Frequently asked questions: They said that the scraps are used to make cheese dumplings so there’s no waste. And they said that they don’t use a stamp because doing so would make the ends stick together so they use a knife :)
@@Ronwonton lol what's cringey about that ? I said they have an insane discipline and dedication , they make thousands of dumplings handmade daily . That's hardwork & the language I'm using to say so is clear and straightforward so I really don't get the point or logic in your comment .
To all those people saying 'use cookie cutter'; Uploader's pinned comment says "The reason why they hand-trim them is because pressing down with cookie cutter will squash and ruin the edges."
Eunhi Barney Can you make cheese dumpling from it? I don’t think so. Before, we used all those leftover for animal food, like pig farms. But nowadays, people don’t seem to care anymore.
The dumpling skin master so precise and particular with 'old school' methods. Just knowing that it's handmade adds so much to the experience … even flavor IMO. I'm sure much better than factory made any day. The dumplings and hot-pot soup look so delicious!
From someone who is asian and have worked a family food business like this I'm leaving my opinion about some of the comments. •Isn't wasteful because there lots of left over cuts. = NO. asians don't waste food. The bit bigger scraps can still be use for cheese dumpling, and the smaller scraps can be fry. •Why not use cookie cutter? = If you use cookie cutter you have to lay the dough then cut it one by one, It's quicker when you use knife. •Why do traditional when there are machines that can make the work, and why care if the edge will smush, the edges will be crimped in the end anyway so why care about that? = In most if not all asian country. We enjoy traditional made food because for us FOOD IS ART. We enjoy the hard work of doing it just so we can present the food nicely.
Branski C nope, the roller is no use for this time since all of the scraps are already powdered. They’re now separated so they won’t stick back like they were as a whole before getting powdered
Outstanding! 👌🏽 What I wouldn’t do to go and meet that hardworking young man! And, to all the people at that restaurant. Looks so delicious and healthy! Love from Texas! 💜🌺💜
Natural dye is used like this in pasta, noodles, buns as well, pretty much anything that is produced with a dough. Beetroot is used for red, squid ink black, spinach green etc
Orange dairy products as well. Done since people thought yellow was a rich and creamy color in the past where white was seen as less creamy. So orange butter and cheese usually also has carrot juice in them.
정성이 정말 많이들어간 만두네요
만두 너 매력있다
본인의 일에 자부심이 느껴지네요...이분은 뭘하시든 잘하실듯...
Frequently asked questions: They said that the scraps are used to make cheese dumplings so there’s no waste. And they said that they don’t use a stamp because doing so would make the ends stick together so they use a knife :)
Thank you!
@Dee’s World its fake
Thanks for your comment. It was bothering me thinking of all that good dumpling dough going to waste.
I think the end stick can be fix.......
분명 만두피만드는 영상인데
라자냐가 먹고 싶어집니다.
SU YI 그건 그냥먹고싶은 거잖아ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
나만 라자냐 생각하는거 아니었네 ㄷㄷ 라자냐 땡긴다
오 저도 그생각했어요~ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@@yoog7773 그건 또 무슨 관계여 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
만두피 색깔이 파스타면 색깔이랑 비슷해서 더 그런듯.. 치즈 고기 미친듯이 들어간 라자냐 왕수저로 우걱우걱 퍼먹고싶당...0
영상보고 장대비 내리는날 폭우를 뚫고 왕복 200키로 운전해서 아들이랑 다녀옴. 그만한 가치있음. 만두피가 특이한게 아니라 그냥 맛있음.
1.그냥 맛있음
2.알바 아줌마 개친절
3.주인 아줌마 새과묵
주차는 상가 주차장 이용
새과묵이 머에용?
@@lifeisreal0000 감쟈합니다
개친절에서 개는 dog이고 새과묵에서 새는 bird라고 생각했는데 아닌가염...?
개 새 ☆를 저렇게 쓴거 아닐까요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
대단하십니다....저는 150키로 포기했는데ㅠㅠ
사장님 사업 번창하시길요~ 만두피 하나에 저렇게 절도가 있다니.. 조리가 아니라 예술이네요.
