not sure if anyone gives a shit but if you're bored like me atm then you can watch pretty much all of the new series on instaflixxer. I've been watching with my girlfriend during the lockdown xD
I HAVE DECIDED TO START UPDATING! Important mentions: °I am drinking wAtEr a lot of wAtEr °my friends already think I look a lot like him so that's a start I guess 👌🏻✌🏻🤘🏻 °i am writing my results in a little journal so if one day I add a lot it is because I am copying it from my journal. *Day 1:* •my lips are very chapped •my nose feels wEiRd •the top of my head feels wEiRd •i am feeling a lot of tingles •i am also drinking water LOTS OF wAtEr •I am also using other look like HyUnJiN oppar subs so this finna get interesting my guys *Day: 2* •i went to a party so I couldn't use it (the party lasted the whole day) *Day: 3* •i listened for quite a while •my eyes changed (now both of my eyes are monolids instead of just my right) •my lips have gotten plumper *Day: 4* •i listened for a while again •my nose has started to change (I only notice these because I have to put on prescribed face creams) *Day: 5* •my jaw has become more prominent •my chin has changed the slightest bit *UPDATE* MY MOM thinks I LOOK A LOT LIKE HIM *Day:6* •my mouth felt weird and then when I was washing my face my lips felt plumper. •my eyes are narrower *Day:7* •my eyes are narrower •my nose is now not as sharp *Day:8* -i just realized that since I am Japanese I will be looking more Korean than Japanese (no regrets tho) •my jaw and chin are sharper *Day 28:* •its been a while but this is my most recent log ° so, my eyes are now exactly like his! ° my lips are definitely fuller ° my cheekbones changed ° my skin got clearer ° my chin got less pointy and is now a bit more round ° my nose has also changed IT LOOKS LIKE HIS ° my teeth have even gotten straighter ° my eyebrows have also gotten straighter! *THIS SUBLIMINAL DOES WORK* + I won't be updating anymore BUT trust me this does work! + I am almost an identical twin at this point and it feels great + It has boosted my confidence + And the best part is that since it is a music box sound I can listen to it while sleeping and not be disturbed by any loud sounds! / This is the end of my updates 💞 Good luck to everyone else using this♥️ Results will come you just gotta be patient. . . Be patient, stay hydrated, believe are the keys to this.! Good luck on your journey everyone🥰
1-which booster did you use? 2- How many times have you listened at the day? 3- Were you looking at the mirror, or no, or a little? 4- How many glasses of water did you drink before listening? 5-how did you imagine? I am the like number 100 and the subscriber number 7 😼💕🍒
AFIRMACIONES EN ESPAÑOL Todas las características faciales de Hwang Hyunjin (esto incluye): L, su cara completa L, su lunar debajo del ojo derecho L, su estructura de huesos faciales L, la forma de su cara L, el tamaño de su cara L, su belleza facial en 3D L, su perfil lateral L, sus ojos Sus iris L, su color de ojos L su forma de ojo L, sus párpados L sus pestañas L, sus ojos Su nariz L su forma de nariz L, el tamaño de su nariz L, sus fosas nasales L, su puente nasal L, su filtrum L, su arco de cupido L, Su boca L su forma de boca L, el tamaño de su boca L, sus labios L, su color de labios L, su forma de labio L, el tamaño de sus labios L, sus dientes L sus cejas L, su mandíbula L, su barbilla La barbilla L, sus mejillas L, su frente Sus orejas L su cuello L, su sonrisa L, sus expresiones faciales Beneficios extra: L, cara proporcional L, alineación facial L, te pareces más a él cada vez que: L, parpadeo L, respira L, duerme resultados extremadamente rápidos resultados extremadamente rápidos RECOMENDACIONES Escuche a bajo volumen (30% - 50%) No te obsesiones con los resultados No mires demasiado al espejo Beber abundante agua Puede escuchar durante el día o durante la noche. Escucha al menos 30 minutos al día Los resultados normalmente muestran de 3 días a 21 días. ¡Sé positivo y sé feliz!
I drank a bottle of water and listened it one time yesterday and I already felt the results. Day one: my nose felt different somehow and my lips also felt different in some way. They felt plumped and my eyes really didn't feel as big as they usually are. (Now to think of it it's kinda crazy but anyway) Day 2: I'm currently listening it for the second time and I Will let you know the effects of today when I'm completely done !🤘
@@clrn8779 i believe three times overdag and before I go to sleep. But if you do, make sure to take drink- and eatbreaks because I got a headache and didn't listen to this for a week because I didn't have time 💜
Idk if i will update but whatever, DAY 1- ive been listening to alot of those, but this one actually made my face hurt, and im gonna drink a lot of water and listen to it much more, i listened to it 2 times now, im planning to listen to it for an hour sauuur yeah, i just get a hyunjin picture and look at it, and imagine that is me, and also try to act like him and imagine that my face looks like him .
@@MaisieAndSkippy1019 so you need to drink water before you listen to the sub, and you also need to relax and lay everything off your mind ,and only think about succeeding, and never give up!! ,you also should listen to it on earphones or headphones or any kind, you also have to focus on the sub and say the beniftes and believe what you say or think, you have to convince your mind that you look like that.
@poppy_ot8 I forgot to update but I listened to it for like a week and I completely changed and I now look like him ALOT even my friends pointed it out
Today I woke up and when I saw myself in the mirror my eyes were the same as those of Hyunjin, my face also and had all the features equal to those of Hyunjin. How ridiculous it is that my face is equal to Hyunjin's. How ridiculous it is to have the same face as Hyunjin. How ridiculous to have the shape of Hyunjin's eyes. How ridiculous it is that my lips have the same shape and color as Hyunjin's. Hey, my face is identical to Hyunjin's. Hey, everyone thinks my face is the same as Hyunjin's. Hey, I have fast results. Hey! Hello! My features are the same as Hyunjin's. That face like Hyunjin's is mine. Those lips like those of Hyunjin are mine. That nose like Hyunjin's is mine.
