I always say, “If you listen to someone long enough, they’ll tell you exactly who they are.” I still struggle at 61 years old to wait patiently before jumping into a friendship. LISTEN!!!
Cássio Azevedo It's true. The lowest of the low tend to talk the most garbage. U cannot control their mouths but you can control your thoughts. Don't let them harm you. Keep going !!!!! That's why there's these sayings : Poor people talk about people Failures focus on other people's success and other people's lives The rich talk about ideas and investments The Successful focus on being successful themselves ! Love those who love u and those who talk shit about u for no reason ? Just think that they're dead to you.
at a new workplace i was at, every time the boss when to the label room i heard them talking badly about staff, instead of teaching them the work they said things like omg he is just standing there, why they even hire these people. the manager should teach instead of this behavior
Gossiping ruined one my best relationship. As of then, I've decided to not talk about anyone who is not present and to not judge people close or strange about anything. Now I spend more time to notice things that happen in others and my life and stay focus on my behavior, goals and friendship.
I have been both the victim of gossip and a perpetrator. It is indeed poisonous. I am working on myself to never do it to others ever again and to stop people in their tracks when they do it. My trust in others has been destroyed by gossip. I have started saying “ why are you telling me this?” when someone talks about others to me. This stops them in their tracks and if they want nothing further to do with me, good!!!
I came here because I found I have fallen into a community that lives by gossip and I intend to stay out of it. My line is never say in anyone's absence what you can never repeat when they are standing . Just yesterday, I told someone you can never suck me into gossip just to let her know I don't appreciate it at all. Never will.
I avoid the people that gossip all the time at work, and sometimes they ask me why im antisocial or that why i make conversations really short with them!
When someone starts to talk about other it becomes a habite and that thing becomes bigger and bigger when they try to stop it they can’t it’s like word vomite when you hear someone talking about other they get the urge to join the conversation because they feel that information is power
People gossip and spread rumors because they’re simply bored and have nothing else to do in their lives. They also couldn’t care less about other people’s privacy and mental health.
I avoid gossipmongers like the Plague. I’ve been the subject of gossip for years. Both from family and the workplace. Only because I’m not a “conformist”. I choose not to be like everyone. I don’t listen to gossip and I don’t partake. Because of that, I can count my friends on one hand.
The same here. I even confronted people who were close to me not to do that. After that they keep me on distance and I feel so good about that. They were not my friends anyway...
I learnt to stop doing that when i was in my teens because i started to think about why i was doing it and what it said about me. Nothing good of course. So i stopped and started to obtaining better characteristics and traits instead in order to make myself a better person. Gossiping is basically a drug like other bad characteristics people have.
I can assure you that many so called woman (I call them kids) did not learn this and they describe themself as so experienced... ...and act like twelf-year old kids. What is horrifying, that even some six years old kids have more common sense than those 38 year old women.
Same here. I get so sick and tired of my superiors gossiping at work. I don't understand how hr let this continue after all of the complaints that's been made...
Gossip is toxic - Usually gossip makes them feel better about themselves based on there low self esteem . It makes them (so called important) which usually is based on an illusion on the way they wont to be viewed by others . I never gossip , never will and never did , not bad about others
ASG66 i'm not saying i'm an angel, but i'm mature enough to not do that crab. Yes, i got engaged in gossiping when I was a kid and i'm not justifying that, but I lost interest in gossiping when I became 18 and started to think more like a man
ASG66 I'm not sure why you view gossiping as something essential for life like breathing! You can survive without gossiping, and there are huge amounts of people who never gossip in their entire life
I value a person who is honest and admit their flaws. I commend you for it. I too have acknowledged that there’s this person that somehow when we engage it always leads to gossip and the thought of it has left a disgusting feeling in my stomach. I’m making concerted effort to not engage in this again. Asked God for forgiveness and repentance.
This Woke me up I finally realize gossiping is bad it got me in trouble in my other job but god gave me another chance to make it right again. God bkess
J Julian Well.... gossip has made me completely and totally untrusting of anyone. That's just how life is, not everyone is your friend and gossiping is normal. Gotta deal with it and do the best u can in life. Gossip is pure poison but human nature is evil so it makes sense. What we can do is to look at the positive side of things and think of those who love us instead of those who want to destroy us for no reason.
Hi Gossip, has destroyed my faith in family.I have always kept to myself and kept my circle small...because not everyone is worth the trust.People who are intimidated by you don't want others to like you and tend to spread a negativley charged and spiced up version of an ordinary every day occurrence.I surprised at how many people took part in spreading the gossip.Usually its people who aren't pleased with their own lived and are gossiping to make themselves feel better by dirtying someone elses name .What they don't realise is that at the same time they are also creating a bad gossiping, untrustworthy reputation for themselves.
Exactly Nada. I hope that God will restore your ability to trust and find safe "family"...we all need that. We were created for safe, grace-based relationships!
Believe me, the people that gossip don't realize that there are more people talking about them, than the person they are talking about. It's a form of insecurity, poor self esteem, and destructive. We all have been guilty of it at some point in our life. I make it a point to stay away from people who gossip.
Tesemash Tefera haha I know. Haha it’s juicy. I started to not mention names at all and just talk about the situation. It doesn’t harm anybody and you can still learn something about human behavior
Gossip ..... I’ve learned not to talk about anybody behind their back even positive things about other people can be miss read by others, gossip is vary dangerous and vary hurtful, If I’m in a work situation I say nothing about my private life I just keep it professional and talk only if it’s related to the task in hand, remember people will try everything to get a rise out of you don’t give in to it, If You do have to talk to others at work then talk about the weather or subjects that are harmless , always avoid religion politics even sport in some cases, but the two main things to remember is don’t talk about yourself and others, If your family gatherings with cousins uncles aunties etc you can talk more freely but again don’t ever talk about others and avoid conversations like that at all cost, yes I know it’s temping especially if you’ve got an attitude with someone from the past but don’t do it
I have 3 views on gossip and rumors. 1, It doesn't actually affect me as a person it affects those who believe it. 2, The more the person who started it and has continued to do it is borderline obsessed with the person they speak ill of. 3, The type of people who do this are those who post NSFW images on other social media platforms to get attention.
Ha, there's a guy who spread a rumor that is absolutely not true and we had been in each others class 5 years ago. I wonder what he's now doing. Thanks for your share.
Sometimes we talk about other people's issues out of concern or compassion. However, it is destructive the and cruel just to talk about others only to joke about their issues and problems and to belittle them in order to keep themselves on a pedestal. It has completely destroyed my family.
Thanks. This really helped convict me. I've been struggling with this for much of my early teen/adult life. The typical mean girl stuff. I've lost many friends and ruined relationships. Tarnished peoples image without realizing it. it's been done to me as well. It's truly an ugly sin and I'm thankful the lord keeps the conviction on my heart, that let's me know the holy spirit is still working on me. God is merciful to me even though I dont deserve it. Thank you lord and forgive me for my ugly words about your children. I'm working with the holy spirit to leave this sin behind for good.
Wow thanks so much for this as a young christian I struggle with speaking gossip about others. I think it is time to stop pouring margarine out of what should be butter!!!! God blessss.!!