하 원으로 만들때 너무기분좋다..
저 버려진 만두피는 어디로
와 미친 개쩐다
@@user-allfppw 반죽해서 쓰겠지
@@노잼-y7p 밀가루가 많이 들어가서 반죽이 되직해질텐데?
When he started trimming them round, that was *chef’s kiss* so satisfying.
음식 정말 깨끗하게 하시네요. 만두도 정말 맛있을듯
와 장인이시다
음식 만드는 과정 다 넘 깨끗하고 정성이 어마어마하네요!
13:19 most underrated part of the entire video
Finish in style 😎
I could do that ! Pfft
@@gangoffour6690 How many fingers are we having today?
Part time ninja
I’m in America and don’t understand Korean, but this video was fascinating! This guy is extremely talented!
I used to work in a small bread shop and.. just watching him package those stacks is so mesmerizing..
만두피 짜투리 튀겨먹으면 맛있을듯
수제비로 재탄생 시켜도 좋을듯.
뭉쳐서 야구공만들어서 ㄱ
@@hyunpark8693 나도 수제비 생각함 ㅋㅋ 근데 얇아서 수제비 식감은 안나올듯
묘하게 asmr스러운 영상.... 저까지 집중해서 자르는거 보고있게돼여 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
깎고 또 깎아서 나온 만두피의 원은 왠지 모를 희열감까지 느껴지네요
한땀 한땀 옥구슬 꿰듯 정성들여 만든 만두피에서 장인정신이 느껴집니다
13:19 와 개시크 함 ㅋㅋ
음식을 맛으로 만드는게 아니라
멋으로 만드시네.
His flour flick is on point!
만두가 얼마인지 모르겠는데
손도 많이가고 버리는것도 있는것같구 얼마안남을거 같은데
사장님께서 가게에 대한 열정이 보이네요...
잘린 만두피는 물이랑 밀가루 더하면 다음 만죽에 다시 쓸수있어서 버리는 것 얼마 안될듯.
@@MangoMotors 자른 부분은 치즈군만두인가? 다른 메뉴에 쓰인대요
Me at 17:40
밀가루 붙지말라고 휙 날리는게 모라고 저리 멋져보일까ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
무슨 스킬쓰는거같음
여기 지인짜 마싯어요 !!!!!!
만두 하나 먹을때마다 저 수많은 손길 생각 안할 수가!
음식이 예술이네요
잘려진 부문 아깝다 ㅋ
The way he slapped the dough stack at 6:38 .. everything reminds me of him.
Bri Marie lmaoooooo
...I should call him
He did that to your bootie huh? 😂
This has to be one of the most satisfying handmade food I've ever seen. That's some amazing skills right there!
Cara Foster This isn’t really handmade, true handmade dumpling skins are made with a rolling pin and your actual hands, this is just a machine
Yongde Tao maybe we can call them half&half-made?
@@yongdetao7005 You're being anal lmao!
Its always soo satisfying to watch people working on their prefession when they are soo good in it. 😂
I love this. The skill and technique is amazing. When it's handmade, you know so much love and quality went into that food.
m eanch This isn’t really handmade, true handmade dumpling wraps are made with a rolling pin with ur actual hands, this is just a machine
@@yongdetao7005 you got beat up at school, right? Party buster. Boomer.
Pedro Sanchez I’m not saying the video isn’t good i’m just saying that this isn’t really homemade
만두피 옆쪽으로 밀가루 촤!!하고 퍼뜨리는거 기분좋다ㅎ...
와 당근 진짜 신선하다
okay thats true but your making it sound cringe
@@Ronwonton lol what's cringey about that ? I said they have an insane discipline and dedication , they make thousands of dumplings handmade daily . That's hardwork & the language I'm using to say so is clear and straightforward so I really don't get the point or logic in your comment .
@@emawaterson5166 What your saying is all true, i just think the caps made it look bad sorry
Where do you even see some extraordinary mentionworthy discipline, theyre just doing their thing at work lol
@@tinathemacaw lol that's what I'm saying. If you do something every work day for a while, you'd better get good at it XD
The cutting process is satisfying and better than asmr..
