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*My friends, you don't need scholar to tell you whether Jesus is a Muslim or not. Here is the acid test that will confirm whether Jesus is Muslim or Jew.* 1. If the God to whom Jesus prayed has a personal name and that name is Yahweh. Then he is not a Muslim because Muslims don't pray to a god whose name is Yahweh. 2. If the God to whom Jesus prayed claims to be a Father to his people. Then Jesus is not a Muslim because Muslims pray to a God who says he is not a father but a slave master.
Pakistan God Jesus Christ on his First and Second coming contd... My death and my resurrection glorified me, and glorified my Heavenly Father. They opened the gates of heaven, which were shut because of sin; they restored men to the pristine quality of the sinless man, the Christ. In my first coming I came to save not to condemn, to instruct in the ways of perfection, and to point myself as the way, the truth and the life. *My second coming will be very different from the first. I am the King of Glory; I come with authority to judge the earth. Those who rejected me will be rejected, those who did not follow me will perish eternally, and those who lived for themselves will have no eternal life.* My words will be my judgment, those who lived holy lives will be welcomed into my eternal kingdom of joy, but those who lived for sin will enter eternal punishment. Be good while you still have a chance, forgive so that you may be forgiven, love one another to prove yourselves worthy of my love, give generously and you shall be given generously, be merciful and my mercy will be shown to you.
@@agncxrx Allah made people and they make mistakes. Big or small, nobody is perfect. There are people who has received the message of Islam. And they chose to remain in the darkness even after knowing the truth. They will be punished. There are longer explanations but this is the shortest summary. There are also people that never received the message of Islam and/or it never reached them. In the day of judgement, they will have to face a test which Allah will take. That will determine whether they would be a believer or not if the message had reached them. So, now, it is a question of accepting the truth when has reached the person. And to accept the absolute truth, one has to learn why the others aren't the truth. If a person makes the mistake to follow christianity, unknowingly associate others with God Almighty, think that Jesus (PBUH) is God, do not accept Muhammad (PBUH) as the final messenger, they will definitely be punished. I henceforth encourage in gaining as much knowledge as possible so that you can differentiate between the right and the wrong.
@@agncxrxAllah gave us free will. At the same time, He also told us what's wrong and what's right in the Quran. He showed us the correct path, now we have the choice of doing the right thing or going against Allah's command.
2 Corinthians 11:13-15 13 For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an (angel of light) [ This is the Gabriel of Islam]. 15 It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve. Galatians 1:8-98 But even if we or an "ANGEL FROM HEAVEN" should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! 9 As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse! These scriptures are against religion and tradition these discredit the angel Gabriel whom the profit Muhammad thought to be a demon at first. similarly in Mormon tradition this refutes the angel Moroni. Dear brother if the truth is the truth it must withstand all scrutiny and our hearts must be softened to receive the truth. With all the love in my heart I say this. May God bless you and keep you near Him. The spirit of anger is alive and well in this video and he who hates His brother has murdered him in his heart. If you believe in Jesus then listen to the eye-witnesses not someone who lived 500 years after the fact. But again I pray you don't manifest in anger I simply wish to love you as I love myself. Faith and relationship in God comes from the heart. That's why the thief on the Cross is in heaven. He feared God, believed and repented or changed his mind about practicing evil. You can not return evil with evil but evil with good. The thief had no time to pray 5 times a day or do any of the works religion teaches. His heart was postured towards the Lord Jesus Christ and he was saved by His finished work on the cross. The Holy Bible takes years to understand and to become a shepherd you must be anointed by God with love and humility. I hear no love and humility in this video. I love you.
APUS really hope Bart Erhman say opposite thing about Islam. But turn out Bart Erhman wasn't biased with his answer. His answer were all academic. Something that APUS unfamiliar with. 😅😅
Bart Ehrman also said the following: - "Variants in the text do not affect the basic Christian dogmas" - "The crucifixion of Jesus by the Romans is one of the most certain facts we have about his life" - "You have passages that show Jesus is God, passages that say the Spirit is God" - When Bart was asked what he thought about working on the Quran, he answered: "Yes, when I stop valuing my life then I will do that"
@Mas-Haro, Jesus spoke Aramaic and Hebrew, not arabic. Jesus didn't speak about Muhammad or Allah. So don't lie. Paul Williams is a Muslim and told viewers "Why did he leave Christianity".
Always remember in life That you are not putting your whole life in line following 4 anonymous authors or a person who never met jesus Yet claiming they are eye witnesses Eye witnesses of what? "Dream”?
It is Not a Muslim belief because it is mentioned in Hadeeth Ahaad not Quraan. Actually that belief contradicts Quraan: سورة الأحزاب : عدد الآيات 73 - - الصفحة 423 - الجزء 22. ﴿ مَّا كَانَ مُحَمَّدٌ أَبَآ أَحَدٖ مِّن رِّجَالِكُمۡ وَلَٰكِن رَّسُولَ ٱللَّهِ وَخَاتَمَ ٱلنَّبِيِّـۧنَۗ وَكَانَ ٱللَّهُ بِكُلِّ شَيۡءٍ عَلِيمٗا ﴾ [ الأحزاب: 40] ﴿ ترجمة: ما كان محمد أبا أحد من رجالكم ولكن رسول الله وخاتم النبيين ﴾ Muhammad (SAW) is not the father of any man among you, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the last (end) of the Prophets. And Allah is Ever AllAware of everything.
@@mohamdy9474 not at all , Jesus Christ pbuh will not descend as a new Prophet but the Ummati of Prophet Muhammad pbuh He pbuh will accomplish a mission and follow the rules of this Ummah
I just divorced my Muslim wife... I told her you can forgive a mass murderer a man with many wives and a peodophile and a man who beheaded people to spread his belief.. She said as all Muslims say to me. Islam is a religion of peice... I said pack your bags and run..!!! Every third word in coran is about hell. Hellfire... A punishing God... The miracle of skin receptors.. Burn there skin give then new skin only to burn them again.. This is peice and a miracle.. Hehe...
@toluwatobi46 it makes perfect sense. Jesus has no idea what a Christian is and never heard of such religion. Nowhere in the bible where Jesus says my religion is Christianity and my followers shall be called Christians.
God🤦🤦 y'all delusional....to be a Christian means to be follower of Christ So Jesus can't be christian as he doesn't make sense for him to follow himself.....and Jesus doesn't say anything about religion He just say "carry your cross and follow me" The name " Christian"was an insult given to Early Christian called "followers of the way " So the name was given to them by Roman pagans to insult them of their religion ..so please don't embarrass yourself again with illogical nonsense
Hebrews: ELOAH / ELOHIM + Shalom Aleichem Aramic: ALAAHA + Shlama 'ahlaykhu Arabic: ALLAH + As-salam 'alaykum Jesus greeted his disciples as Muslims do to each other and here is the proof: John 20:21 Jesus said to his disciples, “Peace be with you! As the Father sent me, so I send you. "
Jesus and his apostles said this centuries before Muhammad ever made up Islam. Are you suggesting Jesus copied Muhammad in the future? There was no Quran at the time Jesus and his apostles lived. They certainly didn't copy Muhammad.
Jesus said what a prophet suppose to say by order of Allah/God. Prophet Mohammad said what he war ordered by Allah. Their message is same as it came from God Almighty.
He is a depressed conman, he is selling his soul for little youtube money, let him be, the jealousy and hate he has for Islam/Muslims will kill him slowly
Best thing is to refute these people without even showing who they are, even their name. So they don't get any more publicity to spread lies. Do not even click on their videos Allah Subhanuhuwataala will expose the liars eventually.
MashAllah. Allah works in wondrous ways to convey His message. May Allah guide Bart towards the truth. I hope you are well brother Syfe🤲🏽. Also the Kurta looks great!
As a Muslim I'm looking forward for Bart to shift his focus on the Qur'an, to study the history, the language and its verses from an unbiased lens (although I do understand that since he doesn't speak Arabic it will be challenging to him)
@@xxCrimsonSpiritxx Why, do we need him? He serves Jesus better as a NT scholar who doesn't believe in Jesus. He gives him a lot of publicity even if it's a mixed bag.
