Wow what a fantastic teaching, I love your way of saying NO IT"S NOT being fufilled today. I agree, your teaching style is so emphatic on points at the right time. I"m going back now to watch this again. Grace and Peace, Pauls words to You and yours, and all watching Linda
Thanks for posting your teaching on YT, I'm enjoying getting into the Word along with you. Although we know that Ezekiel's prophecy about Israel's return in faith has not been fulfilled, a Jewish nation being reformed in 1948 does seem to be a preparation for the event according to God's will.
Firstly, I would like to give my kudos to David Reid for his excellent teachings on the mysteries and right division. Very helpful indeed. As for his statement that May 14, 1948 had nothing to do with the nation "born in a day" (Isa 66:7-8), I beg to disagree. He also missed to quote Isa 11:11-12. The prophetic pause was about God's Kingdom program, not about the nation per se. If the argument is used that they are brought back to the land DURING the 70th week, right after the Harpazo, doesn't work. Because - spoiler alert - it's happened already. The nation is already in existence! I think the idea that everything prophetic has to cease, especially when it comes to the nation Israel, is putting a set on blinders on oneself. The Kingdom program restarts AFTER the 70th week (Dan 9:24, Zech 12:10b), with the 70th week itself as the transition period between the dispensational reversal back to the Kingdom program. The gathering of the elect by angels back to the land would have to be those who currently choose to stay out of the land. Another thing, Israel needs to be back in the land before Dan 9:27, or what's the point? Another prophecy (pre-70th week in my view) is Obadiah, which the BoC might even get to witness transpire if the Lord tarries. Basing on v7, I'm persuaded that it will be the Abrahamic accords that will set the stage for this conflict. And basing on vss 17-21, it is a likely scenario that the world will witness a redrawing of Israel's map. It will be that massive increase of resource-laden real estate that will act as the hook that will snag Gog's jaw in the 2nd half of the 70th week.
Yes and no. Yes, in terms of what Jesus said “Jerusalem will be trodden down by the gentiles until the times of the gentiles be fulfilled” Luke 21:24. The apostle Paul said the same in romans 11:25. So this current false pagan nation of Israel had to happen. They say they are Jews and are not , but they are the synagogue of satan. Revelation 2:9 and 3:9. And No it is not the fulfillment of prophecy spoken of by the prophets Ezekiel, Jeremiah and Isaiah. That happens in the future. Lion and lamb will lay down together.
I'm glad that you're well aware of the deceit of haSatan deceiving the whole world that it was the fulfillment of Ezekiel's prophesy when it is well clear that it is not. What's going on that land doesn't line up with scriptures, as there should have been peace there and there is any......
Only trying to be constructive in my criticism. The presenter is sadly doing what he is advising not to do - take one or two scriptures in isolation. Look at all of Ezek 37. It's speaking of the gradual coming together of Israel before the breath of life - the renewal in the spirit enters them. The physical Israel like dry bones scattered, will come together into a physical nation before the sspirit of God renew them spiritually.
It could also mean they are gathered from all over the world at the end of the tribulation (dry bones) and are brought to life, “born in a day” when on the Day of Atonement He puts His spirit within them and causes them to walk in His statutes--writing His law in their hearts. Jer 31:33, Ez 36:27. Ez 37 could all be from point to picture of Ez 36:24-28 and all happen just before the Millennial Kingdom starts.
This is the dispensation of the grace of God, an unmerited mystery (KJV Romans 16:25) period of time, so ALL souls can be saved who trust and believe the gospel of salvation during this dispensation (KJV 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.) It is an interruption in the prophetic plan of God started in KJV Genesis 3:15 to restore man back into fellowship with their creator and God.
I agree I loved this video I had just one thought tho, this man says that no prophetic scripture regarding Israel can be fulfilled during the dispensation of grace. However I disagree, Jesus words regarding the destruction of the temple in 70ad did occur during the beginning of the dispensation of grace. As the kingdom gospel was still being preached by the little flock but it was diminishing. So there was a bit of an overlap.
