I agree with the tm155, but for the same money as a big fendt (930), you could get a Top spec MF8690, u really think theres much difference, they look identical in the cab, and the MF has the better suspension and more HP.... i seen them side by side at the highland show, i would have definatly chose the MF from the look of the machines
Excellent vid! Love the fact that there's no music over it, that you're getting all the sounds of the equipment.....
its awesome set up , love the sound.
Great video!
great vid!
hard to beat the TM series
where are the rubber strips on the bottom of the trailer doors?
I agree with the tm155, but for the same money as a big fendt (930), you could get a Top spec MF8690, u really think theres much difference, they look identical in the cab, and the MF has the better suspension and more HP.... i seen them side by side at the highland show, i would have definatly chose the MF from the look of the machines
Great vid mate.And thanks for mentioning me.I wonder when he will change the tm155's for something like a t6080.Did roger change his forager.
any idea why this video appears distorted? It happens me when I upload some of mine
ye were going slow in nurney today i was driving a wagon we were at silage too had ye a wet field
that would explain all da new hollands
dat man nos how 2 pick good machinary ders a perry man dat sells new holland up dat country is he any relation??