In the year 202 BCE, the Hegemon-King of Chu, Xiang Yu, who had brought the Qin empire to its knees, who had once been the supreme leader across the central plains, arrived at Gaixia with his defeated army. Their numbers were few, and their food supplies exhausted. The Han army already had them surrounded. Singing of songs from Chu by the enemy travelled into Xiang Yu’s camp. In shock, Xiang Yu exclaimed, “have they taken over all of Chu already?” He had won impossible battles. He had dominated all his competitors. Kneeling before him after his legendary victory, they hadn’t dared to meet his eyes. If only he had heeded his advisor and rid of Liu Bang, king of Han, during the banquet at Swan’s Gate. Despaired by the devastation of his army, torn by the fate that awaited his loved one once the Han army advanced, Xiang Yu sang to his consort Yu: “力拔山兮气盖世, 时不利兮骓不逝。 骓不逝兮可奈何, 虞兮虞兮奈若何!” “With strength to lift mountains, and an unrivalled air of dominance; Yet times have turned unfavored, my prized steed runs no longer; My steed runs no longer, what now can I do Yu, my dearest Yu, what can I do with you?” Consort Yu took up a sword and performed a dance, answering him in verses: “汉兵已略地, 四面楚歌声。 大王意气尽, 贱妾何聊生!” “The Han army has conquered our lands With our songs surrounding us on all sides My king’s strength and will are spent, How can I, a lowly consort, speak of life!” Many who were present wept. His followers couldn’t bear the sight of their proud, valiant leader now a broken man in tears. Consort Yu then put herself to the sword, ending her king’s dilemma. He buried her at the site of her death. What ensued was a battle to the death. Xiang Yu cut out a bloody path, killed more than a hundred enemies, and managed to escape to the river banks of Wu. A subordinate rowed a boat forth. He urged Xiang Yu to cross the river and rebuild his forces in the eastern lands, where he had first risen to power. Xiang Yu laughed. “If it’s Heaven’s will to end me, what’s the point of crossing? I brought eight thousand sons of the eastern lands to advance west, yet not one returns alive. Even if they should make me leader again out of love and pity, can I bring myself to face them? Even if they don’t speak of it, do I not know guilt?” He gave his treasured warhorse to the subordinate. His horse shall return, but not its rider. Xiang Yu turned back and charged at his enemies, slaying a further hundred enemy soldiers. He too had been gravely wounded in battle. Upon seeing an old friend in the enemy ranks, Xiang Yu called out to him, and said: “I heard the king of Han put a bounty of a thousand gold on my head, and promised the title of Lord of Ten Thousand Households. Consider this a favor for you!” Xiang Yu then put his sword to his neck, ending his life at the age of thirty-one. The king of Han, Liu Bang, emerged the ultimate victor from the chaos since the fall of the Qin empire, and was titled Emperor Gaozu of Han. Thus began the great Han dynasty, which will last for the next four hundred years in the history of the central plains.