@@cannonball6372 Jesus was referring to the Tribulation temple. I have studied the 70 AD Temple as I no longer believe mans version. If no prophecy needs to be fulfilled then NO prophecy needs to be fulfilled. I have a friend who is an Archaeologist Rightly Dividly student and she said there are still stones standing one ontop of another. If Jesus said NO stone then its No stone.
I agree with 95 or so percent But-the end narrative I’ve been seeing differs from yours I believe that the period of grace extends all the way until the last gentile has come in And during that time any Jew can come in as well cause it’s really not a time of gentile only being saved because Paul made it clear that there is no longer Jew nor gentile in God’s eyes We’re all saved by him, he’s putting his laws in our heart and not on a tablet NOW Anyway, John made it clear in chapter 6:39, 40, 44, and 54 that on the last day is resurrections/rapture also known as the terrible day of the Lord judgment day On the last day🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 On the last day is the last day🥸 Remember rice is going to prepare a place for us. That is like no eye has ever seen nor can we even imagine how great it will be!!! we will be with Christ and he will dry every tear, etc. There’s no 1000 year rain with Christ If you were not ruling and reigning with Christ now, then his word is ineffective in your life because he says in revelations chapter one and chapter 4 we are priest and kings of Christ Jesus now!!!!!!! It’s all metaphorical language and chapter 20 tells you that Satan is bound (this means he cannot deceive the nations because crisis offered everyone, including the whole world salvation through the cross ) at the beginning of when Christ said it is finished on the Cross In other words, everything is finished for salvation and for every man to come in through Christ Jesus until the end day When the angel and chapter 14, swings his sickle and Christ Jesus swings his sickle. It’s a reaping of the Saints and the unbelievers. It’s so easy a child could understand it You need to go back and check these examples to prove in your dispensational John Darby Schofield Bible mentality that you were misled
What about Jesus' prophecy of the temples destruction? “And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.” (Matthew 24:2, KJV)
Im not sure if Im 100% with this teaching. Not saying he is wrong or right. Im still studying and reading and trying to figure it out according to the scriptures.
The Israelites have never returned to the land without first having returned their hearts to the Lord. The end time return says they will be saved from afar, which discounts anything the UN created.
@pamela Jaye Duet 28:68 is a curse, not prophecy, and it already been fulfilled 2k+ years ago when the J were taken into Egypt and sold as slaves by the Romans. This video is about end times prophecy, not curses.
@@johnle231 Luke 21:24 24 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. Jerusalem shall be trodden down by gentiles until the end of the gentiles rule Now you also have to ask who was led away captives into all nations... 🤔
Good teaching I think satan wants people to think prophecy is being fulfilled today to get people not focused on this dispensation He wants to delay the complete formation of the body of Christ he does this by preaching prophecy during this dispensation
When Jesus began and throughout His ministry and before, Israel was in Jerusalem again from the time of the exiles. Why are we not realizing the significance of “1st to the JEWS then to the gentiles”. Yes the JEWS would later again be scattered after the remnant was saved through the preaching of the Gospel as was the Gentile nations. Who is in geographic Israel (Jerusalem) today? Only God knows… Prayerfully, many fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Yes, there appears to be undisclosed Revelations revealed to the apostle Paul and John. Paul wrote he can utter what was revealed and John was told not to write what he heard from the seven thunders.
1948 carves the path for fulfillment of prophecy. End times prophecy says they will be back in the land and then attacks by the nations. Then Jesus will return and deliver them, and give the Spirit so that they may know who Jesus is. This cannot happen if they’re not back in the land.
