The World Before Adam and Eve - Dr. Larry Ollison

  • Опубликовано: 30 сен 2024
  • Larry Ollison Ministries
    Here is a link to my notes - chusermedia.s3...
    Larry Ollison has three books that touch on this subject: The Paradise of God, A Place Called Heaven and Hidden Mysteries and the Bible.
    To order The Paradise of God
    To order A Place Called Heaven
    To order Hidden Mysteries and the Bible

Комментарии • 124

  • @davyboone1794
    @davyboone1794 Год назад +5

    I love the Lord, I trust him completely with my heart and soul, but there's things in the Bible I don't understand; like where did Cain get his wife, who are the sons of God in Genesis, Angels neither marry nor given marriage how did they mate with human females in Genesis, who is Melchizedek and how is his priesthood eternal even before Christ?
    None of these things bother me to the point that it makes me doubt our effects my salvation in Christ, but still I am curious to the answers of these things.

    • @TheBatmanjb
      @TheBatmanjb 2 месяца назад

      Once the Angels decided to fall and commit the sin that they were no longer angels that's why they're called The fallen and they were able to mate with the women.

  • @mikekelly9851
    @mikekelly9851 Год назад +5

    Wasn't Noah a descendent of Adam & Eve, thus making us descendants of Adam & Eve?

    • @jport789
      @jport789 Год назад +4

      Correct,saying the opposite is a lie. Jesus be with you always bother!

    • @jport789
      @jport789 Год назад

      Thank you brother, stay in the truth always. The almighty is the way the truth and life for Jesus is God. I will you in heaven God willing amen!.

  • @edwahjoshua1206
    @edwahjoshua1206 Год назад +2

    Satan made traffic of his wisdom and Angels. who left there estate saw the ability his Wisdom would/ to excel and prosper. We see rhis in our Government with them that have a love of money; willing to circumventation

  • @affleck80
    @affleck80 Год назад +2

    My KJV Bible in ISA. 14 : 16 says ( talking about Satan ) Is this the MAN that made the earth to tremble. How can Satan be a man when he is an angel ?.

  • @Sandwichking-hikes
    @Sandwichking-hikes 2 месяца назад +2

    Dr Larry is right, we must dismiss cultural and denominational beliefs on the Bible and take God’s word at what it actually says. Eyes open to see what it says and not what we are told to think.

  • @deborahasher176
    @deborahasher176 Год назад +24

    Thank you Pastor. I have always believed in the Old World Creation. Actually it only makes sense. I can not tell you how many arguments with my fellow Christian brothers and sisters I have endured. At least I know I'm not alone

  • @airspun9801
    @airspun9801 Год назад +10

    Thank you so much for this message. Watching and listening from Asia❤

  • @haydeeocampo9929
    @haydeeocampo9929 Год назад +8

    I've been wanting to learn more about this topic for a while now and your teaching was inspirational. Thank you for sharing your wisdom. You are such a blessing to us.

  • @edwahjoshua1206
    @edwahjoshua1206 Год назад +1

    Light Be is the presense of Gods ability to create. In Revelation light >" And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.” The Lamb THE WORD is the presense of Light, the light of God "LIFE " With Whom All things were created by and for whom are all things Revelation 21:23 John 1:3-4, Colossians 1:16-17 Who was in the beginning with God snd was God

  • @baitchison6505
    @baitchison6505 Год назад +2

    The bible says Adam brought sin into the world which caused death, so did the pre Adam civilization die before Adam?

  • @hyloward-gh6vj
    @hyloward-gh6vj Год назад +6

    Let's stay with the word of God, then rightly divide what it instructs. ❤❤I love my lord.

  • @joycecothran7159
    @joycecothran7159 2 месяца назад +4

    You are absolutely correct about what you are describing about the heavens in the Earth! And the creation of the heavens and the
    Earth! According to
    Genesis verse one!!
    And there were probably billions of years between verse one and verse two!!
    The church never teaches this and very few people have any understanding of this!
    Praise God! That you are teaching these things!!

