If I ever had to fight in the trenches I would want to be under that Commander that man was really good leading his troops. he did not let his emotions take over. he kept his men focused on the goal and not from huddling in a hole. God bless this man. I pray he makes it home to his family.
So true. The dude is not only smart & in control (of a deadly situation), but also fearless... telling the men under his command to take cover, even when he himself was exposed and out of bullets...
After 2:10 when he calmed down, yes. The guy he took out at 50 yards forced him to take control of himself, then he was spot on. This is heavily edited, standing up, shouting at the enemy, in a fire fight, is not a good, long-term combat method. Let's hope someone tells him that. Lots of people praising him into getting himself neutralised.
@content_enjoyer4458 erm, ok, but considering I've watched the original, there's not much else I can say, except for, why tf would I say it, if I hadn't seen it?
@content_enjoyer4458 I think I saw the original on TVP world but they have since also shown this same edited version, so search around. I think that the name of the squad might be useful to use in your search. He finds out one of his mates has just, that second, been killed and while he's processing that, the mortar lands in the trench and the attack began. He flipped out and tried to get himself deaded for the next three minutes.
I feel so guilty and disturbed sitting in a comfortable chair watching these brave men go through this nightmare... rightfully so - it's surreal. I watch because I so desperately want them to prevail.
For Europe them winning is a must but we all saw the leaks and it definitely isn't heading that way. WW3 looks more likely by the day and we could get wiped out of face of the map.
@@sanyafrag1 lol we just saw they kill 5+ orcs live with no kia on thier side..... all russia does is like about victories..... 9 months and still stuck on one destroyed city 10000s dead widows not paid ....
The guy with the camera wiped out two squads on two fronts pretty much by himself.... the crazy part is he is a volunteer. He has a channel here on RUclips and he and his friends privately purchased firearms and volunteered to fight the Russians. He removed the videos between yesterday and today of he and his friends prior to volunteering. He is just a private Ukrainian civilian but he moved and communicated like he is prior service.
This guy is acting like one of these pro softair players who are also able to outplay whole squads on their own, but this is real war. Crazy guy hope he stays alive!
The unit is called DaVinci Wolves after its fallen leader. DaVinci was one of the youngest soldiers to be awarded the Hero of Ukraine in his mid-twenties.
Оригинальное видео длится 11минут. Бой длился 2 часа. Один наш парень погиб до начала боя от артиллерии. Больше в этом бою из наших никто не погиб и не был ранен
@@ua-yz2fh Bakhmut has fallen to the Russians last week, these guys are unfortunately most likely all dead now. They speak Russian, there’s a rumor that Ukraine is conscripting Ukrainians citizens who are Ethnic Russians primarily to fight the Russian Army on purpose.
@@Работанареке Ой ну, московит, ну харе уже. Поэтому вас и называют как в ролике, и отправляют по адресу крейсера «москва». Запоминай: сейчас русичи воюют с московитами, уже 350 лет (с 1654 года) - историю надо знать. И эта битва заканчивается в этом году полнейшим разгромом и безоговорочной капитуляцией Московии. Вы мне, московиты, еще за Севастополь ответите!!!
These guys have US flags, watch timur tribun...in bachmut fighting volunteer squads from USA, chechia, Belarus, georgia, the right sector and azov...thats why they can't surrender and the reason why Wagner and russian airborn is fighting in bachmut
The commander in control here is top quality hope he is well and gets through the defence of Bakhmut he deserves commendation 👌 Shows how important a good leader is in combat he was on everyone and everything whilst engaging enemy and under fire. This video should be shown to all potential NCO's on cadre and officers in training
We all could go on dissecting his drills, but the bottom line is that his leadership is an example to others. 100% if I ever served again, having a commander even half this good, I would follow them into whatever
It's incredible. Trench warfare like that hasn't been seen or captured on video in years. True there was the skirmish back in 2014. But this is on an entirely different level. What an incredible Commander.
Actually there was the Iran Iraq War, it rapidly devolved into trench warfare. Also that "skirmish" in 2014 actually has been going on ever since it just died down in scale.
6+) В курсе ли американцы и граждане Европы что интеллект и предрасположенность к фашизму никак не связаны. У руских нет иммунитета к пропаганде, даже если есть высокий интеллект. Рецидив имперского величия будет повторяться многократно, пока росейская федерация существует как единое государство. 7) Что США думают о руских политических диссидентах заброшенных ФСБ и формирующих у американского истеблишмента положительное отношение к русской культуре с целью сохранения империи в текущих границах после Путина? Представители "русской оппозиции", такие как Шендерович, Навальный (его семья и коллеги), Гудков, Ходорковский, Латынина, Собчак и десятки других несут наибольшую опасность, так как по своей сути являются законсервированной в Европе кремлевской интеллигенцией, которая прямо не поддерживают войну, но завуалированно делает все, чтобы Запад и США помогли им сохранить русский мир в текущих его границах. 8) Знают ли американцы и европейцы, что верноподданичество, шовинизм и ЛЮТАЯ нетерпимость к чужому успеху - вот главные особенности всех характеров, описанных в русских произведениях? Это основной нарратив, который руские экспортируют на Запад. Вот что писал руский поэт А.С. Пушкин своему сокурснику - "Я конечно презираю отечество мое с головы до ног, но мне досадно, если иностранец разделяет со мною это чувство". Достоевский - это не русская культура. Достоевский - это профессиональная государственная пропаганда в царской россии русского образа жизни. 9) Известно ли американцам что Соловьев, Киселев, Скобеева и Симоньян (главные ведущие в prime-time на центральных TV каналах россии последние 10-15 лет) не виноваты в расчеловечивании (дегуманизации) россиян? Каждый день в своих эфирах они угрожают американцам и европейцам, только потому что простые русские "люди" (80-84%) мечтают нанести по вам ядерный удар. Путин - это не просто президент, Путин - это отражение русской ментальности, это вожак стада, с абсолютно криминальным сознанием. В своем подавляющем большинстве русские хотят только одного - крови и реванша за распад СССР. Русские не смогут смирится с вашим успехом никогда. 10) Понимают ли в США разницу между Геббельсом и ведущим аналитических программ Соловьевым, с которым его часто сравнивают? Если Геббельс действительно вдохновлял немецкое общество на тотальную войну, то в россии было все наоборот: простой русский народ вдохновил Путина на войну против цивилизации, не дав Владимир Владимировичу потратить награбленное. Бенефициарами проекта "специальная военная операция" являются простые руские "люди".
