I really appreciate for the effort of collecting all clips from various movie and make it quite compelling story line. It must be a painstaking job. I love the costume too, it's not over glorified like in today's film/series. I like majapahit very much but i also adore mongol empire and its army, as well as roman empire.
Perfilman Indonesia masih dikuasi pasar micin, entertainment kelas receh, teknologi pas-pasan, minim riset, miskin nilai, dangkal intelektual, hanya satu dua yang tembus mancanegara. Kalau saya boleh bilang, film bermutu itu biasanya TIDAK LARIS di pasaran. Maaf, Ini hanya opini yang pedas dari orang yang masih goblok.
I'm filipino. It's good to learn about Indonesian history, and Philippines in the past was part of Srivijaya empire. The Malay race: Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei.
al fateh • austronesian is a language family that originated in taiwan • Malay is a race that originated in the malay archipelago • malay archipelago is technically indonesia
Ternyata!!! Nusantara itu adalah tanah para ksatria dan pendekar yg sngat mnjunjung tinggi tnah klahirannya dan siap mati demi tanah tumpah darahnya... jadi wajar jika jiwa patriot dan nasionalis itu tertanam shingga tumbuh di jiwa raga para generasi penerus bangsa... 🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨 Cinta damai bukan brarti pnakut
I believe toplessness was an ancient Austronesian tradition. However, historical records shows that Nusantaran warriors also wear armors from treebarks, leather, chainmail, scales, metal breastplate, to even crocodile skin. Although these are probably exempted from the peasant conscripts
Ketika lawannya memakai baju besi ,penutup muka dn kepala dg helm bajadn pedang panjang, prajurit2 jawa telanjang dada dan bersenjata keris yg pendek.yang tidak bisa menebas dan memotong hanya bisa menusuk..nyalinya gak kaleng2
Because Java wan't controlled or bowed by Mongol & Java land is fertile land bro. And in Indonesia speciali Java Island have "debus" at they troops. And Indonesia specialist Java island at last time is Knigts Colection bro.
@@alapalaplapar6399 your english kinda confusing but i get the point of what are you trying to say,other than that, the mongols simply suck at sea battle and only superior when they mounted on horse
The real reason why the Mongols got defeated in several battles usually when they started to realized that their cavalry maneuver which was often relied on vast steppes and plains just doesn't exist.
Ya karena kalo liat doktrin tempur mongol mereka megandalkan pasukan Kavaleri dgn Kuda cepat mengapa mereka bisa cepat menyapu asia tengah, arab dan eropa timur karena bentang alamnya hampir sama tapi ketika sampai di Nusantara kehebatan kuda2 mongol tidak berguna
Mongol forget that mostly part of SEA was rainforest, their legendary horses archery didn't work at this kind of area. And they were never backstabbing before this invasion. Their invasion of Java give them lessons for not to believe anyone
1300s animated China: pushes back mongolia in china to mongolia Timurids/Persia: Pushes back mongol from uzbekistan Russia/Moscow:*BEING THE FIRST USSR PUSHING MONGOLS BAck*
Unbelievable historical I am so great full to watch... hopefully the Indonesian film making could continually to make this great our LELUHUR NENEK MOYANG... ❤️🇮🇩
Nit if we get conquered by china. Tondo in the Philippines was an ally of medang/ kediri since 900ce. May our people once more strive for unity against foreign invaders.
Mixing film pendek yg bagus menceritakan rentetan sejarah dari mongol campa melayu sriwijaya, ujung galuh, kadiri, dan majapahit, salut creato editor vidio yg mengerti sejarah semoga bermanfa'at untuk gen milinea
The Mongols were very powerful in the dessert and dry mountain. They were very weak in the sea. In Nusantara not only Javanese and Sumateran but the Bugis people from Sulawesi were also the master of the ocean.
Damn this is the best war epic of our history. Thanks for sharing this clips from previous movies. It was recorded that 3 Datus from Borneo bought our island Panay from the Aetas to avoid the wars and bad Datus from the South (Borneo). We are the descendants of Datu Paiburong, Datu Sumakwel, Datu Makatunaw. Datu Puti went more up north in Manila, Cavite etc. This is factual history that opened our eyes in the Philippines because majority of our kingdoms where also slaughtered and abolished by the Spaniards. Wish we could all trace our ancestry in the south. Iloilo City is now an open city. We are the descendants of Datu Paiburong.
Setelah invasi mongol ke jawa seperti membuka mata orang jawa bahwa teknologi merupakan hal yg sangat penting dan merekapun mengembankan teknologi meriam yg disebut cetbang, dan jadilah great empire majapahit
Cetbang dan senjata api lainnya hasil alih teknologi dri mongol... Tdk semua tentara mongol bisa balik, sebagian melakukan pembelotan dan sebagian ditawan. Mereka ini kemudian membuka rahasia pembuatan senjata api ke majapahit
tidak bisakah kita berkaca pada masa lalu? Bagaimana kejayaan diraih? Teknologi, kebudayaan, ilmu pengetahuan dan semangat patriot yang lebih tinggi daripada bangsa lain. Itulah yang membuat Majapahit Superior pada masa nya, ayo perbaiki mindset dan perbanyak skill, kemajuan bangsa disusun dari setiap individu kecil. Buat kebanggaan bangsa tak hanya berkutat pada kejayaan masa lampau, Indonesia bisa berjaya lagi, mulai dari setiap individu nya.
Even the gdp is big but .... the goverment... is ... kinda koo koo (I’m Indonesian soo I’m kinda lowed to say that???) My country is... idk evolving but confused....?
yaa ini sejarah bangsa kita ,bukan nya kraton sejagat atau pun sunda empire ,tv indonesia butuh serial seperti ini biar semua paham akan sejarah masa lampau yg menakjubkan ini
Ya singkatnya seperti itu, mampu menundukkan daerah yg jauh dan luas hingga ke Rusia, namun gagal menguasai Jepang yg terpisahkan selat dan Jawa yg terpisahkan lautan
Gw waktu dulu pertama baca buku sejarah ngerasa heran, Mongol ( Dinasti Yuan) saat itu dibawah Kubilai Khan bener2 super power lah, kekuasaannya jauh sampe Rusia, Hungaria bahkan Timur Tengah, menaklukkan Baghdad. Begitu mendarat di Jawa kok bisa digebukin dihajar begitu saja. Diusir dengan kekalahan memalukan. Gw baca2 lagi, ternyata ketika ekpedisi menaklukkan Jepang juga gagal. Dari berbagai artikel yg gw baca belakangan, faktor utama bukan karena gak bisa perang laut. Mereka punya armada kapal besar loh ( tapi memang harus diakui, walau punya armada besar, Mongol bukan ahlinya perang lautan). Pas dikalahkan Raden Wijaya kan juga pertempuran darat. Beberapa tulisan yg gw baca bahwa ke-superpower-an Mongol gak berguna di medan pulau Jawa. Gini, Mongol terkenal dengan pasukan berkuda yang tangguh. Dan punya pasukan pemanah. Sangat efektif di medan yg luas dan terbuka lebar. Mobilitas tinggi dan mematikan. Sedangkan medan Jawa hutan tropis nan lebat, kelembaban tinggi, panas. Sungai, lumpur rawa. Di medan seperti itu pasukan berkuda tidak efektif. Baju zirah yg berat malah menyusahkan bergerak di hutan lebat. Memang saat pertama bertempur bisa menang lawan musuhnya, pasukan Mongol jumlahnya besar dan berpengalaman perang. Tambah lagi dibantu Raden Wijaya juga. Setelah Raden Wijaya tahu kelemahan Mongol ya tinggal dilibas saja pasukan Mongol yg kelelahan.
as a Mongolian I respect all countries that fight against mongol invasion and shamed most of mongolians don’t know about mongol invasion of java, indochina, india and battle of ain jalut most of them think one time mongol defeat was failed japan invasion
Sain uu! We lost the history of the battle between Mongolian against Java empire too, and only had explanation not much--not even a page in our history book.. i'm interested with Mongolian and want to know further about the story.. i believe that Mongolian survivors in that war had been mixed with local tribes here, but not much information about that subject..
@@imbaroud5273 i think what he meant is "he feel ashamed that Mongolian lost the story about the invasion of Java, India etc" not doubting Mongolian fighting spirit.. and i think it's just lucky that we, Vietnam and Japan won against Mongoli.. because if the weather/terrain wasn't the main factor.. we and Japan sure would lose to Mongol
@@holehearted3723The Mongols failed to invade Java because of the tactics of Raden Wijaya, the founder of the Majapahit Empire, who pretended to be submissive, then the Mongol soldiers were invited to get drunk, then massacred.
Kerajaan islam yg paling lemah, dijajah sampai 350 thn lebih. Tp bisa diambil hikmahnya krn wkt itu masing2 kerajaan tdk ada jiwa bersatu,byk pengkhianat, krn disuap dan jadi kacung Belanda. Berjuang hny atas nama kerajaan.
It was really hard for the Mongol cavalry to fight in India and South Asian countries. Cause they couldn’t handle really hot weather over there Almost every soldier had Heatstroke-Sunstroke right away and that illness made them to die. This was main reason even Mongol army could reach that far but the success was not that good... Thank you! This is our history and history of our ancestors .. They didn’t expect the Heat Wave.. Peace ..
Sain uu! from what i know.. the main reason why Mongol lose the battle in SEA.. was because the muddy terrain caused Mongol's troop can't survive in our Jungle territory, Mongol's horse didn't work properly too in our terrain.. Mongolian live in the most harsh weather in the world, our temperature not as hot as ur summer, and also Mongolian able to survive in cold winter... so our weather is just nothing for the Mongolian, i believe.. but when i was in highschool, there was a little bit story of Mongolian in our history book.. it was said that, one of the prince had been lost battle and his empire has been taken by his enemy; so the price came to Mongol and asking for the help and offered treasure as a reward.. after that, Mongol came and won the battle.. but afterward the prince betrayed the Mongolian and kill them.. but i believe there were some survivors left, and mixed with the local tribes here.. since sometimes our people would look like Mongolian too, even not many to find.. Bayarlalaa! Bayartai!
Ini bukan sejarah india atau asia Selatan lainnya, ini sejarah khusus bangsa Indonesia dan Asia Tenggara lainnya. Jadi jangan disamakan dengan bangsa tamil kalian. Pahami mana bangsa Jawa dan melayu dan bangsa bangsa asia Tenggara lainnya. FYI komenan saya bisa kalian translet automatis dengan youtube disini, so ya jangan kalian menghindar untuk penjelasan dari saya yang sejalas jelasnya.
Greetings.. I am from India i am amaze to see names of the Java king are kinda similar to ancient Indian kings.... I need to learn more on Indonesian history, it sounds interesting.
Not only kings. In the present days of Indonesia, it's quite common people have Sanskrit names (even if they are Muslim or Christian). Like Dewi, Arya, Aditya, Putri. So does my mom's first name.
Good job Nusantara people! Many kingdoms in SEA had been threatened by the Mongols, including Nanzhao (Yunnan), Bagan (Burma) and Sukhothai (Siam). Sukhothai kingdom discovered a diplomatic way to avoid conflict with the Yuans: Sukhothai paid tribute to Yuan once a year just to satisfy them, but practically they didn’t rule Sukhothai due to long distance. Yuan sent merchants and passed technology to Sukhothai and protected Sukhothai from foreign pirates. That is how Siam survived from the Mongols without war.