@@nickmansfield1 We don't need at all brother, I just want it for the sake of challenging him, if he was unbiased in his research, people think that when we say "the Qur'an is authentic" they say "according to you", the more non-Muslims confirm what we say the more people will come to believe
@@xxCrimsonSpiritxx We are rapidly approaching a time when everyone will have to believe or disbelieve. Allah certainly confirmed the extant messages of the earlier prophets: Surah Cow/2, ayah/v.30: And when your Adon spoke to the angels, “So-be-it I am placing a caliph (proxy) over Ha-Aretz.” “You will set over her such-whom shall be a spreader of corruption upon it, and the shedder of various-blood, whereas we, we exalt in Thy praise and, unto Thee, we sanctify?” Said He, “Indeed I, I am knowing of that-which you shall know not.” The Isra(el) Night Journey/The One Who Perseveres/17, ayah/v.104: And We said, from [a time] after him (after Moses, spanning the period of the prophets, from Joshua to Malachi), to [the] sons-of Jacob (those-who-wrestle-with-God), “Inhabit Ha-Aretz (Israel-Earth).....Then, when a promise comes, the life after here, We will bring you, a mixed-multitude.” Surah The Ants/27, ayah/v.82: And-when the word against them is-fulfilled We-bring-forth a beast unto them from (the lineage of) Ha-Aretz, speaking-to-them, since the people were not finding-certainty in-Our-signs.
Apostate prophet made that video in order to show muslim how far away jesus is from islam but he didnt expect thoose answers 😂😂AP will bring more muslim closer to their deen,masallah ❤❤
[2:170] And when it is said to them, Follow what Allah has revealed, they say: Nay! We follow what we found our fathers upon. What! And though their fathers had no sense at all, nor did they follow the right way
I love how apuss nods to everything that Bart says but he seems to be so disconnected from what he's saying that Bart could say that he's dumbed than a rock and he would be nodding in confirmation.
☝️The Prophet Muḥammad (pbuh) said, "Both in this world and the next, I am the nearest of all the people to the son of Mary, and all the prophets are paternal brothers, and there has been no prophet between me and Jesus (pbuh)."
@v_ilaris God forgive you, for disgracing the name of Jesus and Paul. First of all it wasn't a vision. God appeared to him, and told him to go to Ananias. How did he get deceived? And I worship One God. Dont tell me what tell me what I worship.
@v_ilaris :As he journeyed he came near Damascus, and suddenly a light shone around him from heaven. 4 Then he fell to the ground, and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me? Acts 9:3.” Does it say it was a dream. Dont say things you don't know and stop hardening your heart and ignoring the truth.
Yep, Muslims love to cherry pick. Bart himself laughed in the Facebook of Muhammad Hijab when Mo pressed about God's book and it's necessity of perfect preservation
Alhamdullilah I am early, Syfe, brother I am from India and my iman has strengthened because of you. Kind request for you to make more videos on Sam Shamoun and God Logic. Thank you so much.
Assalamu Alaikum. I hope you're doing well. May Allah SWT protect you, increase your faith and knowledge, and make you one of the people of paradise. Rest assure Insha'Allah, I'll be making more videos refuting the lies of Sam and GodLogic
☝️The Prophet (pbuh) said, "Whoever testifies that no deity is worthy of worship but Allāh alone, without any partners, that Muḥammad is His servant and Messenger, that Jesus is the servant of Allāh, His Word which He bestowed upon Māryam, a Spirit from Him, and that Paradise is true and Hellfire is true, then he will enter Paradise through any of the eight gates of Paradise he wishes."
Quran use to today was a 1924 cairo published The 1924 Cairo edition, also known as the King Fu'ād Quran or the Azhar Quran, is the version of the Quran that is commonly used in the Muslim world today. The Amiri Press printed the first edition of the Quran in Cairo in 1924, and it was the first Quran accepted by a Muslim authority, Al-Azhar. The edition took 17 years to create, from 1907 to 1924, with the support of Fuad I of Egypt and the supervision of Azhari scholars. It is considered an "official" Quran and has been replicated by several subsequent editions.
as salam aleykoum wa rahmatullah wa barakātuh may Allah make it easier for our sisters and brothers from all around the world and may Allah make us the people of the highest ranks of Jannah amin. Syfe keep up the good work may allah bless u❤
A Muslim an Arabic word which means someone who submits to Allah (SWT) so for example if prophet Jesus (AS) was speaking Arabic back then he would have said that he is a Muslim, But he clearly was speaking Aramaic. Also I find it ironic how they call Jesus (AS) a Jew, that would be claiming that god was a Jew, which is very not true there only one god who is worthy of worship that is Allah SWT. While prophet Muhammad (SAW) and prophet Jesus (AS) are just prophet of Allah.
We know the earthly lineage of Jesus. All the way back to Adam. He was a Jew. His mother was a Jew. Jesus taught in the Jewish temples. When he was crucified, the Romans placed a sign above his head that said king of the Jews where would you get the idea that Jesus was not a Jew?.
That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah";- but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not:-
@@MasudFahim-h2i Imam Mahdi will come during the time of Isa AS he will pray beside him but Allah knows best what Mahdi will do while Isa AS is ruling the world with peace
Just when i was looking the video of you reacting to P cliffe AlhamdAllah Another blessing day and another Great Video time to get chips and watch it JazakAllah Xaira brother i love your videos a lot im addicted ❤❤❤❤❤❤ amazing clothes fresh and clean❤❤MashAllah May Allah Bless you moree
Ameen 🤲🏾. Jazakallah Khair. May Allah SWT bless you and your family and grant you the best reward in this life and the next. Thank you for the support and i hope this video is enjoyable for you to watch
Rayan Jesus on the Triumph of the Cross and why? (John 3:13-17) ... Because of sin, the offense committed against God is infinite; there never existed on the earth an offering of infinite value to pay this debt. My Father in his infinite Love and Mercy decided to forgive sins through my offering on the cross. As a man I suffered the humiliation, the rejection and the punishment for the human sins that sent me to my death. As God, I overcame sin, I overcame satan and I overcame death, I obtained a complete victory for the human race and I opened the way for all those who want to follow me. With my resurrection I gave testimony of my power as God, with my Ascension I opened the doors of heaven to all those who being faithful to my words accept the call and come to me. I have not come to judge or to condemn; I have come to give hope and to save. Everyone who desires a part in my kingdom must know the way of the cross and must eat of my flesh and drink of my blood in order to obtain eternal life.
what Christian’s see: just some debates What muslim do: reads Bible and finishing Christianity with John 4:12 explanation that John 4:12 says god was not seen but follows you this is clearly allah and they can’t see it with their own book😭 I can’t believe how Christian’s can’t read their bible
Also (Ezekiel 18:27-28) "Again, when a wicked person turns away from the wickedness he has committed and does what is just and right, he shall save his life. Because he considered and turned away from all the transgressions that he had committed, he shall surely live; he shall not die." (Ezekiel 18:19-21) "Yet you ask, ‘Why does the son not share the guilt of his father?’ Since the son has done what is just and right and has been careful to keep all my decrees, he will surely live. The one who sins is the one who will die. The child will not share the guilt of the parent, nor will the parent share the guilt of the child. The righteousness of the righteous will be credited to them, and the wickedness of the wicked will be charged against them. But if a wicked person turns away from all the sins they have committed and keeps all my decrees and does what is just and right, that person will surely live; they will not die." That basically debunks the christian belief, when they claim that sins cannot be forgiven except for the shedding of blood. And also that the sacrifice and the blood of Jesus forgives thier sins. But the Bible in the old testament says otherwise.
In the same chapter(1 John 4:14-15)it says “And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world.” 15. “If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in him and he in God”. Please stop taking pieces of the Bible out of context to support your claims. That whole chapter talks about Jesus being the Son of God and how life is found in Him.
Allah Subhana Wa Tala tells us why they didn't transmit the injeel properly in the Quran. The scribes changed the words for personal gain. Alhamdulilah for Islam
The New Testament clearly states Jesus' divinity, and it's not even a question. Jesus himself claimed to be God, which was the primary reason he was crucified,
I Am is God not Jesus. God said " I am who I am". Jesus was only a servant of God and prayed to God to be saved from crucifixion. Jesus said your God is One.