11+) Понимают ли в США что войну можно остановить только развалив Россию на суверенные государства? Что плохого в 30-50 независимых государствах, которые были под оккупацией русских сотни лет??? Зачем нужно внешнее управление? Чтобы что? Русских воспитывали цари, воспитывали коммунисты, воспитывали демократы и нечего не воспитали. Вы хотите потратить еще триллионы долларов или евро налогоплатильщиков, чтобы усмирить бешенную собаку? Не проще ли и не гуманнее ли будет ее усыпить? Я не знаю ни одного украинца убитого американцем или англичанином. Но я знаю тысячи украинцев, замученных и убитых рускими тварями, под эгидой руского мира. Не бурятского, не чеченского, не российского, а РУССКОГО. Именно руские гонят бурятов на смерть а не наоборот. 12) Почему США бояться, что утечет ядерное оружье? В РФ всего несколько баз хранения, их сложно проконтролировать? Продукты даже слабого распада оставляют радиационный след? Нет ничего опаснее чем оружье в руках русских имперцев ненавидящих весь мир. Что думают на счет денуклеаризации (denuclearization) российской федерации? Смогут ли помочь с утилизацией ядерных зарядов, у которых давно истёк срок годности? 13) США и Европа обеспокоены тем что не смогут справится с беженцами в случае гражданской войны в россии??? США и Европа рассматривают сценарий, при котором регионы, оккупированные рускими просто отделятся на основании признаков национального самоопределения? От куда утверждение что будет гражданская война? Возможно возникнет несколько небольших вялотекущих конфликтов из-за спорных территорий (Чечня-Дагестан и т.д.). Что они думают об этом... 14) США обеспокоены тем что распад РФ усложнит логистику сырья и повысит цены? Да, гнать за бесценок сырье больше никто не будет. Может дело и правда в том что Западу просто нужна одна помойка с централизованным управлением, которую выгодно доить? Верно ли предположение, что США ищут нового претендента на трон в России, в среде так называемых "хороших русских", умело притворяющихся русской оппозицией? 15) Куда при таком развитии событий вы денете русских фашистов, составляющих примерно 75-84% (зависит от региона) всего взрослого населения россии? Вы думаете русские захотят свободы? В этом ваше основное заблуждение. Русские ненавидят всех, кто пытается снять с них кандалы. И дело не в воспитании. Фашизм уйдет только после распада империи. Если русизм (RussiZm = Fascism) не осудить, то русские не сделают правильных выводов. 16 PS) Помогите уничтожить pyccкую фашистскую империю и освободить оккупированные народы России. Иначе вашим детям придется расплачиваться за ваши ошибки, но уже своей кровью.
The scary thing is that the commander was probably an accountant a year ago. It goes to show how quickly life can change and we should not take our freedom for granted. If the West doesn't deal with Putin, this will come to our (UK) doorstep before too long.
@@Тим-щ4н НАТО для того и создано,что бы всех запугивать путиными и каддафи,а самим под благовидным предлогом устраивать войны по всему Миру.Ради демократии!
That was amazing leadership and bravery from the commander. This is a guy who believes in what he is fighting for and has an iron will to defend his position and look after his men. I am in awe.
I trained to do this stuff in the Army and I am thankful I never had to do it for real. It may look chaotic but he had to motivate his guys to fight hard but smart and not use all of their ammo.
Other than Saving Private Ryan, the movie, I've never seen an actual shooting at this range... and I was born at the height of the Vietnam War. The way the commander here set up their defense perimeter was brilliant, with logs strewn in different angles, so a hand grenade toss like what we saw wasn't going to easily roll into the hide out the commander's colleagues were taking shelter.
Theres another video from a Ukrainian defender named Predator who has a closer range kill at around 5m, after staring down a BMP at 10m firing 20mm cannong over his head and he RPGs it. Its a toss up if Predator or Tilkhiy have had the most graphic footage yet.
@@forgott_8182 (набрать в браузере) Из них неск. генералов Пентагона, НАТО, много полковников ... До сих пор копают, ищут останки. Штаты дали заднюю. Once again about the strikes with "Daggers" on the NATO bunker: why everyone is silent about them (type in browser in Russian) Two Daggers flew into the bunker shaft near Lviv, all 200s. Of these, several generals of the Pentagon, NATO, many colonels ... Still digging, looking for the remains. The states gave back.
Yep but not for long.. In the future an educated humanity will not stand for war. We will demand to end them when we become powerful enough as unified peoples to make change. One day my friend..
I can only second all the comments praising the commander and his troops. Deep respect. I hope they will make it through this war. Prayers and thoughts for all of them. 🇺🇦🌅🇺🇦🌅🇺🇦🌅
@@antiminer2422 (набрать в браузере) Из них неск. генералов Пентагона, НАТО, много полковников ... До сих пор копают, ищут останки. Штаты дали заднюю. Once again about the strikes with "Daggers" on the NATO bunker: why everyone is silent about them (type in browser in Russian) Two Daggers flew into the bunker shaft near Lviv, all 200s. Of these, several generals of the Pentagon, NATO, many colonels ... Still digging, looking for the remains. The states gave back.
Peace talks would have been quick. The American War machine makes no money off peace. Ukranian men will continue to die with American weapons in their hands while the west sells us a forever war.
@@ivanthefool5237 насколько нужно быть глупым и самоуверенным что бы штурмувать окоп в полный рост в лоб*, хотя страх заград отрядов тоже несёт большую роль
The guy commanding was a GREAT combat leader. He was most likely communicating with Drone oporator who was telling him where the enemy was. Modenrn day L.t Winters from band of brothers.
This is the first video i have seen of this conflict, where there is clear vision of the attacking enemy, and footage of them being shot... incredible footage. Also , that grenade/incoming explosion at the beginning (dont know what it was) was brutal
Theres another video from Predator defending a trench who shoots a russian at really close range like 5m. This video from Tilkhiy is damn near #1 or #2 because he gets 4 verified kills on camera which is crazy....