Tar tar bisa menaklukan asia selatan & asia barat tapi takluk sama prajuritnya raden wijaya kerajaan mojopahit,nenek moyang kita dulu sangat tangguh mulai sriwijaya,kahuripan,doho kediri,singhasari,majapahit,bali,pajajaran,demak bintoro,pajang,mataram ,bukti nyata nusantara dulu sangat tangguh..smoga indonesia tambah jaya & damai amin....
@@brownpeter1685 ngawur kebangetan, Ketika malaka jatuh ketangan Portugis Demak ikut mengirim pasukan untuk membebaskan Makanya kalau sekolah masuk jangan cuma sampe gerbang doang
@@izuki5152 semenjak demak berkuasa orang jawa lupa sama jawanya buktinya setelah demak berkuasa banyak penjajah asing ygg menjajah nusantara sejak jaman demaklah orang nusantara mudah bngt diadu domba karna beda kepercayaan di jamab majapahit semua hidup rukun gak terkotak kotak kayak jaman demak demak memerintah gak ada 30 taun api efeknya sampai sekarang orang jawa banyak melupakan jawanya
@Troll77 Neptune You fool ... Papua is in the map of Indonesia because the Indonesian state is the result of the Dutch colonial map, if they think Indonesia stole Papua. why are they blocking when the Malay Peninsula and Singapore to become one in the great Malay state ? even the Philippines and southern Thailand are still Malay lands
Kami memang minoritas, tapi sebagai anak bangsa kami bangga dgn sejarah yang ada.. Saran yang membangun untuk pihak2 yang membuat film, semoga bs membuat film dalam versi baru dan tampilkan kenyatan dgn adanya jgn terikat isu sara dan lain2,dan kita semua bisa hidup berdampingan dgn kebhinekaan yang ada... Mari kembalikan kejayaan nusantara...
In the Third invasion of Vietnam by Mongol, Battle of Bach Dang river is not an ambush. Mongol fleet retreat to the sea via Bach Dang river after was circle by overwhelm Vietnamese forces for many months. but was stop by Dai Viet heavy ships which blocks all the escape routes with the ratio 3:1 for Dai Viet : Mongol, the battle prolong from the dawn to dusk with the victory of Dai Viet fleet.With the destruction of Mongol biggest fleet, the third invasion of Japan was stopped and Mongol lost most veteran naval soldiers. In the Second invasion of Vietnam by Mongol, the Vietnamese was not use guerilla warfare, but total warfare, which the total-counter-offensive happen only 1,5 months after the defeat of Van Kiep with a huge army around 300.000~400.000 soldiers who gather from across of the realm and the main epic battlefields on Hong River Plain. Also, Sogetu's fleet was not annihilated by Cham, just merely delay him, his fleet come to Dai Viet just to know Toghan's army was defeat by Dai Viet and already routed, and Sogetu's was defeat in Ham Tu Gate but was killed by Vietnaemse while he was escaping on land. His fleet was annihilated by Vietnamese, not Cham.
Lol the third invasion Yuan forces only numbered 115.000 men and several thousand sailors. The second invasion was likely 60.000-90.000 men. See Phu Vo's Chiinggisid invasions of Southeast Asia analytics.
When the singashari-majapahit was invaded, they wer just going through several coup and civil wars, they were in the lowest state in terms of military strenght and despite that, they came out victorius. Different conditions and factors compared to when Daiviet was pretty much united and was on pretty good in condition militarily than the indonesian one
- Lack of good terrain for horsemanship. - Overstretched supply line. - Troops are mostly Chinese which may not be accustomed to the tropical climate in Java. So they are prone to diseases. - Betrayed by their only ally in the region, while combating the enemy of said ally. - And finally did guerilla warfare against the already exhausted Mongols army..
Mongolian horses are known to be able to adapt to hot temperatures in SEA countries. But I think its the jungles that took the Mongolians down. I'm from Malaysia and I love to hike especially to beautiful Indonesia its wild!... and after seeing this video... I cannot imagine a large horse moving about in these thick jungles, no way, let alone an army of them. The chaos from these Indonesia guerilla tactics will be brutal because of the thick undergrowth its so easy to hide. Majapahit knew this and use it to maximum advantage at that night raid.
Now you know But why some of your peoples are deny about Majapahit or others Javanese kingdom history in peninsula ? The war between Yuan Mongol vs majapahit (Javanese) not only in 1295 1260 pre Majapahit kingdom (Singosari) also have war in sumatera and peninsula against sukothai vassal Yuan Mongol. Its continues 1296 - 1366 Until Yuan Mongol defeat by Ming. 1368 - 1400 we call neighboor country as mitreka satata. (Syamka ayutthia, singanagari, annam, Cham, Cambodia, marutma Myanmar) Mitreka satata is Asean in 14th centuries 1405 war again Majapahit have war against Ming in 1405. It cause some of Majapahit sovereign in peninsula, sumatera, Kalimantan , south Philippines sided and asking protection to Ming. Malaka Patani Pasai Brunei Sulu kings come to Ming court without Majapahit permission.
@@dore3faso6sido My people? I have no idea who. All I know is some royalty from Majapahit escaped Java, killed a king in Singapore, and then escaped and came to Melacca to establish a new kingdom, according to our history books. Is there any missing information im not sure. I'm not a history expert, just an history enthusiast, and I am not well studied in the history of Yuan Mongol invading Majapahit even though I know about it. But thank you for sharing the information.
Secara fakta juga tak bisa di bantah saat kerajaan Demak dan kerajaan Jepara ratu Kalinyamat mengirimkan Armada ke semenanjung untuk menghalau Portugis.. Logika saja semenanjung ada dibawah pengaruh kerajaan di Jawa.. Apakah sekedar teman akan mengirim armada perang..? Pasti tidak.. Jalur perdagangan selat Malaka dan kerajaan di semenanjung pasti adalah kerajaan yang berada dalam kekuasaan kerajaan di Jawa.. Atau bagian dari Jawa..! Salam damai..
Sangat suka dengan film Saur Sepuh, meskipun ada pendekar tapi adegan perang besarnya masuk akal sekali. Juga bendera Getah Getih (Merah Putih) juga dimasukkan, kalau ada sineas Indonesia mau bikin film kolosal sejarah harus mengedepankan riset sejarah dan arkeologi. Jangan kejar cepat selesai dan populer begitu saja. Bisa pisahkan dengan baik dan apik mana yang sejarah mana yang mitos. Sudah cukup saya lihat adegan pendekar terbang pake tali, selalu kepikiran gimana duel pendekar nusantara seperti duel-duel film Samurai besutan Akira Kurosawa. Duel silat seperti di The Raid 1 dan 2 udah bisa bikin orang mancanegara kagum dan takjub!
I like it..this cinematography good job ..salam from Indonesia .. Kekaisaran paling kuat di dunia pada masa itu Mongolia..tapi mendapat musuh yg terkuat di bumi timur tenggara .. kekaisaran Mongolia tidak bisa menaklukkan kerajaan Majapahit di Jawa ( Indonesia )
Yeah, some people from the past using animal as Sacrifice...they believe ,before build a Bridge or Dam they must Sacrifice the heads of elephant or some other animals,,so the djinn in that area approve what they build...and till this day that tradition still exist in some region in Java...so stupid AF
Im Indonesian, and Im lack with my own history. Forgive me my ancestors....Srivijaya Empire and then Singhasari, and then Majapahit, Demak.... Dutch East Indies, and now Indonesia. I wish I can learn them all.
Greetings from the Singhasari Kingdom, 10 minutes from Songgoriti Temple, 3 minutes from Pendem Temple, 2 minutes from the place of origin of the Sangguran / Minto Stone inscription, to be precise, Batu City, East Java. salam nusantara Bhinneka Tunggal Ika 🇲🇨🇲🇨
Tapi sebelum Majapahit ada Juga Sriwijaya Empire yang membuat Peradaban dan Kuasa di Regional asia tenggara, keduanya Adalah Indonesian Empire yg memiliki Jasa bagi Indonesia modern
Salam dari brebes (jawa tengah)❤ ...dibrebes juga ada kerajaan galuh purba😊dan d tempat q juga disebut tanah kebuyutan😊 ... Ohh iya admin kontenya bagus ❤... Kontene apik 😅
@@Jim_Colbert biasa kerana agama..sekarang juga rame yang jadi hamba ingggris..sama budayanya inggris belanda..bahkan bahasa indonesia juga ada serapan belanda ..jadi mau bilang kamu sok2 an mau jd belanda?
@@alifpengembarabuana2202 jaman kejayaan orang jawa itu ada di jaman hindu-buddha...jaman islam jawa itu makin mundur.. Orang jawa kuno mengajarkan agama itu nggak penting karena pada dasarnya tuhan yg kita sembah adalah sama... .agama2 terbentuk karena budaya yg berbeda.. Apakah budaya arab cocok buat orang jawa ? Kebanyakan tidak..apakah budaya barat cocok buat orang jawa.? Baniyak juga nggak...tapi kita ambil nilai2 yg cocok buat orang jawa.. Agama diciptakan untuk mrngontrol manusia...tujuan utama tetaplah kekuasaan.. Kamu orang melayu yg dari dulu memang tidak punya jati diri..budaya sendiri juga nggak jelas.. Bahkan nama kalian juga wujud dari kehilangan jati diri.. Orang jawa boeh jadi islam..tapi tidak perlu jadi arab.. Orang jawa punya jati diri sendiri..hanya orang inferior yg perlu memakai nama bangsa lain untuk jati dirinya.. Orang cina..japan..korea..tidak kehilangan jati diri mereka..karena mereka tidak merasa inferior.. Mereka mungkin mererima budaya barat dirasa lebih pragmatis dalam kehidupan...tapi mereka tidak membuang bahasa..nama..tulisan..budaya mereka...karena mereka adalah bangsa yg punya jatidiri..
The three generals, demoralized by the considerable loss of their elite soldiers due to the ambush, went back to their empire with the surviving soldiers. Upon their arrival, Shi-bi was condemned to receive 70 lashes and have a third of his property confiscated for allowing the catastrophe. Ike Mese also was reprimanded and a third of his property taken away. But Gaoxing was awarded 50 taels of gold for protecting the soldiers from a total disaster. Later, Shi-bi and Ike Mese were shown mercy, and the emperor restored their reputation and property.[14] This failure was the last expedition in Kublai Khan's reign. Majapahit, in contrast, became the most powerful state of its era in the region.[15] Kublai Khan planned another invasion of Java with 100,000 men strong army, but this plan was cancelled after his death.[2] Travellers passing the region, such as Ibn Battuta and Odoric of Pordenone, however noted that Java had been attacked by the Mongols several times, always ending in failure.[16][17] Gunung Butak inscription from 1294 mentions Aria Adikara intercepting a further Mongol invasion and successfully defeating it before landing in Java.[13]
Im not military expert or historian, but imho, the expedition take a long journey to Java Island. It cause tired n exhausted of their troops. So when they landed on Java, they not in prime condition. Although yeah, the huge number was quality itself
@Fight Fly Crow you can make modern comparison to the Dutch, they are using modern weapons for war, while Indonesian mainly uses bamboo as their weapon, before they are able to use weapons taken from the Dutch troops, but its far from defeated.. I thought, its happen caused by topography, number of people, and some mysterious mystical power which few Indonesian has during Dutch colonialism.. for example, many times our grand fathers told us, some fighter can not be shoot. you can proof it in modern days by watching modern Indonesian army that can not be hurt by any kind of knife, God gave some of them immunity to sharp objects or high velocity objects. That is why it took 350 years for the Dutch and never succeeded. I was think, that is also happen during war with mongols.