I feel you on this one sister! I have been left in situations where I thought I may be doing the right thing by talking it out with someone, but it can go back, in a twisted way, or most of the time, didn't really concern me. I should be focussing on God working in my life, and important things i have going on for me. Not others. Xx
I just made a video on this! Gossiping is so destructive to your life. When you get rid of it it’s like taking junk food out of your diet! You don’t realize all the additional stress it brings to your life until you stop doing it. I wish the best for all of you!
Agreed , but here's the problem with me personally , i don't gossip or talk bad behind peoples back and i don't like to be a part of any conversation like that simply because i wasn't raised that way and i know for a fact that gossiping isn't for men , and the problem is when i confront people directly and make things clear in their face they get so offended , and what's even worse is when you completely avoid them and ignore them they still get offended :D
We're all guilty of gossiping, including myself. But yes I have been slandered by some people who have said that I was trying to destroy marriages. That one I will never get over. I may forgive these people but I will not be able to trust them again, especially when it has never been reconciled.
I've been dealing with gossipers at work and I listened to them because I felt that this person is only having the need to talk about their experience, like an outlet of their emotions, which I understand. However, I have tried to point them out like "I am sorry you've been going through this. But as you see this is letting out your heart, I am absolutely SURE that the person whom you are talking about if he would be behind that wall or anywhere else hearing what you just said to me, HE wouldn't experience those words you said the very same way. He would be hurted. So. My suggestion is.. either try to talk it out with that person in the FIRST place, and if that's not working, either let it go or take it to your boss if he affects your work negatively. Please excuse me now. I have a LOT of work to do." Always works.
I remember young as middle school I vowed not to gossip for a year... It turned into two years, three and so on... But lately I've noticed it creeping back... I hate gossip! I hate people who gossip- but I gossip- it makes me a hypocrite... Truly this experience has shown me how negativity will present itself anywhere... And that sadness and unhappiness in your life will find an outlet... This video is great... Truly, you can tell more about the person gossiping than whoever they speak about.
So difficult to do this in the corporate world when a leader gossips about people then is so sweet to them in person. Makes you wonder what they are saying behind your back when you’re not around. Subscribed.🙏🏻🙏🏻
Every one of us is guilty to some degree. The problem isnt other people, it's all of us. Just when I think I have it nipped, I let something slip out! It a revelation of the heart , out of the heart, the mouth speaks. I crossed a line today, sometimes its difficult to know , but I repented and ask the Holy Spirit to help me forgive this person and grow in my love for them. Its easy to gossip when you have been offended in some way by that person. Forgiveness is part of stopping it. When you love someone you don't want to put them in a bad light. You protect them, and this is what I should do all the time. Especially for those folks who have been unfair, rude or hurtful to me. I have been hurtful, rude or offensive too, so I would like people to forgive me. This is such a slippery sin. I have been working on it most of my life. I am 51.
I had Gossip in my school before. Our teacher had us play a game called Telephone where everyone formed a circle. First person would whisper to the person on his or her left and it would continue until the end. The last person would say what he or she was told which would most likely be distorted or changed. From Hersheys Chocolate to Shes Pocket. That shows how distorted a message or gossip line can get.
We're all guilty of this but have also all been on the receiving end of it at some level. Love this video, how you outlined the negative aspects of gossip and how to go about dealing with it when it happens. Such an important topic. Cheers!
One of my Christian aunts gossips about me all the time. She would share my mistakes and wrongdoings with people. What’s worse is that she shares with me what the people say afterwards sometimes. One time she went far as to gossip to someone who you used to look up to, and that someone hasn’t treated me the same since. It tried to point out to my aunt that she is gossiping and how much it upsets me, but she refuses to listen let alone believe that she is doing so. Because of this, there have been rare occasions where I have talked badly about my aunt behind her back towards a few of my friends, and I am praying to God that he will remove that from my heart. Keep us both in your prayers.
Thanks a lot! It made me realise how easy we always become victims of gossiping! Now I have to do all that it takes to break up with that kind of lifestyle !
This is part of why working at home has been a blessing. I stop telling people (even family) information because i know they are judging and telling others. They make sarcastic comments about my parenting...things like how my daughter didn’t have shoes on in a pic or that a banana isn’t enough food.
Thank you for this! I am so guilty of this because I’m the one listening! I need to stop listening and just do my job!!! So thank you for this!! ✝️❤️✝️❤️✝️❤️✝️❤️
The video was powerful and Holy Spirit made me repent while I was listening. Thank you Jesus for this video and my brother in Christ. Subscribed in Jesus name!
Great video. Yes, I've been affected by gossip. I was abused as a child and some of my so called friends called me a slag. Horrible horrible name, which did me damage. I've also joined in gossip about other people in the past. God help me never to do that again. Thank you for making this video xx
Gossip is very hurtful. Intentional. Others refused to help me. I lived as an outcast. Attempted suicide. Found Jesus. Hope. Future. Now learning to pray for those who don't respect me. In Jesus name amen
Thanks for sharing I have been a victim of this issue most of my entire life and it keeps getting worse I get older I would of thought aging would maybe stop the slander and gossip but I guess it’s just getting worse. Thanks for the information .
I had to wrestle with cps for my kids over false rumors. Living in a small town and keeping to myself are two major things that make me easy prey for this kind of stuff. Everyone knows everybody, but people don't know me enough to assume the gossip is false. Most of it starts from old acquaintances though, who should know better, and a lot of those people look down on me and dislike me because of exaggerated rumors they themselves tossed around. Meanwhile, I have a mountain of dirty truths about all of them that I experienced first hand and keep to myself because I won't stoop that low. We're currently working to get out of my home town, and I cannot wait for that day. I know everyone gossips to some degree, but this town doesn't just make mountains out of molehills. They make mountains out of nothing, and my children deserve to have a safe and happy life.
Yes , HALLELUJAH , I live in a small town , got stuck in the ditch with alcohol , I seek relationship with JESUS every minute now . I have lost wife , 4 children , 13 acres , home I built , shop , tools everything , friends , relatives . I made mistakes , I sinned , I have repented , and turned . Much slander , gossip and false witness . I have not seen my 4 beautiful children in 1 year . Everyone involved with them and their mom are church goers . HALLELUJAH HE will be Glorified in this situation . Be Encouraged Yourself . Our FATHER'S LOVE IS IMMEASURABLE HALLELUJAH TRULY AMEN
It is always true when you refuse to be part of gossip you find yourself suddenly preferring yourself as best and trusted company. Then to get at you and engage you against your will you become the target. Yes , you see the truth because every side brings some rubble to your table hoping you will wear their team jersey. Unfortunately all towns have them big or small. Keep winning .
Thank you for this video! I enjoyed watching it. I’m guilty of gossip but never really thought it was gossip. The Lord recently convicted me of this. I learned that gossip starts with little comments and then can grow to long conversations. Now that I’m conscious about what gossip , God is helping me to recognize and to stop it immediately. Thank you for this video. 😊🙏🏾
I hate it when people gossip about others, the news especially does it, when somebody/ celebrity doesn’t want anybody to know something about themselves, the news just “HAS” to tell the whole world, it’s so annoying! 🙄
Life is too short to waste your time with this type of thing, I dislike gossiping about others , and I have to get my man to change the subject to avoid this problem.Not healthy for me to listen to it.
