Fasting VS Calorie Restriction (dieting): study finds Health, Longevity Benefits are Different

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 743

  • @dennisray6093
    @dennisray6093 2 года назад +343

    Great Video! Started OMAD in May 2021, 47 years old, health totally out of control. High blood pressure, 270lbs, swollen cracked infected feet, retaining water in my feet and ankles, discoloration of skin, skin tags, and very stiff joints. Basically a mess! My health turned around very quickly when I started OMAD and got rid of sugars and processed foods. The benefits happenened in a very short time. Today I weigh 213lbs, went from a size 40 to a size 34, all the problems I had went away. The combination of eating right and fasting made the difference.

    • @lennygarrison6836
      @lennygarrison6836 2 года назад +9

      That’s amazing Dennis! I find your story inspirational. I have a lot of the same ailments and conditions you had. I’d add, extremely painful, debilitating gout flare ups. I’m roughly 270lbs, and would like to get down to 200lbs, and rid myself of all these ailments. What kind of advice would you be willing to give me? Thanks in advance.

    • @taoglassworks
      @taoglassworks 2 года назад +7

      Thank you so very much for sharing your experience! You're a badass and definitely inspire me to get my shit together too!!

    • @wheresmymoneyat2482
      @wheresmymoneyat2482 2 года назад +18

      @@lennygarrison6836 I find eating every other day (36-hour fasts) to be much easier than anything. And on ur eating day, focus on whole foods.
      But that does not mean that you can't indulge in a piece of birthday/wedding cake if you attend an event/celebration.
      you're human after all.
      but if ur consistent with the 36-hour fasts and eating whole foods MOST of the time, then ur set.
      good luck and good health my guy.

    • @dennisray6093
      @dennisray6093 2 года назад +15

      @@lennygarrison6836 Thanks, many years of not understanding how bad off I was. I just didnt realize how bad sugar was playing into my body storing fat and all the inflamation it causes. The first 3 days of doing one meal a day and stopping sugar and following a Keto diet, I was breathing easier and less problems in my legs. It did take time but it will put you on the right path. At work I walk at break and lunch. Any exercising is going to be very helpful to maximize your fasting state. During the weekends I have been eating more than once a day. Once you get healthy then the fasting can be changed up. When you do get hungry during a fast, just remember thats when your body is eating your fat storage. I first started watching Dr. Sten Ekberg on the signs of a fatty liver, so he has lots of good information and Dr. Fung has good videos on fasting. I ve also been doing breathwork. Oxygen Advantage, emphasis on nose breathing, Evolution of Dave has a lot good videos on different breathwork exercises. Our bodies are designed to heal themselves, If we stop eating junk and get proper sleep. Goodluck with your journey!

    • @dennisray6093
      @dennisray6093 2 года назад +7

      @@taoglassworks Thanks, at the time I didnt really understand how bad off I was. Its well worth giving your body a break to actually to start living again. Garbage food makes you slave, I miss nothing from eating sugar filled foods. Its hard to believe how much sugar is in the food we eat. Thanks again and Goodluck!

  • @carchd1
    @carchd1 2 года назад +32

    I've been 16/8 weekends, OMAD M-F for two years. 6'4" 340 to 205, and I don't even exercise. I walk a lot for work though, 15K steps, but that's recent addition. For what it's worth, I eat high protein/fat, and avoid carbs/sugars.

  • @FatherOfTheParty
    @FatherOfTheParty 2 года назад +27

    Shifting my feeding window into the middle of the day (11am - 4pm) has helped a lot with the occasional hunger from fasting. I don't feel bloated before going to bed and it seems I'm sleeping better/longer. It's not easy though since wife/kids/friends all think that an 8pm supper is natural. Good stuff, thanks for sharing your research.

  • @lindabarnes5299
    @lindabarnes5299 2 года назад +41

    2 years ago I quit counting calories and kicked most processed food and sugar out of my diet. I do a 16-20 hour fast each day, exercise at least 5-6 days a week fasted, weights and hiking. I look totally different. I have lost the belly fat and am gainging muscle's slow but I feel and, now, look better than I did in my 60's!

  • @sscondon
    @sscondon 2 года назад +57

    I understand what you are saying about trying to have your eating window earlier in the day for most of us, that removes a quality of life component. I eat in the evenings because that is when I can sit down with my family over dinner.

    • @keralee
      @keralee 2 года назад +7

      Agreed! Plus I hate "breakfast food." Evening is when I have the most free time to prepare a proper healthy meal. And I am almost never hungry in mornings, can easily go to 3-4 om before start thinking of eating.

    • @sukeywatson1281
      @sukeywatson1281 2 года назад +3

      Family time is important. As a self employed person with no kids, we eat breakfast and dunch in our family. A working outside the home family might want to skip breakfast for the parents and then have a late lunch and dinner so that the family can have as many meals possible together.

    • @DodjiSeketeli
      @DodjiSeketeli 2 года назад +5

      I've been doing the same as you for years. Dinner is the only meal I eat, at the end of the day when the hassle and stress of the day is over. We have fun with the family, chat, laugh etc. Dinner is a joyful thing here. It's a kind of feast, litterally. So that every single day has a happy ending. I really DON'T want to go back to eating just to satisfy hunger again. Eating to enjoy life with the rest of the family is a blessing. Oh and after that feast guess what happens ... we feel sleeply! If I feel my belly, then it precisely means that I've eaten too much. So no trouble to fall asleep or anything. We just hit the bed and boom. Gone for real. So yeah it does work for some. And we don't want to change that. Let's thanks Mike for his great videos and for trying to make us stop working during the day to eat 🤣. He'll have to try harder than that to convince us 🤣

    • @goranvuletic8873
      @goranvuletic8873 2 года назад +2

      I like the lightness in the morning. I often hesitate when going to prepare my lunch, the feeling gets lost. Looking forward to some free time to be able to fast 2-3 days without any interference.

