It's remarkable how Midnite is able to consistently maintain such a high level of artistry over such a large corpus of work. Moreover, their sets for their live performances require great lengths of preprration. You must give credit where it us due. Ther most prolific, hardworking and grounded artist/ group in reggae music.
We love you Vaughn. Thank you for sharing your light with us. We will miss you in your human form but your energy and light will stay forever. Rise in eternal power in the ancestors.
First time I heard Midnite I did not see them. The drum beat was all I heard wayyyy across a field in North Carolina. I stopped my conversation, bade my friends higher heights and walked or rather floated towards the sound and as I got closer I saw the light of Yah transmitting and eminating from this priestly warrior king! My thoughts were this is where Bob and them was to be going. Here before my eyes and ears is the reality Rastafar I. I was truly rejoicing with the music, the spirituality coming forth and as a Nyabinghi I received the oneness. From there on whenever they showed in NC there I and my daughter were. As their elder I was truly humbled by the Ancient of Days energy they projected. Reasoning with them was a gift to I in I. Always! Praises to their parents and line of Ancestors. His Will Will return shortly. Know this!!
truly my lord as Haile Selassie I liveth and reign, His will will return and JAH Ras Tafari works will be done to work salvation to the four corners of the earth. Judah lion works in the Ras Tafari reggae roll-call. Negus Nagast Haile Selassie I without end. Amen. Jah bless you for your testimony I and I. Jah see and know. Qedamawi Germawi Moa Anbessa. selah
Totally agree. I've seen other bands that played almost the exact same set at concerts that were almost a year apart, it's kind of disappointing. Midnite brings something new and refreshing to every show.
Vaughn Benjamin , I'm so blessed, and fortunate to have discovered you when I did.❤ ✨️🎉✨️🔥🌟🙏Your music 🎶 has done wonders for me. The very first song(lesson) I heard ,I was hooked...! Complete stop of what I was doing, and sat down. Who is this brilliant person? That has gotten me in a trans 🤔 so until today. Great teacher, your music 🎶 will forever be a tool of enlightenment. YOU'RE THE 💯% Ttrut & I THANK YOU ! 🇭🇹❤️🔥 ✨️🙏✨️
I am there in the front row. What a great night that was. The video leaves a lot to be desired, but I'm so thankful for this fine audio quality because my own audio recording sounds terrible; the mics I was using could not handle the high volume.
FreeMind209707 I can not get enough of his prelude to bushman. So much deep truth. Having urges to listen to it in segments to get a full transcript of it. His chants chizzle down the walls
Remember when you sacrificed down in the trenches? Remember when you didn't eat food because of your principles? Didn't always drive in your Mercedes Benz's... Your ancestors and the All Mighty are watching you. Suffering your own people to belove your own personal economy, speaking reconciliation with your mortal enemy, while you're changing your language and your lifestyle and your currency. Look at the beauty of historical timing, Europe uniting because the Africans rising. European currency now centralizing, the index and the market and the pricing, the know they will know longer be in control. What's the implication of all these things? Even the cycles in the Earth changing. This is material, this is geological cleansing. This is the upheaval, boy if you know this is the renewing. THERE IS NO STOPPING WHAT SELASSIE I JAH IS DOING.
I & I love chanting out blessings ''Everythin' interrelated right now, that's the speed how the music clockin, ... Breath is in and out, one in,one out'' Midnite Ises
Forever Vaughn, Majestic Rasta , against Babylon, his music was forever for eternity, teaching good energy, knowledge and spirituality in a way that only he had tune to the rastafarian frequency Jah Bless Good vibes from Salvador Bahia Brasil
That would be nice but then again being different is what make midnite unique. The fact that he sings all of his concert songs different from the album assures me that i'm getting my moneys worth and not some lipsinc version of the song. I love this group, so original!
Lovely, powerful, & uplifting all the time. My first time seeing this performance. I am from San Diego & have never been to the WBC...such a shame. I know of their good works though. Blessed to be able to still feel Midnite even though the time is now Akae Beka.
vaughn in zion pavillion... mi profeta mi ancestro mi maestro su legado ha ido mis enseñanzas para conocer y resisitir es este mundo dificil . sigo triste pero . gracias gracias gracias se que donde estas, ya estas es paz total junto a jah Rastafari el primero TE extrañaremos.