@@safiul1930 Jesus IS a part of God, and the reason he was praying to the father is because he's a trinity. "I Am" refers to what historians have best depicted as YHWH, the sacred name given to Moses at the burning bush. Jesus clearly said this to the Jews, and they KNEW it, which is exactly why they began to throw stones at him for blasphemy. He was directly claiming to be God.
when he said about Jesus is going to be the ruler, and said it's not in lign with Islam, proves that Bart Erhman needs to study more about Islam. I know all his concern as an Atheist so far is only about how he doesn't like the theology concept of Christianity. That's his background as an atheist, and his misconception about God's justice on earth. He despises the idea of God's existence because of the injustice he sees here in the world, blaming God for what humans did.
So how is Jesus a Mūslim when he doesn't believe in this entity called Allāh and when he clearly doesn't recognize Muhāmmad as prophet. Go sit down and read more instead of looking foolish online.
John 11:41 (KJV) Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid. And Jesus lifted up his eyes, and said, Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me.
Most people falsely believe that the Prophet Mohammed peace and blessings be upon is the founder of a new Religion, but he is the last of the Prophets of the one and only Religion. God is the Greatest ☝🏼
Guys Serious Question. SON PRAY TO FATHER? DID THE FATHER EVER PRAY TO SON? Luke 6:12 KJV KJV And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God. PLEASE PROVIDE PASSAGE WHERE FATHER PRAYED TO SON?
Gabriel God Jesus Christ on his First and Second coming contd... My death and my resurrection glorified me, and glorified my Heavenly Father. They opened the gates of heaven, which were shut because of sin; they restored men to the pristine quality of the sinless man, the Christ. In my first coming I came to save not to condemn, to instruct in the ways of perfection, and to point myself as the way, the truth and the life. *My second coming will be very different from the first. I am the King of Glory; I come with authority to judge the earth. Those who rejected me will be rejected, those who did not follow me will perish eternally, and those who lived for themselves will have no eternal life.* My words will be my judgment, those who lived holy lives will be welcomed into my eternal kingdom of joy, but those who lived for sin will enter eternal punishment. Be good while you still have a chance, forgive so that you may be forgiven, love one another to prove yourselves worthy of my love, give generously and you shall be given generously, be merciful and my mercy will be shown to you.
Subhanallah (Glory be to God alone) i feel so bad for the Christians who are absolutely blinded by their hate of islam and muslims from intake of b.s propaganda to see the truth. May Allah (God) guide them
This is just entertainment at this point...These people are funny man. You can see him trying to justify the Anti argument and Apuss is just lapping it up. They have to grasp at straws(strawman as well) because if they Don't they are walking blindly. At least with this method they can walk in their fantasy world. "Say he is Allah: Lord of The Worlds. He Begettoth not Nor was he Begotten. And there is non comparable unto him"
I remember Christians quoting Bart saying we can make a book without contradiction, then he proposed a Telephone directory ! I answered what morals, guidance, news & stories can we get from Telephone directory compared to Quran? Have you ever seen a Telephone directory move the hearts of people to embrace a religion? Can a Telephone directory challenge the poem masters of the Arabs in their craft? This is the sad level of Christians & their replies 🥱
@@whatweretheythinking3274 that's a crazy claiming knowing ya'll history and the present. mustache man that caused ww2 was a christian don't forget. spanish inq anyone? or maybe crusades, or all the lil children whose hands were gone bc they didn't pick cotton fast enough...
And what many forget is an important thing: the words that come out of Jesus' mouth are not his own words, they were words of God's will. According to this: I can do nothing on my own without the Lord my God being with me.
And we have the world with different mother tongues. And you have to worship God in your primary spoken language. The Lord in English has several meanings. People also usually call their king: Lord, too.
Professor Bart Erhman, one of the world’s best New Testament scholars, teaches a good course on this, and has written a book, on just this subject, “How Jesus Became God.” BY THE END OF THE CENTURY, some Christians were beginning to think of Jesus as a God equal, or nearly equal, to God the Father. Earlier on, Jesus was thought of as the adopted Son of God, and the Gospel of Mark backs up that view. It was only by the end of the century that many Christians were beginning to believe in Jesus as a fully divine, pre-existing being. And it took a few more centuries still for the Doctrine of the Trinity… Jesus as fully God equal to God the Father… for orthodoxy to completely embrace that doctrine. Before the end of the first century, most Christians were “Ebionite” Christians, who essentially were like today’s Messianic Jews. It is my belief that these ideas accumulated more and more after Jesus’ death. There is Biblical evidence to suggest that Jesus never taught he was God, although some passages in John (which is where the “I am” comes from) suggest he did think he was God. But in the Synoptics… Jesus, when he teaches how to pray, never ever says, “Pray to me.” Never. It is “Our Father” who art in Heaven, not merely “my Father.” All the peacemakers, he claims, “will be called the sons of god.” Jesus asks, “Why do you call me good? Only one is good, that is, God.” That is a troubling passage that is in all three Synoptics: Mark, Matthew, Luke. He says the time of the Second Coming “is known to the Father but not the Son.” And so on
In Galatians 1:8 it states, “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.”
1:31 Bart displays his limitations as a Biblical scholar. He's good with Greek but when it comes to anything Hebrew, nah. Bart is well known because he writes a lot and has his own website. His books are very informative. I think that one of his best works is, When Jesus Became God. His scholarship on NT matters is very good but his technical knowledge of The Tanakh is not so good and impacts the way he reads Gospels like Thomas. Fact: The word, muslim, first appears in The Tanakh, therefore it is unlikely to be an anachronism within The Qur'an, and it is a word that Jesus certainly knew and understood well as he elucidated its technical meaning within Matthew according to the prophets.
There is this new argument now where Allah isn't a Father in any sense and Jesus called Him Father therefore Jesus isn't Muslim. How would you tackle this argument? Jzk.
@@WeAreGhuraba I would adhere to what is written and interpret what God says according to context. Saying God has no daughters or sons is a true, literal statement. The context of JC being the only son of God pertains to the concepts of the Mosaic Torah. Bani Israel rejected God as their king and desired something more human like the other nations. There are specific relevant readings on this subject. There is also a saying, going about my father's business. Being a son or daughter can imply that one is entitled to an inheritance. That concept is certainly shared by The Evangel and Qur'an. S5:18 does not reject the concept but rejects the behaviour of those who make the claim. I am unfamiliar with the argument you mention and the context therein.
@@Th69571 No, I was not. I was merely making an observation, an educated guess based on current trends. Dr. Herman is among millions of people leaving Christianity due to the lack of preservation of the Bible. A doctored and manipulated text like the Bible, with many unknown authors, cannot originate from the Creator; it's that simple. Human sacrifice is pagan. Consider the notion of an all-powerful God being hungry and unaware that there was no fruit on the tree. Dr. Herman has embraced the first part of the Shahada, which is "Laa Ilaaha," meaning "there is no God." Next, he will say "Ilaallah," meaning "except Allah." People around the globe are doing the same and embracing Islam because Islam has a preserved Quran, in Islam, God is not limited(ie man god), there is no human sacrifice, and it simply makes sense; there's no need for a spirit to convince me that an error/contradiction-filled book is from God.
@@Th69571 No, I was not. I was merely making an observation, an educated guess based on current trends. Dr. Herman is among millions of people leaving Christianity due to the lack of preservation of the Bible. A doctored and manipulated text like the Bible, with many unknown authors, cannot originate from the Creator; it's that simple. Human sacrifice is pagan. Consider the notion of an all-powerful God being hungry and unaware that there was no fruit on the tree. Dr. Herman has embraced the first part of the Shahada, which is "Laa Ilaaha," meaning "there is no God." Next, he will say "Ilaallah," meaning "except Allah." People around the globe are doing the same and embracing Islam because Islam has a preserved book, in Islam, God is not limited (ie man god), there is no human sacrifice, and it simply makes sense; there's no need for a spirit to convince me that an error-filled book is from God.