    • @MT-sq3jo
      @MT-sq3jo 2 года назад +3

      I work out right after work, mostly weight training. It’s healthier to eat after the workout instead of going into my workout with a full stomach. So I don’t have much choice but do my last meal close to 7pm. Currently doing 18/6 and have my feeding window starts at 1pm.

  • @terroronthelake
    @terroronthelake 2 года назад +9

    He speaks the truth, I've been struggling with calorie restriction weight loss. Started fasting from 6pm until 9am or 10am (also eliminating carbs and sugar). I feel better with more energy, I have less food cravings and have lost nearly 19 pounds in about 30 days.

  • @johnmurdock5001
    @johnmurdock5001 2 года назад +11

    When I was in prison lunch and last chow (supper) were typically served within a 6 hour window. Breakfast was around 3 AM so I never went. So lunch and last chow were also basic, healthy foods. We were forced to live ona fasted, calorie restricted diet and I felt great!!! A great book about it is 'The 8 Hour Diet' . It also briefly delves into the science of it.

    • @w.harrison7277
      @w.harrison7277 7 месяцев назад

      I read of one jail that only serves meals at 3am and 3pm.

  • @danceteachermom
    @danceteachermom 2 года назад +21

    I just turned 60 in July... Lost my dance studio to covid a year ago. (My mom was a dance teacher and it's been my entire life) I always have been active and mostly eating healthy but I WAS overweight as a teen (due to some trauma) I've had both hips replaced (2006, and 2016) ... But I can still can do the splits on both legs! Lol And yet around 2017, I slipped into eating more sugary treats and even French fries kind of stuff etc due to my default stress/feeling down mode. So at 5'8"+ I had gone from around 132-135 pounds to probably around 152+ (I didn't know because I didn't want to weigh myself). Finally on March 30 this year, I got to the right place in my head. I ended up finding Dr Jason Fung (and actually watched some of your videos) and I ended up doing fasting (already easy as I tended to do that for about 12 hours anyway).... But I did some 14, 16, 18 hours to expedite fat loss... Realized I should eat more FATS! What!? I can have a cheeseburger?! (No bun) Macadamia nuts!? I have lost 32+ pounds and I'm mostly OMAD. I pretty much do IF.... Not strictly keto at all, but trying to be low carbs....I Love my latte in the morning (carbs in the milk). Then I try to eat somewhere in the 2:00-5:00pm range (having Lindt 78% dark chocolate every day! 6 squares!) And then I even will have a couple glasses of Chardonnay in the evening.. So not sure how THAT affects the IF "time". But I weigh 122 now. I haven't weighed this since I was 12! I feel GREAT! All my clothes FIT. I am a HUGE fan of Intermittent Fasting. I do not now and NEVER counted calories to lose this 30+ pounds. I try to not eat sugar or carbs but in September I did have 2 caramel apples (not the same day lol).... And 10 days ago I was at the Portofino Universal with a friend and I had 3 bread/rolls with butter... They were delicious haha and I had them for dinner with my tomato soup. But back to not eating like that.... Only doing that VERY rarely. I am extremely happy and never felt/feel deprived! (My OMAD has gravitated to.... Macadamia nuts, a slice of sharp cheddar cheese, 3 eggs with slice of sharp cheddar melted, siggi's vanilla yogurt, 6 squares of dark chocolate) Sometimes a cheeseburger or steak instead of the eggs... And pea pods, fresh green beans, or broccoli... Sometimes hummus with the pea pods. I totally agree with him that not eating after 6 pm is THE KEY. 😊 (I have had a handful of evenings AFTER losing the weight where I just WANTED to eat something around 9 or 10pm and I DID. Then my scale would go up a pound or even 2 over a few days... Then BACK to not doing that ! and the scale would drop down.) Thanks for reading my story if you got this far. I'm so excited about it!

    • @danialezero93
      @danialezero93 2 года назад

      I feel you, I was very very skinny as a child through my early 20's, now I'm 28 yo and I've been overweight at least 5 years. I have a good metabolism but didn't help it and slowly but steady gain weight since I started eating more out because of studies and due to health issues this last year I went to obesity. I am glad I've lost 4 pounds in less than 4 weeks. The dark chocolate and Chardonnay feel like something ideal for me :3, I'm also trying to come to an earlier eating window, but will also take into account the quality of life perspective. Thank you for sharing your testimony, it for sure helps me keep optimistic, specially since I do enjoy food and have an emotional connection to it. I hope to get as healthy as you where able to. I know my body can do it, I just need to give it the time to undo all the damage I allowed myself into.