天下局 - CHESS UNDER HEAVEN 汉军已略地 四面楚歌声 霸王意气尽 贱妾何聊生 The Han army has conquered our lands With our songs surrounding us on all sides My king’s strength and will are spent, How can I, a lowly consort, speak of life! [On the banquet of Swan’s Gate] 明月如水掀浪 风云际会弦上 The bright moon’s like a rising wave, a stormy encounter hangs by a string 杯酒交互锋芒 君心探试短长 Blades exchanged with wine cups, intending to test his heart 华筵邀判来者 舞拔剑光 A great feast to invite and judge its guests, a dance with swords unsheathed 席间鸿门将相 哪个称霸王 Lords and generals seated in this deadly banquet, who shall claim dominance [On Xiang Yu, Hegemon-King of Chu] 千古坐拥 世无双 Forever secured in history, a name unparalleled 拆山河 川流割裂五岳摇荡 Lands taken apart, rivers cut up, and the five mountains quaked 几曾寻剑泰阿说颓唐 Search for the sword of the first emperor fell to languor 分天下 各自为君排兵列仗 The world divided, each army arranged in battle formation for their kings 可笑锦衣富贵如何不归乡 How laughable, why would one who made his fortune not return home (且问 且量)任平生尽逐兵戈场 自可取天地与四方 (To ask, to gauge) His life spent chasing upon battlefields, all lands by nature was his to claim (且战 且狂)敢破釜沉舟气势张 将三军胄甲拟兴亡 (To battle, to rage) He once dared sink boats to bolster battle spirits, composed fates with the armor of his men (且悲 且怅)见八千子弟不得还 将军擂鼓提剑赴大江 (To grief, to mourn) Eight thousand sons of the east never to return, the general struck his war drum, and with his sword, headed for the river 虞姬隔江犹把楚声唱 His consort Yu seemed to sing beyond the river still [On Liu Bang, King of Han] 运筹策谋帷帐 决胜千里奔忙 Strategies and tactics drawn up in his camps, toiling for victory with foresight 春秋难测庸常 劈风斩月相抗 Seasons prove its unpredictability, fighting odds with ferocious tenacity 楚汉寂寞封疆 野水苍茫 At the lonely border between Chu and Han, its waters wild and bleak 阅尽英雄功业 哪个是真王 Having studied the works of great men, who is the true king? 烽火不歇 黄沙烫 Flames of war cease not, yellow sands scorched 大风起 不忌前尘国士贤良 Great winds rise, minding not the past but the merits of patriots 所行振旗策马需同往 Where his standards go they ride and follow 四海绝 平生之志永定家邦 Within the four seas, was his lifelong ambition to secure home and nation 应叹潜龙跃麟君指刀锋扬 Like a hidden dragon, a leaping beast, he raised the tip of his blade (且疑 且妄)拜下邑画策张子房 更劝都关中别洛阳 (To doubt, to bewilder) Humbling himself to the one who advised, Zhang Zifang, for a capital in Guanzhong not Luoyang (且疾 且向)逢一朝鸿鹄青云上 策一朝悬壁通云梁 (To spur, to go) With each encounter he reaches above the swans in the sky, each move he climbed cliff walls through the clouds (且呼 且王)终成败有尽登庙堂 其路漫漫万载俱流芳 (To hail the king) A necessary end to his legacy made its place in temple halls, a long road to leave great names down the ages 大江东去天下称帝皇 As the river flows east, he claimed emperor under heaven 拆山河 川流割裂五岳摇荡 Lands taken apart, rivers cut up, and the five mountains quaked 几曾寻剑泰阿说颓唐 Search for the sword of the first emperor fell to languor 分天下 各自为君排兵列仗 The world divided, each army arranged in battle formation for their kings 可笑锦衣富贵如何不归乡 How laughable, why would one who made his fortune not return home (且问 且量)任平生尽逐兵戈场 自可取天地与四方 (To ask, to gauge) His life spent chasing upon battlefields, all lands by nature was his to claim (且战 且狂)敢破釜沉舟气势张 将三军胄甲拟兴亡 (To battle, to rage) He once dared sink boats to bolster battle spirits, composed fates with the armor of his men (且悲 且怅)见八千子弟不得还 将军擂鼓提剑赴大江 (To grief, to mourn) Eight thousand sons of the east never to return, the general struck his war drum, and with his sword, headed for the river 虞姬隔江犹把楚声唱 His consort Yu seemed to sing beyond the river still *** Footnotes: There are many stories behind the lyrics, far too many to be elaborated in detail, but here are some of them: (1) 鸿门宴 - Banquet at Swan's Gate / Hongmen banquet. Xiang Yu contemplated whether to kill Liu Bang. His adviser Fan Zeng was adamant, for he recognize that Liu Bang was an ambitious and dangerous man. Fan secretly ordered a sword dance performance by Xiang Yu's cousin, intending to assassinate Liu on the banquet. Long story short, Liu escaped with the help of his advisers and supporters. (2) 锦衣夜行 - When Xiang Yu insisted to set his capital in his hometown instead of the more strategic location in Guanzhong, he told his advisers, "why wouldn't one return home after making a fortune? That's like wearing fine robes out at night, who would notice them?" (3) 破釜沉舟 - Battle of Julu. Xiang Yu ordered all pots smashed and the boats sunk after they crossed the river towards their battlefield, cutting off all retreat for him and his men. In the end, they won with only about fifty to sixty thousand men against at least twenty thousand Qin soldiers, a decisive blow towards the Qin empire. (4) 张良 (Zhang Liang, courtesy name Zifang) - Liu Bang’s trusted advisor, known for his intellect and ability to strategize. A crucial figure in Liu Bang’s victory (the white-haired guy in the video). His name became the synonym for brilliant strategists down the ages. (5) 大风歌 - A poem by Liu Bang, which starts with “strong winds rise and clouds fly high” (hence the lyrics). In it he sang about his ambition for greatness and for the nation. **Leaping "beast" - the beast here is actually the mythical Qilin (kirin in Japanese). I try to avoid foreign names in my translations so that they read more smoothly. 向来对秦末历史不太熟悉,由于最近太喜欢这首歌所以在恶补。如果哪里翻错了,欢迎指正!
