still pick up bits and learn things from it. This topic is interesting and I can’t seem to get enough of it (nuclear science).
"..and I conducted this experiment in another video.." And that is right when you earned my subscription. Respect.
Much appreciated! Thank you Yaivenov! Glad you enjoyed my work and videos! Thanks for watching!
I like that you don't make your videos primarily for views or likes. It's clear you are a smart nuclear scientist, who loves his job and wants to share its vibe with other geeks. Thanks for doing that. Brofist from Slovakia, EU.
Hey great comment! Really appreciate the support and encouragement! Easter Europe! Nice!
Totaly agree 👍
Man, that's probably the most exhaustive video/analysis about Am in the whole internet. Thank you for bringing it to us
Glad I hit the mark ! I am trying to bring something different to every project . I am not a fan of constant repetition.. thanks for noticing my little channel and thank you for watching! Have a great weekend!
So great to see detail rather than overview! Please keep 'em coming!😊
Thanks! I'll try!
I have a tiny bit of this Americium from a smoke detector. It makes my Radiacode 103 go bonkers! Cool.
Oh yeah! Classic! Thanks for sharing! And watching!
Great video as always! Its actually quite refreshing to have a such in-depth explenation with the history to.
Glad you liked it ! Thank you so much for watching!!
Another fantastic presentation! I really appreciate the detail and background you provide on the topic. Plus I’m jealous of the toys you have to play with in your home lab ☢️ Great work!
Thanks Andy! Wow it means a lot from you ! Giving the care and discipline you bring to your project! Thank you very much sir!
@@friskydingo5370 10 bucks! Wow !!! 😳😳😳😳 Thank you Frisky !! Please accept my most sincere respect for your donation ❤️
Super thanks to you Frisky Dingo!!!
Great video, love how thorough and concise you are
Thank you! I am glad you like it ! It makes my day!
Great job ✌🏽👍‼️
All right, who put the thumbs down? That was a great video, made want to expand my understanding.
wonderfully detailed explanation, I'm already on my second watch of this video and still learning! You have some amazing equipment but better yet, the knowledge to make good use of it. I have been trying to find an XR-100T for some time now, but they won't sell them in my geographic region.
It's always good to look back at the history of discoveries, in this field, it is rather incredible to think that when my grandfather was a child, the some of the things we learn in high school were being discovered. I had never really thought about what the periodic table might looked like back then.
Obviously, I loved the bit at the end too ;-)
You`re very welcome! glad you enjoyed it! and thank you ! this Xray spectrometer is already pretty old ! There is better options but some may need liquid nitrogen.. You might be able to find an even better one in China? cheers!
@@Neptunium it was a great vid, I always learn something new when I watch your content, even on subjects that I assumed I understood pretty well. I found a used XR-100T on the CN equivalent of eBay, 18000 RMB ($2500 USD)... I'm sure there must be some local alternatives, after-all the cheap XRF guns are all made here.
Thank you sir! That means a lot to me! If there is any place on earth you can find expensive equipment far cheaper than anywhere else, I would think China would be the place right? .. look for electron microscope parts too. They often have an xrf attached with it's dewar.. finding the correct license free software to run it may be difficult but then again in China? Maybe not..
I love your videos man.
Thanks a lot my friend! much appreciated!
there's a lot of great stuff in this video, but the two things now living rent-free in my head are:
- a reminder that Uranus was "just another star" until
Lol!! Yes he may have been! The official announcement was 5 days later according to historical records but the scientific announcement had been made a few days earlier... So he did not technically violate any military secret . Thanks for watching!
What a wonderfull Saterday morning entertainment!
Hi i was wondering if you could show how you exactly built the boiler and other stuff on your diy power plant.
The boiler was found on ebay: www.ebay.com/itm/154142364775?itmmeta=01HT9ECNW2E4N9GEW63QR993AQ&hash=item23e399d467:g:G6IAAOSwhcZd5-QR&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA4NyVHxV5KfbbBGQLp8SBBsMP1HLt1HFi7r4UmVqmIzCBj%2FJ%2BFCc6PGel%2FJmocpYNxio4VZ%2FFGTygGP27RCoQA0A9vpJ3BCK1c5ORNw9Ufo0qmQhZoyP4Vwq4oTFqyz6aJMs7v9SkyJUqm9MaQNqfykds%2FI4tXm0MCzt8iXO2Ul5r7a4vUV6880yTqU2H--xf1vLqrwP2kGO%2Bdhr0cRp5tnNY5l9gryp408SLjuAOAG4ixrm8TVRAjNUUn4A6kL5tPtDCOMmiQJufmbTYLoDdZncuJv6VU0ET%2F9%2FvgA7nEbnA%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR5zesq7SYw
As described in the videos, the pipes elbow fittings can all be found at hardware store very easily. the relays were found on amazon:
The valves were also found on Amazon, but I am sure ebay has them too:
the link to the command module was linked in the description for both videos ;
you can browse for the module with analog output and input, thermocouples and digital in/out listed here:
you`ll need wires. I used these:
the pressure sensor:
and conductivity meter for the water quality:
Hope this helps! if you have more precise question I`ll be happy to help as much as I can ! Thanks again for watching and commenting!
