Hola Dr. Garcia, antes que nada felicitaciones por su video, tengo algunas preguntas, que opina de realizar cirugia combinada, faco+vtm en todos los pacientes por la necesidad de hacer un rasurado completato de la base del vítreo, silicon como tamponade y de la utilidad de cerclaje, gracias!.
he says its like looking at a broken tv set. you can see but everything is cracked and he can only see light when he looks at it directly. what my main concern is, is if this damage is repairable.and if so, what are the chances he will see the same way he used too. this is very terrifying to me because an eye is not something you can replace, and ill have to live with the guilt trip for a long time, despite the fact that he was until the incident, a very abusive and raging alcoholic.
hi there. about a month and a half ago, me and my dad got into a fight, and unintentionally, i punched him in the eye and it cracked his eye open. he went the next morning to the hospital fro surgery to sew the eye back together. the doctors told him that the eye looks like a squished grape. it had a little tear in it. anyway, he got back his results from a screening just today, and they told him that he has damage to the retina. my dad tells me that he cant see anything but a little light.
Hola Dr. Garcia, antes que nada felicitaciones por su video, tengo algunas preguntas, que opina de realizar cirugia combinada, faco+vtm en todos los pacientes por la necesidad de hacer un rasurado completato de la base del vítreo, silicon como tamponade y de la utilidad de cerclaje, gracias!.
he says its like looking at a broken tv set. you can see but everything is cracked and he can only see light when he looks at it directly. what my main concern is, is if this damage is repairable.and if so, what are the chances he will see the same way he used too. this is very terrifying to me because an eye is not something you can replace, and ill have to live with the guilt trip for a long time, despite the fact that he was until the incident, a very abusive and raging alcoholic.
hi there. about a month and a half ago, me and my dad got into a fight, and unintentionally, i punched him in the eye and it cracked his eye open. he went the next morning to the hospital fro surgery to sew the eye back together. the doctors told him that the eye looks like a squished grape. it had a little tear in it. anyway, he got back his results from a screening just today, and they told him that he has damage to the retina. my dad tells me that he cant see anything but a little light.