Jawar was supported the sea port agreement but he criticized that it was highly promoted by media before it matured. He recommened that it could be done without media promotion!!
Most Amhara society teach their children so many negative things about oromos and other southern people. That creates a barrier to have good friendly relationship with others. But in most societies families will not tell you such negative derogative ideas to their children. So Amhara society should learn to accept the equality of others to build harmonious relation with all ethiopian. The negative and chovinistic outlook creat difficulties to live peacefully with the people outside of its region. The funny thing is they want work in oromia by carrying this negative derogative ideas and hateful thought about oromos. They should change this absolute behaviour !!
God Bless you, Haileyesus. Meles Zenawi made Ethiopia permanently incapacitated by making it landlocked. He got a chance in 2000 to rectify his mistake, but he refused to claim Assab, at least in international court, which could have a plausible argument to get it as a legitimate outlet to see. Meles Zenawi is a killer of Ethiopia. He wanted to build the Tigrawi nation by weakening Ethiopia.
Brother did you use plane or Helicopter when you travel from Gojam to Jima. If it was a car you should have met Oromos in Selale Finfine or Weliso before reaching Jima
Haileyesus why you r judging all ransom done by Fano ? Even the one who you love Arega admitted that all ransoms are not done by Fano rather small vagabond group …. Moreover, are you denying BBC and so many international media exposed federal government officials are the one who blamed ransom ?
Ermiyase you are wrong when talking about Maths. Axiom, Theorem, Corollary, Postulate, Proposition, Lemma has some difference. Axiom is the a mathematical fact accepted without proof. All logics start from Axiom. .... Gin it looks you have the basic knowledge. Good
Why Ermias lying huh? Latter the only rigional state which directly sent to federal government is Tivray! National bank of Ethiopia recieved within half a year around 4 ton of gold. Benshangul adola etc ... tbey fail to tho why u always speak bad things in Tigray huh? Additionally you said that the only peaceful zone in amhara is wolkaite? Is wolkaite belongs to Amhara is that your thought and belivw ?
እይ ኤርምያስ ብለህ ብለህ የሚቅም ስው በምርቃና ዓይኑ የፈጠጠ ስው ታቀርብ ጀምር። በቃ ቆሌህ ራቀህ ማለት ነው።
Wise and mature analysis interesting
እየጠጣቹህ እና ያቺን ነገር እየሳባቹህ አትግቡ
Good job
Sumaalee Abboo - Jeneraal Waaqoo
ሀይለየሱስ ስለ ቅንነትህ እናመሰግናለን ቤተሰቦችህ ሰለ ኦሮሞ የነገሩህ እና በዓይን ያየሄው የተለያዩ መሆኑም መመስከርም መልካም ነው። ነገር ግን የዕዳውንም ሐሳብ ማወራረድ ተገቢ እንደሆነ በነካ እጅ ብትነግረን መልካም ነበር