    • @danceteachermom
      @danceteachermom 2 года назад

      @@danialezero93 Hi Daniela 😊 I am super happy to think that I have encouraged anyone because I truly know the cycle of overeating and feeling down and then excoriating oneself and just repeating repeating. I have been thru plenty in my life and food has definitely been an emotional thing so I get it! I think a BIG thing is when I would be in the mentality of.... That I DIDN'T CARE how fat I was getting (even though I DID care, but not ENOUGH) because the REWARD of eating (whatever it was that I was eating throughout any period of time) was GREATER than wanting to fit into my clothes and feel better! Which is crazy hard to understand.... It's SUCH a psychological issue if you ask me! But I WILL say... When I FINALLY got to the place IN MY HEAD where I was ready to "give up" the reward of eating whatever I wanted, to NOT feel FAT, then I was surprised that I could eat things that I would not have thought that I could and FEEL SATISFIED and STILL LOSE WEIGHT .... EASILY! So! What have I given up really? Ok, so I don't eat the BUN when I get a cheeseburger....I still get the cheeseburger! I don't need the fries. I had a caramel apple again on Sunday (I had bought it for friends visiting but they shared one so I still had it, AND two caramels as well). And I went up a pound +, but it will go down. I realize I seriously FEEL BETTER not eating sugar, even though I've always loved milk chocolate, caramels, cookies etc... Something EVERY day when I was eating sugar. But really, having the ability to have the dark chocolate is great. Having something IF I want... Good but I don't want to do that all the time like I was. And the greatest thing honestly... And this might seem weird, but I actually LIKE the feeling of GETTING TRULY HUNGRY. Not just.... Oh, I'm kind of hungry.... But to feel HUNGRY and then WAIT. Because it CYCLES. So instead of eating so much at the end of a night (because before, due to my teaching dance schedule, I would eat light during the day, then at night eat dinner PLUS my treat, then sometimes PLUS some snack even later!) Now, I have my latte... Then I wait and ideally eat around 2pm-5pm and that's when I eat my OMAD... Then if I'm having chardonnay, it's after 5 or 6 even as late as 8-10pm. But it's flexible. Yesterday I flew from Florida to Minnesota and I had my latte of course, and then I had chardonnay on the plane. (Less time to have to wear a mask) Then a friend took me to a French restaurant and I had a spinach quiche (but I didn't eat the crust) then I got home and ate 6 squares of dark chocolate. Then later I had one more glass of Chardonnay. I haven't lost the 1½ or so pounds from the caramel apple/2 caramels the other day, but I've stayed the same and my goal is to be in the 122-123 range. Today I was 123.8. So I definitely encourage you to watch Dr Jason Fung and to know that you CAN eat and be satisfied and not feel deprived. That eating LESS times in a day is better...3 is better than snacking all day long, 2x is better than 3 and if you can do OMAD, that's great... But FASTING is definitely KEY and that's easy when you think that you are SLEEPING through a huge chunk of it! I also realized that when I felt like snacking at NIGHT, it was more HABIT than hunger. But I have had some days where it's 9:30 at night and I just wanted to eat something, so I did! (Just not ongoing... More random/sporadic). And I've also had Triscuits.... The organic ones with only the wheat and salt. Ok, I think that's the end of this novel. Good luck and just know that you CAN do it! ❤️

    • @1911Zoey
      @1911Zoey 2 года назад

      How are your kidneys and liver, Ma'am? Do you eat vegetables on the daily to compensate for some calories or is it just fat and protein? I'm kinda worried I might develop kidney stones and a fatty liver if I went keto.

    • @danceteachermom
      @danceteachermom 2 года назад +1

      @@1911Zoey ah I probably didn't mention that I eat lots of fresh green beans (steamed is delicious) or broccoli or asparagus or brussel sprouts or pea pods....I don't eat them EVERY day (I know I should) but I do eat them several times a week. Not completely keto at all. Just trying to stay low carbs. Like I said, if I feel like having some Triscuits, I will (and HAVE!) and I had some delicious rolls recently. I am extremely healthy. I can't even remember the last time I was sick...I think I might have had a little sore throat for 2 days back in Dec 2019 MAYBE. I feel really good, and am blessed by God with a great immune system and good health and now that I'm eating better...(no sugar, and healthy REAL food) even better!

  • @yengsabio5315
    @yengsabio5315 2 года назад +13

    I can attest to this based only on my experience. Time-restricted eating is way (way, way) better than caloric restriction.
    Lots'a love, cheers, & Mabuhay, from tropical Philippines!

  • @anjg7985
    @anjg7985 2 года назад +29

    I started watching your channel a few years ago. In the beginning it could be tough to follow due to all the new vocabulary. Now I can follow along fairly well. I feel as though I have had a great addition to my education thanks to you! You provide a lot of valuable knowledge.

    • @Highintensityhealth
      @Highintensityhealth  2 года назад +1

      Thanks for tuning in, will be mindful of the words etc...

    • @Abdul247
      @Abdul247 2 года назад

      @@Highintensityhealth Mike, I too initially, sometimes, found it a bit challenging to keep up with you. However, please keep up your high standard; it is better to bring us up to your level rather than coming down to our level.
      I am seriously impressed with your brain, and admire how you can keep pace with your often very learned guests. You are an excellent example to us.

  • @lindalove7193
    @lindalove7193 2 года назад +2

    I just discovered your videos and subscribed. I restricted carbs years ago and always felt like I was missing something. I've been on so many specialty diets, losing and regaining. Since I've discovered IF, there are some nights I'm just not hungry, so I don't eat. I don't do extended fasts on purpose; that just happens naturally. Another thing I've discovered is whatever protocol used to lose the weight, it must continue to be used to maintain it or plain to regain it back. This is why I prefer to include each food group in my meals. I started my IF journey at 16/8 and now I'm comfortable using 18/6. Sometimes, it will naturally extend to 19-20 hours of fasting. If I'm not hungry, why eat? When my home gym reno is completed, I'll start the day working out.

  • @KikiAndJeffreyPearl
    @KikiAndJeffreyPearl 2 года назад +1

    Great video! We are eating plant based and intermittent fasting, it’s been incredible!!! We just started adding more fruit after studying fruititarians (not going there), it’s added so much more energy. We ski every day, this time of year and we feel the difference.

  • @chuckbecker8735
    @chuckbecker8735 2 года назад +30

    Tell your friends that Mike deserves another 1,000 subs to attain 500,000 !

    • @Highintensityhealth
      @Highintensityhealth  2 года назад +3

      Brick by brick we’ll get there. TY! 🙏

    • @TeresaNelson-lk3xl
      @TeresaNelson-lk3xl 2 года назад

      @@Highintensityhealth I just discovered channel and subbed right away lol. Thank you for all you do❤

    • @Crewmember7
      @Crewmember7 2 года назад

      Well, I’ve never once looked up any info on fasting or calorie reduction diets. That being said, I’ve been done calorie reduction and a quasi form of fasting which I don’t practice daily or think about it as part of my daily routine. Mike showed up on my RUclips recommended because if you don’t know about this already, Google and our phones listen to what we say and talk about. Either way, subscribed because I know this works. Lost 35lbs from 220lb to 185lb.