@@jatimyw as indonesian, im not really sure about mysticaly power coz i never see that really. May few, but not impact within they condition still poor Even mostly claim they can do mystic, mostly just say bullsh*t
@@anggaxx2851 You have said that "mostly just say bullshit", means word of "mostly" doesn't mean all of them, or not applied to all subjects. agreed? so.. you already answered your own question.. :)
mmg bangsa Indonesia pejuang2 hebat ..dari dulu sampai sekarang.....dari Aceh sampai ke ke timur....itu makanya negara besar ragu berhadapan sama kita....hidup Indonesia.......
Well it has been two years since the supposedly prophecied rise of Majapahit and.. nothing. History is history I guess! So proud of my ancestor nonetheless. Thank you so much for this awesome tribute!
@@TheGodTell okay, i dunno how to write this properly. Back in 2015-2016 i worked in Surabaya. And once a week goes to my home town in Nganjuk. So by bus i passed Trowulan ( Mojokerto). One time i saw in left side of the road, ( im from Surabaya to Nganjuk). I saw what so called "rumah Majapahit". A house, build by red bricstone. With little "Majapahit Gapura style" in front of them. I think it was just random house, that modified by owner like that. But im wrong.. i saw so many house like that. Absolutely not one or two random house. Maybe 2 or 3 km with Majapahit style house. Standing in left side of the road. Im curious and searching some article the day after. What was i get is : that house modified by local government. In order to raise awareness of history, aesthetic aspek and tourism. Yes, local government help the house owner on purpose, a government project. So maybe its sound ridiculous and hyperbola. But i thought that was an interpretation of "rise of Majapahit". Rise of awareness to history, culture, and geopolitical impact of Majapahit. And rise physically by building "Majapahit style house" . Yeah, maybe they just modified front part of house. 😂
Yogya and Solo Kraton miss the opportunity to unified kingdom by marriage, it will nullified Giyanti treaty, and Hamengkubuwono doesnt have male heir apparent right now
I was wondering why I had Pacific Island showing up on my DNA. I traced it for years and found out that my Grandmother was Meskheitian Turks (born in Cyprus). The only way to have Pacific Island was thru the Mongols Empire. I did allot of research and it lead me to Java. I would never ever knew this if I never did a DNA test.
So do I, I'm a Javanese and my father ancestors are also Tatars-Turks coming all the way from Central Asia, down to the Persians, and go south to Nusantara for trade. Anyway, the one that make me a bit different is that our physical features, that my family physical features, doesn't like 100% Javanese.. it's like mixed between Javanese/Malay-Tatars-Turks-Persian-North Indian.. It's crazy, isn't it? I mean how come it's possible. Thousands of miles of seas you know 🤔
@@farichalmuafi2622 yes but strategy. All kingdom use that. Read SunZu 36 way.. Mongolian king read that and use gun powder from China than won every battle
@Saudi King Volintine Ander of Arabia lah, nanti bakalan terlalu mengutamakan satu suku, kan. Lalu ratusan suku lain gimana? apa mereka harus pakai bahasa jawa yang nulisnya aja minta ampun, gitu
@@Rahbar_Raza no..it's true bro...i am not joking... Some people from the past are invulnerable by sword and dagger... Most modern people not believe something like that because it's rare to find that kind of peoples... But, some people still have this kind of black magic... there was a robbery victim, he was attacked by katana but only his shirt was torn...
@@liamsung99999 kapan kadrunism pernah punya era kekuasaan? Kamu salah, justru sensor dimulai bukannya sejak era cebonger sok suci? Ingat, Aku tidak peduli fanatik ke salah satu nya, keduanya ada Baik nya, tapi buruk 👎 nya juga jelas ada
@@Cleeon monmaap tapi saya merasa saya tidak salah. semua sensor konyol dan sinitrun azab konyol dimana semua wanita berhijab adalah orang baik dan semua wanita tidak berhijab adalah antagonis itu dimulai sejak zaman kepemerintahan bapak esbeye. atau mungkin anda belum lahir pada saat itu saya bisa memaklumi. bukannya saya membela cebonger, saya tau cebonger jg banyak yg busuk but one thing for sure cebongers tidak pernah mengklaim dirinya to be suci. cebongers never brings ayat ayat surat surat azab azab langit bumi surga neraka dunia akhirat up to everyday regular political conversations, never, not even once i cmiiw. so it deeply triggers me when somebody is saying that cebongers are sok suci. remember this blabber by neno warisman for pilpres 2019 lalu? 'karena jika Engkau tidak menangkan kami khawatir Ya Allah, kami khawatir Ya Allah, tak ada lagi yang menyembah-Mu' That statement above, you will never hear it coming out of cebongers' mouth. so which one is more 'sok suci'? cebonger or kadruner? i know its hard to admit, but as a fellow countrymen i care about you thats why im typing all these words, i also dont care if you still think cebongers is the more 'sok suci' end of the spectrum. doesnt matter. at least i did my best
@@liamsung99999 yeaahh apanyaaa, mau lahir generasi ke berapapun, akses informasi sudah canggih, Republik Indonesia itu mayoritas Muslim, sejak film era presiden Soeharto juga kebanyakan character tokoh yang identik patuh agama itu jadi tokoh baik dan menang, sudah biasa itu, di Amerika Serikat, juga yang identik Kristen taat itu biasa menang, mau pakai cara magic sekalipun. Di Brazil, yang Catholic sering selalu menang di filmnya. Penyataan kedua mu, sungguh konyol, memangnya cuma kamu begitu yang bangga jadi cebonger? Cuma manusia sekitar mu? Nihhh ada tetangga, sangat cebonger sekali, Aku sampai heran, gila sekali fanatik ke manusia biasa, boss bukan, cuma jadi presiden atau menteri max 10 tahun, kalau bagus ya bagus, ada salahnya ya mengaku saja, kurang ajar sekali kalau mau otoriter makan uang pajak. Mau yang dipanggil kampret mau yang di panggil kecebong, di Indonesia, tidak perlu sampai meneliti, saking lucunya, apa tidak malu kamu sebagai warganegara? Ada pengacara pasti Islam, dulu berkata, tidak pilih pak Joko Widodo neraka, pilih beliau surga, apa itu, islam juga dia pastinya, yang Kristen di pihak satunya kamu kira tidak ada? Konyol itu, adik kandung pak Prabowo sendiri, beliau Kristen. Di kedua sisi, ada Penjahat nya, ada Pahlawan nya, balasan comment kamu menunjukkan fanatik sempit. Cebonger tidak pernah sok suci? Lah terus wakil presiden yang sekarang, memangnya di periode kedua kadrunism begitu? Para pendukung kuat termasuk putri presiden GusDur kamu kira kampret? Jiaahh... Jangan pakai cara berpikir begitu, manusia juga manusia, kalau jumlah nya banyak, tidak ada jaminan suanya X semua atau A semua. Nihh ya ku beritahu agar bisa lebih maju, di keluarga besarku, sudah sejak zaman dulu, diperbolehkan curiga ke saudara saudari, bahkan jika diperlukan berperang melawan saudara atau saudari sendiri, demi keutuhan dan sukses terus keluarga. Begitu sihh, contohnya, kalau sudah ke saudara sendiri bisa netral, apalagi ke manusia lainnya, apa salahku terus n curiga, saudara saudariku sendiri berhak mencurigai ku, sebesar apapun kedekatan dan jasa ku ke mereka 🙂
Champa kingdom is Islam Kingdom , between Khmer kingdom and Dai Viet kingdom but destroy and lose against dai viet kingdom , Champa kingdom help Majapahit , Java , and Indonesia to spread Islam teaching
@@rudyk108 no , the last Majapahit king , Brawijaya V has 2 wife the second wife comes from Champa, (South Vietnam) and she is muslim like Malaka sultane , but today champa sultane destroy by dai viet kingdom in the north Vietnam, she makes muslim spread and good, she has son called Raden patah and make Demak sultane in central Java , after bravijaya coup de etat , Raden patah from Demak sultane make a war to weak Majapahit with many civil war to claim the throne, that the story of why Islam spread in Java and the destroy of Majapahit Hindu kingdom
Weakness of Mongol forces when occupying Java were : 1. Not mastering Jungle Warfare, with many bobby traps installed along walkway and trees. Mongols are skilled on city wars but not guerilla battle. 2. Tropical climate in Java potential to enhance their energy consumption. Body was easy sweating, while Mongol Uniforms are thick and not comfortable with heavy body armor and helmet. 3. Mongols forces are alcoholic drinker. But they didn't know that Javanese liquor could be mixed with hazardous subtance (oplosan), this kind of liquor are used by Javanese warriors to show their power to survive from poisonous material. It could fatalize common people in the ancient era. However currently the oplosan cases is still occurred and injure/fatalize young people who consume its.
11:39 Look how the Javanese outsmarted the Mongols by their decieving tactic 😆👍🏻... The only people who can defeat Mongols back then. Lesson learned: "use your brain more than your muscle"
Bless the eternal blue sky. Yet it only prove that Mongol force is fair fighter and they keep their word to Raden Wijaya instead of kill his force as well. such a honorable nation
@@newrisingdamned7604 "keep word of raden wijaya", they are going to java not for invade, but ask for tribunal/ *payment* but raden wijaya refuse, ok? Same when they (mongols) went to champa and dai viet (sorry vietnamese)
The khubilai khan's reason for invading Java was not only that his envoy was hurt by the Javanese king, but there was another purpose, namely to control the sea trade controlled by the Javanese kingdom at that time, because it was only the Javanese kingdom at that time, the last to control maritime trade and refused to submit to Yuan Dynasty, Mongol sent troops because his envoy was injured. It was a lie, the yuan wanted to control the sea trade routes in Southeast Asia :)
Well, you are smart ones. Like someone post earlier up there, politics, power, glory and gold was more reasonable reason. To rule more and more area/other kingdom. I believe, although Javanese King don't hurt his ambassador, Kubilai Khan will continue to invade for sure. Or at least to make Singosari/Majapahit under Mongols protectorat ( vassal country/federation/part of Great Mongol Empire)
@@arvinamida3598 Yups u are right, a kingdom is not possible to invade a region without any specific purpose, because at that time/the kingdom of Southeast Asia in the past only the kingdom of Java did not want to submit to the Yuan dynasty, the yuan wanted to take over the sea trade routes held by the Javanese kingdom
This incident where Mongol invaded Java in Java at that time in the work of Singosari. But Mongol failed and lost when he wanted to invade Java because of the tactics of the great Singosari. after this invasion lahirla a large kingdom in the archipelago namely mojopahit. the mojapahit kingdom stretches from Vietnam to the Philippines.
It is very nice to know, I have just learned that Sri Lumay, a Tamil-Malay prince, was the one who established a kingdom which is known today as Cebu, in the Philippines. I also came from this group of islands which is called Visayas and our dialect is know as Visaya/Bisaya.
Malang, kediri, madiun, sibuk perang sendiri, kedatangan bangsa mongol di manfaatkan mojokerto untuk untuk menyerang kediri yang bersekutu dengan madiun, yang akhirnya bangun kerajaan sendiri (Majapahit)
Jaman kerajaan dulu ndak ada ide tentang indonesia, orang di kepulauan nusantara melihat orang dari pulau lain, daerah lain itu seperti orang asing, ide tentang indonesia baru ada setelah akhir akhir masa penjajahan belanda, diresmikan pada sumpah pemuda.
