Anti Roman protests were not the reason Titus was given the job of besieging Jerusalem, but because Jewish Zealots ambushed and wiped out an entire Roman legion of 6000. That’s what really pissed off the Romans. As a historian analyzing causation that’s a pretty huge difference.
Bro didn’t even watch the video. There were 2 main reasons that they were kicked out of places, disagreements with other religious groups (mainly the Catholic Church) and also that powerful countries saw them as uncooperative. But I guess people on the far right tend to be rather naive so you keep believing misinformation if you want 🤷♂️
@evildead9708 it's not. If everyone is in a room and everyone got bit by a mosquito equally then sure. Not if 109 mosquitoes only bite one person and left pretty much everyone else alone. There's something else going on...
Often when there is dissent expressed in the United States against policies of the Israeli government, people here are called anti-Semitic. What is your response to that as an Israeli Jew? Shulamit Aloni replied: “Well, it’s a trick, we always use it. When from Europe somebody is criticizing Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country people are criticizing Israel, then they are anti-Semitic.” - Former Israeli Minister of Education Shulamit Alone
@@lynnmeyers10 If you allow it to be. Now days I think most people see it for what it is. It is thrown around so much that it has become like calling someone a "racist." Those words have lost their effectiveness.
Jews are perceived as a religion without a God, which is not true. Every other faith has a God who is openly revered. I still see no reason to hate them for their belief even if I disagree with their approach to other Gods.
---Antisemitism s just an ambiguous, manipulative and dangerous word to use 1- Semites are not only Jews, but Arabs, Jews, Akkadians, and Phoenicians 2- The most majority of Jews in this world are from Europe (mainly Russia, Ukraine, Poland---
THe idea that Jews have always been especially persecuted is, firstly a Jewish religious idea, that precedes Jewish behavior because it helps to determine it by dehumanizing non-Jews and giving Jews a reason to mistreat them.
The bulldozing of homes, racist collective punishment, open air concentration camps, genocide, apartheid, and settlement land theft by Israel was not addressed in this video.
@paulmayo2948 explain crazies. Many people are now tuning in to Nick Fuentes and Dr E. Micheal Jones. We've come to realize who really runs the state department, our culture, academia, and even the pornography industry.
@@stephenwhorton4942 not taking any particular side, crazies are just crazy opinions. But Nick would be an educated crazy and anyone who takes him seriously at the very least has their toe in the water.
800,000 Israelis attended this guy’s funeral. “Israeli Sephardi leader says non-Jews exist to serve Jews BY J. CORRESPONDENT | OCTOBER 22, 2010 Israeli Sephardic leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef in his weekly Saturday night sermon on Oct. 16 said that non-Jews exist to serve Jews. "Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the people of Israel," he said during a public discussion of what kind of work non-Jews are allowed to perform on Shabbat. "Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi [lord and master] and eat," he said to some laughter. Yosef, who recently turned 90, is the spiritual”
Another example of an obtuse man voicing his personal views. No shortage of those in the world. You don't judge a nation by one of its member's pronouncements. Ever hear of a black sheep? Would you condemn the whole family for his/her misdeeds?
There are nut cases in every group, whether religious, ethnic or political. Who cares what this one individual says. He is speaking for himself and no one else. Check the global media headlines and see what dangerous nonsense national leaders in much more influential positions spew out.
They are the orgnial.slave master by sell for profit gain of power of people of the world to claim and control land aminals,bird creature fish whales dolphin diamonds gold and all minerals.
@@siegfriedsassoon5071you understand that people in Asia dont cut their pp. And they dont have smegma. You know they have the ability to clean? Who knew?
@goofygoober1601 it is a barbaric act. It is a blood sacrifice. It is meant to dull the sensation and make sex not pleasurable. Rabbi Mai monidies says that. It is not some hygiene practice. Why does most of Asia not do it? Now some people in Asia do it because they're mimicking white people without thinking. There is no benefit to it. All hygiene can be maintained without it.
There's a bit more to 'usury' than merely lending of money at high interest rates. It has more to do with the conjuring up out of thin air of currency to be loaned out at interest, as in the practice of 'fractional reserve lending', via the use of 'promissory notes' (or 'credit') as a replacement for real money (i.e. actual gold and silver), and then charging interest on 'money' which was never real in the first place.
I am seriously over hearing about the ‘hand wringing poor us’ story. I come from the eastern suburbs of Sydney and they have taken over and think they run the show. This is Australia and we give people a fair go until they prove they aren’t worth it. If anyone wants some examples, I am happy to go into great detail.
As for Russia. There was absolutely no anti-semitism in Russia up to the time of Katherine the Great. Simply because there was miserable amount of jews in the Russian Emprire. Actually, at the time of Peter the Great some jews even took very high positions in the government. What happened at the time of Katherine the Great? Right, the division of Poland between Russian Emprire, Austrian Empire and Prussia. And in Poland millions of jews lived. So suddenly, there were millions of jews in the Russian Empire. And all those jews lived in cities and towns. A jew being a peasant was absolute nonsense. The bulk of them were small handlers. But Russia at the time was a deeply feudal agrarian state. It lacked behind Europe by a century at least in the social development. Suffice it to mention Russian serfdom - actually, slavery - which was abandoned in Europe long ago. And what wanted all those jews? Yes, they wanted to live in the big cities of the Russian Empire. Very simple: there are some resources in the new land, they aren't taken yet, and we want them to take. So suddenly the Russian government faced a huge influx of jews in big Russian cities which didn't have any useful skills in the deeply agrarian and feudal country. And this influx was highly unwanted. It's hard to say was this unwanted consequence of the division of Poland envisaged or not. But it urgently demanded solution. And the Russian government didn't find any better solution than simply to "freeze" the situation prohibiting jews to settle in big Russian cities. The.countryside was out of the question naturally - no peasant jews. The government simply wanted that jews stayed where they are. This policy had been only partially successful and in any case by the 20th century it radicalized the jews very much
@@colder5465 The Jews not working the land is interesting. I have letter from around 1941 from a nurse in a British hospital in Palestine. She talks about 500 young European Jews who were given visa to enter Palestine to work the land. The locals taught them how to farm, grow tea and they shared their homes with them. The British erected housing for them. Probably demountable to at least give them separate housing. I am simply not going to comment on how that situation deteriorated over the war years because it’s all very sad. Needless to say, the Palestinians lost out as more European Jews arrived. The British wounded missed out because of the influx of those people too. The Palestinians would bring fresh fruits and vegetables to the hospital, but the European imports saw a bargaining chip and bought the produce off the locals and sold it at a very high price to the hospital. In one letter the nurse said, I hope they all go home when this (the war) is over. They never did. The rest is history.
@@User-jr7vfI’m pretty sure he didn’t, people tend to put his name under any controversial statement - as if the man wasn’t cunning and experienced enough to not say anything this provocative in his interviews, books and speeches. I’m Greek, and for years there was this fake rumor circulating all across the Greek internet, but even in newspaper and books, that apparently Kissinger had said that “we need to destroy Greek language in order to tame and control the unruly Greek spirit”… Lowlife nationalist love such stuff.
@@smudgeyarksha3514but there were people there. It wasn’t a land without people. And what’s happening now is abhorrent. Unfortunately they’ve forced a connection between ALL Jews and Israel and Israel is committing a genocide.
@@saniasaeed9698 Get over your BS talking points, Israel is not commiting Genocide. Hezbollah attacks and kills Israeli civilians, woman, men, children, babies ripped out of mother's. Civilians kidnapped. Israel asks for prisoners back....nothing, Israel warns civilians in Gaza get out cos where coming to those who attacked us and took our people, hezbollah take their own people and use them as shields, their own people even support Hez, this is not genocide. In all war and military actions these gonna be civilian casualties it doesn't mean Israel is targeting civilians. If they are commiting Genocide, then America and Britain and their allies have committed genocide too since the first gulf war and even before then. Obviously your uneducated and you believe everything your told, you obviously you don't know history, and it's obvious you don't do your own research, therefore you're not just uneducated but misinformed too!
Are they not persecuting Palestinians? Selling this anti-semitic perpertual victim story is so tired, they must also take responsibility for what they did and stop selling victimhood!
Why, yes they are. But that's not the root cause. It's their bloody Zionist belief that they are better than everyone else, because they are "God's Chosen". Even Zionist Christians hate Zionist Jews. Go figure.
I thought Semitic peoples are Arabs, Akkadians, Canaanites, Hebrews, some Ethiopians (including the Amhara and the Tigrayans), and Aramaean tribes and that Anti Semitism applies to all of the above in terms of racism and not religious oppression or hatred which we could name Anti Judaism? nevertheless, interesting and informative stuff, tricky to deliver and understand.
The term/ concept originated in Germany/ Austria. It is a German term. It is term/ concept intrinsically linked to German history. Please look up the origin of the concept/ term - it is well documented. Germans/ Austrians clearly had a special problem and hatred towards their Jewish minority. The term/ concept is linked to the persecution of German/ Austrian/ European Jews. It is a German term by its very origin. Stop historical revisionism!
@@Lorenz1973that doesn't make any sense. It should have been anti judiasim like the previous commenter stated. Semitic people come from desert lands they are not European.
Jewish people are targeted, because EVERYONE is targeted, there just isn’t a formal name for discrimination against Black people, Asian people, Native Americans, etc. etc. etc. Yes Jewish people were treated badly for years, just like millions of American Black people were enslaved and mistreated, so were were tribal natives, just like Asians were placed in concentration and reeducation camps. It has happened to everyone across all history
Even whites were persecuted at some point in history,the world is not always serene & beautiful,world lives by the sword & thousand years of human history is witness to that,all this hatred,violence, grudge ain't going anywhere,this will exist as long as humanity does,this is the truth.
Criticizing Israel, and especially the Netanyahu government, for its ruthless treatment of Palestinians has nothing to do with Antisemitism. We Americans should be disgusted with our Congress for promulgating that nonsense.
Perhaps not on paper, but it has everything to do with anti-zionism, and there is very little distinction between the two. Most Jews are Zionists, which in simple terms means they are in favor of the existence of a safe Jewish state where they are not hated or persecuted. Know a nation who doesn't want that?
The West always needs a scapegoat. It used to be Jews, now it’s Muslim Arabs. In the name of protecting the Jews, they will repeat history and commit genocides and persecutions of another people again.
I hope that this video will clarify for those who need clarification, that those of us who are angry and sickened by the actions of Israel towards Palestinians is NOT antisemitism. It has NOTHING to do with the religion or heritage of those supporting and carrying out the genocide of innocent Palestinians. I have to say though that it’s pretty ironic that Israel is the loudest when it comes to racism, yet see nothing wrong with being racist towards others.
Today Arabs control 22 countries roughly the size of the United States but there is only one Jewish State, the size of New Jersey. So why are Arab Muslims still fighting over 1/4 of Palestine? In 1920s, 1/2 of Palestine was given to create the state of Jordan where 70% of Arab Palestine currently live. 1/4 was given to the Jews to create the Jewish State. The other 1/4 was rejected. If the Arabs of Palestine accepted the resolution of 1948, they would control 3/4 of Palestine. But that not what they want. The Arab Muslims want all of Palestine, not 3/4 of it. So the real question is why? In 634 CE, Islam conquered Palestine by Rashidun Caliphate. For Muslims, Palestine is now an Islamic land, only for Muslims. Palestine is no longer Jewish or Christian land. Hence, they have a duty to god to liberate the land and aka “clean the land”. Once they get rid of the Jews, would they turn their attention to Spain which was once considered Islamic land? It is amazing how Muslims were able to retain all the lands conquered during the Islamic conquest. The only thing they lost is 1/4 of Palestine and all of Spain.
You can’t just read the Talmud - it takes years to read all 63 tractates and decades to truly understand them. Even Judaism scholars don’t have a good grasp of it.
@@CarlLiddle89 is it true that there is a passage in the Talmud, called Mennah or similar, where it says that an adult male can have intercourse with a 3 year old girl?