So much goodness made and send in to the U niverse by this humble Master Teacher Vaughn Benjamin ❤. Making a postive difference in i and i life. Grateful for the inspiration, the meditation and the blessings. I am amazed if i just realise (real eyes) how much uplifting impact this group made. Love and truths frequency ❤❤❤
Saludos de un maracayero en canada!! tienes razon, este grupo tiene que ir a venezuela y transmitir su mensaje, despues de Bob Marley, nada ha salido que sea tan vibrante como estos hermanos, su mensaje, de pureza, vision introspectiva, es algo que tiene que ocurrir pronto, especialmente debido a lo que esta pasando alrededor nuestro, es un profeta caminante (cantando) :)
SeLah 👑💚💛❤👑 00:01 Ina the race so Far 27:00 Proceed Igziabeher 🕊🌿🕊 Great Zimbabwe Walls 49:35 I Chant Pegan 59:00 Love The Life 01:07:30 Wrickta Scale 🌱💚🌳 01:14:12 BushMan 🔥🔥
Awo!!!!! I ah tell you, Midnite is the most sanctified & blessed band in reggae muzik right now for this I-ration/generation!!! No gimmicks muzik!!! Yah Rastafa-I!!!!!
Midnite, thank you for your reasoning. I wish I could ask you how I pull that gun bc I come from the house of gun. Along the Nile, blue lotus, I mean Mississippi. I still don’t know how you knew. Bless ed Ark angel Thank you
I from VI and was there that night took a yankee gyul to the concert she got so drunk I had to take her home. missed out half performances 😪.. Big up all cruzan dem!!
Aka’e Oath Aka’e Oath / Hailé Selassie Eyesus Kristos This is the function of Beka, Aka’e oath, the main oath which the almighty, from the womb of his glory, revealed to the saints. Her name is Beka. The latter asked Saint Michael to show him the secret name, in order to gain understanding, and to bring to memory the dreaded oath of God; and to tremble, at this name and at this oath, those who have revealed to men all the dangerous secrets. This is indeed the magic office of this oath; he is formidable and merciless. And he put Akka's oath into the hands of Saint Michael. Here are the effects of this oath; By its magic virtue, the sky was suspended before the creation of the world. Through him, the earth rose on the waters; and from the hidden parts of the hills the limpid springs gush from the creation of the world to eternity. By this oath the sea was fixed within its limits, and on its foundations. He placed grains of sand to stop him at the time of his fury; and it can never exceed this limit. By this dreadful oath, the abyss has been dug, and it retains its place forever. By this oath, the sun and the moon each complete their periodic course, without ever deviating from the path which has been traced for them. By this oath, the stars follow their eternal path. And when they are called by their names, they answer: Here I am! By this same oath, the winds preside over the waters; each has their own minds, which establish a happy harmony between them. There are the treasures of thunders and the glare of lightning. There are kept the treasures of hail and ice, the treasures of snow, rain and dew. All these angels will keep and bless the name of the Lord of Spirits. They will celebrate it with all kinds of praise, and the Lord of the Spirits will support them, encourage them in these thanksgiving, and they will praise, celebrate and extol the name of the Lord of the Spirits in the centuries to the centuries. And this oath was confirmed on them, and their routes have been traced, and nothing can prevent them from following them. Great was their joy. They blessed him, they celebrated him, they exalted him, because the secret of the son of man had been revealed to them. He is seated on the throne of his glory, and the sum of judgment has been given to the Son of man, and he will remove and destroy sinners from the face of the earth and those who deceived the world. They will be bound with chains, and in the place where they are gathered for destruction they will be locked up, and all their works will be perished from the face of the earth. And from then on there will be nothing corruptible, for this Son of man has appeared and is seated on the throne of his glory, and all evil will be removed and gone from before his face; but the word of this Son of man will remain before the Lord of spirits. " This is the third parable of Enoch. Hailé Selassie Eyesus Kristos Jah Rastafari Ra Amen Selah"
