Love Your Enemies | Disagree Better, Not Less

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 38

  • @GuyLogen
    @GuyLogen 5 лет назад +8

    This is a great video. And I think more people should be made aware of these tips so not only can we disagree in a more civil matter but also have the courage to disagree in the first place.

  • @UtarEmpire
    @UtarEmpire 5 лет назад +22

    "Disagreeability needs to make a roaring comeback." - Eric Weinstein

  • @jonrose7687
    @jonrose7687 Год назад

    Thank you for your wisdom, your passion, and your clarity for shining a light on what I believe is the greatest challenge of our times as well as the greatest threat to democracy, as well as possibly the survival of the human species - that is, the inability to properly embrace the inherent differences in our diverse society in a constructive way, but rather fall into the trap of emotionally dysregulated, adversarial conflict. It's literally the difference between war and peace, chaos and order, collapse vs creation...

  • @nonelost1
    @nonelost1 Год назад

    Disagreeing without being disagreeable is a science and an art!

  • @avshlomkor3785
    @avshlomkor3785 5 лет назад +5

    Disagreeing in good faith, that is.

  • @packjim56
    @packjim56 Год назад

    Wow a rare "Disagree Better" video that didn't turn off the comment section to stop all possible disagreements, better or otherwise.
    Oh, I just noticed that this was uploaded four years ago. That explains it.

  • @nancyranft4801
    @nancyranft4801 5 лет назад +4

    It seems less and less often there are those with the intellectual capacity to carry an actual debate (or argument) as it seems the "Dumbing Down of America" has been in progress much longer than I originally thought and, apparently, is still going strong. The terrible grammatical errors all over Social Media and even in Newsprint occasionally are not just random examples of expediency. They are clearcut samples of lack of education!

  • @brokamora8124
    @brokamora8124 5 лет назад +2

    Thanks for sharing your words of wisdom

  • @noid3948
    @noid3948 5 лет назад +7

    Brooks is awesome. More please!

  • @Furbee100
    @Furbee100 5 лет назад +2

    Thanks for sharing! I learned a lot from your video!

  • @printzwindhok299
    @printzwindhok299 5 лет назад +2

    Very informative video! Glad I watched it!

  • @MikeKBar13
    @MikeKBar13 2 года назад

    Circling back to Arthur Brooks after the latest school shooting (Uvalde, TX). Seems like we need to implement this ASAP!! I just found another video that dives deep into a very curious example of persuasion, Mr Fred Rogers trying to win funding from an oppositional Senator Pastore in 1969: “Mr. Rogers and the Power of Persuasion” by Will Shoder.

  • @mooredann69
    @mooredann69 5 лет назад +8

    "Basket of Deplorables" Perfectly suited display of the boomerang effect.

  • @foryou-ft8vf
    @foryou-ft8vf 3 года назад

    It is what is in your heart towards another that tells the story. I am sorry, but the "bullies" DON'T WIN. There is a lot of hate and hostility ENCOURAGED by some who want divisions (instigators.) Ever hear of "divide and conquer?" Well there are many in political/social "authority" who very actively try to whip up a lot of hostility, hatred and divisions because they benefit from dividing the people. That does NOT mean we all need to agree on everything, nor should we. But we can "LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR" AND LIVE IN HARMONY no matter what our neighbors do even though you disagree with their lifestyle or their politics or ideologies (unless someone is doing something illegal like selling drugs or something which is a matter for the law.) We can agree to sincerely care and help and be Good to our neighbors. SADLY THERE ARE MANY PEOPLE WHO LOVE THEIR HATE and they want divisions and hostilities towards others and their neighbors; and it doesn't matter really what the reason, they will FIND A REASON TO HATE and make excuses to hate - they are being ENCOURAGED AND EVEN REWARDED TO HATE!!! Sadly I am seeing more and more of this in my own neighborhood with the harassment of others and along the line of political/social ideologies. That is right from the evil forces of this world, don't be a part of that!

  • @alteredbeast7145
    @alteredbeast7145 5 лет назад +1

    There was much he was wrong about, and he was too self assured, but Christopher Hitchens at least engaged counterpoints with logic.

  • @howardbaxter2514
    @howardbaxter2514 3 года назад +1

    To any of my fellow Christians out there, we must remember the words of Christ.
    “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect.” - Matt 5:43-48
    If Jesus can continue to live by this word even to his final breath on the cross, then so can we. Let’s not forget that even while Jesus was being beaten, mocked, cursed at, and crucified, he still prayed over the other criminals on the cross, the guards, and all those that mocked him. He could have very well cursed us all, but instead he showed all of us love. Let’s not forget that.