I WILL TRY MY BEST TO UPDATE THIS: *Day 1:* -First day/time listening, I'm noticing it's hard to swallow? That usually happens for me when I try new subs, I'll go get more water after this. -(Left real quick to get water, now I'm back and listening.) -The top of my head is tingling a bit, so are my legs and arms. -(I'm spacing out the times I use this in a day.) -My lips aren't tingling, but they feel 'off'. Oh yeah, my lips definitely feel thicker when I press them together. -(This is all during 1 (one) playthrough of the subliminal.) -By the end of it I feel tingly everywhere. Kinda fuzzy. -FIRST PLAYTHROUGH OVER!! *(I usually try my best not to look in the mirror for better results, but i just checked my lips alone and they're less 'round', but longer :] )*
ok,so,this subliminal really works! this is the second day when i listen to this subliminal and my friend tell me that i look like him and i was like `omg,for real?’ i am so happy guys💗✨ ps:sorry for my english,i speak italian
@@Agoss.5 Hola! Sii no son muy notorios pero los tuve... Más que nada los ojos y noté que mi nariz a estado cambiando bastante (cabe aclarar que mi nariz es muy pequeña y respingada, y mis ojos son grandes y redondos) también mi piel se está manteniendo de un color bastante claro, suelen preguntarme si estoy bien porque estoy bastante pálida... Ok eso es todo por ahora, gracias por preguntar y lamento no haber respondido a tu pregunta antes; y si es que estás escuchando este audio u otro te deseo los mejores resultados😸 ♡
Voy a escribir mis resultados día 1: Estoy sintiendo cosas raras en mi cara, pero nada todavía ___________________ I will write my results Day 1: I'm feeling strange things on my face, but nothing yet
day one- didnt fee tingling like others did but my lips feel chapped. i looked in the mirror after a night of listening and they looked the litlest bigger/pinker Okay so like uh i forgot to update- Week later: slowly I’ve been seeing little changes in my face. I’m pretty sure my face got a little more symmetrical and my top lip got a little bigger i can’t really explain exactly what’s changed but my face like feels different
Iam using your subliminal and another yeji subliminal to look like a mix of them... It will work😢❤ Manifesting.... Update: i have listened one time for past two days and i see a difference in my eyes.. Lol its been a long time, now im a bit far to look like hyunjin 😅
I've been using this sub for like 1month and totally looked like hyunjin!!😢 Thank youuu for this sub I hope you can make a look like yang jeongin one😊😁💛
GUYS THIS SUBLIMINAL REALLY WORKS!!! i am shocked that this works cause other subliminals never worked on me but this one- I swear this works GREAT i have hyunjin's eye-smile now!! THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS SUBLIMINAL I LOVE YOU💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
After listening ONCE my lips started feeling weird. And my eyes felt really weird too. I’ll definitely keep updating for 5 weeks to see if everything turns out okay!!
I'm gonna try this! I'll update every now and then or if I start noticing changes fast (but please remind me lmao otherwise I'll probably forget to update😂)
@@user-it7uy9tv8l so uhm jdjkskrg i totally forgot to do this but just like you after some days i also stopped because of my mental health but im back now and i started listening to it 4 days ago (at least 2 times, and then once when im going to sleep), i still dont see any major differences but my lips feel a little plumper i guess lol
Hey 🤟🏻 Ive been using this sub along side other 3 look like hyunjin for 2 weeks now, but i dont see results yet. Ive been using boosters also. Do you recommend me smth to do cause i am kinda losing faith :/ ?
how long are you listening? Also sometimes keeping faith is difficult I understand but results usually come in within 21 days mark, because then the affirmations are repeated in your subconscious and it will begin to listen to it. What I do is listen overnight and I get results because I listen for 7-8 hours. Also, consistency is the key, stick with one playlist for at least 3 months. Many people tend to change it every week or two, which isn't going to help. It takes consistency and a lot of time and dedication, and last is don't stress too much about not getting results, and try not to look in the mirror too much or it will make you obsess. Hope this helps you !~
day 1 nothing just just pained in my head and i listened 2 times day 2 10am: listening for 1 time and sleep 8:35pm i listened for 3 times and drink water day 3 : i didn't listen just 1 time
amazing subliminal!! no matter how low i make the volume its still too loud for me though and I can hear the affirmationss I hope the sub still works asfadsfad
I will try to update every day on this comment if it doesn't disappear lol. March 21/ Day 1: [ *8:00pm] Nothing really has changed, i have tingly feelings in my head and lips. My eyes feel heavy and thats pretty much it. Drank a bottle of water listened to this 4 times today about 3 hours worth. I have high hopes for this sub! March 22/ Day 2: [*10:33pm] Once again my head and lips feel tingly, however there are some little changes. My top lip is fuller and more shaped like Hyunjin's, so is my bottom lip. My nose has straightened a bit. Eyelids are folding in more looking less American-ish(?). My skin actually is improving, ive always had decent skin anyways but its gotten better. Ive also picked up Hyunjin's bottom lip lick habit ( idk if thats me of what). My cheekbones and jaw ache and so does my nose, i'm overall starting to look different and its pretty whack. I drank 2 bottles of water, and listened to this for about 3-4 hours. I'm going to try sleeping with this sub overnight to see. March 23/ Day 3: [*11:12am] Updating in the morning for the overnight results. So My face lowkey doesn't look like mine. My eyelids are folding more looking like mono-lids but not quite. Jaw and cheekbones are still achy, nose bump has completely gone away tf? I gained Hyunjin's eye smile and my head still tingles and my lips almost look exactly like Hyunjin's! This is crazy! I'll update later today! [*11:10pm] So not much has changed my nose looks almost exact to Hyunjin's and my lips are the same color as his, i listened to this for about 2-3 hours today and drank lots of water the only reason im updating is bc i noticed when i was doing my make up so ye. I'll update late tomorrow and listen to this again over night. Drank 2 bottles of water and listened to for 3 hours. March 24/Day 4: [*9:00pm] Not much changed, My eyes folded over more and my face shape has changed a bit, didn't listen to over night and didn't listen to much. Drank 1 bottle of water and listened for an hour. March 25/Day 5: [*10:40pm] Same results as previous day. Drank a bottle of water and listened to this for 2 hours. March 26/Day 6: ( no pun intended ) [*12:17am] My friends have commented that i look Asian. Eyes are visibly similar to Hyunjins, my nose is exactly like his too! Ill update more tomorrow. Drank 1 bottle of water and listened to 3 hours then overnight. March 27/Day 7: [*8:44am] I just woke up looked in the mirror and I don't look like me wtf- anywho i'll listen to this more today. Week 1 End (Notes): So i totally got forgot about updating so from March to April 19th ( today) Not much has changed at all my eyes are folded in more but other than that its the same as last time. Starting week 2 monday. Week 2 Start: Day 1: Day 2: Day 3: Day 4: Day 5: Day 6: Day 7: Week 2 End (Notes) :
My eyes feel really heavy the 1st time a heard this like wtf? I feel pressure on my nose too. And i'm drinking ALOT of water. Like, iS thIs ActUallY wOrKinG!?
