Would love the lyrics to all their tracks, beautiful, not only do I listen daily, but I also introduce many friends all over the world. Also learning Welsh, but can't find any Welsh speakers where I am down in Sutton Surrey although there is a Welsh church. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
suaimhneas...agus sról
Would love the lyrics to all their tracks, beautiful, not only do I listen daily, but I also introduce many friends all over the world. Also learning Welsh, but can't find any Welsh speakers where I am down in Sutton Surrey although there is a Welsh church. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Watch s4c with english subtitles it's on the channel section on Iplayer 👍
Amazingly! Thank you guys!
Newydd eu gweld yn Nhafwyl. Grwp o bobl hyfryd, yn creu syniau hyfryd.
synau nid syniau... wps
a da iawn am ddod a'r gair pareidolia i gymaint o bobl