Padyshim eshte i madh Skenderbeu dhe ajo cka na la ai neve,kete toke te begate e te bekuar, Emri i tij do te vazhdoje te ndrije faqet e historise se SHQIPERISE.Une jam dhe do te jem perjete SHQIPTAR dua apo sdua une
I don't understand why everything relating to our heritage ands up in sensless verbal conflicts betwen us and the serbs. it a real pitty! one thing'a a fact: this war dance is one of the most beautiful jewels of Albanian culture. and it feels like fire in the veins! PROUD TO BE ALBANIAN!
“We Albanians,” he would say, “are the original and autochthonous race of the Balkans. The Slavs are conquerors and immigrants, who came but yesterday from Asia. As for the Bulgarians, they are a Mongol tribe which has no business in Europe. The Russians may call themselves Europeans, but when their consuls come here and lord it over us with their whips, we notice their little eyes and their high cheekbones, and we feel that they too are Tartars.
@@denkapeneva2018Mad because of facts? 😂 my dna says I’m almost 100 percent Albanian, I wasn’t surprised since we are the most european people in the balkans, unlike you mongoloid “bulgarians”
Pajtohem plotsisht,por njeriu i arsimuar e kupton qe feja dhe kombi jane gjera komplet ndryshe , ata njerez qe e quajn veten grek e turk per shkak te religjionit jane vec njerez pa vlera , shpirtna te shitur , gjaku ka me i denu.
The Servians, under their Tsar Dushan, conquered the country which they have the impudence to call ‘Old Servia.’ They settled there and drove us back for a season to our mountains. But little by little we have regained our own. ‘Old Servia’ is Albanian once more to-day, as it always was and always will be. It is true that a minority of Servians remains, protected by Russia. She has even sent up a handful of Russian monks from Mount Athos to hold the sacred Servian monastery of Dechani.
@ValaDrinit I never said they did...but the Italians were always more superior than the Turks...they were a massive western power at the time... and let me tell you something Albanian sir, I am Greek and I agree that the Balkans (including Albania and Greece) would have been MUCH better today if the Ottoman Empire never came and our countries were influenced by the Italian renaissance and then the Enlightenment instead... we would have been much more forward like France or the UK... forza italia
@SirGeorge8600 that is true. but it was the Greeks and Serbs who invited the Ottomans in the region for help in the first place (in the 12th century) Italy, like Albania was divided in princedoms, like the Venetians, that of Naples etc etc. They would have NEVER been able to resist the Ottoman Empire but they would have fell. I mean it was the Ottomans who surrounded Scanderbegs castle, and it was the Venetians who supplied the Ottomans making sure that they're able to keep that siege.
Po vetem mos harro se shqipart kane pasur luftetar nga te dy fejat dhe nuk e kane pasur kete problem . Sic e di edhe ti te vetmit jane shqiptaret qe nuk kane pasur ndonje luft per shkak te fese , kjo gje ka ndodhur ne shume shtete tjera
ju lutem ku mund ta shkarkoj filmin me kualitet kaq te mire ??? ai qe gjendet ne google video mezi shifet... kjo vidjo ktu qenka shum e paster, ku mund ta gjej filmin komplet ??? flm per ndihmen
@SirGeorge8600 Albanian lands and territories back then, just like in the beginning of the 20th century and still to this day, are used as bargaining chips between East and West.
por ja ismail qemaili ska menduar per feh islame nuk e ka harrua kombsine..dhe gjalkun dhe nuk e ka harua per cfar kan luftuar princepaltet shqiptar ne kohen e gjergjit dhe me tej ka dhe tjer mduket e din ti shqipria ka pasur shum luftetar
@SirGeorge8600 Our programme is Albania for the Albanians, and we do not intend to submit to any foreign domination, and certainly not to that of the Slavs. If the Turks cannot protect us against Panslavism, then we are quite prepared to fight the Turks. We have never accepted their yoke. We have preserved our customs, our language, and our local independence.
jam momentalisht krenar.. qe uckja nuk ka ber vetvrasje por ka luftuar si shqiptar e jo si taliban..kjo me ben krenar..dhe krenohem..shpresoj..qe nuk do ndodh as njeher nuk besoj qe ushtria shqiptare do ben vetvrasje..