@@urtoeslookyummy3501 i answered a week late im sry 😞but i got into a car accident that day and since then i havent used this audio anymore, but the results were rly noticeable. I reccomend it! :)
@@urtoeslookyummy3501 im okay that was 8 months ago, just got a few scatches but everything is good :) . I felt the need to apologize bc i replied a week later and i thought you needed to confirm if it works or not and i dont wanna be like those ppl who say that they are gona update but they never do 😭
please like my comment so i don't forget to update!! Day 1- my face hurts a little bit and my nose tingles a bit, my jawline just hurt also a bit. My face does look a bit slimmee now
do yall still want updates if this isnt the only sub im using on this topic? if yes i am willing to go in to details since im gonna be writing my results in a notebook anyway edit : after like 3-4 days of adding this to my playlist ( i listen overnight looped but yt always pauses itself before i get to the second loop ) i was looking in a mirror closely and yk one of those tiktok trends when u do flash edits w a lookalike? idk how to explain my mind went blank and i was seeing hyunjin in the mirror lOL. also this gave me a rlly defined jawline and reddish lips.
day 1: the side of my nose hurts alot + the top of my hair was itching (dont rlly know if that supposed a sign) another lil update for today: • my eye felt a little different? • my eye hurts a little • my eyebrows were started to become a little straighted next day, 2:25 Sunday, my nose was itching and hurting. I noticed my top lip was getting smaller and my bottom lip was getting plumper?? **keep in mind i am black and i had full upper and lower lips**
aaaa omg okay so, yes. i'll listen to this often (starting today, rn) and i'll try to update every week 🥺 week 1: ok srsly my lips look a lot fuller and pink? theyre also really soft, my lips are usually chapped so ✋🏻😳 im lowkey rlly shocked but yeah, also i noticed my jaw is more defined nd skinny? idk how to explain it, it's just less fat so that's that ✌🏻😙 week uhh idk: so i stopped listening for a bit bc i did the similarity meter thing and it was at 68% and i was rlly shocked but i started listening again and i checked yesterday and it fckng wENT UP LIKE- IT WAS AT 68% AND THEN IT WENT UP TO 76% LIKE EXCUSE ME???? week whatever idk how to count: but is it normal to have a mole in a place u didn’t have a mole before??? because 😳 also hdhfhfhf i stopped listening for a while bc theres been a lot of negativity in my life, i gained weight and rn my self esteem is in the negative numbers so im slowly trying to get into the groove of things again 🥺 it’s hard when u don’t have people to support you but im surviving and i think that’s what matters rn,,, anyway stream back door 🚪✨
Imma update: Day 1: my eyes started to feel heavy and kind of itched- and my eyebrows got a little bit ticker and slightly started look straight (I listened to it twice.) Day 2: no changes (listened to it 3 times) Day 3: I didn't get a chance to listen to it 😓 Day 4: my lips got just a tiny bit fuller (I listened to it twice while sleeping) Day 5: no changes (listened to it once bc I fell asleep 😓) Day 6: I wasn't able to listen to it- Day 7: I got a headache cuz I fell asleep while listening to it and who knows how many times I listened to it- 😫✋ Day 8: My nose seemed a little bit tinier and you can see more that little bag under the eyes when I smile (listened to it 3 times) Day 9: on my left eye started to look like I have a mono eyelid (listened to it 3 times) Day 10: I got blond hair but instead of looking like hyunjin now I look like felix- 🤦♂️ so I really don't know if I should keep listening or not- (anyways I listened to it 3 times) 11:
I decided to use this subliminal. probably when i use the computer i will add a mini background booster. now i am listening to this sub class LMFAOOOO *day 1*
Joder ningún audio de look like Hyunjin me está funcionando... Probaré con este ._. suerte a mí misma y a todos los que lo escuchen!! Sé q lo escuche hace 5 meses, pero lo deje xd
@@MaisieAndSkippy1019 I don't listen to it anymore, but it did give results. I listened for about an hour once a day. You can just start listening 1-3 times a day and not get hung up on the results.
@@MaisieAndSkippy1019 It's different for everyone. I slept while listening to this subliminal and didn't get hung up on it, so the results came quickly.
I'll try to update as much as possible. For some context, I'm white (Russian/Turkish/Italian genes) but I wanna try this out since my face is currently asymmetrical and I don't like my nose and mouth area. I'm not really aiming for his eye shape since it probably won't suit my face but I'd like to have similar lips, nose and jawline as Hyunjin. In short, I want cuter lips, a symmetrical face, straight teeth and a nose without a bump. Day 1: Listened for 4 times so far. My face feels fresh, like I just washed it with cold water, if you know what I mean lol. Also, I can feel pressure on my teeth, like I've been wearing elastic bands on my braces for a while (I haven't done that in a few days cuz I'm lazy af).
yall thats crazy, okay so i listened to a whole playlist generated by youtube because i was lazy to search a subliminal, and like, i listened two days ago and yesterday and this morning i wake up im like what if, and i see in the mirror that my upper lip is like big big bc my upper lip used to be small super small now it looks so goood!!
How did you get results so fast?? I need help I’m doing everything people are telling me I’m drinking lots of water before and relaxing..what did you do to get fast results?
@@Hayoon-h8n Uhh i usually dont get results this fast or i dont get them, i feel like its a random game, but like its been 2years im in this and this is like one of the three little results i had. But honestly really dont give up if you can watch videos explaining 3d-4d you can understand many useful things from it. And my tips actually water is not necessary, like nothing is even necessary, you believe in what you want to have like you have but +++ you close your eyes and you feel it with your body if you want but belief is the literal key okay actually i can say i had results by just believing without subs and it was for wl and just repeat to yourself that no matter the amout you e at you are not g aining. I literally it works because you are the freator of you reality, you have to understand that what's in your world you created it by yourself, like for an example when i was i kid i wanted small lips because i was hating on those stars having big big lips thinking its ugly and i managed to change my lips by thinking when i was a kid because i am a creator, now its same, you are a creator, if back then you changed your lips, yes it was you, now you can change it too. And like stop thinking or try to less think like the old self you dont wanna be cuz you're changing every litle second and while living in that memory of your old self you gonna keep it as a reality you're living in, so think in the memory of you having it because time dont matter, chronology dont matter. Only right now. You have to realise that you are a creator you are creating your reality, like its your "fault" but dont take a deep thinking in it you dont have to feel guilty or whatever feel easy like emotions dont matter ( and actually its very different for everyone but you can decide you can create ! Uh yeah so i think its all i you need more answers you can ask!