와 엄청난 정성이다!!! 꼭 가봐야지
I thought he was playing with playdo at first, very skilled👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
하루종일도 볼 수 있겠어요.
언젠가는 꼭 가봐야지!
This is The most satisfying video I’ve watched In a long time👍🏾
완벽한 둥금을 추구하기에 우리는 둥글 수 없음을 알려주는 만두피인거 같네요
만두피를 칼로 자르는 이유는 스탬프로 만두피를 찍을때 모서리 부분이 뭉개지기에
만두피를 직접 칼로 자른다고 합니다.
앗!제가 브레이크라 장보러 갔다와서리
ㅜㅜ 연락기다리겠습니다
잘라낸 반죽은 다시 반죽하는지 어떻게 쓰는지 넘 궁금해요
@@bori12370 치즈 군만두에 사용한다고 합니다.
와우.. 즐겨찾기 해놨다가 가 봐야 겠어요. 좋은 정보 감사.
요즘엔 발음이랑 표기도 그냥 Mandu라고 하는 외국인들도 많더라고요(속닥속닥~).
어차피 끝부분 오므리고 뭉개서 만두 빚는데... 비효율적인것 같습니다.. 모서리가 뭉개지면 안되는 다른 이유가 있으신건가요...?
만두피도 만두핀데.. 속 알차게 들어가는거봐.. 진짜 침나온다..😳
Wow, manually vacuum packaging.
Gotta give the bag the *S U C C*
이집 맛있어요~ 국물 깔끔하고 만두 맛있었어요~ 특히 김치!! 맛있었어요
주인분 친절하게 설명해주시구요~
처음에 당근가는걸 보면서 이영상 무슨영상이더라 이러면서 보ㅗㄱ있었다
It was almost a meditation watching the chef so calm and peaceful at every step of the creation of the dumpling wrappers.
To all those people saying 'use cookie cutter';
Uploader's pinned comment says "The reason why they hand-trim them is because pressing down with cookie cutter will squash and ruin the edges."
@@nestoh6728 lmao can't you read?
@@fatinathirah5016 r/woooosh
So much waste, though
Melody Johnson They are not wasting anything. The scraps are used for cheese dumplings.
Eunhi Barney Can you make cheese dumpling from it? I don’t think so.
Before, we used all those leftover for animal food, like pig farms. But nowadays, people don’t seem to care anymore.
사장님 완벽주의자 성향이실것같음.. 손님입장에선 참좋은 사장님
I could watch him cutting those dumpling leafs all day.
I was literally eating while watching this and it still made me hungry.
아니.. 만두도 좋아하고 샤브샤브도 좋아해서 영상 홀리듯 끝까지봤네요..하 ㅠㅠ
부산사는데 진짜 근처였으면 단골됐을거같아요. 음식 만드시는거에 엄청난 정성이👍👍꼭 한번 먹어보고싶어요
뭐 이유는 모르겠는데 만두피 만들며 잘려진 부분 가져다가 수제비 해먹고 싶게 생겼다. (똥 갈아서 만들어 먹으면 맛있겠다 라고 수정하고 싶은데 만두가 너무 맛있어보여서 포기함)
Sungmin Yang 제 생각이 바로 그겁니다
저부분 모아서 칼국수 면발 만들지 않을까요? 칼국수 면발도 색이 저렇던데
치즈 군만두에 쓴다고 하네요!!
키릭스 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ아 갑자기 빵터졌네;
역시 한국인... 먹을거 보면서 다른먹을거 생각함ㅋㅋ
Dumplings are one of my favorite foods ever. Especially pan fried one's.
Me never taste dumplings 😢
Definitely habibi but not the pork ones tho
마음이 편안해진다..
좋은 영상 감사요~~
насколько вкусное все это видео ...
я пошёл варить пельмени !
Я тоже присоединяюсь...люблю пельмени....
