There are two type of PPE the first one standard (minumim required) for every one. The second one special depends on the task and task risk assessment level 1 or level 2
Thanks for adding . this vedio is specially for standart PPE. If you wach all vedio's parts . in the phase of despription of each PPE type . i tell that you can add others special PPE and in this case depend on the task. for mor details there is other vedio on my channel. Thank you 😊
Merci bcp hanou
Momkin t3amli lina une science 3la les dechets et merci
بارك الله فيك استاذة
الله يحفظك واصلي، ربي يجازيك
امين ... شكرا لك 😊
There are two type of PPE the first one standard (minumim required) for every one. The second one special depends on the task and task risk assessment level 1 or level 2
Thanks for adding . this vedio is specially for standart PPE. If you wach all vedio's parts . in the phase of despription of each PPE type . i tell that you can add others special PPE and in this case depend on the task. for mor details there is other vedio on my channel. Thank you 😊
شكرا جزيلا أختي الفاضلة
العفو 😊
بارك لله فيك اختي
و فيك بارك الله
W le responsable du magasin weshnou hia responsabilité ta3ou ?
التوزيع يكون كل يوم؟
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
ممكن لو سمحتي اريد التواصل معك لو عندك حساب فيسبوك
بارك الله فيك استاذة
Pouvez vous me donner votre email stp
Les mots professionnels en française c mieux
Les mots sont claires sur la presentation ... et suite a la demande de bcp de fans de faire des explications en Arabe ... merci a vous ☺