@@mhmdiksan2798 Apa si, Jatim dan Jateng masih sama2 jawa. Peninggalan di Jateng justru lebih megah dgn Mataram kuno/Medang yg bangun Borobudur dan Prambanan, Kompleks benteng dan istana ratu Boko, Dieng dll.
Sejarah tanah Jawa yg mengalahkan negara super power dan sekarang acara tv dikalahkan sama sinetron tentang warisan miris sekali anak2 kita samapai tidak tau perjuangan leluhur Jawa
Damn this is epic, love from ireland 🇮🇪🇮🇩
Heil Kaiser !
All your reich was a complete failure
@@a_l7515 your life is a complete failure
Propa twelve!!!!
Seneng lihat sejarah indonesia.. Meskipun negara kedua saya. Saya sangat cinta indonesia negara mama saya. Love from sweden ❤
Jualan oriflame kagak?
@@fpssportindonesia2499 maksutnya
@@ledwissshclulzstandberg9258 skin care dr sweden yg terkenal itu loh
@@ledwissshclulzstandberg9258 wkkwkk :v
@@ledwissshclulzstandberg9258 sweden?
Beautiful summarization of intersection of those two empires! Great for someone loving Indonesian history and culture who didn't master BI yet
How are you GrandPa FAFAFA
Lmao the scamer helped after all
I really appreciate for the effort of collecting all clips from various movie and make it quite compelling story line. It must be a painstaking job. I love the costume too, it's not over glorified like in today's film/series. I like majapahit very much but i also adore mongol empire and its army, as well as roman empire.
It is from old Indonesian movie
Like tutur tinular
Gua harap Indonesia dapat segera membuat film kolosal tentang kerajaan, dan tokoh tokoh pahlawan di dalamnya dengan teknologi film sekarang
Soon my friend, soon. RISET DAN DANA NYA YANG ...
Perfilman Indonesia masih dikuasi pasar micin, entertainment kelas receh, teknologi pas-pasan, minim riset, miskin nilai, dangkal intelektual, hanya satu dua yang tembus mancanegara.
Kalau saya boleh bilang, film bermutu itu biasanya TIDAK LARIS di pasaran.
Maaf, Ini hanya opini yang pedas dari orang yang masih goblok.
Rasa budaya, dan esensi-nya sudah hancur oleh budaya Arab.
Saya lg mencoba membuat script yg tepat.. Mohon doa restu nya..
Love Indonesia 🇮🇩 from Brazil
Love Brazil 🇧🇷 from Suriname!
Suwun kang
GSW I love Suriname, I think Paramaribo is a beautiful city, I really want to visit one day
Thank you, from Indonesia. 😀
Ouww..thank you💖
I'm filipino. It's good to learn about Indonesian history, and Philippines in the past was part of Srivijaya empire. The Malay race: Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei.
We are brother...
Do not forget South Thailand, Cambodia (Champa)
Ray Andrei Tabique not malay race. but Astronesian
austronesian not malay
al fateh • austronesian is a language family that originated in taiwan
• Malay is a race that originated in the malay archipelago
• malay archipelago is technically indonesia
Hanya Nusantara yg mampu membendung pasukan mengerikan Mongol kala itu ,saya Jawa akan tetap menghargai leluhur kami
Nusantara itu adalah tanah para ksatria dan pendekar yg sngat mnjunjung tinggi tnah klahirannya dan siap mati demi tanah tumpah darahnya...
jadi wajar jika jiwa patriot dan nasionalis itu tertanam shingga tumbuh di jiwa raga para generasi penerus bangsa...
Cinta damai bukan brarti pnakut
Says Cina Malaysia dan di sini juga tanah tumpah darahku.
tetapi semirisnya sekarang di adu domba dgn bau SARA.
Beda ama yg sekarang
But in 2020
Kadiri kediri jayati
Interesting to know about other cultures and history. Greetings from Mexico
Avocados from Mexico 🇲🇽🥑
@@Firgo23222 yeah! Avocados and corn
Greeting from Ecuador 🇪🇨🇮🇩
Hello, from Java Indonesia...
@@hi_scubs what's wrong with you ,bro??
Hola. Soy hondureño. Mira mis mapas de Age of Empires 2 como el mundial que incluye Ecuador (los Andes mejor dicho).
I love the fact that Nusantara soldiers across 3 kingdom, Kadiri, Singasari and Majapahit always fighting bareback topless... Spartaann!!!
I believe toplessness was an ancient Austronesian tradition. However, historical records shows that Nusantaran warriors also wear armors from treebarks, leather, chainmail, scales, metal breastplate, to even crocodile skin. Although these are probably exempted from the peasant conscripts
@@coconutmuncher fr there's almost no historical depiction imagery within these particular era
The best costume for tropic and jungle land
its too hot when wearing full armored suits in a tropical island
Ketika lawannya memakai baju besi ,penutup muka dn kepala dg helm bajadn pedang panjang, prajurit2 jawa telanjang dada dan bersenjata keris yg pendek.yang tidak bisa menebas dan memotong hanya bisa menusuk..nyalinya gak kaleng2
Aku cinta sejarah Indonesia ! My love from Argentina, but I am in Jakarta for some days now.
Muchas Gracias Amigo
@@riomellvile135 de nada amigo :) kamu bisa bahasa spanyol? sedikit?
Si 😀
@@riomellvile135 oh, bueno espero que podamos ser amigos. Encuentrame en las redes sociales
@@sebastiansterzer4031 hello my friend in facebook 😁
Wow. Thank you for sharing this. I never thought that the Mongols reached South East Asia.
Love and respect from the Philippines.
Nice video, not only show the Mongol invasion but also the reason behind why they invade java
They invaded not only for conquer and rule the World but also for WEALTH and looting....
He want business man from china tax-free. Wants daughter king to harem.
@@goodwill1203 still better than their ancestor tough, i've heard that the Huns are invading other empire just to raze it not for conquest
Because Java wan't controlled or bowed by Mongol & Java land is fertile land bro. And in Indonesia speciali Java Island have "debus" at they troops. And Indonesia specialist Java island at last time is Knigts Colection bro.
@@alapalaplapar6399 your english kinda confusing but i get the point of what are you trying to say,other than that, the mongols simply suck at sea battle and only superior when they mounted on horse
The real reason why the Mongols got defeated in several battles usually when they started to realized that their cavalry maneuver which was often relied on vast steppes and plains just doesn't exist.
Yes,they bad at hand to hand foot combat
Ya karena kalo liat doktrin tempur mongol mereka megandalkan pasukan Kavaleri dgn Kuda cepat mengapa mereka bisa cepat menyapu asia tengah, arab dan eropa timur karena bentang alamnya hampir sama tapi ketika sampai di Nusantara kehebatan kuda2 mongol tidak berguna
@@ryanmunggaran4430 that's not true mongols were strong in hand to hand combat They mostly send troops around 10-60k
@@jasperbudiono295 thick rain forest doesn't suit Mongol forces
Mongol forget that mostly part of SEA was rainforest, their legendary horses archery didn't work at this kind of area. And they were never backstabbing before this invasion. Their invasion of Java give them lessons for not to believe anyone
Great Indo! From Vietnam!
Indonesian farmer hat like viet farmer hat
King of Savana VS King of Jungle.
Indonesia bro not indo
1300s animated
China: pushes back mongolia in china to mongolia
Timurids/Persia: Pushes back mongol from uzbekistan
im indonesian
I like Indonesian, I'm Thai From Thailand.
Yes, many Thailand Temple have similarity with ancient Temple in Indonesia
Matur nuwun kang
if mataram empire got leaders lile thai kingdom, it would have survive 2 world war, sadly internal turmoil diminished our once great empire
Both thai and java has a similar history and culture. ไหว้ผู้ใหญ่ 🙏
Unbelievable historical I am so great full to watch... hopefully the Indonesian film making could continually to make this great our LELUHUR NENEK MOYANG... ❤️🇮🇩
Mongolian:We use Rhino skin and Iron scale armor
Javanesse:Did you see my mbah Maung
Mongol loses
Grrrrrrr rawrrr
Maung itu kerajaan Sunda beda lagi sama Jawa
@John Xiong false fact
@John Xiong pfft after mongol flee from java, monggol still trying attack Majapahit with naval flee but they lose
bangganya aku menjadi bagian dari nusantara..... semoga anak cucu kita masih bisa mengenali jatidiri kita yg luhur
Nit if we get conquered by china. Tondo in the Philippines was an ally of medang/ kediri since 900ce. May our people once more strive for unity against foreign invaders.
@@markv1974 apakah benar , kerajaan tondo berdiplomasi dengan kerajaan medang ? Di catatan apa referensinya ? Salam dari indonesia 🙏
@@edithgaming2517 see laguna copperplate inscription 900 ad
Greetings to the indonesian brothers from Philippines
Salamat po
Hheeyyyy both of our country is keris user ey👊🏻
We were one, bro.
@@ditza7643 sttt, bocil belajar dulu
Mixing film pendek yg bagus menceritakan rentetan sejarah dari mongol campa melayu sriwijaya, ujung galuh, kadiri, dan majapahit, salut creato editor vidio yg mengerti sejarah semoga bermanfa'at untuk gen milinea
The Mongols were very powerful in the dessert and dry mountain. They were very weak in the sea. In Nusantara not only Javanese and Sumateran but the Bugis people from Sulawesi were also the master of the ocean.
Bugis itu tinggalnya di dataran tinggi wkwkwk,makassar di pesisir.. ia kali ada laut di dalam pulau.
@@oo4320 😂
@@oo4320 lawak nih orang..
Mongol forces were weak in rain forest. They were steppe people
@@sweetgorilla922 kenapa tak nak terima fakta
Damn this is the best war epic of our history. Thanks for sharing this clips from previous movies. It was recorded that 3 Datus from Borneo bought our island Panay from the Aetas to avoid the wars and bad Datus from the South (Borneo). We are the descendants of Datu Paiburong, Datu Sumakwel, Datu Makatunaw. Datu Puti went more up north in Manila, Cavite etc. This is factual history that opened our eyes in the Philippines because majority of our kingdoms where also slaughtered and abolished by the Spaniards. Wish we could all trace our ancestry in the south. Iloilo City is now an open city. We are the descendants of Datu Paiburong.
Spanyol pernah di bantai beberapa abad sesudah peperangan Mongol di Jawa.
Spanyol dipermalukan oleh Sumatra di kota Medan
Setelah invasi mongol ke jawa seperti membuka mata orang jawa bahwa teknologi merupakan hal yg sangat penting dan merekapun mengembankan teknologi meriam yg disebut cetbang, dan jadilah great empire majapahit
Cetbang dan senjata api lainnya hasil alih teknologi dri mongol... Tdk semua tentara mongol bisa balik, sebagian melakukan pembelotan dan sebagian ditawan. Mereka ini kemudian membuka rahasia pembuatan senjata api ke majapahit
Cetbang juga dari prajurit mongol yg mengabdikan ke majapahit
@@tonnymulya6876 betul
Majakehed maksudna? Majapahit kehed modol!
@@emailbuatakunfake2302 somay nya atu bang.
tidak bisakah kita berkaca pada masa lalu?
Bagaimana kejayaan diraih?
Teknologi, kebudayaan, ilmu pengetahuan dan semangat patriot yang lebih tinggi daripada bangsa lain.
Itulah yang membuat Majapahit Superior pada masa nya, ayo perbaiki mindset dan perbanyak skill, kemajuan bangsa disusun dari setiap individu kecil.
