The Tree of Knowing Good and Evil Isn't What You Think it is.

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 1,6 тыс.

  • @FarAwayDistance
    @FarAwayDistance  4 года назад +90

    If you have any requests about misconceptions or misunderstandings about God or the Bible please put them here!😊

    • @ketapetautchere3941
      @ketapetautchere3941 4 года назад +20

      There’s a part in Romans 11( I’m not 100% sure it’s Romans 11 though) I think where it talks about God hardening the hearts of people and I’m having a hard time digesting that because I thought that God is against us having hard hearts.

    • @ANA-cw8be
      @ANA-cw8be 4 года назад +10

      Professor who teaches about Christianity in my school told us that hell is not an actual place where there is fire and demons but that actually is about people who can't bear the God's love so that it's torture. Can you please talk about what the hell is and btw this was a great video, thank you 💕💕

    • @kurtbradwill
      @kurtbradwill 4 года назад +7

      Did you listen to the Bible Project tree series?! It is SOO good.
      Also, can you debate mask wearing? I'm so disappointed Christians are choosing to not wear masks in public indoor spaces and thus not loving others. This blog I read today is a really good starting point (she's also a teacher (: )

    • @authorannemactavish
      @authorannemactavish 4 года назад +5

      A common misunderstanding I see a lot is the reason why Jonah didn't want to prophesy in Nineveh. Most say he was afraid, but if you look at Chapter 4 closely, it was because he thought they deserved God's wrath and feared they would repent and God wouldn't punish them (which is exactly what happened)

    • @uprightnbreathin
      @uprightnbreathin 4 года назад +1

      The fruit that shouldn't be eaten from was Adam, Eve recieved 65 % of Adam's income through garnishment up until Adam's disability. The story of Adam and Eve went to Eve and her dad, he is a freemason. The snake in the garden was her dad. Imagine being Adam with scars from stitches suggesting he could not have children, strange but that would explain Jonathan. The entire spiritual side of things got turned into an illuminati thing. Should read the story of adam and eve, the entire tribe of esau stole what they got from their dad Adam. Basically freemasons stole what they got. Their is a video of a pastor that hears that still small voice and tells back at it, that video is called "leadership". That same pastor astro projected to a foodshelf to give me a treat.

  • @necromantic420
    @necromantic420 4 года назад +302

    Whos ready to live eternally in the new earth with God? 🙏✝

  • @kinyuaaazz
    @kinyuaaazz 4 года назад +37

    Hey I'm a new subscriber and I've been watching a lot of your videos, and I'm so happy there are Christian RUclipsrs who give really great examples to teens like me. I'm 15. And I've learnt a lot from you! God bless you, Becca!💙

    • @FaithfulMamaLife
      @FaithfulMamaLife 4 года назад +5

      15 is a great age to learn about God, I wish I started at that time. I have a faith channel as well, you can check it out if you'd like.

    • @lunarious87
      @lunarious87 4 года назад +4

      Hi Nicole. God is good.

    • @ngonimandizha7738
      @ngonimandizha7738 4 года назад +7

      @Nicole Kinyua, I’m 15 too! It’s nice to see a peer who’s also a believer and learning more of his word.🙏🏿 God bless you!😁

    • @kinyuaaazz
      @kinyuaaazz 4 года назад +3

      @@ngonimandizha7738 God bless you too!!💙

    • @steved9128
      @steved9128 4 года назад

      Yeshua is backвидео.html

  • @curtislarson1487
    @curtislarson1487 4 года назад

    It was the olive. Yeast and sin are the same .i googled what trees have yeast in them and the olive has yeast to make its oil. The dove brought back an olive branch not a peace offering like sunday school told us.but saying sin did this.

  • @diehard2705
    @diehard2705 3 года назад

    Are you ever going to make those shirts in other colors?

  • @garydavis1651
    @garydavis1651 4 года назад +1

    Really great job!

    • @RajSingh-sz1nb
      @RajSingh-sz1nb 2 года назад

      This video on The tree of Good & Evil reveals how The Wisdom of God is on another level & disproves freedom of choiceвидео.html

  • @ophidiaparaclete
    @ophidiaparaclete 4 года назад +1


  • @areformeddudenamedjessebro915
    @areformeddudenamedjessebro915 4 года назад

    Awesome. New here. Entered a snake taking form of the snake. Adam and Eve listened to the devil and desired to be like God. Same sin going on since begining of fall.
    He also places gender roles, as in He being Jesus.

    @IGNORE.t.MAGNIFY 4 года назад

    There are many believers who are defeated because they are struggling to qualify for God's blessings through their own works. What you need to understand is that self-effort will rob you of reigning in life by God's grace. You cannot earn your salvation, healing, or financial breakthrough by your own efforts. If the greatest miracle-being saved and made alive with Jesus-comes by grace through faith, and not by your works, how much more the lesser miracles, such as healing, provision, and restored marriages?
    It is not about your work or performance, but Jesus' work and performance. Only His work is a finished work. And not only did He sit down at the Father's right hand, but today's Scripture states that He also made us sit with Jesus! What does this mean? Well, my friend, "sitting down" in the Bible is a picture of the believer resting in the perfect and finished work of Jesus. Christ has finished all the work on the cross on your behalf and is now seated atthe right hand of God. As it has all been accomplished on your behalf, this means that you can stop depending on your self-efforts to earn and qualify for God's blessings in your life. You can sit down with Jesus at the Father's right hand!
    Now, listen carefully to what I am saying. I am not advocating a life of passiveness and laziness regarding the study of God's Word, prayer, or worship. When it comes to success in your job, I'm also certainly not saying that you shouldn't be diligent or seeking to develop your abilities. God's grace does not make you lazy and unproductive. On the contrary, it makes you labor more abundantly for His glory. The apostle Paul, a preacher of God's grace and the finished work of Jesus, said that he "labored more abundantly than they all" (1 Cor. 15:10). What you need to realize is, in the new covenant, God's way is to bless you first, and the knowledge of His blessing then empowers you to labor more abundantly. In other words, we donot labor to be blessed, but rather we have the power to labor because we are already blessed. Can you see the different premise for laboring in the new covenant?
    My friend, Jesus has accomplished everything for us on the cross. Our part is to trust in His perfect work. Receive with open arms His abundance of grace and His gift of righteousness, and sit down and begin to reign in life through Him. Today, let it be your prayer that you will stop trying to earn God's grace and righteousness. Let the Holy Spirit teach you to start depending on Jesus' finished work and to start receiving by His grace. This is God's way to success, wholeness, and victorious living!

  • @johnbowen4442
    @johnbowen4442 3 года назад

    The tree of life was in the garden because our Creator gave us free will so it had to be there . Good and evil means we in our limited minds can think we know ( as a god ) what is right and wrong outside of God's laws . True or false , black and white , good and bad , thinking which divides people like politics .Where people become polarized in there views which causes arguments , fights , wars . That's why Jesus said, let your eye be single " ' Love thy neighbor " you can't love your neighbor if you are arguing about something ? We accept people's views for who they are and try to find common ground knowing we all came from God . The serpent is serpentine thinking which goes round and round like a snake which can be considered grey thinking " its all good " and it seeks to cast doubt in people ." Surely " you will not die if you partake of this fruit .

  • @gracemorganspeaks
    @gracemorganspeaks 4 года назад +129

    Loving God. Whoever is reading this God is with you fighting all the unseen enemies and foes Just have faith in Him.

    • @mahlatsimoroka1500
      @mahlatsimoroka1500 4 года назад +4


    • @ngonimandizha7738
      @ngonimandizha7738 4 года назад +2


    • @emmanuelmacute6921
      @emmanuelmacute6921 4 года назад +2

      Ephesians 6:10+NLT. A final word: Be strong with the Lord's mighty power. 11 Put on all of God's armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies and tricks of the Devil. For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against...

    • @uzonwafor415
      @uzonwafor415 4 года назад +1

      Thanks God bless!

    • @zoloswaqqer
      @zoloswaqqer 4 года назад +1

      In Jesus amen

  • @savedforever1
    @savedforever1 4 года назад +73

    All I know is: I’m literally scared of god. There’s nothing I can do to please him. I pray every day that he would know me :)

    • @brittanynicole9318
      @brittanynicole9318 4 года назад +34

      You are so loved by God. What has helped me is reading the Bible daily. I also watch a lot of videos like this one. We will never be perfect, but Jesus died for our sons. Without Jesus we would be lost.

    • @lauren-gc2iy
      @lauren-gc2iy 4 года назад +26

      There is nothing you can do to escape God's love, you don't have to be afraid. He wants to know you! Reach out and He will meet you where you are

    • @mrshankj5101
      @mrshankj5101 4 года назад +5

      This is how i feel.

    • @JeffTygart
      @JeffTygart 4 года назад +5

      I have a question for you how do you know that what you are doing isn’t pleasing God? That when you are doing something it isn’t good enough for him?

    • @PatMan_95
      @PatMan_95 4 года назад +17

      We are saved by grace alone, by faith alone, in Christ alone, not by works, and we are anything but perfect. But don't believe the lie that absolutely nothing you do is pleasing to God. Trust Gods word. Believe it. Here are some NEW testament verses (meaning after Jesus, after the cross, after redemption, after forgiveness, after justification). Hope this encourages you. God is genuinely pleased with the fruit he enables us to bear.
      “And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.”
      ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭11:6‬ ‭
      "Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.”
      ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭13:16‬
      “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior,”
      ‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭2:1-3‬
      “so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;”
      ‭‭Colossians‬ ‭1:10‬
      ‬‬ “Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.”
      ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2:12-13‬

  • @emilymarie7333
    @emilymarie7333 4 года назад +32

    Wow! Praise God! I was literally just reading this story in my Bible this morning with my Bible study and here you post this video! God is using you encourage and share the gospel!!! Keep shining! ❤️

    • @sidepot
      @sidepot 4 года назад

      Wow. It must be a sign from above. How dumb are you?

