No, it isn't realistic. Ultimately Riker was in Command so even if Picard gave him bad suggestions Riker as Captain gave the orders so it's on him to take responsibility for it.
I am still absolutely shook about the fact that I'm sitting here and simply *cannot* wait for the next episode. It feels so good to have GOOD STAR TREK after all these years. And OMG their *performances* ... I can't handle this.
The "You killed us all" line didn't seem like something a Captain should say in front of his bridge crew under any circumstance. Particularly since, as you say, it was Riker's decision to fire. We don't see Riker's face as he's saying it. Maybe there was some debate over the line and they tried some different things in ADR. I guess they wanted to end on a hook with maximum discord between Riker and Picard. I feel the writing strays into being too obvious at times, this being an example. I wish this were season 1 and they had a couple more seasons to get more comfortable with the voice and tone of the show.
Riker kept saying no to that dumb plan then he caved because it's Picard and look where it got them when he did listen to Picard and did what he said to do, exactly where Riker thought they would end up, I would also be overcome with absolute fury is someone pressured me constantly into doing something I did not want to do and thought was incredibly stupid, but Riker is also angry at himself as he should have ignored Picard's dumb advice.
A simple look at Picard with no dialogue would have been fine. I think nuance is lost with some of the people involved in the new trek creation process….I wouldn’t be surprised if they added the line in post.
Today's Hollywood in a nutshell: "We don't know how to write or make anything original, but remember this cool EVENT, CHARACTER, REFERENCE? Awesome, right?!"
I had less complaints about the de-aging tech on Picard and Riker and more they couldn't do much to make Picard's voice not sound so old as he does now.
The problem is that this idea that Picard has always been a prime target for assassins is wrong though. So Beverly's reasons rely on a version of Picard we've never really seen on screen. And the list of coincidental misadventures that prevented her from telling him about his son sound like they belong in a comic book. My other issue is that all the friction in this episode between Picard and Riker is forced. Mainly because Picard constantly badgering Riker to attack is very much unlike TNG Picard. TNG used violence as an absolute last resort, just as Will is trying to do here. Picard seems unable to put Riker's strategy into it's proper context when he does the "it's not working" bit. Then after they do try to attack Riker fails to understand the context of what happened, kicking Picard of the bridge. All of this is unnecessary forced drama. The kind Gene would have hated.
Solid episodes so far! We just need to change the set lighting so we can tell who has a red, gold, or blue uniform instead of grey, a different grey, and a third grey.
Same here ... and call me thick ... I didn't guess that the Changelings were behind this until Jack punched that one's face .... my golly, I'm loving this season.
This week I rewatched Yesterday's Enterprise and The Drumhead from TNG, as well as Duet from DS9. It really hammers home how far Star Trek writing has fallen under Abrams/Kurtzman & Co. Picard season 3 is certainly a significant improvement, but it's just not quite there compared to what we left behind.
It really hit me watching this episode. That type of Trek is never coming back. Maybe entertainment might swing back to that type of writing one day in the future. Not saying there will never ever been good Star Trek its just that Trek is pretty much gone. The people coming into the business as whole have a different outlook as to what a sci-fi show is like.
@@richardmcgowan1651I don't see how season 3 is a return to TNG as it was before: the writing is god awful (afternoon in the sol system, divert all energy to the core, here's a coded message but don't trust starfleet but starfleet are the only ones who can decode it etc. etc. Raffi telling eveyone she meets (or in the street) that she's a Starfleet officer while undercover. The world is Jurtzman Trek: Starfleet can't be trusted, no officer respects other officers, everyone acts like a dick. The characters are unrecognizeable:Crusher is no longer a healer but vaporizes people, Riker is a dick to junior officers and Picard, Worf is no longer honorable killing a Ferengi for no good reason. etc.. The sets are dark, people in the future are after money, people swear and do drugs. This isn't Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek. I wonder why so many who used to criticize bad writing, poor science, awful charactirization, self-insertion etc.. have all turned their backs on their priciples and have praised those same things being done in this show.
@@samuelshafik2778 Thank god someone else said WTF to " Divert all energy to the warp core" line.. I was so mad at that.. It's like saying Divert all power to the Nuclear Reactor.. You don't divert energy to the very thing that creates it! WTF? The Warp Core combines matter and anti matter to create energy, you don't divert energy to it.. This show is terrible, its like its wearing TNG as a dark toned skin suit.. with a Dystopian future and 21st century selfish self centered people underneath.
Personally I really did believe the argument between Picard and Crusher. They both had really good points, and I had a very hard time disagreeing with either of them. A lot of writing these days comes off as VERY contrived and biased, but this just FELT like two adults hashing out their grievances. As for Jack not wanting to reach out to his father after being offered the choice, I can *personally* identify with that; that one hit hard. In any case, bravo to everyone involved in that scene.
I think that was my favorite scene of the whole series or maybe even modern Trek. Seemed well acted, well written and made me feel something. At least comparatively.
Sorry, three episodes in and I'm STILL not feeling it. I've seen nothing so far to distinguish STP3 from all the horrible NuTrek that came before. Granted, there were some rare gems here and there in the episode, but not nearly enough to make up for the overwhelming sense of doom, gloom and darkness that has been THE defining feature of NuTrek since 2009. Worf looks absolutely STUNNING as an elder warrior monk, it's like this man simply refuses to age - too bad his one-liner dialogues were delivered with all the joy of watching wet paint dry. Picard brings some badly needed fury and tension in his scene with Beverly Crusher, but I was left puzzled and outraged after he was rudely ordered off the bridge by Riker in the same tone one orders a dog off the bed. Sorry but that felt forced and entirely out of character given the deep and abiding respect these two great men have for each other. Apart from that, I was so bored with this episode that I spent half my time rolling my eyes at the screen and the other half catching up on the news on my iPad. At this point I'm just over this incessant, overwhelming darkness that has pervaded Star Trek these last few years. Remember how in the 90's after a TNG episode you couldn't wait for the future to finally arrive? STP & NuTrek have not only destroyed that future, they have proudly defiled it and stomped all over it. They deserve none of my support.
@Adamo Turning on the damn lights would go A LONG WAY to dispelling much of the doom and gloom you feel while watching NuTrek. A little sunlight works wonders, even psychologists advise patients suffering from depression to go out into the sunlight. But no, the creators of NuTrek have made a conscious decision to keep the set as dark and bleak as possible, because a depressed audience forms part of their pessimistic vision of a dystopian future. This show is so bankrupt, it's beyond salvation!
I don't believe Crusher's excuses for even a second. She's afraid for her son? She raised the previous one on a military ship, had him piloting it while under age. Had his life put in danger countless times, including that one time he was sentenced to death. Plus, Westley is not dead! He's in the last season for crying out loud. In fact, he's become some kinda demi-god time travelling Doctor Who. I took a quick peak on Memory Alpha to check the chronology of the characters. So at 56 and 75 years of age they have a kid. Five years later, Picard retires in protest from Starfleet. He spends nearly 15 years drinking wine in France while his son attends school in London. Guess we can't tell him about Jack tho because maybe Daimon Bok is getting released and still wants his vengeance on Picard. All Beverly's excuses ring hollow to me, and I don't believe her character would have commit such a deeply immoral act. The only time it's justified to not tell the parent is if your partner is a danger to you or the baby. Picard is not. He has enemies? Well don't invite them to the baby shower, raise the kid in a secret bunker if you want. She apparently drags him around warzones, and plagues so wtf is her moral high ground here? They sell weapons and contraband!? Also, Jack never wanted to meet his hero father? Really? I find that very hard to believe. Why not? I hope this gets developed further but I'm not holding my breath. I have so many more problems with this episode, including a rebel group of changelings? Really, aren't they all about consensus and the great link? Odo was like the one dissenter, and they lost their shit over that. I digress, unless their is some major plot twits, like Jack not being Picard's son but a changeling. Then I rate this as the dumbest episode yet. Except for Worf, Never change my man. I feel like he should drink Space Dos Equis, he's the most interesting man in space. Give this man his own series.
Far from being the captain of events as a proper protagonist, in this episode Jean-Luc Picard is a hapless victim of circumstance and feebly reacts to events like an impotent senile fool. Do you remember the days when Picard was hesitant to fight. When he outwitted opponents? This is what pisses me off the most about this show. I don't care how much fan service they care to stuff down my throat. If they can't get Picard right--if they make him the opposite of his true self from TNG--then screw this series.
I'm loving it. The inclusion of the changelings as antagonists makes sense within the established lore. They are a powerful species and the idea that they would all accept the peace would have been simplistic. I did feel bad for 7 that Riker forgot and left her in confinement 😄
I was hoping it was the mind-control bugs from early TNG. The Shrike even looks like something they would build. I was working on a Star Trek RPG for my gaming group at one time and I wanted to use the bugs as the antagonists but that campaign never got off the ground. In my story Section 31 was keeping them at bay but discretely setting the bio-filter on every Federation transporter (Starfleet and civilian) to insta-kill them and report any successful deletions. Their possessed "hosts" learned to avoid transporters really quickly, and that hampered their movements throughout the Federation severely. My story picked up with what happens later when they figure out a way around that.
@@tuhkathri9126 I thought it might be the case because in the 1st episode Beverly was using a weapon set to vaporize her attackers, which is a very not-Beverly thing to do. Anyone harboring one of those bugs was stun-proof so it would have fit. Also she said to "trust no one" and "no Starfleet" which is also something she would have said if she suspected those things were back. Changelings are arguably even worse and scarier so I'm very interested in seeing this season through, but I really thought it was going to be the long-foretold return of the bugs.
except the deal was to accept military surrender, and return to the gamma quadrant, or die by Changeling disease. The Founders value their survival up all else, so there had better be a good explanation other than "oh the Changelings are at it again"
This show is intensely stupid. Crusher would NEVER keep Picard from knowing she was pregnant. The Federation would have many protocols in place to deal with The Founders should they return. It wouldn't be some ragtag effort because "don't trust anyone."
The fact that the issue of a mans right to know that he has a child was debated and his points were argued with such passion and vigor is all I needed to see to tell me this is a different kind of Trek from what we've been getting since '09. Patrick Stewart sold it really well too... I was shocked at what I was watching. A mans rights debated on a tv show?!? I haven't seen something this "progressive" on Star Trek in quite a long time.
How the f**k did that lady doctor become the chief medical officer of a starship when it seems she doesn't know basic triage or trauma surgery or diagnoses ... especially with all the gadgets and gizmos she has at her disposal, but fear not, here comes Beverly who hasn't been a practising ships doctor for years to come in and save the day!!! Bet Shaw is glad she was around, lol. And what were the odds that a Changeling of all things happening to be on the Triton when Riker and Picard decide to 'hijack it'? Of all the ships in the fleet it could of been on, I guess the Changelings now have advanced precognition so they knew to put an agent there?
After two episodes in the nebula where virtually nothing happened, all we got was soap.opera, not space opera. This show still denigrates the Next Generation characters. Also how can changlings split from the Great Link? This makes no sense. I think the producers of Trek missed a trick by not creating a Riker spin off 15 years ago.