Chapitre 67 Serment D'AKAE [ L’Apocalypse de NOAH - 3ème Parabole d'ENOK (IDRISS,THOT) ] YESUS KRISTOS ACCOMPLI! 1. Après cela ils seront frappés de stupeur et d’effroi à cause du jugement porté sur eux, en punition des révélations qu’ils ont faites aux humains de la terre. 2. Voici le nom des coupables : le 1er de tous est Semiâzâ [Samaël, Lucifer], le 2e Arstikifâ, le 3e Armên, le 4e Kokabâel, le 5e Turaêl, le 6e Rumiâl, le 7e Danial, le 8e Nukael, le 9e Baraqiel, le 10e Azazel, le 11e Armaros, le 12e Batariâl, le 13e Basasaël, le 14e Anânel, le 15e Turiel, le 16e Simâtisiêl, le 17e Ietariel, le 18e Tumâël, le 19e Tariel, le 20e Rumâël, le 21e Izêzéel. 3. Tels sont les noms des princes des anges coupables. Voici maintenant les noms des chefs de leurs centaines, de leurs cinquantaines et de leurs dizaines. 4. Le nom du premier est Yakum ; c’est celui qui séduisit tous les fils de Jah, qui les poussa à descendre sur terre, pour procréer des enfants avec des êtres humains. 5. Le nom du second est Asbeel, qui inspira de mauvaises pensées aux fils de Jah, et les poussa à souiller leurs corps en s’accouplant avec les filles des hommes. 6. Le nom du troisième est Gadriel ; c’est lui qui a révélé aux enfants des hommes les moyens de donner la mort. 7. C’est lui qui séduisit Eve, et enseigna aux enfants des hommes les instruments qui donnent la mort, la cuirasse, le bouclier, le glaive, et tout ce qui peut donner [ou faire éviter la mort]. 8. Ces instruments passèrent de ses mains dans celles des habitants de la terre, et ils y resteront à tout jamais. 9. Le nom du quatrième est Pénémue ; c’est lui qui révéla aux enfants des hommes l’amertume et la douceur. 10. Et qui leur découvrit tous les secrets de leur science. 11. Il leur enseigna l’écriture, et leur montra l’usage de l’encre et du papyrus. 12. Aussi par lui on a vu se multiplier ceux qui sont égarés dans leur vaine sagesse, depuis le commencement du monde jusqu’à ce jour. 13. Car les hommes n’ont point été créés pour consigner leur croyance et leur bonne foi sur du papyrus au moyen de l’encre. 14. Ils n’ont pas été créés autrement que les anges, pour demeurer purs et justes. 15. Ils n’auraient point connu la mort, qui détruit tout ; c’est pourquoi la puissance me dévore. 16. Ils ne périssent que par leur trop grande science. 17. Le nom du cinquième est Kasdeya ; c’est lui qui a révélé aux enfants des hommes tous les arts diaboliques et mauvais. 18. Ces moyens infâmes de tuer un enfant dans le sein de sa mère, ces arts qui se pratiquent par la morsure des bêtes, par l’énergie qui frappe en plein midi, dans la semence du serpent qu’on nomme Tabaet. [enfant de la bête appelé « mâle »] 19. Ceci est le nombre de Kesbel, le principal serment que le Tout-Puissant, du sein de sa gloire, à révélé aux saints. 20. Son nom est BEKA. Celui-ci demanda à Mikaël de lui montrer le Nom secret, afin d’en avoir l’intelligence, et afin de le mentionner dans le serment redoutable de Dieu ; et de faire trembler, à ce Nom et à ce serment, ceux qui ont révélé aux hommes tous les secrets dangereux. 21. Tel est, en effet, l’office puissant de ce serment ; il est redoutable et sans merci. 22. Et Il [Jah] mit ce serment d’AKAE entre les mains de Mikaël. 23. Voici les mystères de ce serment : 24. Par sa vertu, le ciel a été suspendu avant la création du monde. 25. Par lui, la terre s’est élevée sur les eaux ; et, des parties cachées des collines les sources limpides jaillissent depuis la création du monde jusqu’en éternité. 26. Par ce serment, la mer a été fixée dans ses limites, et sur ses fondements. 27. Il a placé des grains de sable pour l’arrêter au temps de sa fureur ; et jamais elle ne pourra dépasser cette limite. Par ce serment redoutable, l’abîme a été creusé, et il conserve sa place à jamais. 28. Par ce serment, le soleil et la lune accomplissent chacun leur course périodique, sans jamais s’écarter de la voie qui leur a été tracée. 29. Par ce serment, les étoiles suivent leur éternelle route. 30. Et quand elles sont appelées par leurs noms, elles répondent : Me voici ! 31. Par ce même serment, les vents président aux eaux ; tous ont chacun leurs esprits, qui établissent entre eux une heureuse harmonie. 32. Là se gardent les trésors des tonnerres et l’éclat de la foudre. 