@@Zero4Infinitives We tried that approach in 2014 when Russia took Crimea. Appeasing doesn’t work with dictators. We have learned that lesson many times throughout history.
Sure we aren't getting the same "20,000 men killed in the first action" kind of brutality we saw in WW1, but they're doing an excellent job showing us the gut-wrenching reality of what these men see every day. Trench warfare has changed since then, instead of pounding the lines with HOURS of artillery followed by massed infantry, it's now a constant state of vigilance with on and off bombings, drone strikes, units or squads of infantry and vehicle support. The tactics changed true, but the feeling of it hasn't.
As always, in the history of the United States, they earn on someone else's grief. They finance this war so that it lasts as long as possible, for example, like the Iran-Iraq war for 8 years
I hope the do it from a russian conscript perspective so that people can understand what they got put through by their own superiors and how the Ukranians made the front line a living hell
This man led by example, just jumped in first on front row, went out exposed himself to get elevated spot so he can see them better and then cleaned it all up, massive stuff of bravery
-"Kyiv in threee dayyyys!"- Feb. '22 -"We will take Bakhmut by May"- April '22 -"We will take Bakhmut by July"- June '22 -"We will take Bakhmut by October, no later!"- Sept. '22 -"We will capture Bakhmut by February!"- Jan. '23 -"We DEFINITELY capture Bakhmut by April"- Mar. '23 "Wagner need more ammo, we can't take the Bakhmut"
bro doesnt realize Russia changed plans. they are playing the game of murder every ukrainian untill they run out. its been working pretty well so far. taking ground isnt their objective, its demilitarizing.
He is constantly getting updates from the drone, so he has some situational awareness - that is also huge advantage. This is not a trench war of WW2 or WW1. That is why he was so effective.
Situational awareness from the air also existed in WW1. Planes, balloons, birds being disturbed flying up from their ground meal of a dead soldier. Eyes and telescopes turn more effectively than the limited camera angle of a drone.
(набрать в браузере) Из них неск. генералов Пентагона, НАТО, много полковников ... До сих пор копают, ищут останки. Штаты дали заднюю. Once again about the strikes with "Daggers" on the NATO bunker: why everyone is silent about them (type in browser ) Two Daggers flew into the bunker shaft near Lviv, all 200s. Of these, several generals of the Pentagon, NATO, many colonels ... Still digging, looking for the remains. The states gave back.
there is no wepon more powerful than soldier who is wiling to die defending against aggressor, that is one of the lessons of history that some seems newer has learned...praising this brave men. Slava im!
That commander is sharp! He can oversee both areas together; the one from a distance and the one where his men are and making sure there's no gap. He held the line so effectively.
Brave soldiers these Ukrainian fighters, well led, and motivated. One look at the remains of the trees surrounding the position suggests how close and violent this fight is. Slava Ukraine!
Man! Those soldiers need to be remembered like how we remember Achilles, Alexander the Great, Caesar’s legions, George Washington, General Patton, and so on
Fighting like this happens daily around the globe, the only difference is the US government and media are inflating this conflict and sending Ukrainians to die for US interests.
As front line troops, many of these brave men defending, as well as the brave men rushing the trench, lost their life. Just wild and sad we still do this in 2023.
The “brave man rushing the trench” is part of an invading army that rapes, pillages, and murders everywhere it takes by the admission of its own members.
The area around them fighting looks kind of poetic- a destroyed land stretching to the horizon, as far as eye can see. It also looks surrealistic, it's hard to believe anywhere in the world looks like that, not a single plant surviving this war.
@@АртёмКаленд-з1х Russians can end this pointless war today if they want to. If not, they'll get snuffed like these Russians did trying to get one bunker that doesn't mean anything.
Blown up tree stumps bullet holes everywhere shrapnel holes in everything. This heroes leadership is admirable and humbling all bow to this hero ! Slava Ukraini 👏
If I ever had to fight in the trenches I would want to be under that Commander that man was really good leading his troops. he did not let his emotions take over. he kept his men focused on the goal and not from huddling in a hole. God bless this man. I pray he makes it home to his family.
Only an idiot fights in a trench. A smart person flees and saves themselves.
So true. The dude is not only smart & in control (of a deadly situation), but also fearless... telling the men under his command to take cover, even when he himself was exposed and out of bullets...
Этого черта
@@storm83. Bot…
@@storm83. 🤖
The commanders leadership and tight control of his team under such conditions is incredible.
After 2:10 when he calmed down, yes. The guy he took out at 50 yards forced him to take control of himself, then he was spot on. This is heavily edited, standing up, shouting at the enemy, in a fire fight, is not a good, long-term combat method. Let's hope someone tells him that. Lots of people praising him into getting himself neutralised.
They're probably dead by now
@@yfelwulf, не са - загубата им е един боец!
@content_enjoyer4458 erm, ok, but considering I've watched the original, there's not much else I can say, except for, why tf would I say it, if I hadn't seen it?
@content_enjoyer4458 I think I saw the original on TVP world but they have since also shown this same edited version, so search around. I think that the name of the squad might be useful to use in your search.
He finds out one of his mates has just, that second, been killed and while he's processing that, the mortar lands in the trench and the attack began. He flipped out and tried to get himself deaded for the next three minutes.
I feel so guilty and disturbed sitting in a comfortable chair watching these brave men go through this nightmare... rightfully so - it's surreal. I watch because I so desperately want them to prevail.
They will but many will die yet. Ukraine won't ever be Russia.
So true.
For Europe them winning is a must but we all saw the leaks and it definitely isn't heading that way. WW3 looks more likely by the day and we could get wiped out of face of the map.
@citadel Meanwhile in Russia..... Putin feels nothing.
@citadel kremlin propaganda cockroach
No mans land hasn't changed on over a 100 years. Dead, burnt out trees and dirt. All soaked in blood. Damn
Why would it be any different from that?
Bah ouais mec c'est le principe d'une guerre. On dirait que tu débarques de ta cambrousse.
it has changed, it's much "safer " these days,chances of dying back then where a million times higher
@agustyad non stop artillery barrage
This is leadership at its peak.
Stay calm and take care of everyone.
@@worfkiller bullshit
@@worfkillerwhere is that video that all of this guys are dead?
@@nejc8a nowhere. its a ruzzki bot
@@worfkiller source?