@Cruzzo47 if the ottomans would finally understood that there is no way of stopping Albanians from getting free they would have conquerd europe before columbus went to America
@ValaDrinit yea I guess...Greeks and Albanians accomplished a lot in the ancient times, but it was about the power countries made for themselves in the age of imperialism and industrialization...this is what made them recognized in the two world wars and then after gave them leveling powers in economics and governance. After WWII the 'favorites' by America got to lead the EU and NATO and from there we are today...countries like the Balkans had no voice, and countries like Poland got screwed over
Kalojmë në fusha, kalojmë në male Kërkojmë kulla e tokë ... Kjo ditë na ftonë edhe kush nuk ndalët, Atdheu ne na fton, ne na fton Atdheu, Athdeu ne na fton, Atdheu ! Atdheu ne na fton, ne na fton ... Na pritë ô popull, na prit ô popull Po vimë në shpëtim, E le t'përhapët vallë rreth e rrotull, Kjo këng si kushtrim, si kushtrim... Kjo këng, kjo këng, si kushtrim, si kushtrim, kjo këng! Kjo këng, si kushtrim, si kushtrim... Të gjithë o burra mbas Kastriotit, Luftojmë si vetima... Në luftë bimë si burrat moti, Në krujë, trima në krujë, trima në Krujë ! Në krujë, në Krujë trima në Krujë, në Krujë ! Në Krujë, trima n'Krujë, trima n'Krujë !
po une kam shkoll pak..per kam aq sa me duhet. e jem trim shqiptar,,more burre i dheut,, ska problem,,se nuk kam shkoll,,rendesi ka te jem shqiptar dhe patriot..klm shqiptari,
feja ordhdoxe ska ludhje me greqine..vetum se do jesh ordodox uk do te grek dhe mos harro ka shum shqiptar me kete feh smundesh ta thuash kte fjal)) dhe mos harro tradhtarin mos e persi me fejen mos harro kshtu do te thot 70% jan tradhtar musliamn
@ValaDrinit But we have never paid taxes. We have fought as volunteers for the Sultan in every Turkish war-at Plevna as at Domokos-but we have never worn the Turkish uniform or accepted the slavery of the barracks. You profess to be the friends of the Cretans and the Bulgarians when they defend their freedom. Why do you wish to impose the Turkish yoke upon us? It is, I suppose, because we are not Slavs, or because so many of us are Moslems. That is your tolerance.
Father Gjon Kastrioti, noble man from Kruja region (any greek in Kruja)? Mother Vjosava from village Gradec in Tetovo North Macedonia, if you go today in Gradec, if you find only one serb, I will agree with u.. otherwise 100% albanians live in Gradec even today.. they were arber tribes, arber were called albanians back then. Arvanites are albanians also, they liberated you from Turkey. They speak and dance albanian songs, same as Scanderbeg, Illyrians and nowadays albanians.. germans said that they made up a history from you.. and real autochtonous in Balkans are Albanians. SPARTA IS albanian also.. it means Shpata in albanian or Sword. So go home you are drunk anatolian so called greek.
filmi skenderbe munt te gjehet ne shum gjuhe, orgjinalja esht ne rusisht se esht prodhim i kinematografis russo-shqiptare por versjoni shqiptare dihet qe esht me i bukuri
"dancing mexican" haha xD i have to know... why mexicans o.O? i mean i searched for some traditional mexican dancing, and it didn't look at all similar to the albanian round dance, so why?
Gabim e ke se une e quaj veten shqiptar fanatik dhe nuk me intereson per turkin . Ka edhe shume turk qe i shaj ketu ne youtube , mua nuk me intereson shqiptari a eshte musliman apo katolik me rendesi eshte me qe te flas shqip dhe te mos perzihet me popujt tjer . Po ky " shqiptari " me posht shau fen e 70 % te shqiptareve dhe shqiptar i quajti vetem ata qe jane te krishter .
ne kufij me greqine ka dhe greek atje si ne himare..flasin greqisht..dhe ne mitrovic prizren ka nuk flasin shqip ka turk dhe ata nuk flasin shqip.. kupto ktu ka differenc.. ka greek atje.. mos harro ne mitrovic ka serb..dhe ata nuk din flasin shqip si ne parlament kupton? greku ne parlamend flet shqip ne parlamentin shqiptar nuk flitet greqisht kupto mujsh me shajt ju jeni kshtu po shiko vendin ton kosoven( ky kastrioti e ka shajte turkun e jo shqiptarin te dhem kur ta shan dikush turkun?
