actualy good musicians often shared songs, and there were many many many arrangements of so many beautiful works that you wouldnt even be possible to imagine
mi smo jo v 3. razredu preuredili v "ta kraška vas" sedaj sem v 7. razredu... ko sem slišal to pesem so se mi vrnili spomini in sem začel skoraj jokati xD #dobristaričasi
When we were together we looked better:) SLOVENCI, BOSANCI,HRVATI,SRBI,MAKEDONCI NE DAJMO SE:):) NEDVOMO TAKE PESMI ZDRUŽUJEJO:) prav vesel:) velik komentarjev iz različnih držav;) BRAVAO MAJDA SEPE:D:D:D
Ja "lepa stara slovenska melodija" tako kot je "slovenska" Laure ni več, ki jo izvaja Milan Rudan. Pesem čez Šuštarski most ima slovenskega le besedilo. Original melodija je od skupine Jason Crest v pesmi Waterloo Road iz leta 1968. Nato jo je leta 1969 Joe Dassin priredil v francosko različico Les Champs Élysées. Majda Sepe pa je svojo priredbo izdala leta 1970.
Sadly not so. This (and Joe Dessin's version) are translations of an English song "Waterloo Road" best performed by Jason Crest (look it up) but there are other versions... Each is excellent,each performer,each language brings something different.
How is it a translation if it talks about a bridge that is only located in our country? more of an adaptation, We also have "siva pot" which is our country roads.
Tadi 77 the tune and the focus on a famous road/bridge are common across all the different versions. But yeah, not technically a translation. “Adaptation”, maybe... all of them are great, anyway!
@@Tadi77_XD The English version is about a street in London, the French version is about a street in Paris, and the Dutch version is about a market. Apparently there's also a German version, but I haven't heard it, if it even exists.
No. He wasn't french at all. He became "french" by living in France, but he had absolutely no french blood. His parents were russian-polish jews living in america.
Well,the point is the song was not originally Slovene,or even French,or even written by either,but had been doing the rounds in English for some time.Jason Crest released their single in 1968. If you'd written this song,you'd be pretty pissed off if someone was going round saying it was their own work....
Tale slovaška pesem me neverjetno spominja na neko francosko, ne vem točno katero, Če kdo ve, naj napiše in kaj je original francoski ali slovaški? Nisem naravni govorec slovaščine, za ta prispevek sem uporabil Google Translate, upam, da je razumljivo.
Majda Sepe - ena najboljših slovenskih pevk! Legenda! Prezgodaj je odšla, žal...
Koje je ime pjesme ... na galge su ga deli,. tak nekak.
Divna pesma, Majda Sepe ♥️♥️💖💖💖💖💖
Pjesma ima naslov Ljubezen.видео.html
Legende, so odšle vseno ampak imamo še spomin na njih.
Dobra glasba, pozdrav z Hrvaške🇭🇷🇸🇮
actualy good musicians often shared songs, and there were many many many arrangements of so many beautiful works that you wouldnt even be possible to imagine
Vinyldaewo, hvala za Vaš doprinos k naljepšim in neponovljivim časom naše skupne glasbene zgodovine.
mi smo jo v 3. razredu preuredili v "ta kraška vas" sedaj sem v 7. razredu... ko sem slišal to pesem so se mi vrnili spomini in sem začel skoraj jokati xD #dobristaričasi
Upam,da se zavedate kako lepa besedila imajo stare slovenske popevke.Jaz sem to glasbo začel poslušat šele zdaj pri 50.letih.💯💯🎶🎶👏👏🌹🌹
To je to. Več ne more bit .
Lepi časi
Kok lepo je pela
Res je.🥰
Bile so legende. Takih ni več. 👍👍🎼🎼
Prava diva.
to smo imeli za oceno v 5.razredu in dobil sem 5 yey
When we were together we looked better:) SLOVENCI, BOSANCI,HRVATI,SRBI,MAKEDONCI NE DAJMO SE:):) NEDVOMO TAKE PESMI ZDRUŽUJEJO:) prav vesel:) velik komentarjev iz različnih držav;) BRAVAO MAJDA SEPE:D:D:D
Tako je ❤️💋💃🏽🎶🎸🍷🌹😘
@AprylZA no, this song is originally Slovene. French stole it from us, unbelieveble as it sounds ...
Ne, Waterloo Road je original.
lepa stara slovenska melodija
Vkradena pesem, Jason Crest je lastnik.
@@MegaTaubi Nije ukradena. Pozajmljena. Tako to ide. 😉
Leto 69, Slovenija na hrvaški tv, nice.
To smo mi Slovenci!!!
