The video is a wonderful complement to the music, is it any wonder that our ancient ancestors regarded the forest with reverence and fear? And to think, this is what most of the continent looked like at one point! It was not our land then, we trespassed in the dragon's realm.
Thanks a lot! The forest was indeed, for a very long time, our natural habitat. As such, it was both familiar and deadly. To survive, our ancestors therefore had no choice but to face their deepest fears and learn to ride the dragon. Unfortunately, most men let their fears guide them and consequently decide the dragon should either be killed or be avoided at any cost. Having left and destroyed the forest, we have symbolically parted with (our) nature, thus making it more difficult to know ourselves, as the philosopher so wisely encourages us to do. Yet untrodden paths await us still and the dragon is still breathing...
The video is a wonderful complement to the music, is it any wonder that our ancient ancestors regarded the forest with reverence and fear?
And to think, this is what most of the continent looked like at one point! It was not our land then, we trespassed in the dragon's realm.
Thanks a lot! The forest was indeed, for a very long time, our natural habitat. As such, it was both familiar and deadly. To survive, our ancestors therefore had no choice but to face their deepest fears and learn to ride the dragon. Unfortunately, most men let their fears guide them and consequently decide the dragon should either be killed or be avoided at any cost. Having left and destroyed the forest, we have symbolically parted with (our) nature, thus making it more difficult to know ourselves, as the philosopher so wisely encourages us to do. Yet untrodden paths await us still and the dragon is still breathing...