  • @sophietyrrell3131
    @sophietyrrell3131 9 месяцев назад +1

    Israel leaves me indifferent. I don't understand the fad about the jews who are maybe not even jews. My sister did our family tree and went as f😢ar as 1500 something. We have jewish ancestors alright but it does not excite me. I get excited in being a child of God in the human race.

  • @olegig5166
    @olegig5166 Год назад +3

    I agree with virtually everything this man says in this video with one reservation, when he says "the Bible" I don't know to which version he refers.
    He exhorts the tremendous power of God to which I agree, but yet does not seem to give God the power to preserve His inspired word in a form most used today.
    All the versions say different things, which is the truth?

    • @deborahasher176
      @deborahasher176 Год назад

      He uses the NKJV. I use the KJV and with the HOLY SPIRIT'S help, I came to this conclusion at least 20 years ago. I've taken heat for my stance but I don't care.

  • @mabo3506
    @mabo3506 Год назад +3

    If, as you say, Adam was the FIRST MAN, then how do you explain your subsequent reference to Kindoms in the pre-Adamic world. You refer to men in that time and then say ADAM WAS THE FIRST MAN. It probably was the pre-human neanderthals (all the fossil remains) who were in those days, man looking creatures without souls.

    • @MegaDANNY777
      @MegaDANNY777 Год назад

      1 And you were dead in the trespasses and sins 2 in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience- 3 among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind. 4 But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, 5 even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ-by grace you have been saved- (Ephesians 2:1-5, ESV)

    • @EZLivin-zk4gm
      @EZLivin-zk4gm Месяц назад

      Non human beings

  • @Raxx1111
    @Raxx1111 Год назад +5

    Why God said in Gen1:26 “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
    Who God refer to "Let us"?? who are the "us"? God,Spirit, and The Word??

    • @chuongroro5702
      @chuongroro5702 Год назад

      God( Yahweh) and Christ (yeshua) but the holy spirit (the angels) were not like God

    • @deborahasher176
      @deborahasher176 Год назад +5

      @@chuongroro5702 Well, you're almost right. The HOLY SPIRIT is not an angel. HE is equal to GOD the Father and JESUS, the Son. HE helped create everything, including angels.

    • @joshpcs
      @joshpcs Год назад +2

      @@deborahasher176 I've heard a good explanation of the trinity as this - water is water, and while it exists in all 3 states as solid, liquid, and gas, it's all still water. God manifests himself as father, son and holy spirit; 3 states of being, all as 1 God. Similarly, we are triune beings - body (our earth suit), soul (intellect, will and emotions), and spirit (our eternal self).

  • @hannieseveri8759
    @hannieseveri8759 Год назад +6

    For years I believed that there must have been a luciferian flood, I only met one person who had the same belief, he introduced me to it, and one other person mentioned it. I’m so grateful that I came upon this teaching, praise God. I knew about 2 Peter 3:5-6, thank you Larry, God bless

    • @emeraldfox7175
      @emeraldfox7175 Год назад +1

      No luv,I believe this,been traveling and studying all over the world,for the last 20 years,I've found out so much,that people have no idea that happened!

    • @thetruthchannel349
      @thetruthchannel349 Год назад

      When I was a teenager I remember the question popping in my head 'Suppose there was more than one flood?' And the reason was due to the promise God makes to 'never destroy the earth in a flood again.' To me that indicated that God had done it more than once in the past. And thats pretty much how I delved into the Pre-Adamaic idea.

  • @turtleartist1130
    @turtleartist1130 11 месяцев назад +1

    I believe this very thing and a lot of other things in the word that people make fun of me for believing . I believe what the Bible says….