@@Neptunium I was also wandering how to put it all together the video kinda shows some of it. Could you make a video on how you put it all together like a step-by-step tutorial? If not that's okay 👍
I am not sure I understand what you mean by step by step? It's pretty straight forward. Water goes to the boiler and steam to the turbine. That's it. A quick Google search is enough to get an idea how a thermal plant works. Just replicate that! Making another entire video just for something as simple as that would be difficult, time consuming, and not worth much to most viewers. I could be wrong though. Honestly, if you really need step by step instructions for something as simple as putting pipes together, you should probably not do it at all. I'll be happy to answer specific questions for details and troubleshooting, but I can't do a general put together tutorial. I hope you understand. Thanks again and stay safe my friend!
@@Neptunium oh okay 👍 I figured out how the thermal power plant works and I am now ready to build one
@@Neptuniumhow much did the module cost and does the wire for the computer come with it?
Grate video Super awesome science video
Thank you so much! Glad you like it !
It is hard to find any videos that you can learn from these days I know it's hard but keep up the good work 👏 you did a awesome job and I love the energy when you accomplish something totally new I know the feeling well it makes all the hard times total worth it 👌
Ah my old Seaborg video is finally getting some good use! 😀☢ 👍🏻
Yes sir!!! Thank you for letting me use this awesome historic footage!
Now that I think about it, I should have giving you credit for your excellent video and kind permission!
@@Neptunium Nah it's fine. It's just an old TV program, not like I put any work into it or anything. I would like to see a little more on the He production in vacuum though, if you can in a future video, maybe showing how other sources were ruled out etc. I've never seen anyone else show that before and it's the closest I've ever seen of a recreation of the 1909 Rutherford-Royds experiment!
Ha ! Yes that's a big one on my list too! Still working on it ! 😁
Excellent video!
Thank you!
Studio 326 is really great also something interesting i noticed when using my radiacode 102 on a button of americium was the peaks we spead apart but flipping it to have the housing of the button in the way the spectrum was clean and corrected
this is very interesting! I should have looked at the resolution of my Radiacode too! Thanks for watching and suggesting that!
@Neptunium hey you have big boy toys, so use them, but letting one of the smallest gamma spectrometers take a look at a sample could be interesting to analyze, interpret, and discuss
@@The-One-and-Only100 I completely agree! No body reached out yet ..
@@Neptunium I'm sure someone will reach out
very interesting video and experimental work, do you know why also palladium is added? maybe to improve the mechanical performance of the gold foil?
I am not really sure but I think so. Maybe for structural support? Thanks for watching!
another excellent video, sad to see the nim alpha spectrometer make an appearance but the LS system is probably a better choice haha
Thanks ! Yes the alpha spectrometer is very finicky! The LS works a lot better and gets very similar results for this source anyway! Thanks for watching!!!
Can you please make a video or a series of videos regarding entropy explaining everything about it
About entropy? Sure if I get around to it why not! It would be interesting to tight it with some experiment too ..
Best job in the world
It's really hard for me to comprehend the audio bit while there's a soundtrack running in the background.
Is it? Really? I didn't think it was too loud. Thanks though!
I was able to isolate Americium Nitrate by boiling a 3 megabecquerel source in aqua regia. The nice spicy little bottle of liquid death makes my Geiger counter go off scale
20 micro Ci That's quite a few smoke detectors ! About 70 of them if I am not mistaken .. you could do a lot more than make a Geiger counter scream at you with that solution. Thanks for watching and stay safe!
Discovered by Amerigo Vespucci?
Yes of course!
bizarre how such a high atomic number made it to a relatively common household
I know right! I think it's great ! 😃
A strong and cogent narrative is not helped by dynamic music
Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for watching!
Kino channel. Great!
Thanks a lot ! Glad you enjoyed it!
Oh hey!
Iron repulson chemecal radtion experment..
@@Neptunium no magnetic sar only chemecal reactions.for through the iron pins
You need to check if you made your vacuum chamber hot in case you succeeded in evaporating any Am. Though with an estimated boiling point of 2607 °C (4725 °F) you probably did not succeed using a SS wire. Evaporation is a function of atmospheric pressure, so the boiling point is a guide.
Any metal that you evaporated will probably stick to the first "cold" surface that it encountered and not make it into your Residual GAS Analyzer (RGA). It would be a very lucky and possibly impossible path depending on the internal RGA geometry. Usually RGAs are specifically designed to block accumulating solid contamination on the detector.
I totally agree and I suspected as much . I didn't pursue any further because of this very fact! I didn't think I would evaporate anything but I wanted to see the peak ! Like I said in the video, there wasn't any point going further since almost everything was detected anyway, but it would have been a great addition! Thanks for watching!
promo sm
You can't pronounce a lot of the words you use properly.
Yes I know... Lol! English is not my first language and I DO know what you are talking about! Beyond that ... Did you gather anything else from this video?
@@NeptuniumI like your accent! It's perfectly understandable, I think you enunciate well!
Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed my work and videos!!! And accent ! Lol