I'm not a native Chinese-speaker. But the woman's silhouette sword dancing in the beginning, the untainted Han banner, and the main character weeping her death at the end were big indications that this song is about Xiang Yu (Chu-Han Contention), or related to.
漢軍已略地 四面楚歌聲
霸王意氣盡 賤妾何聊生
明月如水掀浪 風雲際會弦上
杯酒交互鋒芒 君心探試短長
華筵邀判來者 舞拔劍光
席間鴻門將相 哪個稱霸王
千古坐擁 世無雙
拆山河 川流割裂五嶽搖盪
分天下 各自為君排兵列仗
(且問 且量)任平生盡逐兵戈場
(且戰 且狂)敢破釜沉舟氣勢張
(且悲 且悵)見八千子弟不得還
運籌策謀帷帳 決勝千里奔忙
春秋難測庸常 劈風斬月相抗
楚漢寂寞封疆 野水蒼茫
閱盡英雄功業 哪個是真王
烽火不歇 黃沙燙
大風起 不忌前塵國士賢良
四海絕 平生之志永定家邦
(且疑 且妄)拜下邑畫策張子房
(且疾 且向)逢一朝鴻鵠青雲上
(且呼 且王)終成敗有盡登廟堂
拆山河 川流割裂五嶽搖盪
分天下 各自為君排兵列仗
(且問 且量)任平生盡逐兵戈場
(且戰 且狂)敢破釜沉舟氣勢張
(且悲 且悵)見八千子弟不得還
@@06artie79 兩個應該都通 不過我習慣打那個嶽
@@06artie79 那個似乎是嶽的簡體?!
@@naito._.9 對,好像是多音字#
@@06artie79 ???多音!?
@@一生守護-h9x 項羽更加殘暴(光從坑殺20萬秦卒這點來看),對人民而言劉邦比項羽好是事實,況且項羽不得民心也不得諸侯的心,他會敗除了劉邦的確狡詐外,其餘的可說是他咎由自取
@@林采儀-v4l 殺降卒才是迫不得已
在發表意見前先提一下我個人支持fate/ zero 三王會談裡面的一段話:「所謂王者,當比天下人貪欲更強、笑的更歡、怒得更勝,無論清濁,皆應登峰造極。唯有如此,臣子才會對王者心生嚮往,為王者所傾倒。
In the year 202 BCE, the Hegemon-King of Chu, Xiang Yu, who had brought the Qin empire to its knees, who had once been the supreme leader across the central plains, arrived at Gaixia with his defeated army. Their numbers were few, and their food supplies exhausted. The Han army already had them surrounded.
Singing of songs from Chu by the enemy travelled into Xiang Yu’s camp. In shock, Xiang Yu exclaimed, “have they taken over all of Chu already?”