@@worfkiller only thing dead is those Russian bin bags in front of their position
Oh my God. The commander responds so quickly to everything. He is so brave.
And most likely he is so dead. Musicians took control of these positions.
@@sergeyb8 Азов тоже постит, но есть нюанс))
@@dmitrynoel2265 🤦♂️ тупому видимо не доходит что мясные штурмы не работают и это же человек продолжает вести свой телеграмм
@@sergeyb8 no, he is dead :( Wagner took these positions without prisoners .. already confirmed
@@sanyafrag1 lol we just saw they kill 5+ orcs live with no kia on thier side..... all russia does is like about victories..... 9 months and still stuck on one destroyed city 10000s dead widows not paid ....
The battlefield looks like no mans land, brave soldiers.
I was thinking the same exact thing! I looked at the land scape and it reminded me of videos of the First World War with modern weapons.
I've named them ! "The ToothPick Forest" !
It doesnt only look like no mans land, it actually is.
yea it look like 1916 again, crazy
@@Siko7000 This is the land of Ukraine
The dude with the gopro is a stone cold killer. His efficiency with his rifle is baffling
The guy with the camera wiped out two squads on two fronts pretty much by himself.... the crazy part is he is a volunteer. He has a channel here on RUclips and he and his friends privately purchased firearms and volunteered to fight the Russians. He removed the videos between yesterday and today of he and his friends prior to volunteering. He is just a private Ukrainian civilian but he moved and communicated like he is prior service.
rumor has it he is wicked good on the airsoft fields too - for all the airsoft lovers, yes, i made that up
Artemevsk is gone for ukronazis, and so is the uk dream of a new empire 😂
what's his channel
Nothing tells a russian bot than "Artemovsk" and "UK dream of empire" in one sentence. And somehow these 2 are connected
This guy is acting like one of these pro softair players who are also able to outplay whole squads on their own, but this is real war. Crazy guy hope he stays alive!
The unit is called DaVinci Wolves after its fallen leader. DaVinci was one of the youngest soldiers to be awarded the Hero of Ukraine in his mid-twenties.
NeoNazis DaVinci A..hole was from Right Sector, they all will💀
Да Винчи был нацистом. Гитлер, свастика, убийство мирных 2 мая 2014 в Одессе.
actually a great thing, less russians, and one bandera devotee less
All tamed fascists will be buried like dogs!!!Without honor and a monument!!
Some of the best footage yet, incredible bravery
Artemevsk is gone for ukronazis, and so is the uk dream of a new empire 😂. 🖕🇺🇦🖕🇬🇧
For the Ukraine war, it's like WW1 all over again in Bakhmut.
If I had a squad leader like this I would feel blessed.
He's be better off without them, they're useless and don't listen
ты бы был мёртв, просто не сразу
@@abcnamer"just not right away" so thats mean he is not dead
@@KobeSande he is dead. His callsign was "tihiy" he was killed in 2023
My god, those 4 minutes felt like 40. What a time to be alive where we can watch a war almost real time. It’s so sad.
Можешь поучаствовать приезжай в УКРАИНУ мы всем рады
Оригинальное видео длится 11минут. Бой длился 2 часа. Один наш парень погиб до начала боя от артиллерии. Больше в этом бою из наших никто не погиб и не был ранен
@@РусланРоманчук-ш8с Happy?😐
@@ua-yz2fh what is the name of this brave commander I love this hero the way he organise this fight salva Ukraine from kenya
@@ua-yz2fh Bakhmut has fallen to the Russians last week, these guys are unfortunately most likely all dead now.
They speak Russian, there’s a rumor that Ukraine is conscripting Ukrainians citizens who are Ethnic Russians primarily to fight the Russian Army on purpose.
The professionalism and fighting spirit of the Ukrainian military is something with something😮 to say that I'm surprised is to say nothing bravo👏🏻👏🏻
@@Работанареке No.. Ukraineans are attacked and invaded by Russians
@@Работанареке Ой ну, московит, ну харе уже. Поэтому вас и называют как в ролике, и отправляют по адресу крейсера «москва».
Запоминай: сейчас русичи воюют с московитами, уже 350 лет (с 1654 года) - историю надо знать. И эта битва заканчивается в этом году полнейшим разгромом и безоговорочной капитуляцией Московии.
Вы мне, московиты, еще за Севастополь ответите!!!
@@Работанареке срускіє дохнуть на чужій землі!
@@Работанареке украинцы убивают захватчиков (руских, украинцев предателей, осетинов, чеченов, якутов, ингушей, и т.д.)
These guys have US flags, watch timur tribun...in bachmut fighting volunteer squads from USA, chechia, Belarus, georgia, the right sector and azov...thats why they can't surrender and the reason why Wagner and russian airborn is fighting in bachmut
man i could watch this guy lead his men for HOURS !
so much courage brothers
keep up the fight
они сдохли)
@@KonstantaR our russian soliders did yes, wish they were half as good as the ukrainians
Man his men cared for him "be careful, please" made me tear up
@@samimmsf3722 salami lakum talibum brother
@@samimmsf3722 What's funny about that
they used much more explicit wordings than translated in subtitles
A leadership of an NCO...my respect and snappy salute brother.
The commander in control here is top quality hope he is well and gets through the defence of Bakhmut he deserves commendation 👌
Shows how important a good leader is in combat he was on everyone and everything whilst engaging enemy and under fire. This video should be shown to all potential NCO's on cadre and officers in training
He also took a higher more open position at his own risk to provide that fire control! Balls of brass ... and brains to boot!
@@ИванМартыненко-и3б I think u got Russian troops confused
not to mention assigning sectors for each man to watch so they avoided tunnel vision and being snuck up on
We all could go on dissecting his drills, but the bottom line is that his leadership is an example to others. 100% if I ever served again, having a commander even half this good, I would follow them into whatever
Artemevsk is gone for ukronazis, and so is the uk dream of a new empire 😂. 🖕🇺🇦🖕🇬🇧
This Commander is outstanding, no hesitation, absolute confidence in every call he makes.
It's incredible. Trench warfare like that hasn't been seen or captured on video in years. True there was the skirmish back in 2014. But this is on an entirely different level. What an incredible Commander.