@@cliomuse1206don't worry your polish prime minister straight up said amalek can you tell us what amalek means? Or do I need to tell everyone what amalek means?
@ hahahaha, my god you all talk the same - you are like a copy of a copy of a copy. Every single last one of you that I’ve encountered has 2 verses about Jesus from the Talmud, talks about Amelek, quotes the Elders of Zion. Every. Single. One. Do any of you have a single original thought, or you only parrot obscure YT black pillers that claim to know “the truth”? 😂 I know what Amalek means, and I know you think you know what it means. For what it’s worth, I pity your lot - I’ve never encountered people of such functional illiteracy that are convinced of their intellectual superiority. It’s incredibly sad to see. Which explains why you need a scapegoat for your failures.
well there weren't no real causes. Its just people think Jews killed Jesus and Jews are subhuman or just aliens or anything else. There pretty much been mistreated for over 1000 years for nothing. I am not religious so don't make me seem I am Jewish, i am not one. Jews were blamed for lot things by both Christians, Muslims and N@zs
When one group of people believe that everyone else are "mud people" created only to serve them and that there is no sin or moral bar in commiting murder, theft, dishonesty, sa etc against every other people then they're bound to catch some hate
To this day a lot of people believe that their lives are more valuable then the lives of SOME Jews and that Jews are only good as victims and not as those who are able to properly stand for themselves.
I was hoping you were going to include the story of Cliffords Tower in York England in 1190. The King gave them protected status and they became moneylenders as the Christian population were forbidden from usury at the time. The city rioted against these Jews so they all locked themselves in the Castle assuming the King's protection. They were given the choice of converting to Christianity to free themselves but most chose to commit suicide instead.
The Crusaders borrowed money from the Jewish money lenders to go to the Crusades. Many expected never to return but those who did, had to repay the loan. They refused and started to persecute the Jews who lent them money so they didn't have to repay the loans.
As a Jew, I’ve never even heard of that but that’s wilddddd 😬😬 but I mean, then again why would he put that in here if it wasn’t about antisemitism ? Also-also, I’m surprised Jewish ppl during that time would go commit the sin of taking your own life cuz generally jewish people were more religious in the past than they are today and so from what I’ve learned, judiasm also happens wasn’t what it is today- as in there were different Jewish tribes with their own unique version of the traditions etc throughout the world and Judaism eventually became the broad term as the religious tribes sort of melted/shifted into one modern-ish religion (Judah’s tribe is the closest to modern judiasm basically) BUT this kind of makes sense becuase there were certain pseudo-Jewish tribes in history that I’ve read about, that had certain ‘different’ or outdated traditions or practices that don’t exist today, and maybe that was one of the practices idk lol this is honestly Me just sharing some theories I have on this because it’s such a weird story and considering I went to a private Jewish school from kindergarten To 8th grade (yes I went to a normal public school for high school so I sort of balanced out into a more self aware and less sheltered version of myself lol) anyway idk why I just added an entire novel to my theory but I am gonna go to bed ✌🏼✌🏼
This is a decent start, but there is so much more. For those of us who are not Jewish, a very good introduction to the complexity of this issue is "The Source" by James Michener. I read it back in the mid 70's and I still find that concepts Michener addressed are useful to understanding events of today. In addition, the expulsion from Judea and the dispersing of the Jews throughout the Roman Empire by the Romans plays a significant part in this issue and should not be underestimated.
A decent start? .... I'm not sure abt that as a semite (Shemite) is one whose mother tongue is one of five semetic language groups. Sorry but the semites of the middle east also include arabs and if yiddidh is your mother tongue you are not semetic. It's not rocket science.
Well seeing as in many countries they were banned from owing property and denied education ,or employment they got by as best they could by lending money
@@milDelux You can't disadvantage people with the same kind of grit the Jews have the more you hate them or abuse them the more they keep bouncing back , it is as if the very hatred people like you have for them founded on envy of course becomes the fuel they run on taking them to the top lol
@@plantyriver it’s nice to hear that many Jews don’t support Israeli atrocities and the ongoing genocide in Gaza . Why would I bear any prejudice towards the whole race , I am only drawing attention to the unspeakable atrocities , the savagery of Israel’s deadly rampage in Gaza . But sadly because of Netanyahu’s own conduct and incendiary statements and also those by his extremist , xenophobic ministers and by many Israeli social influencers ,who segregate people into “us” and “them”, the people (race) gets the blame .
It is, the Persian who are known today as Iranians are semetic and I think the Egyptians are as well but semetic is anyone who is descendant of Abraham but biblically Persians are definitely semetic which actually could be the (Indo European) population.
It is... it actually refers to the speakers of a group of languages, known as 'Semitic' languages, rather than to a particular racial group... and in any case, 'Jews' are NOT a 'racial group'... nor even a 'national group'. The notion that they are is a fiction promoted by Theodore Hertzl in order to further his Zionist ambitions. Judaism is a RELIGION, not a nationality, nor a race! But Zionists generally don't like this to be known because, a) most of them are actually agnostic or atheistic, and b) it doesn't serve their ambitions for a land of their 'own'.
Exactly, they don’t really talk about the god that Jews worship is Yahweh, who is a lesser god than the God who created the universe. The god who called for animal and human sacrifices, division amongst nations and war. The god who demands to be feared and is jealous, wrathful, vengeful and self centered. This is why the Jews killed Jesus, because they didn’t want the people to turn against them and follow the one true God. The Divine Source of all creation.
@@lynnmeyers10 Correct. In fact the common reasons all instigators of war are actually THEFT. The desire to STEAL another countries wealth or in the cause of Ukraine, it's RESOURCES.
Can you find parallels between the persecution of Jews and the ill treatment of Sinti and Roma? In the past the European cultures defined themselves according to their borders. Jews and sinti & Roma did not fit in these patterns, which attributed to their social exclusion. Nazi Germany was the horrific climax of a very long suffering. I don’t think that you can pin it down to one event, but instead that the people excluded from society are used as scapegoats, oftentimes
Karl Marx spoke about this, he called it 'The Jewish question' you could argue it relates to Roma and other self exclusionary groups, basically how can the state accommodate and include a self exclusionary people in the state if their culture and practices are so outside it, referring of course to his theory of communism. He later wrote those that do not accept it should burn in a revolutionary Holocaust. This is the thing that I find hard to grasp, Karl Marx a Jew writes the communist manifesto, Giovanni Gentile a Jew writes the Fascist manifesto, the symbiosis creates national socialism that then kills 6 million Jews. I think there is a pathology and an intellectualism with Jewish thought, Ashkenazim Jews score the highest in IQ tests, There is something about the Jews that both brilliant and so destructive at the same time. You can look at Islam and Christianity at the same time and figure it out, but the Jews are an enigma.
Just one point and question. In terms of ethnicity, Arabs are also considered Semitics, aren’t they? Why does the term antisemitic is usually apply only to Jews?
in a sense you're right, the word "antisemitic" was coined as far back as the 1800 by Moritz Steinschneider in response to the views of an orientalist who deemed all forms of Semitic people as "inferior", the term "Semite" would later be used by Prussian nationalists in opposition to the Jews living there, however it would not refer to Arabs or any other Semitic people, only Jews. this later got adopted by the Nazis who would use the same word, "Semite", to refer to Jews specifically, and people who would be of opposition to it would simply put "anti" before the word. due to this the term "antisemitism" started to be coined mostly towards Jews, its simply a natural modification of the meaning of a word. for example, the word "Guy" which by definition is a male person, was first used as a way to describe someone as having a "frightful figure" which then naturally evolved. it can also be taken into account that a majority of Arabs (93%) practice the Islamic faith, which has it's own word "Islamophobia" coined. so by definition you can for example call someone antisemitic if they are racist towards an Arab, but it would just be confusing because the first thing that pops up into someones head would be a Jew.
Semitic people sent used anymore to refer to ethnicity. The term antisemitic refers specifically to hatred of Jews whether you like it or not, that’s what the word means. Arguing the semantics and trying to insist that you can’t be antisemitic if you are a Semite is stupid and misses the point.
He never converted. He was a Jew and a follower of the rabbi called Jesus. The Romans separated completely from the Jewish ideal to unite the empire under Constantine. Jesus never intended for his teachings to foster a new religion that wanted their forebears murdered and mutilated as he was a Jew.
@@raphaelzigelnik3584 that's complete B.S. Zionists don't have a right to lecture on Christianity because all they do is lie and manipulate. Jesus had fundamental disagreements with Judaism, the most important being that all people were equal and that the Pharisees and scribes were no more important to God than ordinarily people.
@raphaelzigelnik3584 PAUL did convert. He taught and converted Greeks.He was converted on the road to Damascus. He was a Christian Jew. In olden times it was to Romans a Jewish sect. Then Europe converted and in time and sadly were nominal Christians, like many became later with empty churches now. That is what made Germans Nazis--secular German Nazis--secularism, saying and feeling like they weren't really involved in Christianity, like all the Nazi bigwigs and many Germans. Goebbels, Goring, Himmler, Heydrich, Bormann, and many others were not really Christian. It made it easy to persecute Jews and Christians--Protestants and Catholics.
People in general reacts to cruelty, betrayal, lie, massacre, land stealing, destruction of cities, killing of children; this does not mean they are anti*****, they are just people of high consciousness, awaken people… good people.🍉
Sure. Where were all these good people when hundres of thousands of innocent civilians were displaced, killed and maimed, homes and cities destroyed, and yes babies killed in Syria, Sudan and Yemen, to name just a few genocidal events happening now under your nose in the Middle East. Not a peep from the concerned people with high moral conscience. Bring Israel and the Jews into the mix, and the world goes wild.
So what are there some 15 million or so Jewish people in the entire world? What’s that .002 percent of the population of the Earth? Incredible how much discourse there is about them… when you think about it.
@johnhough9593 Exactly. Especially when you incite the whole world against whites based on their declining number. As their example shows, it's not the numbers (see Africa, good 'numbers' yet a low IQ cesspool) but the power they hold.
They exploit capitalism and create division all over the place with religion and politics!! and have cried about history for thousands of years. To this day in politics Antisemitism is used to deter any competition! It’s that easy.. 💵💴💵💵💵💵💴💵💰💴💴💵🥶
Imagine me being kicked out/ fired from all jobs in my history, lets just say over 100. Logically, we can assume i am the problem as i am the common denominator. But no lets blame everything other than me, because its not my beliefs and my actions.
European persecution of religious minorities was not confined to the Jews. Other religious minorities such as the Mennonites were also persecuted and all but disappeared in Europe and the Ukraine. It is easy to blame the "other" for your own problems.
It wasn't just Europeans, it was everywhere. Persecution of racial, ethnic, religious, and political minorities has been happening throughout history and in every part of the world.
It's funny these anti-jews prouding themselves as being goys(non-jew) meanwhile they mistreat and kick out other minorities who are not even jewish. Like the italians, serbians, protestants, and slavics. Than again, an anti-jew's motto is, "you're not white if you don't hate a jew"
I always emphasized with the jews.. especially because of the holocaust and because in central europe you learn in history only about this part .. two years ago i started researching about the ongoing conflict in mideast and was shocked that I didn‘t knew anything about it before they don‘t teach it at schools I was mindblown and see them from a different point of view now
When you can’t talk bad or against a group of people , will make realize is because they have controlled a large part history , society’s brainwashing and manipulation. As a Christian we are the most tolerant people and we are taken as a joke . Jewish people have not accepted Jesus and won’t be saved . The day of judgement will come .
and unfortunately the Jew cannot never bring himself to to the truth that it’s his own grotesque unacceptable behavior tyat causes bad things to happen,always everyone else’s fault but themselves a time honored excuse
When you call your group "God's Chosen People", that makes the rest of the none members "Gods' Rejected People", as they say, there lies the Rub......................
Jewish Sunday schools teach that Jews are "Gods Chosen People" because God chose them to receive the Ten Commandments. (Which is true.) Anti-Jewish sources which are prejudiced don't believe that. There are people who like to hate.