He had won impossible battles. He had dominated all his competitors. Kneeling before him after his legendary victory, they hadn’t dared to meet his eyes. If only he had heeded his advisor and rid of Liu Bang, king of Han, during the banquet at Swan’s Gate. Despaired by the devastation of his army, torn by the fate that awaited his loved one once the Han army advanced, Xiang Yu sang to his consort Yu:
“With strength to lift mountains, and an unrivalled air of dominance;
Yet times have turned unfavored, my prized steed runs no longer;
My steed runs no longer, what now can I do
Yu, my dearest Yu, what can I do with you?”
Consort Yu took up a sword and performed a dance, answering him in verses:
“The Han army has conquered our lands
With our songs surrounding us on all sides
My king’s strength and will are spent,
How can I, a lowly consort, speak of life!”
Many who were present wept. His followers couldn’t bear the sight of their proud, valiant leader now a broken man in tears. Consort Yu then put herself to the sword, ending her king’s dilemma. He buried her at the site of her death.
What ensued was a battle to the death. Xiang Yu cut out a bloody path, killed more than a hundred enemies, and managed to escape to the river banks of Wu. A subordinate rowed a boat forth. He urged Xiang Yu to cross the river and rebuild his forces in the eastern lands, where he had first risen to power.
Xiang Yu laughed. “If it’s Heaven’s will to end me, what’s the point of crossing? I brought eight thousand sons of the eastern lands to advance west, yet not one returns alive. Even if they should make me leader again out of love and pity, can I bring myself to face them? Even if they don’t speak of it, do I not know guilt?”
He gave his treasured warhorse to the subordinate. His horse shall return, but not its rider. Xiang Yu turned back and charged at his enemies, slaying a further hundred enemy soldiers. He too had been gravely wounded in battle. Upon seeing an old friend in the enemy ranks, Xiang Yu called out to him, and said: “I heard the king of Han put a bounty of a thousand gold on my head, and promised the title of Lord of Ten Thousand Households. Consider this a favor for you!” Xiang Yu then put his sword to his neck, ending his life at the age of thirty-one.
The king of Han, Liu Bang, emerged the ultimate victor from the chaos since the fall of the Qin empire, and was titled Emperor Gaozu of Han. Thus began the great Han dynasty, which will last for the next four hundred years in the history of the central plains.
汉军已略地 四面楚歌声
霸王意气尽 贱妾何聊生
The Han army has conquered our lands
With our songs surrounding us on all sides
My king’s strength and will are spent,
How can I, a lowly consort, speak of life!
[On the banquet of Swan’s Gate]
明月如水掀浪 风云际会弦上
The bright moon’s like a rising wave, a stormy encounter hangs by a string
杯酒交互锋芒 君心探试短长
Blades exchanged with wine cups, intending to test his heart
华筵邀判来者 舞拔剑光
A great feast to invite and judge its guests, a dance with swords unsheathed
席间鸿门将相 哪个称霸王
Lords and generals seated in this deadly banquet, who shall claim dominance
[On Xiang Yu, Hegemon-King of Chu]
千古坐拥 世无双
Forever secured in history, a name unparalleled
拆山河 川流割裂五岳摇荡
Lands taken apart, rivers cut up, and the five mountains quaked
Search for the sword of the first emperor fell to languor
分天下 各自为君排兵列仗
The world divided, each army arranged in battle formation for their kings
How laughable, why would one who made his fortune not return home
(且问 且量)任平生尽逐兵戈场 自可取天地与四方
(To ask, to gauge) His life spent chasing upon battlefields, all lands by nature was his to claim
(且战 且狂)敢破釜沉舟气势张 将三军胄甲拟兴亡
(To battle, to rage) He once dared sink boats to bolster battle spirits, composed fates with the armor of his men
(且悲 且怅)见八千子弟不得还 将军擂鼓提剑赴大江
(To grief, to mourn) Eight thousand sons of the east never to return, the general struck his war drum, and with his sword, headed for the river
His consort Yu seemed to sing beyond the river still
[On Liu Bang, King of Han]
运筹策谋帷帐 决胜千里奔忙
Strategies and tactics drawn up in his camps, toiling for victory with foresight
春秋难测庸常 劈风斩月相抗
Seasons prove its unpredictability, fighting odds with ferocious tenacity
楚汉寂寞封疆 野水苍茫
At the lonely border between Chu and Han, its waters wild and bleak
阅尽英雄功业 哪个是真王
Having studied the works of great men, who is the true king?
