We don't need no badges.

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • This is not my usual fair, but I felt the need to say something.
    You don't need symbols to fight fascism, but if you're going to use one, understand it, and if it's become corrupted let it go.
    We don't need to be precious about badges, the ideas behind being Anti Fascism don't require a flag to honor.
    Be water, when the Powers that Be start co-opting your movement, flow around and side step them. shed the symbols and pursue action lest the symbols become ideology, or myth that can be used against you.
    If you are going to use them, then be informed.
    History and ideas behind Antifa
    A very good ballanced ex-plainer of Black Bloc and their wiki entry as well

Комментарии • 24

  • @Salgood
    @Salgood  4 года назад

    Just a note to those who "warned" me about going political, this clip got about 3 times the traffic most of my clips get in the first week, in a couple days. And a lot more likes, even with the dislikes, than most. So, no, i don't think it's going to hurt much, thanks. Just being myself.

  • @CoreyartusImagery
    @CoreyartusImagery 4 года назад +2

    Good on you, Sam. Speak your truth. You're right--all art is political, even if it doesn't want/intend to be. Even the most benign children's illustrations have a stance for the people who are looking for them.
    It's the people who just want art to be escapist entertainment that don't really understand what they're looking at or consuming. Even the most blasé non-offensive mind-numbing television sitcom in the world has a political perspective that shapes it, defines it, and frames the messages it communicates from a specific angle.
    I'm glad you're able to give a little history to the "branding" we witness, consume, and regurgitate without knowing anything about it.
    I saw a similar history lesson delivered on Twitter about how tropical prints have been co-opted to communicate white supremacy, and I'm happy to have learned that lesson. I'm a much more aware person now.
    Keep up the good work, and be brave. Love your art!

  • @GregoryGiordano
    @GregoryGiordano 4 года назад +3

    If you want comics/art with no political material then buy the comics and art without it. It's there. Why does Sam have to cut his content? ANSWER? no, actually he doesn't.
    YOU buy what YOU WANT; HE MAKES WHAT HE WANTS, case closed. Also Jack Kirby, And many more creators, Jim Starlin Alan Moore, many more, have been unafraid to put into their art or comics (including those comics published by industry publishers)regarding political and moral beliefs. Some barely veiled, some quite literally. So the real straw argument is this notion that there was a time when there was this alleged golden age(bronze age, etc) of apolitical comics. That's just intellectually dishonest and/or willfully culturally and historically ignorant. If anyone wants apolitical genre pop fiction products, there all there ready to be gobbled up-- there are tons of choices. Free market and all that.

  • @mrRambleGamble
    @mrRambleGamble 4 года назад +2

    In America, anti-fascists conflate the rejection of their goals with fascism.
    And they never ask why millions of people are dying to come here.

    • @Salgood
      @Salgood  4 года назад +2

      i'm not rejecting their goals, I'm saying the symbols have become corrupted and don't serve the goals anymore.

    • @ratherbfishing455
      @ratherbfishing455 4 года назад

      Anyone who is not loyal to America should go to North Korea. I thought of retiring in Mexico, but I would have to pay the drug dealers to keep me safe. I wish that I was of the Greatest Generation. They would not have put up with this garbage!

    • @ratherbfishing455
      @ratherbfishing455 4 года назад

      @@Salgood I live in South Texas. Mexican Mafia runs the show. The Pledge is given in Spanish. The Crypts and Bloods are teen gangs down there. The schools are run by the students. Very sad, because only 10% are on grade level.

    • @Salgood
      @Salgood  4 года назад

      @@ratherbfishing455 sounds rough, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't better a couple generation ago for Latino and Hispanic people. Hopefully something can be done about the problems there now, it's neglected likely because it's not happening as much to white people of course.

  • @ratherbfishing455
    @ratherbfishing455 4 года назад +7

    Please do not bring this into your art. It ruins it!

    • @Salgood
      @Salgood  4 года назад +5

      it was always in my art, thanks. Go fish.

    • @CoreyartusImagery
      @CoreyartusImagery 4 года назад +3

      I disagree. It makes him human. If you want escapism, go watch the Disney channel.

    • @RedWhiteNBlade
      @RedWhiteNBlade 4 года назад +2

      @@CoreyartusImagery disney is equally as guilty, intersectionality victimhood propaganda

  • @Chelron99
    @Chelron99 4 года назад +7

    Stick to comics my man.

    • @Salgood
      @Salgood  4 года назад +9


    • @RedWhiteNBlade
      @RedWhiteNBlade 4 года назад +4

      @@Salgood he's not being adversarial Sam... A lot of artists are loosing followers rn on social media because people dont want to digest politics where they consume artwork

    • @Salgood
      @Salgood  4 года назад +8

      @@RedWhiteNBlade News flash, art is political. It always has been. No one is forcing you to watch this ONE clip out of my many purley art based ones, but do NOT tell artists what they can talk about. Bad form.

    • @Salgood
      @Salgood  4 года назад +6

      also @RedWhiteNBlade if that were truly an issue here, why if this clip on track to get 10 times the traffic and plays of most of my drawing clips?
      Not why I made it and I'm not looking to move into doing this kind of thing regularly, but what you just posted here? Like it or not its a form of social blackmail.
      'Don't express a strong opinion on things, you might loose fans!'
      Something no one should ever say to an artist or anyone for that matter.It's benevolent intimidation via the threat of loosing an audence. It's like telling a pretty girl not to seem too smart, boys won't like her!
      Shity thing to do and in fact a lot of politically active creators have MUCH larger audence bases than I do. Argulably I should be MORE political really but I don't have the energy for that.

    • @RedWhiteNBlade
      @RedWhiteNBlade 4 года назад +4

      @@SalgoodThen Do It, more power to you! its your funeral (coming from an artist who went politcal) you'll understand in hindsight, *newsflash we're in a world were Donald Trump suddenly gets elected after 8 years of cordial debate* get used to it.

  • @ElQueNoSale
    @ElQueNoSale 4 года назад +2

    I agree with almost everything you said but, call the police? at least whom I know they are the facists. outside of that I use thinking especially for those of us who are down we see a moment to fight and it is not our fight

    • @Salgood
      @Salgood  4 года назад +3

      ultimately a local call, you'll know the deal on the ground there best. But getting them to deal with stuff like proud boys anyway, because they legally have to where they will, is a good way to keep from having to risk your own hide on those asholes.