I had to slowly separate/ghost from a clique during COVID, because I noticed they talked shit about each other when one person was gone. But when everyone was together, they did all the fake smiles/fake love and pretended it was all good. Behind the scenes, I knew how certain people really felt, so I learned to mind my business and just wish the best for everyone. The problem with that is that they see you as a threat, because you don't co-sign their BS, or you have your own life outside of the clique. Once you stop showing up to things, they take it as a personal insult and get pissed! It's best to keep a respectful distance when you peep the BS. Because even though they'll now see you as the enemy, you have your peace and freedom from the shenanigans they play with each other.
This is an amazing video, and everybody should try to avoid gossip. Thank you for the tips! But most people have very close friends or family members who they enjoy sharing personal experiences with that may involve other people doing something that they didn't like. If you are like this and you are trying to avoid gossip, here are my tips: 1) Only talk about YOUR personal experiences with the person, and don't add things other people may have said 2) make sure everything you state is true 3) do not talk about how you dislike the person, or call the person names, or anything of that sort. Simply state what happened, how it affected you, and ask for advice. NEVER say nasty things while explaining something that happened. Sometimes opening up to a close relative or friend about something that happened is perceived as gossiping. As long as you are kind and fair, and are only hoping for advice and not to ramble about how you hate a person, then I believe that you are not in the wrong.
I ended up telling a new co-worker who's notorious for gossiping and I told her I don't want to hear it and I'm tired of hearing it when I walk in the door and she still kept gossiping
Whenever your saved.. wow your life really changes. A lot of my friends talk about other people we barely even know and send me stuff about someone else’s life. In my head, i always wondered why are my friends sending this to me, it doesnt even matter. I had absolutely no interest about talking about that person, even though i used to all the time. God bless 💕
Great advice, I agree completely. Gossip destroys relationships and ruins lives. I've encountered this problem over and over and I wish there was something I could do to break the pattern. It's especially sad when it happens at church or in a context of fellowship. We're told we're not meant to be alone and that we should be a part of a community but how can you feel comfortable as a member of a community when you know they are gossiping about you behind your back? It's a strange feeling and drives a wedge between people. I was tempted to just go with it at this new place, but I know the dynamic is so destructive so in the end I objected to it and kind of withdrew I feel like just telling the pastor, how can you preach against this sort of thing and then indulge in it?
I’m a middle aged Christian and I don’t pay attention to whatever people say or think about me I’m 100% confident in my walk with God and my true identity never bide in to evil people. Thanks
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Your advise on gossip is priceless. I have to confess that just recently I had gotten caught up in this gossip thing at work and afterwards I felt horrible. It made me feel, just as you mentioned, as though my integrity had been damaged. Thank you so much for this video and from this day forward my goal is to be a better person and instead of feeding the “gossip”, I plan on giving nothing but love and support. ❤️❤️❤️
Amen! God bless you brother, I'm amazed. So before I had a bad way of expressing my thoughts/emotions and would rather do it behind someone's back instead of confronting someone with it or I would rather spread negative information of people, or spread what I heard. Now through a lot of painful situations I have learned to just speak your mind there and then. If you don't like something say it, because it's not worth for it to destroy your relationships and bounds with your loved ones. It's a big shame to be associated with gossip!
Gossip in the work place. I had to quite recently because it got so bad. I did everything I could to stay out of it but in the end I feel like it got the best of me. I did the right thing to leave, but I think this video has helped me to deal with.
Ruth Joseph Gossip is so prevalent in the workplace. This video is very useful. I will use the tools provided. If the person being talked about is not present there is never a good time to discuss them. They are not present to defend their side of the story.
Business Lady never change for no one or do anything for no one even if its costs your job!!! i would never quit my job even if someone gossip,, you know its all lies
I came 2 this video due 2 my religious upbringing. I'm a Modern Orthodox Jew, & we still concern ourselves w/ what's called "lashon hara" meaning "evil tongue" in Hebrew, & gossip is an enormous sin. The human "tongue", really a person's words, is like a _sword_
So Happy i seen this video. Gossip is something i have been dealing with daily at work. It has destroyed relationships. Having this good insight will definitely help. Thanks!
I learned the hard way by hurting someone I cared about. As a stylist I’ve had many chances to be on both sides. I really hate it in other people and probably more in myself. Although I try hard to not be involved in it these days, I still am guilty on occasion. I would rather be known for integrity.
It’s sad that people gossip. I hang out in a girl group, a couple of people in it are my sister in laws. They all like to gossip, and I wonder, what are they saying about me when I’m gone? I don’t like it at all. I don’t care about gossiping about others. It’s corny, and it makes you look insecure and untrustworthy.
I was a victim of gossip by someone who was supposed to be my good friend and then others followed her like sheep, majority of them didn't even know me, but I had to change my number more than once, take down my business page, because they put untruths on it and I got really upset and would lay on the couch and cry, until I remembered what my Momma always said " The truth will stand when the world's on fire ", so I stopped crying, straightened myself up, and to this day I don't know what I did to cause her to do that, but I decided that I wasn't even going to invest in even thinking about it. Now when people come to me about her, I just say " I'm glad she's happy and that she's been blessed " then I change the subject and the same sheep that she had putting me through the wringer, she did the same thing to them and they were messaging me on Facebook and I admit that I said some unkind things, but I repented and I just told them " those that gossip to you, will gossip about you and I accept your apology, but I had already forgiven you and I'm sorry that you're going through this, but please don't contact me again. " I had forgiven everyone, but they had shown that I couldn't trust them, so I knew that I couldn't be as close as we were and those who joined in not even knowing me have faded into the woodwork. I look at that experience as a teaching one and I now know how those that I had and have gossip about felt and it didn't feel very good.
Thank you so much. I am being spoken to on a very vital lesson. This will help greatly in life. I struggle so much with trying to quit it, and basically everything you mentioned was or is the truth. This is exactly what I needed to know or hear 🙌. Now to just only get rid of my own corruption that’s dominating my life for the worse 🤔🧐🔎. Ugh, I feel so evil…
Thank you so much. God has been convicting me to stop but it’s been hard, because a lot of times people come to me with it and I participate or I try to disguise it as me just venting and being reasonable. I’m going to start applying these tips to my life immediately. Thank you and God bless you.
It depends what time of gossip you’re talking about. A bit of gossip for all but the most cloistered/reclusive folk is inevitable, normal and even healthy. But there’s a way to do it without tarnishing the reputation of someone you don’t even know that well for what might not even be true. You don’t want someone to be getting dirty looks left, right and centre when they’re either minding their own business unassumingly or going through enough hell of their own. Maybe it’s rumour-spreading that I’m particularly opposed to per se rather than (neutral) gossip. Positive talk about others is positive talk. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that and that’s not something I’d class as gossip anyhow. Just the stranger-rumour/this-person-obviously-wouldn’t-want-others-talking-about-them-like-this-in-public kind. But even then people are going to say what they want behind closed doors and as long as the world and his teenaged nephew doesn’t hear about it as such that’s even okay.
After 5 years in my current job I will be starting a new role in about a weeks time. During my time at my current role I made the mistake of being involved in gossip and trusting to easily with people. I quickly learnt when I was starting to get backstabbed and realised that you really cannot trust anyone at work. I think for me personally it is easy to talk about myself and basically my whole life to someone but I get blinded in realizing if they actually care or not, I will definitely try and just keep to myself at my next role and not repeat mistakes I made in the past.
I had been gossip’d about recently but I had the strength to ignore it because I know their gossip ain’t the truth. And I don’t need to prove myself to anyone. I’m lucky I have people beside me that know me well.