Gives just a small insight as to the realities on the frontline behind all the politics and leopard 2 photo shoots
Actually there was the Iran Iraq War, it rapidly devolved into trench warfare. Also that "skirmish" in 2014 actually has been going on ever since it just died down in scale.
У нас война идет с 2014 года. С 2016 война начала утихать и превратилась в позиционную, а в 2022 она приняла характер полномасштабной
6+) В курсе ли американцы и граждане Европы что интеллект и предрасположенность к фашизму никак не связаны. У руских нет иммунитета к пропаганде, даже если есть высокий интеллект. Рецидив имперского величия будет повторяться многократно, пока росейская федерация существует как единое государство.
7) Что США думают о руских политических диссидентах заброшенных ФСБ и формирующих у американского истеблишмента положительное отношение к русской культуре с целью сохранения империи в текущих границах после Путина?
Представители "русской оппозиции", такие как Шендерович, Навальный (его семья и коллеги), Гудков, Ходорковский, Латынина, Собчак и десятки других несут наибольшую опасность, так как по своей сути являются законсервированной в Европе кремлевской интеллигенцией, которая прямо не поддерживают войну, но завуалированно делает все, чтобы Запад и США помогли им сохранить русский мир в текущих его границах.
8) Знают ли американцы и европейцы, что верноподданичество, шовинизм и ЛЮТАЯ нетерпимость к чужому успеху - вот главные особенности всех характеров, описанных в русских произведениях? Это основной нарратив, который руские экспортируют на Запад. Вот что писал руский поэт А.С. Пушкин своему сокурснику - "Я конечно презираю отечество мое с головы до ног, но мне досадно, если иностранец разделяет со мною это чувство". Достоевский - это не русская культура. Достоевский - это профессиональная государственная пропаганда в царской россии русского образа жизни.
9) Известно ли американцам что Соловьев, Киселев, Скобеева и Симоньян (главные ведущие в prime-time на центральных TV каналах россии последние 10-15 лет) не виноваты в расчеловечивании (дегуманизации) россиян? Каждый день в своих эфирах они угрожают американцам и европейцам, только потому что простые русские "люди" (80-84%) мечтают нанести по вам ядерный удар. Путин - это не просто президент, Путин - это отражение русской ментальности, это вожак стада, с абсолютно криминальным сознанием. В своем подавляющем большинстве русские хотят только одного - крови и реванша за распад СССР. Русские не смогут смирится с вашим успехом никогда.
10) Понимают ли в США разницу между Геббельсом и ведущим аналитических программ Соловьевым, с которым его часто сравнивают? Если Геббельс действительно вдохновлял немецкое общество на тотальную войну, то в россии было все наоборот: простой русский народ вдохновил Путина на войну против цивилизации, не дав Владимир Владимировичу потратить награбленное. Бенефициарами проекта "специальная военная операция" являются простые руские "люди".
11+) Понимают ли в США что войну можно остановить только развалив Россию на суверенные государства? Что плохого в 30-50 независимых государствах, которые были под оккупацией русских сотни лет??? Зачем нужно внешнее управление? Чтобы что? Русских воспитывали цари, воспитывали коммунисты, воспитывали демократы и нечего не воспитали. Вы хотите потратить еще триллионы долларов или евро налогоплатильщиков, чтобы усмирить бешенную собаку? Не проще ли и не гуманнее ли будет ее усыпить? Я не знаю ни одного украинца убитого американцем или англичанином. Но я знаю тысячи украинцев, замученных и убитых рускими тварями, под эгидой руского мира. Не бурятского, не чеченского, не российского, а РУССКОГО. Именно руские гонят бурятов на смерть а не наоборот.
12) Почему США бояться, что утечет ядерное оружье? В РФ всего несколько баз хранения, их сложно проконтролировать? Продукты даже слабого распада оставляют радиационный след? Нет ничего опаснее чем оружье в руках русских имперцев ненавидящих весь мир. Что думают на счет денуклеаризации (denuclearization) российской федерации? Смогут ли помочь с утилизацией ядерных зарядов, у которых давно истёк срок годности?
13) США и Европа обеспокоены тем что не смогут справится с беженцами в случае гражданской войны в россии??? США и Европа рассматривают сценарий, при котором регионы, оккупированные рускими просто отделятся на основании признаков национального самоопределения? От куда утверждение что будет гражданская война? Возможно возникнет несколько небольших вялотекущих конфликтов из-за спорных территорий (Чечня-Дагестан и т.д.). Что они думают об этом...
14) США обеспокоены тем что распад РФ усложнит логистику сырья и повысит цены? Да, гнать за бесценок сырье больше никто не будет. Может дело и правда в том что Западу просто нужна одна помойка с централизованным управлением, которую выгодно доить? Верно ли предположение, что США ищут нового претендента на трон в России, в среде так называемых "хороших русских", умело притворяющихся русской оппозицией?
15) Куда при таком развитии событий вы денете русских фашистов, составляющих примерно 75-84% (зависит от региона) всего взрослого населения россии? Вы думаете русские захотят свободы? В этом ваше основное заблуждение. Русские ненавидят всех, кто пытается снять с них кандалы. И дело не в воспитании. Фашизм уйдет только после распада империи. Если русизм (RussiZm = Fascism) не осудить, то русские не сделают правильных выводов.
16 PS) Помогите уничтожить pyccкую фашистскую империю и освободить оккупированные народы России. Иначе вашим детям придется расплачиваться за ваши ошибки, но уже своей кровью.
The scary thing is that the commander was probably an accountant a year ago. It goes to show how quickly life can change and we should not take our freedom for granted. If the West doesn't deal with Putin, this will come to our (UK) doorstep before too long.
Exactly. Freedom isn't free. It's paid for in blood.
@@Тим-щ4н Почему русские убивают украинцев, где русские против войны, почему это подчинение? Позор варварской террористической и трусливой России
Ты хочешь превратиться в радиоктианую пыль после этих разборок Запада Флаг тебе в руки
@@Тим-щ4н НАТО для того и создано,что бы всех запугивать путиными и каддафи,а самим под благовидным предлогом устраивать войны по всему Миру.Ради демократии!
no need to retell your cheap propaganda here. there are people with brains. Russia is actually a colony of China. Relax and enjoy
Good leader, calm and collected.