После варки не забудьте их изжарить во фритюре😁
Я иска
Хочу в Корею! Боже,как безумно вкусно и красиво! Какой труд приложен к блюду! Молодцы!😍😘
이분 스킬이 무형문화재급인데요
화재??불이야 도망가!!
@@user-yr2hn5kd1m ???
I am Russian and I really liked the video
전문적인게 너무 멋있다
적분적인게 매력적이네요
@@이상한벼농사우영-j6h 전분적인게 너무 멋있네요
당근이 아주 건강하게(?) 생겼네요 맛있게 생김 색깔이
사장님 이과 나왔을것 같앜ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
그러셨다면 틀이 육각형이었을겁니다
-지나가던 이과출신-
@@자별-w9v 왜요??
ᄋᄋ 제생각에는 사장님께서 처음 자르실때 육각형모향을 만드시거든요 아니면 저도 잘은 모르겠습니다
@@kim_dotori 그래지 밀가루 낭비가 없습니다
@@자별-w9v 아... 육각형틀 쓰면 더 빨리 원형되는줄... 육각만두는 좀 그렇잖아요ㅋㅋㅋ
정성이 대단하시네요.... 맛있으면 좋겠어요
Now I’m freaking starving!! Wish there was a restaurant like that where I live!
The way he sliced the edges
Its so satisfiying..
나같은똥손은 저런거자르면 밑에있는곤점점작아짐 뿔마냔
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅇㅈ
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 웬만한 금손도 잘 못할 것 같아요
The dumpling skin master so precise and particular with 'old school' methods. Just knowing that it's handmade adds so much to the experience … even flavor IMO. I'm sure much better than factory made any day. The dumplings and hot-pot soup look so delicious!
Wow! That was very interesting to watch. Thank you.
Best dumplings in the entire world!!!!
look delicious 🤤
Po co te rekawiczkiczki ciagle !!
퀄리티를 위해서 만두피를 일일히 칼질하는 정성이 대단하네요 ㄷㄷ
From someone who is asian and have worked a family food business like this I'm leaving my opinion about some of the comments.
•Isn't wasteful because there lots of left over cuts.
= NO. asians don't waste food. The bit bigger scraps can still be use for cheese dumpling, and the smaller scraps can be fry.
•Why not use cookie cutter?
= If you use cookie cutter you have to lay the dough then cut it one by one, It's quicker when you use knife.
•Why do traditional when there are machines that can make the work, and why care if the edge will smush, the edges will be crimped in the end anyway so why care about that?
= In most if not all asian country. We enjoy traditional made food because for us FOOD IS ART. We enjoy the hard work of doing it just so we can present the food nicely.
Почти все вручную.Корейцы трудяги!Все у них вкусно.А ассортимент блюд просто зашкаливает!Чего только нет!😋👍
칼도 수직으로 내려야하고 돌을 고정하는 왼손에 힘이 적당히 들어가야할텐데 솜씨와 견고함이 영상에서 느껴지네요..
I like the clicking sound of the spoons when they're working!
Who knew that public concern over dumpling skin waste management was so high? I have yet to meet a restaurateur who ever threw away Anything.
I have yet to meet a successful one that would be happy throwing away 15% of something as labor intensive as scratch pasta prep.
Apparently they use it for cheese dumplings
Branski C nope, the roller is no use for this time since all of the scraps are already powdered. They’re now separated so they won’t stick back like they were as a whole before getting powdered
Ken Nguyen regular pasta will it just requires more moisture
@@markntexas8265 was thinking the same thing they could use water or oil
와 원판 대고 칼로 써는 장면에서 감탄했습니다,, 진짜 맛집일 수밖에 없겠다
우리 엄마 만두 좋아하는데 사다주고싶다
마음이 이쁨
ㅠㅠ 사다드릴 어머니가 안계시니
마지막에 봉투 톡톡하시는데 제 마음이,, 어루어만져진늑김... 너무 쾌감대박이에요... 코로나 진정되면 가보고싶네요,,
Folding the skin is really tiring but eating them so easy
This is nothing. You're just being lazy lol
You know this guy is a pro, making the thin dough look easy 💯
Thank you for showing us the location of the restaurant! I really want to go there.