I usually become the victim of gossip when i have any kind of relationship with women. If i stay away from women the toxicity of gossip is rarely found. You can find some special women who doesn't have this bad habit but she usually has girl friends that do and shape her views and if she has no girl friends, that's a whole other bag of problems. So my question is, how can i be involved with women and not be a victim of gossip? Is it possible?
Two of my friends were gossiping about each other. Their grievances with eachother were minor but both of them came to me and others in our group to try and talk down on the other. I defended the unpresent person both times and and said they should keep their opinions to themselves. They were initially mad at me until later when they learned I was defending them when the group went against them. Eliminating gossip from your life can cause conflict but will help your relationships in the long run.
Guilty as charged. More so in the past than the present. I always see gossip as only one side of the story, and take it with a grain of salt. Some times as you suggested, I have said "we don't know the person well enough to judge their situation". Just as I don't entirely blame todays delinquents causing crime, hate & discontent. I blame their parents mostly for not having a positive role model in the child's life. Your video sir, is well done! It should be shown in schools at early ages.
Subscribed, The Lord led me to repent from this, get bittnerness out my heart and now speak up against it.. happens too much in churches and leaders. Worse when your leader has talked about you.. it hurts and it feels like Daggers. Pastor Charles Stanley broke down Gossip for a half hour and it is powrerful
Gossip is so rampant in people's conversations that it seems normal. Thank you for talking about it because it's a sin, according to 2nd Cor. 12:20; Prov. 11:13; 10:18.
That's where the power of Jesus is shown.. when you can go against the crowd, against the norm, and change evil thought situations and invoke good and righteous thoughts. To be a light through the words you yourself speak in front of those who gossip. To seek to change their hearts by speaking the truth that the holy spirit places in our own hearts as Christians.
Gossip is the one of the main weapon satan uses today to sow distrust and confusions.By twisting the words satan uses people to attack the dignity of another person.This is the reality of our world today. Your reflections is on point on how to counter gossip by playing the Advocate like the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit convicts not accuse. Satan the is the Great Accuser and the originator of gossip.
I had to break up with some long-term friends because of how much they were gossiping about other people, you are right, it has become far too common and people think it's acceptable, very toxic and we need to stop doing it.
Guard your heart and tongue. Don’t let these things into your system as it can pollute your precious spirit and soul. God wants to protect us (our heart, soul, mind) from these things, which is why He gave us the scriptures as guidance. Proverbs 20:19 - “He who goes about as a slanderer reveals secrets, therefore do not associate with a gossip.” “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”
I entertained it when I was fairly new to the faith with someone that had treated our son badly, this took place when we relied on Leadership to help us understand the Word assuming they were mature because of the time they have been in the faith, not realizing they were leading us astray. We attended Life Group etc genuinely hungry for the Word of God. Leadership justified their gossip by saying my family just wasn’t ready lol The Lord removed us from that unbiblical church and as we grew in the word I began to read more commentaries & apply the SOAP method. It actually became very insightful & clear. It’s very humbling to remember how much growth has taken place in the last year. Be careful if you are a new convert let it not discourage your relationship with Christ. 🙏🏽🎚️
You become a punchline; people look through the picture of gossip when they interact with you. You cam tell they are involved as they use key words. Or approach you on subjects without observing boundaries. You rightly pointed out we are all guilty of this, I now am mindful to avoid such situations especially since I read in the Bible that even gossips will not inherit the kingdom of God. At present I have no good name with the family is was born or family at church. Although I have been praying for God to give me love for those involved and that I may know Him. In this i have peace.
I may have been a victim of gossip but am unaware of it. But i gossip. And I hate myself for it. Everytime I catch myself doing it I promise to myself that I will be more in control the next time. But I am so damn compulsive. I shall try and keep your advice on mind at all times. Thanks a ton for this video. May your tribe increase ❤
At work: I don’t gossip, when people gossip about others to me, I don’t spread it. When people tell me personal things, I don’t tell others, when I tell people personal things, everyone knows. And the outcome: Im mostly ignored. Very rarely am I included in conversation. Im thinking maybe its better to gossip, then I would fit in more!!
Gossip has destroyed my relationship. It destroyed my marriage and other relationships. This went on for years and I felt this and couldn't do anything about it.
I am in a situation right now, where no one talks to me, trusts me, or includes me in activities. They only speak to me when they are required. I honestly never knew that my actions were toxic. I like many others believe themselves to be honest and trustworthy and deserving of friendship. I can relate to your point about believing you are helping others by speaking about them and their situations in hopes that people will see me as a caring individual. I never knew that people would be thinking I'm not trustworthy when doing so. I see now that I needed to learn this valuable life lesson, but I fear it may be too late to salvage my friendships with my group of friends as they have most likely formed an opinion of me and will never trust me, or invite me to any activities again. What should I do? If I can salvage what steps should I take?
Something I have learned to watch out for is the people who sneakily try to get you to gossip about others in conversation because they feed on it , and use it against you. Also a trick to use on people is to give up embarrassing/ harmless info about yourself, and see how quickly things will get back to you to test how toxic an environment is.
People that have a habit of gossiping are bad associations. I avoid them and don't tell them anything ! They're trouble makers!
Yup! Me too! May ex best friend has the worst personality ever
I always say, “If you listen to someone long enough, they’ll tell you exactly who they are.” I still struggle at 61 years old to wait patiently before jumping into a friendship. LISTEN!!!
Well maybe we don’t want to talk to you either
Me to
Man, gossip really do destroy your reputation on the workplace!
Low level employees are the ones who gossip the most.
Cássio Azevedo
It's true. The lowest of the low tend to talk the most garbage. U cannot control their mouths but you can control your thoughts. Don't let them harm you. Keep going !!!!!
That's why there's these sayings :
Poor people talk about people
Failures focus on other people's success and other people's lives
The rich talk about ideas and investments
The Successful focus on being successful themselves !
Love those who love u and those who talk shit about u for no reason ? Just think that they're dead to you.
And sometimes they are low level bosses
at a new workplace i was at, every time the boss when to the label room i heard them talking badly about staff, instead of teaching them the work they said things like omg he is just standing there, why they even hire these people. the manager should teach instead of this behavior
Mike Anderson 2002 what If some gossips and talks about ideas and investments
Cássio Azevedo True
Gossiping ruined one my best relationship. As of then, I've decided to not talk about anyone who is not present and to not judge people close or strange about anything. Now I spend more time to notice things that happen in others and my life and stay focus on my behavior, goals and friendship.
Thank God for you ma
I have been both the victim of gossip and a perpetrator. It is indeed poisonous. I am working on myself to never do it to others ever again and to stop people in their tracks when they do it. My trust in others has been destroyed by gossip. I have started saying “ why are you telling me this?” when someone talks about others to me. This stops them in their tracks and if they want nothing further to do with me, good!!!
I came here because I found I have fallen into a community that lives by gossip and I intend to stay out of it.
My line is never say in anyone's absence what you can never repeat when they are standing .
Just yesterday, I told someone you can never suck me into gossip just to let her know I don't appreciate it at all. Never will.
Let this sink in. If you gossip about other's with others when you leave they gossip about you.....
I avoid the people that gossip all the time at work, and sometimes they ask me why im antisocial or that why i make conversations really short with them!