No, I was not. I was merely making an observation, an educated guess based on current trends. Dr. Herman is among millions of people leaving Christianity due to the lack of preservation of the Bible. A doctored and manipulated text like the Bible, with many unknown authors, cannot originate from the Creator; it's that simple. Human sacrifice is pagan. Consider the notion of an all-powerful God being hungry and unaware that there was no fruit on the tree. Dr. Herman has embraced the first part of the Shahada, which is "Laa Ilaaha," meaning "there is no God." Next, he will say "Ilaallah," meaning "except Allah." People around the globe are doing the same and embracing Islam because Islam has a preserved book. In Islam, God is not limited(ie man god), there is no human sacrifice, and it simply makes sense; there's no need for a spirit to convince me that an error-filled book is from God.
Assalamu Aleikum, Brother. Great video as always. I just wish you would pronounce "Jesus" more clearly, as to not sound as "Jeezz/Jizz" Astaghfirullah.
@@herlenicecold yes its the accent, but his accent makes him pronounce Jesus in a way it could be heard as something else. So it should be a focus to correct that
Sahih Muslim 155 Chapter: The descent of 'Eisa bin Mariam to judge according to the Shari'ah of our Prophet Muhammad (saws); And how Allah has honored this Ummah; And clarifying the evidence that this religion will not be abrogated; and that a group from it will continue to adhere to the truth and prevail until the day of resurrection Compare this to- Matthew 10:34-36 Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, **but a sword**. 35 For I have come to **set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law**. 36 And a person's enemies will be those of his own household
It's amusing to see Apus nodding his head and having to agree with Bart Ehrman that the Bible hasn't been preserved and that the core theology of Christianity is not what Jesus (pbuh) taught. Deep down Apus knows the truth of Islam but he still shamelessly denies it
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May Allah guide us. ❤
*My friends, you don't need scholar to tell you whether Jesus is a Muslim or not. Here is the acid test that will confirm whether Jesus is Muslim or Jew.*
1. If the God to whom Jesus prayed has a personal name and that name is Yahweh. Then he is not a Muslim because Muslims don't pray to a god whose name is Yahweh.
2. If the God to whom Jesus prayed claims to be a Father to his people. Then Jesus is not a Muslim because Muslims pray to a God who says he is not a father but a slave master.
@@fedesetrtatio1 Give me a single verse of the New Testament where this God Yahweh is mentioned?🤔
Your brother from Morocco you're doing an amazing job very inspirational may Allah protects you and keep us firm on the straight path amen.
Ameen. Chokran 3ala Support. May Allah SWT bless you 🫡
Plonker, Allah doesn't exist, do your research and stop being a blind and deaf sheep following your dictators.
We as Muslims don't need anyone to talk about Jesus was a Muslim or not because in the Quran God clearly says Jesus was a Muslim.
Syfe brother can you explain please surah nisa verse 157 who says we killed Messiah Isa ibne Mariyam
@@MasudFahim-h2ihe explained in the video
@@MasudFahim-h2i that about jews think they did but they not
@@MasudFahim-h2i read the chapter again. it's in there
Alhamdulillah, Brother syfe we are proud to have you as our brother and what you do for Islam is definitely beneficial for people like us ❤
Jazakallah Khair. May Allah SWT keep us united and increase the love between believers ❤️
Alhamdulillah for blessing of Islam brother ❤
Amiin may Allah give more knowledge in da'wa.
God Jesus Christ on his First and Second coming contd...
My death and my resurrection glorified me, and glorified my Heavenly Father. They opened the gates of heaven, which were shut because of sin; they restored men to the pristine quality of the sinless man, the Christ.
In my first coming I came to save not to condemn, to instruct in the ways of perfection, and to point myself as the way, the truth and the life.
*My second coming will be very different from the first. I am the King of Glory; I come with authority to judge the earth. Those who rejected me will be rejected, those who did not follow me will perish eternally, and those who lived for themselves will have no eternal life.*
My words will be my judgment, those who lived holy lives will be welcomed into my eternal kingdom of joy, but those who lived for sin will enter eternal punishment.
Be good while you still have a chance, forgive so that you may be forgiven, love one another to prove yourselves worthy of my love, give generously and you shall be given generously, be merciful and my mercy will be shown to you.
They are doing more dawah than my local Imam 💀
What are you doing for the dawah?
@@agncxrxlmao this was answered many times 😂.
@@agncxrx Allah made people and they make mistakes. Big or small, nobody is perfect. There are people who has received the message of Islam. And they chose to remain in the darkness even after knowing the truth. They will be punished. There are longer explanations but this is the shortest summary.
There are also people that never received the message of Islam and/or it never reached them. In the day of judgement, they will have to face a test which Allah will take. That will determine whether they would be a believer or not if the message had reached them.
So, now, it is a question of accepting the truth when has reached the person. And to accept the absolute truth, one has to learn why the others aren't the truth. If a person makes the mistake to follow christianity, unknowingly associate others with God Almighty, think that Jesus (PBUH) is God, do not accept Muhammad (PBUH) as the final messenger, they will definitely be punished.
I henceforth encourage in gaining as much knowledge as possible so that you can differentiate between the right and the wrong.
@@agncxrxAllah gave us free will. At the same time, He also told us what's wrong and what's right in the Quran. He showed us the correct path, now we have the choice of doing the right thing or going against Allah's command.
Wow, it must suck to be an ex Muslim hearing the Muslims has it right by a Christian scholar.
At least Christian leaders explain that Muslims who convert to Christianity, 9 out 10 become Muslims again.
Who is the Christian scholar?
2 Corinthians 11:13-15 13 For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an (angel of light) [ This is the Gabriel of Islam]. 15 It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve. Galatians 1:8-98 But even if we or an "ANGEL FROM HEAVEN" should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! 9 As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse! These scriptures are against religion and tradition these discredit the angel Gabriel whom the profit Muhammad thought to be a demon at first. similarly in Mormon tradition this refutes the angel Moroni. Dear brother if the truth is the truth it must withstand all scrutiny and our hearts must be softened to receive the truth. With all the love in my heart I say this. May God bless you and keep you near Him. The spirit of anger is alive and well in this video and he who hates His brother has murdered him in his heart. If you believe in Jesus then listen to the eye-witnesses not someone who lived 500 years after the fact. But again I pray you don't manifest in anger I simply wish to love you as I love myself. Faith and relationship in God comes from the heart. That's why the thief on the Cross is in heaven. He feared God, believed and repented or changed his mind about practicing evil. You can not return evil with evil but evil with good. The thief had no time to pray 5 times a day or do any of the works religion teaches. His heart was postured towards the Lord Jesus Christ and he was saved by His finished work on the cross. The Holy Bible takes years to understand and to become a shepherd you must be anointed by God with love and humility. I hear no love and humility in this video. I love you.
9 out 10 ex Muslims come back. 💯☑️☑️☑️
APUS really hope Bart Erhman say opposite thing about Islam. But turn out Bart Erhman wasn't biased with his answer. His answer were all academic. Something that APUS unfamiliar with. 😅😅
Did you expect from that type of people (referring to apus and his clique) to be familiar with academics. They never use one
@@nurhaqim7159 ""Apus🤔"" this is very suitable name 😂🤣
@@alcoshan2217 dude everyone call him that. I literally mean it
@@nurhaqim7159 even non-Muslims call him that?
@@alcoshan2217 yeah, I'm not joking.
Bart Ehrman also said the following:
- "Variants in the text do not affect the basic Christian dogmas"
- "The crucifixion of Jesus by the Romans is one of the most certain facts we have about his life"
- "You have passages that show Jesus is God, passages that say the Spirit is God"
- When Bart was asked what he thought about working on the Quran, he answered:
"Yes, when I stop valuing my life then I will do that"
Mashallah brother keep the dawah going!
Jazakallah Khair 🫡
May Allah (SWT) spare us from the wrath of Judgment Day
Ameen 🤲🏾
Amin brother
*Paul Williams* : _"Jesus didn't preach Christianity, but islam"_
So Jesus preach rape captive woman rob and klLL non believers
Luke 19:27 KJV But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.