They were chosen to spread the word of God but chose it for themselves and then God sent Jesus who they denied.then the Christians took over as the chosen people, then they believed him to be God so another prophet was sent the seal of the prophets peace and blessings be upon them all. He told them also we're Christians and jews went wrong, and now Muslims are the chosen as long as they uphold the laws. It has always been that way. They were chosen first and beloved but not anymore as they rejected the prophets who they even went to Kedar to seek out. Their ethnic supremcist ideology worked against them yet again. Muslims do not have this. Everyone is equal..the only one who knows our worth is God. And he reads the hearts of his creation and we will be judged accordingly. But we Muslims don't go around we are's a title to go propergate the faith tell people about the creator and be grateful for the blessings he instills on all his creation wether they believe or not. Don't hate the people hate their actions..
I don't see how they claim to be God's chosen people when Moses came down the mountain with the 10 Commandments, in which one of them states " Thou shall not kill" but yet they engage in the killing of innocent women and children in Gaza on a daily basis HYPOCRITES!
Agreed! The basic premise of this video is incorrect. At 00:55, he claims that "Anti-Semitism is the hostility to or prejudice against Jewish people." Jewish people, just like Arabic people descend from the Semitic tribes, which includes the Akkadians, Phoenicians.. Therefore any act against any person descended from these tribes is anti-semitic; for example the Zionist Terrorist attacks on Palestinians, is anti-semitic. It is also evil. #FreePalestineFromTheZionistTerrorists #Fromtherivertothesea
The word antisemitism, has nothing to do with ssemites. The word was coined in 1880 by Whilliam Mar to name his aversion to Jews. Not to semites, to jews
@atidfelixcastillo-najerala6891 Thanks much for this. Wilhelm Mar, a German agitator who coins a phrase in the 1880 that is basically as inaccurate as his hate. He created a phrase which the Jewish Community uses today to define people who oppress members of the Jewish faith...very Interesting, indeed.
I think a lot of the comments below are very worthwhile reviewing. This is a very sad issue for the world and humanity. It is tribalism out of control and protected by religion or other common beliefs. It is human nature. All tribes have their unique characteristic. Inability to blend with other tribes is a threat to tribal identity, birds of a feather, etc. It is deeply ingrained and practiced constantly, everywhere. It is fear of difference. The greater the difference, the greater the fear. That is the great human challenge for us all. ... And we better get on it.
@Turbohh What is a challenge? Your comment is so touchy-feely yet a bit confusing. Antisemitism exists for a good reason. And tribalism is a huge part of it. Especially when it comes to world power.
Is it fear of difference that animates the lefties and communists to suppress all counter-arguments to their leftist Utopian one-world government vision (usually by employing mob mentality and violence)? If tribalism is 'human nature' why do you seek to change that? Oh I got it... it's because you know what's 'best' for everybody.
You don't need to be tribal to see what's happening in Gaza. If you don't like seeing children's bodies stacked up like firewood, then you might be antisemitic by this point. Unfortunately, it's taken the world so long to see the truth, we're past the point of no return. Too many people have swallowed their lies.
Everyone should look at Palestine pre-zionism when Muslims, Christians & jews lived there in peace together. Zionism is a cancer on this region & the reason for over a hundred years of conflict.
I believe this story teller forgets that a jew killing a non jew is not considered murder according to the Talmud. The disparity that these texts entitle are perverse and despicable.
The Levon affair as well. I'm actually surprised that there's some honesty here with the quarrel between the Babylonians and the Jews, the Jews and the Romans ect.
@@koschmx Oh there’s tons of evidence, Bnai Brith members and ADL founders owned the Dallas Textiles Building where the first two shots were fired. They invited him down to Dallas.
Because unfortunately groups such as the ADL use it as a tool to perpetuate a victim hood and a need for the ethnonational apartheid state that is Israel. I am not antisemitic I'm actually married to a Jewish man of eastern european descent. However you can not be both a religion and a race. The Hebrews were a tribe so maybe considered a racial ethnic group like Italians or Russians. It's questionable. However those people if any are descendants are most likely the indigenous people of Palestine who converted to Islam or Christianity over the centuries. The Israelis are mostly, not all, but mostly eastern european descendants of turkic eurasian people who converted to Judaism. Some say they are are specifically Talmudic jews or secular jews but I can not speak on that. Need more research.
I could not determine the author of this video's sympathy or antipathy towards the Jews. Also, what role did the Jewish feeling of 'chosen by God' and exclusivity played in aggravating anti-Jewish sentiments and animosity. .
Occult Fascism vs. Cultural Fascism will always be in each other’s neck for Control of the human psyches through Grand Narratives, hence the variety of religions and other authoritarian ideologies today (Osho). 🙏😊
There is a distinction between antisemitism before and after the holacaust and the establishment of the state of Israel. Before world war 2 antisemitism was an irrational, racist ideology. Combined with nazism, antisemitism became a genocidal ideology. After the creation of Israel, the term is overused and misused by the Israeli state propaganda. The term is applied to anyone who criticises aspects of the Israeli state policies. If somebody disapproves Idi Amin's policies, it doesn't mean that he/she is a racist towards coloured persons. The same goes with Netanyahu, the Jewish settlers of the West Bank, the messianic fanatics etc. By criticising them I DO NOT become an antisemite.
I enjoyed the content of this video. Ive often asked myself why are Jews persecuted. Alas I fail to understand why antisemites use such taxonomies to justify their negative anti-jewish beliefs and values. Are we non jews missing something? In a more rounded sense is there something positive we could learn from Jewish people and their history? Anyway thanks for sharing.
Friendly old Brit: The Bible and Koran preach that man should help man but not profit from it. Look up Jews and usury to understand how far back it goes.
The Israelites murdered All the inhabitants of Jericho as soon as they crossed the Jordan river.But that was just the beginning, they continued murdering everyone they came in contact with. This group were the worst mass murderers in history. Even putting Genghis Kahn to shame.
This video is junior high school level. If you're serious chase up Hitchens on the matter; but be warned, his command & use of English is high level, as are his insights into the real issues.
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. This law is applied to Jews too, so, what are you complaining about??? You dance around my temple, I’ll dance around yours too. You tell me to go away from “your” country, I’ll tell you the same. Live and learn.
Why has Google decided that I might want to watch this? Are you people so important? No, you're not! You're the same as any other people, so stop pulling the 'eternal victim' card!
Thank you for an interesting video putting antisemitism into a historical framework. Perhaps it would be pertinent to add a follow-up video highlighting the difference between antisemitism and anti-Zionism
Most people believe that Zionism was created by Hershel and would be astonished to learn that יְשַׁעְיָהוּ Yeshayahu (Isaiah) prophesied about it. He lived 722 to 705 B.C.E. מִֽי־שָׁמַ֣ע כָּזֹ֗את מִ֤י רָאָה֙ כָּאֵ֔לֶּה הֲי֤וּחַל אֶ֙רֶץ֙ בְּי֣וֹם אֶחָ֔ד אִם־יִוָּ֥לֵֽד גּ֖וֹי פַּ֣עַם אֶחָ֑ת כִּי־חָ֛לָה גַּם־יָלְדָ֥ה צִיּ֖וֹן אֶת־בָּנֶֽיהָ׃ Who ever heard the like? Who ever witnessed such events? Can a land pass through travail In a single day? Or is a nation born All at once? Yet Zion travailed And at once bore her children!
@user-fj7hu8ur4j I suggest that you need to open your eyes and your mind. if your mind is incapable of differentiating between anti-Zionism and anti-semitism, it is you who has the problem. The Zionist trick of portraying criticism of the evils of Zionist expansion as anti-Semitic is simply an attempt to close off and criticism of Israeli Fascism.
@@boombam2402It’s basically says in Russian, A Jew is the sickness of the world! It’s a Stalinist propaganda poster made after Israel became capitalist and took Americas side. Stalin got mad and made a antisemitic campaign known as the doctors plot. It was never finished cuz he died. Khrushchev disbanded the campaign. But what’s even sadder is that Jews were not allowed to leave Russia until 20-30 years later.
The very simple and obvious conclusion is that if folk didn't have fear, anger , and hatred in their hearts, then no one would persecute anyone. I don't think we need to look any further than this.
@rezrunnercl All problems in the world are mind - created. Without greed , there would be no poverty. Without fear and anger, there would be no wars. Without greed , there would be no global warming. Without ignorance , there would only be kindness. Without religious sectarianism there would be no division. Without nationalism there would be no wars.
You have a point but maybe it's because Islamic anti-Judaism is a religious division and centred in the middle east. As others have said, the term seems to have originated in Germany because the Jews were the majority of the Semitic peoples there. I'd suggest that Arabic anti-Semitism predates the religious division because of the way Jews treated their middle eastern neighbours, as described in Deuteronomy 7:1-6. I respect the rights of Jews to practice their religion but I don't agree that they have the right to persecute others for not aligning with that religion (or insert other belief, ethnicity, nationality etc.).
Because they are Semites so how can they be against themselves? Just because a mostly European group converted to Judaism doesn’t make them Semites. The narrative is so pervasive that it defies logic 😮
Of course it has nothing to do with the fact that wherever they have settled throughout the years they have brought trouble religious bigotry and political disturbance. they are a people that have never met a neighbour they liked
Some of the comments about Jews seem to be the equivalent of blaming the Germans of today for the naziism of their forebears or the western world of today for colonialism and racism of their ancestors.
When you call yourself the chosen people, you are saying God puts your group first. Who else is going to go for that? He doesn't love you the best. If he is really a God he would love his creatiom equally!
I consider it a weakness to embrace the idea that someone else is responsible for my fortunes or misfortune., however, with this knowledge I find myself a very lonely man.
important to make the point that the occupations of medicine, business and money lending (accounting) require education, Jews always have believed in education and the jobs were not highly paid at the time but Christians saw them as things christians should not do.
Salam, Shlomo, Shalom, Peace. Every Religious Group Has Been Persecuted, But Modern Zionism Keeps, Judeophobia Alive, To Justify Their Persecution Of The Native Palestinian's.
Plenty of other cultures value education as well (East Asian, Southern Asia, Europe, generally the upper classes). Money lending with interest applied is forbidden in the Koran so not profitable for Muslims.
personally i grew up in the 50's and from my economic background education was not a choice. so i never became a doctor, accountant or banker. people with money want to believe that the poor make bad choices. however being born on 3rd base is not an indicator of hitting a treble
Do you mean about Islam?? Then, you should ask some of their prominent lslam leaders who use Quran as a basis for hate for Jews, and jihad to western civilization while most Muslims just want to live in peace... Some even live in Israel to enjoy the benefit of capitalism.
The basic premise of this video is incorrect. At 00:55, he claims that "Anti-Semitism is the hostility to or prejudice against Jewish people." Jewish people, just like Arabic people descend from the Semitic tribes, which includes the Akkadians, Phoenicians.. Therefore any act against any person descended from these tribes is anti-semitic; for example the Zionist Terrorist attacks on Palestinians, is anti-semitic. It is also evil. #FreePalestineFromTheZionistTerrorists #Fromtherivertothesea
You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies. 45 But because I tell the truth, you do not
When I first moved where I am 20 years ago I got on my front stoop was what the deliverer thought was an anti semitic jab. A jar of pickled pigs feet. No note. I’d never seen pickled pig’s feet before. Then I got it. This person was trying to insult me, knowing I was Jewish. And then I laughed my head off as I brought the jar in. The old stereotype of the Kosher Jew. No pork. Well I opened that jar up, drained it, got a fork and dug in. Never had pigs feet before and they were good! And then I thought how dare this person! How dare they not include bacon, sausage and ham! I like all three. Wouldn’t have hurt to have added a couple of pork chops. Mom made awesome pork chops! But the attempt at being insulting was laughable. I love pork! I grew up with a Christmas tree and presents. So yeah it’s safe to say Merry Christmas to me. But it was funny how someone thinking they were insulting wasn’t. So much for free bacon and ham and sausage!
@khaliilbinammar4700 pigs feet isn’t exactly welcoming when most think we all keep Kosher which I don’t. No note, no nothing. A welcoming gift is like cookies or casserole not pig’s feet. Bacon I get. Ham I get but pigs feet? Yeah it was a subtle insult.