Michoacano Ayala Stay away from those poisonous people. They belong in a mental institution
Michoacano Ayala 😀👍
Good for you! Stay wise! You're such an encouragement to others like me! 😊
No they don’t some people can control it
When someone starts to talk about other it becomes a habite and that thing becomes bigger and bigger when they try to stop it they can’t it’s like word vomite when you hear someone talking about other they get the urge to join the conversation because they feel that information is power
People gossip and spread rumors because they’re simply bored and have nothing else to do in their lives. They also couldn’t care less about other people’s privacy and mental health.
I avoid gossipmongers like the Plague. I’ve been the subject of gossip for years. Both from family and the workplace. Only because I’m not a “conformist”. I choose not to be like everyone. I don’t listen to gossip and I don’t partake. Because of that, I can count my friends on one hand.
Left my family and what I thought was one true friend. I'm alone
How do you do it?
The same here. I even confronted people who were close to me not to do that. After that they keep me on distance and I feel so good about that. They were not my friends anyway...
Gossips destroys lives, families, relationships, reputation, dreams💔🥀
Gossiping cause so much hurt and can lead to family break ups, people can lose respect for those that gossip. Gossip is like HATE .
I learnt to stop doing that when i was in my teens because i started to think about why i was doing it and what it said about me. Nothing good of course. So i stopped and started to obtaining better characteristics and traits instead in order to make myself a better person.
Gossiping is basically a drug like other bad characteristics people have.
I can assure you that many so called woman (I call them kids) did not learn this and they describe themself as so experienced...
...and act like twelf-year old kids. What is horrifying, that even some six years old kids have more common sense than those 38 year old women.
Gossip is sucking the life out of me at work. So hard to escape .
AJ Steele I goes on every job,seem like.I hate working around people
AJ Steele change your job. Gossipers are like poisonous snakes
@@btbfreepeople who are likely vipers snakeskin indeed definitely agree.
Same here. I get so sick and tired of my superiors gossiping at work. I don't understand how hr let this continue after all of the complaints that's been made...
It’s happens here
If someone said they have never gossiped they can’t be trusted neither 😂
Gossip is toxic - Usually gossip makes them feel better about themselves based on there low self esteem . It makes them (so called important) which usually is based on an illusion on the way they wont to be viewed by others . I never gossip , never will and never did , not bad about others
I’ve been guilty of doing this and I think people are catching up to the group that I’m apart of doing this I need to stop.
Alex Anderson 🌽👈😬
Bro only pussies gossip, you better stop if you don't want to be pussy
ASG66 i'm not saying i'm an angel, but i'm mature enough to not do that crab. Yes, i got engaged in gossiping when I was a kid and i'm not justifying that, but I lost interest in gossiping when I became 18 and started to think more like a man
ASG66 I'm not sure why you view gossiping as something essential for life like breathing! You can survive without gossiping, and there are huge amounts of people who never gossip in their entire life
I value a person who is honest and admit their flaws. I commend you for it. I too have acknowledged that there’s this person that somehow when we engage it always leads to gossip and the thought of it has left a disgusting feeling in my stomach. I’m making concerted effort to not engage in this again. Asked God for forgiveness and repentance.
This Woke me up I finally realize gossiping is bad it got me in trouble in my other job but god gave me another chance to make it right again. God bkess
fuck you
I think it has made me less trusting of People
+J Julian It certainly can but knowing that we can and have all gossiped in the past helps us forgive and love.
Thats True - Thank you :-)
Next Best Time some never quit no matter how many times others have tried to help them! Bad association!
J Julian
Well.... gossip has made me completely and totally untrusting of anyone. That's just how life is, not everyone is your friend and gossiping is normal. Gotta deal with it and do the best u can in life.
Gossip is pure poison but human nature is evil so it makes sense.
What we can do is to look at the positive side of things and think of those who love us instead of those who want to destroy us for no reason.
J Julian 😀👍
Hi Gossip, has destroyed my faith in family.I have always kept to myself and kept my circle small...because not everyone is worth the trust.People who are intimidated by you don't want others to like you and tend to spread a negativley charged and spiced up version of an ordinary every day occurrence.I surprised at how many people took part in spreading the gossip.Usually its people who aren't pleased with their own lived and are gossiping to make themselves feel better by dirtying someone elses name .What they don't realise is that at the same time they are also creating a bad gossiping, untrustworthy reputation for themselves.
Exactly Nada. I hope that God will restore your ability to trust and find safe "family"...we all need that. We were created for safe, grace-based relationships!
The professional gossip wants to destroy that person , "social bullying " they want to defame them , they are proud of their achievement.
Believe me, the people that gossip don't realize that there are more people talking about them, than the person they are talking about. It's a form of insecurity, poor self esteem, and destructive. We all have been guilty of it at some point in our life. I make it a point to stay away from people who gossip.
Tesemash Tefera haha I know. Haha it’s juicy. I started to not mention names at all and just talk about the situation. It doesn’t harm anybody and you can still learn something about human behavior
Fuck you
God will help - ask for forgiveness and repent. You are not alone.
Same lord knows I need him.
Gossip ..... I’ve learned not to talk about anybody behind their back even positive things about other people can be miss read by others,
gossip is vary dangerous and vary hurtful, If I’m in a work situation I say nothing about my private life I just keep it professional and talk only if it’s related to the task in hand, remember people will try everything to get a rise out of you don’t give in to it,
If You do have to talk to others at work then talk about the weather or subjects that are harmless ,
always avoid religion politics even sport in some cases, but the two main things to remember is don’t talk about yourself and others,
If your family gatherings with cousins uncles aunties etc you can talk more freely but again don’t ever talk about others and avoid conversations like that at all cost, yes I know it’s temping especially if you’ve got an attitude with someone from the past but don’t do it
I have 3 views on gossip and rumors.
1, It doesn't actually affect me as a person it affects those who believe it.
2, The more the person who started it and has continued to do it is borderline obsessed with the person they speak ill of.
3, The type of people who do this are those who post NSFW images on other social media platforms to get attention.
OMG! Very well said.
Ha, there's a guy who spread a rumor that is absolutely not true and we had been in each others class 5 years ago. I wonder what he's now doing. Thanks for your share.
Sometimes we talk about other people's issues out of concern or compassion. However, it is destructive the and cruel just to talk about others only to joke about their issues and problems and to belittle them in order to keep themselves on a pedestal. It has completely destroyed my family.
Thanks. This really helped convict me. I've been struggling with this for much of my early teen/adult life. The typical mean girl stuff. I've lost many friends and ruined relationships. Tarnished peoples image without realizing it. it's been done to me as well. It's truly an ugly sin and I'm thankful the lord keeps the conviction on my heart, that let's me know the holy spirit is still working on me. God is merciful to me even though I dont deserve it. Thank you lord and forgive me for my ugly words about your children. I'm working with the holy spirit to leave this sin behind for good.
I never realized that joking around with people would cause so much gossip and drama and then get me into trouble.
gossip us a sign if deep insecurities
Wow thanks so much for this as a young christian I struggle with speaking gossip about others. I think it is time to stop pouring margarine out of what should be butter!!!! God blessss.!!
You're welcome Arianna, thank you!