Buat kebanggaan bangsa tak hanya berkutat pada kejayaan masa lampau, Indonesia bisa berjaya lagi, mulai dari setiap individu nya.
Tai kucing . Prettttttt
para kadrun diusir/genosida dulu
Kita tidak butuh rasisme
@@matakucing9743 kita butuh cash keras
@@burjoningting501 sensi amat ma jawa lu tong iri ap gmn kenyataan nya emang gtu msh ga mau ngakuin
That Marco Polo series is awesome, Benedict Wong (of Dr Strange) is superbly playing the Kublai Khan role. Kudos for including it in this compilation.
Netflix? Na! Mostly propaganda and twisted stories for entertainment purposes
@@vc400 yeah perhaps. But it still is an awesome series, like the Rome series on HBO.
@@lacsarlacsar3566 True, wish they continued the Marco Polo series -- they left it at a cliffhanger
Indonesia is no. 1 of AEC from Thailand
What is AEC?
@@MrAmir-im6kz is it sarcasm?? Isn't Singapore the no 1??
@@user-jo5dl9le6b well...the largest economy is Indonesia. With the GDP exceeding 1 trillion USD. We are the largest BUT we are not the wealthiest
Even the gdp is big but .... the goverment... is ... kinda koo koo (I’m Indonesian soo I’m kinda lowed to say that???) My country is... idk evolving but confused....?
꧁ꦲꦂꦥꦶ ꦕꦃꦪ꧂ yea I think Singapore is the number 1
Keren Indonesia dulu,walaupun saya orang Malaysia tapi saya juga punya darah Indonesia🇲🇾🇮🇩
@@alisabetkhoironisyabana5579 ko jangan ingat melayu sriwijaya di sumatera dan semenanjung xpernah jajah jawa,,ade kene jajah dulu
@@alisabetkhoironisyabana5579 jangan asal ngomong dek😂 majapahit mana pernah jajah malaysia
@@dekar7321 ko kt malaysia tgl negeri mane?
@@ziadelsissy3088 pahang mat, kau negari mane?
@@dekar7321 pahang ok,sbb xbyk jawa,same la mcm ak negeri sembilan xde jawa,,nasib xde raja berdarah jawa di malaysia
yaa ini sejarah bangsa kita ,bukan nya kraton sejagat atau pun sunda empire ,tv indonesia butuh serial seperti ini biar semua paham akan sejarah masa lampau yg menakjubkan ini
Sunda empire 😅😅😅
Jaman Majapahit mah masih terhitung muda bro, Sunda Empire itu lebih kuno, jaman Toba meletup, jaman Noah harus naik kapal karena Banjir Besar.
Respect to the cameraman that travels back in time just to record this historical moment for us
Lmao 😂
Intinya, Mongol yang saat itu menjadisuper power, tidak mampu melawan negara kepulauan. Karena mobilisasi darat tidak optimal.
Ya singkatnya seperti itu, mampu menundukkan daerah yg jauh dan luas hingga ke Rusia, namun gagal menguasai Jepang yg terpisahkan selat dan Jawa yg terpisahkan lautan
Mongol bukan bangsa maritim...
Ditambah strategi ampuh arya wiraraja...
Gw waktu dulu pertama baca buku sejarah ngerasa heran, Mongol ( Dinasti Yuan) saat itu dibawah Kubilai Khan bener2 super power lah, kekuasaannya jauh sampe Rusia, Hungaria bahkan Timur Tengah, menaklukkan Baghdad. Begitu mendarat di Jawa kok bisa digebukin dihajar begitu saja. Diusir dengan kekalahan memalukan. Gw baca2 lagi, ternyata ketika ekpedisi menaklukkan Jepang juga gagal. Dari berbagai artikel yg gw baca belakangan, faktor utama bukan karena gak bisa perang laut. Mereka punya armada kapal besar loh ( tapi memang harus diakui, walau punya armada besar, Mongol bukan ahlinya perang lautan). Pas dikalahkan Raden Wijaya kan juga pertempuran darat. Beberapa tulisan yg gw baca bahwa ke-superpower-an Mongol gak berguna di medan pulau Jawa. Gini, Mongol terkenal dengan pasukan berkuda yang tangguh. Dan punya pasukan pemanah. Sangat efektif di medan yg luas dan terbuka lebar. Mobilitas tinggi dan mematikan.
Sedangkan medan Jawa hutan tropis nan lebat, kelembaban tinggi, panas. Sungai, lumpur rawa. Di medan seperti itu pasukan berkuda tidak efektif. Baju zirah yg berat malah menyusahkan bergerak di hutan lebat. Memang saat pertama bertempur bisa menang lawan musuhnya, pasukan Mongol jumlahnya besar dan berpengalaman perang. Tambah lagi dibantu Raden Wijaya juga.
Setelah Raden Wijaya tahu kelemahan Mongol ya tinggal dilibas saja pasukan Mongol yg kelelahan.
@@arvinamida3598 itu karna kapal2 mongol dihantam sunami jepang masbro
Mereka payah dlm peperangan di laut maupun di garis pantai yg sempit, pasalnya mereka tidak pandai dalam sistem kemaritiman
*love from Bangladesh to all*
the detail in this film is great, you can see the Majapahit using a tradisional martial art too
Ternyata Indonesia adalah bangsa pejuang... Tidak heran sulit ditaklukan 👊
as a Mongolian I respect all countries that fight against mongol invasion and shamed most of mongolians don’t know about mongol invasion of java, indochina, india and battle of ain jalut most of them think one time mongol defeat was failed japan invasion
Respect too for you from me, as Javanese person 👍
Sain uu!
We lost the history of the battle between Mongolian against Java empire too, and only had explanation not much--not even a page in our history book.. i'm interested with Mongolian and want to know further about the story..
i believe that Mongolian survivors in that war had been mixed with local tribes here, but not much information about that subject..
don't be ashamed brother, mongol was a fearless army, even they fought againts samurai and europe knight
@@imbaroud5273 i think what he meant is "he feel ashamed that Mongolian lost the story about the invasion of Java, India etc" not doubting Mongolian fighting spirit..
and i think it's just lucky that we, Vietnam and Japan won against Mongoli.. because if the weather/terrain wasn't the main factor.. we and Japan sure would lose to Mongol
@@holehearted3723The Mongols failed to invade Java because of the tactics of Raden Wijaya, the founder of the Majapahit Empire, who pretended to be submissive, then the Mongol soldiers were invited to get drunk, then massacred.
Mongol menyerang, muncullah kerajaan baru bernama Majapahit. Belanda menyerang, muncullah negara baru bernama Indonesia. Jayalah Negeriku!
Oh wow, I never knew thats how it happened. Interesting. Thx for sharin. I hope to visit your country soon. Heard the beaches are heavenly and scenery
Kapitalis menyerang munculah Nusantara
@@현우-h6p bro majapahit ain't no new
Kerajaan islam yg paling lemah, dijajah sampai 350 thn lebih. Tp bisa diambil hikmahnya krn wkt itu masing2 kerajaan tdk ada jiwa bersatu,byk pengkhianat, krn disuap dan jadi kacung Belanda. Berjuang hny atas nama kerajaan.
Love java peopl from khmer empire កម្ពុជា☀️
Khmer empire was uesless.😁
@@อากาศแจ่มใส-พ8ฅ dih rasisme
Bro bro jangan suka merendahkan orang dri negara lain kah bro gak baik kesannya sebagai orang Indonesia yg penuh sopan santun..!!
@@silidfc28blm tentu dia org indonesia,,
@@อากาศแจ่มใส-พ8ฅUseless ones were you people: Barbarians turned civilized, but became so arrogant and forgetting your true roots.
Then vs Now
Kadiri = Kediri
Singhasari = Malang
Majapahit = Mojokerto
Ujung Galuh = Surabaya
Jenggala =sidoarjo
Siliwangi = Sunda
Sriwijaya= Palembang
Nice movie, Mongol were brave, it was difficult battle from their home,well directed & well executed,love from India.
And mongol defeat from Indonesia 🤣🤣🤣
It was really hard for the Mongol cavalry to fight in India and South Asian countries. Cause they couldn’t handle really hot weather over there Almost every soldier had Heatstroke-Sunstroke right away and that illness made them to die.
This was main reason even Mongol army could reach that far but the success was not that good... Thank you!
This is our history and history of our ancestors ..
They didn’t expect the Heat Wave..
Peace ..
Sain uu!
from what i know.. the main reason why Mongol lose the battle in SEA.. was because the muddy terrain caused Mongol's troop can't survive in our Jungle territory, Mongol's horse didn't work properly too in our terrain..
Mongolian live in the most harsh weather in the world, our temperature not as hot as ur summer, and also Mongolian able to survive in cold winter... so our weather is just nothing for the Mongolian, i believe..
but when i was in highschool, there was a little bit story of Mongolian in our history book..
it was said that, one of the prince had been lost battle and his empire has been taken by his enemy; so the price came to Mongol and asking for the help and offered treasure as a reward..
after that, Mongol came and won the battle.. but afterward the prince betrayed the Mongolian and kill them..
but i believe there were some survivors left, and mixed with the local tribes here.. since sometimes our people would look like Mongolian too, even not many to find..
Bayarlalaa! Bayartai!
It's Indonesia(Majapahit Empire, Kediri Kingdom, Singosari, Melayu Kingdom and Sriwijaya), and it's South East Asia
They couldn't handle heat and humidity. They could only handle dry heat
Ini bukan sejarah india atau asia Selatan lainnya, ini sejarah khusus bangsa Indonesia dan Asia Tenggara lainnya. Jadi jangan disamakan dengan bangsa tamil kalian. Pahami mana bangsa Jawa dan melayu dan bangsa bangsa asia Tenggara lainnya. FYI komenan saya bisa kalian translet automatis dengan youtube disini, so ya jangan kalian menghindar untuk penjelasan dari saya yang sejalas jelasnya.
saat jawa sudah mayoritas islam jawa mengalami kemunduran luar biasa dan itu memudahkan VOC dan belanda menjajah jawa
Greetings.. I am from India i am amaze to see names of the Java king are kinda similar to ancient Indian kings.... I need to learn more on Indonesian history, it sounds interesting.
Yes, they were Hindus.
Not only kings. In the present days of Indonesia, it's quite common people have Sanskrit names (even if they are Muslim or Christian). Like Dewi, Arya, Aditya, Putri.
So does my mom's first name.
fyi : javanese languange and indonesian languange have many loan word from sanskrit, like the word "guru" that has meaning teacher
wel indonesia is india maritime essentially
Even, sultan in java (Demak sultanate) used name from sanskrit via javanese like Trenggana.
raden wijaya is very smart, first he allies with Mongol to fight his enemy, then after his enemy has lost, he attacks Mongol.
Not smart he's sly 😂
@@havissaputra6378 no
@@havissaputra6378 DIAM ANDA...!
Yes. He is a politician master. Mongol Could conquer world but not Indonesia. No wonder Majapahit become bigger in south east asia.
Smart? He's more like a backstabber to me....
