Some explanation on the robot arm: it's a metal robotic arm controlled by a web-interface. The GUI allowed me to set a specific position and the save it. E.g. When I set 5 different positions (multiplied by 6 servos) and press play, the signals are send to an ESP8266 WiFi chip. The chip sends the signals to an Arduino Mega.. the Arduino Mega is setting the value on the servos. The movement takes time, around 3 seconds. If the arm moves from point A to Point B all steps in-between are send to the ESP8266. Not efficient but it works well. What should I do next with the robotic arm? Subscribe if you want to see future improvements.
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Some explanation on the robot arm: it's a metal robotic arm controlled by a web-interface. The GUI allowed me to set a specific position and the save it. E.g. When I set 5 different positions (multiplied by 6 servos) and press play, the signals are send to an ESP8266 WiFi chip. The chip sends the signals to an Arduino Mega.. the Arduino Mega is setting the value on the servos. The movement takes time, around 3 seconds. If the arm moves from point A to Point B all steps in-between are send to the ESP8266. Not efficient but it works well. What should I do next with the robotic arm? Subscribe if you want to see future improvements.