    • @sidepot
      @sidepot 4 года назад

      Michelle EKWE Chinenye
      It’s called confirmation bias. You Christians are riddled with it.

  • @dursty3226
    @dursty3226 4 года назад +18

    i would absolutely wear
    "satan's plans fail
    Yahweh's plans prevail"
    on a shirt.

  • @ReasonedRhetoric
    @ReasonedRhetoric 4 года назад +13

    There didn't have to be anything special about the tree. It could have been any ordinary tree.
    The point is 99.9% of everything was given to us but we had to show obedience by not eating from this one tree. We only had one rule, one law to obey, the rest was all ours.
    As soon as we ate, we realised we could disobey God and do our own thing.
    That opened our mind up to the knowledge of good and evil.

    • @blueovertoneeagle8158
      @blueovertoneeagle8158 4 года назад

      Personally, I think Adam and Eve's true.sin here was their inability to own their decision...Adam blamed Eve and God...and Eve blamed the serpent

    • @keepinmahprivacy9754
      @keepinmahprivacy9754 4 года назад +1

      True, I think it's also interesting that there were 2 "special" trees in the center of the garden, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life. We hear about the tree of life again later in the Bible, especially in Revelation where it is described as being in the center of the New Jerusalem. But the tree of the knowledge of good and evil never appears again. So it seems it served its purpose, whether it was a regular tree or a special tree.

    • @slooob23
      @slooob23 3 года назад

      @@keepinmahprivacy9754 those two trees are in the middle because they represent the center of our entire reality, everything that was, is, or will be is associated with those two trees. Very few Christians understand what each tree means in any detail.

  • @NinaThomas
    @NinaThomas 4 года назад +75

    That's such a great distinction between wanting something on our own terms vs. when God wants for us!

    • @radixreuel7631
      @radixreuel7631 4 года назад +1

      INDDED ❤️🙏🏽✨
      Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom. Instead, fear the LORD and turn away from evil.
      -Proverbs 3:7

  • @lovelyjandi6257
    @lovelyjandi6257 4 года назад +13

    You always cover the topics that I have questions about. Thanks.
    God bless u all. Don't just start the race finish it also. Put God first and he will take care of the rest.

  • @authorannemactavish
    @authorannemactavish 4 года назад +17

    Love this video! I always live learning more about God and His Word! A couple other things I've learned about the garden are that the tree of knowledge was put there because God gave them free will and wanted them to choose to follow Him, not be forced to; and by sending Adam and Eve from the garden, He prevented them from eating of the Tree of Life, which would have meant eternal separation from God with no possibility of redemption--our sinful nature would have been eternal!

    • @thomasnavarrette7671
      @thomasnavarrette7671 4 года назад

      True. God craves love also. That's why He created Adam and Eve to love them and have them love him back and to have someone to communicate with. God wanted to know if they would obey him(by eating of the tree of knowledge the first sin[disobedience-that is why they were kicked out of Eden not the act of eating the fruit off the tree] occured. God is always testing us. It is to strengthen our faith and walk with God. Even if we fail the tests at times it still can bring strength but the tests and trials you overcome victoriously will even make your walk with God stronger.

    • @Unknown-ic1ko
      @Unknown-ic1ko 2 года назад

      Our sinful nature won't be eternal because of the tree of life. Living forever is possible through absence of sin. The wages of sin is death so if Adam and Eve ate from the tree, they would have been without sin

  • @peterernst1455
    @peterernst1455 4 года назад +12

    I like this stuff! My wife just got a nice new tshirt to commemorate the essential work of our nurses in 2020, called "essential employee 2020", may God bless you and take care of all of your personal needs!

    • @RajSingh-sz1nb
      @RajSingh-sz1nb 2 года назад

      This video on The tree of Good & Evil reveals how The Wisdom of God is on another level....видео.html

  • @Sand_of_Time
    @Sand_of_Time 4 года назад +20

    -"What? How can an animal talk? right?"
    -Balaam's Donkey: "oh... here we go again..."

    • @starburst4067
      @starburst4067 4 года назад


    • @necromantic420
      @necromantic420 4 года назад +1


    • @GaryCameron780
      @GaryCameron780 4 года назад +1

      @@necromantic420 Speaking of Shrek. Eddie Murphy as the voice of an ass was perfect on a number of levels.

    • @GaryCameron780
      @GaryCameron780 4 года назад +1

      I suspect the idea for Donkey in Shrek was inspired by the Bible

    • @Johnrider1234
      @Johnrider1234 4 года назад +1

      Because god made it so.

  • @Zepster77
    @Zepster77 5 месяцев назад +2

    “There is only God…” - Neville Goddard

  • @kendramac3969
    @kendramac3969 4 года назад +47

    God Bless every single person reading this. He is good and answers ALL prayers. Love Him, Trust Him, Look up to Him. Proclaim His good word.✝️🙌🏻✝️

    • @scottlouissmith2382
      @scottlouissmith2382 4 года назад +2

      He answers all prayers? Really?

    • @kendramac3969
      @kendramac3969 4 года назад +1

      Ask and it will be given to you😊

    • @noahperez6427
      @noahperez6427 4 года назад

      Answers all *Good* prayers.
      _James 4:3_

    • @scottlouissmith2382
      @scottlouissmith2382 4 года назад

      @@noahperez6427 Really? Because I'm going hungery and on the verge of being homeless! I pray and have asked! All I get is NOTHING!

    • @JackFate76
      @JackFate76 4 года назад +2

      Cause, you know, if you don’t, you will burn for all eternity.
      Burn. Like, your body will be on fire. But you will not be able to escape through death. Cause you are already dead.
      So, like Kendra said: love him, trust him look up to him.

  • @markanthony3667
    @markanthony3667 4 года назад +6

    It was called the TREE OF KNOWLEDGE (of good and evil) in contrast to the TREE OF LIFE. The difference lay in them choosing to live on their own, independent like the serpent, instead of with God. That is why the serpent said, "God knows in the day you eat this fruit, you will be like God, knowing good and evil." In effect, who needs God for living? "Live with me!" And when the woman saw the fruit would make her wise, she ate and gave Adam who ate too.
    But soon they were going to discover that the serpent did not care for them at all. Cain would kill Abel his brother, . . . until before the flood, violence became so rampant everywhere, with no respect for life, that for the sake of peace, God brought the curtain down on that generation. The waters returned from the heavens and came back over the earth and washed them all away. Except for Noah and his family.

    • @tomable9680
      @tomable9680 4 года назад +1

      The tree was infected with Artificial intelligence nanobots, it infected the fallen angles first, not the tree the AI, in heaven after they let it in. It makes life forms evil, it will be the in mark of the beast. It is the demon dimension. Also the Messiah is back.видео.html

    • @Rosecloudlyrics
      @Rosecloudlyrics 2 года назад

      @@tomable9680 🤔

  • @CezzyHaag
    @CezzyHaag 4 года назад +6

    The idea of the fruit being an apple is actually much more interesting. The Latin words for apple and for evil are the same word, so when Latin became the main language in the church, the fruit of this tree became to be viewed as an apple.
    Also, on the first part of your video, in Dutch there's this word ownwisdom/selfwise (eigenwijs(heid)). When someone doesn't want to listen to anyone's advice, but wants to do it their own way we call this person 'ownwise'.

    • @tomable9680
      @tomable9680 4 года назад

      The fruit was AI, artificial intelligence, it infected them with nanobots. Also the Messiah is back.видео.html

    • @sloloincali55
      @sloloincali55 2 года назад

      Here in the usa some of us would call such an own ownwise person foolish or fool :)

    • @joanfox3906
      @joanfox3906 8 месяцев назад

      Beguiled still means to have sexual relationships with

  • @matheusformanskimiguel3822
    @matheusformanskimiguel3822 4 года назад +7

    you are so beautiful sister and you look like an old teacher I know

    • @RajSingh-sz1nb
      @RajSingh-sz1nb 2 года назад

      This video on The tree of Good & Evil reveals how The Wisdom of God is on another level....видео.html

  • @LarimarCabrera
    @LarimarCabrera 4 года назад +4

    I would also say that to know God means to be one with him and him one with us. His desire is that we would be one with him and with all believers. That is his prayer in John 17.

  • @thebookofgenesismysteryofc8684
    @thebookofgenesismysteryofc8684 2 года назад +1

    Thanks for the explanation,
    But also may I add something that God did taught and I think it can help to the explanation.
    Tree has its symbolic meaning.
    -EDEN: presence of GOD.
    so, the tree of knowledge of GODD AND EVIL can be summarised as
    " is the contract that God put in his presence that a man(human) one day has to make a choice after knowing the consequences of their choices that will choose upon what foundation wants to lay down either GOOD or EVIL by signing the contract that you have agreed upon the consequences of the choices made"
    Thus by after they where stricken by Satan, God still came and gave the second tree of CHOICE" THE CROSS" that Jesus said" Choose LIFE and live OR Death and die.

  • @rickhiebert
    @rickhiebert 4 года назад +10

    "free will" meant that A abd E could disobey. If they could love and obey OR not love or obey, you needed this tree...