@@johnle231 Are the Israelites meant to return to their land without first returning to the Lord ? Don’t let the fact that “some” among the inhabitants are currently there prematurely cloud the real issue. Israel has never returned without FIRST returning to the Lord and the same goes with the end time remnant that will “be saved from afar” according to scripture. The modern secular state of Israel and Israel (the house of Jacob) are two completely different things and never will be made to be the same. God has a plan to restore them that would avoid all the tribulation many of them will face, but unfortunately a counter plan of the devil has them taking the harder route. All in all, Israel will still be restored.
These ,those, that day? Matthew and Mark, Luke in those days shall be great tribulation ?also in revelation 7 ,washed robes white in the blood of the Lamb ?.Jeremiah 31:32 after those days.? Amos 9:11 in that day will I raise up the tabernacle, . ? Posterus posterous in latin says later latter next, or in Hebrew putting the cart before the horse. Micah 3:10 ?
I guess there’s at least five righteous people in Israel. It’s undeniable that the modern rebirth of Israel and the blessings of that nation is nothing but miracle after miracle from Yahweh Elohim.
If 1948 was the birth, then it’s already been fulfilled prior to the birth of Isaiah 66:8. That’s not possible. I’ll take the Isaiah 66:8 account over a man made one.
There are biblical prophecy that happens/is fulfilled overtime and multiple events. So 1948 was an event that makes way for prophecy to come true. Like the end times prophecy of Zechariah 14, where the other nations will attk the J in Israel and then that’s when Jesus returns and delivers them.
There are several prophesies Jeremiah chapter 30 Is related to 1939-1945 Then 1948 Makes sense Also parable of Fig tree in Mathew and Mark Revelations 6:12 and Mathew 24 The Bible speaks about his coming on a cloud To gather his people For salvation And his coming with fire is for judgement Two separate events
Short answer is no. Long answer is no. Lol. Research Zionism. Also dispensation and replacement theology is false. One God, one Spirit, one law for all. The Jew and the Greek.
I believe that the Jews are back in land first, but no life as a nation, as Ex 36 and 37 says. Even though they are very tiny, they are much feared as a great military power. God will use the coming 7 year tribulation to have them lean on Jesus whom they rejected, and they become even more isolated. A Bible generation could be 40 years or much longer than that. Remember He is not willing that any should perish! Thanks
And he (Jesus) shall confirm (make stronger) the covenant (Old into New) with many (Israel) for one week (7 years), 27AD to 34AD. In the midst of the week, 31AD, he shall be cut off (killed/crucified) but not for himself. Up until messiah then prince is 69 weeks. He was declared messiah at his baptism before his earthly ministry. His baptism was the end of week 69 and start of the 70th. The 70th week was paused when messiah was cut off and caused the sacrifice and oblation to cease (he was the final sacrifice which is also the whole point of the New Covenant that Israel would be under when the final week is finished, when he puts an end to sin, seals up prophecy and is anointed Most Holy). There’s only 3.5 years left. Not 7. The anti (substitute) christ (saviour) will mimic Jesus and also have a 3.5 year ministry. There’s only 3.5/1290/times time & half a time left. Absolutely nowhere in revelation or Daniel does it state 2 different time periods added together. The great tribulation (the remaining 3.5 years of the 70th week) begin INSIDE the Day of the Lord (start of day 7 on the 7000 year plan, at the end of day 6, which is the fullness of the gentiles: the rapture of the BOC members. The total lunar eclipse. Kings of the earth hide in the dens and rocks, unlike Rev 19 2nd coming where the kings of the earth ride into battle when the moon is dark. The abomination of desolation is the antichrist standing in the holy place (Jerusalem), encompassed with armies. This begins the great tribulation. Jacob’s trouble. Which is at trumpet 5. End of day 6/ start of day 7 = rapture and the day of the Lord. Then there’s a 1.5/2yr approx gap where the trumpet judgments are poured out. Trumpets 5&6 begin the great trib whereby for 3.5 years the vial judgments are poured out. Then the 2nd coming. Then the kingdom. All inside the day of the Lord. The Lord’s day. The sabbath. The 7000th year timeframe (1000) timeline. Begins with wrath, includes the 3.5 year great trib, 2nd coming, 1000 years of kingdom and a season for Satan releases from the pit. The seals are the birth pains and line up identical to Mathews birth pains/beginning of sorrows: They are pre trib. Seal 1: Trojan horse corona virus (poison) crown & bow event. Seal 2: wars and rumours of them Seal 3: shortages, famine, hyperinflation, economic collapse (WE ARE CURRENTLY ON SEALS 2 & 3 is pending). Seal 4: the great reset. Death from the first 3 seals: poison/pestilence, war and famine. Seal 5: all those died in the dispensation of grace asking how long til wrath (that we alive and appointed to). Seal 6: blood moon, rapture, day of the Lord, wrath is come.