@akutagazz4178 Tysm everyone keeps saying they’re getting their results super fast and I’m having trouble I’ve been listening to it for a while and no changes have happened so tysm I’ll try this
I’m going to update stating today {March 26 2021} ☼ Day one : My Lips have been getting really dry but I noticed my top lip got a little bit bigger? That’s pretty much all for today
Y'all I'm scared please help. Before this I used a Chanyeol sub but I stopped, and I looked like Felix unintentionally... (Felix is what I look like naturally) and I wanna use a by hyunjin sub. What do I do eek ALSO THERES A COMMMENT SECTION FIGHTING ON WHICH MOLE THE EYE IS UNDER- I HAVE A BIRTHMARK UNDER MY RIGHT EYE AND IM PANICKING
soo today is the first day and i feel like my eyes are getting tired and heavy idk and my nose will occasionally start to itch which doesnt really happen all the time so i was pretty shocked. I ma go get more water imao *SECOND DAY* uh so now idk my eyebrows got darker and MY HAIR GOT LIGHTER ahh i have a lighter brownish hair already now im like mad confused cause i didn't know it will really work *THIRD DAY* forgot to listen but realised my eyesbrows are straightening up and at a certain angle i kinda look like him haha *FOURTH DAY* my lips a getting thinnerish wider or smt *FIFTH DAY* nothing much changed i will continue this "journaling "if anything happens
prople keep saying i kind of look like him so since i want to be exactly like him gonna listen to this everyday (gonna update not everyday but updating) Day one: I listened overnight and i kind of see some difference in my face but i don't really know what's different. + Gonna watch my self in the mirror only in the morning when i have to do my hair and things, no other times. I also listened to it through the day like 4 or five times. Now my head is hurting a bit and i have a very weird feeling
You can say anything to yourself ex: I look like hyunjin already etc. you can also read the affirmations in the description( I dont know if they are listed becauz I didnt read it ;-;)
I’m gonna try updating remind me if I forget I’m starting from 5th day cuz that’s today,I started on a Friday and today is Tuesday so i think today would be the fifth but it might be the fourth idrk someone tell me 5th day I could see I looked the same from my third day which my lips became fuller,My eyebrows also looked slightly straighter 6th day: My jaw looked slightly slimmer
I think you can use a desired appearance like for example use any picture of you and when you look like hyunjin and want to go back use a desired appearance subliminal and visualise with the image or you can just script that you will get your desired appearance back any time you want hope you understand 😁😊
Fico imaginando eu parecendo que sou irmã gêmea do Hyunjin chegando na coreia e indo num fansing do Stray kids é quando fosse na hora do Hyunjin ele olha pra mim é fica tipo:" meu Deus essa garota é minha irmã gêmea só pode WTF" KKKKKK A FIC da gata Tenho vontade de chorar toda vez que escuto esse áudio 🥺
Lmao imagine meeting Hyunjin in a fansign and he would be like wth-
Same wnfiandjkqkdq
Omg 😂😂 btw have u seen his performance in psycho red velvet he looked so hot I wish there was a subliminal for that one
He : I am YOU
not sure if anyone gives a shit but if you're bored like me atm then you can watch pretty much all of the new series on instaflixxer. I've been watching with my girlfriend during the lockdown xD
He had debuted and they were already making audios for him
Important mentions:
°I am drinking wAtEr a lot of wAtEr
°my friends already think I look a lot like him so that's a start I guess 👌🏻✌🏻🤘🏻
°i am writing my results in a little journal so if one day I add a lot it is because I am copying it from my journal.
*Day 1:*
•my lips are very chapped
•my nose feels wEiRd
•the top of my head feels wEiRd
•i am feeling a lot of tingles
•i am also drinking water LOTS OF wAtEr
•I am also using other look like HyUnJiN oppar subs so this finna get interesting my guys
*Day: 2*
•i went to a party so I couldn't use it (the party lasted the whole day)
*Day: 3*
•i listened for quite a while
•my eyes changed (now both of my eyes are monolids instead of just my right)
•my lips have gotten plumper
*Day: 4*
•i listened for a while again
•my nose has started to change (I only notice these because I have to put on prescribed face creams)
*Day: 5*
•my jaw has become more prominent
•my chin has changed the slightest bit
•my mouth felt weird and then when I was washing my face my lips felt plumper.
•my eyes are narrower
•my eyes are narrower
•my nose is now not as sharp
-i just realized that since I am Japanese I will be looking more Korean than Japanese (no regrets tho)
•my jaw and chin are sharper
*Day 28:*
•its been a while but this is my most recent log
° so, my eyes are now exactly like his!
° my lips are definitely fuller
° my cheekbones changed
° my skin got clearer
° my chin got less pointy and is now a bit more round
° my nose has also changed IT LOOKS LIKE HIS
° my teeth have even gotten straighter
° my eyebrows have also gotten straighter!
+ I won't be updating anymore BUT trust me this does work!
+ I am almost an identical twin at this point and it feels great
+ It has boosted my confidence
+ And the best part is that since it is a music box sound I can listen to it while sleeping and not be disturbed by any loud sounds!
/ This is the end of my updates 💞
Good luck to everyone else using this♥️
Results will come you just gotta be patient.
Be patient, stay hydrated, believe
are the keys to this.!
Good luck on your journey everyone🥰
Update 😊
Ahhh I wish we could see the results!
do you use this with other related subliminals too?
1-which booster did you use?
2- How many times have you listened at the day?
3- Were you looking at the mirror, or no, or a little?
4- How many glasses of water did you drink before listening?
5-how did you imagine?
I am the like number 100 and the subscriber number 7
I’ve been listening to 4 or five day and I see not much changed.I listen to this once a day
If I can’t be with Hyunjin then I want to look like him 😤😂
big mood 😌
If this is your real pp then u already look like him
if you don't have a bias, be your own bias.
I basically want to be him but i can't so there a solution
@@urtoeslookyummy3501 I'm sorry but no xd
i like Subliminals cause it really fuccin workss just
*✨ b e l i e v e ✨*
Todas las características faciales de Hwang Hyunjin (esto
L, su cara completa
L, su lunar debajo del ojo derecho
L, su estructura de huesos faciales
L, la forma de su cara
L, el tamaño de su cara
L, su belleza facial en 3D
L, su perfil lateral
L, sus ojos
Sus iris
L, su color de ojos
L su forma de ojo
L, sus párpados
L sus pestañas
L, sus ojos
Su nariz
L su forma de nariz
L, el tamaño de su nariz
L, sus fosas nasales
L, su puente nasal
L, su filtrum
L, su arco de cupido
L, Su boca
L su forma de boca
L, el tamaño de su boca
L, sus labios
L, su color de labios
L, su forma de labio
L, el tamaño de sus labios
L, sus dientes
L sus cejas
L, su mandíbula
L, su barbilla
La barbilla
L, sus mejillas
L, su frente
Sus orejas
L su cuello
L, su sonrisa
L, sus expresiones faciales
Beneficios extra:
L, cara proporcional
L, alineación facial
L, te pareces más a él cada vez que:
L, parpadeo
L, respira
L, duerme
resultados extremadamente rápidos
resultados extremadamente rápidos
Escuche a bajo volumen (30% - 50%)
No te obsesiones con los resultados
No mires demasiado al espejo
Beber abundante agua
Puede escuchar durante el día o durante la noche.
Escucha al menos 30 minutos al día
Los resultados normalmente muestran de 3 días a 21 días.
¡Sé positivo y sé feliz!
Gracias teamo
No que el lunar no tiene en el izquierdo?
I drank a bottle of water and listened it one time yesterday and I already felt the results.
Day one: my nose felt different somehow and my lips also felt different in some way. They felt plumped and my eyes really didn't feel as big as they usually are. (Now to think of it it's kinda crazy but anyway)
Day 2: I'm currently listening it for the second time and I Will let you know the effects of today when I'm completely done !🤘
How long u hear for this? I mean overnight or daytime? How many hours?