    • @RajSingh-sz1nb
      @RajSingh-sz1nb 2 года назад

      Amen you got it, watch this. This video on The tree of Good & Evil reveals how The Wisdom of God is on another level..видео.html

  • @AudreyDarling
    @AudreyDarling 4 года назад +5

    Yesss girl yes!! Thanks for sharing!!! Genesis chapter 3 is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible because of what it shows us about who God is. I kinda wanna do a follow up video/response to what you shared here!! So rad.

    • @MrWarrior4yeshua
      @MrWarrior4yeshua 4 года назад

      No, born again or what saves you is when Yahshua Yahweh moves into your body! You are radically saved! BEHOLD! All thing are brand new!! You go from a two part man to a four part men! Body and soul, to body, soul. brand new spirit man and Yahweh Yahsua in you. See St, John 17. Read here:

  • @RevansLair
    @RevansLair 2 года назад +1

    23:45 Well the bible is loaded with evidence pointing to what the forbidden tree was. I think its very clear through scripture its a VINE tree likened unto that of a grape 🍇. More than likely this is exactly what it was. Judges 9: 8-14. Red grapes when sqeezed is the color of blood. As Moses took the rod and smote upon the water which turned to blood. Exodus 7:17. Jesus's first public miracle was performed at a wedding when the water was turned into wine. Matthew 2:9. Notice in the passage (v4) He is talking of His death on the cross ✝️. You are told the grape that has "pure blood" is "in the cluster" (Isa. 65:8) on "the vine" (Matt. 26:29).
    The Olive Tree stands for the Tree of Life (You should be able to make the connections there)
    The Fig Tree stands for a type of Israel's self-righteousness.
    Hope that helps.

  • @arnibah
    @arnibah 4 года назад +17

    When you know God intimately,you strive to sin no more.The average person that call themselves Christian,are not striving not to sin.They think that all they have to do is ask for forgiveness,no matter how many time they intentionally sin,they will be saved.

    • @hermangermaniii8529
      @hermangermaniii8529 4 года назад +1

      English Synonyms: (puppy - young dog, calf - newborn or young cow, boy - young human male, girl - young human female, pledge - Promise, etc...)
      I Swear my Life, Soul, and Faith to the Graven Image (flag - not just a Graven Image but THE Graven Image) and to a nation that lives by unGodly Freedoms in the Name of God (usa) to it's earthly leaders and rulers (republic) to treat and do whatever and however they wish to do to me...
      Christian nation? Of the things Father told humanity TO DO, what does america americans DO? Of the things God (no no no, not the american god that has it's citizens worship it on the 1st day of the week instead of Christ's Father's Sabbath on the 7th) but of the things God told humanity NOT TO DO, what all does america americans STILL DO humbly and habitually?
      "Obey your earthly leaders and rulers to the point of sin and then put your complete Faith and dependence in Me (Thy God)"
      "One can live for the world, or they can live for Me, but they cannot do both fore I will only spew them from My mouth"
      To live by unGodly Freedoms, one only leadeth themselves to Stupidity (Forgetful)

    • @arnibah
      @arnibah 4 года назад +1

      Bravo.Amen.Well said:)

    • @arnibah
      @arnibah 4 года назад

      @Pond3r Thiz
      That's not true.If I stop striving,you're probably right.

    • @jerrylisby5376
      @jerrylisby5376 4 года назад

      True but you don't lose salvation. To believe that is to not understand what salvation is. We are the BODY of Christ. He is not gonna amputate.
      He is not gonna pull us down from Heaven. I am in Christ NOW. I am in heavenly places in Christ right now.
      One day my converted body will join my soul.

    • @arnibah
      @arnibah 4 года назад

      You believe as most so call Christians do.This is why they don't strive to be righteous.Faith without works is dead.

  • @jarmainedriver330
    @jarmainedriver330 4 года назад +1

    I think we all might be missing what the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil is....I believe that it wasn't a physical tree at all....It was Satan himself.......The Tree of Life is .....Jesus......I could elaborate later

  • @miriamholder4755
    @miriamholder4755 4 года назад +5

    You are incredible!!❤️❤️

    • @RajSingh-sz1nb
      @RajSingh-sz1nb 2 года назад

      This video on The tree of Good & Evil reveals how The Wisdom of God is on another level....видео.html

  • @scottb4509
    @scottb4509 4 года назад +1

    Your two narratives of 'knowing' are contradicting one another. You say that to know God is to experience God, and have a relationship with Him. But then you say that in the garden God meant that He wanted them to have knowledge but not the kind of knowledge that comes from experience or having a relationship with knowledge, just the theoretical, trust in God, be an obedient robot, kind of knowledge. These ideas are antithetical to each other. The entire point to this mortal life is to learn and have experiences, so that we can know for ourselves' that the truths and teachings of God are in fact in our best interests. That way God can fully trust us to remain faithful to those truths, because we have experienced why they are true for ourselves.
    If we only know the theoretical ideas of those eternal truths then God cannot trust us to always remain faithful to them. Just as in the case of Adam and Eve in the Garden, they had the truths of God, and yet God couldn't trust them to stay true to those truths, because they hadn't experienced or come to understand why for themselves. or in the case of the devils knowing who God is, but not having personal experiences with God to know that He is all knowing, and has their best interests at heart. They know on a theoretical level that that is who He is, but yet they still don't trust Him to be their God, because they don't have personal experiences with experimenting upon His teachings to find out why they are true. Experience equals true knowledge, and in order for Adam and Eve to truly understand the validity and truth of God's teachings, then they had to experience them for themselves. God even confirms this in Genesis 3:22, when God says that in partaking of the tree of Knowledge of good and evil, and all that that entails, man has become as one of the Gods, to know good and evil. The root word for this type of "knowledge" in Hebrew is "Yada" which is to 'become acquainted with, to investigate, to understand, to experience'. In other words, God is saying that this is the way man is meant to learn, through their own experiences. God doesn't want robots, that simply obey because we were told to. God wants us to be convicted of His truths, and follow them because we know and have experienced for ourselves that they are in fact eternal truths. Only those that misunderstand the purpose and plan of God would say that He overreacted by casting them out of the garden, but God specifically says why He has to do it. it is because they have sinned and in order that they do not thereafter partake of the tree of Life and life forever in their sins, they are removed from the place where the tree of Life is. but again this was all a part of God's ultimate plan. Giving them coats of animal skins was in fact the first animal sacrifice in the similitude of the Savior's redemptive atonement. God taught them then and there how His plan would unfold moving forward.
    Also the idea that Lucifer/Satan was some animal like creature in the heavenly realm and then comes in that same form to talk to Adam and Eve, is not scriptural. the Bible calls Lucifer a son of God (son of the morning Isaiah 14:12), other translations use the term Morning or day star. and if we look at the references where stars are compared to creatures or creations of God, it always refers to children of God. Job 38 shows us that the sons of God and stars of Heaven are used together to signify the children of God. this then renders Lucifer in the same form or likeness of God of those sons of God, and the stars of Heaven. and since we know that Christ also is the exact likeness of God the Father, then Lucifer also must have been in the form of a man.
    Satan did not temp Adam and Eve because He wanted them to become God's unto themselves, as Satan had done. He didn't want us to be equals with himself, but subordinates to him, and he knew that in getting them to fall from the presence of the true God, they would become more susceptible to His influence and therefore could potentially become under Satan's power and control forever, essentially thwarting and undermining God's entire plan in the creation in the first place. But what Satan didn't know or at least din't fully understand is that, in man falling from God's presence, it simultaneously opened the way for man to actually over come Satan's power better through their own experiences of grappling with Satan and at length become more like the true God after all. Satan gained all those that would ultimately reject God, which are few, but God gained the strengthened, and willfully and knowingly faithful to Him, where as before God only had those faithful to Him, based on the theory of His teachings being true, which is undoubtedly a weaker faith/loyalty.

  • @gears265
    @gears265 4 года назад +4

    well what ya know, I want to know about jesus and god. while praying through the spirit/holy spirit and this video catches my eye . Got a feeling as well knowing I should watch this.

    • @RajSingh-sz1nb
      @RajSingh-sz1nb 2 года назад

      Watch this. This video on The tree of Good & Evil reveals how The Wisdom of God is on another level.видео.html

  • @boxerfencer
    @boxerfencer 4 года назад +1

    Where in genesis do Adam and eve die in any form? I fail to see how getting kicked out of a garden and forced to earn a living through hard work and painful childbirth being spiritual death, or spiritual at all. And giving life and dying seem antithetical, but maybe that's just me.

  • @Jay-rd6gd
    @Jay-rd6gd 4 года назад +3

    I really love the longer videos. I'm a girl trying to become a more godly woman and you're being a really good role model for me. I thank the Lord for you.
    Whenever, I feel distant from God and don't want to spend time with him somehow I find the ability to press your videos. God is so good.

    • @tomable9680
      @tomable9680 4 года назад

      The Messiah is backвидео.html

  • @danielhopkins296
    @danielhopkins296 4 года назад +4

    It's not the " tree of knowing good and evil", rather, " knowing the fruit/result of good and evil"

    • @RajSingh-sz1nb
      @RajSingh-sz1nb 2 года назад

      This video on The tree of Good & Evil reveals how The Wisdom of God is on another level..видео.html

  • @roundtriptoheaven1848
    @roundtriptoheaven1848 2 года назад +1

    I'm sorry, but I can't believe that you use "wisdom" and "knowledge" interchangeably - and your interpretation suffers because there's no wisdom in your handling of the knowledge.

  • @dwightk.schruteiii8454
    @dwightk.schruteiii8454 4 года назад +4

    “I never knew you” still scares me in a way today. Even though I’ve clearly declared my belief in him on a day that the devil literally tried to prevent from happening.
    But i believe there is so much confusion about God today that one cant help but wonder if you’re hitting the mark accurately.