Still think this?? World Economic Forum about to start the 7 year re confirming with many. They even calling it a covenant. Biblical. "He" is ant christ.
Wow what a fantastic teaching, I love your way of saying NO IT"S NOT being fufilled today. I agree, your teaching style is so emphatic on points at the right time. I"m going back now to watch this again.
Grace and Peace, Pauls words to You and yours, and all watching Linda
Thanks for posting your teaching on YT, I'm enjoying getting into the Word along with you.
Although we know that Ezekiel's prophecy about Israel's return in faith has not been fulfilled,
a Jewish nation being reformed in 1948 does seem to be a preparation for the event according to God's will.
Yes. 1948 does carve the path for end times prophecy as well where the nations will attack israel
Firstly, I would like to give my kudos to David Reid for his excellent teachings on the mysteries and right division. Very helpful indeed.
As for his statement that May 14, 1948 had nothing to do with the nation "born in a day" (Isa 66:7-8), I beg to disagree. He also missed to quote Isa 11:11-12. The prophetic pause was about God's Kingdom program, not about the nation per se. If the argument is used that they are brought back to the land DURING the 70th week, right after the Harpazo, doesn't work. Because - spoiler alert - it's happened already. The nation is already in existence! I think the idea that everything prophetic has to cease, especially when it comes to the nation Israel, is putting a set on blinders on oneself. The Kingdom program restarts AFTER the 70th week (Dan 9:24, Zech 12:10b), with the 70th week itself as the transition period between the dispensational reversal back to the Kingdom program. The gathering of the elect by angels back to the land would have to be those who currently choose to stay out of the land. Another thing, Israel needs to be back in the land before Dan 9:27, or what's the point?
Another prophecy (pre-70th week in my view) is Obadiah, which the BoC might even get to witness transpire if the Lord tarries. Basing on v7, I'm persuaded that it will be the Abrahamic accords that will set the stage for this conflict. And basing on vss 17-21, it is a likely scenario that the world will witness a redrawing of Israel's map. It will be that massive increase of resource-laden real estate that will act as the hook that will snag Gog's jaw in the 2nd half of the 70th week.
Yes and no. Yes, in terms of what Jesus said “Jerusalem will be trodden down by the gentiles until the times of the gentiles be fulfilled” Luke 21:24. The apostle Paul said the same in romans 11:25. So this current false pagan nation of Israel had to happen. They say they are Jews and are not , but they are the synagogue of satan. Revelation 2:9 and 3:9. And No it is not the fulfillment of prophecy spoken of by the prophets Ezekiel, Jeremiah and Isaiah. That happens in the future. Lion and lamb will lay down together.
Notice scripture now says Lion and wolf? Very strange...
I'm glad that you're well aware of the deceit of haSatan deceiving the whole world that it was the fulfillment of Ezekiel's prophesy when it is well clear that it is not. What's going on that land doesn't line up with scriptures, as there should have been peace there and there is any......
WOLF has always been there, but led to think it wasn't. Go back... it was there. KJB
Israel is still trodden down by gentiles, THE ARABS.