Artemevsk is gone for ukronazis, and so is the uk dream of a new empire 😂. 🖕🇺🇦🖕🇬🇧
Fun fact, they are not saying orcs, they are literally saying "fa**ots"
not F word, there is no English equivalent, its a slur for pedo
I was wondering what the real translation was. I knew they had to be sugar coating something.
The lgbtq community will switch side if they found out about this
Hmm, I wonder why The Telegraph felt the need to change that 🤔
That was amazing leadership and bravery from the commander. This is a guy who believes in what he is fighting for and has an iron will to defend his position and look after his men. I am in awe.
No it's all bullshit. They have to give up before they all die off. No chance.
He later dies bud
@@supersayianjim2 no he didnt.
@@Thor_Asgard_ see the link i posted sir
@@Thor_Asgard_ other ppl said in another rply section that hes dead and already confirmed by wagner
I trained to do this stuff in the Army and I am thankful I never had to do it for real. It may look chaotic but he had to motivate his guys to fight hard but smart and not use all of their ammo.
He's a true commander--accounting for his men and those who may be injured is a leader that I would follow into battle.
В утиль пойдете сэр
@@i_can_see_you555 твоя мамаша в утиле
first time watching a realest combat video this close ever
That was insanely intense, not only the combat visuals but the leader's control of the situation 😮👍🇺🇦
Yes, in such situations, the main thing is save control
Artemevsk is gone for ukronazis, and so is the uk dream of a new empire 😂. 🖕🇺🇦🖕🇬🇧
Я думаю результат будет 1😅😅😅хохлы падут
Other than Saving Private Ryan, the movie, I've never seen an actual shooting at this range... and I was born at the height of the Vietnam War. The way the commander here set up their defense perimeter was brilliant, with logs strewn in different angles, so a hand grenade toss like what we saw wasn't going to easily roll into the hide out the commander's colleagues were taking shelter.
Absolutely, I missed that detail.
Theres another video from a Ukrainian defender named Predator who has a closer range kill at around 5m, after staring down a BMP at 10m firing 20mm cannong over his head and he RPGs it. Its a toss up if Predator or Tilkhiy have had the most graphic footage yet.
I thought of saving private Ryan as I was watching those men being shot. Fist time in history we can actually see this it’s crazy..
This warfare mostly seen in cqc in the jungle
This guy leadership,control and ammo saving is awesome.Kudos to him but we hope the war is ended.War is bad to both sides
Leadership was great! Long Live Ukraine
Ukraine won't live that long unfortunately 🤣
@@giraffefactory2905 same as russia.
@@giraffefactory2905 скоро компотику попьём
(набрать в браузере)
Из них неск. генералов Пентагона, НАТО, много полковников ...
До сих пор копают, ищут останки.
Штаты дали заднюю.
Once again about the strikes with "Daggers" on the NATO bunker: why everyone is silent about them
(type in browser in Russian)
Two Daggers flew into the bunker shaft near Lviv, all 200s.
Of these, several generals of the Pentagon, NATO, many colonels ...
Still digging, looking for the remains.
The states gave back.
If this commander lives through the end of the war, they will need a lift to carry all his medals. That was the stuff of legends...
He didn't, his troop was named after him however
I am sorry he did not make it to see a free Ukraine. God bless him and give him eternal peace.
@@averydavis5741 It's not DaVinci on video. It's another part of "DaVinci Wolves", commander with call sign "Quiet". They're alive.
medal? his words are worth a million medals
And a separate lift for his balls.
Put tears in my eyes, no one should have to go through this horror. Amazing leadership, so much respect for all of these incredible people.
Artemevsk is gone for ukronazis, and so is the uk dream of a new empire 😂. 🖕🇺🇦🖕🇬🇧
So sad they're in their early to mid-twenties.
Yep but not for long.. In the future an educated humanity will not stand for war. We will demand to end them when we become powerful enough as unified peoples to make change. One day my friend..
This commander is an excellent leader. I’m surprised YT allowed this video to publish.
That is insane, had to go to redit to see the longer video. This guy is a pure legend.
dm me rddit link?
@@mattiasheron me too, please! 😇
@@anastasiiaatamanchuk1820 im still waiting blaaah :*(
@@mattiasheron This is the youtube user that uploaded the origional full video @user-yj3xg6vq6v
This ukranians are amazing. True heroes
A lot of screeching, little wool🐽
@@trudreserv cry harder 🇷🇺🤡🤕🤕🤕🇷🇺
Heroes for what? Dying for some tyrant?
@@trudreserv bla bla...cry baby...
That’s some killer footage!
Once a again we find a certified badass in his natural habitat
I can only second all the comments praising the commander and his troops. Deep respect. I hope they will make it through this war. Prayers and thoughts for all of them. 🇺🇦🌅🇺🇦🌅🇺🇦🌅
If it wasn’t for the guy recording all of these soldiers would be dead. He’s great leader and deserves some sort of medal 🎖️
Вам конец не показали , их всех убили, если русские идут на штурм значит они захватят окоп.
@@вясяконкрэтный where can the whole video be seen?
@@Manu10900 in his dreams
@@Manu10900 don't mind russian bot
@@вясяконкрэтный where's the end
So intense but so organised & brave thinking of each soldier at same time ; I pray they all get through to victory
Same for Russia?
@@liveyoursfrom-t288gb Russia terrorist.
Artemevsk is gone for ukronazis, and so is the uk dream of a new empire 😂. 🖕🇺🇦🖕🇬🇧
@@liveyoursfrom-t288gb Victory for Russians means escape from the grasp of the Putin regime.
@@liveyoursfrom-t288gb good one ruzzie shill, wtf would anyone care about those 100% responsible for this carnage. 🤡🤡
Crazy that this is on RUclips
Man these guys have huge balls. The stress in that situation must be unreal... He handled it like an absolute boss. Well done my guy
damn, the crossfire is insane. he's shooting inches over his own soldiers heads
The solder who killed 5 orcs was Alexey Tihiyy. Today he died. RIP hero!
Don't we all
Приходи на фронт. Хватит жрать пиво и смотреть с дивана Ютуб
Awww....the bravery of these ukrainian heros is just awesome
Slava ukraine❤❤
Glory to the Heroes 🙏🇺🇦
(набрать в браузере)
Из них неск. генералов Пентагона, НАТО, много полковников ...