  • @northofnowhere3611
    @northofnowhere3611 2 года назад +5

    Fascinating! I’ve been fasting for several months, and really started losing weight with eating every other day. 35 pounds in 5 months, and I haven’t been particularly careful about what foods are “window worthy”. Working on that now!

    • @jensissons5709
      @jensissons5709 Год назад

      I too just stumbled on eating once every other day for weight loss. If I feel I need something on my day off I drink a 500g carton of passata which is 100% tomato's.

  • @DerekKwan
    @DerekKwan 2 года назад +1

    Recently recovering heart attack survivor... grateful for all the helpful content you take the time to put out! Thanks!

  • @lilithlives
    @lilithlives 2 года назад +5

    I've lost 26 kilos in 5 months using fasting and omitting processed foods from my diet. I feel better than I have in years.

  • @stevensherman5668
    @stevensherman5668 2 года назад +2

    I just started watching your stuff a few weeks ago. I'm hooked this is what I have been looking for. Thank you.

  • @Lekjih
    @Lekjih 2 года назад +4

    This is something I’ve known was true for myself for a good amount of time. Restricting calories but have small meals all day leaves me hungry, wanting more, prone to snacking and I always have the ‘fuzzy’ feeling of just eating. I also don’t lose weight doing that. My personal best regime is wake up, don’t eat until late afternoon/evening (morning food makes me nauseous), have two meals a couple of hours apart, then switch off the food part of my brain. Helps me focus, less tired, more muscle, less belly fat, weight stays off. Obviously anecdotal/study of 1.

  • @wallstreetoneil
    @wallstreetoneil 2 года назад +1

    Great video & now new sub. 2 weeks ago I was 196# - now 183. Mostly Vegan for 2 weeks & eating 2 meals a day - post-workout at 11am and then early dinner at 5-6. The difference in how I feel is off the charts. Once I started looking at alcohol as eating sugar, my mind was 100% ready to give it up with zero cravings. Because I'm working out & doing 1hr of cardio, I've reduced carbs but not completely gotten rid of them. I agree the length between meals is incredibly important - it burns fat & makes your body more flexible - everyone should do it

  • @Buddhist_Gnome
    @Buddhist_Gnome 2 года назад +2

    I LOVE your videos!! I normally skip dinner 5 or so days a week. I eat a big, nice breakfast, no snacks in-between, then eat a good lunch. Giving my body a break from digestion works for me.

  • @seanmark90
    @seanmark90 2 года назад +1

    High mike ,great content ,Im fro UK ,I've been intermittent fasting and now alternate day 40hour fasts for last two months iwas 18 stone and in 20weks I'm down to a very happy very fit mentally well 52year old man .this really works my friend I'm not going back keto , fasting ,win Hof method have radically changed my life xx

  • @alycephoto2024
    @alycephoto2024 2 года назад +1

    I have blood work done every year for the last 6 years with my homeopathic dr so have been improving over the years. I started taking my health very seriously 1.5 years ago by walking exercising daily, then I cut out all sugar, most processed and only eating organic. I take several supplements daily from my dr. Six months ago, out of the blue, I started fasting 16-18 hours daily. After being retired for years I decided to go back to work, mostly from home but some outside sales. I’m running circles around my 30 year old coworkers. I’m 67, feel healthier than any time in my life and I’m constantly learning, reading with amazing ability to focus mentally. That’s my story….working on narrowing my feeding window.

  • @bethka104
    @bethka104 2 года назад +15

    I do appreciate this channel so much even if there are times I’m lost by the science. Imagine if you could be in a position of creating health country wide!

  • @MeatHeals
    @MeatHeals 2 года назад +2

    Thanks for putting this out there Mike. Just to let you know I started following your content in 2017, which was the same year I started my PhD. Your videos made me dive into the research around TRF and low carb and eventually get my nutrition and health coaching certification. I now help clients reverse metabolic disease through lifestyle interventions. Thanks for all your inspiration.

  • @chuckbecker8735
    @chuckbecker8735 2 года назад +5

    So now they narrowed the feeding window down to 2 hours from 4 hours. Prior studies on ''eTRF'' implied a four hour feeding window that ends a minimum of 8 hours before bedtime was essential. Thus most folks would cease all feeding NLT 2 pm and go to sleep at 10 pm.

  • @Stoitism
    @Stoitism 2 года назад +2

    A 2 to 3 hour feeding window works amazingly well for me. Usually this falls in between 3pm and 6pm. I dont generally sleep until 2am however as I have Delayed Sleep Phase Onset syndrome because of ADHD, so this means I sleep 6 hours after my final feeding.
    I used to eat much later, but I've found that my sleep quality is better if I eat earlier. I changed this pattern following your advice about eating and circadian rhythms from another video you posted a wee while back, so thanks for the help! :)

  • @frankiefernandez5252
    @frankiefernandez5252 2 года назад +27

    Great principle on Carbs. Someone said "For every minute of vigorous activity, eat 1g of carbs."
    45 minutes of HIIT =45g of carbs.
    But like you said, most of us are just sitting around all day. You don't need any carbs for that !

    • @defeqel6537
      @defeqel6537 2 года назад +8

      If you are doing 45 minutes, you probably aren't doing HIIT.

    • @frankiefernandez5252
      @frankiefernandez5252 2 года назад +1

      @@defeqel6537 Working out in was an example....some do 45 minutes some do 90 minutes, etc.

    • @vimalsheoran8040
      @vimalsheoran8040 2 года назад +1

      Well I think its not entirely true, there are muscles in the body that are working through out the day. When you're sitting and working on something you are also burning calories.