ስለመተማው ጀብድ አውራ ፋኖ ብለህ ታጣቂ የምትለው አማራውን የናክ መስሎህነው የኦሮሙማ ፕላንነው አማራ ያሸንፍል
ሀ/እየሱስ የሜገርም ትንታኔ ስለ ስልጣን የሰጠኸዉ እወቀት
እናመሰገናለን ሀይሌ በዚህ መጠን ስለገለፅከኝ🙏
ስለ ህፃን ኬብሮን ከተገለፀው ላይ ምን አልባት ያሳሳትኩህ መረጃ የተጠየቀውና ለመክፈል የተሳማሙት ገንዘብ ተመሣሣይ አይደለም።
የተጠየቀው 2 ሚሊዮን መጨረሻ የተስማሙት 700 ሺ ብር ነው
ኤርሚያስ ብለን ነበር ብለን ነበር እያልክ አታደንቁረን የሚጠበቅ ነገር በመገመትህ ውዳሴና መታበይን ትፈልለህ የአቃጣሪ እንጂ የጋዜጠኛ ቅርፅ የለህም
አማራን ሳትይዙ ሞክሩት ያኔ እደማትችል ታዩታላችሁ
Prof Merara said " Oromo person in leadership, If not carefully handled & advise by habesha elites will commit serious mistake"
ህይለየሱስ ሰዎች አስተያየታቸው እንደ እእውቀትና ብስለት ደረጃቸው ነውና እንዳንድ ፅንፍ የያዙ ስዎች በሚሰጡት አስትያየት ቅሬታ ሊሰማህ አይግባም::ካንተ በመላው ማለት ይቻላል ለማንም ያልወገነ ፅንፍ ያልያዘ በሳልና እጅግ የሚጠቅሙ እይታዎችን እያመላከተን ነውና ቀጥልበት::
ኃ/የሱስ በጣም ጎበዝ ጥሩ ዕይታና የማይወዥቅ አቋም ያለው ሰው ነው ኤርሚያስም እኮ ደህና እውቀት አለህ ነገር ግን በህወሃት ጉዳዬ የማይደራደርበት አቋሙ ሁሌም ብዙ ሰዎችን ያበሳጫል ህወሀትን ከእናት አባቱ በላይ ይወዳታል አልፎም ያመልካታል አይሌ ኤርሚያስ አቋሙን እንዲያስተካክል ምከረው በተረፈ በጋራ የምታቀርቡት እጅግ ምርጥ ትምህርት ሰጪ ትንተና ናቸው በርቱ
አማራ ከሐገሩ ኢትዮጲያ የትም አትገነጠልም !!!
After long periods of time what I learned about Oboo Ermias is he never ever liked the unity of Ethiopia.
Jawar was supported the sea port agreement but he criticized that it was highly promoted by media before it matured. He recommened that it could be done without media promotion!!
ድንቅ እትዮጵያዊ
I think this media become another Walta and Fana
ተገለባባጭው ኤርሚያስ ዋቅጅራ
So genuin media
ደስ ሲል አቢችዬ አጋች ሆነ አይፋኖ ጌጃ
000000 brain ay ga.............
ኤርሚያስ ሃሜተኛው የሰዎችን privacy
በምርቃና አይኑ ፈጣጣ
I really always think of why Eritrean president refuses the use of Aseb port by Ethiopia big beneficiary being Eritrea.
ድመት ምን ብትመነኩስ አመሏን! አሉ!
ይህ ከው እያወራ ያለው ያው እንደ ዘመዶቹ ለጀዋር ያለውን ጥላቻ ይህቺን አጋጣሚ በመጠቀም ጥላቻ መግለፅ ያስተዛዝባል፡፡
ሀይለየሱስ ዛሬ ብዙም አልተመቸኸኝም ከርዕስ እየወጣህ ረዝም ማብራሪያ ዉስጥ ትገባለህ። ለሌላዉ አላቅም ለኔ ግን በጣም አሰልቺ አቀራረብ ነበር😢
የአብይ ቦዲጋርድ ለመሆን ነው የሚደነፋው 😂😂😂
የእናንተ ሀሳብ ምንም ጥቅም የሌለው እንቶ ፈንቶ የካድሪነት የአገልጋይነት የሎሌነት የባንዳነት አገልግሎት ክፍያ ብቻ ነው። ግን እውነት ምንጊዜም እውነት ነው። ደነዞች ለትንሽ ጊዜ ነው ድራሻችሁ ይጠፋል
Jawar didnt talk that killer of Hachalu is naftenya. Others may talk on OMN not Jawar nor Bekele Gabra.
ኤርሚያስ በጣም ነው የምናመሰግነው ሐ/እየሱስን የመሰለ ጨዋ ጨዋ ጨዋ ሰው ስላሰማኀን_👍
Most Amhara society teach their children so many negative things about oromos and other southern people. That creates a barrier to have good friendly relationship with others. But in most societies families will not tell you such negative derogative ideas to their children. So Amhara society should learn to accept the equality of others to build harmonious relation with all ethiopian. The negative and chovinistic outlook creat difficulties to live peacefully with the people outside of its region. The funny thing is they want work in oromia by carrying this negative derogative ideas and hateful thought about oromos. They should change this absolute behaviour !!