烽火不歇 黄沙烫
Flames of war cease not, yellow sands scorched
大风起 不忌前尘国士贤良
Great winds rise, minding not the past but the merits of patriots
Where his standards go they ride and follow
四海绝 平生之志永定家邦
Within the four seas, was his lifelong ambition to secure home and nation
Like a hidden dragon, a leaping beast, he raised the tip of his blade
(且疑 且妄)拜下邑画策张子房 更劝都关中别洛阳
(To doubt, to bewilder) Humbling himself to the one who advised, Zhang Zifang, for a capital in Guanzhong not Luoyang
(且疾 且向)逢一朝鸿鹄青云上 策一朝悬壁通云梁
(To spur, to go) With each encounter he reaches above the swans in the sky, each move he climbed cliff walls through the clouds
(且呼 且王)终成败有尽登庙堂 其路漫漫万载俱流芳
(To hail the king) A necessary end to his legacy made its place in temple halls, a long road to leave great names down the ages
As the river flows east, he claimed emperor under heaven
拆山河 川流割裂五岳摇荡
Lands taken apart, rivers cut up, and the five mountains quaked
Search for the sword of the first emperor fell to languor
分天下 各自为君排兵列仗
The world divided, each army arranged in battle formation for their kings
How laughable, why would one who made his fortune not return home
(且问 且量)任平生尽逐兵戈场 自可取天地与四方
(To ask, to gauge) His life spent chasing upon battlefields, all lands by nature was his to claim
(且战 且狂)敢破釜沉舟气势张 将三军胄甲拟兴亡
(To battle, to rage) He once dared sink boats to bolster battle spirits, composed fates with the armor of his men
(且悲 且怅)见八千子弟不得还 将军擂鼓提剑赴大江
(To grief, to mourn) Eight thousand sons of the east never to return, the general struck his war drum, and with his sword, headed for the river
His consort Yu seemed to sing beyond the river still
There are many stories behind the lyrics, far too many to be elaborated in detail, but here are some of them:
(1) 鸿门宴 - Banquet at Swan's Gate / Hongmen banquet. Xiang Yu contemplated whether to kill Liu Bang. His adviser Fan Zeng was adamant, for he recognize that Liu Bang was an ambitious and dangerous man. Fan secretly ordered a sword dance performance by Xiang Yu's cousin, intending to assassinate Liu on the banquet. Long story short, Liu escaped with the help of his advisers and supporters.
(2) 锦衣夜行 - When Xiang Yu insisted to set his capital in his hometown instead of the more strategic location in Guanzhong, he told his advisers, "why wouldn't one return home after making a fortune? That's like wearing fine robes out at night, who would notice them?"
(3) 破釜沉舟 - Battle of Julu. Xiang Yu ordered all pots smashed and the boats sunk after they crossed the river towards their battlefield, cutting off all retreat for him and his men. In the end, they won with only about fifty to sixty thousand men against at least twenty thousand Qin soldiers, a decisive blow towards the Qin empire.
(4) 张良 (Zhang Liang, courtesy name Zifang) - Liu Bang’s trusted advisor, known for his intellect and ability to strategize. A crucial figure in Liu Bang’s victory (the white-haired guy in the video). His name became the synonym for brilliant strategists down the ages.
(5) 大风歌 - A poem by Liu Bang, which starts with “strong winds rise and clouds fly high” (hence the lyrics). In it he sang about his ambition for greatness and for the nation.
**Leaping "beast" - the beast here is actually the mythical Qilin (kirin in Japanese). I try to avoid foreign names in my translations so that they read more smoothly.