I didn't mind the de-aging CGI, but what I couldn't get past was Patrick Stewart's "old man voice". Some kind of attempt to recreate the vigor of his character around the Nemesis timeframe would have been welcome.
It's dark, it's serialized, it's overly emotional, once beloved characters are humiliated and blamed for no reason, it's just senseless action scenes without deeper thoughts. It's the same BS as any other Star Trek production after ENT. What do you find so positively different in it?
The only blame in this that felt strange was Riker at Picard for 'getting them killed'. We don't know the entire story yet, it may well end up being more complex and deeper than it appears. I agree it's way too dark, and if you don't like it being serialised that's a fair complaint - doesn't bother me however.
I will say it again: best season of Star Trek since season 4 of Enterprise in 2005. First season of Star Trek to move the whole franchise forward since the end of DS9. Still so many questions Picard has never answered: what is the post Dominion War Alpha Quadrant like...did Bajor join the Federation? Did Cardassia? Has the Klingon Empire finally recovered from the war and did Martok purge the rampant corruption? And where the hell is the Starship Enterprise?
And it doesn’t matter it’s all fruits of the secret hideout nuTrek poisonous tree. Saying it’s better than season 4 of Enterprise isn’t saying much. Have some self respect and respect for the franchise and walk away. It’s okay you’ll live.
Great episode! Loved every minute of it. You know, other than the reference to Picard's new body, which I do suppose is unavoidable, one could almost, almost, pretend Seasons 1 and 2 never happened. It's truly a pity that we did not get this level of quality storytelling in those seasons, and makes one wonder what could have been.
this. they had the chance with that stupid Q arc in season 2 to rectify about the golem body and make q picard's body again (with no sickness) but nope
I still think Picard being a robot is dumb as fuck, and nothing will ever justify it... but I am willing to let the larger plot the season intends to tell... play out...but Picard robot as a plot idea still is fucking shit.
Anyone else see the two Wrath of Khan parallels? A fight inside a nebula and how the Captain had a son who the mother kept with them and not allow them to run the galaxy with their father.
I found the Picard character portrayed as a weak old man making bad decisions without any respect from others. This is not the Picard that I once liked. Where is that booming voice we once loved.
I am Worf, son of Mogh, house of Martok, son of Sergey, house of Rozhenko, Bane to the Duras family, slayer of Gowron, I have made some chamomile tea, do you take sugar.
I was hoping the villain was the alien/bug race from season 2 of TNG that would take over the bodies of the Starfleet brass, but the Changelings from DS9 are a good #2 in my book.
Yeah at the end of that episode the head bug sent a signal back to his galaxy to have them come and wipe out Star Fleet. Next Gen never returned to that plot thread. I was hoping they were finally returning.
You mentioned Worf's deadpan intro, but I am doubled over in laughter when Raffi and Work interrogate the changling. It was Good Cop - Bad Cop -- and Worf was the GOOD cop! Outstanding!
I'm trying to enjoy this season, but some of it just doesn't seem done very well. The technical stuff is one of those things, where they're putting together a load of sci-fi words but they don't make much sense and come across as a way to excuse whatever event is occurring, rather than making some sort of technical sense. The dialogue between the characters doesn't seem right either, almost as if they're forcing it or don't believe what they're saying. Maybe it's all in my head, I'm not sure. I think I've been so disillusioned by how they've ruined ST for all of us that I'm finding it hard to accept anything about it that's actually good.
This was one of the first times in aVERY long time where I watched (Neo) Star Trek and actually was sad when the episode ended...cuz I was interested and wanting to see what would come next. Nice episode. Much MUCH better than all of season one and two put together along with all the JarJar Abroom movies.
Holy crap. This season is not written well and still has all the negative aspects of the first 2 seasons cranked up to 11 but hidden with horrible memberberries. Why this is ignored to focus on what little good there is, is sus.
Agree. This season is 100% fan service with awful script. Fans saw Worf and Changelings and then went fucking insane. All the plot holes, shaky camera, dark scenes, torture scenes, bad language they criticized before is now suddenly OK.
@Adamo Who cares what nerdrotic thinks if the material is the same as the material before it. They are grooming the fans with memberberries hoping no-one notices they still hate these fans.
I didn't buy Crusher's excuse. Picard was all about helping out other civilizations and being a diplomat, he was a beloved guy except perhaps to the Borg so I don't buy he had a price on his back as if he was some sort of rogue captain who turned people's lives upside down. It sounds like she was describing Kirk and even that's a stretch. Plus Picard was in his early sixties when the kid was born, he'd probably retire soon around then anyway. It also doesn't seem like Beverly would be the kind of person to hide that. She was afraid he'd never be around? The Enterprise was all about having families on board! The writers are playing loose with the characters and their ages too. I think they're playing them 10 years younger than they really are. It just seems like a cheap ploy for instant drama rather than building something thoughtful to think about it like older Trek. This all just seems like a space opera.
I am Worf, son of Mogh. House of Martok, son of Sergey, House of Rozhenko. Bane to the Duras family, slayer of Gowron. I have made some chamomile tea. Do you take sugar? Classic.
This is quite frankly the best reintroduction of a character I have ever seen in any show or movie in history. This is absolutely another little nugget of Star Trek gold
@@Salfordian It just would have been weird for him to name Odo since his name was of no relevance. Also, Worf might not have wanted to implicate Odo by saying who told him. Also, I think it's more fun for the audience to have to work out whom he was talking about.
I must have missed the part where they explained why Beverly, a doctor in the far distant future no less, had unprotected sex with someone she knew did not want kids. I guess things never change.
They only did back door action... that's why she thought it would be okay. Yet somehow... uh... life finds a way! 😂😂😂 You do bring up a good point though! Guess we as viewers just have to gloss that over. :(
This is still far, far from what Star Trek should be. While it might be the best Trek current writers have come up with, it is still mindless, emotionally driven nonsense. Where is the thought-provoking Trek of yesteryear? Where is Jean-Luc Picard's strong guiding presence on the bridge during climactically tense moments? Where is a team of rational adults discussing options to work their way through unknown obstacles? This is still new Trek of damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead. The conversations are still rooted in emotion and not reason. There is still too much yelling and not enough thought-out dialogue. High minded interactions between characters are now replaced with expletive filled childlike tirades. Star Trek was supposed to be filled with the triumphant optimism of human reason. Dave, I don't know if you got paid to say what you are saying. I don't know if you've given up hope, and you are settling for this as the best Trek that we're going to get. I will trust you enough to watch a few more and pray that it gets better. But at this point I have next to no hope for this once great franchise.
Thomas Dekker who played Titus Rikka also played one of Picards kids in the nexus in Generations, the one who asks Picard to build his castle with him and was also in Voyager in the 1st 2 seasons as Henry the boy in Janeways holonovel when she played a nanny to those 2 kids. Also he played John Connor in Sarah Connor Chronicles
I didn't recognize him! I always knew him from the old Honey I Shrunk the Kids show. Then again, I did fast forward a bunch for the Raffie stuff. It was starting to bother me how intrusive the b-plot was.
So this show has a character called "Riker", not to be confused with the character "Rikker" (played by "Dekker"). And Rikker's first name is "Titus", not to be confused with "Titan", which is the name of the ship currently commanded by Riker - not to be confused with his own ship, which is also called the Titan! ????
The whole hidden son situation makes absolutely zero sense. I am willing to recognize that it’s part of the story and just move on, however I think it’s extremely silly to try to characterize it as some brilliant or realistic plot point. This is the same man she respected and admired for years, the same man who had a great relationship with her other son. And she herself has been in extreme danger many times being in Starfleet. It’s ridiculous she would then choose to successfully keep her son a complete secret from him after getting pregnant. WTF.
Don’t really care for Shaw’s reasoning for handling over command. Even a Captain as weak-willed as him wouldn’t hand over command like that. Might have been better if he was knocked out and then Seven handed over command.
Both Beverly and Jack are either lying, or this is some of the worst plot logic I have ever seen. Beverly knew to completely vaporize the attackers in episode 1. There is no way she didn't know. The "we have been hunted for months" while all the scenes affirm that the hunt started two weeks ago. "It's in his DNA". Bollocks. Jack sees/hallucinates the Great Link, which if my memory is not wrong has never been seen by a human. The Romulans still have Picard's DNA (or know how to get it). The quite on the nose line of "Don't look at me like I'm a science experiment". Sure you are, kid. The DNA is part of the closing credits. Jack is not Picard's son. As to what end, well, tons of Nemesis references here. Vadic might actually turn out to be "the good guy"
@@Funkybassuk That would be quite possible. Another possibility could be that Matalas is playing 12 Monkeys/Westworld parallel "worlds" here, which might have the Worf/Raffi plotline be in the real world, and Picard/Riker are trapped in a holodeck. There is a moment in the end titles that references Holodeck/Safety Off, and there are precedents of one of the TNG crew in a holodeck without them knowing. There are just things that don't quite add up. But hey, that is the fun, innit? I mean, Cullen knows, so do a lot of the other RUclipsrs like Nerdrotic, but I honestly doubt that the guy who did 12 Monkey would simply repurpose "Wrath of Kahn". He has been too good of a plotter/storyteller in the past, and he knows Star Trek inside and out, unlike the idiots of Nu Trek. I think we will be in a several big surprises. And what I love is that it got me back being interested. I love Trek. I own all Trek. I hate everything from 2009 forward. And I said like Red Letter Media, "oh, well, they don't want me, don't care"... but this... this is at the very least interesting
Can't wait till the day the rights are sold to a company that will do something genuine with it. If that doesn't happen, then RIP Trek. You had a good run up to the end of Enterprise.
Unlike the first two episodes which I thought were bad, this episode had good and bad mixed together. It was hard for me to like the episode but there were spans of 15 seconds to up to 2 minutes where I didn't actively recoil or look away in disgust. I felt all of the excuses for Picard having a secret son were nonsensical, based on history we didn't get to see in the show or even the movies so it was pretty unmotivated. I don't think Beverly would have hidden it from Picard like that. Then of course Jack Crusher grew up in London, on Earth, while Beverly was there and Picard was at his vineyard, and she never contacted him throughout Jack's entire childhood? Also Picard advocating the shooting solution while Riker advocated running was ok, but Picard definitely deviated from his normal character pretty far to advocate fighting a superior vessel with almost no chance, and Riker is always scheming ways to attack with disadvantages like the war games and borg encounter that he had. So both of them were acting very out of character. Riker would never have said that Picard "killed us all" he made the decision to agree with Picard and turn to attack, he was the captain and it was his responsibility. Riker would never blame Picard in this way openly in front of the crew, and Picard would never argue that petulantly with Riker in front of the crew, that's why they had Ready Rooms. But the scenes with Worf were pretty good even with Raffi being there. So there's positives too, but to say this episode is good is way too far. The shapeshifter plot could theoretically not be terrible. On the other hand I understand now how people are saying positive things about the show, because if they'd had two weeks to think about the first two episodes I think it would have hurt their reviews far more than watching all 6 at once did, if they actually improve.