@@clrn8779 i believe three times overdag and before I go to sleep. But if you do, make sure to take drink- and eatbreaks because I got a headache and didn't listen to this for a week because I didn't have time 💜
@@chips233 hi
Idk if i will update but whatever,
DAY 1- ive been listening to alot of those, but this one actually made my face hurt, and im gonna drink a lot of water and listen to it much more, i listened to it 2 times now, im planning to listen to it for an hour sauuur yeah, i just get a hyunjin picture and look at it, and imagine that is me, and also try to act like him and imagine that my face looks like him .
How do you get your results so fast I need help 😭
@@MaisieAndSkippy1019 so you need to drink water before you listen to the sub, and you also need to relax and lay everything off your mind ,and only think about succeeding, and never give up!! ,you also should listen to it on earphones or headphones or any kind, you also have to focus on the sub and say the beniftes and believe what you say or think, you have to convince your mind that you look like that.
@@MaisieAndSkippy1019 no problem bae
@poppy_ot8 I forgot to update but I listened to it for like a week and I completely changed and I now look like him ALOT even my friends pointed it out
This is art bro 😳 keep up it ♡❀
(When I see results, I'll tell them.)
thank you, bro, alright best of luck to you !
So any results yet
@@sodacandysubliminals9091 hey can I listen this subliminal with look like Felix subliminal???
@@jennielisa3811 yes, but use a anticlash and flush
Today I woke up and when I saw myself in the mirror my eyes were the same as those of Hyunjin, my face also and had all the features equal to those of Hyunjin. How ridiculous it is that my face is equal to Hyunjin's. How ridiculous it is to have the same face as Hyunjin. How ridiculous to have the shape of Hyunjin's eyes. How ridiculous it is that my lips have the same shape and color as Hyunjin's. Hey, my face is identical to Hyunjin's. Hey, everyone thinks my face is the same as Hyunjin's. Hey, I have fast results. Hey! Hello! My features are the same as Hyunjin's. That face like Hyunjin's is mine. Those lips like those of Hyunjin are mine. That nose like Hyunjin's is mine.
Oh realy is work???
How long did you try it for?🤘
You lucky one
Kids in the comments, you have to say this in your mind throughout the video
I'm a clown
*Day 1:*
-First day/time listening, I'm noticing it's hard to swallow? That usually happens for me when I try new subs, I'll go get more water after this.
-(Left real quick to get water, now I'm back and listening.)
-The top of my head is tingling a bit, so are my legs and arms.
-(I'm spacing out the times I use this in a day.)
-My lips aren't tingling, but they feel 'off'. Oh yeah, my lips definitely feel thicker when I press them together.
-(This is all during 1 (one) playthrough of the subliminal.)
-By the end of it I feel tingly everywhere. Kinda fuzzy.
*(I usually try my best not to look in the mirror for better results, but i just checked my lips alone and they're less 'round', but longer :] )*
i just want his face when he laughs
I have it🖐
This looks awesome ~ Gonna use this from now on
Have you gotten results?
@@roseyposiee yes, sorry for not replying ^^" it's working well on me . So far I've gotten a slimmer face and a similar eye and lip shape 💓💓
ok,so,this subliminal really works! this is the second day when i listen to this subliminal and my friend tell me that i look like him and i was like `omg,for real?’ i am so happy guys💗✨
ps:sorry for my english,i speak italian
No acostumbro a escuchar audios subliminales tan largos pero sinceramente confío en este. Nosé porque pero algo me dice que lo debo escuchar ^^ ♡
As teniendo resultados?
Has* Dios
@@Agoss.5 Hola! Sii no son muy notorios pero los tuve... Más que nada los ojos y noté que mi nariz a estado cambiando bastante (cabe aclarar que mi nariz es muy pequeña y respingada, y mis ojos son grandes y redondos) también mi piel se está manteniendo de un color bastante claro, suelen preguntarme si estoy bien porque estoy bastante pálida... Ok eso es todo por ahora, gracias por preguntar y lamento no haber respondido a tu pregunta antes; y si es que estás escuchando este audio u otro te deseo los mejores resultados😸 ♡
@@_skz.kiss_y ahora has tenido resultados?
Voy a escribir mis resultados
día 1: Estoy sintiendo cosas raras en mi cara, pero nada todavía
I will write my results
Day 1: I'm feeling strange things on my face, but nothing yet
y q más amig?
@@hynjinnnnnss No he sido contaste con la playlist, pero en el primer día tuve los ojos más rasgados y los labios más suaves y un poco grandes
day one- didnt fee tingling like others did but my lips feel chapped. i looked in the mirror after a night of listening and they looked the litlest bigger/pinker
Okay so like uh i forgot to update-
Week later: slowly I’ve been seeing little changes in my face. I’m pretty sure my face got a little more symmetrical and my top lip got a little bigger i can’t really explain exactly what’s changed but my face like feels different
Iam using your subliminal and another yeji subliminal to look like a mix of them... It will work😢❤ Manifesting....
Update: i have listened one time for past two days and i see a difference in my eyes..
Lol its been a long time, now im a bit far to look like hyunjin 😅
Oh I can see a difference in my eyes and lips. I have listened for past 5 days
I've been using this sub for like 1month and totally looked like hyunjin!!😢 Thank youuu for this sub I hope you can make a look like yang jeongin one😊😁💛
Do u rly look like him?
How many times did you listen to it in a day and for how long…I’mmv been listening to this is and nothing is happening
i am shocked that this works cause other subliminals never worked on me but this one- I swear this works GREAT i have hyunjin's eye-smile now!!
Congratulations 🎉🥺
How much times did you do it
Seriously... I first listened to this audio about 15 minutes ago, and my lips are already much more like hyunjin's, I'm--
After listening ONCE my lips started feeling weird. And my eyes felt really weird too. I’ll definitely keep updating for 5 weeks to see if everything turns out okay!!
I ended up getting good results from this! I’d love if you could make a look like Eunwoo from Astro subliminal ❤️
Lara Neijenhuis no, it’s not haha
est en @@laraneijenhuis4271
If u cant have hwang hyunjin
Then be the hwang hyunjin
I'm gonna try this! I'll update every now and then or if I start noticing changes fast (but please remind me lmao otherwise I'll probably forget to update😂)
okay umm so
whats up?
@@user-it7uy9tv8l it works?
@@LaMinYoru i stopped listening to it because of my mental health, but after 2 days my nose and my eyes changed a bit ✨
@@user-it7uy9tv8l so uhm jdjkskrg i totally forgot to do this but just like you after some days i also stopped because of my mental health but im back now and i started listening to it 4 days ago (at least 2 times, and then once when im going to sleep), i still dont see any major differences but my lips feel a little plumper i guess lol
when you cant have him...just be him :))
I stand by this.
that dislike is Hyunjin's xD
@@christopherbang2384 Chan? 🤨
@@atkjuni SeungMin?
Hey 🤟🏻
Ive been using this sub along side other 3 look like hyunjin for 2 weeks now, but i dont see results yet.
Ive been using boosters also.