Religion is the main cause of all ethnic and racial hate in history. I know that the three Abrahamic religions did not always exist at the same time: the origins of Judaism are over 4,000 years old, Christianity developed roughly 2000 years ago, and the advent of Islam occurred in the 7th century. Once all 3 faiths were firmly established, there has been more than a millennium of hatred and warfare. To make matters worse, there have been many divisions within each. Between the Sadducees and Pharisees, the Sunni and Shia, the Catholics and Eastern Orthodox, just to name a few. When humanity embraces superstition, and rejects reason, radicalism grows. There will never be permanent peace in the Middle East, nor in the wider world, if people allow faith to dominate their lives. To those that believe there’s a God, and that you were made in his image, and all the other crap you were brainwashed with as a child, would he/she/it condone hatred and violence?
I think it is all survival of the species. The strongest species survives. Humans are territorial animals. You cross into their territory and they will push back. Many animals species are like that. I don't think it is religion. Mother nature has a way to balance itself out. You don't see overpopulation of rats right? Rats have predators. In the case of humans, other human races are predators so that there is not an overpopulation of a one species.
anti semitism only applies to semites, and no other group of people! a german or polish jew are not semites. they are caucasians, a white race. khazars are not semites either, they are of the turco urgic mongol race!
The true cause is the behavior of the little hat people. Literally everywhere they go, people turn against them. Is the whole world just wrong and hateful or is it something else?
You really think jewish people all are genetically coded to be smarter than the rest of us and wanna rule the world? I mean this sounds like sci fi levels of conspiracy. Do you also believe govenments are hiding ufos or the moon landing was faked? just curious
If you get kicked out of every house you ever lived in, it's not a problem with the landlords. It's a problem with you, the tenant. This video is disingenuous and pandering.
One of your segues is nonsensical. It goes like this: Jews were blamed for the pandemic and burned at the stake in large numbers “as a result” they became merchants and bankers. I can’t grasp any causal connection. As my British friends would say, what are you on about?
Due to the religious practices linked to cleanliness and washing, as well as the fact that Jews lived apart from society, there was less impact on them from the bubonic plague. So those around them viewed this as some kind of witchcraft - the Jews were 'protected' whilst the non Jews died in huge numbers. So 'obviously' the Jews had to die...... History is made up of many such stories based in fear and misinformation. We've seen it again during COVID where cleanliness and staying away from others did its bit to help but not everyone agrees..... At the end of the day Judaism, Christianity and Islam all came from the same root but do things differently and they ALL need to respect other people's views and roles in society. The Christians couldn't/wouldn't exchange money with the Muslims and visa versa, so the Jews acted as the intermediaries..... When they made money on the deal they were called cheats and liars.
Thanks, but you didn't explain why the word semite in particular since few seem to be semitic. Hebrew may have been Part of the semitic language group if that's the reason, but not Yiddish. Clearly I'm confused, but then fixing that is the point of vids like this right?
The term anti-semitism originated in Europe in the 19th century, and the only semites living there at the time were the Jews. It would be very different if the term was coined in present day Europe.
In the first place they're not semites. In the second equating a tiny subgroup with the whole would be idiotic. In the third, most of the people they're liquidating are semites, so the term itself ranges from inane to oxymoronic to bass-ackwards from its normally understood meaning.
Maybe look up the definition of the word before commenting. There is no such thing as semites, semitic refers to a language group. Regurgitating everything you hear on TikTok only make you look stupid.
" You are of your father, the devil" as Jesus was supposed to have said in John's gospel addressing the Jewish leaders of his time. This has given much support to later anti-semitism. This is the dark side of Christianity.
That's what Jesus said because he saw it from the Jews themselves. a reality that we can see to this day. Our job is not to spread hatred against them (Jews), just leave them and never cooperate with them.
It is rather the bright side of christianism and the majority of remaining jews (who didn't quit judaism as the majority who adopted christianism did) are the proof of this saying.
Hatred of Jews is only among the Abrahamics. Jews that fled to China and India were never persecuted for 2000+ years until the arrival of the colonialists in the 17/18th century. In India it was the Portuguese that targeted Jews in Goa.
Brother, I've been trying to inform myself on this subject for a while, but I honestly haven't found any good sources of information. Would you kindly tell me where can I find real, good, accurate information about this matter?
@@diosmioporfavor habla español? He visto que Antony Sutton prueva lo que diz pero se para en los factos. Eustace Mullins revela todo pero no tiene las pruevas. El misterioso camino del dinero.
Yeah and they're not the only ones Most of the hate they get is because they committed against other people there you go Your answer solved that's why most people hate them because they do the same things they claim are done to them to other people
The therm antisemitim has nothing to do with ssemites. The word was coined in 1880 by Whilliam Mar to name his aversion to Jews. Not to semites, to jews
I think you guys need to do better in terms of research. Semites include Arabs, Jews, Akkadians, and Phoenicians (while the latter two are the current Iraqis and Lebanese, respectively). Hence, anti-semitism is not only hostility/prejudice against Jewish people!
Anti Roman protests were not the reason Titus was given the job of besieging Jerusalem, but because Jewish Zealots ambushed and wiped out an entire Roman legion of 6000. That’s what really pissed off the Romans. As a historian analyzing causation that’s a pretty huge difference.
Battle of Beth Horon 66 ad
Noone hate without reason but this is sweeped under the carpet.!!!!
Jewish zealots act like modern day arabs
Very well said
@@explorer0213why r jews hated can u tell me ??
Imagine being kicked out of 109 schools and then thinking the schools were the problem...
Bro didn’t even watch the video. There were 2 main reasons that they were kicked out of places, disagreements with other religious groups (mainly the Catholic Church) and also that powerful countries saw them as uncooperative.
But I guess people on the far right tend to be rather naive so you keep believing misinformation if you want 🤷♂️
Just imagine if you were that kid.
Imagine being a women and being sexually harassed multiple times over the course of your life thinking it is your fault and not the people who did it.
@evildead9708 it's not. If everyone is in a room and everyone got bit by a mosquito equally then sure. Not if 109 mosquitoes only bite one person and left pretty much everyone else alone.
There's something else going on...
Often when there is dissent expressed in the United States against policies of the Israeli government, people here are called anti-Semitic. What is your response to that as an Israeli Jew? Shulamit Aloni replied: “Well, it’s a trick, we always use it. When from Europe somebody is criticizing Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country people are criticizing Israel, then they are anti-Semitic.” - Former Israeli Minister of Education Shulamit Alone
@@tinmanx2222 are you saying it's a guilt trip???
@@lynnmeyers10 If you allow it to be. Now days I think most people see it for what it is. It is thrown around so much that it has become like calling someone a "racist." Those words have lost their effectiveness.
Jews are perceived as a religion without a God, which is not true. Every other faith has a God who is openly revered. I still see no reason to hate them for their belief even if I disagree with their approach to other Gods.
---Antisemitism s just an ambiguous, manipulative and dangerous word to use
1- Semites are not only Jews, but Arabs, Jews, Akkadians, and Phoenicians
2- The most majority of Jews in this world are from Europe (mainly Russia, Ukraine, Poland---
Shulamite Aloni was a far lest activist and hardly represents the average Israeli, we can find this type of people in any nation
THe idea that Jews have always been especially persecuted is, firstly a Jewish religious idea, that precedes Jewish behavior because it helps to determine it by dehumanizing non-Jews and giving Jews a reason to mistreat them.
Just like their made up ww2 story
The bulldozing of homes, racist collective punishment, open air concentration camps, genocide, apartheid, and settlement land theft by Israel was not addressed in this video.
Because this has nothing to do with Israel 🤷♂️
@@RyanGoslingthestonecoldsigma hahahaha nice one
cut the shit. you have no clue what you're talking about. it's trendy now...
@@RyanGoslingthestonecoldsigma sounds like the exact response from someone who knows deep down Israel is guilty of all these things and more
It’s because they had to defend themselves
I clicked on the video just to read comments. I was not disappointed
I came here for the crazies too
@@paulmayo2948 Same here. Not here to watch the video but just to read the comments.
I'm glad to see folks waking up
@paulmayo2948 explain crazies. Many people are now tuning in to Nick Fuentes and Dr E. Micheal Jones. We've come to realize who really runs the state department, our culture, academia, and even the pornography industry.
@@stephenwhorton4942 not taking any particular side, crazies are just crazy opinions. But Nick would be an educated crazy and anyone who takes him seriously at the very least has their toe in the water.
800,000 Israelis attended this guy’s funeral.
“Israeli Sephardi leader says non-Jews exist to serve Jews
Israeli Sephardic leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef in his weekly Saturday night sermon on Oct. 16 said that non-Jews exist to serve Jews.
"Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the people of Israel," he said during a public discussion of what kind of work non-Jews are allowed to perform on Shabbat.
"Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi [lord and master] and eat," he said to some laughter.
Yosef, who recently turned 90, is the spiritual”
Another example of an obtuse man voicing his personal views. No shortage of those in the world. You don't judge a nation by one of its member's pronouncements. Ever hear of a black sheep? Would you condemn the whole family for his/her misdeeds?
There are nut cases in every group, whether religious, ethnic or political. Who cares what this one individual says. He is speaking for himself and no one else. Check the global media headlines and see what dangerous nonsense national leaders in much more influential positions spew out.
You just presented another example of why they are detested and should be avoided
They are the orgnial.slave master by sell for profit gain of power of people of the world to claim and control land aminals,bird creature fish whales dolphin diamonds gold and all minerals.
Let's just get one thing straight: genital mutilation without consent should not ever be legal, anywhere.
How about soap and lampshades??
@@siegfriedsassoon5071you understand that people in Asia dont cut their pp. And they dont have smegma. You know they have the ability to clean? Who knew?
Circumcision is a very normal thing, especially back than everyone didnt have acces good acces to hygiëne thus circumcision.
@goofygoober1601 it is a barbaric act. It is a blood sacrifice. It is meant to dull the sensation and make sex not pleasurable. Rabbi Mai monidies says that. It is not some hygiene practice. Why does most of Asia not do it? Now some people in Asia do it because they're mimicking white people without thinking. There is no benefit to it. All hygiene can be maintained without it.
look up the rabbinical duties of the "bris" or "Brit Milah"
There's a bit more to 'usury' than merely lending of money at high interest rates. It has more to do with the conjuring up out of thin air of currency to be loaned out at interest, as in the practice of 'fractional reserve lending', via the use of 'promissory notes' (or 'credit') as a replacement for real money (i.e. actual gold and silver), and then charging interest on 'money' which was never real in the first place.
Or never was theirs in the first place……
"They tell why they suffer but never give an explanation as to why" Old Russian Proverb
I am seriously over hearing about the ‘hand wringing poor us’ story.
I come from the eastern suburbs of Sydney and they have taken over and think they run the show.
This is Australia and we give people a fair go until they prove they aren’t worth it.
If anyone wants some examples, I am happy to go into great detail.
As for Russia. There was absolutely no anti-semitism in Russia up to the time of Katherine the Great. Simply because there was miserable amount of jews in the Russian Emprire. Actually, at the time of Peter the Great some jews even took very high positions in the government. What happened at the time of Katherine the Great? Right, the division of Poland between Russian Emprire, Austrian Empire and Prussia. And in Poland millions of jews lived. So suddenly, there were millions of jews in the Russian Empire. And all those jews lived in cities and towns. A jew being a peasant was absolute nonsense. The bulk of them were small handlers. But Russia at the time was a deeply feudal agrarian state. It lacked behind Europe by a century at least in the social development. Suffice it to mention Russian serfdom - actually, slavery - which was abandoned in Europe long ago. And what wanted all those jews? Yes, they wanted to live in the big cities of the Russian Empire. Very simple: there are some resources in the new land, they aren't taken yet, and we want them to take. So suddenly the Russian government faced a huge influx of jews in big Russian cities which didn't have any useful skills in the deeply agrarian and feudal country. And this influx was highly unwanted. It's hard to say was this unwanted consequence of the division of Poland envisaged or not. But it urgently demanded solution. And the Russian government didn't find any better solution than simply to "freeze" the situation prohibiting jews to settle in big Russian cities. The.countryside was out of the question naturally - no peasant jews. The government simply wanted that jews stayed where they are. This policy had been only partially successful and in any case by the 20th century it radicalized the jews very much
@@colder5465 The Jews not working the land is interesting. I have letter from around 1941 from a nurse in a British hospital in Palestine. She talks about 500 young European Jews who were given visa to enter Palestine to work the land. The locals taught them how to farm, grow tea and they shared their homes with them. The British erected housing for them. Probably demountable to at least give them separate housing.