I wasn’t overly impressed with the first two episodes either. There’s still definitely major issues with the dialogue and out of character moments with Picard and Riker. But I still thought this episode was genuinely pretty good and much better than the first two. The plot at least now has me very intrigued-bringing back the changelings was a brilliant move.
Picard: "Jack, this accent.... Bev: He went to school in London. He never shook it" Tell me about it! I sent my northeastern daughter to Alabama and she came back sounding like Foghorn Leghorn!
Another GREAT episode ... but I didn't like Riker's anger towards Picard after the attack scene went badly. Felt unnatural considering the DECADES of respect Riker has for the man. Remember the episode where Data reminds Worf that Riker would never publicly show a disagreement with his Captain in front of the crew. I know the situation is very different ... but still. I'm hoping something more is at play here, because for the first time this season I found myself shaking my head ....
It wasn't unnatural is was justified considering Picard kept telling him to attack the vastly superior ship over and over again throughout the whole episode, an extremely stupid suggestion and Riker was becoming rightfully annoyed at Picard because it's a dumb and stupid plan that will get them all killed, and in the end when he caved to Picard's constant pestering him to fight it went horribly wrong they lost and ultimately Riker was proven right, now they basically are all dead. The thing is, if this were TNG Picard he would never have suggested or ordered such a stupid decision, this is not the Picard of TNG this is a phony.
Riker is also suffering from some serious trauma. With the loss of Thaddeus, Riker is definitely suffering, and you can see it in the way he is commanding.
I knew the writers would come up with an absolutely pathetic excuse why Crusher ran off with Picard's only child when we know he feels guilty/sad for not having children... what a joke. I cant believe you like this crap Dave ffs, have things got so bad that any kind of half decent storyline you're like "yes its good". I agree its better than the last 2 series yeah but its still terrible im sorry. Best thing about this show is Rikers performance is excellent (so far). I used to love Picard (the character) but watching him now is like watching Joe Biden.
An excellent review of a great episode. Of course, given the inclusion of Changelings in the story, DS9 is in my mind. The scene of Jack’s vision makes me think of those that Ben Sisko experienced so often, in communication with the Prophets. Is it too much to hope for that STP season 3 has kept an appearance by Avery Brooks secret?!
I loved the tension between Riker and Picard! It’s about damn time Riker stood up to Picard and chastise Picard’s reckless behavior. This isn’t the crew of the Enterprise, it’s the crew of Titan and they aren’t a military vessel and thus aren’t used to fighting hostile forces like the Shrike. I imagine that even the Enterprise would have an uphill battle against a ship as formidable as the Shrike. Picard is being reckless and Riker is being the mature one in this situation.
Its more the silly drama between him and Riker that makes the whole thing stupid from the start. Picard just wouldn't get on like that. I think there is still that "outside influence" in the show. You can tell its more Patrick Stewart wanting to be like that rather than Picard being like that. The show would be soooooo much better as a new show away from Picard.
A lot of the story makes no sense. Everyone just ignores the main plot is awful. Baby momma drama is not what I want from Star Trek especially when the characters are like 80 years old!
Actually if they had had a chance to bait it and attack it from behind. I'm just reminded of the over gunned warship from the Episode Unification where they golden bb'd it and blew up cause they hit the magazine. The Shrike is brimming with kinetic weapons same thing could happen to it if they could get an open shot.
I'm in shock over how much better this season is compared to the previous 2. The biggest surprise has been Captain Shaw! I was worried with his introduction that he was going to be another Asteroid Splat Guy (STD-2). But they've given his reactions/reasons for his attitude as accurate and correct, he's acting as a Captain should, crew safety, but the moment he needs to shields up, ready weapons. And damn did he get fooked up. Worf was awesome, I've missed him lol. DS9 let him grow so much, everything he does has meaning.
I don't really care if Picard's consciousness is inside the robot. They still stupidly turned him into a robot. I'll never buy any excuses they make. Nobody held a gun to their heads and forced them to kill him in season 1 and rebuild him as an android. That whole season was a mistake, and so was the second one. As good as this season has been, acknowledging that seasons 1 and 2 happened is not going to help them. They'd have been better off replaying the final scene of season 2 and then having Picard walk out of a holodeck in the first episode lol I don't have to accept this to enjoy anything in season 3, regardless of what you say. Perhaps the reason for giving you review access is starting to show. "Just accept season 1 and 2 now, because we did a good this time"
I'm liking this season so far, but why did they make Dr. Crusher so ugly? She had a beautiful head of full, red hair and now it's this stringy, ugly, dyed-gray lifeless stuff, and they've smothered her face in tons of makeup.
I still cant stand the over the top drama. Also I dont think Riker no matter how much Picard was pissing him off would talk to him like that. But I would now say its not horrible. I understand characters its just some of the drama is missed place. I also like the "big bad" as I never understood the reasoning for the end of the dominion war in the story of Star Trek. Of course it was more that the show was done. Im glad its been brought back.
I believe it. As people get older, they wear their heart on their sleeve, dont have as much inhibition about expressing themselves, and become a lot more sentimental.
Your problem is the same Stargate fans had over Stargate Universe, which was more mature in terms of drama. It failed so hard with the bickering, that the whole franchise collapsed. 12 years later, Universe is considered the best of Stargates.
This is certainly the best modern Trek I've seen, but I can't quite go as far as saying it's good, and let's be honest the bar is not very high when it comes to modern Trek. For me, and it saddens me to say it, the big problem is Stewart and his overly mannered, nay, frail performance. He just doesn't seem like the same character, and once I wasn't able to buy into him, the rest fell apart. I also really dislike modern Trek's propensity to throw everything at the wall to see what sticks - Seven of Nine, changelings, Worf none of it meshes together, and whilst I could maybe believe that they all inhabit the same rather grim and grungy version of the universe, it doesn't look or feel like a Star Trek universe to me. In this episode in particular, I thought the way Riker dismissed Picard at the end was totally wrong, out of character, and a real misstep. It didn't even make sense within the context of how they'd been interacting in this episode, let alone in the movies and TV series. I watched it because you and others' judgement who I trust recommended it, and I'll probably watch the rest of the season, but it is nowhere near as good as you guys are saying, and I honestly think you're going too easy on it.
This is the first time I've heard of these reviewers getting release copies of ANYTHING before it was released. And they all love it. The first time this event occurs. Telling.
I thought this was the best Star Trek episode we’ve had in probably 20 or more years, so hearing Dave say it only gets better from here is pretty great.
SPOILERS follow. Of the first 3 episodes, this was my least favorite. Some great moments of character interaction/building, but too many unexplained and/or illogical decisions (or non-decisions) by the characters (Seven being kept under confinement by Riker in the circumstances, lack of increased security for critical infrastructure once they figured out there was a saboteur, continued presence of the capture Founder, no everyday security in general against Founders). The biggest one is the one you ended with - Riker blaming Picard for a decision Riker made. If I was on the bridge, I'd realize I'm subject to getting thrown under the bus by the captain if things go wrong. I hope there's an explanation later that what we saw was not really what was going on. Agree completely about Frakes - best acting he's done, with better material for Riker.
I disagree with your take on Raffi being better somehow... she still is some of the worst stuff about Picard's show as they come, right down to her interrogation of someone who is not at all what they thought
I'll just file the series 1 & 2 stupid crap with previous trek crap like Spock's Brain, Threshold & Picard's previous survival as a consciousness in the Enterprise's computer & subsequent transporter resurrection.
I fully agree with your assessment of the "final" decision of this episode. When I watched it I immediately said to myself:"Yes, Riker, Picard gave you the idea, but YOU gave the order". Picard didn't deserve this harsh "get off my bridge" reaction from Riker. Maybe it was done to add a bit more tension but...well, without knowing how it's going to continue in the next episode(s) it seems unneccessary.
I get the logic but I can also appreciate the human emotion factor to that reaction, both are long time friends on which one outranks the other, riker was ultimately compelled to listen to an admiral who are also his long time friend despite the fact that he personally disagreed wanted to just go home, and then it backfired and now they're sort of dying because of it it's only humane to react like that, especially given the situations... and if I may add, an improvement over the too sterile robotic "we're all friends who are nice to everybody" work environment vibe from TNG...
I'd been dubious with the praise the first episode had been getting, there were still so many signs of the Kurtzman rot that people seemed to be ignoring, but with this episode I am totally on board. I still have many qualms of courae, but for example the dialogue is _so much better_ than it had been up until now. Picard and Crusher's argument was great. I like the fact they're using this one final show to resolve a tension that was always there, and they're doing a pretty good job with it too. Although I have to admit I'm getting flashbacks to the continuations of The X-Files every now and then, with how something that was awkward and kinda unspoken is now front and centre. I thought it was kinda bad in that case, but here they're pulling it off. I kinda dislike the extent to which they're relying on memberberries, but that's the rational part of my brain talking, while I have to admit the rest of my brain is cheering at stuff like the allusion to Odo. With "Frontier Day" being a thing which I imagine is surely going to be an actual set piece later, I guess you could argue laying the nostalgia on thick is tied _thematically_ into this send-off. I hope Mauler isn't around...
Lmao on that Mauler comment, but remember one thing. Your relationship to art, music, or a movie is what you decide to like. Akin to a person, people love other imperfect, illogical people. It's OK to like things that don't always make sense. To an extent though haha
From ep2 And to an extent, ep1, putting the narrative to one side TM has shown a greater care for his craft. Previous Trek seasons felt slap dash, as if people were sent off to write different acts and instead of coming together to go over and make sure they flowed, they were thrown in... Along with anything the execs passed a memo on about. TM's episodes thus far... Flow. They focus on the right things. STD's last season had so many conversations about feelings... And crew members who should have appeared every episode just popping up sporadically while never giving any indication they knew how to do their job... I'm not getting that sense to the same world shattering degree... TM is world building each episode and guiding the audience like a storyteller should... There are still the JJTrek aspects that mark it as JJ continuity, but that's unavoidable. It was made under the preferred SH licence that favours JJ's financial position. But at least PS3 is watchable where so many of the previous 13 seasons over the past 5 years were not.
@@johnnyt71982 To get it, I think you have to consider the art of making a TV show. Past NuTrek seasons have shown that showrunners don't know how to bring the elements of the show together into one relatively unified narrative that carries the plot. Thus far I think the means of diverting the Titan were just silly. Aspects of the son are head scratching, and the Shrike is frankly laughable in that it seems capable of outperforming and outmuscling a StarFleet vessel... but... Unlike past seasons, the dumb ideas don't stick around to long. This is action adventure JJ Trek. Not Star Trek. Once you recognize it's that dumb downed version of Trek, it's not really easy to swallow but at least you can see where the production is focused and pointing towards. It is miles better than STD that never knew when to role in a character for a scene they were qualified to be in. They just talked about feelings. Some characters felt like guest stars despite the fact they occupied important positions... PS3 is handling its characters better, breaking up the sequences between The Titan and Worf well, in short... even if it's not enjoyable, you can follow what's being presented. Still... I prefer the Orville when it comes to real Star Trek. Making NuTrek only about action adventure and mystery boxes does detract from it in that it never challenges the audience... It only asks for the audiences attention with out anything to mull over.