Do you recommend me smth to do cause i am kinda losing faith :/ ?
how long are you listening? Also sometimes keeping faith is difficult I understand but results usually come in within 21 days mark, because then the affirmations are repeated in your subconscious and it will begin to listen to it. What I do is listen overnight and I get results because I listen for 7-8 hours. Also, consistency is the key, stick with one playlist for at least 3 months. Many people tend to change it every week or two, which isn't going to help. It takes consistency and a lot of time and dedication, and last is don't stress too much about not getting results, and try not to look in the mirror too much or it will make you obsess. Hope this helps you !~
@@sodacandysubliminals9091 so u hear it while ur sleeping? Imma beginner in doing subliminals sksk
@@sodacandysubliminals9091 I listen to it once
@@sodacandysubliminals9091thank you! ❤
Omg I look like him now tysm 💜
day 1
nothing just just pained in my head and i listened 2 times
day 2
10am: listening for 1 time and sleep
8:35pm i listened for 3 times and drink water
day 3 :
i didn't listen
just 1 time
do you look like hyunjin right now?
This is so good!! We need an updated version of this as well ^._.^
amazing subliminal!!
no matter how low i make the volume its still too loud for me though and I can hear the affirmationss
I hope the sub still works asfadsfad
I will try to update every day on this comment if it doesn't disappear lol.
March 21/ Day 1: [ *8:00pm] Nothing really has changed, i have tingly feelings in my head and lips. My eyes feel heavy and thats pretty much it. Drank a bottle of water listened to this 4 times today about 3 hours worth. I have high hopes for this sub!
March 22/ Day 2: [*10:33pm] Once again my head and lips feel tingly, however there are some little changes. My top lip is fuller and more shaped like Hyunjin's, so is my bottom lip. My nose has straightened a bit. Eyelids are folding in more looking less American-ish(?). My skin actually is improving, ive always had decent skin anyways but its gotten better. Ive also picked up Hyunjin's bottom lip lick habit ( idk if thats me of what). My cheekbones and jaw ache and so does my nose, i'm overall starting to look different and its pretty whack. I drank 2 bottles of water, and listened to this for about 3-4 hours. I'm going to try sleeping with this sub overnight to see.
March 23/ Day 3: [*11:12am] Updating in the morning for the overnight results. So My face lowkey doesn't look like mine. My eyelids are folding more looking like mono-lids but not quite. Jaw and cheekbones are still achy, nose bump has completely gone away tf? I gained Hyunjin's eye smile and my head still tingles and my lips almost look exactly like Hyunjin's! This is crazy! I'll update later today! [*11:10pm] So not much has changed my nose looks almost exact to Hyunjin's and my lips are the same color as his, i listened to this for about 2-3 hours today and drank lots of water the only reason im updating is bc i noticed when i was doing my make up so ye. I'll update late tomorrow and listen to this again over night. Drank 2 bottles of water and listened to for 3 hours.
March 24/Day 4: [*9:00pm] Not much changed, My eyes folded over more and my face shape has changed a bit, didn't listen to over night and didn't listen to much. Drank 1 bottle of water and listened for an hour.
March 25/Day 5: [*10:40pm] Same results as previous day. Drank a bottle of water and listened to this for 2 hours.
March 26/Day 6: ( no pun intended ) [*12:17am] My friends have commented that i look Asian. Eyes are visibly similar to Hyunjins, my nose is exactly like his too! Ill update more tomorrow. Drank 1 bottle of water and listened to 3 hours then overnight.
March 27/Day 7: [*8:44am] I just woke up looked in the mirror and I don't look like me wtf- anywho i'll listen to this more today.
Week 1 End (Notes):
So i totally got forgot about updating so from March to April 19th ( today) Not much has changed at all my eyes are folded in more but other than that its the same as last time. Starting week 2 monday.
Week 2 Start:
Day 1:
Day 2:
Day 3:
Day 4:
Day 5:
Day 6:
Day 7:
Week 2 End (Notes) :
@@viriditysubs I totally forgot about updating so ill update more
@@viriditysubs ofc
The start day is right in my birthday! (21 march) and Hyunjin's is right before it haha
@@hyunjinleepark5326how did you get your result so fast? I need help 😭
Imagine if yeji of itzy used subliminals to look like hyunjin 😕😐😐
lmaoo nooo
I mean we shouldn’t rly laugh cuz here are all of us listening to this
Or he used it to look like yeji u never know?
I started listening to this like 10 minutes ago and my nose feels weird, is this working? if so, THIS IS THE FIRST ONE THAT WORKS ON ME?? WOOHOO
Thank you for this video 🥰
Teve resultados?
My eyes feel really heavy the 1st time a heard this like wtf? I feel pressure on my nose too. And i'm drinking ALOT of water. Like, iS thIs ActUallY wOrKinG!?
Any results?
@@urtoeslookyummy3501 i answered a week late im sry 😞but i got into a car accident that day and since then i havent used this audio anymore, but the results were rly noticeable. I reccomend it! :)
@@Liiishannn oh, I am so sorry,I hope you are okay, also it is okay no need to apologize 🥺❤️❤️
@@urtoeslookyummy3501 im okay that was 8 months ago, just got a few scatches but everything is good :) . I felt the need to apologize bc i replied a week later and i thought you needed to confirm if it works or not and i dont wanna be like those ppl who say that they are gona update but they never do 😭
@@Liiishannn aww you're so sweet I can't 👁️👄💧👁️❤️❤️🥺
My friend told me i had hyunjins big lips so i came to this subliminal 🥰🥰
please like my comment so i don't forget to update!!
Day 1- my face hurts a little bit and my nose tingles a bit, my jawline just hurt also a bit. My face does look a bit slimmee now
My only problem is that I don’t know whether I want to look like Hyunjin or Felix 😭
Same :(((
listen to both then haha
Why not both
Time to look better than everyone 😎
do yall still want updates if this isnt the only sub im using on this topic? if yes i am willing to go in to details since im gonna be writing my results in a notebook anyway
edit : after like 3-4 days of adding this to my playlist ( i listen overnight looped but yt always pauses itself before i get to the second loop )
i was looking in a mirror closely and yk one of those tiktok trends when u do flash edits w a lookalike? idk how to explain my mind went blank and i was seeing hyunjin in the mirror lOL. also this gave me a rlly defined jawline and reddish lips.
yes yeees
Yesss plss
day 1: the side of my nose hurts alot + the top of my hair was itching (dont rlly know if that supposed a sign)
another lil update for today:
• my eye felt a little
• my eye hurts a little
• my eyebrows were
started to become a little
next day, 2:25 Sunday, my nose was itching and hurting. I noticed my top lip was getting smaller and my bottom lip was getting plumper??