До сих пор копают, ищут останки.
Штаты дали заднюю.
Once again about the strikes with "Daggers" on the NATO bunker: why everyone is silent about them
(type in browser in Russian)
Two Daggers flew into the bunker shaft near Lviv, all 200s.
Of these, several generals of the Pentagon, NATO, many colonels ...
Still digging, looking for the remains.
The states gave back.
@@antiminer2422 кукарине пиzda
Damn,so intense.. I hope they are alive and well. Slava Ukraini.
2 K.I.A.
yeah no thanks
@@Hellecopter Эта вощ проеграет
@@shishi_qui_shi That's not true!
This genuinely looks like ww1 with different weapons. It just shows we don’t ever learn from history.
This is probably the most intense combat I have ever seen
Slava Ukraini ❤️❤️❤️
Why Ukrainians call skunky rusians "orc's".. in fantasy orc's were very strong and some of them good also..
@Matt M orcs comes from a slang word in cryllic meaning, unintelligent Russian pig, undesirable, drunk etc
@@TDlv12 orcs in The Lord of the Rings weren't strong or good. They were just numerous. Same here
@@TDlv12 I reckon they actually call the ruzzians "pidar" (spell?) which is homophobic slur. 🤷♂️
@@lorenzcassidy3960 I recon the western media looks like goebbels propaganda . o_O
Massive respect. May one day I have just 10% of their bravery.
Why are they censoring all the curse words in the subtitles, while letting us watch human beings die for no good reason? Such strange priorities.
Artemevsk is gone for ukronazis, and so is the uk dream of a new empire 😂. 🖕🇺🇦🖕🇬🇧
🙏 may the victory over the invaders come quickly for Ukraine and her heroes!
Slava Ukraini from Arizona USA
Peace talks would have been quick. The American War machine makes no money off peace. Ukranian men will continue to die with American weapons in their hands while the west sells us a forever war.
Amazing footage of a heroic defence. These guys are the real deal man. Keep strong out there.
А каким храбрым нужно быть, чтобы штурмовать окоп? Те, кто атаковали, были храбрее. Я ничего, кроме истерики командира и страха подчиненных не увидел.
@@ivanthefool5237 надеюсь все штурмующие сдохли до последнего
@@ivanthefool5237 насколько нужно быть глупым и самоуверенным что бы штурмувать окоп в полный рост в лоб*, хотя страх заград отрядов тоже несёт большую роль
Бля сняли очередной фильм хохлы да и всё, наши русские бойцы не дебилы чтобы идти на окоп в открытую😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@@andriylakatosh3101 Нужно быть ещё глупее, чтобы воевать с Россией
Nice job.. SLava UKRAINA 🇵🇹🇺🇦
A LION with a Iron heart, that is what this man is. Big respect!! Slava Ukraine.
The guy commanding was a GREAT combat leader. He was most likely communicating with Drone oporator who was telling him where the enemy was. Modenrn day L.t Winters from band of brothers.
May God protect all Ukrainian defenders !!!
Fantastic footage, and may God Bless and protect that commander and his unit - Glory to Ukraine!!!
Artemevsk is gone for ukronazis, and so is the uk dream of a new empire 😂. 🖕🇺🇦🖕🇬🇧
Glory to the Heroes ❤
This is the first video i have seen of this conflict, where there is clear vision of the attacking enemy, and footage of them being shot... incredible footage. Also , that grenade/incoming explosion at the beginning (dont know what it was) was brutal
This sort of footage is evil propaganda. USA should not get involved!
I am shocked this is still on RUclips. I didn’t expect to see Russian troops so closely
@@LucasDimoveo there’s a reason they say it’s graphic and to proceed at your own risk Slava Ukraine Heroim Slava!
we have a lot of videos like this.
Theres another video from Predator defending a trench who shoots a russian at really close range like 5m. This video from Tilkhiy is damn near #1 or #2 because he gets 4 verified kills on camera which is crazy....
To qoute a Marine from Desert Storm...
"It will always take a grunt.. to get a grunt out of a hole..."
God speed, Ukrainian fighters!
I love Ukcraina. From vietnamese
This is like WW1 trench fighting. I hope we get more videos like this to help bolster further support from the West.
The west should have never got involved in this war, russia would have been a bit larger but tons of lives saved.
@@Zero4Infinitives We tried that approach in 2014 when Russia took Crimea. Appeasing doesn’t work with dictators. We have learned that lesson many times throughout history.
@@mubashir3 agree next he want more and more and more
@@mubashir3 So the answer is world war? The last one extinguished sixty million lives. More than all the Ukraine twice over.
War is not the same. Now we got a front row seat of what’s going down in the trenches. Gut-wrenching but eye-opening😢 Love from America! 🇺🇸
Sure we aren't getting the same "20,000 men killed in the first action" kind of brutality we saw in WW1, but they're doing an excellent job showing us the gut-wrenching reality of what these men see every day. Trench warfare has changed since then, instead of pounding the lines with HOURS of artillery followed by massed infantry, it's now a constant state of vigilance with on and off bombings, drone strikes, units or squads of infantry and vehicle support. The tactics changed true, but the feeling of it hasn't.
@@sephidude123 hes talking about the fact that all this can be viewed from home. Not about the number of combatants in the field.
Твоя страна и виновата в спонсорстве терроризма, сша главный террорист в 21 веке это факт
As always, in the history of the United States, they earn on someone else's grief. They finance this war so that it lasts as long as possible, for example, like the Iran-Iraq war for 8 years
Вы спонсоры этой врйны😂. Ваши налоги идут туда😂
2:13 is it just me or did this man absolutely nail that orc
One day we'll probably be watching a movie about this war, with lots of real footage
I hope the do it from a russian conscript perspective so that people can understand what they got put through by their own superiors and how the Ukranians made the front line a living hell
@@brookwhiteman9810 the russians deserve it. They could stop this tomorrow instead they do as putin asks
Unfortunately, that will depend on who comes out victorious.
Sounds rather disrespectful to me
That squad lead has some balls, he’s the reason why they are all alive. Props to that man and all the Ukrainians fighting for freedom! Slava Ukraini!
geroim huina
@@asdasdasdas-q8u Russian ship Moskva ПНХ
Artemevsk is gone for ukronazis, and so is the uk dream of a new empire 😂
Russians were recon. Their position is now known, in come the shells.
