Excellent demo, thank you ! One constructive comment, if i may, you can use Alt+/ in intellij, it is text-match autocomplete. Looks like it would save you a lot of copy pasting.
Do you mean theory or in practice? In the sister video to this one (the talk I gave at Scala Exchange) I speak about monads and functors and the basics of functional composition. While I have a practice recording here, the actual recording of that talk is hosted at the skillsmatter site under skills casts. Thank you for the feedback and suggestion, will consider for future videos.
Namaste, this was my first tutorial that I looked for Kleisli and it totally clarifies what appeared like an arcane topic. Thank you!
Excellent video Alexander! Very easy to follow and understand. Keep them coming :)
Excellent demo, thank you ! One constructive comment, if i may, you can use Alt+/ in intellij, it is text-match autocomplete. Looks like it would save you a lot of copy pasting.
Awesome video!!! Can you also make a video series on the basics of the cats or the scalaz library covering things like functors and monads?
Do you mean theory or in practice? In the sister video to this one (the talk I gave at Scala Exchange) I speak about monads and functors and the basics of functional composition. While I have a practice recording here, the actual recording of that talk is hosted at the skillsmatter site under skills casts. Thank you for the feedback and suggestion, will consider for future videos.
Awasome ! Thx for clean explanation ;-)
awesome explanation. cleared it up for me
Sometimes you have to see the example code to appreciate and understand the kleisli.
A tutorial targeted at people who implicitly know what a monad transformer is but don't know how to for comprehension.