I am simply not going to comment on how that situation deteriorated over the war years because it’s all very sad.
Needless to say, the Palestinians lost out as more European Jews arrived. The British wounded missed out because of the influx of those people too.
The Palestinians would bring fresh fruits and vegetables to the hospital, but the European imports saw a bargaining chip and bought the produce off the locals and sold it at a very high price to the hospital.
In one letter the nurse said, I hope they all go home when this (the war) is over.
They never did.
The rest is history.видео.htmlsi=1YGjAfXUN2jTE5fz don't blame all Jews.
I would like to hear some examples @@Bynggo
"any people who have been persecuted for two thousand years must be doing something wrong.'"
Henry Kissinger
Seriously Kissinger said that? Your'e kidding me
@@User-jr7vfI’m pretty sure he didn’t, people tend to put his name under any controversial statement - as if the man wasn’t cunning and experienced enough to not say anything this provocative in his interviews, books and speeches. I’m Greek, and for years there was this fake rumor circulating all across the Greek internet, but even in newspaper and books, that apparently Kissinger had said that “we need to destroy Greek language in order to tame and control the unruly Greek spirit”… Lowlife nationalist love such stuff.
If he said it it would be the only possible thing I could ever like about him 😂
@@User-jr7vfdoes not matter who said it, it is a truth.
Kissinger did quite a few things wrong himself, and said a few stupid things on top of that. This is one of them.
Why no mention of the current Jewish flair for genocide and apartheid in occupied Palestine and their inherent hatred of Arabs and most gentiles?
Remember the Amalekites and Canaanites? Remember how proud they're of their work? Remember Jericho? They just love a good generational love dont they?
You need to go learn history again and understand there never was a Palatine.
@@smudgeyarksha3514 💩
@@smudgeyarksha3514but there were people there. It wasn’t a land without people. And what’s happening now is abhorrent. Unfortunately they’ve forced a connection between ALL Jews and Israel and Israel is committing a genocide.
@@saniasaeed9698 Get over your BS talking points, Israel is not commiting Genocide. Hezbollah attacks and kills Israeli civilians, woman, men, children, babies ripped out of mother's. Civilians kidnapped. Israel asks for prisoners back....nothing, Israel warns civilians in Gaza get out cos where coming to those who attacked us and took our people, hezbollah take their own people and use them as shields, their own people even support Hez, this is not genocide. In all war and military actions these gonna be civilian casualties it doesn't mean Israel is targeting civilians.
If they are commiting Genocide, then America and Britain and their allies have committed genocide too since the first gulf war and even before then.
Obviously your uneducated and you believe everything your told, you obviously you don't know history, and it's obvious you don't do your own research, therefore you're not just uneducated but misinformed too!
Im glad you kept your comment section open . Didn't turn the comments off
But no doubt any opinions that don't agree with them get deleted 🙄
@3BK235Y comments might be up but they delete anything they don't like, or they don't want people reading
Are they not persecuting Palestinians? Selling this anti-semitic perpertual victim story is so tired, they must also take responsibility for what they did and stop selling victimhood!
Why, yes they are. But that's not the root cause. It's their bloody Zionist belief that they are better than everyone else, because they are "God's Chosen". Even Zionist Christians hate Zionist Jews. Go figure.
2 wrongs don't make a right. That being said, anti-semititism is very real (look no further than this comment section).
The only ones persecuting the Palestinians is their own leadership.
You can’t just sweep it under the rug anti semitism is real and had caused genocide for Jews
Also the massacre of the Palestinian isn’t done in Jewish names
The Jews were best treated and were most safe when they lived among the Arabian countries and Islamic societies ,ofcourse, until 1948 .
Of course an A.rab would spread this lie. There are no Jews or Christians left in Arab and mSlim countries, I wonder why.
I thought Semitic peoples are Arabs, Akkadians, Canaanites, Hebrews, some Ethiopians (including the Amhara and the Tigrayans), and Aramaean tribes and that Anti Semitism applies to all of the above in terms of racism and not religious oppression or hatred which we could name Anti Judaism? nevertheless, interesting and informative stuff, tricky to deliver and understand.
NOT informative ad not interesting
The meaning of the word has changed over time, so for most people today it refers to just Jews.
The term/ concept originated in Germany/ Austria. It is a German term. It is term/ concept intrinsically linked to German history. Please look up the origin of the concept/ term - it is well documented. Germans/ Austrians clearly had a special problem and hatred towards their Jewish minority. The term/ concept is linked to the persecution of German/ Austrian/ European Jews. It is a German term by its very origin. Stop historical revisionism!
The term antisemitism means Jew hatred. That is what the term meant since a German coined it in the 19th century.
@@Lorenz1973that doesn't make any sense. It should have been anti judiasim like the previous commenter stated. Semitic people come from desert lands they are not European.
Jewish people are targeted, because EVERYONE is targeted, there just isn’t a formal name for discrimination against Black people, Asian people, Native Americans, etc. etc. etc. Yes Jewish people were treated badly for years, just like millions of American Black people were enslaved and mistreated, so were were tribal natives, just like Asians were placed in concentration and reeducation camps. It has happened to everyone across all history
Even whites were persecuted at some point in history,the world is not always serene & beautiful,world lives by the sword & thousand years of human history is witness to that,all this hatred,violence, grudge ain't going anywhere,this will exist as long as humanity does,this is the truth.
Anti semitism or pattern recognition?
Persecution or Prosecution?
@user-yf8eq4ml4q duh! Antisemitism and persecution. It's a no brainer!
@@lynnmeyers10 prosecution* Responsibilities for ones own behaviour exists.
@@Dankness-e6i no kidding.
@@Dankness-e6i Yeah, that's what the Nuremberg trials were all about, holding people accountable for their behavior.
@@carlsagan5189 they were about chopping up the left overs for the victors.
Criticizing Israel, and especially the Netanyahu government, for its ruthless treatment of Palestinians has nothing to do with Antisemitism.
We Americans should be disgusted with our Congress for promulgating that nonsense.
Perhaps not on paper, but it has everything to do with anti-zionism, and there is very little distinction between the two. Most Jews are Zionists, which in simple terms means they are in favor of the existence of a safe Jewish state where they are not hated or persecuted. Know a nation who doesn't want that?
The West always needs a scapegoat. It used to be Jews, now it’s Muslim Arabs.
In the name of protecting the Jews, they will repeat history and commit genocides and persecutions of another people again.
Just because we don’t like the Jews, doesn’t mean we like dirty Muslim Arabs either 🤷🏻♀️
I hope that this video will clarify for those who need clarification, that those of us who are angry and sickened by the actions of Israel towards Palestinians is NOT antisemitism. It has NOTHING to do with the religion or heritage of those supporting and carrying out the genocide of innocent Palestinians. I have to say though that it’s pretty ironic that Israel is the loudest when it comes to racism, yet see nothing wrong with being racist towards others.
Underrated comments & I.M.H.O
100% 🎯. ✌️🐻❄️ & 💚 from. 🇨🇦
@loria2685 it's been like that for a long time now . 😪
there is no innocent in gaza
Today Arabs control 22 countries roughly the size of the United States but there is only one Jewish State, the size of New Jersey. So why are Arab Muslims still fighting over 1/4 of Palestine? In 1920s, 1/2 of Palestine was given to create the state of Jordan where 70% of Arab Palestine currently live. 1/4 was given to the Jews to create the Jewish State. The other 1/4 was rejected. If the Arabs of Palestine accepted the resolution of 1948, they would control 3/4 of Palestine. But that not what they want. The Arab Muslims want all of Palestine, not 3/4 of it. So the real question is why? In 634 CE, Islam conquered Palestine by Rashidun Caliphate. For Muslims, Palestine is now an Islamic land, only for Muslims. Palestine is no longer Jewish or Christian land. Hence, they have a duty to god to liberate the land and aka “clean the land”. Once they get rid of the Jews, would they turn their attention to Spain which was once considered Islamic land? It is amazing how Muslims were able to retain all the lands conquered during the Islamic conquest. The only thing they lost is 1/4 of Palestine and all of Spain.
@@recepciapanorama6120jew spotted
Read their talmud.
You can’t just read the Talmud - it takes years to read all 63 tractates and decades to truly understand them. Even Judaism scholars don’t have a good grasp of it.
It's vile n evil
@@CarlLiddle89 is it true that there is a passage in the Talmud, called Mennah or similar, where it says that an adult male can have intercourse with a 3 year old girl?
@@cliomuse1206don't worry your polish prime minister straight up said amalek can you tell us what amalek means? Or do I need to tell everyone what amalek means?
@ hahahaha, my god you all talk the same - you are like a copy of a copy of a copy. Every single last one of you that I’ve encountered has 2 verses about Jesus from the Talmud, talks about Amelek, quotes the Elders of Zion. Every. Single. One. Do any of you have a single original thought, or you only parrot obscure YT black pillers that claim to know “the truth”? 😂
I know what Amalek means, and I know you think you know what it means.
For what it’s worth, I pity your lot - I’ve never encountered people of such functional illiteracy that are convinced of their intellectual superiority. It’s incredibly sad to see. Which explains why you need a scapegoat for your failures.
You didn’t address the causes… You only described the facts
@jhubjrbrbr okay. What are the facts?
They never will
@@Fury851haha cope
A History of Central Banks and the Enslavement of Mankind by Stephen Mitford Goodson
well there weren't no real causes. Its just people think Jews killed Jesus and Jews are subhuman or just aliens or anything else. There pretty much been mistreated for over 1000 years for nothing. I am not religious so don't make me seem I am Jewish, i am not one. Jews were blamed for lot things by both Christians, Muslims and N@zs
When one group of people believe that everyone else are "mud people" created only to serve them and that there is no sin or moral bar in commiting murder, theft, dishonesty, sa etc against every other people then they're bound to catch some hate
People doesnt like their idea of chosen one. Who would think that someone's life over there is more valuable than mine?
To this day a lot of people believe that their lives are more valuable then the lives of SOME Jews and that Jews are only good as victims and not as those who are able to properly stand for themselves.
@@TomSeliman99 cope what?
I was hoping you were going to include the story of Cliffords Tower in York England in 1190.
The King gave them protected status and they became moneylenders as the Christian population were forbidden from usury at the time. The city rioted against these Jews so they all locked themselves in the Castle assuming the King's protection. They were given the choice of converting to Christianity to free themselves but most chose to commit suicide instead.
The Crusaders borrowed money from the Jewish money lenders to go to the Crusades. Many expected never to return but those who did, had to repay the loan. They refused and started to persecute the Jews who lent them money so they didn't have to repay the loans.
As a Jew, I’ve never even heard of that but that’s wilddddd 😬😬 but I mean, then again why would he put that in here if it wasn’t about antisemitism ? Also-also, I’m surprised Jewish ppl during that time would go commit the sin of taking your own life cuz generally jewish people were more religious in the past than they are today and so from what I’ve learned, judiasm also happens wasn’t what it is today- as in there were different Jewish tribes with their own unique version of the traditions etc throughout the world and Judaism eventually became the broad term as the religious tribes sort of melted/shifted into one modern-ish religion (Judah’s tribe is the closest to modern judiasm basically) BUT this kind of makes sense becuase there were certain pseudo-Jewish tribes in history that I’ve read about, that had certain ‘different’ or outdated traditions or practices that don’t exist today, and maybe that was one of the practices idk lol this is honestly
Me just sharing some theories I have on this because it’s such a weird story and considering I went to a private Jewish school from kindergarten To 8th grade (yes I went to a normal public school for high school so I sort of balanced out into a more self aware and less sheltered version of myself lol) anyway idk why I just added an entire novel to my theory but I am gonna go to bed ✌🏼✌🏼
Was gonna say that's a happy story, but then I read Eden's reply and now I'm asleep
Aren’t you an edge lord my boy? You never got over your high school metal head phase right ??