    • @esmee6308
      @esmee6308 2 года назад +2

      It's not even so much about not needing carbs, if I sit around all day my maintenance is ~800kcal lower. It's much more favourable to fill that with fats and protein due to how essential they are. Don't get me wrong I *love* carbs, in how they make me feel and flavour or budget friendliness, but if I wasn't active, they'd be reduced down to (keto-friendly) vegetables, with minor exceptions, even though keto doesn't work well for me at all.

    • @Ryan_DeWitt
      @Ryan_DeWitt 2 года назад

      Perhaps people shouldn't be sitting around all day and should actually make an effort to get scheduled exercise in and be consistent about it.

  • @martinamaresova756
    @martinamaresova756 2 года назад +3

    I wouldn't call starting ones fasting journey by missing breakfast a mistake. I started that way, because all my life I had to force myself to eat breakfast, so it was actually relief not to eat it. Now, three years later, I am actually shifting my feeding window forward (maily due to your videos, so thank you, Mike), but I would'n be able to do it right from the start. So the important thing is to start - whenever and whatever feel the most comfortable, but start someway, you can always adjust later.

    • @CelineNoyce
      @CelineNoyce 2 года назад

      Another reason I am thinking this " you need to eat in the morning" thing is wrong... is because I am just not that hungry in the morning. I think a lot of people have that reaction. So, we should listen to our bodies.

  • @niallstallard5936
    @niallstallard5936 2 года назад +49

    Now that I’m somewhat “Fat Adapted”, because of circumstances I found myself with unintended 24 hr fast yesterday.
    Because it was late, I figured I would push thru AM. Problem is I wanted to hit gym, so I would eat afterward.
    Well between doing weight(2hrs), LIST cardio for 35, knocking out 1 hour of Sauna time(not straight), then tanning(my Vice), then food shopping, by the time I got home, I was 46 hrs into my 36 hr fast.
    In general, I do a 4 to 6 hr eating window, I don’t like being bloated, so OMAD just doesn’t work for me.
    Generally I do low-carb, not strict Keto, that said I probably get 50 percent of my calories from fats/oils.
    While my normal is low-carb, I’m not a monk, so in moderation I live a little.
    I figure if I’m good 80-90 percent of the time, good enough for me.
    Not enjoying life shortens it.

    • @GuidetteExpert
      @GuidetteExpert 2 года назад +4

      We are made to use carbs as fuel. There is reason why women are not aloud to be in keto that are pregnant.

    • @antoniocoelho3201
      @antoniocoelho3201 2 года назад +1

      Thank you

    • @iss8504
      @iss8504 2 года назад +1

      @@GuidetteExpert ? I think every pregnant doe is mostly in ketosis. Otherwise why be pregnant over winter when food is scarce?
      When u r pregnant u literally need maybe the calorie equivalent of 2 slices of bread extra to support the baby.

    • @babarumraisin4863
      @babarumraisin4863 2 года назад +1

      @@GuidetteExpert and yet babies are born while in ketosis!

    • @donaldevanshennings7732
      @donaldevanshennings7732 2 года назад +3

      @@GuidetteExpert If your body needs carbs (glucose) it can make them in the liver. If you eat carbs that saves the liver one job. The secret is getting the dose right for your body/ lifestyle.

  • @williamqueen1628
    @williamqueen1628 2 года назад +1

    OMAD 4 it..down all prescriptions..exercise 3 hrs per day..amor fati…

  • @wendysims3757
    @wendysims3757 2 года назад +2

    Thanks for info!

  • @halo27300
    @halo27300 2 года назад

    This paper had SO MANY 'extended' and supplemental figures. It was a nightmare to unpick and present in its entirety. Thank you for making a digestible summary!

  • @SashaDeKasha
    @SashaDeKasha 2 года назад +14

    I honestly feel best if I only eat once a day. Sometimes for the sake of being social, I would eat dinner, but I’m quite frankly forcing it. I definitely burn more than I intake, yet I’m feeling great and I’m not “bony” at all. I work out almost every day and somehow it’s working for me… Thank you again for all of your wonderful content!

    • @shellbell8062
      @shellbell8062 2 года назад +1

      How long have you been doing that? I did it for only a month and noticed I wasn't sleeping well. Next thing I lost a TON of hair. I have heard many people say that women shouldn't do OMAD every day as it can mess with your hormones. It's good to switch your fasting up and do 16-8, 18/6, OMAD etc.

    • @SashaDeKasha
      @SashaDeKasha 2 года назад

      @@shellbell8062 I’ve been doing it for over a year. I do add essential minerals to my water and everything I eat is non gmo, grass fed, organic etc and most of the foods I eat are dense on essential minerals, vitamins, amino acids

    • @shellbell8062
      @shellbell8062 2 года назад

      @@SashaDeKasha I am in a unique position as I had adrenal fatigue (which many people say fasting helps with, as long as you build up gradually) so that may be why I was taken down so quickly; but if you have seen Dave Asprey's interviews or read his book he says the same thing. Women have to be particularly careful as you can really tank progesterone by prolonged OMAD. I am also on a Weston Price style, grass fed, kefir, bone broth etc diet. I am still fasting but would only do OMAD once or maybe twice a week now.

  • @Necropheliac
    @Necropheliac 2 года назад +14

    I’d like to see this study done on humans. I realize that the life expectancy of humans is too long for a comprehensive study; but I also think the quantities and values in this experiment might be different with human physiology.

    • @KR-jg7gc
      @KR-jg7gc 2 года назад

      i think this study has been replicated by thousands in real life. ssssooometimes you see them in the comments of videos such as these.