33. Là sont conservés les trésors de la grêle et de la glace, les trésors de la neige, de la pluie et de la rosée. 34. Tous ces anges sont fidèles et conserveront et béniront le nom du Seigneur des esprits. 35. Ils le célébreront par toute espèce de louange, et le Seigneur des esprits les soutiendra, les nourrira par leurs actions de grâces, et ils loueront, célébreront et exalteront le nom du Seigneur des esprits dans les siècles des siècles. 36. Et ce serment a été confirmé sur eux, ils sont gardés par lui et leurs routes ont été tracées, et rien ne peut les empêcher de les suivre. 37. Grande était leur joie. 38. Ils Le bénissaient, ils Le célébraient, ils L’exaltaient, parce qu’Il leur avait révélé le Nom secret du Fils de l’homme. 39. Et Lui siégeait sur le trône de gloire ; et l’ensemble du jugement a été réservé au Fils de l’homme. Les pécheurs s’évanouiront et seront exterminés de la face de la terre, et ceux qui les ont séduits seront entourés de chaînes à tout jamais. 40. Selon le degré de leur corruption, ils seront livrés à différents supplices ; quant à leurs œuvres, elles s’évanouiront de la face de la terre, et désormais il n’y aura plus rien de corruptible, parce que le Fils de l’homme à paru assis sur le trône de gloire. 41. Toute iniquité cessera, tout mal disparaîtra devant sa face, et la parole du Fils de l’homme subsistera seule en présence du Seigneur des esprits. 42. Voilà la troisième parabole d’ENOK. 43. HAILE SELASSIE; YESUS KRISTOS; JAH RAS TAFARI; RA AMUN; YHWH; EYO; SELAH
It's remarkable how Midnite is able to consistently maintain such a high level of artistry over such a large corpus of work. Moreover, their sets for their live performances require great lengths of preprration. You must give credit where it us due. Ther most prolific, hardworking and grounded artist/ group in reggae music.
Dustin Evans without a doubt r.i.p kingman Vaughan Benjamin -Midnite ❤️💛💚🖤👑🇻🇮
Itinually giving Ankhs and Ises To mama for such a blessing
"Got to keep ourselves maintained..."
Full Power ❤ this is one of the best shows!! Much Respect. Many Blessings All . We miss u, Vaughn. Akae Beka forever 🙌🏼💜🎶 Peace and Love ❤️
We love you Vaughn.
Thank you for sharing your light with us.
We will miss you in your human form but your energy and light will stay forever.
Rise in eternal power in the ancestors.
Will come back again and again to this performance.
like a lot of us ,bro .
Your word sound power will live on forIver. Rest In Power Vaughn Benjamin blessed love and light
Even until this day🙏🏽🙇🏽♂️🙏🏽Maximum Respect and Greetings from South Africa, Free State...Kroonstad Maokeng🙏🏽🙇🏽♂️🙏🏽🙇🏽♂️
Irie Morena 🫡
Midnite never fails, hypnotic voice, deep and spiritual.He makes me laugh and cry..
his music eats at your soul..
Real talk Rastafari
One of their greatest performances. The vibe between the brothers was incredible. Highest heights. Give thanks every time.
First time I heard Midnite I did not see them. The drum beat was all I heard wayyyy across a field in North Carolina. I stopped my conversation, bade my friends higher heights and walked or rather floated towards the sound and as I got closer I saw the light of Yah transmitting and eminating from this priestly warrior king! My thoughts were this is where Bob and them was to be going. Here before my eyes and ears is the reality Rastafar I. I was truly rejoicing with the music, the spirituality coming forth and as a Nyabinghi I received the oneness. From there on whenever they showed in NC there I and my daughter were. As their elder I was truly humbled by the Ancient of Days energy they projected. Reasoning with them was a gift to I in I. Always! Praises to their parents and line of Ancestors. His Will Will return shortly. Know this!!
truly my lord as Haile Selassie I liveth and reign, His will will return and JAH Ras Tafari works will be done to work salvation to the four corners of the earth. Judah lion works in the Ras Tafari reggae roll-call. Negus Nagast Haile Selassie I without end. Amen. Jah bless you for your testimony I and I. Jah see and know. Qedamawi Germawi Moa Anbessa. selah
Go to church Sunday 😊
2021 🇹🇹 covid lockdown .. midnite uplift d place
Nothing could ever be better than this. Vaughn and Ron at the top of their game. Amazing.