Honestly I was thinking if they do that maybe they could make dukat be the main villian. Granted that would be more of a season 1 or 2 story to have the plot be bad guys are trying to resurrect dukat...
@@thewewguy8t88 Best qoute " iVE KNOWN IVE ALWAYS known it, i should turned their planet in to a graveyard the likes the galaxy had never seen!! I SHOULD HAVE KILLED THEM ALL!" , " and that is why your not an evil man". ;)
Beverly's argument made no sense: She said Picard wouldn't have been a good father because he was too committed to saving the galaxy, and then she proceeds to raise Jack in an incredibly dangerous environment because of her commitment to save the galaxy.
@@jooie444 this guy gets it lol... I'm amazed that some people failed to notice that it wasn't implied that beverly took under aged child Jack to go all around the galaxy doing dangerous things together, some people here definitely confuses the current adult jack with the under aged Jack that we haven't seen yet (and possibly never will)
What pissed me off the most is the conclusion of the argument between them is Picard quietly realising he was to blame. I disagree with Dave here. NO excuse for Crusher hiding the fact he had a son. None whatsoever.
I do hate to say it & I'm not sure if anyone agrees but I still find myself completely underwhelmed, despite all the hype that this episode is 'radically different! I do agree there is more improvement from S1/S2 but it's still the same darkness, bleakness, swearing, rehashing of old villains or enemies. To me there isn't anything new, fresh, positive or light about this show so far & I feel that others watching this are overlooking the bad writing/scope of this show for those nostalgia nuggets which occasionally pop up. But listen, if the show continues to improve on this trajectory & eventually does start to feel like the Star Trek of old I'II take that but so far it doesn't appear to be happening with the episodes so far.
This is The Rise of Skywalker all over again. These talentless hacks are putting their dirty finger all over not only TNG but also Voyager and DS9 now. Nothing but member berries nothing but characters and stories already created and told by much more talented people dragged out of their past to be walked all over and reused by people who have no respect for what came before and are adding nothing new to what is coming after.
That was a pretty intense episode. I'm guessing whatever is in the nebula, bio sig, is attempting to communicate with Jack...or it could be a Prophet from DS9. Perhaps there's an orb in there somewhere.
I wonder if it’s a nod to the season 1 voyager episode with famous line “there’s coffee in that nebula” where they entered a nebula but discovered it was a life form
Any who say season 3 of Picard is good, is like saying the Germans did SOME good back in WW2 and we should now pay attention. Jesus, it's like that STTNG episode with Wesley Crusher coming back and finding out the whole crew is playing this boring game that is addictive and they are trying to get him to play but he knows it's stupid and something is up.
I just don't see it Dave thought the episode was weak compared to last week. Picard finally took command looking like he was a man with a plan to only end sitting back down looking all confused and useless. I feel like the writers of Picard have a fetish for torturing the man.. then Riker telling Picard in flashback scene that he would burn the world to the ground to save his son, did they both forget that Picard lost his brother and nephew in a house fire? Odd thing for Riker to say imo.
I'm still liking this third season but I had some issues with this episode. I thought it was the best of the season... and the worst at the same time. I just couldn't understand Riker's attitude toward Picard near the end. The could not run because the engines were damaged so all they could really do was fight. Changeling maybe? I didn't like the Jack Crusher's vision scene. The red tendrils gave me spore drive vibes... and I almost threw up. No STD links please. Other than that I really enjoyed it.
The Titan was hoisted by its own Picard. The irony is delicious! I think the only chance that the crew has to survive is to be rescued by someone at the last minute.
As a huge DS9 fan it was indeed great to get a Dominion war reference. Pity we would not be able to get a Odo appearance, (RIP René Auberjonois) that would have been something!
I still don’t get how there can be tons of examples on RUclips of just some guy with deep fake software doing a better job than studios with a big budget
I think it's because the youtube examples are working with material that's already been de-aged so there's less work involved. But it begs the question why don't the studios take it that one extra step? They probably don't have time to futz endlessly over it. Could be a natural bias. The studios get it to the point where they think they nailed it, youtuber comes in and by virtue of his being different it's better.
@@GarretGrayCamera Yeah, that's what most of the people raving about fanmade "corrective" deepfakes are failing to consider, they're working with footage that's already more than half-done, they're not working from scratch. And I'd say the reason the studios don't take the extra step is probably just time. A fan has all the time they want to fine-tune and do multiple passes to get it just right, while a VFX house on a budget and with a deadline likely does not. Although really the problem is with the people who make the decisions in the first place, there still seems to be this mentality in Hollywood that computers are magical black boxes that will solve any problem and so they end up asking too much of them.
@@rade-blunner7824 I kind of like the days when they just got a younger look-a-like. It didn't bother me so much because the story was more important. Now it just screams, "hey look what we can do" and it's always a little off to be distracting or they're just throwing in a flash back to do the de-aging. It's fun to see I suppose. Cool some might say.
Good or bad, the genesis of the Picard series is within the Kelvin universe, not the original Star Trek universe. So it’s all alternate reality anyway. I may give the third season a shot, but it’s with the caveat that none of the characters are the same ones from original Star Trek lore. And that’s okay.
I hate this father mother son storyline. How old are these people? They were having kids in their 60s? Come on. And talk about uncanny valley - look at Crusher!
The subtitles on the episode give away the changeling plot twist early. At 21:30 it says "[Changeling 1 speaks in Alien language]". The plot twist is not for another 20 minutes.
IMO the only thing this show is getting right so far is Worf's plot line; with the exception of how the changing was handled (apparently a set of hand cuffs can now hold a changeling? ok, theyre special handcuffs 😜). the Picard/Crusher argument was good. but the situation the Titan is in just seem to be... lacking... and not well thought out. (because a leak contained "inside" the ship is somehow detectable to another ship whos sensors are inhibited by a nebula?😝) /poor writing/ its a peeve of mind when the "hero" gets dumbed down just to service the plot. and all im 'seeing' is duck n'run, duck n'run when while watching several different options came to my mind that should be well within the capabilities of the Titan could have been attempted and weren't even thought about, Picard was right! Riker just picked the WRONG moment, and didint think about it before trying (and OMG did the writers telegraph the Titan shooting itself or what!!!) ... maybe i expect too much. overall, im being nit-picky i know, and i admit that while this is better than anything else put out recently it still doesnt "feel like" Star Trek to me.
Good episode but I didn't like the conflict between Picard and Riker, I just can't see Riker saying what he did to Picard at the end of the episode.
I feel like there's something more to it
I fully agree.
Me neither.
But then i dont buy beverley cutting all her friends out of her life for 20 years.
Guarantee one of them is a changeling in that scene
No, it isn't realistic. Ultimately Riker was in Command so even if Picard gave him bad suggestions Riker as Captain gave the orders so it's on him to take responsibility for it.
RIP René 'Odo' Auberjonois.
I am still absolutely shook about the fact that I'm sitting here and simply *cannot* wait for the next episode. It feels so good to have GOOD STAR TREK after all these years.
And OMG their *performances* ... I can't handle this.
The "You killed us all" line didn't seem like something a Captain should say in front of his bridge crew under any circumstance. Particularly since, as you say, it was Riker's decision to fire.
We don't see Riker's face as he's saying it. Maybe there was some debate over the line and they tried some different things in ADR. I guess they wanted to end on a hook with maximum discord between Riker and Picard. I feel the writing strays into being too obvious at times, this being an example.
I wish this were season 1 and they had a couple more seasons to get more comfortable with the voice and tone of the show.
Riker kept saying no to that dumb plan then he caved because it's Picard and look where it got them when he did listen to Picard and did what he said to do, exactly where Riker thought they would end up, I would also be overcome with absolute fury is someone pressured me constantly into doing something I did not want to do and thought was incredibly stupid, but Riker is also angry at himself as he should have ignored Picard's dumb advice.
A simple look at Picard with no dialogue would have been fine. I think nuance is lost with some of the people involved in the new trek creation process….I wouldn’t be surprised if they added the line in post.
I thought that too.
I began thinking Riker is a Changling. This would explain the whole leaving Troy bit.
One of them is a Changling
Today's Hollywood in a nutshell: "We don't know how to write or make anything original, but remember this cool EVENT, CHARACTER, REFERENCE? Awesome, right?!"
I had less complaints about the de-aging tech on Picard and Riker and more they couldn't do much to make Picard's voice not sound so old as he does now.
Both were detractors from that scene... that voice, especially...
@@avarielblackwing6613 I've seen worse de-aging attempts on Patrick Stewart is why I let it go... I still think back to X-Men 3
@@MedalionDS9 True that.
you'd think they could have done a better job considering the quality of some deepfakes these days lol
I know man it sucks
Just watched this with my parents, who were huge TNG fans back in the day. All they could talk about was how awful Crusher looked
Whatever is to come with star trek after this season, I just hope it's done by somebody who knows how to turn a light or two on
I chalk the lighting on the ship down to the fact that they're on red alert, and thus conserving power for the defensive systems.
@@aleczrike9647 They've been on red alert for 3 seasons?
@@aleczrike9647 red alert, red alert. Incoming bs script.
Yeah, they've been at red alert for a long long time
Oh god... don't tell me you are missing that lens flare?!! 😂😂😂😂
"Computer, increase interior illumination by 40%."
The problem is that this idea that Picard has always been a prime target for assassins is wrong though. So Beverly's reasons rely on a version of Picard we've never really seen on screen. And the list of coincidental misadventures that prevented her from telling him about his son sound like they belong in a comic book.
My other issue is that all the friction in this episode between Picard and Riker is forced. Mainly because Picard constantly badgering Riker to attack is very much unlike TNG Picard. TNG used violence as an absolute last resort, just as Will is trying to do here.
Picard seems unable to put Riker's strategy into it's proper context when he does the "it's not working" bit. Then after they do try to attack Riker fails to understand the context of what happened, kicking Picard of the bridge. All of this is unnecessary forced drama. The kind Gene would have hated.
Solid episodes so far! We just need to change the set lighting so we can tell who has a red, gold, or blue uniform instead of grey, a different grey, and a third grey.
Second I saw the changeling I thought “ok I want to watch the rest of this season right now”
Same here ... and call me thick ... I didn't guess that the Changelings were behind this until Jack punched that one's face .... my golly, I'm loving this season.
My reaction was "Changelings! Oh shit, I didn't see that coming!"
Good opportunity for former Captain Sisko to come save their butt from the wormhole. I have no idea what's going to happen the Wormhole aliens or what
@@stevencorrea8032 I would be completely shocked if we saw Sisko.
This week I rewatched Yesterday's Enterprise and The Drumhead from TNG, as well as Duet from DS9.
It really hammers home how far Star Trek writing has fallen under Abrams/Kurtzman & Co.
Picard season 3 is certainly a significant improvement, but it's just not quite there compared to what we left behind.