  • @otisarmyalso
    @otisarmyalso Год назад +8

    Failure to acknowledge the old earth leads to confusion

  • @malleboinaprabhudas
    @malleboinaprabhudas Год назад +6

    Thankyou sir....your Teachings are true nd helping people to go deep in their faith on mighty Lord

    • @bobbygeorge9859
      @bobbygeorge9859 Год назад

      Amen! Hallelujah!
      Thank you, Heavenly Father, thank you, Jesus Christ, and thank you, Holy Spirit forever and ever ❤️

  • @GitFiddler
    @GitFiddler Год назад +2

    Years ago, I wrote a Bible study on this and gave it to a mechanical engineer friend of mine who was a Christian. He didn't say anything about it until one day at his Church, which has a teaching Hebrew Bible scholar, covered this subject one Sunday morning. The next time he saw me he was excited, and told me about that Hebrew teacher at his Church. My friend believed The Bible, but he had problems trying to resolve the evidence of an ancient earth with the Church's theories about a 6,000 year creation story.
    This really is what Apostle Peter was pointing to in 2 Peter 3 about the earth standing in the water and out of the water, linked to Genesis 1:2 with the wasted state of the earth with a flood of waters over all of it. Something else pointing to this, is how Revelation 21 says in the world to come there will be no more sea, meaning no more oceans. Where is all that water of the seas and oceans going to go?
    Well, once understanding about tohu va bohu, especially when God repeated the matter in Jeremiah 4:23-28, He gave some specific info there about this present world's weather system. He said for this (i.e., because of this, i.e., the destruction of Jer.4), the heavens above would be black and the earth would mourn. When the clouds above the earth are black that represents the idea of rain clouds that turn dark when full of water. And because of the holes in today's atmosphere around the earth, heat from the sun beading upon the earth causes evaporation of water and it rises upwards into the atmosphere, while cold air at high altitudes drops and meets the hot air. This causes today's violent storms upon the earth for this world. Plug all those holes into today's sky atmosphere, and the earth's weather would become balanced, like a greenhouse, even temperatures all around it. The tropical fossil evidence at both the north and south poles aligns with the idea of the earth most likely originally being in that kind of state, a literal Paradise over all of it.

  • @edwahjoshua1206
    @edwahjoshua1206 Год назад +1

    Darkness being on the face of the deep reveals the copret being the prince of darkness Satan and his cohorts fallen angels

  • @timothykrieger5676
    @timothykrieger5676 Год назад +4

    Keep speaking the truth brother!! Lord King touch Larry and the ministries You have bless him with ! Lead Larry by Your Holy Spirit Lord King Father I as k in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Lord God Almighty amen

  • @wan4891
    @wan4891 Год назад +5

    Thank you very much Dr. Larry Ollison!
    What God promeses, He will fullfill and therefore I'am sure that I will see our border collie Aoife back in Heaven (based on Psalm 36:6) 🙂

  • @ralphsanchico2452
    @ralphsanchico2452 Год назад +1

    Great teaching, nevertheless, I don’t wish to split hairs, but the flood did NOT sever our ties with Adam. In order to be descendants from Noah, He, (Noah) would have to have been a new created man from God. And obviously that is not the case since Noah is a descendant from Adam which continued to carry on that genealogy, flood notwithstanding! Otherwise, good teaching!

  • @edwahjoshua1206
    @edwahjoshua1206 Год назад +1

    The Word of God the incorrigible seed The Word of God IS

  • @paulasliger7734
    @paulasliger7734 Год назад +5

    I believe the civilization before Adam and Eve was angels with a body. I believe they were giants. Mighty men which were old, men of renown. Genesis 6:4.
    What else would they have to do since mankind was not created yet. This is so good thank you.

    • @ramonduval8231
      @ramonduval8231 Год назад

      1 : Cain received a Tribal mark for protection from other hostile people
      2: The land of Nod, who's was Nod?
      3: Cain found a wife in the land of Nod, his sisters went to the Land of Nod to Mate him ? 🤔
      4: Cain built a city, how many people are necessary to do that?
      5: God created the Plants before the 🌞 ,NO plant live without the sun,
      I believe in God creation but not this
      The URANTIA book has the answers

    • @paulasliger7734
      @paulasliger7734 Год назад +2

      I wonder about the cavemen. Where did they come in? Were they in the land of Nod? Or were they just made up like evolution?

    • @andrewarmstrong7310
      @andrewarmstrong7310 Год назад

      @@paulasliger7734 What better way to show all that he is G-d then to put us on this planet among the ruins of old.

  • @laurendukes1480
    @laurendukes1480 Год назад +5

    Thank you Pastor for this illuminating information!

  • @keithpack7436
    @keithpack7436 10 месяцев назад +2

    Amen! Fantastic!

