Actually Arch Duke Geza von Hapsburg is one of the foremost faberge experts in the world! The others being Kieran McCarthy the directory of London gallery Wartski and Andre Rushnikov, the man who facilitated and authenticated the Forbes collection of Faberge to Russian oligarch Viktor Veskelberg.
high art is the noblest cause.
Az kemény, hogy a Habsburg Gézát meg a Nyerges Alexet kérdezték xD Micsoda helyeken vannak magyarok a világon...erről persze alig tudnak xD
Actually Arch Duke Geza von Hapsburg is one of the foremost faberge experts in the world! The others being Kieran McCarthy the directory of London gallery Wartski and Andre Rushnikov, the man who facilitated and authenticated the Forbes collection of Faberge to Russian oligarch Viktor Veskelberg.
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