I'm a born and bred York viking and spent my first 3 decades there yet still didn't know about this until very recently.
This is a decent start, but there is so much more. For those of us who are not Jewish, a very good introduction to the complexity of this issue is "The Source" by James Michener. I read it back in the mid 70's and I still find that concepts Michener addressed are useful to understanding events of today. In addition, the expulsion from Judea and the dispersing of the Jews throughout the Roman Empire by the Romans plays a significant part in this issue and should not be underestimated.
Lies again? Astro Pay AIA Money
Thanks for the recommendation.
Propaganda nonsense.
You're full of it.
Also Thomas Sowell's "The rise in anti-semitism" is a must watch
A decent start? .... I'm not sure abt that as a semite (Shemite) is one whose mother tongue is one of five semetic language groups. Sorry but the semites of the middle east also include arabs and if yiddidh is your mother tongue you are not semetic. It's not rocket science.
The way they behave makes them hated.
Well seeing as in many countries they were banned from owing property and denied education ,or employment they got by as best they could by lending money
@ those poor disadvantaged bankers. Those are excuses btw.
@@milDelux You can't disadvantage people with the same kind of grit the Jews have the more you hate them or abuse them the more they keep bouncing back , it is as if the very hatred people like you have for them founded on envy of course becomes the fuel they run on taking them to the top lol
For identifying causes you don’t have to look very far , just see what they are doing in Gaza .
Many jews don’t agree with Israel’s actions, are you going to be prejudice against a whole ethnic group because of what a country’s government does?
@@plantyriver it’s nice to hear that many Jews don’t support Israeli atrocities and the ongoing genocide in Gaza . Why would I bear any prejudice towards the whole race , I am only drawing attention to the unspeakable atrocities , the savagery of Israel’s deadly rampage in Gaza . But sadly because of Netanyahu’s own conduct and incendiary statements and also those by his extremist , xenophobic ministers and by many Israeli social influencers ,who segregate people into “us” and “them”, the people (race) gets the blame .
I thought the term semitic was a larger group than Jewish people?
It is, the Persian who are known today as Iranians are semetic and I think the Egyptians are as well but semetic is anyone who is descendant of Abraham but biblically Persians are definitely semetic which actually could be the (Indo European) population.
North Arabs are semites too
It is
It is... it actually refers to the speakers of a group of languages, known as 'Semitic' languages, rather than to a particular racial group... and in any case, 'Jews' are NOT a 'racial group'... nor even a 'national group'. The notion that they are is a fiction promoted by Theodore Hertzl in order to further his Zionist ambitions. Judaism is a RELIGION, not a nationality, nor a race! But Zionists generally don't like this to be known because, a) most of them are actually agnostic or atheistic, and b) it doesn't serve their ambitions for a land of their 'own'.
So what? Learn what antisemitism is and don't male dumb comments
This really misses alot of information.
It is a weak presentation. But the comments make up for it.
Hence...personal research.
Exactly, they don’t really talk about the god that Jews worship is Yahweh, who is a lesser god than the God who created the universe. The god who called for animal and human sacrifices, division amongst nations and war. The god who demands to be feared and is jealous, wrathful, vengeful and self centered. This is why the Jews killed Jesus, because they didn’t want the people to turn against them and follow the one true God. The Divine Source of all creation.
If $=power + Christians were not allowed to be bankers….
Ofcoz it was made by some rapist and terrorists jew
The 'We come in Peace' is one of the worlds biggest lies of our time.
@dasdasdatics420 that is what the Nazis always said.
White man speak with forked tongue.
It's why your money is invested in both sides of the fence
@@dasdasdatics420 so do other men. It isn't only whites.
In fact the common reasons all instigators of war are actually THEFT.
The desire to STEAL another countries wealth or in the cause of Ukraine, it's RESOURCES.
@@lynnmeyers10 And women. Anyone can be bad.
Can you find parallels between the persecution of Jews and the ill treatment of Sinti and Roma? In the past the European cultures defined themselves according to their borders. Jews and sinti & Roma did not fit in these patterns, which attributed to their social exclusion. Nazi Germany was the horrific climax of a very long suffering.
I don’t think that you can pin it down to one event, but instead that the people excluded from society are used as scapegoats, oftentimes
Or, maybe, certain people behave in such abhorrent ways as to bring it upon themselves & the last 75 years speak volumes to that.
Karl Marx spoke about this, he called it 'The Jewish question' you could argue it relates to Roma and other self exclusionary groups, basically how can the state accommodate and include a self exclusionary people in the state if their culture and practices are so outside it, referring of course to his theory of communism. He later wrote those that do not accept it should burn in a revolutionary Holocaust. This is the thing that I find hard to grasp, Karl Marx a Jew writes the communist manifesto, Giovanni Gentile a Jew writes the Fascist manifesto, the symbiosis creates national socialism that then kills 6 million Jews. I think there is a pathology and an intellectualism with Jewish thought, Ashkenazim Jews score the highest in IQ tests, There is something about the Jews that both brilliant and so destructive at the same time. You can look at Islam and Christianity at the same time and figure it out, but the Jews are an enigma.
Notice that the Roma have not made an industry and a political platform out of THEIR Holocaust in WW II.
@@patriayvida6850Yet it goes back thousands of years so there goes your 'thesis.'
Compared to the abhorrent ways of Christians and goat f*ckers? You sir are a genuis! @@patriayvida6850
Just one point and question. In terms of ethnicity, Arabs are also considered Semitics, aren’t they? Why does the term antisemitic is usually apply only to Jews?
Because it was a term coined by a blowhard 19th Century German who wanted his baseless hatred given a veneer of faux scientific legitimacy.
in a sense you're right, the word "antisemitic" was coined as far back as the 1800 by Moritz Steinschneider in response to the views of an orientalist who deemed all forms of Semitic people as "inferior", the term "Semite" would later be used by Prussian nationalists in opposition to the Jews living there, however it would not refer to Arabs or any other Semitic people, only Jews. this later got adopted by the Nazis who would use the same word, "Semite", to refer to Jews specifically, and people who would be of opposition to it would simply put "anti" before the word. due to this the term "antisemitism" started to be coined mostly towards Jews, its simply a natural modification of the meaning of a word.
for example, the word "Guy" which by definition is a male person, was first used as a way to describe someone as having a "frightful figure" which then naturally evolved. it can also be taken into account that a majority of Arabs (93%) practice the Islamic faith, which has it's own word "Islamophobia" coined. so by definition you can for example call someone antisemitic if they are racist towards an Arab, but it would just be confusing because the first thing that pops up into someones head would be a Jew.
Semitic people sent used anymore to refer to ethnicity. The term antisemitic refers specifically to hatred of Jews whether you like it or not, that’s what the word means. Arguing the semantics and trying to insist that you can’t be antisemitic if you are a Semite is stupid and misses the point.
I would love to learn about the history of antisemism against Arabs.
And why did Paul turn against the Jews when he converted to Christianity?
He never converted. He was a Jew and a follower of the rabbi called Jesus. The Romans separated completely from the Jewish ideal to unite the empire under Constantine. Jesus never intended for his teachings to foster a new religion that wanted their forebears murdered and mutilated as he was a Jew.
@@raphaelzigelnik3584Really, what about the road to Damascus thing?
@@raphaelzigelnik3584 that's complete B.S. Zionists don't have a right to lecture on Christianity because all they do is lie and manipulate.
Jesus had fundamental disagreements with Judaism, the most important being that all people were equal and that the Pharisees and scribes were no more important to God than ordinarily people.
Paul Newman ?
Well he was also jewish
@raphaelzigelnik3584 PAUL did convert. He taught and converted Greeks.He was converted on the road to Damascus. He was a Christian Jew. In olden times it was to Romans a Jewish sect. Then Europe converted and in time and sadly were nominal Christians, like many became later with empty churches now.
That is what made Germans Nazis--secular German Nazis--secularism, saying and feeling like they weren't really involved in Christianity, like all the Nazi bigwigs and many Germans.
Goebbels, Goring, Himmler, Heydrich, Bormann, and many others were not really Christian. It made it easy to persecute Jews and Christians--Protestants and Catholics.
People in general reacts to cruelty, betrayal, lie, massacre, land stealing, destruction of cities, killing of children; this does not mean they are anti*****, they are just people of high consciousness, awaken people… good people.🍉
Sure. Where were all these good people when hundres of thousands of innocent civilians were displaced, killed and maimed, homes and cities destroyed, and yes babies killed in Syria, Sudan and Yemen, to name just a few genocidal events happening now under your nose in the Middle East. Not a peep from the concerned people with high moral conscience. Bring Israel and the Jews into the mix, and the world goes wild.
Just because we don’t like the Jews, doesn’t mean we like dirty Muslim Arabs either 🤷🏻♀️
So what are there some 15 million or so Jewish people in the entire world? What’s that .002 percent of the population of the Earth? Incredible how much discourse there is about them… when you think about it.
It is like locusts, they are a small percentage of the millions of insect world, but cause the most damage in crops. 😅
@johnhough9593 Exactly. Especially when you incite the whole world against whites based on their declining number. As their example shows, it's not the numbers (see Africa, good 'numbers' yet a low IQ cesspool) but the power they hold.
They are numerous in important cities. That's why.
002% are Jews, but 25% of Nobel Prizes are Jews.
They exploit capitalism and create division all over the place with religion and politics!! and have cried about history for thousands of years.
To this day in politics Antisemitism is used to deter any competition!
It’s that easy.. 💵💴💵💵💵💵💴💵💰💴💴💵🥶
Leon Trotsky , Saul Alinsky and
Georg Sore os ...
Karl Marx, the Bolsheviks, Epstein, Weinstein, the Rothchilds...
what do you know, you are a spanish homosexual
@@israelliebersohn3758 stop being such a homophobic semite
Hitler, Stalin, mao, Mussolini…
@@FireneedsairThey say Hitler's real father was a "Juden".
Imagine me being kicked out/ fired from all jobs in my history, lets just say over 100. Logically, we can assume i am the problem as i am the common denominator. But no lets blame everything other than me, because its not my beliefs and my actions.
European persecution of religious minorities was not confined to the Jews. Other religious minorities such as the Mennonites were also persecuted and all but disappeared in Europe and the Ukraine. It is easy to blame the "other" for your own problems.
It wasn't just Europeans, it was everywhere. Persecution of racial, ethnic, religious, and political minorities has been happening throughout history and in every part of the world.
It’s still part of the far right playbook
It's funny these anti-jews prouding themselves as being goys(non-jew) meanwhile they mistreat and kick out other minorities who are not even jewish. Like the italians, serbians, protestants, and slavics. Than again, an anti-jew's motto is, "you're not white if you don't hate a jew"
They always play as if only them are the victims.What a farse.
@@thefirm4606. I’m not going to miss you when you’re expelled again.
I always emphasized with the jews.. especially because of the holocaust and because in central europe you learn in history only about this part .. two years ago i started researching about the ongoing conflict in mideast and was shocked that I didn‘t knew anything about it before they don‘t teach it at schools
I was mindblown and see them from a different point of view now
If you really want to know them read the OT ( Torah). And if you can stomach it, read parts of their Kabbalah.
@@elaine1034no thanks
If you mean you are surprised that they are not taking crap from anyone anymore, good morning.
When you can’t talk bad or against a group of people , will make realize is because they have controlled a large part history , society’s brainwashing and manipulation. As a Christian we are the most tolerant people and we are taken as a joke . Jewish people have not accepted Jesus and won’t be saved . The day of judgement will come .