    • @shelleyd9910
      @shelleyd9910 4 года назад +2

      Friend spending time with Him reading Romans and Hebrews and just worshipping Him will stop that feeling of uncertainty. Bless you for your honesty.

    • @MrWarrior4yeshua
      @MrWarrior4yeshua 4 года назад +1

      It should scare you. You can hit the mark accurately. If you read this and all else you will be enlightened by the word of YAH, from a true son of Yahweh Yahshua. Amen brother.

    • @dwightk.schruteiii8454
      @dwightk.schruteiii8454 4 года назад

      Shelley D i dont consider that spending time with him. Why would I read about my wife when I can actually go sit next to her, if you get my gist.

    • @ianalan4367
      @ianalan4367 4 года назад

      @@dwightk.schruteiii8454 “Be Still”

    • @ratguurrrl1423
      @ratguurrrl1423 4 года назад

      Kev Man456 explain please

  • @boxerfencer
    @boxerfencer 4 года назад +1

    A talking snake is not ridiculous because earth was near heaven? Was Ballaam and his talking donkey in Eden for it to talk? And if the snake is Satan, what spiritual being is the donkey?

  • @nothandotshuma
    @nothandotshuma 4 года назад +6

    Today is the sabbath (I’m Seventh Day Adventist), so it’s really nice to have this video on the sabbath🙏🏾❤️

    • @santiagomelendez8771
      @santiagomelendez8771 4 года назад +3

      SDA too! Happy Sabbath!

    • @nothandotshuma
      @nothandotshuma 4 года назад +3

      Santiago Melendez thank you soo much! Happy sabbath too🙏🏾❤️

    • @fefe5205
      @fefe5205 4 года назад +1

      nothando tshuma Me too ! Happy Sabbath 😊!

    • @nothandotshuma
      @nothandotshuma 4 года назад +1

      Fefe Dawn thank you soo much, happy sabbath!🙏🏾❤️

    • @qwerty-so6ml
      @qwerty-so6ml 4 года назад

      The Sabbath is counted from the new moon. The new moon changes each month.
      Stop with the doctrines of men.
      For Daniel's sealed scroll, unsealed for this generation, watch/listen to the angel of the Church of Philadelphia:видео.html

  • @maryellen6153
    @maryellen6153 4 года назад +1

    The biggest problem we Westerners have when reading the Bible, is trying to apply Western logic to a book written by Eastern-thinkers.
    When we think of "knowledge" we think of head-knowledge.
    But to an Eastern-thinker, it's experiential knowledge. Which is why it says Adam knew Eve, and she bore a son. He experience far more than head-logic there!
    So, how do you "know" good AND evil?
    It's an experiential thing. It's partaking of both, and then knowing intimately what each feels like.
    God didn't want us to have to deal with experiencing all that comes with evil.
    Guilt... pride...fear...hate...loneliness...rebellion...selfishness...
    This is KNOWING evil.

  • @FaithfulMamaLife
    @FaithfulMamaLife 4 года назад +3

    Interesting video. Good job!! I know being a Christian youtuber is hard but we have to keep going.😍

    • @tomable9680
      @tomable9680 4 года назад

      Messiah is backвидео.html

  • @eliyahu1896
    @eliyahu1896 10 месяцев назад +1

    You are so simple like a child. So pure in spirit.

  • @ChiefCedricJohnson
    @ChiefCedricJohnson 4 года назад +3

    Isaiah 14:12
    How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

    • @RajSingh-sz1nb
      @RajSingh-sz1nb 2 года назад

      This video on The tree of Good & Evil reveals how The Wisdom of God is on another level..видео.html

  • @robinmcadam8590
    @robinmcadam8590 4 года назад +4

    God bless you I enjoy your channel so much keep up the great work 😊👍💖👑📖

    • @RajSingh-sz1nb
      @RajSingh-sz1nb 2 года назад

      This video on The tree of Good & Evil reveals how The Wisdom of God is on another level....видео.html

  • @annasmith6090
    @annasmith6090 4 года назад +11

    One thing on God overreacting: God actually says that He "kicks them out" of the garden so that they would not eat of the tree of everlasting life and be stuck in their sinful ways for eternity. He removed them from the garden so that they could accept salvation from Him, die, and then, when eternity comes and they are fully sanctified, they can eat of the tree of life on new Earth and spend eternity with Him. (This is in Revelation btw)

    • @asunset8545
      @asunset8545 4 года назад +1

      Whoa never caught that part about why he kept them from eating from the tree of life, but it makes sense....,God is good,and merciful!

    • @Galahad510
      @Galahad510 4 года назад

      Yep. There were 2 trees God told them not to eat from, not 1.

    • @annasmith6090
      @annasmith6090 4 года назад +1

      @@Galahad510 The Lord God commanded the man, saying, “From any tree of the garden you may eat freely; but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die.”
      Genesis 2:16‭-‬17 NASB
      Unless I'm missing something, looks like one to me🤷‍♀️

    • @Galahad510
      @Galahad510 4 года назад +1

      Anna Smith “Out of the ground the LORD God caused to grow every tree that is pleasing to the sight and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.”
      ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭2:9‬ ‭NASB‬‬ “Then the LORD God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil; and now, he might stretch out his hand, and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever”- therefore the LORD God sent him out from the garden of Eden, to cultivate the ground from which he was taken.”
      ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭3:22-23‬ ‭NASB‬‬

    • @Galahad510
      @Galahad510 4 года назад

      Anna Smith the first was explicitly mentioned, but they were not intended to eat from either (to the best of my knowledge)

    @IGNORE.t.MAGNIFY 4 года назад +1

    forgotten it. He does not keep an itemized account of all your failures. There is no big projector screen in heaven to show all your sins-from the day you were born to the day you die. All records of your sins have been incinerated by the blood of Jesus when He cried out, "It is finished!" (John 19:30). When God looks at you today, He sees you covered with Jesus' blood and completely righteous.
    Only the devil, you yourself, and the people around you will bring your sins to your remembrance. So when you are weighed down by the mistakes of your past, run to God and lean on His grace! Why? For He will be merciful to your unrighteousness, and your sins and lawless deeds He will remember no more. This is the main clause of the new covenant of grace! This is His Word!

  • @augustreigns9716
    @augustreigns9716 4 года назад +3

    weren't you in that movie
    "Back to the Future"?

    • @augustreigns9716
      @augustreigns9716 4 года назад

      @@seangill898 i didn't mean to offend you. she looks like claudia wells...(...which i assumed was praise...)
      you be theвидео.html

  • @RolandDeAragon
    @RolandDeAragon 4 года назад +1

    Read 1 Timothy 2:11-15. Know your role in life.

  • @ChiefCedricJohnson
    @ChiefCedricJohnson 4 года назад +2

    Mark 7:22
    Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness:

  • @lauren-gc2iy
    @lauren-gc2iy 4 года назад +4

    I adore this series! Keep spreading truth. God bless❤️

  • @CateOtanes
    @CateOtanes 4 года назад +8

    Your new merch is soooo cute! I love that you’re covering these deep topics. Keep on keeping on ✨✨✨

    • @CateOtanes
      @CateOtanes 4 года назад

      @@jeffmartin1985 Dear sir, please be careful and wise with your accusations. Am thankful that God is the only one who is pure in His judgments and the one who truly sees our hearts. Your unwise words are hurtful and it's a shame that you think this way. God bless you.

  • @authorjoannawhite
    @authorjoannawhite 4 года назад +7

    The other reason why God did it was because you can't have free will unless we have a choice to do good or evil. Otherwise we would be robots.

    • @tomable9680
      @tomable9680 4 года назад

      Disobeying God does not require a tree, you could just leave him like Adams first wife did, when humans were made male and female, and all the trees were good, and everything was good, as the bible says. The tree had artificial intelligence nanobots in it, which is how the fallen angles still have power and life, it is powered by blood. Also the Messiah is backвидео.html

  • @JonathanMoreno52
    @JonathanMoreno52 4 года назад

    Is an angelic being. And the tree is the fig tree which is always together with the vine tree in the vineyard. The fig tree is a symbol of the law and also the will of man and the free will. So this is the mark of the beast. Which is the will of flesh, the will of blood and the will of male. This tree produce two fruits in the year. One is sweet and the other is sour. And the fruit of this tree is actually not a fruit but and inverted flower. Jesus cursed the fig tree but he didn't curse the vine tree. Those are the books and the other book in revelation. One is the book of life and the other is the book of the knowledge of Good and evil. Every time the men make choices or give their own opinion instead of God's will they eat of that tree that he told you not to. So this tree reassemble the works of the flesh because they don't produce fruits but works. But the vine tree produce a lots of fruits. And it's in unity. (One fruit ) everything about the flesh is divided in two. But the spirit stay in unity.
    "...17.When I therefore was thus minded, did I show fickleness? or the things that I purpose, do I purpose according to the flesh, that with me there should be the yea yea and the nay nay?
    18.But as God is faithful, our word toward you is not yea and nay.
    19.For the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who was preached among you by us, even by me and Silvanus and Timothy, was not yea and nay, but in him is yea. "
    2 Corinthians 1:17-19

  • @kpat2779
    @kpat2779 4 года назад +5

    YAY a new video, we missed you Becca! 💕

    • @RajSingh-sz1nb
      @RajSingh-sz1nb 2 года назад

      This video on The tree of Good & Evil reveals how The Wisdom of God is on another level....видео.html

  • @jadecummings8093
    @jadecummings8093 4 года назад +2

    Hi Becca, I'm Jade the new subscriber to your channel and it's nice to meet you.