+Arianna Schroeder You're welcome sister.
arianna schroeder You can do it. I'm praying for you.
arianna schroeder really you 😀👍
I feel you on this one sister! I have been left in situations where I thought I may be doing the right thing by talking it out with someone, but it can go back, in a twisted way, or most of the time, didn't really concern me. I should be focussing on God working in my life, and important things i have going on for me. Not others. Xx
I just made a video on this! Gossiping is so destructive to your life. When you get rid of it it’s like taking junk food out of your diet! You don’t realize all the additional stress it brings to your life until you stop doing it. I wish the best for all of you!
Keep your tongue from evil,and your lips from telling lies......
Well said.
This is Scriptural
Agreed , but here's the problem with me personally , i don't gossip or talk bad behind peoples back and i don't like to be a part of any conversation like that simply because i wasn't raised that way and i know for a fact that gossiping isn't for men , and the problem is when i confront people directly and make things clear in their face they get so offended , and what's even worse is when you completely avoid them and ignore them they still get offended :D
Gossip is character assassination
We're all guilty of gossiping, including myself. But yes I have been slandered by some people who have said that I was trying to destroy marriages. That one I will never get over. I may forgive these people but I will not be able to trust them again, especially when it has never been reconciled.
I've been dealing with gossipers at work and I listened to them because I felt that this person is only having the need to talk about their experience, like an outlet of their emotions, which I understand. However, I have tried to point them out like "I am sorry you've been going through this. But as you see this is letting out your heart, I am absolutely SURE that the person whom you are talking about if he would be behind that wall or anywhere else hearing what you just said to me, HE wouldn't experience those words you said the very same way. He would be hurted. So. My suggestion is.. either try to talk it out with that person in the FIRST place, and if that's not working, either let it go or take it to your boss if he affects your work negatively. Please excuse me now. I have a LOT of work to do." Always works.
+Music Girl Great suggestions, thanks.
Next Best Time your welcome :)
I remember young as middle school I vowed not to gossip for a year... It turned into two years, three and so on... But lately I've noticed it creeping back... I hate gossip! I hate people who gossip- but I gossip- it makes me a hypocrite... Truly this experience has shown me how negativity will present itself anywhere... And that sadness and unhappiness in your life will find an outlet... This video is great... Truly, you can tell more about the person gossiping than whoever they speak about.
people like this are the source of my undying perseverance bacause i know that im always above them
You live in a trailer park
So difficult to do this in the corporate world when a leader gossips about people then is so sweet to them in person. Makes you wonder what they are saying behind your back when you’re not around.
Every one of us is guilty to some degree. The problem isnt other people, it's all of us.
Just when I think I have it nipped, I let something slip out!
It a revelation of the heart , out of the heart, the mouth speaks.
I crossed a line today, sometimes its difficult to know , but I repented and ask the Holy Spirit to help me forgive this person and grow in my love for them.
Its easy to gossip when you have been offended in some way by that person. Forgiveness is part of stopping it.
When you love someone you don't want to put them in a bad light.
You protect them, and this is what I should do all the time. Especially for those folks who have been unfair, rude or hurtful to me.
I have been hurtful, rude or offensive too, so I would like people to forgive me.
This is such a slippery sin. I have been working on it most of my life. I am 51.
I had Gossip in my school before.
Our teacher had us play a game called Telephone where everyone formed a circle. First person would whisper to the person on his or her left and it would continue until the end. The last person would say what he or she was told which would most likely be distorted or changed.
From Hersheys Chocolate to Shes Pocket. That shows how distorted a message or gossip line can get.
Chinese whisper it's called
1.it feeds A false sense of supriority
2.Gossip sows dis-trust amongst others
We're all guilty of this but have also all been on the receiving end of it at some level. Love this video, how you outlined the negative aspects of gossip and how to go about dealing with it when it happens. Such an important topic. Cheers!
One of my Christian aunts gossips about me all the time. She would share my mistakes and wrongdoings with people. What’s worse is that she shares with me what the people say afterwards sometimes. One time she went far as to gossip to someone who you used to look up to, and that someone hasn’t treated me the same since. It tried to point out to my aunt that she is gossiping and how much it upsets me, but she refuses to listen let alone believe that she is doing so. Because of this, there have been rare occasions where I have talked badly about my aunt behind her back towards a few of my friends, and I am praying to God that he will remove that from my heart. Keep us both in your prayers.
Thanks a lot! It made me realise how easy we always become victims of gossiping! Now I have to do all that it takes to break up with that kind of lifestyle !
This is part of why working at home has been a blessing.
I stop telling people (even family) information because i know they are judging and telling others. They make sarcastic comments about my parenting...things like how my daughter didn’t have shoes on in a pic or that a banana isn’t enough food.
Thank you for this! I am so guilty of this because I’m the one listening! I need to stop listening and just do my job!!! So thank you for this!! ✝️❤️✝️❤️✝️❤️✝️❤️
The video was powerful and Holy Spirit made me repent while I was listening. Thank you Jesus for this video and my brother in Christ. Subscribed in Jesus name!
Great video. Yes, I've been affected by gossip. I was abused as a child and some of my so called friends called me a slag. Horrible horrible name, which did me damage.
I've also joined in gossip about other people in the past. God help me never to do that again.
Thank you for making this video xx
Gossip is very hurtful. Intentional. Others refused to help me. I lived as an outcast. Attempted suicide. Found Jesus. Hope. Future. Now learning to pray for those who don't respect me. In Jesus name amen
May HIS face shine upon You this day .
Be Encouraged Dear One
Bless you. I’m glad you found Jesus.
Thanks for sharing I have been a victim of this issue most of my entire life and it keeps getting worse I get older I would of thought aging would maybe stop the slander and gossip but I guess it’s just getting worse. Thanks for the information .
I had to wrestle with cps for my kids over false rumors. Living in a small town and keeping to myself are two major things that make me easy prey for this kind of stuff. Everyone knows everybody, but people don't know me enough to assume the gossip is false. Most of it starts from old acquaintances though, who should know better, and a lot of those people look down on me and dislike me because of exaggerated rumors they themselves tossed around. Meanwhile, I have a mountain of dirty truths about all of them that I experienced first hand and keep to myself because I won't stoop that low. We're currently working to get out of my home town, and I cannot wait for that day. I know everyone gossips to some degree, but this town doesn't just make mountains out of molehills. They make mountains out of nothing, and my children deserve to have a safe and happy life.
Yes , HALLELUJAH , I live in a small town , got stuck in the ditch with alcohol , I seek relationship with JESUS every minute now . I have lost wife , 4 children , 13 acres , home I built , shop , tools everything , friends , relatives . I made mistakes , I sinned , I have repented , and turned . Much slander , gossip and false witness . I have not seen my 4 beautiful children in 1 year .
Everyone involved with them and their mom are church goers .
HE will be Glorified in this situation .
Be Encouraged Yourself .
It is always true when you refuse to be part of gossip you find yourself suddenly preferring yourself as best and trusted company.
Then to get at you and engage you against your will you become the target.
Yes , you see the truth because every side brings some rubble to your table hoping you will wear their team jersey.
Unfortunately all towns have them big or small. Keep winning .
