Just some constructive criticism I realise you noticed that your camera was too close but some editing wouldn’t hurt either, I’ve seen the inside of your wallet many times, you googling a clock for ages and about 45 seconds of your shadow walking across the tarmac. Just trying to help
It was a new strap and it was way too close I was going to Bon this video as it was so bad hopefully next video will be better I’m not a pro nothing wrong with constructive criticism if I’m not told I don’t know
So glad I found your channel! I love these videos and this is my local!
good job tony .....
Can't believe that vintage picnic set was only £2 crazy prices on that stall
Where did you get the bag for your trolley please ?
Bought it at a car boot
Just some constructive criticism I realise you noticed that your camera was too close but some editing wouldn’t hurt either, I’ve seen the inside of your wallet many times, you googling a clock for ages and about 45 seconds of your shadow walking across the tarmac. Just trying to help
It was a new strap and it was way too close I was going to Bon this video as it was so bad hopefully next video will be better I’m not a pro nothing wrong with constructive criticism if I’m not told I don’t know
That mask must have been looking in the mirror for you
Unbelievable 😂😂