I came to US after finishing nursing school (SNU). I supported my husband to get PhD. He is a professor. I keep working on PRN position. Both we are 67 years old and keep working. I began to collect social security money and my husband get half of mine (spouse benefit), while he will begin to collect his social security money at age 70 (32% increase: 8%/year). Nursing is one of the most popular jobs. Whenever we moved, I have found a job within 1 week of application.
아내가 같이 다니는걸 싫어합니다 결국혼자 외롬 떠돌이신세 혼자놀수밖에 없다 우올증찾아오고 병원가서 약타먹고 아내한테 말도 못하고 자식도 전화도 하지않고 우울증 분명 찾아옵니다
고추배추재배해야누가 먹나요 고생만하지
요양보호사 강의하고 있는데 도움되는 좋은 정보 감사합니다..^^
명옥이 누나 여기서도 보내^^
I came to US after finishing nursing school (SNU). I supported my husband to get PhD. He is a professor. I keep working on PRN position. Both we are 67 years old and keep working. I began to collect social security money and my husband get half of mine (spouse benefit), while he will begin to collect his social security money at age 70 (32% increase: 8%/year). Nursing is one of the most popular jobs. Whenever we moved, I have found a job within 1 week of application.
일자리 없어요 무슨일??
장인어른같은분 없어요 일반화시키지 마세요
아프지 않으면 돈버는거다 건강이 중요하지요
Husband and wife both should work. Work gives value and benefit to oneself and others.
창업소리 하지마요큰일날 소리하네 100프로 망한다 절대 창업하지마라
장인어른? 어디서 개소리야. 현실에서 말이되는 소리냐?