Totally agree. I've seen other bands that played almost the exact same set at concerts that were almost a year apart, it's kind of disappointing. Midnite brings something new and refreshing to every show.
Vaughn Benjamin , I'm so blessed, and fortunate to have discovered you when I did.❤ ✨️🎉✨️🔥🌟🙏Your music 🎶 has done wonders for me. The very first song(lesson) I heard ,I was hooked...! Complete stop of what I was doing, and sat down. Who is this brilliant person? That has gotten me in a trans 🤔 so until today. Great teacher, your music 🎶 will forever be a tool of enlightenment. YOU'RE THE 💯% Ttrut
& I THANK YOU ! 🇭🇹❤️🔥 ✨️🙏✨️
I am there in the front row. What a great night that was. The video leaves a lot to be desired, but I'm so thankful for this fine audio quality because my own audio recording sounds terrible; the mics I was using could not handle the high volume.
the best musician ever (band/group)__
highest trees inna jah kingdom, seen. dat is no entertainment for your brain charts
I love this set so much! I listen to it over and over. Ron rocks that keyboard, the preludes to Love the Life you Live and Bushman are so amazing!
FreeMind209707 I can not get enough of his prelude to bushman. So much deep truth. Having urges to listen to it in segments to get a full transcript of it. His chants chizzle down the walls
I watch and do it again and again, maybe I shared and I shared again and again, thank you for your light and love
Sharing IS caring! 💚💛❤️🙏✌️
Remember when you sacrificed down in the trenches? Remember when you didn't eat food because of your principles? Didn't always drive in your Mercedes Benz's... Your ancestors and the All Mighty are watching you. Suffering your own people to belove your own personal economy, speaking reconciliation with your mortal enemy, while you're changing your language and your lifestyle and your currency. Look at the beauty of historical timing, Europe uniting because the Africans rising. European currency now centralizing, the index and the market and the pricing, the know they will know longer be in control. What's the implication of all these things? Even the cycles in the Earth changing. This is material, this is geological cleansing. This is the upheaval, boy if you know this is the renewing. THERE IS NO STOPPING WHAT SELASSIE I JAH IS DOING.
Go forward my love
Selassie I ✡️✋🏿
I & I love chanting out blessings
''Everythin' interrelated right now, that's the speed how the music clockin,
... Breath is in and out, one in,one out''
Midnite Ises
Look how young and vibrant...A blessing that this was filmed...RIP to the best ever...
yes Ron Benjamin plays bass now and Ras L on keys . i and i feel so blessed to know of and see this "band of bands" . one love
Forever Vaughn, Majestic Rasta , against Babylon, his music was forever for eternity, teaching good energy, knowledge and spirituality in a way that only he had tune to the rastafarian frequency
Jah Bless
Good vibes from Salvador Bahia Brasil
My favorite Midnite set
Please share your second and third bredrin!
That would be nice but then again being different is what make midnite unique. The fact that he sings all of his concert songs different from the album assures me that i'm getting my moneys worth and not some lipsinc version of the song. I love this group, so original!
Maximum respekt🙇🏽♂️🙏🏽🙇🏽♂️🙏🏽🙇🏽♂️
13:46 Zion Pavillion
20:31 Freedom
43:08 Great Zimbabwe walls
Lovely, powerful, & uplifting all the time. My first time seeing this performance. I am from San Diego & have never been to the WBC...such a shame. I know of their good works though. Blessed to be able to still feel Midnite even though the time is now Akae Beka.
Who is still vizitin dis vid like l du mo dan i can recall
Word sound gathering. In time. On time.
Definitivamente mi concierto favorito de Midnite, no hay duda.
1:52:05 Mama Africa
2:06:20 House of Gun
Love and Respect
Long live Vaughn 🕊️
Best band midnite respect rip vaughn benjamin🇸🇳🇸🇳🇸🇳🇸🇳
vaughn in zion pavillion... mi profeta mi ancestro mi maestro su legado ha ido mis enseñanzas para conocer y resisitir es este mundo dificil . sigo triste pero . gracias gracias gracias se que donde estas, ya estas es paz total junto a jah Rastafari el primero TE extrañaremos.
So much goodness made and send in to the U niverse by this humble Master Teacher Vaughn Benjamin ❤. Making a postive difference in i and i life. Grateful for the inspiration, the meditation and the blessings.
