Road signs and directional indicators are often too small, making it difficult for drivers to read directions until they are almost upon them. Ideally, these signs should be significantly larger, allowing drivers to read them from 300 to 500 meters before an exit. According to universal guidelines, a general rule of thumb is that the height of the letters on a sign should be 25mm (1 inch) for every 10 feet of viewing distance. For example, a sign with 10-inch letters could be seen from 100 feet away. Additionally, placing signs 400 to 500 meters before the exit would provide drivers ample time to adjust their lanes accordingly.....
Road signs and directional indicators are often too small, making it difficult for drivers to read directions until they are almost upon them. Ideally, these signs should be significantly larger, allowing drivers to read them from 300 to 500 meters before an exit. According to universal guidelines, a general rule of thumb is that the height of the letters on a sign should be 25mm (1 inch) for every 10 feet of viewing distance. For example, a sign with 10-inch letters could be seen from 100 feet away. Additionally, placing signs 400 to 500 meters before the exit would provide drivers ample time to adjust their lanes accordingly.....