Glory to Russia 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺
That calm under pressure cant be taught, very impressive
This is insane. What a professional unit. God speed gentlemen
Absolutely amazing discipline, control and professionalism from the Commander.
Glory to Ukraine.
WW1? Scary stuff, and this is TODAY. Bravest men ive ever seen. Slava Ukraine!!!
This man led by example, just jumped in first on front row, went out exposed himself to get elevated spot so he can see them better and then cleaned it all up, massive stuff of bravery
wow that commander kept his cool was strong for his men what a soldier
-"Kyiv in threee dayyyys!"- Feb. '22
-"We will take Bakhmut by May"- April '22
-"We will take Bakhmut by July"- June '22
-"We will take Bakhmut by October, no later!"- Sept. '22
-"We will capture Bakhmut by February!"- Jan. '23
-"We DEFINITELY capture Bakhmut by April"- Mar. '23
"Wagner need more ammo, we can't take the Bakhmut"
bro doesnt realize Russia changed plans.
they are playing the game of murder every ukrainian untill they run out.
its been working pretty well so far.
taking ground isnt their objective, its demilitarizing.
@Jogger Crimewave oh yea i remember when the CIA said russian soldiers only had shovels.
What a joke the UK has become
NATO and Ukraine for 8 years strengthened Bakhmut. Now the city has been taken, now it is Russia - the city of Artyomovsk!
Russia has it these boys are long gone
Yes, they took 75% of Bakhmut with shovels.
He is constantly getting updates from the drone, so he has some situational awareness - that is also huge advantage. This is not a trench war of WW2 or WW1. That is why he was so effective.
Situational awareness from the air also existed in WW1. Planes, balloons, birds being disturbed flying up from their ground meal of a dead soldier. Eyes and telescopes turn more effectively than the limited camera angle of a drone.
@@1truthbegettingtold275 no
Why he shoutin empty space?
(набрать в браузере)
Из них неск. генералов Пентагона, НАТО, много полковников ...
До сих пор копают, ищут останки.
Штаты дали заднюю.
Once again about the strikes with "Daggers" on the NATO bunker: why everyone is silent about them
(type in browser )
Two Daggers flew into the bunker shaft near Lviv, all 200s.
Of these, several generals of the Pentagon, NATO, many colonels ...
Still digging, looking for the remains.
The states gave back.
@@AaSs-ln9mm hysterics
there is no wepon more powerful than soldier who is wiling to die defending against aggressor, that is one of the lessons of history that some seems newer has learned...praising this brave men. Slava im!
our soldiers, alas, are not immortal. Too many Orcs. We really need weapons
i wonder how much humanity these humans have left. greetings from america.
That commander is sharp! He can oversee both areas together; the one from a distance and the one where his men are and making sure there's no gap. He held the line so effectively.
Brave soldiers these Ukrainian fighters, well led, and motivated. One look at the remains of the trees surrounding the position suggests how close and violent this fight is.
Slava Ukraine!
Glory to the Heroes ❤🇺🇦
Slava Russia
@@rebd113 Putler kaput
Nigdy w życiu
Just wow...well done boys 🇺🇦pure unadulterated bravery from these guys and an excellent platoon/squad leader
Excelent or not, they are dead already
@@magratea123Kiyv in 3 days is "already" too?
@@magratea123Shame your Russian cowards and terrorists don't fight with the same conviction,I hope nobody invades your country
this footage is the real deal. !!!
Wow just wow !!! These ukrainian warriors are just unbelievably brave. 🇨🇦so proud of your strength and courage
@@valeremkin5188 слабоуміє і відвага ,- дивіз москалів!
@@valeremkin5188o, the storming ones are just braindead.
@@valeremkin5188 тех кто штурмует, никто туда не звал. Пусть умрут. Желательно не сразу.
@@valeremkin5188 ты кстати скоро в грунт? Приходи. Мы поможем. Привет от ЗСУ
The world is watchin' my friend.🙏🙏👍🏴💪
Man! Those soldiers need to be remembered like how we remember Achilles, Alexander the Great, Caesar’s legions, George Washington, General Patton, and so on
haha calm down
Fighting like this happens daily around the globe, the only difference is the US government and media are inflating this conflict and sending Ukrainians to die for US interests.
As front line troops, many of these brave men defending, as well as the brave men rushing the trench, lost their life. Just wild and sad we still do this in 2023.
Exactly that guy crawlinng clearly didnt want to die being shot and still crawling that fast shows the desparation its gruesome this
It's not the daredevils who are advancing, it's the slaves. It's Wagner, the prisoners, if they don't attack they will be shot.
"We" do this because of Russia.
The “brave man rushing the trench” is part of an invading army that rapes, pillages, and murders everywhere it takes by the admission of its own members.
@@Monia_V And the source of the info of them getting shot?
Glòria als guerrers!!!
Unreal courage.
Heroic calm good management from this commander controlling the situation like a boss.
The area around them fighting looks kind of poetic- a destroyed land stretching to the horizon, as far as eye can see. It also looks surrealistic, it's hard to believe anywhere in the world looks like that, not a single plant surviving this war.
anyone could tell me which one is worst, tunnel warfare vs trench warfare?
closest to the war we will get...
litteraly seeing russians 3 meters away from a ukrainian fighter who is filming, this is absolute mindblowing.. wtf
Glory to Ukraine 🇺🇦 USA 🇺🇸 ❤
And glory to the USA 🇺🇸❤️
As a Ukrainian this feels absolutely nerve-wrecking to watch.
As a game developer - it is absolutely fascinating.
Слава Україні!
@@dzeklakovic7568 go fight urself bigman
@@dzeklakovic7568 This!
Go help your brothers on the front line
Brian Smith the Redditor
@@АртёмКаленд-з1х Russians can end this pointless war today if they want to. If not, they'll get snuffed like these Russians did trying to get one bunker that doesn't mean anything.
Brothers killing Brothers. Well done humankind.
Blown up tree stumps bullet holes everywhere shrapnel holes in everything. This heroes leadership is admirable and humbling all bow to this hero ! Slava Ukraini 👏
Glory to the Heroes 🙏❤🇺🇦