Link ada di diskripsi,,letaknya klik judul Chanel ini,,anda akan masuk ke diskripsi,,trus klik linknya. Atau klik ini 👇 Start your KYC now to verify your identity and migrate to Pi Mainnet. It's easy and simple. This can enable you to receive the Pi cryptocurrency, start exploring the Pi ecosystem and help the network get closer to its Open Network period! Click here to get started.
Start your KYC now to verify your identity and migrate to Pi Mainnet. It's easy and simple. This can enable you to receive the Pi cryptocurrency, start exploring the Pi ecosystem and help the network get closer to its Open Network period! Click here to get started. Yg paling bawah ya ☝️
Ya itu klik aja ,,setiap habis klik petir,,itu salah satu upaya agar KYCnya CPT pulih jadi ijo kembali. Kalo bisa tambah ganti sandi PInya,,,itu kalo bisa,,bagus lagi
@ArisPrabowo-rb8tz Start your KYC now to verify your identity and migrate to Pi Mainnet. It's easy and simple. This can enable you to receive the Pi cryptocurrency, start exploring the Pi ecosystem and help the network get closer to its Open Network period! Click here to get started.
Bisa om tp, tertulis PERSETUJUAN TENTATIV: Selamat anda telah melewati langkah validasi terdesentralisasi wilayah anda.Pemeriksaan lebih lanjut diperlukan sebelum migrasi ke mainet. (Warnanya masih kuning).
Start your KYC now to verify your identity and migrate to Pi Mainnet. It's easy and simple. This can enable you to receive the Pi cryptocurrency, start exploring the Pi ecosystem and help the network get closer to its Open Network period! Click here to get started.
Start your KYC now to verify your identity and migrate to Pi Mainnet. It's easy and simple. This can enable you to receive the Pi cryptocurrency, start exploring the Pi ecosystem and help the network get closer to its Open Network period! Click here to get started.
Start your KYC now to verify your identity and migrate to Pi Mainnet. It's easy and simple. This can enable you to receive the Pi cryptocurrency, start exploring the Pi ecosystem and help the network get closer to its Open Network period! Click here to get started.
Klik linkya masuknya dimana bang itu mohon penjelasannya vidio habis bukak link lgsg tampilannya gimana biar jelass
Link ada di diskripsi,,letaknya klik judul Chanel ini,,anda akan masuk ke diskripsi,,trus klik linknya.
Atau klik ini 👇
Start your KYC now to verify your identity and migrate to Pi Mainnet. It's easy and simple. This can enable you to receive the Pi cryptocurrency, start exploring the Pi ecosystem and help the network get closer to its Open Network period! Click here to get started.
Terima kasih infonya
Ya sob
Terimakasih infonya🙏
Nyimak min saya sudah validator tapi tentatif kembali baru satu Minggu sampai sekarang masih ada kah solusi nya.
Kalo daftar periksa mainet 1 sampai 9 ijo,nanti juga ikut ijo soob
Link nya apa? Tolong ketikan om
Start your KYC now to verify your identity and migrate to Pi Mainnet. It's easy and simple. This can enable you to receive the Pi cryptocurrency, start exploring the Pi ecosystem and help the network get closer to its Open Network period! Click here to get started.
Yg paling bawah ya ☝️
Cm klik link dr abang trus ngapa lg ka
Ya itu klik aja ,,setiap habis klik petir,,itu salah satu upaya agar KYCnya CPT pulih jadi ijo kembali.
Kalo bisa tambah ganti sandi PInya,,,itu kalo bisa,,bagus lagi
Yang jelas dong link itu ato di praktek klo di klik kemana larinya mohon kami sangat membutuhkan nya
Link tsb kalo di klik akan di bawa otomatis menuju ke KYCnya soob
Coba kirim link pak kesini beda mungkin ya
@ArisPrabowo-rb8tz Start your KYC now to verify your identity and migrate to Pi Mainnet. It's easy and simple. This can enable you to receive the Pi cryptocurrency, start exploring the Pi ecosystem and help the network get closer to its Open Network period! Click here to get started.
Bisa om tp, tertulis
PERSETUJUAN TENTATIV: Selamat anda telah melewati langkah validasi terdesentralisasi wilayah anda.Pemeriksaan lebih lanjut diperlukan sebelum migrasi ke mainet.
(Warnanya masih kuning).
Bang yang saya di minta ganti sandi cuman saya pakai indosat jadi tidak bisa terus mohon solusinya
Ya,,kalo pakai Indosat nggak bisa utk verifikasi nmr hp,,,ya tunggu nanti ada pembaruan nmr hp
Siap trimakasih
Tapi aman kah untuk saldo nya
Kalau untuk kartu XL bisa gak soalnya saya verifikasi no telepon pake nomor XL terkirim kode nya TPI tidak bisa bang mohon saran dan informasi nya bg
Bang aman ngak nih linknya was was juga saya
Link ini saya ambil dari :
beri tahu kyc ke refera andal,tu yg di daftar periksa mainet nmr 3.
Bisa di cek di situ.
Punya saya udah 4 bulanan tentatif mulu😂😂😂
Ya sob,,,sambil nunggu kembali ijo,bisa di coba klik linknya sob
Bang tolong praktekan bang, kurang paham saya bang
Ya nanti di video berkutnya,,,atau klik judul ,,anda akan masuk ke dskripsi,,,trus klik link yg warna biru sprt yang ada tutorial itu
Coba kirimin link nya bang
Di diskripsi sudah ada,,,klik judul
Start your KYC now to verify your identity and migrate to Pi Mainnet. It's easy and simple. This can enable you to receive the Pi cryptocurrency, start exploring the Pi ecosystem and help the network get closer to its Open Network period! Click here to get started.
Start your KYC now to verify your identity and migrate to Pi Mainnet. It's easy and simple. This can enable you to receive the Pi cryptocurrency, start exploring the Pi ecosystem and help the network get closer to its Open Network period! Click here to get started.
Di klik gak bisa nongol/tahayul
Kirimlah dengan saya bg linknya. Terima kasih.
Start your KYC now to verify your identity and migrate to Pi Mainnet. It's easy and simple. This can enable you to receive the Pi cryptocurrency, start exploring the Pi ecosystem and help the network get closer to its Open Network period! Click here to get started.