Looking at what they are doing in Gaza, most of the people I know now see them in a different light.
#1 - The BALFOUR Declaration
Cheers, Arthur.
I think the comments speak the truth that people are afraid to admit. Guilt is a powerful drug.
and unfortunately the Jew cannot never bring himself to to the truth that it’s his own grotesque unacceptable behavior tyat causes bad things to happen,always everyone else’s fault but themselves a time honored excuse
When you call your group "God's Chosen People", that makes the rest of the none members "Gods' Rejected People", as they say, there lies the Rub......................
I thought they rejected God! How are they chosen?
All religions claim superiority. That's why I don't believe any of it.
Jewish Sunday schools teach that Jews are "Gods Chosen People" because God chose them to receive the Ten Commandments. (Which is true.) Anti-Jewish sources which are prejudiced don't believe that. There are people who like to hate.
They were chosen to spread the word of God but chose it for themselves and then God sent Jesus who they denied.then the Christians took over as the chosen people, then they believed him to be God so another prophet was sent the seal of the prophets peace and blessings be upon them all. He told them also we're Christians and jews went wrong, and now Muslims are the chosen as long as they uphold the laws. It has always been that way. They were chosen first and beloved but not anymore as they rejected the prophets who they even went to Kedar to seek out. Their ethnic supremcist ideology worked against them yet again. Muslims do not have this. Everyone is equal..the only one who knows our worth is God. And he reads the hearts of his creation and we will be judged accordingly. But we Muslims don't go around we are's a title to go propergate the faith tell people about the creator and be grateful for the blessings he instills on all his creation wether they believe or not. Don't hate the people hate their actions..
I don't see how they claim to be God's chosen people when Moses came down the mountain with the 10 Commandments, in which one of them states " Thou shall not kill" but yet they engage in the killing of innocent women and children in Gaza on a daily basis HYPOCRITES!
What is a semite????
A member of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language, including in particular the Jews and Arabs.
Agreed! The basic premise of this video is incorrect.
At 00:55, he claims that "Anti-Semitism is the hostility to or prejudice against Jewish people."
Jewish people, just like Arabic people descend from the Semitic tribes, which includes the Akkadians, Phoenicians.. Therefore any act against any person descended from these tribes is anti-semitic; for example the Zionist Terrorist attacks on Palestinians, is anti-semitic.
It is also evil. #FreePalestineFromTheZionistTerrorists #Fromtherivertothesea
The word antisemitism, has nothing to do with ssemites. The word was coined in 1880 by Whilliam Mar to name his aversion to Jews. Not to semites, to jews
@atidfelixcastillo-najerala6891 Thanks much for this.
Wilhelm Mar, a German agitator who coins a phrase in the 1880 that is basically as inaccurate as his hate. He created a phrase which the Jewish Community uses today to define people who oppress members of the Jewish faith...very Interesting, indeed.
@@atidfelixcastillo-najerala6891 well then, it needs to be changed to anti jewish. Turns out the world isn't that stupid after all.
No one is falling for the crocodile tears anymore, thus they go iron fist
What do you mean?
The slow-paced genocide of the Palestinian people has always been about the natural resources as well.
The Jews needs to introspect themselves! Especially on what they are presently doing to the Palestinians.
"The jews" ... what has a jew living in australia or Germany is presently doing to the Palestinians?
I think a lot of the comments below are very worthwhile reviewing.
This is a very sad issue for the world and humanity. It is tribalism out of control and protected by religion or other common beliefs. It is human nature. All tribes have their unique characteristic. Inability to blend with other tribes is a threat to tribal identity, birds of a feather, etc. It is deeply ingrained and practiced constantly, everywhere. It is fear of difference. The greater the difference, the greater the fear. That is the great human challenge for us all. ... And we better get on it.
@Turbohh What is a challenge? Your comment is so touchy-feely yet a bit confusing. Antisemitism exists for a good reason. And tribalism is a huge part of it. Especially when it comes to world power.
Is it fear of difference that animates the lefties and communists to suppress all counter-arguments to their leftist Utopian one-world government vision (usually by employing mob mentality and violence)? If tribalism is 'human nature' why do you seek to change that? Oh I got it... it's because you know what's 'best' for everybody.
You don't need to be tribal to see what's happening in Gaza. If you don't like seeing children's bodies stacked up like firewood, then you might be antisemitic by this point. Unfortunately, it's taken the world so long to see the truth, we're past the point of no return. Too many people have swallowed their lies.
Everyone should look at Palestine pre-zionism when Muslims, Christians & jews lived there in peace together.
Zionism is a cancer on this region & the reason for over a hundred years of conflict.
You're a classic antisemite who blames the victim while feigning humanitarian concern.
I believe this story teller forgets that a jew killing a non jew is not considered murder according to the Talmud. The disparity that these texts entitle are perverse and despicable.
It’s worth noting that most people on earth (and by extension Jewish people) regard murder as wrong regardless
This is a subject that would need an eleven hour presentation, not eleven minutes.
I agree. The narrator is running around getting no where, poorly made video
I disagree.
He doesn't need to state Every occurrence .... He covers the General causes very well.
@@Finness894 Without proper context he should only cover that mouth of his.
Greetings @@thokucheetah. I agree that unbiased context is very important to forming just opinions. Cheers !
Now there are more reasons for antisemitism then one year ago......saidly.....
How about the USS Liberty?
It's okay to be anti-American that's not a hate crime. That was some b******* what they did to the USS Liberty and the cover-up.
what about it. its irrelevant and a fraud by you jew haters.
The Levon affair as well. I'm actually surprised that there's some honesty here with the quarrel between the Babylonians and the Jews, the Jews and the Romans ect.
How about Kennedy? 🤯
@@koschmx Oh there’s tons of evidence, Bnai Brith members and ADL founders owned the Dallas Textiles Building where the first two shots were fired. They invited him down to Dallas.
Why is anti-Semitism not just called Racism? Surely giving it a discrete category to itself just furthers perceptions of Jewish exceptionalism?
Because unfortunately groups such as the ADL use it as a tool to perpetuate a victim hood and a need for the ethnonational apartheid state that is Israel. I am not antisemitic I'm actually married to a Jewish man of eastern european descent. However you can not be both a religion and a race. The Hebrews were a tribe so maybe considered a racial ethnic group like Italians or Russians. It's questionable. However those people if any are descendants are most likely the indigenous people of Palestine who converted to Islam or Christianity over the centuries. The Israelis are mostly, not all, but mostly eastern european descendants of turkic eurasian people who converted to Judaism. Some say they are are specifically Talmudic jews or secular jews but I can not speak on that. Need more research.
That question shouldn’t be directed at Jews but instead at antisemites since they came up with that term.
@@slev6592 Tell us more. Who? When? Where?
@@markaxworthy2508 Wilhelm Marr, 1879, Germany.
I could not determine the author of this video's sympathy or antipathy towards the Jews. Also, what role did the Jewish feeling of 'chosen by God' and exclusivity played in aggravating anti-Jewish sentiments and animosity. .
Occult Fascism vs. Cultural Fascism will always be in each other’s neck for Control of the human psyches through Grand Narratives, hence the variety of religions and other authoritarian ideologies today (Osho). 🙏😊
Great observation.
Osho was an interesting teacher.
There is a distinction between antisemitism before and after the holacaust and the establishment of the state of Israel. Before world war 2 antisemitism was an irrational, racist ideology. Combined with nazism, antisemitism became a genocidal ideology. After the creation of Israel, the term is overused and misused by the Israeli state propaganda. The term is applied to anyone who criticises aspects of the Israeli state policies. If somebody disapproves Idi Amin's policies, it doesn't mean that he/she is a racist towards coloured persons. The same goes with Netanyahu, the Jewish settlers of the West Bank, the messianic fanatics etc. By criticising them I DO NOT become an antisemite.
WW1 was by jews, go check.
Your comment at 3:44 sat well with me. It would be enlightening to some if this was applied to today’s hyper racist points of view.
I'm a semite and luckely not jewish❤❤
I enjoyed the content of this video. Ive often asked myself why are Jews persecuted. Alas I fail to understand why antisemites use such taxonomies to justify their negative anti-jewish beliefs and values. Are we non jews missing something? In a more rounded sense is there something positive we could learn from Jewish people and their history? Anyway thanks for sharing.
thoughtful comment!
Friendly old Brit: The Bible and Koran preach that man should help man but not profit from it. Look up Jews and usury to understand how far back it goes.
I think we could learn a lot from the Jews.
The Israelites murdered All the inhabitants of Jericho as soon as they crossed the Jordan river.But that was just the beginning, they continued murdering everyone they came in contact with. This group were the worst mass murderers in history. Even putting Genghis Kahn to shame.
This video is junior high school level.
If you're serious chase up Hitchens on the matter; but be warned, his command & use of English is high level, as are his insights into the real issues.
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. This law is applied to Jews too, so, what are you complaining about??? You dance around my temple, I’ll dance around yours too. You tell me to go away from “your” country, I’ll tell you the same. Live and learn.
Then the world gone blind, where people don't know how to chew their food anymore since they lost all of their teeth.
The amount of lies in this video is frightening.
Why has Google decided that I might want to watch this? Are you people so important? No, you're not! You're the same as any other people, so stop pulling the 'eternal victim' card!
Yikes 😬
You sounds like a miserable brainwashed 60 something year old man shouting at a cloud for being the wrong shape.
Grow up
Thank you for an interesting video putting antisemitism into a historical framework.
Perhaps it would be pertinent to add a follow-up video highlighting the difference between antisemitism and anti-Zionism
Most people believe that Zionism was created by Hershel and would be astonished to learn that יְשַׁעְיָהוּ Yeshayahu (Isaiah) prophesied about it. He lived 722 to 705 B.C.E.
מִֽי־שָׁמַ֣ע כָּזֹ֗את מִ֤י רָאָה֙ כָּאֵ֔לֶּה הֲי֤וּחַל אֶ֙רֶץ֙ בְּי֣וֹם אֶחָ֔ד אִם־יִוָּ֥לֵֽד גּ֖וֹי פַּ֣עַם אֶחָ֑ת כִּי־חָ֛לָה גַּם־יָלְדָ֥ה צִיּ֖וֹן אֶת־בָּנֶֽיהָ׃
Who ever heard the like?
Who ever witnessed such events?
Can a land pass through travail
In a single day?
Or is a nation born
All at once?
Yet Zion travailed
And at once bore her children!
@@MessengerEmmet I would respectfully suggest that you get out more.........
I think Anti-Goyism should also be addressed, which would yield a more comprehensive overview.
@user-fj7hu8ur4j I suggest that you need to open your eyes and your mind.
if your mind is incapable of differentiating between anti-Zionism and anti-semitism, it is you who has the problem. The Zionist trick of portraying criticism of the evils of Zionist expansion as anti-Semitic is simply an attempt to close off and criticism of Israeli Fascism.
I think, therefore I'm antisematic! True Story!
The wisest words to ever have been spoken
The Russian poster at 0:18 explains it all. No need to watch further.
Can you explain the poster? I don't understand.
@@boombam2402It’s basically says in Russian, A Jew is the sickness of the world! It’s a Stalinist propaganda poster made after Israel became capitalist and took Americas side. Stalin got mad and made a antisemitic campaign known as the doctors plot. It was never finished cuz he died. Khrushchev disbanded the campaign. But what’s even sadder is that Jews were not allowed to leave Russia until 20-30 years later.
what does it say , can you say it in english please
Jews have represented both a religion and an ethnicity for thousands of years.. I believe that to be unique.
They’re converts
Just don’t do a DNA test you might find that it is not an ethnicity.
Be real it’s not an ethnicity because me converting to Catholicism doesn’t make me Italian but Khazars converting to Judaism does? 😮
The very simple and obvious conclusion is that if folk didn't have fear, anger , and hatred in their hearts, then no one would persecute anyone.
I don't think we need to look any further than this.
It's not that simple at all.
@rezrunnercl All problems in the world are mind - created.
Without greed , there would be no poverty.