  • @antihero5518
    @antihero5518 2 года назад +3

    When I started IF, my eating window was from 7am to 3pm because I ran / weight trained early but then bumped it to 8-9am to 4-5pm which feels better. I've been thinking a lot about moving it out further to 12nn-8pm because sometimes social events throw a wrench at my routine but hearing this is making me less keen on caving in. Will try starting from 10/11am, looks like a happy middle ground schedule-wise

  • @dr.bertiechimilio3637
    @dr.bertiechimilio3637 2 года назад

    I love your shows
    I am a veterinarian and understand ur presentations
    U make them look so simple so folks with basic knowledge can understand

  • @just_josh_90
    @just_josh_90 2 года назад +3

    great info

  • @marthakajfes2190
    @marthakajfes2190 2 года назад +2

    Mike I’ve taken your advice and changed my feeding window to earlier in the day rather than later in the day as I had been doing for past 2 years. It has finally done the trick and moved those last few pesky kilos I was trying to lose! I really appreciate all your research and interesting topics.

    • @chingonbass
      @chingonbass 2 года назад

      whats the deal with moving the eating earlier in the day as opposed to later?

    • @marthakajfes2190
      @marthakajfes2190 2 года назад +2

      @@chingonbass As Mike said an earlier feeding window is more in tune with our circadian rhythm - towards the end of the day we should be winding down for the evening and not eating late. For the past month I've changed to having a late breakfast and late lunch (eat between 11am and 4pm). Also, I do think it's good to shake things up a bit every now and then, I had a late feeding window for 2 years and my body was used to it. Now with the change I believe it awakened my metabolism and got things moving again.

    • @chingonbass
      @chingonbass 2 года назад +1

      @@marthakajfes2190 so basically we should eat when the sun is up and when it goes away we stop?

  • @rcpalmer1986
    @rcpalmer1986 2 года назад +4

    You always post great information. Thank you!

  • @tomchan0
    @tomchan0 2 года назад +2

    I have been doing IF for over 3 years and will do it for the rest of my life. My labs have never looked better.

  • @lesliey3996
    @lesliey3996 2 года назад +7

    Amazing Mike!! Thank you for all that you do!

  • @havock89
    @havock89 2 года назад +2

    thanks for posting. ive always maintained that calories dont make you fat. its what your body does with the calories that matters. and we need to control our feeding window.i drink black coffee in mornings and afternoon when i fast, and hot water in the afterneeon and evening... works wonders.

  • @HM-fg1tg
    @HM-fg1tg 2 года назад +3

    I find your videos and interpretation of scientific journals a valuable resource to further my knowledge. Thank you

  • @tracie6837
    @tracie6837 2 года назад +1

    Thanks Mike! Seen this posted the other day …then it was removed before I got to it. I was glad to see it reposted!

  • @shahida_khan
    @shahida_khan 2 года назад +2

    Tnx for the info

  • @glenngordon2073
    @glenngordon2073 2 года назад +7

    Currently reading Satchin Panda’s book The Circadian Code. It appears this study validates his theories about TRE as the key component to metabolic health and aligning the bodies clocks. For the proponents of OMAD I’m assuming they get the meal in by late afternoon or early evening which align with the hormones regulating metabolism. Mike you even mentioned messing up your TRE window initially eating a late meal. The common denominator seems to be allowing the the bodies natural processes to work as they are designed to. Eating in the evening throws a wrench into the metabolic processes as melatonin is trying to lower insulin but food intake is signaling the body to release more insulin……..
    I tried the link to read the study you presented but it would not open in safari or chrome. Any suggestions how to get the article to load would be appreciated….
    Great content as usual!!!!

  • @jselectronics8215
    @jselectronics8215 2 года назад +4

    I read mouse metabolic rate is about seven times that of humans. Fast a mouse for 24 hours is equivalent to a human fasting seven days.

  • @nannuky1128
    @nannuky1128 2 года назад +1

    thank you for translating science to an understandable language for us. without you, i'd probably never learn about all that!

  • @debramccawley1714
    @debramccawley1714 2 года назад +68

    You rarely suck, Mike. ✌😹

    • @Abdul247
      @Abdul247 2 года назад +7

      So rarely that I have never had a bad experience with Mike.
      I also enjoy his very practical courses. Well worth it.

    • @UndertheNeedle282
      @UndertheNeedle282 2 года назад +1

      🤣🤣🤣 the BEST compliment

  • @gstlynx
    @gstlynx 2 года назад +1

    Great as usual from High Intensity Health.

  • @markveen1373
    @markveen1373 2 года назад +2

    What are your thoughts about "fusing" your meals. Like breakfast+lunch=Brunch. Basically, eat more calories around 12pm. Eat again around 6pm. This way you can have the 18h fast window. Maybe you also "fuse" meals within 1hour before or after brunch and dinner. For optimal autophagy? This is especially interesting to know for very active people who also exercise, thus burn alot of calories during the day.

    • @NariKims
      @NariKims 2 года назад +2

      The more active you are the less actual fasting you need compared to if you are sedentary, since exercise stimulates autophagy.
      And 18h is great, and ideally you do want more calories earlier in the day than in the evening as well since that is easier for your body and better for sleep as well.
      Generally many people who do low carb and don't do OMAD eat in a 6-8h feeding window, but they often have something like 2mad instead or 3mad if they've been particularly active that day.

  • @guatemalan360
    @guatemalan360 2 года назад +1

    Mike, I really love the work you do.
    I have been time restricted eating since Dec 2019 and I have never felt more amazingly alive.
    I eat with the circadian times so generally done by 7pm and start eating no sooner than Noon. Keep to up and can't wait for my electrolytes from myox.

  • @ashutoshpandey9105
    @ashutoshpandey9105 2 года назад +3

    you are sooo good.

  • @natt.power22
    @natt.power22 2 года назад +4

    Much love 💕

  • @jadecherry7023
    @jadecherry7023 2 года назад

    Really appreciate your videos. Not opinion, but commentary on research, making it quick and easy to understand and apply the learning. Thanks again!