Only trying to be constructive in my criticism. The presenter is sadly doing what he is advising not to do - take one or two scriptures in isolation. Look at all of Ezek 37. It's speaking of the gradual coming together of Israel before the breath of life - the renewal in the spirit enters them. The physical Israel like dry bones scattered, will come together into a physical nation before the sspirit of God renew them spiritually.
Yes. The J will be delivered in the end times at the second coming.
It could also mean they are gathered from all over the world at the end of the tribulation (dry bones) and are brought to life, “born in a day” when on the Day of Atonement He puts His spirit within them and causes them to walk in His statutes--writing His law in their hearts. Jer 31:33, Ez 36:27. Ez 37 could all be from point to picture of Ez 36:24-28 and all happen just before the Millennial Kingdom starts.
I appreciate the last two comments. Very respectful to different opinions. Im trying to figure it out myself.
This is the dispensation of the grace of God, an unmerited mystery (KJV Romans 16:25) period of time, so ALL souls can be saved who trust and believe the gospel of salvation during this dispensation (KJV 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.) It is an interruption in the prophetic plan of God started in KJV Genesis 3:15 to restore man back into fellowship with their creator and God.
I agree I loved this video I had just one thought tho, this man says that no prophetic scripture regarding Israel can be fulfilled during the dispensation of grace. However I disagree, Jesus words regarding the destruction of the temple in 70ad did occur during the beginning of the dispensation of grace. As the kingdom gospel was still being preached by the little flock but it was diminishing.
So there was a bit of an overlap.
@@cannonball6372 Jesus was referring to the Tribulation temple. I have studied the 70 AD Temple as I no longer believe mans version. If no prophecy needs to be fulfilled then NO prophecy needs to be fulfilled. I have a friend who is an Archaeologist Rightly Dividly student and she said there are still stones standing one ontop of another. If Jesus said NO stone then its No stone.
Tribulation started at the cross and continues until the 2nd coming. It is not a 7 year period. 70th week was finished at the stoning of Steven.
Ive often thought this to be so but just could not iterate this truth, thanks so much!
I agree with 95 or so percent
But-the end narrative I’ve been seeing differs from yours
I believe that the period of grace extends all the way until the last gentile has come in
And during that time any Jew can come in as well cause it’s really not a time of gentile only being saved because Paul made it clear that there is no longer Jew nor gentile in God’s eyes
We’re all saved by him, he’s putting his laws in our heart and not on a tablet NOW
Anyway, John made it clear in chapter 6:39, 40, 44, and 54 that on the last day is resurrections/rapture also known as the terrible day of the Lord judgment day
On the last day🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
On the last day is the last day🥸
Remember rice is going to prepare a place for us. That is like no eye has ever seen nor can we even imagine how great it will be!!! we will be with Christ and he will dry every tear, etc.
There’s no 1000 year rain with Christ
If you were not ruling and reigning with Christ now, then his word is ineffective in your life because he says in revelations chapter one and chapter 4 we are priest and kings of Christ Jesus now!!!!!!!
It’s all metaphorical language and chapter 20 tells you that Satan is bound (this means he cannot deceive the nations because crisis offered everyone, including the whole world salvation through the cross ) at the beginning of when Christ said it is finished on the Cross
In other words, everything is finished for salvation and for every man to come in through Christ Jesus until the end day
When the angel and chapter 14, swings his sickle and Christ Jesus swings his sickle. It’s a reaping of the Saints and the unbelievers.
It’s so easy a child could understand it
You need to go back and check these examples to prove in your dispensational John Darby Schofield Bible mentality that you were misled
What about Jesus' prophecy of the temples destruction? “And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.” (Matthew 24:2, KJV)видео.html
Im not sure if Im 100% with this teaching. Not saying he is wrong or right. Im still studying and reading and trying to figure it out according to the scriptures.
The Israelites have never returned to the land without first having returned their hearts to the Lord.
The end time return says they will be saved from afar, which discounts anything the UN created.
It also says they are gathered in unbelief
Hmm...he didn't go through the entire prophesy???.Deut28:68...interesting not sure where Israel is today???