Fried or steamed dumplings are my favorite! YUMMY!
08:13 08:22 08:34 08:46
밀가루 촥~촥 뿌릴때 레알 고수.,,
No machines and yet speed with which these kachories and samosaaz are made with most delicacy in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh is just astonishing
this is so satisfying to watch lol.
기가 막히네요!!! 칼질 멋있어요!!
예전에 의정부쪽으로 납품 갔다가 지인분 추천 받아서 늦은 점심 먹으러 갔었는데 .. 말이 필요 없는 곳이죠.
여기 어딘디 아시나요 ㅠㅠ
김은정 조경제 만두쟁이
Outstanding! 👌🏽 What I wouldn’t do to go and meet that hardworking young man! And, to all the people at that restaurant. Looks so delicious and healthy! Love from Texas! 💜🌺💜
오우ᆢ 기계는 거들뿐인 달인분이네ᆢ
만두피 비닐봉지에 싸는 것만 봐도 알겠다 극한으로 꼼꼼한 사람 ㄷㄷ
I did not know that dumpling wrappers had carrot juice in them 😲
Many don’t but the fancy ones add carrot juice for colour
Natural dye is used like this in pasta, noodles, buns as well, pretty much anything that is produced with a dough. Beetroot is used for red, squid ink black, spinach green etc
Orange dairy products as well. Done since people thought yellow was a rich and creamy color in the past where white was seen as less creamy. So orange butter and cheese usually also has carrot juice in them.
Very nice! The best dumpling tutorial I have ever seen, and absolutely comprehensive to professionals.
나 혼자 썸네일보고 "삼각형 가지고 원을 어떻게 만들지?" 라는 생각을 하고 있었는데 잘라내는거였음.......나는 멍청이야...
만들 수 있습니다 0에 가까운 작은 삼각형으로,,, 무수히 연결시키면,,,,예,,, 이관데 이과아닌 이과에여
@@오아시스-w6g 소모법이었나요
만두피가 삼각향인줄
흉부와놀부 겉멋이과
당근써는소리ㅡ너무 조아
만두피 자르고 남는건 어떻게 이용하는지 정말궁금하네용 😆😆
치즈군만두에 사용한다고 하네요.
익힌 것도 아니구 그냥 덩어리 반죽 할 때 같이 반죽기에 넣으면 되는 것 아닌가 싶기도 하네요
@@leelee-zl8uc 반죽이 퍽퍽한반죽이고 밀가루가 많이 묻혀서 안뭉칠것같아욤
물기를 더 묻힌 다음 전분을 없애고 반죽하면 돼요.
국수로 만들어져 나가지 않을까요?
방금 먹고왔는데 지금까지 먹은 만두중 제일맛있었음
10:21 So satisfying
비디오가 정말 마음에 들었어요. 그들이 모든 과정을하는 게 놀랍습니다. 즉, 고급 식당이라면
언젠가 가서 그 음식을 먹어보고 싶어요 :-D
Never knew carrots were used in this process.
Carrots add a subtle sweetness to dough so it doesn't taste like flour.
@@maried3717 Very clever.
Iv seen other vegies used aswell, like spinache and beats
@@hanjiyoon88 It was turmeric powder not color dye.
영상미가 장난아니다..
칼 진짜 날카로운가보ㅏ.. 그냥 슉슉 하면 전부 쇼쇽하고 다 썰리네...
저희 명줄도 쉽게 썰어버리죠...
@@frenda680 그런 발상을...
Desde republica dominicana,que rico me encanta,🥰 rico
Thats one big ass dumplings! What happened to the scraps?
I’m sure it wouldn’t go to waste, instead be put back in the machine to flatten the dough again to make more sheets
Betty Nguy but its already dried up @@
@@BearyBear i think they will make noodles out of it.
The other comments say they use them for cheese dumplings
I am from Pakistan 🇵🇰 but watch your every video and love to see korean food..i simple love your channel 💞