Pak ma kadale… shqiptart krishtert ishin atje ku jan. Bile edhe familja tane ishin krishtert. Ti leje serbin dhe greku sepse ato na dojn me perqa sipas fes te ndrishme. Apo kupton?
God Bless Scanderberg and the Albanian Warriors!
Sa e bukur eshte kjo skene!
Padyshim eshte i madh Skenderbeu dhe ajo cka na la ai neve,kete toke te begate e te bekuar,
Emri i tij do te vazhdoje te ndrije faqet e historise se SHQIPERISE.Une jam dhe do te jem perjete SHQIPTAR dua apo sdua une
Shqiptar pra prshndetje per te gjith vlonjater
the most beautiful war dance from ballkan!
Fuck balkan
Das ist illyrian dance 🇦🇱🇽🇰
Albania Gjergj Kastriot Skenderbeg
Non è una danza di guerra.., ma di vittoria. Non è una danza dei balcani e nemmeno dei balconi, ma dei Albanesi che allora si chiamavano Arbëresh.
From ALBANIAN. 🇽🇰🇦🇱 ;)
From Albania 🇦🇱🦅🇦🇱🦅illyria. Të tjerë i kan vjedhur nga ne
ich bin stolz auf mein land Albanien & Kosovo . skenderbeu hero i vendit ton 👑
😂haha ne internet po
Ju lumt video shum e mir per shqpierin etnike deri ne vdekje!!
I don't understand why everything relating to our heritage ands up in sensless verbal conflicts betwen us and the serbs. it a real pitty!
one thing'a a fact: this war dance is one of the most beautiful jewels of Albanian culture. and it feels like fire in the veins!
Do not trust to serbs... end of story.
I am proud to be ALBANIAN🇦🇱
Just chillingly beautiful.
Valle Dibrane 🇦🇱🇦🇱
@valdrin85 I am very happy that I met a person who knows our history !!!!!
Regards my brother !!!!!! For all other knowledge gives you power !!!!!!
Skenderbeu 🇦🇱
“We Albanians,” he would say, “are the original and autochthonous race of the Balkans. The Slavs are conquerors and immigrants, who came but yesterday from Asia. As for the Bulgarians, they are a Mongol tribe which has no business in Europe. The Russians may call themselves Europeans, but when their consuls come here and lord it over us with their whips, we notice their little eyes and their high cheekbones, and we feel that they too are Tartars.
Turkalbanians stop lie yourself
@@denkapeneva2018 Aaaa now I see who you are, haha insecure grek or Serbian.
@@denkapeneva2018 is true druzhe, if you don’t belief go check yourself in mirror😂
Vala Drinit you have spoken the truth ok
This Mongols should go where they belong
@@denkapeneva2018Mad because of facts? 😂 my dna says I’m almost 100 percent Albanian, I wasn’t surprised since we are the most european people in the balkans, unlike you mongoloid “bulgarians”
Pajtohem plotsisht,por njeriu i arsimuar e kupton qe feja dhe kombi jane gjera komplet ndryshe , ata njerez qe e quajn veten grek e turk per shkak te religjionit jane vec njerez pa vlera , shpirtna te shitur , gjaku ka me i denu.
Shume e bukur!!!
Heroi Jon 🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱
me gjithe qef do te isha rikthyer ne Krishter po kam frike se po beje Mekate akoma me shum kam frike !!!
Nuk ben mekat!! Te paret i ke ps te krishter
Po tash mbas 9vjetësh a t'ka kalu no pak frika o mëkatar ,ti ke qef por nuk të len frika me ba qef .. paske ardh me vuj
Rrenqethet trupi kur ndegjon kto skenar ne filmin e heroit,babait te kombit tone ARBENORE.