@pamela Jaye
Duet 28:68 is a curse, not prophecy, and it already been fulfilled 2k+ years ago when the J were taken into Egypt and sold as slaves by the Romans.
This video is about end times prophecy, not curses.
You cannot base prophecy on the false 1948 people...
@chris black if only you were right. That would mean tribulation is not near.
But sadly you’re wrong.
@@johnle231 the real Israelites don't return to the land until after tribulation... the tribulation is here as well as the Mark of the Beast 💉
@@johnle231 Please read Revelation 2:9, Revelation 3:9, 2 Kings 17:24, Genesis 9:27... they are not the children of Jacob
Luke 21:24
24 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
Jerusalem shall be trodden down by gentiles until the end of the gentiles rule
Now you also have to ask who was led away captives into all nations... 🤔
No. J will be in the land during tribulation and they will be attacked by the nations.
Zechariah 14
Good teaching I think satan wants people to think prophecy is being fulfilled today to get people not focused on this dispensation He wants to delay the complete formation of the body of Christ he does this by preaching prophecy during this dispensation
Amen to that.
76 years later and no "rapture". Guess I missed it😂
When Jesus began and throughout His ministry and before, Israel was in Jerusalem again from the time of the exiles. Why are we not realizing the significance of “1st to the JEWS then to the gentiles”. Yes the JEWS would later again be scattered after the remnant was saved through the preaching of the Gospel as was the Gentile nations.
Who is in geographic Israel (Jerusalem) today? Only God knows… Prayerfully, many fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
Yes, there appears to be undisclosed Revelations revealed to the apostle Paul and John. Paul wrote he can utter what was revealed and John was told not to write what he heard from the seven thunders.
A planned interruption from the foundation of the world!
No 1948 was not prophecy fullfilled
1948 carves the path for fulfillment of prophecy.
End times prophecy says they will be back in the land and then attacks by the nations.
Then Jesus will return and deliver them, and give the Spirit so that they may know who Jesus is.
This cannot happen if they’re not back in the land.
@@johnle231 Are the Israelites meant to return to their land without first returning to the Lord ?
Don’t let the fact that “some” among the inhabitants are currently there prematurely cloud the real issue.
Israel has never returned without FIRST returning to the Lord and the same goes with the end time remnant that will “be saved from afar” according to scripture.
The modern secular state of Israel and Israel (the house of Jacob) are two completely different things and never will be made to be the same.
God has a plan to restore them that would avoid all the tribulation many of them will face, but unfortunately a counter plan of the devil has them taking the harder route.
All in all, Israel will still be restored.
They cannot be attacked in their land if they’re not in their land .
These ,those, that day? Matthew and Mark, Luke in those days shall be great tribulation ?also in revelation 7 ,washed robes white in the blood of the Lamb ?.Jeremiah 31:32 after those days.? Amos 9:11 in that day will I raise up the tabernacle, . ? Posterus posterous in latin says later latter next, or in Hebrew putting the cart before the horse. Micah 3:10 ?
Yeah I would highly recommend everyone look up a documentary called Europe the last great battle
I guess there’s at least five righteous people in Israel. It’s undeniable that the modern rebirth of Israel and the blessings of that nation is nothing but miracle after miracle from Yahweh Elohim.
4notwithouthope-you are not listening! Listen to what this pastor is showing you in scripture! You are brainwashed!
How is he brainwashed? How do you know you aren’t brainwashed?
If 1948 was the birth, then it’s already been fulfilled prior to the birth of Isaiah 66:8.
That’s not possible.
I’ll take the Isaiah 66:8 account over a man made one.
The term “this generation” pertains to those Jews that are alive at the start of the Tribulation.
There are biblical prophecy that happens/is fulfilled overtime and multiple events.
So 1948 was an event that makes way for prophecy to come true.