Good job Nusantara people! Many kingdoms in SEA had been threatened by the Mongols, including Nanzhao (Yunnan), Bagan (Burma) and Sukhothai (Siam). Sukhothai kingdom discovered a diplomatic way to avoid conflict with the Yuans: Sukhothai paid tribute to Yuan once a year just to satisfy them, but practically they didn’t rule Sukhothai due to long distance. Yuan sent merchants and passed technology to Sukhothai and protected Sukhothai from foreign pirates. That is how Siam survived from the Mongols without war.
thai leaders just so smart and great diplomats
Fyi , Those pirates is Java itself, hahaha
Tar tar bisa menaklukan asia selatan & asia barat tapi takluk sama prajuritnya raden wijaya kerajaan mojopahit,nenek moyang kita dulu sangat tangguh mulai sriwijaya,kahuripan,doho kediri,singhasari,majapahit,bali,pajajaran,demak bintoro,pajang,mataram ,bukti nyata nusantara dulu sangat tangguh..smoga indonesia tambah jaya & damai amin....
Tapi sayang...hancur karena perang dengan saudara sendiri....perebutan kekuasaan....sampe sekarang...
tapi demaklah yg bikin nusantara dijajah apa prestasi demak prestasinya cuma mengkhianati bapaknya sendiri prabu brawijaya
@@brownpeter1685 ngawur kebangetan,
Ketika malaka jatuh ketangan Portugis Demak ikut mengirim pasukan untuk membebaskan
Makanya kalau sekolah masuk jangan cuma sampe gerbang doang
@@brownpeter1685 🥺😭
@@izuki5152 semenjak demak berkuasa orang jawa lupa sama jawanya buktinya setelah demak berkuasa banyak penjajah asing ygg menjajah nusantara sejak jaman demaklah orang nusantara mudah bngt diadu domba karna beda kepercayaan di jamab majapahit semua hidup rukun gak terkotak kotak kayak jaman demak demak memerintah gak ada 30 taun api efeknya sampai sekarang orang jawa banyak melupakan jawanya
The king of Majapahit was very genius in using attack tactics. Efficiency of time, cost and troops
Arya wirarja juga pinter
Siasat orang indonesia memang tiada lawan hehe, gak heran pada pinter korupsi sekarang
@@kisemar2500dia king makernya, penasehat r.wijaya
all indonesian comment here put mongol and chinese as same, they are not.
What's the difference? Both invade everything that's not theirs to begin with.
Not all indonesian.
But most indonesian is haters.
Saying Mongols are chinese is just like saying myanmar is Indonesia
MatsunagaST we know they are not same but Mongol Yuan empire was incoporating mongols and chinese
@Troll77 Neptune You fool ... Papua is in the map of Indonesia because the Indonesian state is the result of the Dutch colonial map, if they think Indonesia stole Papua. why are they blocking when the Malay Peninsula and Singapore to become one in the great Malay state ? even the Philippines and southern Thailand are still Malay lands
Sumpah demi tuhan indonesia butuh film" seperti ini lagi
Yap. Yg kostum sama alur ceritanya gk ngawur...
Ben gak kakean sinetron
Asal jangan Indosiar aja yg bikin, takutnya ada yg berubah jadi naga, capung atau sejenisnya, kan gk nyambung
@@misterx3770 apalagi ntar kena azab stlh membunuh banyak orang 😭
Wkwk 😅🤣🤣 njir film gak mutu
a very good mixed video that tells about history. thumbs up.
Kami memang minoritas, tapi sebagai anak bangsa kami bangga dgn sejarah yang ada.. Saran yang membangun untuk pihak2 yang membuat film, semoga bs membuat film dalam versi baru dan tampilkan kenyatan dgn adanya jgn terikat isu sara dan lain2,dan kita semua bisa hidup berdampingan dgn kebhinekaan yang ada...
Mari kembalikan kejayaan nusantara...
Kamu etnis apa?
@@muhdhusni9227 jawa asli dan ajaran asli jawa memang minoritas selalu ditindas sama agama asing yg menjajah
@@brownpeter1685 nanya bang, ras sunda & agama sunda wiwitan itu asli apa pendatang ya? kok ada di Jawa?
@@brownpeter1685 lu bilang apa sok dijajah perasaan disini rukun2 aja
@@brownpeter1685 bacot
In the Third invasion of Vietnam by Mongol, Battle of Bach Dang river is not an ambush. Mongol fleet retreat to the sea via Bach Dang river after was circle by overwhelm Vietnamese forces for many months. but was stop by Dai Viet heavy ships which blocks all the escape routes with the ratio 3:1 for Dai Viet : Mongol, the battle prolong from the dawn to dusk with the victory of Dai Viet fleet.With the destruction of Mongol biggest fleet, the third invasion of Japan was stopped and Mongol lost most veteran naval soldiers.
In the Second invasion of Vietnam by Mongol, the Vietnamese was not use guerilla warfare, but total warfare, which the total-counter-offensive happen only 1,5 months after the defeat of Van Kiep with a huge army around 300.000~400.000 soldiers who gather from across of the realm and the main epic battlefields on Hong River Plain. Also, Sogetu's fleet was not annihilated by Cham, just merely delay him, his fleet come to Dai Viet just to know Toghan's army was defeat by Dai Viet and already routed, and Sogetu's was defeat in Ham Tu Gate but was killed by Vietnaemse while he was escaping on land. His fleet was annihilated by Vietnamese, not Cham.
Lol the third invasion Yuan forces only numbered 115.000 men and several thousand sailors. The second invasion was likely 60.000-90.000 men. See Phu Vo's Chiinggisid invasions of Southeast Asia analytics.
When the singashari-majapahit was invaded, they wer just going through several coup and civil wars, they were in the lowest state in terms of military strenght and despite that, they came out victorius. Different conditions and factors compared to when Daiviet was pretty much united and was on pretty good in condition militarily than the indonesian one
Take a look how great Majapahit army...no armor no shield...never use boot or sandal...BUT THEY DEAFEAT THE GREAT EMPIRE OF MONGOL...
sandals and batik too OP
must be banned
punya ilmu kebal mas bro.. 😁
@Fox in a cage . kali?
- Lack of good terrain for horsemanship.
- Overstretched supply line.
- Troops are mostly Chinese which may not be accustomed to the tropical climate in Java. So they are prone to diseases.
- Betrayed by their only ally in the region, while combating the enemy of said ally.
- And finally did guerilla warfare against the already exhausted Mongols army..
Majapait penjajah barbar persis mongol
These videos are great! Where do you get the images from?
this is film produce in 1998
Search indonesia colosal movie saur sepuh, tutur tinular
one of my favorites movie ever 😁😁😁👍
From many indonesia oldtime drama series, such as; Tutur Tinular, Saur Sepuh, Fatahilah..
also extracted from Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa movie
Mongolian horses are known to be able to adapt to hot temperatures in SEA countries. But I think its the jungles that took the Mongolians down. I'm from Malaysia and I love to hike especially to beautiful Indonesia its wild!... and after seeing this video... I cannot imagine a large horse moving about in these thick jungles, no way, let alone an army of them. The chaos from these Indonesia guerilla tactics will be brutal because of the thick undergrowth its so easy to hide. Majapahit knew this and use it to maximum advantage at that night raid.
Now you know
But why some of your peoples are deny about Majapahit or others Javanese kingdom history in peninsula ?
The war between Yuan Mongol vs majapahit (Javanese) not only in 1295
1260 pre Majapahit kingdom (Singosari) also have war in sumatera and peninsula against sukothai vassal Yuan Mongol.
Its continues 1296 - 1366
Until Yuan Mongol defeat by Ming.
1368 - 1400 we call neighboor country as mitreka satata.
(Syamka ayutthia, singanagari, annam, Cham, Cambodia, marutma Myanmar)
Mitreka satata is Asean in 14th centuries
1405 war again
Majapahit have war against Ming in 1405.
It cause some of Majapahit sovereign in peninsula, sumatera, Kalimantan , south Philippines sided and asking protection to Ming.
Malaka Patani Pasai Brunei Sulu kings come to Ming court without Majapahit permission.
@@dore3faso6sido My people? I have no idea who. All I know is some royalty from Majapahit escaped Java, killed a king in Singapore, and then escaped and came to Melacca to establish a new kingdom, according to our history books. Is there any missing information im not sure. I'm not a history expert, just an history enthusiast, and I am not well studied in the history of Yuan Mongol invading Majapahit even though I know about it. But thank you for sharing the information.
Secara fakta juga tak bisa di bantah saat kerajaan Demak dan kerajaan Jepara ratu Kalinyamat mengirimkan Armada ke semenanjung untuk menghalau Portugis..
Logika saja semenanjung ada dibawah pengaruh kerajaan di Jawa..
Apakah sekedar teman akan mengirim armada perang..? Pasti tidak..
Jalur perdagangan selat Malaka dan kerajaan di semenanjung pasti adalah kerajaan yang berada dalam kekuasaan kerajaan di Jawa.. Atau bagian dari Jawa..!
Salam damai..
Sangat suka dengan film Saur Sepuh, meskipun ada pendekar tapi adegan perang besarnya masuk akal sekali. Juga bendera Getah Getih (Merah Putih) juga dimasukkan, kalau ada sineas Indonesia mau bikin film kolosal sejarah harus mengedepankan riset sejarah dan arkeologi. Jangan kejar cepat selesai dan populer begitu saja. Bisa pisahkan dengan baik dan apik mana yang sejarah mana yang mitos. Sudah cukup saya lihat adegan pendekar terbang pake tali, selalu kepikiran gimana duel pendekar nusantara seperti duel-duel film Samurai besutan Akira Kurosawa. Duel silat seperti di The Raid 1 dan 2 udah bisa bikin orang mancanegara kagum dan takjub!
Tutur tinular
I like it..this cinematography good job ..salam from Indonesia ..
Kekaisaran paling kuat di dunia pada masa itu Mongolia..tapi mendapat musuh yg terkuat di bumi timur tenggara .. kekaisaran Mongolia tidak bisa menaklukkan kerajaan Majapahit di Jawa ( Indonesia )
The entirety of this story were just like some certain anime : everybody got stabbed from the back by those who they believed
Tate no yuusha?
More like Sengoku Jidai, ofcourse i mean it's drama not anime
Very Nice Video. All should of watch & appreciate. Thank You.
0:11 when the javan elephants still exist
They are extinct now 😭
Yeah, some people from the past using animal as Sacrifice...they believe ,before build a Bridge or Dam they must Sacrifice the heads of elephant or some other animals,,so the djinn in that area approve what they build...and till this day that tradition still exist in some region in Java...so stupid AF
Kabar baru gajah jawa ditemukan di hutan kalimantan.
@@derrykurniawan7868 Kalimantan yg mana? Barat? Tengah? Ato Selatan?
@@diazkohen2149 Kalimantan tenggara noh, banyak gajah
@@diazkohen2149 kalimantan utara hingga sabah, nama lain gajah pygmy
Saya ingin film kerajaan di Indonesia seperti ini di buatkan film lagi dengan kualitas yg lebih bagus
Im Indonesian, and Im lack with my own history. Forgive me my ancestors....Srivijaya Empire and then Singhasari, and then Majapahit, Demak.... Dutch East Indies, and now Indonesia. I wish I can learn them all.
You can learn them in school. Junior high school - senior high school.