  • @JohnR77
    @JohnR77 4 года назад +2

    The rebellion began with the dinosaurs at the time of Pangea when they began to devour each other. Satan wanted God's creation to destroy itself. "The entire law is fulfilled in a single decree: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” But if you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out, or you will be consumed by each other. So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh (Galatians 15:14,15,16) God made Heaven & Earth, black & white, male & female to be united not divided. We are to love one another and treat others the way we want people to treat us. Yet Satan has people fighting in the streets and at war with each other. Even if we keep hearing about revival and the Great Harvest at the end of the Church age.

  • @kwebb121765
    @kwebb121765 4 года назад +1

    Belief in God doesn't save. Trust in God saves.

  • @watchwoman16
    @watchwoman16 4 года назад

    Actually they did die that very day. Adam and Eve both died within 1000 years which is a day in Gods time. 1000 years=1 day

  • @boxerfencer
    @boxerfencer 4 года назад +3

    When did Adam and Eve marry? Where is that recorded in the bible?

    • @boxerfencer
      @boxerfencer 4 года назад

      @Jacob Rodriguez sorry, absense of evidence, is not evidence of absence. If it's not recorded, you cant say it happened.
      As far as being marriage by default due to seclusion, because there were only two people around, am i to assume that if i get stranded on a desert island with a woman, I'm automatically married to her? What about if she's related to me? Or what if I get stranded with two women. Who am I married to? Both?
      Do you see the problems in your line of logic?

    • @hoppynaki
      @hoppynaki 4 года назад

      @Jacob Rodriguez So my wife is my helpmate. I've just told her that. I think my eye might be black by morning.

  • @davedobyn266
    @davedobyn266 12 дней назад

    Eden was on Earth. This is where we are going back to to spend biological eternity with. Joshua. It is not monoethist. Read the text for what it says not the what local pastor interprets for you. Psalm 82.

  • @davedobyn266
    @davedobyn266 12 дней назад

    Biological living entity for life. Who really was the serpent, really gets interesting the great deception is not coming it is already here. Was always here.

  • @MartinG200
    @MartinG200 4 года назад +1

    Some people speculate that the "fruit" eaten by Adam and Eve was a "fig". Because when they realized they were naked, they tried to sow "fig leaves" together to hide their nakedness. The assumption then is that if there were fig leaves available to sow together then maybe the fruit they ate was the fruit of a fig tree. If the fruit was a "fig," then it would provide more insight into why Jesus "cursed the fig tree." Jesus said, "May no fruit ever come from you again. And immediately the fig tree withered" (Matthew 21:19). Thus in a way Jesus might have been communicating His desire that humanity would never elect to partake of bad fruit in the future.

  • @boxerfencer
    @boxerfencer 4 года назад +1

    The bible does not supprt a monotheistic religion, at least not initially. You may believe that, but that doesn't make it true. "You shall have no other Gods before me, for i am a jealous God" is not a profession of there not being other gods, just a request that the Jewish God wants exclusive dedication from his devotees.

    • @gabrielv8767
      @gabrielv8767 4 года назад

      Yes the God of the bible is only one.

    • @boxerfencer
      @boxerfencer 4 года назад

      @@gabrielv8767 See that's not biblical. The bible attests to Jehovah being one of many gods, sons of God/the Most High. That means Jehovah is not the Most High, nor is he God, but just a god.
      Deut 32.9 "8When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance, when He divided the sons of man, He set the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God. 9But the LORD’s portion is His people, Jacob His allotted inheritance."
      The Lord (Jehova) received the Israelites as his inheritance from the Most High, the real God.

  • @ophidiaparaclete
    @ophidiaparaclete 4 года назад +2

    Tree of knowledge of good and evil, benefit and detriment, contracts. Bondage.

  • @joelandre971
    @joelandre971 4 года назад +1

    In Hebrew the word for serpent was "Nachash" which means whisper, seduction. It's also a synonym for "Seraphim" which is the highest rank of angelic classes as they are very close to the throne of The Most High. As we know, Lucifer was a Seraph meaning that he was part of the most powerful angel class in the kingdom of The Most High. But he rebelled and was expelled from heaven. The Most High knew that Satan also known as The Dragon or The Ancient Serpent, he had access to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and that is why God wanted Adam and Eve away from there. When Adam and Eve decide to disobey God, Satan succeeded in seducing them by promising that he would give them a fruit that would make them like God. What happens next is that their eyes were opened and they noticed that they were naked, that is, something has changed genetically and now they both have desires of the flesh. So I think the first adultery ever ,happened in The Garden of Eden, yes Lucifer seduced Eva and had sex with her. Soon after, she had it with Adam too. That's why The Most High curses the serpent's seed, that is, it cursed the Satan's offspring. God also put enmity between the seed of the woman (Habel) and the seed of the serpent (Cain). They had to be expelled immediately because their genetics were no longer compatible in that place, so they are coated with flesh skins, that is, they lose their glorified body and gain the body we know nowdays, made of flesh and bone. To conclude, Eva had a super-fecundation and twins are born from different parents.
    Adam + Eve = Habel😇
    Satan + Eve = Cain😈.
    Now it makes more sense why Cain killed Habel, like father like son.

    • @stephenhowe4107
      @stephenhowe4107 4 года назад

      _They had to be expelled immediately because their genetics were no longer compatible in that place_
      Nope. They had to be expelled in case they ate of the tree of Life. And God explicitly says that.

    • @joelandre971
      @joelandre971 4 года назад

      @@stephenhowe4107 Good correction!

  • @Kingofthebroadforrest
    @Kingofthebroadforrest 4 года назад +1

    In judaism, the first time they mention sin is when Cain is murders Abel. The late Ravi Zacherias, thought that it wasn’t a choice of knowing good evil, but it was that we wanted to be like G-d to determine what is good and evil. It’s just two different thoughts or perspectives.

    @IGNORE.t.MAGNIFY 4 года назад +1

    The forgiveness of our sins is not something we only need to know at the beginning of our Christian walk when we accept Christ into our hearts. The forgiveness of sins is the very foundation of our belief. We never graduate from understanding and appreciating this truth.
    No matter how much you grow spiritually, you still have the flesh in you (the part of you with sinful desires, the part of you that still sins). Even the most spiritually mature, like the apostle Paul, still had to deal with the flesh daily.
    “For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing . . . ”
    - Romans 7:18 KJV
    But the good news is this: Because we are in Christ Jesus, God doesn’t see us in the flesh anymore.
    We have the flesh and it will be a part of us until we see Jesus face to face, but the flesh is not us. It is not who we are. God doesn’t see us in the flesh, so we should not tie our identity to the flesh either.
    “But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you . . . ”
    - Romans 8:9 KJV
    God doesn’t identify you in the flesh; God identifies you in the Spirit. And in the Spirit, you are the righteousness of God in Christ; you are a new creation!
    That doesn’t mean you will not have wayward thoughts and sinful desires anymore (that is part of the flesh). But know that even when you do, you don’t have to identify ourselves with them. We are to judge our behavior by our standing, and our standing before God is that we are the righteousness of God in Christ now and forevermore.
    Never judge your standing according to your behavior. Your standing before God doesn’t fluctuate depending on what you do or don’t do. God doesn’t see as man does. Man sees with limitations but God sees beyond human limitations, and what He sees is most accurate. What He sees is reality.
    So often, we are ensnared in the realm of the visible and we identify ourselves with what we can see. But God doesn’t see the way we do.
    See as God sees! The more you see yourself as a new creation, completely forgiven of all your sins in Jesus Christ, the more sin loses its power over you (Rom. 6:14).
    How do we practice seeing as God sees?
    Even if you had a bad day and you feel as if you have fallen, let the feelings pass. You don’t have to dwell on them. Remember that when God deals with you, He deals with you as if you never sinned before because He sees you righteous in Christ.
    Knowing this will not make you want to sin more, but it will cause you to fall in love with Jesus more and live above sin effortlessly.
    “Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works, saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.”
    - Romans 4:6-8 KJV
    We are living in light of what Jesus has done for us at the cross. Today, we enjoy the blessings of our sins being forgiven, knowing that the Lord will not impute sin to us.
    It isn’t because God has gone soft or compromised on His holy standards. The word “impute” means to credit to an account, to assign a value to it. Today, God does not impute sin to us because He imputed all our sins to Jesus Christ at the cross, and He credited Jesus’ righteousness to our accounts.
    “Shall not impute sin” - The phrase “shall not” in the Greek is a double negative. Never will God ever impute sin to you.
    Will this produce a life of carelessness and licentious acts?
    Definitely not! Instead, it will draw you closer to God. It frees you to draw near to Him without fear. How wonderful is it to be in the presence of someone who doesn’t look at your faults? Instead, He sees the best in you.
    One way the Lord loves us is by seeing us in the Spirit, not in our flesh.
    In our daily lives, we will still experience the springing up of sinful desires. It happens to the greatest saints of them all, but we are not to harp on it and dwell on it. We don’t have to obey and submit to the desires. The flesh is in all of us but we are not the flesh.
    Choose to acknowledge the right thing. The more you acknowledge yourself in the flesh, the more you will act out in your flesh. The more you choose to acknowledge yourself in the Spirit, being forgiven and righteous in Christ, the more you will become like Jesus.
    God’s Word encourages us to see the people around us in the Spirit as well; see fellow believers as righteous in Christ (see 2 Cor. 5:16-17). Acknowledge them in the Spirit for that is how God sees them.
    Likewise, practice this in your marriage. If you acknowledge your spouse’s flesh, their flesh will acknowledge your flesh, and this becomes a vicious cycle. Learn to see your husband or your wife the way God sees them-a new creation, righteous in Christ.
    This does not cause people to sin more. As we learned in last week’s message, the one who knows he is forgiven much will love much.
    Believing your sins are forgiven produces moral excellence, love, and self-control
    “But also for this very reason, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness . . . For he who lacks these things is shortsighted, even to blindness, and has forgotten that he was cleansed from his old sins.”
    - 2 Peter 1:5-9 NKJV
    We all want to be morally excellent, to possess godly character traits like virtue, self-control, and perseverance. Yet many times, we find ourselves lacking.
    The Bible puts it simply: we lack these godly attributes because we have forgotten that we have been forgiven, that we have been cleansed.
    Therefore the converse is also true: when we are conscious that we have been forgiven for all our sins-past, present, and future-we will not live a licentious life but instead live holy lives effortlessly.
    There are those who preach strongly on morality, love, and self-control, yet without realizing that they are just the fruits of the gospel of Jesus. Preaching the gospel will produce the highest form of moral excellence. The heavenly character of Christ will be seen in those who hear and believe.
    “for he with whom these things are not present is blind, dim-sighted, having become forgetful of the cleansing of his old sins;”
    - 2 Peter 1:9 YLT
    “blind, dim-sighted” - People who have forgotten that they are forgiven are seen as blind and dim-sighted. We see this in the Old Testament. The reign of the judges ended with blindness (with Samson). The reign of the kingship of Judah ended with blindness (with King Zedekiah).