  • @Alex-dy4yy
    @Alex-dy4yy 2 года назад +2

    Great job Mike!

  • @Gundog55
    @Gundog55 2 года назад +1

    I started intermittent fasting two weeks ago and have already lost 9 lbs. no sugar and no wheat and I feel a lot better

  • @wendymuller3819
    @wendymuller3819 2 года назад +2

    Great information Mike!

  • @wonderwomanx1268
    @wonderwomanx1268 2 года назад

    As always MM, abundantly informative and I may join your master class. Been keto & IF for years and eliminated my arthritis pain and gained cognitive clarity. Live your channel! 💕💕

  • @dort5436
    @dort5436 2 года назад +1

    Great review of the studies. I skip dinner when I start my three day fasts. Sleep thru the start of fast and the second day is easier to pass through

  • @mimiedwards7791
    @mimiedwards7791 2 года назад

    Hi Mike. Thanks for this. Great vid. I’ve been OMaD for 3 years. Feel better. I’ve watched you and your wife talk about the benefits. Only thing I can’t shift last ten pounds. Post menopausal doesn’t help.

  • @ElmwoodParkHulk
    @ElmwoodParkHulk 2 года назад +2

    I've been Omad for over 3 years now and my coat is thick and fluffy 😜

  • @BatmanBoss
    @BatmanBoss 2 года назад +3

    Thanks buddy! Great data

  • @GGLiEx
    @GGLiEx 2 года назад

    So grateful for your content! my health is better than ever.thankfully discovered your content 3 years ago at 20 y/o.
    really need to get bloodwork done 😅

  • @deborahrose648
    @deborahrose648 2 года назад +2

    Fasting, get rid of carbs, what are you thoughts about collagen? How much carbs do you recommend?

    • @keralee
      @keralee 2 года назад +1

      He said: "match your carbs to your activity level." Good advice.
      I would add, make sure your carbs are also providing highest possible mineral density.

  • @robbieclark2023
    @robbieclark2023 2 года назад +2

    Always love Mike's content! Thanks for always providing us with the information we should be getting from MSM.

    • @robbieclark2023
      @robbieclark2023 2 года назад +1

      Mike, i would love to try and incorporate TRF into my routine - the problem i face is that i train twice a day. The 'science' seems to suggest that i should be consuming calories (esp protein) after both of these sessions. What does the science suggest here in terms of importance? The post workout calories or the TRF? I'm relatively lean and don't want to lose any lean muscle mass.

  • @ginger_e
    @ginger_e 2 года назад

    thank you so much for being here. i never miss a video. your info has literally and physically changed my life.

  • @buck8055
    @buck8055 2 года назад

    Appreciate all your work distilling down these complex subjects and presenting the information clearly.

  • @giannacastellano4419
    @giannacastellano4419 2 года назад

    Awesome video. I would love if you could do a video following up with this research about the fasting and eating strategies you do or recommend in regards to the study in the video

  • @MartoDriftz
    @MartoDriftz 2 года назад +2

    Great talk and dive into the study! Thanks again for your efforts 😗

  • @robertf.5071
    @robertf.5071 2 года назад

    Good video Mike; always a pleasure listening to you!

  • @healthedgyelements3124
    @healthedgyelements3124 2 года назад +9

    So helpful, would love more topics on children, regarding diet, vaccinations, etc.

  • @shelleymcquillin7329
    @shelleymcquillin7329 2 года назад

    Mike, I'm so glad I stumbled into your channel.

  • @TJ-iu8lj
    @TJ-iu8lj 2 года назад

    Great Video!! Congratulations on 500k!!

  • @mbardfast6658
    @mbardfast6658 2 года назад +1

    Mike great stuff as always.
    Doing 20-4 and OMAD for the last 4 years. Nice to get the validation.

  • @suzettehosier3018
    @suzettehosier3018 2 года назад +2

    Really interesting stuff! Thank you!

  • @saltrock9642
    @saltrock9642 2 года назад

    I ultimately had to drop the carbs in order to fast. The shakes from needing to feed the carb addiction during the fasting window was too much. Got past the addiction and fasting turned effortless. Thanks for keeping us educated.

  • @brendao185
    @brendao185 2 года назад

    Mike, your channel has been my number 1 place to always be on. So much information … thank you 🙏🏼

  • @anonimogonzalezperez4951
    @anonimogonzalezperez4951 2 года назад

    There are studies that link longevity with restriction of methionine, not just a calorie restriction, and animal protein restriction specifically.

  • @Cattitude369
    @Cattitude369 2 года назад +1

    One comparison I've heard is fasting is like jumping off a 1,000 ft cliff once and calorie restriction is like stepping off a 1-ft curb 1000 times. Yes, they both equal 1000 feet but are entirely different in all other regards.

  • @babyfirefly118
    @babyfirefly118 2 года назад +1

    Switched my fasting to day hours since the season changed. I feel so great & its only day 5. Im less bloated in the morning & im enjoying food as fuel rather than something to just stuff my face with

  • @thartwig26
    @thartwig26 2 года назад

    Hope your day is great Mike!

  • @wiggiag
    @wiggiag 2 года назад +6

    I would image we have evolved to eat late. As hunter gathers you would spend all of your early awake time hunting, harvesting, storing, and cooking your food. Then the last thing you would do is eat and rest. This allows your body to repair itself with nutrients from the daily/weekly absence of food. I would suggest looking at studies/Ted Talks of people who are look at hunter/gathers societies and how they function in diet and health. The whole have an earlier eating window idea is a commodity of modern civilization and does not reflect how our evolved cycles are most efficiently working.