  • @ericezekwemuncensored
    @ericezekwemuncensored Год назад +1

    Great teaching sir! This has always been clear in the Bible, but religion keeps dodging it😅😅😅

    • @LarryOllisonMinistries
      @LarryOllisonMinistries  Год назад

  • @prasadsatish971
    @prasadsatish971 Год назад +2

    Can anyone pray for Craig. He is in hospital. He has no God factor in his life. He now has a Bible involved 4 people to get to him. Pray::1) that God will give Craig good health. 2) so that Craig can read Bible for himself. Thank you

    • @prasadsatish971
      @prasadsatish971 Год назад

      Thank you for your prayers. Craig has been discharged from hospital. If you like you can continue to pray that God will give Craig clear mind to read Bible for him self
      Thank you once again

  • @buckhondomurray3027
    @buckhondomurray3027 2 года назад +2

    Asking to be forgiven isn't enough. Have true remorse for sinning that leads to a change of mind, from proud to humble because only God is good. Repent and believe the Gospel. It's about the present.
    The good news is eternal life can begin today. Amazing grace is it can happen in a moment. In the twinkling of an eye we can be made right by our CREATOR...
    May God bless this ministry

  • @jerarddefrancois5492
    @jerarddefrancois5492 Год назад +2

    Thank You Pastor, God Bless you, 🙏🙏🙏very well preached.

  • @samgeo6918
    @samgeo6918 Год назад +8

    I am a Christian but I have never heard message like this it’s really a blessing that knowledge of before Adam and Eve. Thank you 🙏 pastor

  • @JoshuaDCBanks
    @JoshuaDCBanks Год назад +2

    Good stuff. There’s a lot more to get into but scratching the surface, this is a good place to start.

  • @assouthernastheycome6289
    @assouthernastheycome6289 Год назад +1

    So glad there are others who are OECreationists like me. I am also Southern Baptist.

  • @garrybailey7939
    @garrybailey7939 10 месяцев назад

    Amazing this man has nowledge but doesn't understand J letter is not 500 yrs old yet! The name Jesus didn't exist 2,000 years ago, neither did Rome. But I enjoy his message before Adam!

  • @knowlegejourneyTV
    @knowlegejourneyTV Год назад +1

    I really like this person❤

  • @harrycrocker4470
    @harrycrocker4470 6 месяцев назад

    If Adam wasn't first man ,the timeline is messed up for our of Africa.
    Neanderthal n desonovion dna is still here ,if one wants to explain or comment

  • @exnihilo7806
    @exnihilo7806 6 месяцев назад

    If Satan was cast down before the time of adam. How is he then able to come before God at the time of job? And isn't there a point in revelation Michael and his angel fight against Satan resulting in their no longer being a place in heaven for the devil? I am on the old earth side but we still need to be accurate

  • @cindyhirschler9619
    @cindyhirschler9619 6 месяцев назад

    Water penetrating radar shows a multitude of shipping ports all around Anarctica.

  • @Messi.1907
    @Messi.1907 Год назад +3

    I believe word bye word in the Bible!!! Glory to God.

  • @each1-teach1
    @each1-teach1 Год назад +1

    do you know - i never asked myself if "noah had other children after the flood"?
    his wife could, she gave birth to kenan who was hams son; so she was still biologically capable.

  • @EthelScott-b1b
    @EthelScott-b1b 6 месяцев назад

    Yes,, kings and nations. WHO WAS THE KINGS?

  • @TheoVisser-i3l
    @TheoVisser-i3l 3 месяца назад

    There was men but not in GODs likeness only from Adam

  • @carlgriffin5136
    @carlgriffin5136 4 месяца назад

    Hey Nick this is very interesting and backed up by scripture please take a listen

  • @OmegaMan7
    @OmegaMan7 Год назад +2

    Sir is it possible to share this important message with my viewers who may never see it ?

    • @LarryOllisonMinistries
      @LarryOllisonMinistries  Год назад +4

      Yes. I would be honored to have you share the video. Be blessed! Larry O.