It really hit me watching this episode. That type of Trek is never coming back. Maybe entertainment might swing back to that type of writing one day in the future. Not saying there will never ever been good Star Trek its just that Trek is pretty much gone. The people coming into the business as whole have a different outlook as to what a sci-fi show is like.
@@richardmcgowan1651I don't see how season 3 is a return to TNG as it was before: the writing is god awful (afternoon in the sol system, divert all energy to the core, here's a coded message but don't trust starfleet but starfleet are the only ones who can decode it etc. etc. Raffi telling eveyone she meets (or in the street) that she's a Starfleet officer while undercover. The world is Jurtzman Trek: Starfleet can't be trusted, no officer respects other officers, everyone acts like a dick. The characters are unrecognizeable:Crusher is no longer a healer but vaporizes people, Riker is a dick to junior officers and Picard, Worf is no longer honorable killing a Ferengi for no good reason. etc.. The sets are dark, people in the future are after money, people swear and do drugs. This isn't Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek. I wonder why so many who used to criticize bad writing, poor science, awful charactirization, self-insertion etc.. have all turned their backs on their priciples and have praised those same things being done in this show.
@@samuelshafik2778 Thank god someone else said WTF to " Divert all energy to the warp core" line.. I was so mad at that.. It's like saying Divert all power to the Nuclear Reactor.. You don't divert energy to the very thing that creates it! WTF?
The Warp Core combines matter and anti matter to create energy, you don't divert energy to it..
This show is terrible, its like its wearing TNG as a dark toned skin suit.. with a Dystopian future and 21st century selfish self centered people underneath.
I agree
Personally I really did believe the argument between Picard and Crusher. They both had really good points, and I had a very hard time disagreeing with either of them. A lot of writing these days comes off as VERY contrived and biased, but this just FELT like two adults hashing out their grievances. As for Jack not wanting to reach out to his father after being offered the choice, I can *personally* identify with that; that one hit hard. In any case, bravo to everyone involved in that scene.
I think that was my favorite scene of the whole series or maybe even modern Trek. Seemed well acted, well written and made me feel something. At least comparatively.
Jean Luc should have had the choice. i feel him 200%
No the argument was not believable. It’s all fake soap opera drama.
I thought their discussion really hit and seemed authentic. Picard and Riker, however.. that's a different story.
Just because McDonalds makes shit burgers, burgers shouldn't be damned as a whole.
Sorry, three episodes in and I'm STILL not feeling it. I've seen nothing so far to distinguish STP3 from all the horrible NuTrek that came before. Granted, there were some rare gems here and there in the episode, but not nearly enough to make up for the overwhelming sense of doom, gloom and darkness that has been THE defining feature of NuTrek since 2009. Worf looks absolutely STUNNING as an elder warrior monk, it's like this man simply refuses to age - too bad his one-liner dialogues were delivered with all the joy of watching wet paint dry. Picard brings some badly needed fury and tension in his scene with Beverly Crusher, but I was left puzzled and outraged after he was rudely ordered off the bridge by Riker in the same tone one orders a dog off the bed. Sorry but that felt forced and entirely out of character given the deep and abiding respect these two great men have for each other. Apart from that, I was so bored with this episode that I spent half my time rolling my eyes at the screen and the other half catching up on the news on my iPad. At this point I'm just over this incessant, overwhelming darkness that has pervaded Star Trek these last few years. Remember how in the 90's after a TNG episode you couldn't wait for the future to finally arrive? STP & NuTrek have not only destroyed that future, they have proudly defiled it and stomped all over it. They deserve none of my support.
@Adamo Turning on the damn lights would go A LONG WAY to dispelling much of the doom and gloom you feel while watching NuTrek. A little sunlight works wonders, even psychologists advise patients suffering from depression to go out into the sunlight. But no, the creators of NuTrek have made a conscious decision to keep the set as dark and bleak as possible, because a depressed audience forms part of their pessimistic vision of a dystopian future. This show is so bankrupt, it's beyond salvation!
I don't believe Crusher's excuses for even a second. She's afraid for her son? She raised the previous one on a military ship, had him piloting it while under age. Had his life put in danger countless times, including that one time he was sentenced to death. Plus, Westley is not dead! He's in the last season for crying out loud. In fact, he's become some kinda demi-god time travelling Doctor Who.
I took a quick peak on Memory Alpha to check the chronology of the characters. So at 56 and 75 years of age they have a kid. Five years later, Picard retires in protest from Starfleet. He spends nearly 15 years drinking wine in France while his son attends school in London. Guess we can't tell him about Jack tho because maybe Daimon Bok is getting released and still wants his vengeance on Picard.
All Beverly's excuses ring hollow to me, and I don't believe her character would have commit such a deeply immoral act. The only time it's justified to not tell the parent is if your partner is a danger to you or the baby. Picard is not. He has enemies? Well don't invite them to the baby shower, raise the kid in a secret bunker if you want. She apparently drags him around warzones, and plagues so wtf is her moral high ground here? They sell weapons and contraband!?
Also, Jack never wanted to meet his hero father? Really? I find that very hard to believe. Why not? I hope this gets developed further but I'm not holding my breath.
I have so many more problems with this episode, including a rebel group of changelings? Really, aren't they all about consensus and the great link? Odo was like the one dissenter, and they lost their shit over that.
I digress, unless their is some major plot twits, like Jack not being Picard's son but a changeling. Then I rate this as the dumbest episode yet.
Except for Worf, Never change my man. I feel like he should drink Space Dos Equis, he's the most interesting man in space. Give this man his own series.
And Wesly 20 years ago was on the Titan back in starfleet. So no idea what changed there.
”We should kind of just enjoy what we have right now”
*How about No.* I'll not reward the failures of people who hate me.
Far from being the captain of events as a proper protagonist, in this episode Jean-Luc Picard is a hapless victim of circumstance and feebly reacts to events like an impotent senile fool. Do you remember the days when Picard was hesitant to fight. When he outwitted opponents? This is what pisses me off the most about this show. I don't care how much fan service they care to stuff down my throat. If they can't get Picard right--if they make him the opposite of his true self from TNG--then screw this series.
My favorite part is when Darth Vader tell Greta the ring must be taken to naboo to the snow queen.
I don't like the contrived fight between Riker and Picard at the end.
I'm loving it. The inclusion of the changelings as antagonists makes sense within the established lore. They are a powerful species and the idea that they would all accept the peace would have been simplistic. I did feel bad for 7 that Riker forgot and left her in confinement 😄
The changeling hook is a good one, it’s probably earned the next episode for me.
I was hoping it was the mind-control bugs from early TNG. The Shrike even looks like something they would build. I was working on a Star Trek RPG for my gaming group at one time and I wanted to use the bugs as the antagonists but that campaign never got off the ground. In my story Section 31 was keeping them at bay but discretely setting the bio-filter on every Federation transporter (Starfleet and civilian) to insta-kill them and report any successful deletions. Their possessed "hosts" learned to avoid transporters really quickly, and that hampered their movements throughout the Federation severely. My story picked up with what happens later when they figure out a way around that.
@@Z1gguratVert1go that would have been an amazing call back 😄👍🏻
@@tuhkathri9126 I thought it might be the case because in the 1st episode Beverly was using a weapon set to vaporize her attackers, which is a very not-Beverly thing to do. Anyone harboring one of those bugs was stun-proof so it would have fit. Also she said to "trust no one" and "no Starfleet" which is also something she would have said if she suspected those things were back.
Changelings are arguably even worse and scarier so I'm very interested in seeing this season through, but I really thought it was going to be the long-foretold return of the bugs.
except the deal was to accept military surrender, and return to the gamma quadrant, or die by Changeling disease. The Founders value their survival up all else, so there had better be a good explanation other than "oh the Changelings are at it again"
This show is intensely stupid.
Crusher would NEVER keep Picard from knowing she was pregnant.
The Federation would have many protocols in place to deal with The Founders should they return. It wouldn't be some ragtag effort because "don't trust anyone."
They made this show for those with IQ < 50.
Those folks don't ask questions about stupid plot holes, they just consume.
The acting in this episode was outstanding. And flawless directing by Johnathan Frakes.
The fact that the issue of a mans right to know that he has a child was debated and his points were argued with such passion and vigor is all I needed to see to tell me this is a different kind of Trek from what we've been getting since '09.
Patrick Stewart sold it really well too... I was shocked at what I was watching.
A mans rights debated on a tv show?!?
I haven't seen something this "progressive" on Star Trek in quite a long time.
How the f**k did that lady doctor become the chief medical officer of a starship when it seems she doesn't know basic triage or trauma surgery or diagnoses ... especially with all the gadgets and gizmos she has at her disposal, but fear not, here comes Beverly who hasn't been a practising ships doctor for years to come in and save the day!!! Bet Shaw is glad she was around, lol.
And what were the odds that a Changeling of all things happening to be on the Triton when Riker and Picard decide to 'hijack it'? Of all the ships in the fleet it could of been on, I guess the Changelings now have advanced precognition so they knew to put an agent there?
Now we know the Changelings are involved I'm wondering is the Shrike's crew Jem Hadar under all those robes. Yeah i doubt it too.
After two episodes in the nebula where virtually nothing happened, all we got was soap.opera, not space opera. This show still denigrates the Next Generation characters. Also how can changlings split from the Great Link? This makes no sense. I think the producers of Trek missed a trick by not creating a Riker spin off 15 years ago.
I didn't mind the de-aging CGI, but what I couldn't get past was Patrick Stewart's "old man voice". Some kind of attempt to recreate the vigor of his character around the Nemesis timeframe would have been welcome.
It's dark, it's serialized, it's overly emotional, once beloved characters are humiliated and blamed for no reason, it's just senseless action scenes without deeper thoughts. It's the same BS as any other Star Trek production after ENT. What do you find so positively different in it?
Blinded by the early access, so easy with these unexperienced youtubers.
@@Hlbkomer never thought id see the day when dave cullen literaly sounds like hes being paid to say this stuff
The only blame in this that felt strange was Riker at Picard for 'getting them killed'. We don't know the entire story yet, it may well end up being more complex and deeper than it appears.
I agree it's way too dark, and if you don't like it being serialised that's a fair complaint - doesn't bother me however.
@@boletop6204 let's hope the story comes together and that's why he's positive
I don't agree that it's overly emotional at all - the most emotional part was with Picard and Crusher, and that was for good reason
I will say it again: best season of Star Trek since season 4 of Enterprise in 2005. First season of Star Trek to move the whole franchise forward since the end of DS9. Still so many questions Picard has never answered: what is the post Dominion War Alpha Quadrant like...did Bajor join the Federation? Did Cardassia? Has the Klingon Empire finally recovered from the war and did Martok purge the rampant corruption? And where the hell is the Starship Enterprise?
And it doesn’t matter it’s all fruits of the secret hideout nuTrek poisonous tree. Saying it’s better than season 4 of Enterprise isn’t saying much. Have some self respect and respect for the franchise and walk away. It’s okay you’ll live.