ሀጫሉ ሲገደል ህዝቡ ለአርቲስቱ ስላለው ሆ ብሎ ተነስቷል እንጂ በጀዋር ጥሪ አልነበረም፡፡
Shintame hula why you don't talk about oromo ,????????????????
Eritrean president was so humbling during his visit to Ethiopia I find him that he is jelous of our nation and negative minded personality
God Bless you, Haileyesus. Meles Zenawi made Ethiopia permanently incapacitated by making it landlocked. He got a chance in 2000 to rectify his mistake, but he refused to claim Assab, at least in international court, which could have a plausible argument to get it as a legitimate outlet to see. Meles Zenawi is a killer of Ethiopia. He wanted to build the Tigrawi nation by weakening Ethiopia.
ስንት ቀን እናንተን ማግኘት ፈልጌ መቸ ትመልሳላችሁ?
You are before number zero
ሁለታችሁም የማትረቡ የብልፅግና ዳይፐር ቀዳዶች ናችሁ😂😂😂😂
Brother did you use plane or Helicopter when you travel from Gojam to Jima. If it was a car you should have met Oromos in Selale Finfine or Weliso before reaching Jima
ግም ለግም አብረህ አዝግም ይልሀል እንዲ ነው😂
ልክ፡ ኃ/ኢየሱስ፡ ስለ፡ ኦሮሞ፡ እንዳለው ምሳሌ፤ ፈረንጅ፡ አገር፡ ስመጣ፡ መሬቱ፡ እንኳን፡ ልዩ፡ ነው፡ እል፡ ነበር! የፈረንጅ፡ ድሃ፡ አላስብም፡ ነበር! የተገላቢጦሽ፡ አጋጠመኝ! በደል፤ ግፍ፤ ድህነት፤ ሱስ ሰካራም፤ ሴቶችን፡ መግደል፡ አለ። ግን፡ ስልጣኔ፡ ነፃነት፤ በረከት፡ ሰጠኝ!
No Mesay and Andargachew Tsige do not represent Amahara Fano
Plz make deep analysis than this low down...
Er ydebral gojam metkel oromowchi alhu abreh adgehe tmerhe alawkem atebel
የራስህ ያሆነ ነገር መፈለግ ዋጋ ያስከፍላል
የራስህ ያልሆነ ነገር መፈለግ ዋጋ ያስከፍላል
ጥላቻ አይምሮህን ዜሮ አድርጎት እንጂ ያለባህር መኖር ይቻላል ኤርትራ የባህር በር ኖራት ምን አገኘች ጥላቻ ነው የሚያርበተብትህ ሀይለየሱስ ጎረኛ😂😂😂😂
ከኤርሚያስ ጋር የሚተነትነው ሰውዮ የድሮ "ልመነን" ልመነ ሳያረጅ።
Haileyesus why you r judging all ransom done by Fano ? Even the one who you love Arega admitted that all ransoms are not done by Fano rather small vagabond group …. Moreover, are you denying BBC and so many international media exposed federal government officials are the one who blamed ransom ?
Ermiyase you are wrong when talking about Maths. Axiom, Theorem, Corollary, Postulate, Proposition, Lemma has some difference. Axiom is the a mathematical fact accepted without proof. All logics start from Axiom. .... Gin it looks you have the basic knowledge. Good
አንተ ጥንብ የጠነባህ አሽቃባጭ ማን እንዳያምኖት ነው ቀዳዶ😊😊
Why Ermias lying huh? Latter the only rigional state which directly sent to federal government is Tivray! National bank of Ethiopia recieved within half a year around 4 ton of gold. Benshangul adola etc ... tbey fail to tho why u always speak bad things in Tigray huh? Additionally you said that the only peaceful zone in amhara is wolkaite? Is wolkaite belongs to Amhara is that your thought and belivw ?
You are zero