@@kulupterkutuk7369 did you just lied to me now I challenge you to show me the whole verse of Luke 19
@@jedtinio845 What Lies?🤣
Parable "The Ten Pieces of Money"
Who is The King (Reign) in The Parable?🥰
@Mas-Haro, Jesus spoke Aramaic and Hebrew, not arabic. Jesus didn't speak about Muhammad or Allah. So don't lie. Paul Williams is a Muslim and told viewers "Why did he leave Christianity".
Always remember in life
That you are not putting your whole life in line following 4 anonymous authors or a person who never met jesus
Yet claiming they are eye witnesses
Eye witnesses of what? "Dream”?
you forgot that he said Jesus claimed to be a future Messiah, which is also a Muslim belief, Subhannallah.
It is Not a Muslim belief because it is mentioned in Hadeeth Ahaad not Quraan. Actually that belief contradicts Quraan:
سورة الأحزاب : عدد الآيات 73 - - الصفحة 423 - الجزء 22.
﴿ مَّا كَانَ مُحَمَّدٌ أَبَآ أَحَدٖ مِّن رِّجَالِكُمۡ وَلَٰكِن رَّسُولَ ٱللَّهِ وَخَاتَمَ ٱلنَّبِيِّـۧنَۗ وَكَانَ ٱللَّهُ بِكُلِّ شَيۡءٍ عَلِيمٗا ﴾
[ الأحزاب: 40]
﴿ ترجمة: ما كان محمد أبا أحد من رجالكم ولكن رسول الله وخاتم النبيين ﴾
Muhammad (SAW) is not the father of any man among you, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the last (end) of the Prophets. And Allah is Ever AllAware of everything.
@@mohamdy9474 not at all , Jesus Christ pbuh will not descend as a new Prophet but the Ummati of Prophet Muhammad pbuh He pbuh will accomplish a mission and follow the rules of this Ummah
I just divorced my Muslim wife... I told her you can forgive a mass murderer a man with many wives and a peodophile and a man who beheaded people to spread his belief..
She said as all Muslims say to me. Islam is a religion of peice...
I said pack your bags and run..!!!
Every third word in coran is about hell. Hellfire...
A punishing God...
The miracle of skin receptors..
Burn there skin give then new skin only to burn them again.. This is peice and a miracle.. Hehe...
If Jesus alive today he never said he is a Cristian..because his time there will be no cristianity
Your logic doesn't make sense 😂😂
Try again
@@toluwatobi46it does make sense
1471!! At one point i agree with you...😊
@toluwatobi46 it makes perfect sense. Jesus has no idea what a Christian is and never heard of such religion. Nowhere in the bible where Jesus says my religion is Christianity and my followers shall be called Christians.
God🤦🤦 y'all delusional....to be a Christian means to be follower of Christ
So Jesus can't be christian as he doesn't make sense for him to follow himself.....and Jesus doesn't say anything about religion
He just say "carry your cross and follow me"
The name " Christian"was an insult given to Early Christian called "followers of the way "
So the name was given to them by Roman pagans to insult them of their religion
..so please don't embarrass yourself again with illogical nonsense
Hebrews: ELOAH / ELOHIM + Shalom Aleichem
Aramic: ALAAHA + Shlama 'ahlaykhu
Arabic: ALLAH + As-salam 'alaykum
Jesus greeted his disciples as Muslims do to each other and here is the proof:
John 20:21 Jesus said to his disciples, “Peace be with you! As the Father sent me, so I send you. "
Jesus and his apostles said this centuries before Muhammad ever made up Islam. Are you suggesting Jesus copied Muhammad in the future? There was no Quran at the time Jesus and his apostles lived. They certainly didn't copy Muhammad.
Jesus said what a prophet suppose to say by order of Allah/God.
Prophet Mohammad said what he war ordered by Allah.
Their message is same as it came from God Almighty.
John 20:21 Peshitta Interlinear אָמַר )MR eamer say. speak. להֻון LHWN le_hun to. for. דֶּין DYN dein but. yet. תֻּוב TWB tub return. repent. יֶשֻוע Y$W( Ieshua Jesus. Joshua. שַלמָא $LM) shlme whole. entire. עַמכֻון (MKWN am_cun with. people. אַיכַּנָא )YKN) aeicenae as. how. דּשַדּרַני D$DRNY de_shdrni send. אָבי )BY ebi father. אָף )P eap also. even. אֶנָא )N) enae I. משַדַּר M$DR mshdr send. אֶנָא )N) enae I. לכֻון LKWN le_cun to. for.
John 20:21 PeshittaENv2.9β eāmēr lə·hūon đęin ŧūov Yęshūoa shēlmāe aēmə·cūon eēicēnāe đshēđrēnəi eāvi eāƒ eęnāe məshēđēr eęnāe lə·cūon .
shēlmāe aēmə·cūon
Yoh 20:21 Peshitta Interlinear אָמַר )MR eamer say. speak. להֻון LHWN le_hun to. for. דֶּין DYN dein but. yet. תֻּוב TWB tub return. repent. יֶשֻוע Y$W( Ieshua Jesus. Joshua. שַלמָא $LM) shlme whole. entire. עַמכֻון (MKWN am_cun with. people. אַיכַּנָא )YKN) aeicenae as. how. דּשַדּרַני D$DRNY de_shdrni send. אָבי )BY ebi father. אָף )P eap also. even. אֶנָא )N) enae I. משַדַּר M$DR mshdr send. אֶנָא )N) enae I. לכֻון LKWN le_cun to. for.
Yoh 20:21 PeshittaENv2.9β eāmēr lə·hūon đęin ŧūov Yęshūoa shēlmāe aēmə·cūon eēicēnāe đshēđrēnəi eāvi eāƒ eęnāe məshēđēr eęnāe lə·cūon .
'shēlmāe aēmə·cūon'
@@whatweretheythinking3274 no, that would be absurd. they're suggesting that all the prophets had a consistent message. re-read.
Please react to "A Nigerian Prespective", he has been making a lot of bold claims on islam since january with no one calling him out for his hate
Nigerian Perspective is a complete clown
He is a depressed conman, he is selling his soul for little youtube money, let him be, the jealousy and hate he has for Islam/Muslims will kill him slowly
Exactly the guy need to be corrected about his hate perspective towards Islam
I am a Nigerian and I am ashamed of him
Best thing is to refute these people without even showing who they are, even their name. So they don't get any more publicity to spread lies. Do not even click on their videos Allah Subhanuhuwataala will expose the liars eventually.
MashAllah. Allah works in wondrous ways to convey His message. May Allah guide Bart towards the truth. I hope you are well brother Syfe🤲🏽. Also the Kurta looks great!
As a Muslim I'm looking forward for Bart to shift his focus on the Qur'an, to study the history, the language and its verses from an unbiased lens (although I do understand that since he doesn't speak Arabic it will be challenging to him)
He is not competent to do this according to his own statements, nor can he cope with Hebrew.
@@nickmansfield1 Maybe he can prove us wrong and actually learn Arabic and study the Qur'an, who knows
@@xxCrimsonSpiritxx Why, do we need him? He serves Jesus better as a NT scholar who doesn't believe in Jesus. He gives him a lot of publicity even if it's a mixed bag.
@@nickmansfield1 We don't need at all brother, I just want it for the sake of challenging him, if he was unbiased in his research, people think that when we say "the Qur'an is authentic" they say "according to you", the more non-Muslims confirm what we say the more people will come to believe
@@xxCrimsonSpiritxx We are rapidly approaching a time when everyone will have to believe or disbelieve. Allah certainly confirmed the extant messages of the earlier prophets:
Surah Cow/2, ayah/v.30: And when your Adon spoke to the angels, “So-be-it I am placing a caliph (proxy) over Ha-Aretz.”
“You will set over her such-whom shall be a spreader of corruption upon it, and the shedder of various-blood, whereas we, we exalt in Thy praise and, unto Thee, we sanctify?”
Said He, “Indeed I, I am knowing of that-which you shall know not.”
The Isra(el) Night Journey/The One Who Perseveres/17, ayah/v.104: And We said, from [a time] after him (after Moses, spanning the period of the prophets, from Joshua to Malachi), to [the] sons-of Jacob (those-who-wrestle-with-God), “Inhabit Ha-Aretz (Israel-Earth).....Then, when a promise comes, the life after here, We will bring you, a mixed-multitude.”