That’s the lowest possible bar.
ScFi soap opera with shaky camera, dark scenes, insanely awful script, torture scenes, bad language and ton of fan service.
Yep, so much "different".
Resistance is futile.
The fan service is different. 👍🏽
Great episode! Loved every minute of it. You know, other than the reference to Picard's new body, which I do suppose is unavoidable, one could almost, almost, pretend Seasons 1 and 2 never happened. It's truly a pity that we did not get this level of quality storytelling in those seasons, and makes one wonder what could have been.
this. they had the chance with that stupid Q arc in season 2 to rectify about the golem body and make q picard's body again (with no sickness) but nope
I still think Picard being a robot is dumb as fuck, and nothing will ever justify it... but I am willing to let the larger plot the season intends to tell... play out...but Picard robot as a plot idea still is fucking shit.
Anyone else see the two Wrath of Khan parallels? A fight inside a nebula and how the Captain had a son who the mother kept with them and not allow them to run the galaxy with their father.
Indeed. Story beats from warth of khan and stylistic stuff from undiscovered country
Even some of the music and sound effects, if you listen carefully enough.
Yeah really like that
Throwing Picard off the bridge was difficult for me to see...but I was just on the edge of my seat the whole time.
I found the Picard character portrayed as a weak old man making bad decisions without any respect from others. This is not the Picard that I once liked. Where is that booming voice we once loved.
I am Worf, son of Mogh, house of Martok, son of Sergey, house of Rozhenko, Bane to the Duras family, slayer of Gowron, I have made some chamomile tea, do you take sugar.
I was hoping the villain was the alien/bug race from season 2 of TNG that would take over the bodies of the Starfleet brass, but the Changelings from DS9 are a good #2 in my book.
Why not both?
I was hoping for the conspiracy bugs as well. Hands down one of the most messed up visuals of the franchise and it's implications.
Yeah at the end of that episode the head bug sent a signal back to his galaxy to have them come and wipe out Star Fleet. Next Gen never returned to that plot thread. I was hoping they were finally returning.
You mentioned Worf's deadpan intro, but I am doubled over in laughter when Raffi and Work interrogate the changling. It was Good Cop - Bad Cop -- and Worf was the GOOD cop! Outstanding!
It's time for Jack to have a heart to heart with the robot pretending to be his dad.
Heart to CPU?
Yes. His very French father
“He has a British accent, and we pointed it out because the writers forgot I was French”
Synthetic doesn't mean 'robot'. You can be a clone and technically be 'synthetic'.
@@J.Wolf90 We've got to just accept that part and be glad we got this season.
@9:27 - mishears "red door" as "red angel"
I'm trying to enjoy this season, but some of it just doesn't seem done very well. The technical stuff is one of those things, where they're putting together a load of sci-fi words but they don't make much sense and come across as a way to excuse whatever event is occurring, rather than making some sort of technical sense. The dialogue between the characters doesn't seem right either, almost as if they're forcing it or don't believe what they're saying. Maybe it's all in my head, I'm not sure. I think I've been so disillusioned by how they've ruined ST for all of us that I'm finding it hard to accept anything about it that's actually good.
This was one of the first times in aVERY long time where I watched (Neo) Star Trek and actually was sad when the episode ended...cuz I was interested and wanting to see what would come next. Nice episode. Much MUCH better than all of season one and two put together along with all the JarJar Abroom movies.
I wished they just release the whole season. I'm getting annoyed with "bandaid peeling" shows that are made for binging not weekly airs
Holy crap. This season is not written well and still has all the negative aspects of the first 2 seasons cranked up to 11 but hidden with horrible memberberries.
Why this is ignored to focus on what little good there is, is sus.
Agree. This season is 100% fan service with awful script.
Fans saw Worf and Changelings and then went fucking insane. All the plot holes, shaky camera, dark scenes, torture scenes, bad language they criticized before is now suddenly OK.
Who cares what nerdrotic thinks if the material is the same as the material before it.
They are grooming the fans with memberberries hoping no-one notices they still hate these fans.
Imagine if season one and two was this good, plus theres 7 episodes left, I'm liking this series so much.
I didn't buy Crusher's excuse. Picard was all about helping out other civilizations and being a diplomat, he was a beloved guy except perhaps to the Borg so I don't buy he had a price on his back as if he was some sort of rogue captain who turned people's lives upside down. It sounds like she was describing Kirk and even that's a stretch. Plus Picard was in his early sixties when the kid was born, he'd probably retire soon around then anyway. It also doesn't seem like Beverly would be the kind of person to hide that. She was afraid he'd never be around? The Enterprise was all about having families on board! The writers are playing loose with the characters and their ages too. I think they're playing them 10 years younger than they really are. It just seems like a cheap ploy for instant drama rather than building something thoughtful to think about it like older Trek. This all just seems like a space opera.
I am Worf, son of Mogh. House of Martok, son of Sergey, House of Rozhenko. Bane to the Duras family, slayer of Gowron. I have made some chamomile tea. Do you take sugar?
Should’ve offered her prune juice
This is quite frankly the best reintroduction of a character I have ever seen in any show or movie in history. This is absolutely another little nugget of Star Trek gold
Should have added Destroyer of Weyoun #7. 🙃
Absolutely LOVED ".. bane to the Duras family ..." he's brilliant and sooo seriously funny ... no wonder Jadzia loved that Klingon Warrior!!
I do love how Worf calls Odo a friend, because in the beginning they actually hated each other
They butt heard on how security should be done. But then they started to understand each other and has similarities and they fought a war together.
He never mentioned Odo maybe they were worried due to the actor passing
@@Salfordian It just would have been weird for him to name Odo since his name was of no relevance. Also, Worf might not have wanted to implicate Odo by saying who told him. Also, I think it's more fun for the audience to have to work out whom he was talking about.
@@Scripture-Man His character worked with him for years so no it wouldn't have been weird
Rip rene.
I must have missed the part where they explained why Beverly, a doctor in the far distant future no less, had unprotected sex with someone she knew did not want kids. I guess things never change.
Lol. 20th wave feminism?
They only did back door action... that's why she thought it would be okay. Yet somehow... uh... life finds a way! 😂😂😂 You do bring up a good point though! Guess we as viewers just have to gloss that over. :(
It's almost like they pulled this plot out of their arses
@@nicholascowling7052 Back door action, Front door Jack-tion! Ok, I'll see myself out....
By the end of Nemesis Picard most definitely did not clearly not want kids.
This is still far, far from what Star Trek should be. While it might be the best Trek current writers have come up with, it is still mindless, emotionally driven nonsense. Where is the thought-provoking Trek of yesteryear? Where is Jean-Luc Picard's strong guiding presence on the bridge during climactically tense moments? Where is a team of rational adults discussing options to work their way through unknown obstacles? This is still new Trek of damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead. The conversations are still rooted in emotion and not reason. There is still too much yelling and not enough thought-out dialogue. High minded interactions between characters are now replaced with expletive filled childlike tirades. Star Trek was supposed to be filled with the triumphant optimism of human reason.
Dave, I don't know if you got paid to say what you are saying. I don't know if you've given up hope, and you are settling for this as the best Trek that we're going to get. I will trust you enough to watch a few more and pray that it gets better. But at this point I have next to no hope for this once great franchise.
Worf uses what looks like an actual "cobra" phaser from Nemesis, a proper phaser pistol that fires a beam, finally!
Thomas Dekker who played Titus Rikka also played one of Picards kids in the nexus in Generations, the one who asks Picard to build his castle with him and was also in Voyager in the 1st 2 seasons as Henry the boy in Janeways holonovel when she played a nanny to those 2 kids.
Also he played John Connor in Sarah Connor Chronicles
I didn't recognize him! I always knew him from the old Honey I Shrunk the Kids show. Then again, I did fast forward a bunch for the Raffie stuff. It was starting to bother me how intrusive the b-plot was.
So this show has a character called "Riker", not to be confused with the character "Rikker" (played by "Dekker"). And Rikker's first name is "Titus", not to be confused with "Titan", which is the name of the ship currently commanded by Riker - not to be confused with his own ship, which is also called the Titan! ????
And two of the most annoying little kids in Seinfeld.
The whole hidden son situation makes absolutely zero sense. I am willing to recognize that it’s part of the story and just move on, however I think it’s extremely silly to try to characterize it as some brilliant or realistic plot point. This is the same man she respected and admired for years, the same man who had a great relationship with her other son. And she herself has been in extreme danger many times being in Starfleet. It’s ridiculous she would then choose to successfully keep her son a complete secret from him after getting pregnant. WTF.
"Born in London so never shook the accent, maybe it's in his DNA"... Isn't Picard French?
Don’t really care for Shaw’s reasoning for handling over command. Even a Captain as weak-willed as him wouldn’t hand over command like that. Might have been better if he was knocked out and then Seven handed over command.
Both Beverly and Jack are either lying, or this is some of the worst plot logic I have ever seen. Beverly knew to completely vaporize the attackers in episode 1. There is no way she didn't know. The "we have been hunted for months" while all the scenes affirm that the hunt started two weeks ago. "It's in his DNA". Bollocks. Jack sees/hallucinates the Great Link, which if my memory is not wrong has never been seen by a human. The Romulans still have Picard's DNA (or know how to get it). The quite on the nose line of "Don't look at me like I'm a science experiment". Sure you are, kid. The DNA is part of the closing credits. Jack is not Picard's son. As to what end, well, tons of Nemesis references here. Vadic might actually turn out to be "the good guy"
Very, very, very interesting! A changeling who impersonated Jean-Luc? Not the first time Beverly fell for a fake Jean-Luc!
@@Funkybassuk That would be quite possible. Another possibility could be that Matalas is playing 12 Monkeys/Westworld parallel "worlds" here, which might have the Worf/Raffi plotline be in the real world, and Picard/Riker are trapped in a holodeck. There is a moment in the end titles that references Holodeck/Safety Off, and there are precedents of one of the TNG crew in a holodeck without them knowing. There are just things that don't quite add up.
But hey, that is the fun, innit?
I mean, Cullen knows, so do a lot of the other RUclipsrs like Nerdrotic, but I honestly doubt that the guy who did 12 Monkey would simply repurpose "Wrath of Kahn". He has been too good of a plotter/storyteller in the past, and he knows Star Trek inside and out, unlike the idiots of Nu Trek. I think we will be in a several big surprises. And what I love is that it got me back being interested. I love Trek. I own all Trek. I hate everything from 2009 forward. And I said like Red Letter Media, "oh, well, they don't want me, don't care"... but this... this is at the very least interesting
Can't wait till the day the rights are sold to a company that will do something genuine with it. If that doesn't happen, then RIP Trek. You had a good run up to the end of Enterprise.
Unlike the first two episodes which I thought were bad, this episode had good and bad mixed together. It was hard for me to like the episode but there were spans of 15 seconds to up to 2 minutes where I didn't actively recoil or look away in disgust. I felt all of the excuses for Picard having a secret son were nonsensical, based on history we didn't get to see in the show or even the movies so it was pretty unmotivated. I don't think Beverly would have hidden it from Picard like that. Then of course Jack Crusher grew up in London, on Earth, while Beverly was there and Picard was at his vineyard, and she never contacted him throughout Jack's entire childhood?