Thank you for this video! I enjoyed watching it. I’m guilty of gossip but never really thought it was gossip. The Lord recently convicted me of this. I learned that gossip starts with little comments and then can grow to long conversations. Now that I’m conscious about what gossip , God is helping me to recognize and to stop it immediately. Thank you for this video. 😊🙏🏾
I hate it when people gossip about others, the news especially does it, when somebody/ celebrity doesn’t want anybody to know something about themselves, the news just “HAS” to tell the whole world, it’s so annoying! 🙄
Life is too short to waste your time with this type of thing, I dislike gossiping about others , and I have to get my man to change the subject to avoid this problem.Not healthy for me to listen to it.
tbh I love wasting my time with this type of thing
I never allow myself to be around Gossip negative shall never be around me
I had to slowly separate/ghost from a clique during COVID, because I noticed they talked shit about each other when one person was gone. But when everyone was together, they did all the fake smiles/fake love and pretended it was all good.
Behind the scenes, I knew how certain people really felt, so I learned to mind my business and just wish the best for everyone. The problem with that is that they see you as a threat, because you don't co-sign their BS, or you have your own life outside of the clique. Once you stop showing up to things, they take it as a personal insult and get pissed!
It's best to keep a respectful distance when you peep the BS. Because even though they'll now see you as the enemy, you have your peace and freedom from the shenanigans they play with each other.
This is an amazing video, and everybody should try to avoid gossip. Thank you for the tips! But most people have very close friends or family members who they enjoy sharing personal experiences with that may involve other people doing something that they didn't like. If you are like this and you are trying to avoid gossip, here are my tips:
1) Only talk about YOUR personal experiences with the person, and don't add things other people may have said
2) make sure everything you state is true
3) do not talk about how you dislike the person, or call the person names, or anything of that sort. Simply state what happened, how it affected you, and ask for advice. NEVER say nasty things while explaining something that happened.
Sometimes opening up to a close relative or friend about something that happened is perceived as gossiping. As long as you are kind and fair, and are only hoping for advice and not to ramble about how you hate a person, then I believe that you are not in the wrong.
I think it is best and most honoring to always talk to the actual person involved first.
Katniss and Peeta Forever Thanks for this. Very helpful.
I ended up telling a new co-worker who's notorious for gossiping and I told her I don't want to hear it and I'm tired of hearing it when I walk in the door and she still kept gossiping
Whenever your saved.. wow your life really changes. A lot of my friends talk about other people we barely even know and send me stuff about someone else’s life. In my head, i always wondered why are my friends sending this to me, it doesnt even matter. I had absolutely no interest about talking about that person, even though i used to all the time. God bless 💕
Great advice, I agree completely. Gossip destroys relationships and ruins lives. I've encountered this problem over and over and I wish there was something I could do to break the pattern. It's especially sad when it happens at church or in a context of fellowship. We're told we're not meant to be alone and that we should be a part of a community but how can you feel comfortable as a member of a community when you know they are gossiping about you behind your back? It's a strange feeling and drives a wedge between people. I was tempted to just go with it at this new place, but I know the dynamic is so destructive so in the end I objected to it and kind of withdrew I feel like just telling the pastor, how can you preach against this sort of thing and then indulge in it?
I’m a middle aged Christian and I don’t pay attention to whatever people say or think about me I’m 100% confident in my walk with God and my true identity never bide in to evil people. Thanks
How do you deal with coworkers who are rude to you or have an attitude whenever they say anything to you?
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Your advise on gossip is priceless. I have to confess that just recently I had gotten caught up in this gossip thing at work and afterwards I felt horrible. It made me feel, just as you mentioned, as though my integrity had been damaged. Thank you so much for this video and from this day forward my goal is to be a better person and instead of feeding the “gossip”, I plan on giving nothing but love and support. ❤️❤️❤️
I am so glad this was helpful. Blessings as you go forward and let your words bring life and light into every conversation :)
Gossip is bad but you also have to be able to vent at times. I think we have to find be able to discern between the two.
Sorry to those that I've hurt through this
Amen! God bless you brother, I'm amazed. So before I had a bad way of expressing my thoughts/emotions and would rather do it behind someone's back instead of confronting someone with it or I would rather spread negative information of people, or spread what I heard. Now through a lot of painful situations I have learned to just speak your mind there and then. If you don't like something say it, because it's not worth for it to destroy your relationships and bounds with your loved ones. It's a big shame to be associated with gossip!
This video is so powerful and healing. Gossip does destroy. I woke up this morning and saw this on Facebook. A great way to start my week. Thank you.
Gossip in the work place. I had to quite recently because it got so bad. I did everything I could to stay out of it but in the end I feel like it got the best of me. I did the right thing to leave, but I think this video has helped me to deal with.
Ruth Joseph Gossip is so prevalent in the workplace. This video is very useful. I will use the tools provided. If the person being talked about is not present there is never a good time to discuss them. They are not present to defend their side of the story.
Business Lady you should 😀👍
Business Lady never change for no one or do anything for no one even if its costs your job!!! i would never quit my job even if someone gossip,, you know its all lies
I came 2 this video due 2 my religious upbringing. I'm a Modern Orthodox Jew, & we still concern ourselves w/ what's called "lashon hara" meaning "evil tongue" in Hebrew, & gossip is an enormous sin. The human "tongue", really a person's words, is like a _sword_
church has helped me find the best supported people. if we talk about someone, it better be in prayer.
So Happy i seen this video. Gossip is something i have been dealing with daily at work. It has destroyed relationships. Having this good insight will definitely help. Thanks!
I learned the hard way by hurting someone I cared about. As a stylist I’ve had many chances to be on both sides. I really hate it in other people and probably more in myself. Although I try hard to not be involved in it these days, I still am guilty on occasion. I would rather be known for integrity.
It’s sad that people gossip. I hang out in a girl group, a couple of people in it are my sister in laws. They all like to gossip, and I wonder, what are they saying about me when I’m gone? I don’t like it at all. I don’t care about gossiping about others. It’s corny, and it makes you look insecure and untrustworthy.
I was a victim of gossip by someone who was supposed to be my good friend and then others followed her like sheep, majority of them didn't even know me, but I had to change my number more than once, take down my business page, because they put untruths on it and I got really upset and would lay on the couch and cry, until I remembered what my Momma always said " The truth will stand when the world's on fire ", so I stopped crying, straightened myself up, and to this day I don't know what I did to cause her to do that, but I decided that I wasn't even going to invest in even thinking about it. Now when people come to me about her, I just say " I'm glad she's happy and that she's been blessed " then I change the subject and the same sheep that she had putting me through the wringer, she did the same thing to them and they were messaging me on Facebook and I admit that I said some unkind things, but I repented and I just told them " those that gossip to you, will gossip about you and I accept your apology, but I had already forgiven you and I'm sorry that you're going through this, but please don't contact me again. " I had forgiven everyone, but they had shown that I couldn't trust them, so I knew that I couldn't be as close as we were and those who joined in not even knowing me have faded into the woodwork. I look at that experience as a teaching one and I now know how those that I had and have gossip about felt and it didn't feel very good.
Thank you so much. I am being spoken to on a very vital lesson. This will help greatly in life. I struggle so much with trying to quit it, and basically everything you mentioned was or is the truth. This is exactly what I needed to know or hear 🙌. Now to just only get rid of my own corruption that’s dominating my life for the worse 🤔🧐🔎. Ugh, I feel so evil…
gossiping shows that whoever is they are gossiping about is somehow more intresting than them. gossip deranges people
Thank you so much. God has been convicting me to stop but it’s been hard, because a lot of times people come to me with it and I participate or I try to disguise it as me just venting and being reasonable. I’m going to start applying these tips to my life immediately. Thank you and God bless you.