Surah The Ants/27, ayah/v.82: And-when the word against them is-fulfilled We-bring-forth a beast unto them from (the lineage of) Ha-Aretz, speaking-to-them, since the people were not finding-certainty in-Our-signs.
May Allah guide Dr Bart Ehrman to the truth of Islam and to the haqq Ameen
Apostate prophet made that video in order to show muslim how far away jesus is from islam but he didnt expect thoose answers 😂😂AP will bring more muslim closer to their deen,masallah ❤❤
النبي مرتد ماكان مسلم سابق كان كذاب
[2:170] And when it is said to them, Follow what Allah has revealed, they say: Nay! We follow what we found our fathers upon. What! And though their fathers had no sense at all, nor did they follow the right way
Allah has taken the life out of the apostates face.
This video was very informative, and personally, I liked the editing a lot 😃
I love how apuss nods to everything that Bart says but he seems to be so disconnected from what he's saying that Bart could say that he's dumbed than a rock and he would be nodding in confirmation.
☝️The Prophet Muḥammad (pbuh) said, "Both in this world and the next, I am the nearest of all the people to the son of Mary, and all the prophets are paternal brothers, and there has been no prophet between me and Jesus (pbuh)."
See how Aprostate Problem put his head down when Bart didn't say what he expected him to say.
This video is probably one of the most beneficial video I have seen from your channel!!!!!! ❤❤
Keep up the good fight !!!!!
Who is the judge. Didn't Qur'an say only Allah will judge. Do we have two judges?
This is so funny. That guy really invited him to confirm his view, and he sat there laying down how he is wrong in everything
😂it’s apostate prophet. The ex-Muslim that doesn’t know surah Al-kawsthar😂
Bart Ehrman would laugh that Muslims are using his quotes, but he doesn't seem to realize what service he has rendered for Islam!
This he said also: The crucifixion of Jesus by the Romans is one of the most secure facts we have about his life.
Jazaa kallahu kheir
Wa iyyak
1:20 He is not an atheist,
He is an agnostic BTW.
And jazzaka Allahu khairan
For defending the religion of Allah SWT
Tabarakallah great video as usual😊
Jazakallah Khair
Masha'Allah I love you're videos and explanation I try to not miss you're videos I just read the qu'ran surat-al-haqa and surat al-ma'a rij
Beautiful video ❤. May Allah SWT guide us all to the straight path 🤲
Jesus is the Truth, the way and life. May Jesus open your eyes and heart. Because you have been lied too and the devil has stolen your heart
@v_ilaris God forgive you, for disgracing the name of Jesus and Paul. First of all it wasn't a vision. God appeared to him, and told him to go to Ananias. How did he get deceived? And I worship One God. Dont tell me what tell me what I worship.
@v_ilaris Tell me one other person who said "I am the truth, the way and Life?" God forgive you and open your eyes
@v_ilaris :As he journeyed he came near Damascus, and suddenly a light shone around him from heaven. 4 Then he fell to the ground, and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me? Acts 9:3.” Does it say it was a dream. Dont say things you don't know and stop hardening your heart and ignoring the truth.
@v_ilaris And you still ignore my questions
You think they are united, but their hearts are divided ~ Qur’an 59:14
Brother Syfe, love you!
Bart Ehrman : The crucifixion of Jesus by the Romans is one of the most secure facts we have about his life.
Bye Bye Muslims.
Yep, Muslims love to cherry pick. Bart himself laughed in the Facebook of Muhammad Hijab when Mo pressed about God's book and it's necessity of perfect preservation
What else do you expect him to say? He's looking at the event purely from a naturalistic point of view.
@@Abdur-Rahman862 and you obviously ignore history as it doesn't align with your faith
Alhamdullilah I am early, Syfe, brother I am from India and my iman has strengthened because of you. Kind request for you to make more videos on Sam Shamoun and God Logic. Thank you so much.
Assalamu Alaikum. I hope you're doing well. May Allah SWT protect you, increase your faith and knowledge, and make you one of the people of paradise. Rest assure Insha'Allah, I'll be making more videos refuting the lies of Sam and GodLogic
@@syfetalk yeah thanks brother cause sam is getting a lot of attention for spreading lies about the quran
Every brother syfe’s video is masterpiece 👌
Keep uncovering those who spread lies within their own communities. You're doing a great job brother. JjazaAallah Khair
☝️The Prophet (pbuh) said, "Whoever testifies that no deity is worthy of worship but Allāh alone, without any partners, that Muḥammad is His servant and Messenger, that Jesus is the servant of Allāh, His Word which He bestowed upon Māryam, a Spirit from Him, and that Paradise is true and Hellfire is true, then he will enter Paradise through any of the eight gates of Paradise he wishes."
Quran use to today was a 1924 cairo published
The 1924 Cairo edition, also known as the King Fu'ād Quran or the Azhar Quran, is the version of the Quran that is commonly used in the Muslim world today. The Amiri Press printed the first edition of the Quran in Cairo in 1924, and it was the first Quran accepted by a Muslim authority, Al-Azhar. The edition took 17 years to create, from 1907 to 1924, with the support of Fuad I of Egypt and the supervision of Azhari scholars. It is considered an "official" Quran and has been replicated by several subsequent editions.
as salam aleykoum wa rahmatullah wa barakātuh may Allah make it easier for our sisters and brothers from all around the world and may Allah make us the people of the highest ranks of Jannah amin.
Syfe keep up the good work may allah bless u❤
Ameen 🤲🏾. Jazakallah Khair for your beautiful dua. May Allah SWT bless you and forgive all your sins and shortcomings
A Muslim an Arabic word which means someone who submits to Allah (SWT) so for example if prophet Jesus (AS) was speaking Arabic back then he would have said that he is a Muslim, But he clearly was speaking Aramaic. Also I find it ironic how they call Jesus (AS) a Jew, that would be claiming that god was a Jew, which is very not true there only one god who is worthy of worship that is Allah SWT. While prophet Muhammad (SAW) and prophet Jesus (AS) are just prophet of Allah.
The word, muslim, first appears in The Tanakh but most people don't read and the Jews conceal much.
We know the earthly lineage of Jesus. All the way back to Adam. He was a Jew. His mother was a Jew. Jesus taught in the Jewish temples. When he was crucified, the Romans placed a sign above his head that said king of the Jews where would you get the idea that Jesus was not a Jew?.
@@whatweretheythinking3274 all you did is make claims without providing any proof
All the prophets from Adam, peace be upon them , were Muslims
Proof before you bark!@@whatweretheythinking3274
That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah";- but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not:-
interesting fact that in Aramaic language God means Allah SWT, yet they dont believe in Islam
Alhamdulillah great Video again brother
Give them enough time and even they who claim Isa AS is God will admit he's a Muslim a messenger of Allah Azzawajal
Is prophet Isa AS second time coming just as a Islamic ruler what about imam mahadi I think he may army commander
@@MasudFahim-h2i Imam Mahdi will come during the time of Isa AS he will pray beside him but Allah knows best what Mahdi will do while Isa AS is ruling the world with peace
@@zakariyajama8004 brother imam mahadi is the servant of prophet Isa AS if prophet Isa AS as a ruler according to sahih hadith
@@MasudFahim-h2i still Imam Mahdi will come during the time of Nabi Isa AS
@@zakariyajama8004 what about his role as commander beacuse according to sahih hadith prophet Isa AS ruler of Muslims ummah that time
JazakAllah'u khairan brother 🤝🏻
Just when i was looking the video of you reacting to P cliffe AlhamdAllah Another blessing day and another Great Video time to get chips and watch it JazakAllah Xaira brother i love your videos a lot im addicted ❤❤❤❤❤❤ amazing clothes fresh and clean❤❤MashAllah May Allah Bless you moree
Ameen 🤲🏾. Jazakallah Khair. May Allah SWT bless you and your family and grant you the best reward in this life and the next. Thank you for the support and i hope this video is enjoyable for you to watch
It's all deception
This guy doesn't debunk anything 😂
Jesus on the Triumph of the Cross and why? (John 3:13-17)
Because of sin, the offense committed against God is infinite; there never existed on the earth an offering of infinite value to pay this debt. My Father in his infinite Love and Mercy decided to forgive sins through my offering on the cross. As a man I suffered the humiliation, the rejection and the punishment for the human sins that sent me to my death. As God, I overcame sin, I overcame satan and I overcame death, I obtained a complete victory for the human race and I opened the way for all those who want to follow me.