Without fear and anger, there would be no wars.
Without greed , there would be no global warming.
Without ignorance , there would only be kindness.
Without religious sectarianism there would be no division.
Without nationalism there would be no wars.
Interesting this video didn’t mention anything about Arabs’ antisemitism throughout history
You have a point but maybe it's because Islamic anti-Judaism is a religious division and centred in the middle east. As others have said, the term seems to have originated in Germany because the Jews were the majority of the Semitic peoples there. I'd suggest that Arabic anti-Semitism predates the religious division because of the way Jews treated their middle eastern neighbours, as described in Deuteronomy 7:1-6. I respect the rights of Jews to practice their religion but I don't agree that they have the right to persecute others for not aligning with that religion (or insert other belief, ethnicity, nationality etc.).
This started with the zionist movement 🙃
@@billedifier8584European Jews weren't Semites no? Khazaria.
Because they are Semites so how can they be against themselves? Just because a mostly European group converted to Judaism doesn’t make them Semites. The narrative is so pervasive that it defies logic 😮
Of course it has nothing to do with the fact that wherever they have settled throughout the years they have brought trouble religious bigotry and political disturbance. they are a people that have never met a neighbour they liked
Some of the comments about Jews seem to be the equivalent of blaming the Germans of today for the naziism of their forebears or the western world of today for colonialism and racism of their ancestors.
Jews still believe in the Talmud. Therefore they are still racist, supremacist degenerates.
Nope. I just see comments blaming them for the ATROCITIES they are committing as we speak
When you call yourself the chosen people, you are saying God puts your group first. Who else is going to go for that? He doesn't love you the best. If he is really a God he would love his creatiom equally!
이건 너무 이단적이고 이단에 가깝습니다
I consider it a weakness to embrace the idea that someone else is responsible for my fortunes or misfortune., however, with this knowledge I find myself a very lonely man.
Great point!
Missing children, poison wells, Satan's joys, swollen heads
important to make the point that the occupations of medicine, business and money lending (accounting) require education, Jews always have believed in education and the jobs were not highly paid at the time but Christians saw them as things christians should not do.
Well said!
Salam, Shlomo, Shalom, Peace.
Every Religious Group Has Been Persecuted, But Modern Zionism Keeps, Judeophobia Alive, To Justify Their Persecution Of The Native Palestinian's.
Plenty of other cultures value education as well (East Asian, Southern Asia, Europe, generally the upper classes).
Money lending with interest applied is forbidden in the Koran so not profitable for Muslims.
No, Money is their God. They invented every Central Bank in the World. Robbing people of every Country.
personally i grew up in the 50's and from my economic background education was not a choice. so i never became a doctor, accountant or banker. people with money want to believe that the poor make bad choices. however being born on 3rd base is not an indicator of hitting a treble
Do the same about the middle East as well, this was very Euro Focused. And kudos on simply conveying history without adding any biases.
Do you mean about Islam?? Then, you should ask some of their prominent lslam leaders who use Quran as a basis for hate for Jews, and jihad to western civilization while most Muslims just want to live in peace... Some even live in Israel to enjoy the benefit of capitalism.
The basic premise of this video is incorrect.
At 00:55, he claims that "Anti-Semitism is the hostility to or prejudice against Jewish people."
Jewish people, just like Arabic people descend from the Semitic tribes, which includes the Akkadians, Phoenicians.. Therefore any act against any person descended from these tribes is anti-semitic; for example the Zionist Terrorist attacks on Palestinians, is anti-semitic.
It is also evil. #FreePalestineFromTheZionistTerrorists #Fromtherivertothesea
You're oblivious
There wasn't persecution of jews in middle eastern
Maybe 2 or 3 throughout 1400 years
You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies. 45 But because I tell the truth, you do not
This verse has NOTHING to do with anti-Semitism.
@@fazbellSome might/have applied that verse to the Jews since they didn't believe Jesus?
Is this referring to Netanyahu?
@@enigma1000 yes
@@fazbellI am saying the video is lie
Just read the talmud after that you have every right to hate em.
Talmud says it all
When I first moved where I am 20 years ago I got on my front stoop was what the deliverer thought was an anti semitic jab. A jar of pickled pigs feet. No note. I’d never seen pickled pig’s feet before. Then I got it. This person was trying to insult me, knowing I was Jewish. And then I laughed my head off as I brought the jar in. The old stereotype of the Kosher Jew. No pork. Well I opened that jar up, drained it, got a fork and dug in. Never had pigs feet before and they were good! And then I thought how dare this person! How dare they not include bacon, sausage and ham! I like all three. Wouldn’t have hurt to have added a couple of pork chops. Mom made awesome pork chops! But the attempt at being insulting was laughable. I love pork!
I grew up with a Christmas tree and presents. So yeah it’s safe to say Merry Christmas to me.
But it was funny how someone thinking they were insulting wasn’t. So much for free bacon and ham and sausage!
Totally loved your reaction. That's how I would have looked at it...Free Food, Yah!
@@gaillouise8310 😆🤭
@khaliilbinammar4700 pigs feet isn’t exactly welcoming when most think we all keep Kosher which I don’t. No note, no nothing. A welcoming gift is like cookies or casserole not pig’s feet. Bacon I get. Ham I get but pigs feet? Yeah it was a subtle insult.
@khaliilbinammar4700 I got it. Nor do I really care.
Still "claiming jeuishness"???
Oh, I get it, "you don't believe in God but he gave you Pal.est*** isn't it?
Religion is the main cause of all ethnic and racial hate in history. I know that the three Abrahamic religions did not always exist at the same time: the origins of Judaism are over 4,000 years old, Christianity developed roughly 2000 years ago, and the advent of Islam occurred in the 7th century. Once all 3 faiths were firmly established, there has been more than a millennium of hatred and warfare. To make matters worse, there have been many divisions within each. Between the Sadducees and Pharisees, the Sunni and Shia, the Catholics and Eastern Orthodox, just to name a few. When humanity embraces superstition, and rejects reason, radicalism grows. There will never be permanent peace in the Middle East, nor in the wider world, if people allow faith to dominate their lives. To those that believe there’s a God, and that you were made in his image, and all the other crap you were brainwashed with as a child, would he/she/it condone hatred and violence?
You have it backward.
I think it is all survival of the species. The strongest species survives. Humans are territorial animals. You cross into their territory and they will push back. Many animals species are like that. I don't think it is religion. Mother nature has a way to balance itself out. You don't see overpopulation of rats right? Rats have predators. In the case of humans, other human races are predators so that there is not an overpopulation of a one species.
anti semitism only applies to semites, and no other group of people! a german or polish jew are not semites. they are caucasians, a white race. khazars are not semites either, they are of the turco urgic mongol race!
The true cause is the behavior of the little hat people. Literally everywhere they go, people turn against them. Is the whole world just wrong and hateful or is it something else?
You really think jewish people all are genetically coded to be smarter than the rest of us and wanna rule the world? I mean this sounds like sci fi levels of conspiracy. Do you also believe govenments are hiding ufos or the moon landing was faked? just curious
Homosexuals r behind anti semitism. No homosexuals no anti semitism
Bet u r a homosexual
Jewz are not the only semitic people.😂
King Bulan wasn't semitic. Neither are his people or their descendants.
If you get kicked out of every house you ever lived in, it's not a problem with the landlords. It's a problem with you, the tenant. This video is disingenuous and pandering.
One of your segues is nonsensical. It goes like this: Jews were blamed for the pandemic and burned at the stake in large numbers “as a result” they became merchants and bankers. I can’t grasp any causal connection. As my British friends would say, what are you on about?
Due to the religious practices linked to cleanliness and washing, as well as the fact that Jews lived apart from society, there was less impact on them from the bubonic plague. So those around them viewed this as some kind of witchcraft - the Jews were 'protected' whilst the non Jews died in huge numbers. So 'obviously' the Jews had to die......
History is made up of many such stories based in fear and misinformation. We've seen it again during COVID where cleanliness and staying away from others did its bit to help but not everyone agrees.....
At the end of the day Judaism, Christianity and Islam all came from the same root but do things differently and they ALL need to respect other people's views and roles in society. The Christians couldn't/wouldn't exchange money with the Muslims and visa versa, so the Jews acted as the intermediaries..... When they made money on the deal they were called cheats and liars.
Interesting. Insightful. I was waiting though for an analysis of reasons why antisemitism has been rising during the last decades
Thanks, but you didn't explain why the word semite in particular since few seem to be semitic. Hebrew may have been Part of the semitic language group if that's the reason, but not Yiddish. Clearly I'm confused, but then fixing that is the point of vids like this right?
language changes, and the word has come to mean anti-Jew.
The term anti-semitism originated in Europe in the 19th century, and the only semites living there at the time were the Jews. It would be very different if the term was coined in present day Europe.
Where Messiah's Truths are rejected Satan's lies are accepted
1. Talmud.
Leaders find it useful to have a minority to use as a scapegoat to blame their failures
In the first place they're not semites. In the second equating a tiny subgroup with the whole would be idiotic. In the third, most of the people they're liquidating are semites, so the term itself ranges from inane to oxymoronic to bass-ackwards from its normally understood meaning.
Maybe look up the definition of the word before commenting. There is no such thing as semites, semitic refers to a language group. Regurgitating everything you hear on TikTok only make you look stupid.
160 countries simply can not be wrong
Wait, it jumped from 109 to 160? Anyone offering the next highest bid?
Manipulation of politicians/ government and the stupidity of humans letting their emotions take over reason. 🐺
What about Anti-Blackism.
Black Americans are targeted and since Day One.
no they are not.
" You are of your father, the devil" as Jesus was supposed to have said in John's gospel addressing the Jewish leaders of his time. This has given much support to later anti-semitism. This is the dark side of Christianity.
That was to the Pharisees and other leaders.
Nothing dark about Christianity. Try reading the Talmud for pure Evil filth.
That's what Jesus said because he saw it from the Jews themselves. a reality that we can see to this day. Our job is not to spread hatred against them (Jews), just leave them and never cooperate with them.
Jesus did NOT say this of all was to the Pharisees and Sadducees. Stop lying.
It is rather the bright side of christianism and the majority of remaining jews (who didn't quit judaism as the majority who adopted christianism did) are the proof of this saying.
Hatred of Jews is only among the Abrahamics. Jews that fled to China and India were never persecuted for 2000+ years until the arrival of the colonialists in the 17/18th century. In India it was the Portuguese that targeted Jews in Goa.
that would not include the 36 secular states that removed them
@@isaactuuri6488 Explain? India never had 36 states. There were Jews in other regions as well, safe and sound.
When you go to try a real investigation, let me know ...
Coin clipping, uss liberty, usery. Also look up how many of our politicians have dual citizenship with Israel. Moron
It is usary and has always been usary. It is the destruction of life. A dishonest form of medium of exchange.
Brother, I've been trying to inform myself on this subject for a while, but I honestly haven't found any good sources of information. Would you kindly tell me where can I find real, good, accurate information about this matter?
@@diosmioporfavor habla español? He visto que Antony Sutton prueva lo que diz pero se para en los factos. Eustace Mullins revela todo pero no tiene las pruevas. El misterioso camino del dinero.
@@FernandoVisserCedrolayikes 😬
Yeah and they're not the only ones Most of the hate they get is because they committed against other people there you go Your answer solved that's why most people hate them because they do the same things they claim are done to them to other people
@@DJTasawennatekenOfficial wish you were Jewish. I bet you'd change your tune.
Semitic does not mean Jewish ... Arabs, Ethiopians and Maltese are also Semitic nations
The therm antisemitim has nothing to do with ssemites. The word was coined in 1880 by Whilliam Mar to name his aversion to Jews. Not to semites, to jews
@@atidfelixcastillo-najerala6891 Semitism nothing to do with Semites! 🤣
I think you guys need to do better in terms of research. Semites include Arabs, Jews, Akkadians, and Phoenicians (while the latter two are the current Iraqis and Lebanese, respectively). Hence, anti-semitism is not only hostility/prejudice against Jewish people!