It depends what time of gossip you’re talking about. A bit of gossip for all but the most cloistered/reclusive folk is inevitable, normal and even healthy. But there’s a way to do it without tarnishing the reputation of someone you don’t even know that well for what might not even be true. You don’t want someone to be getting dirty looks left, right and centre when they’re either minding their own business unassumingly or going through enough hell of their own. Maybe it’s rumour-spreading that I’m particularly opposed to per se rather than (neutral) gossip.
Positive talk about others is positive talk. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that and that’s not something I’d class as gossip anyhow. Just the stranger-rumour/this-person-obviously-wouldn’t-want-others-talking-about-them-like-this-in-public kind. But even then people are going to say what they want behind closed doors and as long as the world and his teenaged nephew doesn’t hear about it as such that’s even okay.
After 5 years in my current job I will be starting a new role in about a weeks time. During my time at my current role I made the mistake of being involved in gossip and trusting to easily with people. I quickly learnt when I was starting to get backstabbed and realised that you really cannot trust anyone at work. I think for me personally it is easy to talk about myself and basically my whole life to someone but I get blinded in realizing if they actually care or not, I will definitely try and just keep to myself at my next role and not repeat mistakes I made in the past.
I had been gossip’d about recently but I had the strength to ignore it because I know their gossip ain’t the truth. And I don’t need to prove myself to anyone. I’m lucky I have people beside me that know me well.
"If talk is cheap, then being silent is expensive. And many people it seems, can't afford to buy into it."
I usually become the victim of gossip when i have any kind of relationship with women. If i stay away from women the toxicity of gossip is rarely found. You can find some special women who doesn't have this bad habit but she usually has girl friends that do and shape her views and if she has no girl friends, that's a whole other bag of problems. So my question is, how can i be involved with women and not be a victim of gossip? Is it possible?
You can always pray
Thank you sir 🌸will always try to remember that forever from now on
Thank you for sharing. I am dealing with the most poisonous gossip people in the world
Two of my friends were gossiping about each other. Their grievances with eachother were minor but both of them came to me and others in our group to try and talk down on the other. I defended the unpresent person both times and and said they should keep their opinions to themselves. They were initially mad at me until later when they learned I was defending them when the group went against them. Eliminating gossip from your life can cause conflict but will help your relationships in the long run.
I my opinion, people who gossip nonstop are too cowardly to come up to someone and say it to their face.
Guilty as charged. More so in the past than the present.
I always see gossip as only one side of the story, and take it with a grain of salt.
Some times as you suggested, I have said "we don't know the person well enough to judge their situation".
Just as I don't entirely blame todays delinquents causing crime, hate & discontent.
I blame their parents mostly for not having a positive role model in the child's life.
Your video sir, is well done! It should be shown in schools at early ages.
Subscribed, The Lord led me to repent from this, get bittnerness out my heart and now speak up against it.. happens too much in churches and leaders. Worse when your leader has talked about you.. it hurts and it feels like Daggers. Pastor Charles Stanley broke down Gossip for a half hour and it is powrerful
Very well said. I have never been guilty of this. To me it seems very destructive and negative. But I have been talked about many times in my life.
Gossip is so rampant in people's conversations that it seems normal. Thank you for talking about it because it's a sin, according to 2nd Cor. 12:20; Prov. 11:13; 10:18.
I always here bad things about girls in my class, and it makes me wonder if it's true.
Don;t believe everything you hear...and try not to repeat most of it :-)
You can be pretty sure that they are saying things about you too. So don't repeat ANY of it. EVER. And May God bless you.
Yeah, I figure they're saying things about me too. God bless you also!
That's where the power of Jesus is shown.. when you can go against the crowd, against the norm, and change evil thought situations and invoke good and righteous thoughts. To be a light through the words you yourself speak in front of those who gossip. To seek to change their hearts by speaking the truth that the holy spirit places in our own hearts as Christians.
Baby's Life 😀👍
Gossip is the one of the main weapon satan uses today to sow distrust and confusions.By twisting the words satan uses people to attack the dignity of another person.This is the reality of our world today.
Your reflections is on point on how to counter gossip by playing the Advocate like the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit convicts not accuse.
Satan the is the Great Accuser and the originator of gossip.
Thank you so much for explaining this sin. And how it affects us
I had to break up with some long-term friends because of how much they were gossiping about other people, you are right, it has become far too common and people think it's acceptable, very toxic and we need to stop doing it.
It destroys trust. It destroys lives.
Guard your heart and tongue. Don’t let these things into your system as it can pollute your precious spirit and soul. God wants to protect us (our heart, soul, mind) from these things, which is why He gave us the scriptures as guidance.
Proverbs 20:19 - “He who goes about as a slanderer reveals secrets, therefore do not associate with a gossip.”
“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”
I entertained it when I was fairly new to the faith with someone that had treated our son badly, this took place when we relied on Leadership to help us understand the Word assuming they were mature because of the time they have been in the faith, not realizing they were leading us astray. We attended Life Group etc genuinely hungry for the Word of God. Leadership justified their gossip by saying my family just wasn’t ready lol The Lord removed us from that unbiblical church and as we grew in the word I began to read more commentaries & apply the SOAP method. It actually became very insightful & clear. It’s very humbling to remember how much growth has taken place in the last year. Be careful if you are a new convert let it not discourage your relationship with Christ. 🙏🏽🎚️
You become a punchline; people look through the picture of gossip when they interact with you. You cam tell they are involved as they use key words. Or approach you on subjects without observing boundaries. You rightly pointed out we are all guilty of this, I now am mindful to avoid such situations especially since I read in the Bible that even gossips will not inherit the kingdom of God. At present I have no good name with the family is was born or family at church. Although I have been praying for God to give me love for those involved and that I may know Him. In this i have peace.
Susan Quaye God bless you my sister!
I may have been a victim of gossip but am unaware of it. But i gossip. And I hate myself for it. Everytime I catch myself doing it I promise to myself that I will be more in control the next time. But I am so damn compulsive.
I shall try and keep your advice on mind at all times. Thanks a ton for this video. May your tribe increase ❤
At work: I don’t gossip, when people gossip about others to me, I don’t spread it. When people tell me personal things, I don’t tell others, when I tell people personal things, everyone knows. And the outcome: Im mostly ignored. Very rarely am I included in conversation. Im thinking maybe its better to gossip, then I would fit in more!!
Gossip has destroyed my relationship. It destroyed my marriage and other relationships. This went on for years and I felt this and couldn't do anything about it.
Help me oh God and save me from gossiping!
I am in a situation right now, where no one talks to me, trusts me, or includes me in activities. They only speak to me when they are required. I honestly never knew that my actions were toxic. I like many others believe themselves to be honest and trustworthy and deserving of friendship. I can relate to your point about believing you are helping others by speaking about them and their situations in hopes that people will see me as a caring individual. I never knew that people would be thinking I'm not trustworthy when doing so. I see now that I needed to learn this valuable life lesson, but I fear it may be too late to salvage my friendships with my group of friends as they have most likely formed an opinion of me and will never trust me, or invite me to any activities again. What should I do? If I can salvage what steps should I take?
Dont gossip! 🎉
Something I have learned to watch out for is the people who sneakily try to get you to gossip about others in conversation because they feed on it , and use it against you. Also a trick to use on people is to give up embarrassing/ harmless info about yourself, and see how quickly things will get back to you to test how toxic an environment is.