**keep in mind i am black and i had full upper and lower lips**
aaaa omg okay so, yes. i'll listen to this often (starting today, rn) and i'll try to update every week 🥺
week 1: ok srsly my lips look a lot fuller and pink? theyre also really soft, my lips are usually chapped so ✋🏻😳 im lowkey rlly shocked but yeah, also i noticed my jaw is more defined nd skinny? idk how to explain it, it's just less fat so that's that ✌🏻😙
week uhh idk: so i stopped listening for a bit bc i did the similarity meter thing and it was at 68% and i was rlly shocked but i started listening again and i checked yesterday and it fckng wENT UP LIKE- IT WAS AT 68% AND THEN IT WENT UP TO 76% LIKE EXCUSE ME????
week whatever idk how to count: but is it normal to have a mole in a place u didn’t have a mole before??? because 😳 also hdhfhfhf i stopped listening for a while bc theres been a lot of negativity in my life, i gained weight and rn my self esteem is in the negative numbers so im slowly trying to get into the groove of things again 🥺 it’s hard when u don’t have people to support you but im surviving and i think that’s what matters rn,,, anyway stream back door 🚪✨
What’s the similarity thingi
if the link doesn’t work then just search similarity meter on google 🥰
Any results?
I did the similarity thing and it said 69 so imma do it after some weeks or so
im listening while my hamster climbs up its cage lets go and falls ;-;
i relate to your hamster on a spiritual level
Imma update:
Day 1: my eyes started to feel heavy and kind of itched- and my eyebrows got a little bit ticker and slightly started look straight (I listened to it twice.)
Day 2: no changes (listened to it 3 times)
Day 3: I didn't get a chance to listen to it 😓
Day 4: my lips got just a tiny bit fuller (I listened to it twice while sleeping)
Day 5: no changes (listened to it once bc I fell asleep 😓)
Day 6: I wasn't able to listen to it-
Day 7: I got a headache cuz I fell asleep while listening to it and who knows how many times I listened to it- 😫✋
Day 8: My nose seemed a little bit tinier and you can see more that little bag under the eyes when I smile (listened to it 3 times)
Day 9: on my left eye started to look like I have a mono eyelid (listened to it 3 times)
Day 10: I got blond hair but instead of looking like hyunjin now I look like felix- 🤦♂️ so I really don't know if I should keep listening or not- (anyways I listened to it 3 times)
How do you get results so fast I need help please
I decided to use this subliminal. probably when i use the computer i will add a mini background booster. now i am listening to this sub class LMFAOOOO
*day 1*
i think u forgot..
@@luv_uu_ she/he definitely forgot 😂😭
Joder ningún audio de look like Hyunjin me está funcionando... Probaré con este ._. suerte a mí misma y a todos los que lo escuchen!! Sé q lo escuche hace 5 meses, pero lo deje xd
Si piensas que no funcionará no lo hará, es un simple autosabotaje, ten fe
i don't listen all the time but my nose is straighter already, heh. Will update when I see more results.
one of my eyes has become smaller than the other, the eyelid of this eye has changed
@@moro.toro27can you help me… I don’t know how to start…how do you get your results so fast? I’m so confused
@@MaisieAndSkippy1019 I don't listen to it anymore, but it did give results. I listened for about an hour once a day. You can just start listening 1-3 times a day and not get hung up on the results.
@@moro.toro27 thanks how can I get the results fast ?
@@MaisieAndSkippy1019 It's different for everyone. I slept while listening to this subliminal and didn't get hung up on it, so the results came quickly.
Okay so technically when quarantine's over my friends can't recognize me so-
Same hahah
Lol im going into a new High school and i swear i hope no one will know who i am
@@ez5888can you help me how do you get your results so fast?
I'll try to update as much as possible. For some context, I'm white (Russian/Turkish/Italian genes) but I wanna try this out since my face is currently asymmetrical and I don't like my nose and mouth area. I'm not really aiming for his eye shape since it probably won't suit my face but I'd like to have similar lips, nose and jawline as Hyunjin. In short, I want cuter lips, a symmetrical face, straight teeth and a nose without a bump.
Day 1: Listened for 4 times so far. My face feels fresh, like I just washed it with cold water, if you know what I mean lol. Also, I can feel pressure on my teeth, like I've been wearing elastic bands on my braces for a while (I haven't done that in a few days cuz I'm lazy af).
Any updates??💜
@@urtoeslookyummy3501 I stopped using it ages ago but I guess I glowed up a bit since then :) My face looks more symmetrical
@@missangel3131 oh sorry I didn't know thx for replying ✨
gender envy has made me want this oh my god
Same same
Is that normal to being tried?My head is hurts😢
Yes it is normal honey u don’t have to worry!!!!
Bro i feel my face moving
yall thats crazy, okay so i listened to a whole playlist generated by youtube because i was lazy to search a subliminal, and like, i listened two days ago and yesterday and this morning i wake up im like what if, and i see in the mirror that my upper lip is like big big bc my upper lip used to be small super small now it looks so goood!!
How did you get results so fast?? I need help I’m doing everything people are telling me I’m drinking lots of water before and relaxing..what did you do to get fast results?
@@Hayoon-h8n Uhh i usually dont get results this fast or i dont get them, i feel like its a random game, but like its been 2years im in this and this is like one of the three little results i had. But honestly really dont give up if you can watch videos explaining 3d-4d you can understand many useful things from it. And my tips actually water is not necessary, like nothing is even necessary, you believe in what you want to have like you have but +++ you close your eyes and you feel it with your body if you want but belief is the literal key okay actually i can say i had results by just believing without subs and it was for wl and just repeat to yourself that no matter the amout you e at you are not g aining. I literally it works because you are the freator of you reality, you have to understand that what's in your world you created it by yourself, like for an example when i was i kid i wanted small lips because i was hating on those stars having big big lips thinking its ugly and i managed to change my lips by thinking when i was a kid because i am a creator, now its same, you are a creator, if back then you changed your lips, yes it was you, now you can change it too. And like stop thinking or try to less think like the old self you dont wanna be cuz you're changing every litle second and while living in that memory of your old self you gonna keep it as a reality you're living in, so think in the memory of you having it because time dont matter, chronology dont matter. Only right now. You have to realise that you are a creator you are creating your reality, like its your "fault" but dont take a deep thinking in it you dont have to feel guilty or whatever feel easy like emotions dont matter ( and actually its very different for everyone but you can decide you can create ! Uh yeah so i think its all i you need more answers you can ask!
@akutagazz4178 Tysm everyone keeps saying they’re getting their results super fast and I’m having trouble I’ve been listening to it for a while and no changes have happened so tysm I’ll try this
updating when i see results!☆
how is it going?
What if I want everything but not the eye color?
Pretty sure it blocks it out!!^^
I'll look like Hyujin then marry myself
no marry me
Guys remind me to listen🕴🎷
Listen rn bruv
@@_iris_-pt9xy oop sorry I don't use this sub no more😭
@@Junkyardcrs2 Oof 😭
I’m going to update stating today {March 26 2021}
☼ Day one : My Lips have been getting really dry but I noticed my top lip got a little bit bigger? That’s pretty much all for today
Can I listen too this and another look like hyunjin subliminal?