And read more literature or articles on Internet
You are forgiven bro. Now you just have to enhance your literation by going to either private library or state-owned ones
Don't forget Indonesia have hundreds small kingdom
@BRO OMEN Trs knp kl dia ngomong bahasa inggris
@BRO OMEN iri bos? Kagak bisa ya? Haha
Greetings from the Singhasari Kingdom, 10 minutes from Songgoriti Temple, 3 minutes from Pendem Temple, 2 minutes from the place of origin of the Sangguran / Minto Stone inscription, to be precise, Batu City, East Java. salam nusantara Bhinneka Tunggal Ika 🇲🇨🇲🇨
Super, lihat film ini, jadi semangat..,
Aku ingin sekali film ini di angkat ke TV.supaya generasi sekarang dn seterusnya tau dn fham sejarah bangsa kita indonesia👍❤🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩
Majapahit melahirkan Indonesia saat ini.. Darah pejuang memang sudah ada dari zaman kerajaaan dahulu
Tapi sebelum Majapahit ada Juga Sriwijaya Empire yang membuat Peradaban dan Kuasa di Regional asia tenggara, keduanya Adalah Indonesian Empire yg memiliki Jasa bagi Indonesia modern
Salam dari brebes (jawa tengah)❤ ...dibrebes juga ada kerajaan galuh purba😊dan d tempat q juga disebut tanah kebuyutan😊 ...
Ohh iya admin kontenya bagus ❤...
Kontene apik 😅
what you see in java in ancient time
You can see the rest of its civilization in Bali
Arsitektur, culture and religion 🙏
yep, bali is the last remnants of majapahit empire that exodus during the rising of islamic kingdoms in java
@@zafarsharif993 ya,tepatnya bukan indonesia,tapi hindunesia....
Yeah..too bad now java become arab wannabe...onta arab..😅😅
@@Jim_Colbert biasa kerana agama..sekarang juga rame yang jadi hamba ingggris..sama budayanya inggris belanda..bahkan bahasa indonesia juga ada serapan belanda ..jadi mau bilang kamu sok2 an mau jd belanda?
@@alifpengembarabuana2202 jaman kejayaan orang jawa itu ada di jaman hindu-buddha...jaman islam jawa itu makin mundur..
Orang jawa kuno mengajarkan agama itu nggak penting karena pada dasarnya tuhan yg kita sembah adalah sama... .agama2 terbentuk karena budaya yg berbeda..
Apakah budaya arab cocok buat orang jawa ? Kebanyakan tidak..apakah budaya barat cocok buat orang jawa.? Baniyak juga nggak...tapi kita ambil nilai2 yg cocok buat orang jawa..
Agama diciptakan untuk mrngontrol manusia...tujuan utama tetaplah kekuasaan..
Kamu orang melayu yg dari dulu memang tidak punya jati diri..budaya sendiri juga nggak jelas..
Bahkan nama kalian juga wujud dari kehilangan jati diri..
Orang jawa boeh jadi islam..tapi tidak perlu jadi arab..
Orang jawa punya jati diri sendiri..hanya orang inferior yg perlu memakai nama bangsa lain untuk jati dirinya..
Orang cina..japan..korea..tidak kehilangan jati diri mereka..karena mereka tidak merasa inferior..
Mereka mungkin mererima budaya barat dirasa lebih pragmatis dalam kehidupan...tapi mereka tidak membuang bahasa..nama..tulisan..budaya mereka...karena mereka adalah bangsa yg punya jatidiri..
The three generals, demoralized by the considerable loss of their elite soldiers due to the ambush, went back to their empire with the surviving soldiers. Upon their arrival, Shi-bi was condemned to receive 70 lashes and have a third of his property confiscated for allowing the catastrophe. Ike Mese also was reprimanded and a third of his property taken away. But Gaoxing was awarded 50 taels of gold for protecting the soldiers from a total disaster. Later, Shi-bi and Ike Mese were shown mercy, and the emperor restored their reputation and property.[14]
This failure was the last expedition in Kublai Khan's reign. Majapahit, in contrast, became the most powerful state of its era in the region.[15] Kublai Khan planned another invasion of Java with 100,000 men strong army, but this plan was cancelled after his death.[2] Travellers passing the region, such as Ibn Battuta and Odoric of Pordenone, however noted that Java had been attacked by the Mongols several times, always ending in failure.[16][17] Gunung Butak inscription from 1294 mentions Aria Adikara intercepting a further Mongol invasion and successfully defeating it before landing in Java.[13]
Im not military expert or historian, but imho, the expedition take a long journey to Java Island. It cause tired n exhausted of their troops. So when they landed on Java, they not in prime condition. Although yeah, the huge number was quality itself
@@arvinamida3598 ngomong opo se cak
@@wongjowowetan2779 ngomong gawe boso Londo cak heuheuheu
@Dodadeus you are right, thanks
@Calvin Dutch colonization only begin after 1800 AD, after Napoleonic wars.
as javanese i am so proud of our past greatness, we defeated foreign power several times ❤️😍
@Fight Fly Crow you can make modern comparison to the Dutch, they are using modern weapons for war, while Indonesian mainly uses bamboo as their weapon, before they are able to use weapons taken from the Dutch troops, but its far from defeated..
I thought, its happen caused by topography, number of people, and some mysterious mystical power which few Indonesian has during Dutch colonialism.. for example, many times our grand fathers told us, some fighter can not be shoot. you can proof it in modern days by watching modern Indonesian army that can not be hurt by any kind of knife, God gave some of them immunity to sharp objects or high velocity objects. That is why it took 350 years for the Dutch and never succeeded. I was think, that is also happen during war with mongols.
Fight Fly Crow except that kind of power 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈
@@jatimyw as indonesian, im not really sure about mysticaly power coz i never see that really. May few, but not impact within they condition still poor
Even mostly claim they can do mystic, mostly just say bullsh*t
@@anggaxx2851 You have said that "mostly just say bullshit", means word of "mostly" doesn't mean all of them, or not applied to all subjects. agreed? so.. you already answered your own question.. :)
note that @Fight Fly deleting his first comment, so its irrelevant now.
me: leave the chat.
The greatest video ever uploaded
Love Indonesia from Pakistan
Allah Hu Akbar ♥️♥️🌹♥️
insha'Allah we will establish Khilafah when Al Mahdi will appear
Well i don't know but youre become antichrist and kill so many people in the end of the world, peace brother
and remember the teachings of the (Khilafa?) that will make you annihilate on this earth
Remember that my friend, don't follow you teaching like zak'ir naik
Insya Allah, di akhir zaman nanti.
Sekarang belum waktunya.
mmg bangsa Indonesia pejuang2 hebat ..dari dulu sampai sekarang.....dari Aceh sampai ke ke timur....itu makanya negara besar ragu berhadapan sama kita....hidup Indonesia.......
Well it has been two years since the supposedly prophecied rise of Majapahit and.. nothing. History is history I guess! So proud of my ancestor nonetheless. Thank you so much for this awesome tribute!
Is this refers to Sabda palon naya genggong?
@@arvinamida3598 yup
@@TheGodTell okay, i dunno how to write this properly. Back in 2015-2016 i worked in Surabaya. And once a week goes to my home town in Nganjuk. So by bus i passed Trowulan ( Mojokerto). One time i saw in left side of the road, ( im from Surabaya to Nganjuk). I saw what so called "rumah Majapahit". A house, build by red bricstone. With little "Majapahit Gapura style" in front of them. I think it was just random house, that modified by owner like that. But im wrong.. i saw so many house like that. Absolutely not one or two random house. Maybe 2 or 3 km with Majapahit style house. Standing in left side of the road.
Im curious and searching some article the day after.
What was i get is : that house modified by local government. In order to raise awareness of history, aesthetic aspek and tourism. Yes, local government help the house owner on purpose, a government project. So maybe its sound ridiculous and hyperbola. But i thought that was an interpretation of "rise of Majapahit". Rise of awareness to history, culture, and geopolitical impact of Majapahit. And rise physically by building "Majapahit style house" .
Yeah, maybe they just modified front part of house. 😂
aoe2 first majapahit campaign is fight kederi and mongols
Yogya and Solo Kraton miss the opportunity to unified kingdom by marriage, it will nullified Giyanti treaty, and Hamengkubuwono doesnt have male heir apparent right now
I was wondering why I had Pacific Island showing up on my DNA. I traced it for years and found out that my Grandmother was Meskheitian Turks (born in Cyprus). The only way to have Pacific Island was thru the Mongols Empire. I did allot of research and it lead me to Java. I would never ever knew this if I never did a DNA test.
that's so far, ain't you're Indonesian?
So do I, I'm a Javanese and my father ancestors are also Tatars-Turks coming all the way from Central Asia, down to the Persians, and go south to Nusantara for trade. Anyway, the one that make me a bit different is that our physical features, that my family physical features, doesn't like 100% Javanese.. it's like mixed between Javanese/Malay-Tatars-Turks-Persian-North Indian.. It's crazy, isn't it? I mean how come it's possible. Thousands of miles of seas you know 🤔
I am really courius now how to trace a DNA?
Mongolian : U should pay tax for our kingdom
Kertanegara : sreng...( Cut their ear)
Mongolian : 🤐🤐🤐
Make them shock. And send good army.
Then Mongolian loss with shame by smart cheater Java.
Not cheater but clever.....👍
@@Anasaera in the war there is no cheater
@@farichalmuafi2622 yes but strategy. All kingdom use that. Read SunZu 36 way.. Mongolian king read that and use gun powder from China than won every battle
@Saudi King Volintine Ander of Arabia lah, nanti bakalan terlalu mengutamakan satu suku, kan.
Lalu ratusan suku lain gimana?
apa mereka harus pakai bahasa jawa yang nulisnya aja minta ampun, gitu
Alhamdulillah saya bangga akan tanah MAJAPAHIT ini meski tidak seluas dulu termakan waktu sejarah itu penting agar tau bangsanya 🙏
"Alhamdullillah" is an Arabic phrase! What a fool😒
@@Whoami1988_ you mad ediot
He is Muslim that's why he saying that which mean all praise to God.
@@aladdinyt8064 only a fool believe in religion in 21th century
What was the name of the king that time?
SE Asia is so hot, that the warriors were not wearing armour haha!
Actually some people from the past using black magic...or make contract with djinn to guard them...
But after islam come...they left the tradition...
@@user-jo5dl9le6b it's funny 😸😸🤣
@@Rahbar_Raza no..it's true bro...i am not joking...
Some people from the past are invulnerable by sword and dagger...
Most modern people not believe something like that because it's rare to find that kind of peoples...
But, some people still have this kind of black magic...
there was a robbery victim, he was attacked by katana but only his shirt was torn...
@@@user-jo5dl9le6b sebab itulah penjajah bisa berkuasa 350th di tanah air?
Good historical clip content... Goodjob for the editor...
Thank you from Indonesia
Thank you for the show
Kangen film2 seperti di video, sekarang sudah dipersulit ya sama kpi yang sekarang ?
itu pentil cowok2 bisa disensor kpi semua cuy kalau tayang di tivi era kadrunism super pekok ini
@@liamsung99999 kapan kadrunism pernah punya era kekuasaan? Kamu salah, justru sensor dimulai bukannya sejak era cebonger sok suci?
Ingat, Aku tidak peduli fanatik ke salah satu nya, keduanya ada Baik nya, tapi buruk 👎 nya juga jelas ada
@@Cleeon monmaap tapi saya merasa saya tidak salah. semua sensor konyol dan sinitrun azab konyol dimana semua wanita berhijab adalah orang baik dan semua wanita tidak berhijab adalah antagonis itu dimulai sejak zaman kepemerintahan bapak esbeye. atau mungkin anda belum lahir pada saat itu saya bisa memaklumi.
bukannya saya membela cebonger, saya tau cebonger jg banyak yg busuk but one thing for sure cebongers tidak pernah mengklaim dirinya to be suci.
cebongers never brings ayat ayat surat surat azab azab langit bumi surga neraka dunia akhirat up to everyday regular political conversations, never, not even once i cmiiw. so it deeply triggers me when somebody is saying that cebongers are sok suci.
remember this blabber by neno warisman for pilpres 2019 lalu?