I am amazed if i just realise (real eyes) how much uplifting impact this group made.
Love and truths frequency ❤❤❤
He's Musically PERFECT lol no cap I swear
PERFECT 😊💚💛❤️🙏✌️
One of the best perfomance from Midnite Band, would love to see more and more of them from early 2000s
Great upload bro; this band has no comparison today... yet a legacy of our friend Bob, the Marley Man
Irie! :)
Nunca ouvir tecladista melhor na minha vida
Midnite offerings are worth every penny. Give thanks I’ve been blessed to be in the presence of this prolific band in London England 9/18
Saludos de un maracayero en canada!! tienes razon, este grupo tiene que ir a venezuela y transmitir su mensaje, despues de Bob Marley, nada ha salido que sea tan vibrante como estos hermanos, su mensaje, de pureza, vision introspectiva, es algo que tiene que ocurrir pronto, especialmente debido a lo que esta pasando alrededor nuestro, es un profeta caminante (cantando) :)
THE BEST! I'm so thankful this video is here
sweetest of the sweetest
SeLah 👑💚💛❤👑
00:01 Ina the race so Far
27:00 Proceed Igziabeher 🕊🌿🕊
Great Zimbabwe Walls
49:35 I Chant Pegan
59:00 Love The Life
01:07:30 Wrickta Scale 🌱💚🌳
01:14:12 BushMan 🔥🔥
Jah bless
Bushman is unbelievable in this set
53:24 !!?? 😳🧐
I listen to this from Midnite to Midnight... :)
Grande teacher
Grande mestre
Descansa em paz.
Awo!!!!! I ah tell you, Midnite is the most sanctified & blessed band in reggae muzik right now for this I-ration/generation!!! No gimmicks muzik!!! Yah Rastafa-I!!!!!
UP-Full VibrationS! Raspect! Give thanks & praise to the Most High Jah!
Pro áudio 👍👍
Strong - Strong - Strong
if only life was this simple
Akae bredda live love yuh Ras ❤🇪🇹
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Raaaaaastafari Selassie I Jah come ✊🏿#Midnite
Midnite eterno
Bless up Vaughn
very gooooooood... oh lord
midnite fe life.roots always. nattylove.
1 dos melhores shows já vistos
Show super bacana música profunda ❤❤❤❤
still my all time favorite........
39:10 Tune "Viybz" 54:10 Man Ethio 1:35:15 AS DA GA
Deep 1:11:15 2:29:00
Thanks for sharing this great live
Blessed light and love my family on I Birthday 🎂
Midnite will have you stick to the rhythm, melody, Harmony and balance ✡️✡️✡️✋🏿 Rastafari bliss
Thanks for posting this! The sound quality is amazing.
Thanks for the set list! I added some other songs. Positive vibration, bro!
Love you forever... may the grave be easy for you dear brother
One drop is just sooooooo sick!
Midnite, thank you for your reasoning. I wish I could ask you how I pull that gun bc I come from the house of gun. Along the Nile, blue lotus, I mean Mississippi. I still don’t know how you knew. Bless ed Ark angel Thank you
Simplesmente pancada na mente , Midnite THE BEST !!
Jahbless \õ
I from VI and was there that night took a yankee gyul to the concert she got so drunk I had to take her home. missed out half performances 😪.. Big up all cruzan dem!!
The 2nd song (starts at 4:15) is called Skull Dung from the album Thru & True.
Midnite, pedreira roots só pancada bruta.
omg ive been looking for this for over a year now thank you very much blessed love halie selassie the first
Seek and you shall find! 💚💛❤️🙏✌️
Muito foda MIdnite Brazil
Revolucionário do reagger music sem palavras.q groove.
13:48 Full up my ❤️🔥
A banda é muito boa sincronização perfeita do caralho
higher heights....serious lyrics not for every tom dick and harry.....for sure...blessed MIDNITE
That Snare Drum tho....jus solid #proper
Looove ♥♥♥♥♥
rip Vaughn Benjamin!!!
Thanks for sharing!
juste!!!!bien!!!!jah rastafari!!!!!love midnite!!!!reality!!!!
Que voilà du bon roots!