I madh u kan skenderbeu edhe gjermanishten e ka dit
@@Aulon99 Po de 🤣🤣🤣
Per Callcenter e kom mesu trimi
@@kosovokosovo479 Gjergji ta shkerdheu farefisin nga te gjitha vrimat o mi halesh o sperme turku o klysh kurve.
The Servians, under their Tsar Dushan, conquered the country which they have the impudence to call ‘Old Servia.’ They settled there and drove us back for a season to our mountains. But little by little we have regained our own. ‘Old Servia’ is Albanian once more to-day, as it always was and always will be. It is true that a minority of Servians remains, protected by Russia. She has even sent up a handful of Russian monks from Mount Athos to hold the sacred Servian monastery of Dechani.
@ValaDrinit I never said they did...but the Italians were always more superior than the Turks...they were a massive western power at the time... and let me tell you something Albanian sir, I am Greek and I agree that the Balkans (including Albania and Greece) would have been MUCH better today if the Ottoman Empire never came and our countries were influenced by the Italian renaissance and then the Enlightenment instead... we would have been much more forward like France or the UK... forza italia
@SirGeorge8600 that is true. but it was the Greeks and Serbs who invited the Ottomans in the region for help in the first place (in the 12th century)
Italy, like Albania was divided in princedoms, like the Venetians, that of Naples etc etc. They would have NEVER been able to resist the Ottoman Empire but they would have fell. I mean it was the Ottomans who surrounded Scanderbegs castle, and it was the Venetians who supplied the Ottomans making sure that they're able to keep that siege.
sorry :D the most beautiful prelude for war! :D
Po vetem mos harro se shqipart kane pasur luftetar nga te dy fejat dhe nuk e kane pasur kete problem . Sic e di edhe ti te vetmit jane shqiptaret qe nuk kane pasur ndonje luft per shkak te fese , kjo gje ka ndodhur ne shume shtete tjera
Vallja e trimave 🤞🏼 Si Vallja Dramçe me duket? Ne Kukesiant e kercejm
ju lutem ku mund ta shkarkoj filmin me kualitet kaq te mire ???
ai qe gjendet ne google video mezi shifet... kjo vidjo ktu qenka shum e paster, ku mund ta gjej filmin komplet ???
flm per ndihmen
@SirGeorge8600 Albanian lands and territories back then, just like in the beginning of the 20th century and still to this day, are used as bargaining chips between East and West.
Pse kjo keng nuk eshte Himn i Atdheut tone, por hymni yn i sotem eshte i dyshimt qe eshte marr nga Romania?
eheheheeeej erdhi skenderbeu. ooooo turq te te ndyre mbrohuni
por ja ismail qemaili ska menduar per feh islame nuk e ka harrua kombsine..dhe gjalkun dhe nuk e ka harua per cfar kan luftuar princepaltet shqiptar ne kohen e gjergjit dhe me tej ka dhe tjer mduket e din ti shqipria ka pasur shum luftetar
@ValaDrinit Yes, you make good points.
Legjend Gjergj Kastrioti
@SirGeorge8600 Our programme is Albania for the Albanians, and we do not intend to submit to any foreign domination, and certainly not to that of the Slavs. If the Turks cannot protect us against Panslavism, then we are quite prepared to fight the Turks. We have never accepted their yoke. We have preserved our customs, our language, and our local independence.
@denisdrennan 100% me ty po si me ja dhen me kuptu katunarit mysliman?
jam momentalisht krenar.. qe uckja nuk ka ber vetvrasje por ka luftuar si shqiptar e jo si taliban..kjo me ben krenar..dhe krenohem..shpresoj..qe nuk do ndodh as njeher nuk besoj qe ushtria shqiptare do ben vetvrasje..
@Cruzzo47 if the ottomans would finally understood that there is no way of stopping Albanians from getting free they would have conquerd europe before columbus went to America
Albanian war dance yeeahh babyyy
Henry N. Brailsford:
Macedonia: its Races and their Future - the Albanians
po pse e keni vene gjermanisht o cuna,a mundeni me gjet pjesen e kthimit te skenderbeut ne shqipni...