    • @OmegaMan7
      @OmegaMan7 Год назад +1

      @@LarryOllisonMinistries thank you so much for these important teachings

  • @derrill5796
    @derrill5796 Год назад

    Jeremiah chapter 4 ?
    It's Verse 23.
    @ 24 minutes

  • @ThomasDini
    @ThomasDini 2 месяца назад

    Death came as a result of sin so how do account for death prior to adam and eve

  • @KingOfSummer
    @KingOfSummer 7 месяцев назад

    I would like for you to have a debate with Dr Kent Hovind

  • @CaelinDarkGrace
    @CaelinDarkGrace Год назад +1

    ~23:00 mark. Adam was not the first human, he was the first "called".

  • @pamelamiller9519
    @pamelamiller9519 Год назад +1

    Wow!! This answers so many questions. Thank you!!

  • @anitasuchanek6581
    @anitasuchanek6581 Год назад +2

    Awesome teaching thank you

  • @fayedove1
    @fayedove1 Год назад +2

    This is so good!!! Thank you for sharing this word!!

  • @GeoffreyHodge-yv8ue
    @GeoffreyHodge-yv8ue Год назад +2

    Wow a little bit of brilliance ❤

  • @johnhamilton8311
    @johnhamilton8311 Год назад +1

    I not very good studying the Bible so thank you for your teachings so powerful blessing to you

    • @LarryOllisonMinistries
      @LarryOllisonMinistries  Год назад

  • @mariafernandes9227
    @mariafernandes9227 Год назад +1

    Jeremiah chp. 4 is not what you are reading Pastor, pls don't mind me saying this, truly loving this teaching

  • @caddymann97
    @caddymann97 6 месяцев назад

    Finally .the truth is spoken

  • @geraldabeyawardena5606
    @geraldabeyawardena5606 Год назад +1

    Very interesting pastor. Could you please put some links in the comments to any other of your sermons on this subject! God Bless!

    • @emeraldfox7175
      @emeraldfox7175 Год назад +1

      Just subscribe to his channel 🤷‍♂️

  • @hannieseveri8759
    @hannieseveri8759 Год назад +1

    I also mentioned oil and diamonds in my agreement regarding this subject

  • @user-vn8so9rf3d
    @user-vn8so9rf3d 10 месяцев назад

    God's timeline is the final authoritative work and God implanted us with an insatiable curiosity to discover and make sense of what we see. I find it amazing that God expended so much to create our world and us, even to the Hydrogen in the water in our bodies being as old as the Universe, (Oxygen in our bodies water is a little younger, coming from exploding first generation suns, but this water arrived during the asteroid impact eras). This information sends amazement tingles through my being. Thank you.

  • @avamandrell4445
    @avamandrell4445 9 месяцев назад

    I lived in raytown

  • @pacnik77
    @pacnik77 Год назад +1

    G H Pember and Derek Prince agree

  • @roywhite8504
    @roywhite8504 Год назад

    This teaching to me says that when God began creating us, Adam and Eve first, we are a part of Gods plan of a royal race of people who are part of Gods created order in a special part of his creation. All who turn to him and are filled with his spirit have a share in the most incredible part of his kingdom. It was his plan and Lucifer’s rebellion costed a third of the angels everything.

  • @derrill5796
    @derrill5796 Год назад

    The LORD started me on this journey in 1980.
    People think i'm nuts.
    I confirm 95% & am glad to and will continue to ask why..
    Bugged people with all the whys..
    Thanks & i''m glad GOD let me find this video.

  • @bedtimebiblechat7152
    @bedtimebiblechat7152 Год назад

    I have never heard the "gap theory" explained as well as you did. You gave scripture to back you up. All the way through this teaching my mind said, " if the earth was populated before Adam, then that would mean God made a mistake and had to destroy it and that can't be cuz God doesn't make mistakes...but I want to hear this pastor explain it. You said no humans before Adam...ok, that's cleared up but who or what populated the earth then and how did they anger God so much that He had to destroy the earth? So, when you got to the part about the crater and "your belief", I thought, hum, sounds good...but I'm still stuck on who populated the earth "back in the day". I hear no scripture that angels did, even though your opinion was that. Every preacher I've ever known believes in the new earth...except my mentor Dr. Chuck Missler, who believed in the gap theory. I don't know which is true, all I know is I'm waiting on Jesus to tell me when I get up there for we will know everything then. Thank you for this lesson.