Aka’e Oath
Aka’e Oath / Hailé Selassie Eyesus Kristos
This is the function of Beka, Aka’e oath, the main oath which the almighty, from the womb of his glory, revealed to the saints. Her name is Beka. The latter asked Saint Michael to show him the secret name, in order to gain understanding, and to bring to memory the dreaded oath of God; and to tremble, at this name and at this oath, those who have revealed to men all the dangerous secrets.
This is indeed the magic office of this oath; he is formidable and merciless.
And he put Akka's oath into the hands of Saint Michael.
Here are the effects of this oath;
By its magic virtue, the sky was suspended before the creation of the world.
Through him, the earth rose on the waters; and from the hidden parts of the hills the limpid springs gush from the creation of the world to eternity.
By this oath the sea was fixed within its limits, and on its foundations.
He placed grains of sand to stop him at the time of his fury; and it can never exceed this limit. By this dreadful oath, the abyss has been dug, and it retains its place forever.
By this oath, the sun and the moon each complete their periodic course, without ever deviating from the path which has been traced for them.
By this oath, the stars follow their eternal path.
And when they are called by their names, they answer: Here I am!
By this same oath, the winds preside over the waters; each has their own minds, which establish a happy harmony between them.
There are the treasures of thunders and the glare of lightning.
There are kept the treasures of hail and ice, the treasures of snow, rain and dew.
All these angels will keep and bless the name of the Lord of Spirits.
They will celebrate it with all kinds of praise, and the Lord of the Spirits will support them, encourage them in these thanksgiving, and they will praise, celebrate and extol the name of the Lord of the Spirits in the centuries to the centuries.
And this oath was confirmed on them, and their routes have been traced, and nothing can prevent them from following them.
Great was their joy.
They blessed him, they celebrated him, they exalted him, because the secret of the son of man had been revealed to them. He is seated on the throne of his glory, and the sum of judgment has been given to the Son of man, and he will remove and destroy sinners from the face of the earth and those who deceived the world. They will be bound with chains, and in the place where they are gathered for destruction they will be locked up, and all their works will be perished from the face of the earth. And from then on there will be nothing corruptible, for this Son of man has appeared and is seated on the throne of his glory, and all evil will be removed and gone from before his face; but the word of this Son of man will remain before the Lord of spirits. "
This is the third parable of Enoch. Hailé Selassie Eyesus Kristos Jah Rastafari Ra Amen Selah"
Chapitre 67 Serment D'AKAE [ L’Apocalypse de NOAH - 3ème Parabole d'ENOK (IDRISS,THOT) ] YESUS KRISTOS ACCOMPLI!
1. Après cela ils seront frappés de stupeur et d’effroi à cause du jugement porté sur eux, en punition des révélations qu’ils ont faites aux humains de la terre.
2. Voici le nom des coupables : le 1er de tous est Semiâzâ [Samaël, Lucifer], le 2e Arstikifâ, le 3e Armên, le 4e Kokabâel, le 5e Turaêl, le 6e Rumiâl, le 7e Danial, le 8e Nukael, le 9e Baraqiel, le 10e Azazel, le 11e Armaros, le 12e Batariâl, le 13e Basasaël, le 14e Anânel, le 15e Turiel, le 16e Simâtisiêl, le 17e Ietariel, le 18e Tumâël, le 19e Tariel, le 20e Rumâël, le 21e Izêzéel.
3. Tels sont les noms des princes des anges coupables. Voici maintenant les noms des chefs de leurs centaines, de leurs cinquantaines et de leurs dizaines.
4. Le nom du premier est Yakum ; c’est celui qui séduisit tous les fils de Jah, qui les poussa à descendre sur terre, pour procréer des enfants avec des êtres humains.
5. Le nom du second est Asbeel, qui inspira de mauvaises pensées aux fils de Jah, et les poussa à souiller leurs corps en s’accouplant avec les filles des hommes.
6. Le nom du troisième est Gadriel ; c’est lui qui a révélé aux enfants des hommes les moyens de donner la mort.
7. C’est lui qui séduisit Eve, et enseigna aux enfants des hommes les instruments qui donnent la mort, la cuirasse, le bouclier, le glaive, et tout ce qui peut donner [ou faire éviter la mort].
8. Ces instruments passèrent de ses mains dans celles des habitants de la terre, et ils y resteront à tout jamais.
9. Le nom du quatrième est Pénémue ; c’est lui qui révéla aux enfants des hommes l’amertume et la douceur.
10. Et qui leur découvrit tous les secrets de leur science. 11. Il leur enseigna l’écriture, et leur montra l’usage de l’encre et du papyrus.