90sjeongin yes u can ^^
@@sodacandysubliminals9091 can i ask for a request?
nice profile picture bro
Y'all I'm scared please help. Before this I used a Chanyeol sub but I stopped, and I looked like Felix unintentionally... (Felix is what I look like naturally) and I wanna use a by hyunjin sub. What do I do eek ALSO THERES A COMMMENT SECTION FIGHTING ON WHICH MOLE THE EYE IS UNDER- I HAVE A BIRTHMARK UNDER MY RIGHT EYE AND IM PANICKING
I've been using the sub too and I sorta remind myself of Felix it's weird
Going to try to listen to this 2-3 times a day for 30 days!
Day1: ✔️
Day2: ✔️
Day3: ✔️
Day4: ✔️
Day5: ✔️
Day6: ✔️
Day7: ✔️
Day8: ✔️
Day9: ✔️
Day10: ✔️
Day11: ✔️
Day12: ✔️
Day13: ✔️
did u get any results from this? even if you stopped using i’m wondering
i was playing this pretty loudly and heard some weird muttering so i put my ear to the speaker and true enough...
I want hyunijn's hair :((
soo today is the first day and i feel like my eyes are getting tired and heavy idk and my nose will occasionally start to itch which doesnt really happen all the time so i was pretty shocked. I ma go get more water imao
*SECOND DAY* uh so now idk my eyebrows got darker and MY HAIR GOT LIGHTER ahh i have a lighter brownish hair already now im like mad confused cause i didn't know it will really work
*THIRD DAY* forgot to listen but realised my eyesbrows are straightening up and at a certain angle i kinda look like him haha
*FOURTH DAY* my lips a getting thinnerish wider or smt
*FIFTH DAY* nothing much changed i will continue this "journaling "if anything happens
prople keep saying i kind of look like him so since i want to be exactly like him gonna listen to this everyday (gonna update not everyday but updating)
Day one: I listened overnight and i kind of see some difference in my face but i don't really know what's different. + Gonna watch my self in the mirror only in the morning when i have to do my hair and things, no other times. I also listened to it through the day like 4 or five times. Now my head is hurting a bit and i have a very weird feeling
Lo voy a escuchar hoy mientras duermo a ver qué pasa
@@aritokkieee también buscaba xd , pero no lo seguí escuchando F , pero tengo 2 playlist de look like hyunjin xd
@@rosepark1642 wao , suerte con tus playlists uwu
@@aritokkieee igualmente uwu✨
I don't understand, if we listen all day we'll look like Hyunjin ??? Can someone help me to understand ? ;-;
@@noro-ainajeannoda6554 Oh okay, thank you !
Bruhhhhh my internet don’t wanna work so I have to listen on yt and not on musi while my phone is off 😭
Baby, Will it still work for me if English is not my native language? I speak spanish but i understand english too.
yep :]
@@atkjuni Seungmin? What are you doing here-
@@atkjuni u r everywhere in this comments section
3 months in and can someone pls write in the comments what I should say to myself while hearing this
You can say anything to yourself ex: I look like hyunjin already etc.
you can also read the affirmations in the description( I dont know if they are listed becauz I didnt read it ;-;)
I want to keep my eye color..
I have the same eye color as him-
The blocking affirmations is a myth. If you don’t want a specific result, you should find a booster that has an “only get desired results” affirmation
Hyunjin Dramallama yah same
Lee Felix same
i just started to listen, i'll update every week
start: 3/02/2025 - next update: 10/02/2025!
i have to say, i do look a lot like him now :)
how many times did you listen to it also for how many days?
Sorry for my English, I am using a translator because I speak Spanish😅
Christopher Bang about 30-40 minutes a day!
how many days did you listen to the audio????
I’m gonna try updating remind me if I forget I’m starting from 5th day cuz that’s today,I started on a Friday and today is Tuesday so i think today would be the fifth but it might be the fourth idrk someone tell me
5th day I could see I looked the same from my third day which my lips became fuller,My eyebrows also looked slightly straighter
6th day: My jaw looked slightly slimmer
hey, a reminder :)
No se inglés y tuve q usar el traductor 😔
I don't know if I wanna look like Wonyoung or hyunjin... PLS HELP ME
@poppy_ot8 this was 7 months ago..
ᴡɪʟʟ ᴛʜɪs ᴡᴏʀᴋ ɪғ ɪ ᴏɴʟʏ ᴡᴇᴀʀ ᴏɴᴇ ᴇᴀʀʙᴜᴅ??
i want to try this again, I'll try to update you guys
If you looked like him after listening and after a while you wanted to look like you again is there a way to go back to normal?
I think you can use a desired appearance like for example use any picture of you and when you look like hyunjin and want to go back use a desired appearance subliminal and visualise with the image or you can just script that you will get your desired appearance back any time you want hope you understand 😁😊
@@aftxrrlxfe Okay
Calm down blud
I just want a fellow good looking nose like hyunjin....and I just want to look like a boy because of my height among girls
Will this work with a yeji subliminal bcuz people say they look alike?!
Yes, it will unless they both have opposite affirmations to one thing :)
What does it mean to listen at least 30 minutes a day? I ask because the video is only 22 minutes long. (sorry for my bad English, I'm Spanish.)
I listen to the 4th day and wrinkles under the eyes began to appear, which create "bags" under the eyes, cool
I think it's called aegyo sal
Can you help me how do you get results so fast I need help
Does it work for non korean girls as well?😅
Okay apparently it does😊😊
It does🙃🙂💜
Can I have his skin tone too?
Fico imaginando eu parecendo que sou irmã gêmea do Hyunjin chegando na coreia e indo num fansing do Stray kids é quando fosse na hora do Hyunjin ele olha pra mim é fica tipo:" meu Deus essa garota é minha irmã gêmea só pode WTF" KKKKKK A FIC da gata
Tenho vontade de chorar toda vez que escuto esse áudio 🥺
@@amoakarina sim amiga vários
3 dislike hyunjin, kkami and jyp Hahaha
İlk baştaki şarkı hallevator
can you do one for jeongin pls
can girls listen to this?
Who want me to update ?
I am gonna update
what happened? haha
@@goliveaoty9882 sorry. i literally look exactly like him . Except those 👀 eyes. Now I become the girl crush of my school🥴
@tehya I listened it overnight for 10 days
@@Mikiraurr do have a picture for you, I just want to know if you really look like him...
@@urtoeslookyummy3501 look at his pfp
does this include his height ?
MARK DAPUCANTA no this is just has affirmations to make you look like him
Hwang Hyunjin ok cool 5’10 gap 1
@@ieatpeople-_- wow I’ve already found Minho, Chan, and now you Hyunjin stejsyekshk
@@atkjuni sthjbffyug
@@ieatpeople-_- asssjkiyfdsswettttt hyunjin hi
Me duele la cabeza 😐 me dio paja escribirlo en inglés xd
Escuchas esto?
T dio resultados?
Mori Abu daaa