With my resurrection I gave testimony of my power as God, with my Ascension I opened the doors of heaven to all those who being faithful to my words accept the call and come to me.
I have not come to judge or to condemn; I have come to give hope and to save. Everyone who desires a part in my kingdom must know the way of the cross and must eat of my flesh and drink of my blood in order to obtain eternal life.
@@toluwatobi46 you christian?
@@RayanJameel2 yes....a proud one ☦️☦️☦️
Syfetalk delievers again ❤❤
what Christian’s see: just some debates
What muslim do: reads Bible and finishing Christianity with John 4:12
explanation that John 4:12 says god was not seen but follows you this is clearly allah and they can’t see it with their own book😭 I can’t believe how Christian’s can’t read their bible
Christians only read bible to colonize the world :
Numbers *31* : *17*
1 Samuel *15* : *2*
Ezekiel *9* : *5-6*
(Ezekiel 18:27-28)
"Again, when a wicked person turns away from the wickedness he has committed and does what is just and right, he shall save his life.
Because he considered and turned away from all the transgressions that he had committed, he shall surely live; he shall not die."
(Ezekiel 18:19-21)
"Yet you ask, ‘Why does the son not share the guilt of his father?’ Since the son has done what is just and right and has been careful to keep all my decrees, he will surely live. The one who sins is the one who will die. The child will not share the guilt of the parent, nor will the parent share the guilt of the child. The righteousness of the righteous will be credited to them, and the wickedness of the wicked will be charged against them.
But if a wicked person turns away from all the sins they have committed and keeps all my decrees and does what is just and right, that person will surely live; they will not die."
That basically debunks the christian belief, when they claim that sins cannot be forgiven except for the shedding of blood.
And also that the sacrifice and the blood of Jesus forgives thier sins.
But the Bible in the old testament says otherwise.
In the same chapter(1 John 4:14-15)it says “And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world.”
15. “If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in him and he in God”.
Please stop taking pieces of the Bible out of context to support your claims. That whole chapter talks about Jesus being the Son of God and how life is found in Him.
What you brother said is perfectly correct. Keep on.
Asalamualaykum syfe. Can you do more videos debunking Apostate prophet and David wood? Ty Allah bless u.
Wa Alaikumu Salam Wa Rahmatu Allahi Wa Barakatuhu. Inshaellah I'll be making more videos responding to their nonsense
@@syfetalkand a guy called Nigerian perspective I'm a Nigerian but I'm so sad about how much hate he is spreading about Islam
bro, can i ask you what the point is, i dont get it, they have been recycling the same garbage for 10 years, and everything has already been refuted
No need they are clowns
I kinda respect Bart Ehrman even though he is an atheist but never becomes Islamophobic. May Allah SAW guide him to a truth path. Amen 🤲
Asalamu Alikum wa rahmatu allhi wa barakatuh, Here before the pagans.
Wa Alaikumu Salam Wa Rahmatu Allahi Wa Barakatuhu ❤️
6:20 Christian preacher mode hahaha so true. 😂 😂
Keep up the good work may Allah accept Ameen
Allah Subhana Wa Tala tells us why they didn't transmit the injeel properly in the Quran. The scribes changed the words for personal gain.
Alhamdulilah for Islam
The New Testament clearly states Jesus' divinity, and it's not even a question. Jesus himself claimed to be God, which was the primary reason he was crucified,
This is not true and the Bible is distorted
No it wasn't. He denied making himself divine
@@ahmednasrulla4766 ??? “Assuredly I say to you, before your father Abraham was born, I Am.”
I Am is God not Jesus.
God said " I am who I am".
Jesus was only a servant of God and prayed to God to be saved from crucifixion.
Jesus said your God is One.
@@safiul1930 Jesus IS a part of God, and the reason he was praying to the father is because he's a trinity. "I Am" refers to what historians have best depicted as YHWH, the sacred name given to Moses at the burning bush. Jesus clearly said this to the Jews, and they KNEW it, which is exactly why they began to throw stones at him for blasphemy. He was directly claiming to be God.
when he said about Jesus is going to be the ruler, and said it's not in lign with Islam, proves that Bart Erhman needs to study more about Islam. I know all his concern as an Atheist so far is only about how he doesn't like the theology concept of Christianity. That's his background as an atheist, and his misconception about God's justice on earth.
He despises the idea of God's existence because of the injustice he sees here in the world, blaming God for what humans did.
Could you talk why there's multiple Jesus pictures like i even found Asian/black/white Jesus
I'm guessing people like to make Prophets look like their own people
@@bridgeon7502 it's very odd to see them while Jesus was middle eastern lol
No jew or Christian can enter heaven unless he accepts prophet Mohammad as the last prophet if God and follow him.
So how is Jesus a Mūslim when he doesn't believe in this entity called Allāh and when he clearly doesn't recognize Muhāmmad as prophet.
Go sit down and read more instead of looking foolish online.
May Allah swt bless our brother to get to 1 million by the end of next year🙏🙏ameen
May Allah reward you for the effort you put in, your content help both muslims and non muslims.
Quran is our guide, Quran confirmed Isa AS is muslim (one who submit to the Creator)
Syfe Salam Aleykum from 🇲🇾
It's good, my brother, keep it up, this is really cool you staring to made them angry, it's a good sign🤣🤣🤣
You’re doing an amazing job you make me proud my brother really, mashallah keep this up bro ❤️❤️ love from you Afghan brother
Apos almost split in half like Rumplestiltskin 😂
John 11:41 (KJV) Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid. And Jesus lifted up his eyes, and said, Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me.
This comment is here to support this channel
There is a big difference between the character of Jesus and Muhammad.
Both are prophet of God.
Many prophet One God.
Yes all phropets have a difference but they have one message to the oneness of God.
Most people falsely believe that the Prophet Mohammed peace and blessings be upon is the founder of a new Religion, but he is the last of the Prophets of the one and only Religion.
God is the Greatest ☝🏼
Thank you SYFE For the enlightenment of non-Muslims
Luke 6:12 KJV
KJV And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God.
What makes you think there is?
*He who is God is One.*
*God is the eternal One.*
*He has neither begotten,*
*And has never been born.*
*And no one is equal to Him.*
God Jesus Christ on his First and Second coming contd...
My death and my resurrection glorified me, and glorified my Heavenly Father. They opened the gates of heaven, which were shut because of sin; they restored men to the pristine quality of the sinless man, the Christ.
In my first coming I came to save not to condemn, to instruct in the ways of perfection, and to point myself as the way, the truth and the life.
*My second coming will be very different from the first. I am the King of Glory; I come with authority to judge the earth. Those who rejected me will be rejected, those who did not follow me will perish eternally, and those who lived for themselves will have no eternal life.*
My words will be my judgment, those who lived holy lives will be welcomed into my eternal kingdom of joy, but those who lived for sin will enter eternal punishment.
Be good while you still have a chance, forgive so that you may be forgiven, love one another to prove yourselves worthy of my love, give generously and you shall be given generously, be merciful and my mercy will be shown to you.
Subhanallah (Glory be to God alone) i feel so bad for the Christians who are absolutely blinded by their hate of islam and muslims from intake of b.s propaganda to see the truth. May Allah (God) guide them
This is just entertainment at this point...These people are funny man. You can see him trying to justify the Anti argument and Apuss is just lapping it up. They have to grasp at straws(strawman as well) because if they Don't they are walking blindly. At least with this method they can walk in their fantasy world. "Say he is Allah: Lord of The Worlds. He Begettoth not Nor was he Begotten. And there is non comparable unto him"
Those who submit their will to the most high God are Muslims. Christ had nothing to do with Christianity the religion
I enjoy how you change your voice when pretending to be a Christian losing control while trying to defend the indefensible..