Also Picard advocating the shooting solution while Riker advocated running was ok, but Picard definitely deviated from his normal character pretty far to advocate fighting a superior vessel with almost no chance, and Riker is always scheming ways to attack with disadvantages like the war games and borg encounter that he had. So both of them were acting very out of character. Riker would never have said that Picard "killed us all" he made the decision to agree with Picard and turn to attack, he was the captain and it was his responsibility. Riker would never blame Picard in this way openly in front of the crew, and Picard would never argue that petulantly with Riker in front of the crew, that's why they had Ready Rooms.
But the scenes with Worf were pretty good even with Raffi being there. So there's positives too, but to say this episode is good is way too far. The shapeshifter plot could theoretically not be terrible. On the other hand I understand now how people are saying positive things about the show, because if they'd had two weeks to think about the first two episodes I think it would have hurt their reviews far more than watching all 6 at once did, if they actually improve.
I wasn’t overly impressed with the first two episodes either. There’s still definitely major issues with the dialogue and out of character moments with Picard and Riker. But I still thought this episode was genuinely pretty good and much better than the first two. The plot at least now has me very intrigued-bringing back the changelings was a brilliant move.
Picard: "Jack, this accent.... Bev: He went to school in London. He never shook it" Tell me about it! I sent my northeastern daughter to Alabama and she came back sounding like Foghorn Leghorn!
Another GREAT episode ... but I didn't like Riker's anger towards Picard after the attack scene went badly. Felt unnatural considering the DECADES of respect Riker has for the man. Remember the episode where Data reminds Worf that Riker would never publicly show a disagreement with his Captain in front of the crew.
I know the situation is very different ... but still. I'm hoping something more is at play here, because for the first time this season I found myself shaking my head ....
Riker has to be a changeling
It wasn't unnatural is was justified considering Picard kept telling him to attack the vastly superior ship over and over again throughout the whole episode, an extremely stupid suggestion and Riker was becoming rightfully annoyed at Picard because it's a dumb and stupid plan that will get them all killed, and in the end when he caved to Picard's constant pestering him to fight it went horribly wrong they lost and ultimately Riker was proven right, now they basically are all dead.
The thing is, if this were TNG Picard he would never have suggested or ordered such a stupid decision, this is not the Picard of TNG this is a phony.
@@morsefinearts2111 I’m thinking that as well. I don’t want to but that last scene just hit me over the head with the thought. I hope I’m wrong…
Riker is also suffering from some serious trauma. With the loss of Thaddeus, Riker is definitely suffering, and you can see it in the way he is commanding.
He only gave the order to attack when it looked like they had been backed into a corner when the changeling knocked out the warp drive.
I knew the writers would come up with an absolutely pathetic excuse why Crusher ran off with Picard's only child when we know he feels guilty/sad for not having children... what a joke. I cant believe you like this crap Dave ffs, have things got so bad that any kind of half decent storyline you're like "yes its good". I agree its better than the last 2 series yeah but its still terrible im sorry. Best thing about this show is Rikers performance is excellent (so far). I used to love Picard (the character) but watching him now is like watching Joe Biden.
An excellent review of a great episode. Of course, given the inclusion of Changelings in the story, DS9 is in my mind. The scene of Jack’s vision makes me think of those that Ben Sisko experienced so often, in communication with the Prophets. Is it too much to hope for that STP season 3 has kept an appearance by Avery Brooks secret?!
I loved the tension between Riker and Picard! It’s about damn time Riker stood up to Picard and chastise Picard’s reckless behavior. This isn’t the crew of the Enterprise, it’s the crew of Titan and they aren’t a military vessel and thus aren’t used to fighting hostile forces like the Shrike. I imagine that even the Enterprise would have an uphill battle against a ship as formidable as the Shrike. Picard is being reckless and Riker is being the mature one in this situation.
Its still only ok.
Not terrible, but closer to mediocre than good.
People blinded by the copious fanservice
This is a two hour movie dragged out to ten hours with filler. Being okay as compared to being awful does not redeem the series.
Picard decision to attack an enemy vastly superior makes no sense.
Indeed ... insane ... ESPECIALLY now knowing his son is onboard. Has the Changeling locked Picard up and taken his place??
Its more the silly drama between him and Riker that makes the whole thing stupid from the start. Picard just wouldn't get on like that. I think there is still that "outside influence" in the show. You can tell its more Patrick Stewart wanting to be like that rather than Picard being like that. The show would be soooooo much better as a new show away from Picard.
A lot of the story makes no sense. Everyone just ignores the main plot is awful. Baby momma drama is not what I want from Star Trek especially when the characters are like 80 years old!
@@thebenc1537 These episodes are terribly written so far. I am about to stop watching
Actually if they had had a chance to bait it and attack it from behind. I'm just reminded of the over gunned warship from the Episode Unification where they golden bb'd it and blew up cause they hit the magazine. The Shrike is brimming with kinetic weapons same thing could happen to it if they could get an open shot.
I'm in shock over how much better this season is compared to the previous 2.
The biggest surprise has been Captain Shaw! I was worried with his introduction that he was going to be another Asteroid Splat Guy (STD-2). But they've given his reactions/reasons for his attitude as accurate and correct, he's acting as a Captain should, crew safety, but the moment he needs to shields up, ready weapons. And damn did he get fooked up.
Worf was awesome, I've missed him lol. DS9 let him grow so much, everything he does has meaning.
I don't really care if Picard's consciousness is inside the robot. They still stupidly turned him into a robot. I'll never buy any excuses they make. Nobody held a gun to their heads and forced them to kill him in season 1 and rebuild him as an android. That whole season was a mistake, and so was the second one.
As good as this season has been, acknowledging that seasons 1 and 2 happened is not going to help them. They'd have been better off replaying the final scene of season 2 and then having Picard walk out of a holodeck in the first episode lol
I don't have to accept this to enjoy anything in season 3, regardless of what you say. Perhaps the reason for giving you review access is starting to show. "Just accept season 1 and 2 now, because we did a good this time"
I'm liking this season so far, but why did they make Dr. Crusher so ugly?
She had a beautiful head of full, red hair and now it's this stringy, ugly, dyed-gray lifeless stuff, and they've smothered her face in tons of makeup.
I still cant stand the over the top drama. Also I dont think Riker no matter how much Picard was pissing him off would talk to him like that. But I would now say its not horrible. I understand characters its just some of the drama is missed place. I also like the "big bad" as I never understood the reasoning for the end of the dominion war in the story of Star Trek. Of course it was more that the show was done. Im glad its been brought back.
I believe it. As people get older, they wear their heart on their sleeve, dont have as much inhibition about expressing themselves, and become a lot more sentimental.
I wonder if they've realized already that there are Changelings on board and are feigning all the arguing to obfuscate any spies watching.
Your problem is the same Stargate fans had over Stargate Universe, which was more mature in terms of drama. It failed so hard with the bickering, that the whole franchise collapsed. 12 years later, Universe is considered the best of Stargates.
Riker has the bridge crew watching him. He has to be perfect to them
Trauma trauma trauma all the characters have to trauma trauma trauma
This is certainly the best modern Trek I've seen, but I can't quite go as far as saying it's good, and let's be honest the bar is not very high when it comes to modern Trek. For me, and it saddens me to say it, the big problem is Stewart and his overly mannered, nay, frail performance. He just doesn't seem like the same character, and once I wasn't able to buy into him, the rest fell apart. I also really dislike modern Trek's propensity to throw everything at the wall to see what sticks - Seven of Nine, changelings, Worf none of it meshes together, and whilst I could maybe believe that they all inhabit the same rather grim and grungy version of the universe, it doesn't look or feel like a Star Trek universe to me. In this episode in particular, I thought the way Riker dismissed Picard at the end was totally wrong, out of character, and a real misstep. It didn't even make sense within the context of how they'd been interacting in this episode, let alone in the movies and TV series. I watched it because you and others' judgement who I trust recommended it, and I'll probably watch the rest of the season, but it is nowhere near as good as you guys are saying, and I honestly think you're going too easy on it.
This is the first time I've heard of these reviewers getting release copies of ANYTHING before it was released.
And they all love it. The first time this event occurs.
I thought this was the best Star Trek episode we’ve had in probably 20 or more years, so hearing Dave say it only gets better from here is pretty great.
SPOILERS follow. Of the first 3 episodes, this was my least favorite. Some great moments of character interaction/building, but too many unexplained and/or illogical decisions (or non-decisions) by the characters (Seven being kept under confinement by Riker in the circumstances, lack of increased security for critical infrastructure once they figured out there was a saboteur, continued presence of the capture Founder, no everyday security in general against Founders). The biggest one is the one you ended with - Riker blaming Picard for a decision Riker made. If I was on the bridge, I'd realize I'm subject to getting thrown under the bus by the captain if things go wrong. I hope there's an explanation later that what we saw was not really what was going on. Agree completely about Frakes - best acting he's done, with better material for Riker.
I disagree with your take on Raffi being better somehow... she still is some of the worst stuff about Picard's show as they come, right down to her interrogation of someone who is not at all what they thought
I'll just file the series 1 & 2 stupid crap with previous trek crap like Spock's Brain, Threshold & Picard's previous survival as a consciousness in the Enterprise's computer & subsequent transporter resurrection.
I fully agree with your assessment of the "final" decision of this episode. When I watched it I immediately said to myself:"Yes, Riker, Picard gave you the idea, but YOU gave the order". Picard didn't deserve this harsh "get off my bridge" reaction from Riker. Maybe it was done to add a bit more tension but...well, without knowing how it's going to continue in the next episode(s) it seems unneccessary.
I get the logic but I can also appreciate the human emotion factor to that reaction, both are long time friends on which one outranks the other, riker was ultimately compelled to listen to an admiral who are also his long time friend despite the fact that he personally disagreed wanted to just go home, and then it backfired and now they're sort of dying because of it
it's only humane to react like that, especially given the situations... and if I may add, an improvement over the too sterile robotic "we're all friends who are nice to everybody" work environment vibe from TNG...
I remember how everyone used to love yelling and ultraviolence in TNG.
I'd been dubious with the praise the first episode had been getting, there were still so many signs of the Kurtzman rot that people seemed to be ignoring, but with this episode I am totally on board. I still have many qualms of courae, but for example the dialogue is _so much better_ than it had been up until now. Picard and Crusher's argument was great. I like the fact they're using this one final show to resolve a tension that was always there, and they're doing a pretty good job with it too. Although I have to admit I'm getting flashbacks to the continuations of The X-Files every now and then, with how something that was awkward and kinda unspoken is now front and centre. I thought it was kinda bad in that case, but here they're pulling it off.
I kinda dislike the extent to which they're relying on memberberries, but that's the rational part of my brain talking, while I have to admit the rest of my brain is cheering at stuff like the allusion to Odo. With "Frontier Day" being a thing which I imagine is surely going to be an actual set piece later, I guess you could argue laying the nostalgia on thick is tied _thematically_ into this send-off. I hope Mauler isn't around...