    • @LarryOllisonMinistries
      @LarryOllisonMinistries  Год назад

  • @kholofelomaloma
    @kholofelomaloma Год назад +1

    Thank you

  • @ansikakharbuki1721
    @ansikakharbuki1721 7 месяцев назад

    Woww🙌🏼 Thank you so much.. May the good Lord bless you more💓

  • @danlee9826
    @danlee9826 9 месяцев назад

    The earth os not a spinning ball but good teaching.

  • @bretloomis8881
    @bretloomis8881 Год назад


  • @natolotranirine6653
    @natolotranirine6653 Год назад

    i realy need it, thank you pastor (the way how should i check the bible), ✊🙏🙏

  • @williamdaniel6697
    @williamdaniel6697 4 месяца назад

    Excellent message, loved it. May God bless this godly preacher and his followers!!!

    • @LindaZavala-xc8nn
      @LindaZavala-xc8nn 2 месяца назад +1

      The world before Adam and Eve I believe there was such beings that God created Lucifer was in charge and it went to Luther's had he thought he could be just like the most high and that's where he fell and God destroyed that world but who's to say that those beings from back then and those times are not the aliens we find today circling the earth

  • @johannwilder1437
    @johannwilder1437 9 месяцев назад

    Volume is waaaaaaay to low.

    • @LarryOllisonMinistries
      @LarryOllisonMinistries  9 месяцев назад

      Here is the same video with updated audio and on-screen scriptures -видео.html

  • @janblackburn4392
    @janblackburn4392 8 месяцев назад

    I agree whole heartedly with these words. AMEN!

  • @hillyfieldproductions
    @hillyfieldproductions Год назад

    Please let me know if you think this earth is flat not sphere?

  • @jerarddefrancois5492
    @jerarddefrancois5492 Год назад

    Thank You Pastor and Hid Bless You. today tomorrow and for ever more. 🙏🙏🙏

  • @rondarayl1536
    @rondarayl1536 Год назад

    Your parents helped me out a lot. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be here. I love and appreciate them so much and miss them

  • @mramesh7106
    @mramesh7106 Год назад

    At 23.56 mnts Sir, you've quoted a verse that Jeremiah 4:2 which I'm not finding there, can you pls give me the exact verse so that I may follow........thank you

    • @LarryOllisonMinistries
      @LarryOllisonMinistries  Год назад

      Scriptures at this link -видео.html

    • @LarryOllisonMinistries
      @LarryOllisonMinistries  Год назад

  • @azinfidel6461
    @azinfidel6461 Год назад

    Was just about to email you for the show notes when I saw the download link in the description.
    Thank you very much.

    • @LarryOllisonMinistries
      @LarryOllisonMinistries  Год назад

  • @shaysdy3357
    @shaysdy3357 Год назад


  • @richardcarthorn6408
    @richardcarthorn6408 Год назад +1

    It sounds to me, that he has read and study the books, of Tolbert and Charles Larkin. Larkin being the oldest book. This is the Gap theory,, which was printed in the 1920s by Larkin,, which he titled,, Dispensational Truth. Which you can do to those theories,,

  • @VEE02010
    @VEE02010 Год назад

    "Foolish Virgins" are not going to read. That's all to it.

  • @MessianicJewJitsu
    @MessianicJewJitsu Год назад

    1:48 when I was an atheist trying to understand Adam I would picture the first ape/primate that realized what sex act led to babies versus pseudo sex acts. The first one to recognize murder/sex offenders/idolaters all carry an immense weight of guilt that nobody wants to talk about but it's written on the heart. The first Cain. The first Abel to die, surprised, by the hand of his big brother. The first Eve to mourn the potential lost in offspring death and what action brought about the offspring. The most natural expressions.

  • @JamesBrown-fd1nv
    @JamesBrown-fd1nv Год назад

    There is a third group, those that believe God created the first creation in an unknown amount of time, but that he recreated this earth and heavens because of the fall of Lucifer.