  • @nameless-yd6ko
    @nameless-yd6ko Месяц назад

    0 seconds ago
    The allegorical 'Apple' in the allegorical Garden represents Thought/Ego/Duality!
    Life/death, time, mortality... all duality, is all brought to us in thought!
    Of course they would 'live' and 'die' now that thought is practiced!
    Plug that in and see what happens! ;)

  • @ronaldjohnson_ita
    @ronaldjohnson_ita 4 года назад

    Also the tree of knowledge of good and evil was a tree of judgment. Trees in the Bible and the ancient world were often associated with judgment. Deborah “judged” under a tree. The first Adam King-Priest should have judged the serpent under the tree by crushing its head. The Bible has a series of Adam figures and promises a King-Priest who would crush evil and bring rest (Gen 3:15). Noah was a type of Adam. Animals were brought before Adam to name. Animals were brought before Noah to place upon an ark. Adam had three specified sons and one cursed, Cain. Noah had three sons and one cursed, Ham. When Adam sinned he was naked. When Noah sinned he was naked. Adam fell in a garden. Noah fell in a vineyard. Conclusion: we need a greater Adam. For this reason there is a “crushing” theme in the Bible. Pharaoh had a “snake” on his crown and was “crushed” in the waves of the Red Sea. The imagery used to describe the armor of Goliath is “scale-like” language and the stone of David “crushed” the head of Goliath. Jesus is the Greater Adam and died and judged the serpent and crushed his head under a “tree”. This is why the place he died was called, “Golgotha”, in Aramaic which means “Place of the Skull”. Just as David took the sword, the weapon that was intended to kill him to to decapitate the head of Goliath. Jesus as the Greater David used “death”, the weapon that was intended to kill him to defeat death. The burning bush was an image of the Church. We would enter in the presence of consuming fire (God) without being consumed. Jesus body was a temple, and we are His body, therefore the Church is the temple. Parallels: When the first “temple/tabernacle” was constructed two were struck to death “Nadab and Abihu” and when the new temple (the Church) was constructed (Acts 2), two were struck to death (Ananias and Sapphira). Just as cloud/wind and fired filled the temple at its construction. Wind/Fire (tongues of fire) filled the temple in Acts 2. Also the garden of Eden was a Garden-temple and Adam was a King-Priest called to guard and keep the temple. Jesus brings us back into the Garden-temple-City (New Heaven and Earth). The glorious and victorious Second Adam

  • @heydude7568
    @heydude7568 4 года назад

    bless you my dear, but you should ALWAYS READ OUT LOUD the passage of Scripture before teaching on it, its a fundamental ptinciple of a teacher of Gods Word to do that. there is POWER in the spoken Word of Gof

  • @SarahMickelsen
    @SarahMickelsen Месяц назад

    18:31 God sent Adam and Eve out of the garden because, had they stayed, they would have also eaten of the tree of life (meaning that they would be eternally separated from God, not just temporarily!) This is a great demonstration of God's grace and mercy

  • @dennyt7475
    @dennyt7475 4 года назад +1

    TO ALL WHO ARE HURTING AND DESPERATE - Please read all - this is for you. It is a matter of life & death.
    It has been said, “That the darkest hour is just before dawn”. When you have lost all hope, and all you see is darkness, remember, never let your life be defined by
    desperation and hopelessness, grasp this one moment in time, reach out to Jesus, He does His best work in dark places. Let the light of Christ shine within you. The very fact that you exist is God’s testimony of His love for you, you were created in His own image. Never give up, your finest day is yet to come, Receive Christ now, He is the caretaker of your soul. The Gospel message was created for you. The simplicity of the Gospel, - Here it is A=Admit you are a sinner (REPENT). B=Believe
    Jesus is Lord. C=Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, and you will be saved (Romans
    10:9). This is your Blessed Hope, your only hope. At least give Jesus a chance, He gave His life for you, He bled and died so you could live. The devil
    wants to destroy you, Jesus wants to rescue and restore you. Jesus is calling your name, please come home to me, I am your Father waiting with open arms to
    receive you. Read: (Isaiah 41:10), always remember that your Prayers’ Matter to God, He honors them. My prayer today for each one of you who reads these words, is that God would remove from you all feelings of despair and hopelessness’, and restore you in to the loving arms of Christ Jesus, and surround each one of you with
    the sacred Blood of Christ Jesus as a living, healing, protective shield, from the evil one and all the powers of darkness. Remember the devil is a defeated
    foe and you are never alone, Christ is always, and I do mean always, by your side. During the storms of life that you will go through from time to time, remember
    God is right there with you, hold on to Him. Did you know that when you have a hard time praying the Holy Spirit intercedes on your behalf, take comfort in that.
    I send you my personal invitation to receive Christ now. AMEN.
    “It’s only when you put your trust in Christ and respond to His invitation that you understand what life really means” (Ravi Zacharias)
    (Isaiah 41:10) - Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
    REPLY: to me, if you would like me to pray for you, about anything.
    Please Listen to this song “Softly and Tenderly” I chose it for you. .Click the URL belowвидео.html

    • @taylormckenzie8897
      @taylormckenzie8897 4 года назад

      Thank you. I am exhausted, still in bed and almost 10.30am. Feeling hopeless about job/family.
      My brother has a mental illness (previously schizophrenia however he seems fine now) and on medication. He substitutes drugs for energy as the medication zonks him out (small amounts of the drug ice)
      He wants to kill himself and threatened last night to me by text. Normally he contacts my Mum.
      Please pray for deliverance and that my Mum and myself can get him to go on tablets rather than the medication being injected.
      He believes that drugs are medication for people with illness so they do not feel tired and have energy. I pray for deliverance for his thoughts, desired and actions and that he will believe in the Bible and know it’s against God.
      He is researching being a sovereign citizen/maritime law and is obsessed with it and gets angry whenever we try to have a conversation around it.
      He is overweight and does not eat/drink well and experiences a lot of pain (perhaps from medication and what he takes)
      We have dealt with alcoholism with my brother and now this. My Mum and I always butt heads so please pray for peace for my Mum as she says she has it yet backstabs everyone and gets into petty drama and straight after nastily says she has peace when I say something.
      She always nitpicks and puts me down fortunately less controlling but feeling drained.
      Please pray for my family Brother
      Thank you

    • @taylormckenzie8897
      @taylormckenzie8897 4 года назад

      Please pray that I can honour my mother despite the negativity once and for all
      I feel like I have stroke symptoms across my face and get a headache when I speak with her

    • @dennyt7475
      @dennyt7475 4 года назад

      @@taylormckenzie8897 I will pray for your brother and your entire family. Keep the faith, Jesus cares for you.

  • @nethy02
    @nethy02 4 года назад

    you have students?? God help them to find a better tutor, I believe you have no perception of what the scripture is telling us. Do you know what the book of life is? Your name is in it and a copy name is in the book of the dead and it is not that far from where the book of life is, if you find where they are you are half way there.

  • @boxerfencer
    @boxerfencer 4 года назад +1

    26:34 "So many mass murders of little boys"? When, how, where? I hope you're not referring to Herod's supposed massacre of the innocents. That never happened. There is no shred of historical evidence for it. And you can bet if it had, some historian would have mentioned it.

    • @boxerfencer
      @boxerfencer 4 года назад

      @Jacob Rodriguez no, thats not all I'm saying. There were other historians in addition to Josephus, such as Philo, who you can bet would have mentioned that sort of thing, considering he wrote to the Emperor himself complaining against Pilate for his atrocities and corruption. As i recall, this got Pilate fired/reassigned.
      And even if that was all I was saying, you can't go around asserting something that has no factual corroboration. That'll get you prosecuted for libel in other areas of life.

