FOOT BALL🏐⚽⚾🕹 & women revolution/ your action can bring a very good results, hope your plead for Assange, since he is in Jail. / and yes you can/ women's decade 2020/ 🍾🍾WOMEN POWER/ 📲💄 a lot of more fun than wars/ more creative artistic 🩰 while it is a lot more agréable 👒😉 than wars, the path to the garden 🥗of Eden .🍾🍾🍯🥨🍮😋 worlds peace 💞💕 Ambassador 👸/ make love not war.🤔 all that good that you can do for humanity. 🤔
А Коноплянка????
не, ну полюбому все по любви..))
Пацаны зарабатывают, девчонки тусят ✌💣💥
Где?Таблетки от жадности?)Такая речь))Настоящие женщины))
Жена степы хвойда
Шалави українських недофутболістів)
Kimi Covboy Чую від агро школоти яка не поважає футболістів на дівчат.
Блохин говорил - бабы и футбол не совместимы
А Ярмоленко
FOOT BALL🏐⚽⚾🕹 & women revolution/ your action can bring a very good results, hope your plead for Assange, since he is in Jail. / and yes you can/ women's decade 2020/ 🍾🍾WOMEN POWER/ 📲💄 a lot of more fun than wars/ more creative artistic 🩰 while it is a lot more agréable 👒😉 than wars, the path to the garden 🥗of Eden .🍾🍾🍯🥨🍮😋 worlds peace 💞💕 Ambassador 👸/ make love not war.🤔 all that good that you can do for humanity. 🤔