12. Aussi par lui on a vu se multiplier ceux qui sont égarés dans leur vaine sagesse, depuis le commencement du monde jusqu’à ce jour.
13. Car les hommes n’ont point été créés pour consigner leur croyance et leur bonne foi sur du papyrus au moyen de l’encre.
14. Ils n’ont pas été créés autrement que les anges, pour demeurer purs et justes. 15. Ils n’auraient point connu la mort, qui détruit tout ; c’est pourquoi la puissance me dévore. 16. Ils ne périssent que par leur trop grande science. 17. Le nom du cinquième est Kasdeya ; c’est lui qui a révélé aux enfants des hommes tous les arts
diaboliques et mauvais.
18. Ces moyens infâmes de tuer un enfant dans le sein de sa mère, ces arts qui se pratiquent par la morsure des bêtes, par l’énergie qui frappe en plein midi, dans la semence du serpent qu’on nomme Tabaet. [enfant de la bête appelé « mâle »]
19. Ceci est le nombre de Kesbel, le principal serment que le Tout-Puissant, du sein de sa gloire, à révélé aux saints.
20. Son nom est BEKA. Celui-ci demanda à Mikaël de lui montrer le Nom secret, afin d’en avoir
l’intelligence, et afin de le mentionner dans le serment redoutable de Dieu ; et de faire trembler, à ce Nom et à ce serment, ceux qui ont révélé aux hommes tous les secrets dangereux.
21. Tel est, en effet, l’office puissant de ce serment ; il est redoutable et sans merci.
22. Et Il [Jah] mit ce serment d’AKAE entre les mains de Mikaël.
23. Voici les mystères de ce serment :
24. Par sa vertu, le ciel a été suspendu avant la création du monde.
25. Par lui, la terre s’est élevée sur les eaux ; et, des parties cachées des collines les sources limpides jaillissent depuis la création du monde jusqu’en éternité.
26. Par ce serment, la mer a été fixée dans ses limites, et sur ses fondements.
27. Il a placé des grains de sable pour l’arrêter au temps de sa fureur ; et jamais elle ne pourra dépasser cette limite. Par ce serment redoutable, l’abîme a été creusé, et il conserve sa place à jamais.
28. Par ce serment, le soleil et la lune accomplissent chacun leur course périodique, sans jamais s’écarter de la voie qui leur a été tracée.
29. Par ce serment, les étoiles suivent leur éternelle route. 30. Et quand elles sont appelées par leurs noms, elles répondent : Me voici !
31. Par ce même serment, les vents président aux eaux ; tous ont chacun leurs esprits, qui établissent entre eux une heureuse harmonie.
32. Là se gardent les trésors des tonnerres et l’éclat de la foudre.
33. Là sont conservés les trésors de la grêle et de la glace, les trésors de la neige, de la pluie et de la rosée.
34. Tous ces anges sont fidèles et conserveront et béniront le nom du Seigneur des esprits.
35. Ils le célébreront par toute espèce de louange, et le Seigneur des esprits les soutiendra, les nourrira par leurs actions de grâces, et ils loueront, célébreront et exalteront le nom du Seigneur des esprits dans les siècles des siècles.
36. Et ce serment a été confirmé sur eux, ils sont gardés par lui et leurs routes ont été tracées, et rien ne peut les empêcher de les suivre.
37. Grande était leur joie.
38. Ils Le bénissaient, ils Le célébraient, ils L’exaltaient, parce qu’Il leur avait révélé le Nom secret du Fils de l’homme.
39. Et Lui siégeait sur le trône de gloire ; et l’ensemble du jugement a été réservé au Fils de l’homme. Les pécheurs s’évanouiront et seront exterminés de la face de la terre, et ceux qui les ont séduits seront entourés de chaînes à tout jamais.
40. Selon le degré de leur corruption, ils seront livrés à différents supplices ; quant à leurs œuvres, elles s’évanouiront de la face de la terre, et désormais il n’y aura plus rien de corruptible, parce que le Fils de l’homme à paru assis sur le trône de gloire.
41. Toute iniquité cessera, tout mal disparaîtra devant sa face, et la parole du Fils de l’homme subsistera seule en présence du Seigneur des esprits.
42. Voilà la troisième parabole d’ENOK.
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Miss you so much
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