@chino0268 shigjeta asht arm e njerzve t'lig :) une e pash temin me Shpat :) ... o m'fal m'fal, t'mit jan kan me Leken :)
SHQIPËRIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! +++++
@GESTAPO543 Albania was part of the Ottoman Empire, the reason they didn't go past was because of Italy not Albania.
@ValaDrinit yea I guess...Greeks and Albanians accomplished a lot in the ancient times, but it was about the power countries made for themselves in the age of imperialism and industrialization...this is what made them recognized in the two world wars and then after gave them leveling powers in economics and governance. After WWII the 'favorites' by America got to lead the EU and NATO and from there we are today...countries like the Balkans had no voice, and countries like Poland got screwed over
ku mund ta gjej ne gjermanisht te ju tregoj kolegeve gjerman?
lyrics pls! :)))
@ValaDrinit No, we do not want reforms. We prefer liberty.”
O cuna kush e ka edh kete video , a ka mundesi me me gjet tekstin e kenges qe kedohet nga fundi i fideos se eshte e papare.
para shqiperia etnike :d
Kalojmë në fusha, kalojmë në male
Kërkojmë kulla e tokë ...
Kjo ditë na ftonë edhe kush nuk ndalët,
Atdheu ne na fton, ne na fton Atdheu,
Athdeu ne na fton, Atdheu !
Atdheu ne na fton, ne na fton ...
Na pritë ô popull, na prit ô popull
Po vimë në shpëtim,
E le t'përhapët vallë rreth e rrotull,
Kjo këng si kushtrim, si kushtrim...
Kjo këng, kjo këng, si kushtrim, si kushtrim, kjo këng!
Kjo këng, si kushtrim, si kushtrim...
Të gjithë o burra mbas Kastriotit,
Luftojmë si vetima...
Në luftë bimë si burrat moti,
Në krujë, trima në krujë, trima në Krujë !
Në krujë, në Krujë trima në Krujë, në Krujë !
Në Krujë, trima n'Krujë, trima n'Krujë !
po une kam shkoll pak..per kam aq sa me duhet. e jem trim shqiptar,,more burre i dheut,, ska problem,,se nuk kam shkoll,,rendesi ka te jem shqiptar dhe patriot..klm shqiptari,
A e din kush tekstin te saj kâtkes?
long life big albania
feja ordhdoxe ska ludhje me greqine..vetum se do jesh ordodox uk do te grek dhe mos harro ka shum shqiptar me kete feh smundesh ta thuash kte fjal)) dhe mos harro tradhtarin mos e persi me fejen mos harro kshtu do te thot 70% jan tradhtar musliamn
Pse gjermanisht????????
Sepse ne shqip eshte, duhet ta dine edhe gjerman se qfar trima rrit shqiperia. A u bere patriot tani😂
A e din najkush emnin e konges prej 1:00
Kenga e kastriotit ose atdheu ne na fton.Nuk esh keng e mirefillte
@SirGeorge8600 ROFL... when did Italy fight against the Ottomans???
@ValaDrinit But we have never paid taxes. We have fought as volunteers for the Sultan in every Turkish war-at Plevna as at Domokos-but we have never worn the Turkish uniform or accepted the slavery of the barracks. You profess to be the friends of the Cretans and the Bulgarians when they defend their freedom. Why do you wish to impose the Turkish yoke upon us? It is, I suppose, because we are not Slavs, or because so many of us are Moslems. That is your tolerance.
Hero of Albania? His father was a Greek nobleman, his mother was a Serbian princess. Do Greek/Serbian ancestors make one albanian?
Father Gjon Kastrioti, noble man from Kruja region (any greek in Kruja)?
Mother Vjosava from village Gradec in Tetovo North Macedonia, if you go today in Gradec, if you find only one serb, I will agree with u.. otherwise 100% albanians live in Gradec even today.. they were arber tribes, arber were called albanians back then. Arvanites are albanians also, they liberated you from Turkey. They speak and dance albanian songs, same as Scanderbeg, Illyrians and nowadays albanians.. germans said that they made up a history from you.. and real autochtonous in Balkans are Albanians. SPARTA IS albanian also.. it means Shpata in albanian or Sword. So go home you are drunk anatolian so called greek.
Si e cuajne kete valle ?