    • @CelineNoyce
      @CelineNoyce 2 года назад +5

      Agree. I know my body "rewards" me when I eat late by having an easy time falling asleep and a good night's rest. We are meant to eat later in the day. Your body tells you so.

    • @drcrispyjohnson2242
      @drcrispyjohnson2242 2 года назад +3

      I agree totally, and there are many BBC documentaries over the years that show hunter gatherers walking all day the men hunting or scavenging, the women and children gathering tubers then meeting back at campfire and cooking up a big feast.
      You don't want to sleep in a camp with food ready for breakfast because you would only attract predators.
      Eat in the evening around the fire like your ancestors.
      Or else eat cornflakes in the morning.

    • @CelineNoyce
      @CelineNoyce 2 года назад

      @@drcrispyjohnson2242 I did want to clarify that I don't think we are meant to eat super late (9 / 10 pm) but I think just before sundown or just after. I would say 2 to 6 PM. Of course this schedule is pretty impossible for anyone that works, one reason, working should be eliminated or people should be able to work from home.

    • @drcrispyjohnson2242
      @drcrispyjohnson2242 2 года назад +1

      @@CelineNoyce between 5.30 to 7.30 is ideal Diana.

    • @tigertalks1567
      @tigertalks1567 2 года назад

      Not really our bodies have a very specific circadian rythym. That's why shift workers have high rate of metabolic syndrome, heart attacks and die earlier. The pancreas starts shutting down by 6pm, we are much less insulin sensituve.

  • @Allergic2Stagnation
    @Allergic2Stagnation 2 года назад +3

    Mike you sucked the short term fun out of my life, and injected the long term fun into my life.

  • @blackstonevideogroup
    @blackstonevideogroup 2 года назад +1

    Thank you for the amazing content, it has definitely made a difference in my life.

  • @KRscience
    @KRscience 2 года назад

    Lots of interesting and applicable topics on this channel. Thanks!

  • @pamisntcraiganymore
    @pamisntcraiganymore 2 года назад +1

    ‘Earn you carbohydrates’ I love that!

  • @WW-wo4oq
    @WW-wo4oq 2 года назад +4

    I know you don’t like snacks, but if you ever do a kid-friendly snack/food/ meal ideas. That would be amazing. We are a picky family some on the spectrum, so smoothies are the number one way i can sneak in veggies.

    • @Highintensityhealth
      @Highintensityhealth  2 года назад +1

      We snack periodically, great idea for a video. Will work on itn

    • @WW-wo4oq
      @WW-wo4oq 2 года назад

      @@Highintensityhealth thank you so much! Your channel really does inspire me to better my lifestyle!

    • @barbararowe7068
      @barbararowe7068 2 года назад

      @@WW-wo4oq try making kale chips in the oven.

  • @rebeccaf.5119
    @rebeccaf.5119 2 года назад +2

    Love, love, love your videos!!! ❤️

  • @aintgonnaworrynomore
    @aintgonnaworrynomore 2 года назад +3

    Thanks Mike. Another study that I most likely wouldn't have heard but for you. LGB.

  • @omfgishBenneh
    @omfgishBenneh 2 года назад +4

    I had a brief look, but I couldn't find anything, but I was wondering if you have made a video on prolonged fasting?
    There is a lot of conflicting info out there, I'd love to hear your take on it, whether it be good or bad, I'll gladly hear it.
    I personally had a lot of success with weekly 3-4 day fasting periods. I was 100kg+ (220lbs) 28% bf and within a very small window of time I got to 73kg (160lbs) 8%bf - and have been able to very easily maintain it for the past 18 months and believe it or not, I've had negligible loss in muscle mass, contrary to what everyone told me would happen. 🤷‍♂️

    • @jacklabonte6839
      @jacklabonte6839 2 года назад

      Great job brother. I dropped from 220lbs to 175lbs myself following alternate day fasting, and changing my eating to a nose to tail carnivore protocol(eating the entire animal). I dont know you, but I am proud of you for your change in health.

    • @cohenstrang9283
      @cohenstrang9283 2 года назад

      Prolonged fasting is good for over weight people but in lean people it will cause muscle loss

    • @Me-xoxoz
      @Me-xoxoz 2 года назад

      Not sure if you follow these Drs yet.Dr Fung,Dr Eckberg,Dr Mindy Perez,Dr Ken Berry.They have extensive evidence based resources on longer fasting.

  • @superperidot1359
    @superperidot1359 2 года назад

    Mike, I recently started listening to your videos.
    I appreciate your passionate message that basically reminds us that "prevention is the best medicine".
    I wish more people would listen to you and the others that try to help people unlock their own good health. 👍

  • @Gareness
    @Gareness 2 года назад

    Your videos are always informative and encouraging. Thanks.

  • @thehiredgun
    @thehiredgun 2 года назад

    I dig your content and delivery style!

  • @tommymonroe8706
    @tommymonroe8706 2 года назад

    I am on OMAD and I've achieved my desired weight. 60 plus lbs in eleven months. Keto lifestyle is my life now.

  • @bthemedia
    @bthemedia 2 года назад +2

    A common trend I see is “longer life” with “less food & exercise”. So long and mild life, vs short and intense life. The other health markers are interesting too of course. Maximizing health, intensity, and longevity would be great… can one have it all?

  • @eddiebob77
    @eddiebob77 2 года назад

    Awesome channel…thanks for all your work!

  • @roxanne2977
    @roxanne2977 2 года назад +1

    Your videos are great, cover great topics and fasting and low carb living are my faves! So honest and interesting.

  • @nicholaslukhan4101
    @nicholaslukhan4101 2 года назад +2

    Mike whilst this is great for longevity it ignores the 4 to 5 opportunities we have a day for muscle protein synthesis which having more lean body mass in itself is beneficial

  • @thesssolis9001
    @thesssolis9001 2 года назад

    HI Mike, great information as always. Thank you