Like the end times prophecy of Zechariah 14, where the other nations will attk the J in Israel and then that’s when Jesus returns and delivers them.
There are several prophesies
Jeremiah chapter 30
Is related to 1939-1945
Then 1948
Makes sense
Also parable of Fig tree in Mathew and Mark
Revelations 6:12
and Mathew 24
The Bible speaks about his coming on a cloud
To gather his people
For salvation
And his coming with fire is for judgement
Two separate events
Short answer is no. Long answer is no. Lol. Research Zionism. Also dispensation and replacement theology is false. One God, one Spirit, one law for all. The Jew and the Greek.
Parable of the figtree then.. nothing is coincidence
I believe that the Jews are back in land first, but no life as a nation, as Ex 36 and 37 says. Even though they are very tiny, they are much feared as a great military power. God will use the coming 7 year tribulation to have them lean on Jesus whom they rejected, and they become even more isolated. A Bible generation could be 40 years or much longer than that. Remember He is not willing that any should perish! Thanks
They do not fit scripture at all lol 😅
And he (Jesus) shall confirm (make stronger) the covenant (Old into New) with many (Israel) for one week (7 years), 27AD to 34AD. In the midst of the week, 31AD, he shall be cut off (killed/crucified) but not for himself.
Up until messiah then prince is 69 weeks. He was declared messiah at his baptism before his earthly ministry. His baptism was the end of week 69 and start of the 70th. The 70th week was paused when messiah was cut off and caused the sacrifice and oblation to cease (he was the final sacrifice which is also the whole point of the New Covenant that Israel would be under when the final week is finished, when he puts an end to sin, seals up prophecy and is anointed Most Holy).
There’s only 3.5 years left. Not 7.
The anti (substitute) christ (saviour) will mimic Jesus and also have a 3.5 year ministry. There’s only 3.5/1290/times time & half a time left.
Absolutely nowhere in revelation or Daniel does it state 2 different time periods added together.
The great tribulation (the remaining 3.5 years of the 70th week) begin INSIDE the Day of the Lord (start of day 7 on the 7000 year plan, at the end of day 6, which is the fullness of the gentiles: the rapture of the BOC members. The total lunar eclipse. Kings of the earth hide in the dens and rocks, unlike Rev 19 2nd coming where the kings of the earth ride into battle when the moon is dark.
The abomination of desolation is the antichrist standing in the holy place (Jerusalem), encompassed with armies. This begins the great tribulation. Jacob’s trouble. Which is at trumpet 5.
End of day 6/ start of day 7 = rapture and the day of the Lord.
Then there’s a 1.5/2yr approx gap where the trumpet judgments are poured out.
Trumpets 5&6 begin the great trib whereby for 3.5 years the vial judgments are poured out.
Then the 2nd coming.
Then the kingdom. All inside the day of the Lord. The Lord’s day. The sabbath. The 7000th year timeframe (1000) timeline. Begins with wrath, includes the 3.5 year great trib, 2nd coming, 1000 years of kingdom and a season for Satan releases from the pit.
The seals are the birth pains and line up identical to Mathews birth pains/beginning of sorrows:
They are pre trib.
Seal 1: Trojan horse corona virus (poison) crown & bow event.
Seal 2: wars and rumours of them
Seal 3: shortages, famine, hyperinflation, economic collapse (WE ARE CURRENTLY ON SEALS 2 & 3 is pending).
Seal 4: the great reset. Death from the first 3 seals: poison/pestilence, war and famine.
Seal 5: all those died in the dispensation of grace asking how long til wrath (that we alive and appointed to).
Seal 6: blood moon, rapture, day of the Lord, wrath is come.
Still think this?? World Economic Forum about to start the 7 year re confirming with many. They even calling it a covenant. Biblical. "He" is ant christ.
Wow, evangelicals changing their views over "prophecy" again. When nothing happens, just keep saying it will happen in the next million years😂😂😂
They will stretch it out indefinitely because it will never happen.