  • @TheMusicscotty
    @TheMusicscotty 3 года назад

    Best Six minutes I spend online today.

  • @מיכאלמרטיןבנדיקטוס


  • @jeffreysmith694
    @jeffreysmith694 5 лет назад +9

    It's very hard to be able to have a discussion with a leftist. Charles Krauthammer had the perfect description of the difference between the Left and the Right. The Right finds the Left to be be stupid and the Left finds the Right to be evil. This gives the left the moral high ground. In any debate with a leftist I will use the Ben Shapiro quote " facts don't care about your feelings".

    • @asdfg6626
      @asdfg6626 3 года назад

      I have good discussions with both sides

    • @ugbucket
      @ugbucket 3 года назад

      @@asdfg6626 uh huh

  • @miss.phyllisreneefoster9547
    @miss.phyllisreneefoster9547 4 года назад

    I agree with a lot what you said, HERE, and Peoples do these things all the time, all the time, try to force, me, to think Beleave, do, what they want, me to do, thin what I want, O' No Phyllis this is not what you Beleave, this is what you Beleave the nerve of them I have a right to my Own Beleaves, but I do try to keep a Opened mind Of both sides, and listen to Others VIEWS, but Disagree Respectively if I say I want no part of some thing, thin please leave me alone Respectivly but no they try to make me do what I don't want to do, and like you say when a person do that, thin I do the Bummer rang, like you said, no it Don't work, like you say, it does make a person push away even more, at least it do for me, I don't like being Force, Tricked, or Corhost, or Told who to do this or that, etc there are peoples in this world that will try too force there beliefs on you and very good manipulators or brain washing you to try to change your way of beleif or your wheather its polotics religion, relationships, etc, if you say I dont beleave im this I beleave im that no that cant beleave that they want to try to brain wash you to beleaving you are what they want to to be, not what you feel you are but what they
    want to try to inflict on you, and others who you are and your not happy cause others are beleaving them more thin you, and your missirble and un happy cause of them and there
    trying to force there system on you, insteed of them excepting you as what you say your to be
    if i say i like men they will say no phyllis we dont think you like men cause you dont have no men and your not in a relation ship with no one so we want to be like this way and im unhappy cause they have planted a mark on me were others beleave the lie the rumor more thin me,
    trying to force me to be what they want me to be thin excepting me as what i beleave i am
    no i dont beleave what they want me to be, but i'm a person that try's to respect every body
    no matter who they are or what they are, but respectfuly disagree so i agree with you and this video your right. thank you for this video thank you have a bless day. Amen.

  • @slimski
    @slimski 5 лет назад +1

    LOL at the two downvotes

  • @uluwatu3118
    @uluwatu3118 5 лет назад

    Ad hominem is weak debate tactic but is a derivative of Saul Alinky's suggested tactics

  • @ardaantekin6439
    @ardaantekin6439 5 лет назад

    man you send copyright to my video and you said love your enemies. Ihave a quote for you: Its difficult to be a Turkish person because you fight against world but it's harder to not to be a Turkish person because you need to fight with Turkish people.

  • @saidghendir1038
    @saidghendir1038 2 года назад

    There are many contradictions between the verses in the bible, in a verse Jesus preached "love your enemy" that's good, however when we pring the following verses that are in the same bible, here's the great problem, so open your hand so as to balance between the contradicted verses (peace vs killing):
    In Matthew 10:34 (KJV)
    "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword”
    In SAMUEL 15:3
    "Now go and strike Amalek and completely destroy everything that they have; do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey"
    What?! Killing child and infant!! Are awakened man? Sure this not Jesus's sayings, so who? Sure you have no answer dear friend?
    Wow what love you'r talking about? Answer rationality?
    As Muslims we love Jesus and we believe in him as beloved prophet and servent of God Allah (the Father) not as devine bring. And we knew from the Quran which is the final testament from the God that the Christians didn't understand the message of Jesus peace be upon him, where many verses in the bible were changed by the authors, hence jesus's message was changed so the real Gosbel of jesus which believe is a light of guidance is no more.
    --- Here's sincere message to the honest Christians---
    May the God guide the honest Christians to Islam, why? Because they can really understand what Jesus peace be upon wanted to tell them.
    Plesee see chapter of Mary in the Quran especially the verse 16, so be open minded brothers and sisters:видео.html

  • @ugbucket
    @ugbucket 3 года назад

    Old Jake Gyllenhaal

  • @ugbucket
    @ugbucket 3 года назад

    I like how Republicans were TWICE as accurate as democracks

    • @jonrose7687
      @jonrose7687 Год назад

      I'm not sure what you mean? Can you please elaborate - on first reading, to me your comments seem to contradict the theme of the this video?