Eshte pak a shume si valle dramçe
@neo19158 edhe diqka nuk dini as vet se sa arvanit i kini ne greqi ta dini edhe se jan te asimilim jan gjak shqiptari!!!!!!!
cfare gjuhet eshte ne fillim ? nuk duket shqip...
Gjuhen asht gjermanisht.
Skanderbeg German
Hej haj skenderaj, capricon!
mos harroni se filmi eshte prodhim rus
Eshye Shqiptaro Rus me shumicen,e Aktoreve Shqiptar
filmi skenderbe munt te gjehet ne shum gjuhe, orgjinalja esht ne rusisht se esht prodhim i kinematografis russo-shqiptare por versjoni shqiptare dihet qe esht me i bukuri
A mos e din dikush si e ka emrin kjo kenga?
po vlla te vertet ke fol :-(
hey .. qysh po thiret kjo kenga ?
Turkalbanians in power they have no history why I can't find them in the maps?
Says the Slave calleslavic. Your origin is from Avar Nomads of Persia that ended Later in Carpathian mountain caves and then in Balkan
osman bre osman valle e malesoreve kaukazik...te pakten ritmi dhe menyra e kercimit...
Kjo eshte valle ilire
Jo jo shqipe.. mos harro se aleksandri madh traditat ilire i ka shpernda
ouuu yesssssssss
"dancing mexican" haha xD i have to know... why mexicans o.O? i mean i searched for some traditional mexican dancing, and it didn't look at all similar to the albanian round dance, so why?
@neo19158 his not gay i sorry main greek bot hi is albanian!!!!!
Acesti albanezi detin monopolul asupra kalashi valley pakistan
Imagjononi se këta artist dhe statista jan Rus. I gjith filmi është krejtsisht Rus
Mos genje o pleher se Shumica artiste Shqiptar jane
Ki artist ishte Gjeorgjian. Shumic artistet jan shqiptart dhe pak jan te hujt.
@@GimPukaleshi-Kurtishi Nga shkrimi me dukesh si çam
Gabim e ke se une e quaj veten shqiptar fanatik dhe nuk me intereson per turkin . Ka edhe shume turk qe i shaj ketu ne youtube , mua nuk me intereson shqiptari a eshte musliman apo katolik me rendesi eshte me qe te flas shqip dhe te mos perzihet me popujt tjer . Po ky " shqiptari " me posht shau fen e 70 % te shqiptareve dhe shqiptar i quajti vetem ata qe jane te krishter .
maverix te ne iliret-Shqiptaret ne te gjitha trevat ku jetojme 70% jan Krishtere 30% muslimane e me se shumti jan ne Kosove per informata!!!!
ne kufij me greqine ka dhe greek atje si ne himare..flasin greqisht..dhe ne mitrovic prizren ka nuk flasin shqip ka turk dhe ata nuk flasin shqip.. kupto ktu ka differenc.. ka greek atje.. mos harro ne mitrovic ka serb..dhe ata nuk din flasin shqip si ne parlament kupton? greku ne parlamend flet shqip ne parlamentin shqiptar nuk flitet greqisht kupto mujsh me shajt ju jeni kshtu po shiko vendin ton kosoven( ky kastrioti e ka shajte turkun e jo shqiptarin te dhem kur ta shan dikush turkun?
@shkulfiri100 Mos thuaj qe je myslim laik, se nuk ka kuptim. Thuaj qe je ateist.
hahahahahahah ist es auch auf deutsch ubesetzt hahahahahahahah
ne kruje trima ne kruje trima ne kruje...ahh, kruja ime e bekuar!
Po me duket e pashe ster-ster-ster-ster-gjyshin ka shkon pas Kastriotit me shigjete ne dore!! :D :D
@unfukkkmee yeh and Obama is also greek lol
Po ti pse nuk ik ne Greqi apo Serbi nese nuk i duron muslimanet shqiptar .
Pak ma kadale… shqiptart krishtert ishin atje ku jan. Bile edhe familja tane ishin krishtert. Ti leje serbin dhe greku sepse ato na dojn me perqa sipas fes te ndrishme. Apo kupton?
Bekomme Gänsehaut
Respekt, ju lutemi Abonohuni edhe Ju tek une në kanalin tim në RUclips, Flm shumë.,