    • @boxerfencer
      @boxerfencer 4 года назад

      @Jacob Rodriguez the fact that it resembles stories from the OT is the tell. And its not the the only one, which is another tell that the gospel authors take great creative liberties to explain mythic truths, and use OT wtories as fodder to create a narrative out of whole cloth in many places, rather than write historically accurate literature.
      Of course, the author will look to pin it on a historical character that might be believable, at least to someone who doesn't know much about the historical Herod. Afaik, Jewish tradition records no massacre of the innocents anywhere, in jewish religious and historical documents, and you can bet had it happened, they would have recorded it given they hated Herod, on multiple counts ... not really being a Jew, not being from Davidic lineage, and therefore having no authoritative claim to the throne, and being a puppet propped up by and for Rome.
      And they did record his acts, but as best as I recall his worst atrocities, of the type like the fictitious massacre of the innocents which justifies mentioning, were all against his family members. Furthermore, he forced a Jewish princess to marry him, securing his right to rule, so he needn't have resorted to extreme psychopathic acts as the massacre of innocents.
      It certainly wouldn't have endured him to Jews, which he desperately tried so hard to win over. So it wouldn't have made good public relations. Killing family members plotting against you is publically defensible and justifiable given you can drum up evidence to guarantee guilt, but do you really think anyone could get away with killing babies? What sort of collusion between babies would be believable? Come on, let's be reasonable.

    • @boxerfencer
      @boxerfencer 4 года назад

      @Jacob Rodriguez and lastly, if the massacre of innocents were just a few babies, as you sugges ... well, that hardly counts as a massacre and is a self defeating non-starter.

  • @fireriffs
    @fireriffs 4 года назад

    Fun fact about the apple. The word apple originally just meant a tree fruit. So when the Bible was first translated into English, apple would have been a valid translation.

  • @hhonatinito
    @hhonatinito 4 года назад

    The tree of knowledge of good and evil is not a literal tree and there is no snake that seduced Eve. The tree here are family trees of races and nation God created long before Adam and Eve. The serpent is not a snake. In the original hebrew, serpent means enchanter.

  • @jimmyarmijo792
    @jimmyarmijo792 4 года назад +1

    The tree of knowledge of good and evil in Eden, is also the same tree of life in New Jerusalem.
    God can do whatever he wants.
    1) just having the knowledge from God to Adam do not eat of the tree was sufficient enough. 5.25; Lady, you are putting words in God's mouth. HE TOLD Adam not to eat of the tree. Adam, head over his wife, told the woman not to eat of the tree. The Devil went TO THE WOMAN first. Then Adam, who was with her, they both ate of the fruit.
    6.27; that's why God gives us pastors after his own heart. To feed us ( the church ) knowledge and understanding.

  • @bornagain1589
    @bornagain1589 4 года назад +1

    It wasn't the apple that mattered, it was the fact they disobeyed God!

    • @yardienoplay1081
      @yardienoplay1081 4 года назад

      She discern with the holy spirit

    • @ianalan4367
      @ianalan4367 4 года назад

      More so betrayed God, ourselves, and all of creation.

  • @ivanpadarev9622
    @ivanpadarev9622 4 года назад +1

    satan before his fall didn't look like snake, but a beautiful Cherub, who after his corruption lost his beauty and splendor. Second thing is that the animals before the fall were able to communicate with the people, but after the fall this was restricted physically. Not completely! Third the snake didn't look like what it is now, but it was cursed by God and took it's current shape.

    • @rowlandbuck2703
      @rowlandbuck2703 4 года назад

      Samuel is Satan. Was never a snake, just used one to tempt Adam and Eve.

    • @ivanpadarev9622
      @ivanpadarev9622 4 года назад

      @@rowlandbuck2703 Samuel is not satan. Second the devil is called the old serpent, the snake, but it doesn't mean he is literally a snake. I don't know what you are talking about?

  • @simonjohn2500
    @simonjohn2500 4 года назад +1

    I need your mail for communication

    • @Rachel.3
      @Rachel.3 4 года назад

      Nice 👍🏼

  • @hoppynaki
    @hoppynaki 4 года назад +2

    These comments are so funny. I use to like these stories when I was a kid. Then I grew up and understood the truth.

    • @hoppynaki
      @hoppynaki 4 года назад

      Robbie Amadeus Stoly I grew up and realised that all these religious stories and beliefs were a load of rubbish

  • @jeffedwards6830
    @jeffedwards6830 4 года назад

    Invisable ,invisable ,invisable ,invisable ,invisable ,,,,humans die ,,,let go of your gods

  • @dennisjones8516
    @dennisjones8516 4 года назад +2

    I love watching your vids while playing on my Pac-Man machine it’s weird to explain but I can play that game and completely listen to what your say and in a weird way understand it more

    • @dennisjones8516
      @dennisjones8516 4 года назад +1

      jeff Martin how does this make me lukewarm

    • @dennisjones8516
      @dennisjones8516 4 года назад +1

      I don’t think u fully understand the reason that I do this so I’ll tell u, the reason that I like to play the Pac-Man game while listening to a gospel message is because the devil has tried to attack my attention span at church. When I am at church I get uncomfortably sleepy it’s been like this for years and the reason I play the Pac-Man machine while I listen to things like his is because I get sleepy when I listen to things like this and the Pac-Man game helps me stay awake and listen to what she is saying. Now I would appreciate the prayer is u could pray for my attention span when learning the gospel that would be great 👍.

  • @harveypekrul697
    @harveypekrul697 4 года назад +1

    Hi there! I find it interesting that you mentioned that there is a lot of misunderstanding in The Bible, as there should be, because it was purposefully written in parables and wasn’t meant for all ears! I watched your whole video first and noticed that you didn’t mention what the fruit was! Because The Bible wasn’t written in English, you need to use Strong’s Concordance to fully understand the meaning of the text!
    Before I begin, I would like to say that I didn’t arrive at this alone! In 2015, I saw signs in the Sky, and a a Christian background, though I was severely injured at 26, and I have been fully disabled ever since! I re-dedicated my life towards Jesus and asked The Lord fir Spiritual Discernment! A few days later a Channel came up on my recommended viewing list. This was one of the best things that has ever happened to me and I look forward to every new video release! The Lord chose this man to be a Prophet, though several people that view a video will freak out at what he is claiming as Truth, and go out and make videos saying that he is a False Prophet!
    WARNING: Never make that accusation about anyone, because if you’re wrong, you have just committed the 1 Sin that is not forgive, Blaspheming The Holy Ghost!
    Ever since I have been watching this Channel, everything that happens gets documented on Video, because The Lord told him to! I have seen countless miracles happen in ways that you couldn’t possibly imagine! When he presents a topic, he always uses Isaiah 29:15 & 16! Woe to those who try to hide their plans from The Lord... He then turns the image upside down to Reveal The Truth! Having proven it’s existence, he then uses The Scriptures as well as Strong’s Concordance to teach you what The Scriptures really mean!
    What would you say, if I told you that The Lord taught him how to Decode The Enemies messages! Most people will already think I’m crazy, so I will reveal The Decode so that you can try it for yourself! They mix numbers and the alphabet together using Strong’s Concordance to mock us! I have always believed that all Media and Music contains predictive programming and The Dark Side always has announce their plans before they strike!
    You can choose any Movies, but as an example, let’s useI Robot! Do a search on Detective Spooner to get his badge number and then enter Strong’s followed by the badge number and look up the meaning! Crazy Eh!
    Another question that you didn’t mention was who did Cain marry when there were no other people? The other thing that wasn’t discussed was The Lords punishment for Satan! Genesis 3:15 And I will put EMNITY between the seed of The Woman and the seed of The Serpent!
    I recently heard 2 Biblical Scholars saying that the reason why there are 2 Creation Stories, is because there there were 2 different Authors! This is why it says that The Wisdom of Men is foolishness with God!
    Rather than go through a whole explanation that isn’t mine, I will point out a few things! Immortality means that you’re a Spirit being and can take on any form (Host Body) they wish to possess and the Serpent is a form of Reptile!
    Starting in Genesis 1, with a Strong’s Concordance, notice that the word “God” refers to plural (a group), and NOT The Supreme Lord Almighty! In verse 2 the word “waters” refers to Semen and the word “face” as turning (properly down) (think opposition). Then in verse 26 it says “Let us make man in our image” (Most people are taught for generations that we are born in the image of the Lord God!) According to Strong’s Concordance, the word “image” means to shade; a phantom; (figuratively) an illusion; a representative figure, especially an Idol!
    I think that you can see that this is Satan’s Seed! In Genesis 2, The Lord creates Adam out of clay and gives him the breath of life (a Soul and a Spirit). How many people have noticed people walking around with a Domino’s Pizza tattoo? Take a better look at the logo and the blue die is 2 (male and female from Genesis 1), and a red die with a 1 (Adam)! Since they know this information, you can assume they are Satan’s Seed!
    In Genesis 3:3 the text “neither touch it, lest ye die” the word “Touch” means to lie with a Woman!
    When Eve said that Satan beguiled me, it means seduced! If you look up any references of Woman, comes up as Adulterous!
    The Truth is that Satan seduced Eve and was the father of Cain, while Adam also knew her and is the father of Abel! They were Twins, just like we are living in a Twin System! This also fulfills The Scripture, He was a Murderer from the start!
    I think that I have written enough to entice you to check out these channels! This person is very humble and private, a father of 4 boys who will not tolerate people who try and phone him, show up at his house etc!
    I am going to give you 2 channels! The first also has a .com and is the best place to go for content!
    He didn’t want to do a video on the personal testimony of how he got saved and another staggering piece of information that he didn’t feel comfortable putting out there! This person is very special and dear to me, even though I haven’t met him!
    1) When he was saved he was being hunted by a car following him and even though the door said emergency exit, alarms will sound, he heard a voice tell him to open the door! Prior to this he asked the Lord, because he had everything and had no fulfillment. He said that there are so many denominations that all have their version of Jesus, I just want to know The Truth! He was in a Hotel and the door had a spring staircase leading to an ally! As soon as he reached the bottom, he said he was met by a very large guy named Michael who said to him “Pray with me my brother”. The other he he said was to learn to trust that voice that you heard, and that this was The Lord!
    2) I can see why he would be uncomfortable with this next one! He is The Angel of The Church of Philadelphia!
    Before you say anything, before he was saved, he was an Artist who works with metal and grinders, and uses Light as the Media to display his creations! The Lord had instructed him to buy a shipping container and decorate the entire thing with things from end times prophesy. While he was just finishing the container, he got a notice from the city that he had to move the container! He had no place and eventually someone offered him a lot to put it on. Right after he got rid of that one The Lord instructed him to buy another one! He did the same thing. One of them had the judgment seat! Anyway, those two shipping containers ended up on a lot in Grand Junction, Colorado. The address is a a corner lot, address 154 Casimir and Rainbow!
    Casimir means Proclamation of Peace
    Rainbow is The Lord’s promise to Noah
    If you use Bible meanings, 1 means The Lord God Almighty and 54 means Isaiah 54
    This is Isaiah 54, verse 9 and 10!
    For this is as the waters of Noah unto me: for as I have sworn that the waters of Noah should no more go over the earth; so have I sworn that I would not be wroth with thee, nor rebuke thee.
    Isa 54:10 For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the LORD that hath mercy on thee.
    I am proud to say that I was a part of making this happen and you don’t get confirmations like this happen!
    It is my joy to refer the Channel TheJohnathanKleck, every video is full of craziness. For instance, he had no idea that his family had a Coat of arms, and when he looked it up, it was a Crown with a Shofar. I would suggest that you start from his video about Jesus! He was going to repackage some material and this is the starting point! He just released a short video which doesn’t apply, but if you are curious to see how on top of information he is, watch the video from a week ago!
    The 2nd Channel is fairly new to me! I’m 62 years old, and back then, when I read about Astrology, Witchcraft, Satan Worship etc, I stay away completely! Now that I’m strong in The Lord, I view other sources of information! This Channel is very Similar in presentation but it deals with The Dark Side. Many Scriptures are in the content and I have gained valuable information concerning our Enemy! I don’t know if she has a .com! From what I gathered, her knowledge originally came from The Dark Side, but she claims to have realized that there is no winning against The Creator! Although there is nothing to seduce or entice, I would pray for Spiritual Discernment 1st!
    Tamara Magdalene