'karena jika Engkau tidak menangkan kami khawatir Ya Allah, kami khawatir Ya Allah, tak ada lagi yang menyembah-Mu'
That statement above, you will never hear it coming out of cebongers' mouth. so which one is more 'sok suci'? cebonger or kadruner? i know its hard to admit, but as a fellow countrymen i care about you thats why im typing all these words, i also dont care if you still think cebongers is the more 'sok suci' end of the spectrum. doesnt matter. at least i did my best
@@liamsung99999 yeaahh apanyaaa, mau lahir generasi ke berapapun, akses informasi sudah canggih, Republik Indonesia itu mayoritas Muslim, sejak film era presiden Soeharto juga kebanyakan character tokoh yang identik patuh agama itu jadi tokoh baik dan menang, sudah biasa itu, di Amerika Serikat, juga yang identik Kristen taat itu biasa menang, mau pakai cara magic sekalipun. Di Brazil, yang Catholic sering selalu menang di filmnya.
Penyataan kedua mu, sungguh konyol, memangnya cuma kamu begitu yang bangga jadi cebonger? Cuma manusia sekitar mu?
Nihhh ada tetangga, sangat cebonger sekali, Aku sampai heran, gila sekali fanatik ke manusia biasa, boss bukan, cuma jadi presiden atau menteri max 10 tahun, kalau bagus ya bagus, ada salahnya ya mengaku saja, kurang ajar sekali kalau mau otoriter makan uang pajak.
Mau yang dipanggil kampret mau yang di panggil kecebong, di Indonesia, tidak perlu sampai meneliti, saking lucunya, apa tidak malu kamu sebagai warganegara?
Ada pengacara pasti Islam, dulu berkata, tidak pilih pak Joko Widodo neraka, pilih beliau surga, apa itu, islam juga dia pastinya, yang Kristen di pihak satunya kamu kira tidak ada? Konyol itu, adik kandung pak Prabowo sendiri, beliau Kristen.
Di kedua sisi, ada Penjahat nya, ada Pahlawan nya, balasan comment kamu menunjukkan fanatik sempit. Cebonger tidak pernah sok suci? Lah terus wakil presiden yang sekarang, memangnya di periode kedua kadrunism begitu?
Para pendukung kuat termasuk putri presiden GusDur kamu kira kampret?
Jiaahh... Jangan pakai cara berpikir begitu, manusia juga manusia, kalau jumlah nya banyak, tidak ada jaminan suanya X semua atau A semua.
Nihh ya ku beritahu agar bisa lebih maju, di keluarga besarku, sudah sejak zaman dulu, diperbolehkan curiga ke saudara saudari, bahkan jika diperlukan berperang melawan saudara atau saudari sendiri, demi keutuhan dan sukses terus keluarga. Begitu sihh, contohnya, kalau sudah ke saudara sendiri bisa netral, apalagi ke manusia lainnya, apa salahku terus n curiga, saudara saudariku sendiri berhak mencurigai ku, sebesar apapun kedekatan dan jasa ku ke mereka 🙂
@@liamsung99999 your best to be fanatic on one side only? How it can be, human is human, in politic there is only Eternal friends or enemies
and the success of the sanggrama wijaya to become a king cannot be separated from arya wiraraja who is very skilled in managing tactics.
Salut buat kameramennya bisa menjelajah ke masa lalu merekam momen sejarah dan yg terpenting kembali dengan selamat!
Ini film bro
@@baamfrosten7490 film buatan luar ya
One of the Champa princess...is become of the wife of the Wijaya. First king of Majapahit
In Java we called her "Queen Anarawati"
Champa kingdom is Islam Kingdom , between Khmer kingdom and Dai Viet kingdom but destroy and lose against dai viet kingdom , Champa kingdom help Majapahit , Java , and Indonesia to spread Islam teaching
@@harrykumoro4335 Thirubhuvanaraja. Doesnt really sound muslim to me. Or perhaps you meant Hindu?
@@rudyk108 no , the last Majapahit king , Brawijaya V has 2 wife the second wife comes from Champa, (South Vietnam) and she is muslim like Malaka sultane , but today champa sultane destroy by dai viet kingdom in the north Vietnam, she makes muslim spread and good, she has son called Raden patah and make Demak sultane in central Java , after bravijaya coup de etat , Raden patah from Demak sultane make a war to weak Majapahit with many civil war to claim the throne, that the story of why Islam spread in Java and the destroy of Majapahit Hindu kingdom
@@harrykumoro4335 champas were devout Hindu-Buddhists, tf are you smoking? Their might be few Muslim minorities but that’s all.
Weakness of Mongol forces when occupying Java were :
1. Not mastering Jungle Warfare, with many bobby traps installed along walkway and trees. Mongols are skilled on city wars but not guerilla battle.
2. Tropical climate in Java potential to enhance their energy consumption. Body was easy sweating, while Mongol Uniforms are thick and not comfortable with heavy body armor and helmet.
3. Mongols forces are alcoholic drinker. But they didn't know that Javanese liquor could be mixed with hazardous subtance (oplosan), this kind of liquor are used by Javanese warriors to show their power to survive from poisonous material. It could fatalize common people in the ancient era. However currently the oplosan cases is still occurred and injure/fatalize young people who consume its.
4. Mongols only relying on horses on javanese jungle
Nge lem aja sekalian pake terpentine...
5. Majapahit warrior drink so called suplement called Kuku Bima Ener-G which can gain stamina especially when it's mixed with milk.
11:39 Look how the Javanese outsmarted the Mongols by their decieving tactic 😆👍🏻... The only people who can defeat Mongols back then. Lesson learned: "use your brain more than your muscle"
@@ezwan7656 Baibars and his Turkic army in Egypt defeated the mongols.Not Egyptians.
Look like mongols was defeated not by numbers but by cleverness and storm.
Bless the eternal blue sky. Yet it only prove that Mongol force is fair fighter and they keep their word to Raden Wijaya instead of kill his force as well. such a honorable nation
@@newrisingdamned7604 "fair fight"?? LOL....
@@newrisingdamned7604 "keep word of raden wijaya", they are going to java not for invade, but ask for tribunal/ *payment* but raden wijaya refuse, ok? Same when they (mongols) went to champa and dai viet (sorry vietnamese)
Sumber vidio dari film apa gan?? Kok seru bgt kelihatannya
Biasanya dari berbagai film...yg di Singasari itu dari film Tutur Tinular
Bagian paling epic diambil dari Film "SAUR SEPUH"
The khubilai khan's reason for invading Java was not only that his envoy was hurt by the Javanese king, but there was another purpose, namely to control the sea trade controlled by the Javanese kingdom at that time, because it was only the Javanese kingdom at that time, the last to control maritime trade and refused to submit to Yuan Dynasty, Mongol sent troops because his envoy was injured. It was a lie, the yuan wanted to control the sea trade routes in Southeast Asia :)
Well, you are smart ones. Like someone post earlier up there, politics, power, glory and gold was more reasonable reason. To rule more and more area/other kingdom. I believe, although Javanese King don't hurt his ambassador, Kubilai Khan will continue to invade for sure. Or at least to make Singosari/Majapahit under Mongols protectorat ( vassal country/federation/part of Great Mongol Empire)
@@arvinamida3598 Yups u are right, a kingdom is not possible to invade a region without any specific purpose, because at that time/the kingdom of Southeast Asia in the past only the kingdom of Java did not want to submit to the Yuan dynasty, the yuan wanted to take over the sea trade routes held by the Javanese kingdom
And present day, China want be like Yuan Dinasty claim.
I believe so, the hurting of the envoys were just there for a casus belli
Many Yuan envoy were sent to order all kingdom admit defeat under kubhilai khan.
Thats way our king get angry then cut off the ear of Yuan envoy.
Hello new subscriber and I love these videos! Do you think you can do one on the Three Kingdoms Period of Korea?
Leluhur kita Orang hebat., jangan pernah lupa untuk bangkit dan menguasai teknologi
350 tahun jd kacung belanda hebat apanya
@@mussafaraceh3719 dijajah itu berbeda dengan menjadi kacung
@@mussafaraceh3719 lu kalo gk ngerti diem aja
@@mussafaraceh3719 kenapa bisa dijajah selama itu karena sering perang saudara sendiri dari pada orang asing
@@mussafaraceh3719 sii... anjeng coment ngawurr, lu ngerendahin diri lu sendiri goblokkk
Semoga Indonesia cepat bisa membuat film2 sejarah yg sangat baik ,mengagumkan dan mengesankan ,cantik , anggun berewibawa..
This incident where Mongol invaded Java in Java at that time in the work of Singosari. But Mongol failed and lost when he wanted to invade Java because of the tactics of the great Singosari. after this invasion lahirla a large kingdom in the archipelago namely mojopahit. the mojapahit kingdom stretches from Vietnam to the Philippines.
@kelvin law majapahit empire of java nusantara indonesia
It is very nice to know, I have just learned that Sri Lumay, a Tamil-Malay prince, was the one who established a kingdom which is known today as Cebu, in the Philippines. I also came from this group of islands which is called Visayas and our dialect is know as Visaya/Bisaya.
Indonesia mah bkn kalah dr penjajah😇tp sibuk perang saudara rebutin kerajaan🤣ilove indonesialah😎😎
Malang, kediri, madiun, sibuk perang sendiri, kedatangan bangsa mongol di manfaatkan mojokerto untuk untuk menyerang kediri yang bersekutu dengan madiun, yang akhirnya bangun kerajaan sendiri (Majapahit)
Turun ke sepak bola nya 🤣
perang kerajaannya lebih bnyk dr lawan asing . wkwk
indonesia mah..
lah emang dulu ada indonesia ?
Jaman kerajaan dulu ndak ada ide tentang indonesia, orang di kepulauan nusantara melihat orang dari pulau lain, daerah lain itu seperti orang asing, ide tentang indonesia baru ada setelah akhir akhir masa penjajahan belanda, diresmikan pada sumpah pemuda.
Jawa tengah bangkit ngapain mwehehe klo itu kn Kerjaan Kediri Jawa timur
@@mhmdiksan2798 majapahit
Bangkitkan kembali kekuasan Javanese!!!, Orang Jawa jangan hilang Jawanya. 🇦🇹
@@mhmdiksan2798 Apa si, Jatim dan Jateng masih sama2 jawa.
Peninggalan di Jateng justru lebih megah dgn Mataram kuno/Medang yg bangun Borobudur dan Prambanan, Kompleks benteng dan istana ratu Boko, Dieng dll.
@@RechtvaarBoetewaardbener lebih megah tapi yg menyandang gelar kekaisaran cuma Majapahit 😂
Akhirnya ku menemukan channel yg sangat ber faedah
Sejarah tanah Jawa yg mengalahkan negara super power dan sekarang acara tv dikalahkan sama sinetron tentang warisan miris sekali anak2 kita samapai tidak tau perjuangan leluhur Jawa
iya masa kalah ama sinetron azab azab an, asu asuu
Susah ngomongnya,gw merasa bangsa suku kita dulu itu lebih kuat ketimbang kita Indonesia sekarang 🗿
@@creepy2175 orang indonesia sekarang aja gak punya rasa nasionalis sama sekali
We should have video of Mongol invasion of Hungary/Poland, Middle East, India, Mainland China, Japan, Southeast Asia
They exist. Don't be so lazy. Look around
Mongol didn't even touch India.
Watch from Thailand.very interesting
Thanks a lot for such an amazing upload