Yes. Ivy honey? Tricky one. You can't rely on the bees making it on the other hand if they do make it they can make too much and the whole hive can get jam packed full of it.
Sorry about that. We are working on a shoestring, or more accurately 80 metres of wifi cable and two mobile phones, that are temperamental, especially in hot weather. It isn't a slick presentation with a massive budget, where we can have several takes, then put it all together in a studio. It is actually live with very basic equipment. None of us are experts in the field, all we are trying to do is increase the knowledge and skills of beekeepers. We are trying to improve as we go along. Stay with it. We are trying our best. Roger
Thank you team. I love these sessions. It’s a great opportunity to glean some understanding from someone so experienced.
I enjoy your live at the hive from Oklahoma in the USA. 😊🐝
Greatly enjoy these videos
Queen is top right at 58:48
Yes. Ivy honey? Tricky one. You can't rely on the bees making it on the other hand if they do make it they can make too much and the whole hive can get jam packed full of it.
I use burlap bags that I get free from a friend's coffee company
Sound is awful, very frustrating for audience
Sorry about that. We are working on a shoestring, or more accurately 80 metres of wifi cable and two mobile phones, that are temperamental, especially in hot weather. It isn't a slick presentation with a massive budget, where we can have several takes, then put it all together in a studio. It is actually live with very basic equipment. None of us are experts in the field, all we are trying to do is increase the knowledge and skills of beekeepers. We are trying to improve as we go along. Stay with it. We are trying our best.