Thanks for this history! Quite interesting......
@@ladyfianna9971 yes
Thank you for the superbly detailed information and translation!
@@brito5501 无可否认,项羽是一个能打的神将。可是,以一个君主的角度来说,他失败透顶,他不配成为一个君主。
@@brito5501 賭約是楚義帝定的吧
精彩 完美 三無大大的唱腔簡直一絕,真的精采絕倫
聽說三月月這首歌為了key忙了一個禮拜 辛苦啦!
I'm not a native Chinese-speaker. But the woman's silhouette sword dancing in the beginning, the untainted Han banner, and the main character weeping her death at the end were big indications that this song is about Xiang Yu (Chu-Han Contention), or related to.
you aint wrong lol. mc (the one with the fur coat) is Xiang yu, the one with the beard is Liu bang and the one silver hair is Zhang Liang
@@michan1954 I figured as much. Thank you! Haha
熱血戰天下 終劍殘 驀然回首 佳人持刃 至死不渝
啊啊啊啊啊 不管是老大的版本還是蛀牙的版本都....愛了愛了
DAMN i really like this song...
在古代,弄權的女人都美麗,不過也有一些美麗的女人卻不都弄權。她們默默無聞,堅守婦道,無私奉獻,光彩照人。虞姬 虞美人就屬後一種。
@@yalia0228 慈禧不是好人 主要其一 浪費 其二 專橫霸道 其三 囂張無禮 不懂感恩 其四 慈禧太后本人超級醜的 無論年輕或老邁高齡 無論外在或內在 都超醜陋的 難怪她死後被人盜墓棄屍
慈禧是浪費 楊玉環正常多了@@yalia0228
I got goosebumps listening to this song. It is so far my favorite from the game
Which game?
@@fiammafico6887 The game is 忘川风华录
這首也好聽😍 為三無大大打call😘
寫歌詞 畫圖 剪輯 唱歌的
你好。我聽歌。 因爲中文不好,所以使用翻譯器。 文章可能不夠流暢。 對不起。我在視頻中添加了韓語字幕,能考慮一下嗎? 因爲太喜歡歌曲和視頻,所以覺得和意願一起看會更好。
三无主要在中国app活动 粉絲太多了可能看不到你的留言 可能要用其他方式联络她
I love all your songs. Such a powerful and refined voice.
陳永容 忘川风华录还没完结呢好吧😰
@@czkm1694 咦咦咦差哪首!?
每次都很期待三無的新歌 ♥
不要忘记休息, 辛苦啦!
參上! 老大好
天下局-项羽 虞姬 刘邦 张良--楚河汉界
三無 you're the best.
第三句聽到有點窒息 三無是不是快不行了😂😂
厉害 !
Love you...
原谅我迟来了 😂😂老大好棒
@@忘憂草 對,真珠美人魚
@@Qin-yun return to the sea 😂😂
노래 너무 좋아요ㅜㅜ 내취향 글고 아래에 가사 해석? 달아뒀습니다 유튭이 자꾸 먹어서 나눠 올렸어요
천하국 가사
한나라의 군사는 이미 초나라를 둘러싸고
사방에서 노래를 불렀다
패왕의 의기가 다하니
귀하게 여긴 첩이 어찌 살길이 있으랴
1.(且問 且量)任平生盡逐兵戈場
(질문을 던지니)평생을 고장에서 끝까지 싸울 것인가
자연히 천지와 사방을 얻을 수 있다
(且戰 且狂)敢破釜沉舟氣勢張
(싸우며 광분하니)
감히 솥을 부수고 배를 가라앉히려니 기세가 등등하다
1부분이랑 마지막부분이랑 똑같
자꾸 마지막에 갑옷입은 군사 흥망 모름거기 담가사를 먹는데 왜이러는건지 모르겠다 자꾸 슬프게 만드네
열분 완전한 가사 보실려면 그 컴버전에 추가번역에 제가 해놓은것도 잇우니 그것고 봐주시요 검토도 해쥬심 더 좋고
@郝然 謝謝?