Lmao on that Mauler comment, but remember one thing. Your relationship to art, music, or a movie is what you decide to like.
Akin to a person, people love other imperfect, illogical people. It's OK to like things that don't always make sense.
To an extent though haha
From ep2 And to an extent, ep1, putting the narrative to one side TM has shown a greater care for his craft.
Previous Trek seasons felt slap dash, as if people were sent off to write different acts and instead of coming together to go over and make sure they flowed, they were thrown in... Along with anything the execs passed a memo on about.
TM's episodes thus far... Flow. They focus on the right things. STD's last season had so many conversations about feelings... And crew members who should have appeared every episode just popping up sporadically while never giving any indication they knew how to do their job... I'm not getting that sense to the same world shattering degree... TM is world building each episode and guiding the audience like a storyteller should...
There are still the JJTrek aspects that mark it as JJ continuity, but that's unavoidable. It was made under the preferred SH licence that favours JJ's financial position. But at least PS3 is watchable where so many of the previous 13 seasons over the past 5 years were not.
I'm still not there yet. This episode was certainly better than the previous one, but I'm frustrated by the shaky cam and occasionally inane dialogue
I still don't get it, personally thought this episode was the worst one so far and none have been good.
@@johnnyt71982 To get it, I think you have to consider the art of making a TV show. Past NuTrek seasons have shown that showrunners don't know how to bring the elements of the show together into one relatively unified narrative that carries the plot.
Thus far I think the means of diverting the Titan were just silly. Aspects of the son are head scratching, and the Shrike is frankly laughable in that it seems capable of outperforming and outmuscling a StarFleet vessel... but...
Unlike past seasons, the dumb ideas don't stick around to long. This is action adventure JJ Trek. Not Star Trek. Once you recognize it's that dumb downed version of Trek, it's not really easy to swallow but at least you can see where the production is focused and pointing towards. It is miles better than STD that never knew when to role in a character for a scene they were qualified to be in. They just talked about feelings. Some characters felt like guest stars despite the fact they occupied important positions... PS3 is handling its characters better, breaking up the sequences between The Titan and Worf well, in short... even if it's not enjoyable, you can follow what's being presented.
Still... I prefer the Orville when it comes to real Star Trek. Making NuTrek only about action adventure and mystery boxes does detract from it in that it never challenges the audience... It only asks for the audiences attention with out anything to mull over.
Such a great episode ! Wish we could get a Sisko cameo !!!
Honestly I was thinking if they do that maybe they could make dukat be the main villian. Granted that would be more of a season 1 or 2 story to have the plot be bad guys are trying to resurrect dukat...
@@thewewguy8t88 dukat was a great bad guy! Great choice!
@@freelancenerd4804 plus it would give an excuse to bring back Sisco and give us dukat vs picard scene lol
@@thewewguy8t88 Best qoute " iVE KNOWN IVE ALWAYS known it, i should turned their planet in to a graveyard the likes the galaxy had never seen!! I SHOULD HAVE KILLED THEM ALL!" , " and that is why your not an evil man". ;)
@@thewewguy8t88 How can they do that? Dukat is supposedly dead. Sisko is a possibility.
Beverly's argument made no sense: She said Picard wouldn't have been a good father because he was too committed to saving the galaxy, and then she proceeds to raise Jack in an incredibly dangerous environment because of her commitment to save the galaxy.
Yes, London is very dangerous .
Women logic 😂
this guy gets it lol... I'm amazed that some people failed to notice that it wasn't implied that beverly took under aged child Jack to go all around the galaxy doing dangerous things together, some people here definitely confuses the current adult jack with the under aged Jack that we haven't seen yet (and possibly never will)
What pissed me off the most is the conclusion of the argument between them is Picard quietly realising he was to blame. I disagree with Dave here. NO excuse for Crusher hiding the fact he had a son. None whatsoever.
@@goodlookinouthomie1757 Have you watched the final episode now? Picard told Beverly she WAS right in what she did.
I keep hearing from you that Ep4 is amazing and you’re really building up the anticipation for it!
I want a worf series.he’s connected with everything.
I do hate to say it & I'm not sure if anyone agrees but I still find myself completely underwhelmed, despite all the hype that this episode is 'radically different! I do agree there is more improvement from S1/S2 but it's still the same darkness, bleakness, swearing, rehashing of old villains or enemies. To me there isn't anything new, fresh, positive or light about this show so far & I feel that others watching this are overlooking the bad writing/scope of this show for those nostalgia nuggets which occasionally pop up. But listen, if the show continues to improve on this trajectory & eventually does start to feel like the Star Trek of old I'II take that but so far it doesn't appear to be happening with the episodes so far.
Call me when we get a new ship, new crew, new writers and THE HELL AWAY FROM ITS CURRENT OWNERSHIP.
This is The Rise of Skywalker all over again. These talentless hacks are putting their dirty finger all over not only TNG but also Voyager and DS9 now. Nothing but member berries nothing but characters and stories already created and told by much more talented people dragged out of their past to be walked all over and reused by people who have no respect for what came before and are adding nothing new to what is coming after.
This episode is better than Rise Of Skywalker!
That was a pretty intense episode. I'm guessing whatever is in the nebula, bio sig, is attempting to communicate with Jack...or it could be a Prophet from DS9. Perhaps there's an orb in there somewhere.
That would be cool.
The writers aren’t nearly that clever.
I wonder if it’s a nod to the season 1 voyager episode with famous line “there’s coffee in that nebula” where they entered a nebula but discovered it was a life form
I bet that is Sisko.
Or Dukat
The sickbay set for the scene with Picard and Crusher was nicely lit, it was brighter!
Any who say season 3 of Picard is good, is like saying the Germans did SOME good back in WW2 and we should now pay attention.
Jesus, it's like that STTNG episode with Wesley Crusher coming back and finding out the whole crew is playing this boring game that is addictive and they are trying to get him to play but he knows it's stupid and something is up.
I want to see RoboPicard transform into a car. It’ll make as much sense as anything in this series.
Shut up, everyone knows deep down it's rubbish, but trek has been so abysmal that we want to pretend to enjoy something that is just OK
Transformer, Picard in disguise.
I just don't see it Dave thought the episode was weak compared to last week. Picard finally took command looking like he was a man with a plan to only end sitting back down looking all confused and useless. I feel like the writers of Picard have a fetish for torturing the man.. then Riker telling Picard in flashback scene that he would burn the world to the ground to save his son, did they both forget that Picard lost his brother and nephew in a house fire? Odd thing for Riker to say imo.
Yeah, burn the world is a really weird visual when talking about your baby.
Haven't seen it yet but I'm wondering, why does everything look so dark?
It looks great to watch.
Because they're trying to make cheap sets look better. This is really obvious on planet night club
I'm still liking this third season but I had some issues with this episode. I thought it was the best of the season... and the worst at the same time. I just couldn't understand Riker's attitude toward Picard near the end. The could not run because the engines were damaged so all they could really do was fight. Changeling maybe? I didn't like the Jack Crusher's vision scene. The red tendrils gave me spore drive vibes... and I almost threw up. No STD links please. Other than that I really enjoyed it.
@@jackkenefick2696 God no!
Definitely agree with you!
The Titan was hoisted by its own Picard. The irony is delicious!
I think the only chance that the crew has to survive is to be rescued by someone at the last minute.
Probably Geordi who has been scanning where the Titan, as hinted at over the end credits.
As a huge DS9 fan it was indeed great to get a Dominion war reference. Pity we would not be able to get a Odo appearance, (RIP René Auberjonois) that would have been something!
I still don’t get how there can be tons of examples on RUclips of just some guy with deep fake software doing a better job than studios with a big budget
I think it's because the youtube examples are working with material that's already been de-aged so there's less work involved. But it begs the question why don't the studios take it that one extra step? They probably don't have time to futz endlessly over it. Could be a natural bias. The studios get it to the point where they think they nailed it, youtuber comes in and by virtue of his being different it's better.
Agreed ... though I sucked it up as I'm loving Trek again after 18 years of missing GOOD Trek.
@@GarretGrayCamera Yeah, that's what most of the people raving about fanmade "corrective" deepfakes are failing to consider, they're working with footage that's already more than half-done, they're not working from scratch. And I'd say the reason the studios don't take the extra step is probably just time. A fan has all the time they want to fine-tune and do multiple passes to get it just right, while a VFX house on a budget and with a deadline likely does not.
Although really the problem is with the people who make the decisions in the first place, there still seems to be this mentality in Hollywood that computers are magical black boxes that will solve any problem and so they end up asking too much of them.
@@rade-blunner7824 I kind of like the days when they just got a younger look-a-like. It didn't bother me so much because the story was more important. Now it just screams, "hey look what we can do" and it's always a little off to be distracting or they're just throwing in a flash back to do the de-aging. It's fun to see I suppose. Cool some might say.
@@rade-blunner7824 or it might be because there's legal issues they're not quite sure about with deep fakes.
Good or bad, the genesis of the Picard series is within the Kelvin universe, not the original Star Trek universe. So it’s all alternate reality anyway. I may give the third season a shot, but it’s with the caveat that none of the characters are the same ones from original Star Trek lore. And that’s okay.
Oh, and when I do I will turn up the brightness on my TV!
I hate this father mother son storyline. How old are these people? They were having kids in their 60s? Come on. And talk about uncanny valley - look at Crusher!
The subtitles on the episode give away the changeling plot twist early. At 21:30 it says "[Changeling 1 speaks in Alien language]". The plot twist is not for another 20 minutes.
This is the best Star Trek since First Contact and DS9.
On top of Piccard now being dead and replaced by a android duplicate he's now an absent dad. F this series to hell!
@Adamo Being an absent dad has nothing to do with the people who wrote him being an absent dad? Did your matrix malfunction, chatbot?
The Last Jedi all over again, but better!
@Everton Porter It's like Star Trek TNG flavored Last Jedi but with heavily extra concentrate powdered original series movie Memberberry flavoring.
IMO the only thing this show is getting right so far is Worf's plot line; with the exception of how the changing was handled (apparently a set of hand cuffs can now hold a changeling? ok, theyre special handcuffs 😜).
the Picard/Crusher argument was good.
but the situation the Titan is in just seem to be... lacking... and not well thought out. (because a leak contained "inside" the ship is somehow detectable to another ship whos sensors are inhibited by a nebula?😝) /poor writing/
its a peeve of mind when the "hero" gets dumbed down just to service the plot. and all im 'seeing' is duck n'run, duck n'run when while watching several different options came to my mind that should be well within the capabilities of the Titan could have been attempted and weren't even thought about, Picard was right! Riker just picked the WRONG moment, and didint think about it before trying (and OMG did the writers telegraph the Titan shooting itself or what!!!) ... maybe i expect too much.
overall, im being nit-picky i know, and i admit that while this is better than anything else put out recently it still doesnt "feel like" Star Trek to me.