I remember Christians quoting Bart saying we can make a book without contradiction, then he proposed a Telephone directory !
I answered what morals, guidance, news & stories can we get from Telephone directory compared to Quran?
Have you ever seen a Telephone directory move the hearts of people to embrace a religion?
Can a Telephone directory challenge the poem masters of the Arabs in their craft?
This is the sad level of Christians & their replies 🥱
The world doesn't need any more moral guidance from Islam. We've had quite enough violence.
Morals like pedophilia, slavery, killing, looting and warmongering
@@whatweretheythinking3274 that's a crazy claiming knowing ya'll history and the present. mustache man that caused ww2 was a christian don't forget. spanish inq anyone? or maybe crusades, or all the lil children whose hands were gone bc they didn't pick cotton fast enough...
And what many forget is an important thing: the words that come out of Jesus' mouth are not his own words, they were words of God's will. According to this: I can do nothing on my own without the Lord my God being with me.
May Allah guide Bart and others if they are sincere
I love this 6:20 bit, SYFEtalk, it's funny 🤣
And we have the world with different mother tongues.
And you have to worship God in your primary spoken language. The Lord in English has several meanings. People also usually call their king: Lord, too.
Professor Bart Erhman, one of the world’s best New Testament scholars, teaches a good course on this, and has written a book, on just this subject, “How Jesus Became God.”
BY THE END OF THE CENTURY, some Christians were beginning to think of Jesus as a God equal, or nearly equal, to God the Father. Earlier on, Jesus was thought of as the adopted Son of God, and the Gospel of Mark backs up that view. It was only by the end of the century that many Christians were beginning to believe in Jesus as a fully divine, pre-existing being. And it took a few more centuries still for the Doctrine of the Trinity… Jesus as fully God equal to God the Father… for orthodoxy to completely embrace that doctrine.
Before the end of the first century, most Christians were “Ebionite” Christians, who essentially were like today’s Messianic Jews.
It is my belief that these ideas accumulated more and more after Jesus’ death. There is Biblical evidence to suggest that Jesus never taught he was God, although some passages in John (which is where the “I am” comes from) suggest he did think he was God.
But in the Synoptics…
Jesus, when he teaches how to pray, never ever says, “Pray to me.” Never. It is “Our Father” who art in Heaven, not merely “my Father.” All the peacemakers, he claims, “will be called the sons of god.” Jesus asks, “Why do you call me good? Only one is good, that is, God.” That is a troubling passage that is in all three Synoptics: Mark, Matthew, Luke.
He says the time of the Second Coming “is known to the Father but not the Son.” And so on
Imagine a group of people so lost they need validation from Atheists. Sad state.....
In Galatians 1:8 it states, “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.”
1:31 Bart displays his limitations as a Biblical scholar. He's good with Greek but when it comes to anything Hebrew, nah. Bart is well known because he writes a lot and has his own website. His books are very informative. I think that one of his best works is, When Jesus Became God. His scholarship on NT matters is very good but his technical knowledge of The Tanakh is not so good and impacts the way he reads Gospels like Thomas.
Fact: The word, muslim, first appears in The Tanakh, therefore it is unlikely to be an anachronism within The Qur'an, and it is a word that Jesus certainly knew and understood well as he elucidated its technical meaning within Matthew according to the prophets.
There is this new argument now where Allah isn't a Father in any sense and Jesus called Him Father therefore Jesus isn't Muslim. How would you tackle this argument? Jzk.
@@WeAreGhuraba I would adhere to what is written and interpret what God says according to context. Saying God has no daughters or sons is a true, literal statement. The context of JC being the only son of God pertains to the concepts of the Mosaic Torah. Bani Israel rejected God as their king and desired something more human like the other nations. There are specific relevant readings on this subject. There is also a saying, going about my father's business. Being a son or daughter can imply that one is entitled to an inheritance. That concept is certainly shared by The Evangel and Qur'an. S5:18 does not reject the concept but rejects the behaviour of those who make the claim. I am unfamiliar with the argument you mention and the context therein.
Truth stands clear from falsehood. Its inevitable that Bart Ehrman revert to Islam, Inshalaah
Did you drink alcohol while writing this comment?
@@Th69571 No, I was not. I was merely making an observation, an educated guess based on current trends. Dr. Herman is among millions of people leaving Christianity due to the lack of preservation of the Bible. A doctored and manipulated text like the Bible, with many unknown authors, cannot originate from the Creator; it's that simple. Human sacrifice is pagan. Consider the notion of an all-powerful God being hungry and unaware that there was no fruit on the tree. Dr. Herman has embraced the first part of the Shahada, which is "Laa Ilaaha," meaning "there is no God." Next, he will say "Ilaallah," meaning "except Allah." People around the globe are doing the same and embracing Islam because Islam has a preserved Quran, in Islam, God is not limited(ie man god), there is no human sacrifice, and it simply makes sense; there's no need for a spirit to convince me that an error/contradiction-filled book is from God.
@@Th69571 No, I was not. I was merely making an observation, an educated guess based on current trends. Dr. Herman is among millions of people leaving Christianity due to the lack of preservation of the Bible. A doctored and manipulated text like the Bible, with many unknown authors, cannot originate from the Creator; it's that simple. Human sacrifice is pagan. Consider the notion of an all-powerful God being hungry and unaware that there was no fruit on the tree. Dr. Herman has embraced the first part of the Shahada, which is "Laa Ilaaha," meaning "there is no God." Next, he will say "Ilaallah," meaning "except Allah." People around the globe are doing the same and embracing Islam because Islam has a preserved book, in Islam, God is not limited (ie man god), there is no human sacrifice, and it simply makes sense; there's no need for a spirit to convince me that an error-filled book is from God.
No, I was not. I was merely making an observation, an educated guess based on current trends. Dr. Herman is among millions of people leaving Christianity due to the lack of preservation of the Bible. A doctored and manipulated text like the Bible, with many unknown authors, cannot originate from the Creator; it's that simple. Human sacrifice is pagan. Consider the notion of an all-powerful God being hungry and unaware that there was no fruit on the tree. Dr. Herman has embraced the first part of the Shahada, which is "Laa Ilaaha," meaning "there is no God." Next, he will say "Ilaallah," meaning "except Allah." People around the globe are doing the same and embracing Islam because Islam has a preserved book. In Islam, God is not limited(ie man god), there is no human sacrifice, and it simply makes sense; there's no need for a spirit to convince me that an error-filled book is from God.
Assalamu Aleikum, Brother. Great video as always. I just wish you would pronounce "Jesus" more clearly, as to not sound as "Jeezz/Jizz" Astaghfirullah.
i think he say it too fast lol😂i think it his accent cannot blame him
@@herlenicecold yes its the accent, but his accent makes him pronounce Jesus in a way it could be heard as something else. So it should be a focus to correct that
@@alienalloy604 nah it is okay jeez christian say this too
@@herlenicecold I dont mean "Jeez" as in Jesus. I mean "jizz" as in male excrement
@@herlenicecold Im not talking about "Jeez" as in Jesus, im talking about it sounding like "Jizz" as in male fluid
Sahih Muslim 155
Chapter: The descent of 'Eisa bin Mariam to judge according to the Shari'ah of our Prophet Muhammad (saws); And how Allah has honored this Ummah; And clarifying the evidence that this religion will not be abrogated; and that a group from it will continue to adhere to the truth and prevail until the day of resurrection
Compare this to-
Matthew 10:34-36
Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, **but a sword**.
35 For I have come to **set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law**.
36 And a person's enemies will be those of his own household
Let's watch the clips and come back
He said : before Ebraham I am
Clearly saying he was there before Ebraham
DId you leave out the part where Ehrman says that Jesus believed that he was the FINAL prophet?
Its not the eyes that are blind
But the hearts
Actually Ehrman is an agnostic
This is of no importance.
It's amusing to see Apus nodding his head and having to agree with Bart Ehrman that the Bible hasn't been preserved and that the core theology of Christianity is not what Jesus (pbuh) taught. Deep down Apus knows the truth of Islam but he still shamelessly denies it