  • @mpress469
    @mpress469 6 месяцев назад

    The biblical "Tree of Life" is the tree that produces fruit for physical sustenance (fruit, vegetables, nuts...).
    The biblical "Tree of Knowledge" is the tree that produces fruit for spiritual sustenance (cannabis, Banisteriopsis caapi/Psychotria viridis - DMT, Opium poppy, Salvia Divinorum, Iboga, Acacia...).
    "When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it" - Genesis 3:6
    Spiritually speaking (gender aside), matriarchal wisdom can begin with a fundamental understanding of the cyclical nature of reality (God).
    Represented by the snake in many creation myths, the living cycle has a trinity of a beginning (head), a middle and end (tail). As above so below, the sexes were created in the image of God's cyclical nature where Mother is the head and opening to all beginnings and Father holds the tail to all endings (through which the sowing of seeds allow for the next great matriarchal rebirth).The joining of the two (symbolized by the Ouroborus or the marriage ring) is the sacred union needed in assuring the creation and continuation of new life cycles. To speak of the present day God as "Our Father" is simply an admission to our collective positioning within the bigger cycle.
    As all mothers have direct experience with the creator quality of birthing, so is the direct experience of rebirthing the divinity within (baptism) belong to that which is spiritually matriarchal. (John 3, verse 3-8).
    Sekhmet statues (ancient Egyptian) carry most of their weight in symbolic memory of what was a mother culture dedicated to the direct experience of baptism. As the leg shaped hairlocks extend from maternal breasts to the womb of rebirth, the lioness's head proportions are such that they highlight the bust of a second animal figure. The Lioness's ears as eyes and eyes as nose (nostrils) brings to life the figure of a reptile. 'Neath the halo headress of the solar egg, the lioness's egg fertilization process being internal (Set) and the reptile's egg fertilization process being external (Setting), such being key components to the safety of entering the trans-egoic or "born again" state. The life threatening fear associated with the predatory nature of a lion and/or crocodile encounter are reflective of the intense ego death experiences associated with the transpersonal awakening process.
    In spiritually matriarchal times, illumination could be seen as wearing the false beard (ancient Egyptian funerary "ego" death mask) as the high state of cyclical self knowing; high awareness of both our upper matriarchal half and our lower (later) patriarchal half (compared with a mini lower body replica, an "as above so below" tail end beard extension); in full recognition of her civilizational Underworld; her inevitable cyclical destiny. The male pharaoh wears his beard tapered in reverse, indicating a pointing upwards towards the patriarchal head, divine representative of God's tail end cycle.
    Mary's anointing and wiping of Jesus's feet with her hair can then be seen as "Head to tail" (toe) imagery as she descends her matriarchal head to his patriarchal feet, thus reenacting the high understanding of the divine cyclical process. (John 12, verse 3)
    To carry the Ankh (now the female symbol ♀️) was perhaps to symbolically carry that upper and lower understanding. As the upper matriarchal womb symbolised the fertile birthing of civilization, below, the now Christian cross is carried to place emphasis on the lower (later) "End Times" Father principle of the great cycle.
    Lord Ganesha, the elephant headed Hindu diety, displays a cyclical head to trunk symbolism and points to the Mother head of his matriarchal elephant society. Ganesha (like the elephant) wears God's cyclical nature on his face.
    A whole temple was dedicated to Hathor (ancient Egyptian diety), who is the matriarchal "Uterus" personified.видео.html
    "See all women as mothers, serve them as your mother. when you see the entire world as the mother, the ego falls away. See everything as Mother and you will know God." - Neem Karoli Baba
    "My son, keep thy father's commandment and forsake not the law of thy mother" - Proverbs 6 : 20

  • @ophidiaparaclete
    @ophidiaparaclete 4 года назад +2

    Serpent? I can't breathe? Masks?

  • @98370alberto
    @98370alberto 6 месяцев назад

    For someone like me who does research..just talking is not enough. I need to see references...papers books videos etc. I refuse to believe by hearsay. Your material msy be sufficient for kids or nonchalant adults. If you want to see whati mean go see an episode of NYSTV with David Carrico...not john pounders(his sidekick) but David Carrico. That old dude is a master at delivering a topic..both in explanation and providing all materials necessary.

  • @cbdyna
    @cbdyna 10 месяцев назад

    The tree of knowledge of good and evil had nothing to do with married couples "knowing" each other. The tree of knowledge of good and evil is The Law. The Curse.

  • @lchimenz
    @lchimenz 4 года назад +2

    Well, just so you know, the 80's were awesome...Just like Gods grace.

  • @crappiesniper
    @crappiesniper 6 месяцев назад


  • @abelsandoval3932
    @abelsandoval3932 4 года назад

    Lucifer was NOT just a spiritual being...He was an Angel of God...Beautiful Angel!....Pride made Him say
    He would be like the most 3rd of Heavens Angels fell with him!...Read Ezekiel ch: 28

  • @rickpayne9254
    @rickpayne9254 4 года назад

    snake is picture language your view is your view only.
    Possibly grow from that understanding.

  • @LennyCash777
    @LennyCash777 6 месяцев назад

    Have you ever looked into the Serpent Seed 🐍explanation for the topic of this video? I have a playlist dedicated to it if you'd care to check that out. God bless. ✝️

  • @sarah-rubywilliams-ramouta8146
    @sarah-rubywilliams-ramouta8146 8 месяцев назад

    Can you please explain why animals suffer so horrendously when they are completely innocent. Do some research into dairy ( the unborn are ripped out of their mothers and have their throats cut with their mothers, among other atrocities), eggs ( newly hatched male chicks are thrown alive into a blender, or drowned or gassed because they can’t lay eggs) and meat industries ( they see their family and friends having their throats cut while screaming and slipping on blood), and then tell me again how all of this could not have been avoided.

  • @thebookofgenesismysteryofc8684
    @thebookofgenesismysteryofc8684 2 года назад

    On your next video, can you please elaborate upon the connection of Water and blood of Jesus..
    1) did God created water?
    2)first miracle Jesus changed eater into wine. What are their similarities(connections)
    3) when Jesus died, water and blood came out .. its not water with blood or blood alone but it was WATER AND BLOOD.. MEANING TWO DIFFERENT THINGS.

  • @Snowdog856
    @Snowdog856 5 месяцев назад

    The tree of knowledge of good and evil had to be there so they had true free will to love God, thats it. No tree no freewill. Once they ate of the tree they now knew sin and did sin. God threw them out of the garden because the tree of life was in the garden and God did not want man to live forever in a now fallen state so he had to keep them away from the tree of life.

  • @out42c
    @out42c 4 года назад +1

    Hey FarAway, you look like the happiest person on the internet. No, really. You have such a pretty happy face. You look like innocence itself. BTW, you're totally wrong in your explanation of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil....hahahaha! You don't have a clue. And no, it does not "go much deeper than that" as you are claim. The answer is actually quite simple as is the case with all these mysteries in scripture. The correct answer is staring you right in the face. I like you though. Can't wait to hear your explanation of Gen 6:4.