This are we Slovenian!!!!
Das ist wir Slowenien!!!
Rosalie〈3 Pa še res je
Ja "lepa stara slovenska melodija" tako kot je "slovenska" Laure ni več, ki jo izvaja Milan Rudan.
Pesem čez Šuštarski most ima slovenskega le besedilo. Original melodija je od skupine Jason Crest v pesmi Waterloo Road iz leta 1968. Nato jo je leta 1969 Joe Dassin priredil v francosko različico Les Champs Élysées. Majda Sepe pa je svojo priredbo izdala leta 1970.
Jebiga, žabari nea znajo svoji pesmi delat
Max Benčina vsi ta stari vas ne bomo pozabli .mislim primorce...
Ta čas se je veliko prirejalo in to ni nič nenavadnega, še manj slabega!
Pa res
kajzec Hahahaha. Tak kot žabari nea znajo fuzbala špilat, je tak?
Sadly not so.
This (and Joe Dessin's version) are translations of an English song "Waterloo Road" best performed by Jason Crest (look it up) but there are other versions...
Each is excellent,each performer,each language brings something different.
How is it a translation if it talks about a bridge that is only located in our country? more of an adaptation, We also have "siva pot" which is our country roads.
Tadi 77 the tune and the focus on a famous road/bridge are common across all the different versions. But yeah, not technically a translation. “Adaptation”, maybe... all of them are great, anyway!
@@Tadi77_XD The English version is about a street in London, the French version is about a street in Paris, and the Dutch version is about a market. Apparently there's also a German version, but I haven't heard it, if it even exists.
@@TheSmart-CasualGamer please link to english verasion...
Actually it is Majda Sepe.
Aux Champs Elysee!Au midi ,au minuit il y a tout que vous voulez!
Ne, Waterloo Road je original.
@@zigaemersic5136 Kakšen Waterloo!?
@@sg76hr 1968 Jason Crest - Waterloo Road in potem 1969 dve priredbi: Majda Sepe - Čez Šuštarski most in Joe Dassin - Les Champs-Élysées
@@zigaemersic5136 Hvala na infor acijah!
@MrAnxic francoska je ravno priredba!
I'm time traveler we still listening this song in year 3300
ooooh wunder wunder voll
@maribor007 a to resno?? vedno sem bil prepričan, da obratno.
@PrincesaZaly This are we Slovenian!! :P LOL!! :D
Mam za oceno🎉😮
Očitno so Queen malo posneli tale komad z "Killer Queen"..?
Well.. another cover of Jason Crest's Waterloo Road
drugace ima pa zelo lep glas
Ayo 😳
hhhh na hrt2 je blo xD
I think you can actually find what I said on wikipedia
te vse pesmi somi na j bolj všeč
vaša lana
lp lana
No. He wasn't french at all. He became "french" by living in France, but he had absolutely no french blood. His parents were russian-polish jews living in america.
to pesem pa obožuje moja hči Nina,ki je stara 7 let.
Sam da jo slišš si nalezu se od te pesmi
Mateja upam,da tole pesmico Vaša hči posluša tudi pri15.letih.🎶🎶🎶💯💯🌹
Well,the point is the song was not originally Slovene,or even French,or even written by either,but had been doing the rounds in English for some time.Jason Crest released their single in 1968.
If you'd written this song,you'd be pretty pissed off if someone was going round saying it was their own work....
Did she know Joe Dassin ripped this song from her ??
You do realise Joe Dassin wasn't even French, right?
Bedna pesem
Mama ti je bedna
actualy he was French just born in America so technicaly he was French
Tale slovaška pesem me neverjetno spominja na neko francosko, ne vem točno katero, Če kdo ve, naj napiše in kaj je original francoski ali slovaški? Nisem naravni govorec slovaščine, za ta prispevek sem uporabil Google Translate, upam, da je razumljivo.
Mene malo spominja na komad od Queenov, Killer Queen
This is a slovenian(not slovakian) version of the french song "Les champs elysées"
champes ellisees al kk se spella lol
This needs to be checked out what a rip off I would sue for royalties !!!
No rip offs, its a song about bridge in Ljubljana, I do think Ljubljana is only in 1 place, Slovenia
Vi ste pa zelo brezobrazen.Lepa,pa še notranjo lepoto izžareva.😇😇
Ajde simon ne seri bre
na kateri drogi je ta ženska
Upam da to ni komentar polnoletne osebe.
LARA leta 1969?Ne verjamem,da na kateri,razen če je za Vas droga veselje do življenja...🆘️🆘️🥂🥂
@@KikiCeg HA HA 😀😀😀😀🔥🔥🔥