thanks mom and dad for all you did for me and I'm sorry for the mistakes that I have made and the pain that you have experienced in your heart and tears that have rolled from your eyes. I love you both. Thank you for giving me life.
I am an atheist, but I admit there is a lot more to the ten commandments than I at first realized. I certainly agree that they are the bedrock of western society, and we owe a lot to christianity. I'm not quite there with the big man in the sky business, but whoever wrote the commandments was no fool. Thanks Dennis!
***** I think in the Bible(my father often read them when I was young to us), God has given us the free-will to obey/follow his commandments or not. In short the commandments are there and laid in stone but one has the will to not follow it per word or something so those death-thingies are guide-lines back in a more violent/empire riddled world.
Henry Pinder It is trivially easy to write a better set of commandments than th is. Step 1: Remove the bits that tell us to kill people for breaking commandments Step 2: Remove the commandments that have nothing to do with morality or ethics (no other gods before me, don't work on the sabbat etc.) Step 3: Add even the slightest hint that slavery is wrong. Step 4: Add even the slightest hint that raping your wife is wrong Step 5: Add even the slightest hint that women are equal to men and not the property of their fathers and husbands That would be a good start.
***** If Obama passes a law like that then you have the free will to say fuck it and go to Canada or Mexico. Take a third option and shoot him, take another option and protest and go to prison or just make no decision at all.
I’m an adult child of a narcissistic mother and as a Christian, I still try to honor her. I don’t go around trash talking her to people I know (well I guess I am here, but nobody here knows her) and I speak to her respectfully, but I do try to keep low contact because she is draining, exhausting and controlling. I have to pray often for the wisdom to now how to act and deal with her. (And also not act like her towards my children)
The trouble with narcism is that it feeds on attention so to follow God's commandment requires to feed the demon in them. The issue is that there is no exceptions. I think that ultimately because its about you and God and not you and them.
Something not mentioned in the video is that as a parent, you love your kids so much. No matter what. And you want to do good to and for them. When you’re dishonoured by them, the emotional pain is significant.
It works both ways. Parents who don't mirror respect to their children will not know how to mirror respect back. Yes it hurts to not be respected and honored back, and in a lot of cases, one has to ask why children behave the way they do when they dishonor their folks. Where do they learn disrespect from? It usually begins in the home environment, then the outer environment comes next.
@@belladonnabudgets7362 I have observed on more than one occasion where kids love and respect abusive parents and also kids who disrespect good parents. While it is important for parents to respect their children, treating them as equals is a mistake. Kids are ignorant and impressionable. Couple this with supreme self-confidence in adolescence and you have a recipe for trouble. Kids need to be guided. Being a parent is much more important than being their buddy.
I remember hearing a sermon by Michael Scott on the subject when I visited London in 1980. He pointed out that the commandment doesn't have a time limit on it. When you grow up, get married, and start a family of your own, your focus must be on them, but your duty to your parents never goes away. I'm now old enough to know this is correct. At the end of her life, my mother suffered with dementia, and I needed to first, take care of her, and then to arrange her nursing home care, as well as manage her finances. Now I see the same problem looming with my parents-in-law. Remember: one of these days you will need your own children to honour you.
I honestly wish I honored my parents more. I was a very ungrateful and rebellious child. I didn't honor my parents in the way that I would have liked to now. I've grown to regret deeply that mistake, as it turns out many of the things my parents sought to teach me were very helpful. Parents are never perfect, but honoring them is more important than most come to know.
FusionOmni Is okay man. Humans aren’t perfect. Believe it or not,I feel the same way. I been arguing and fighting with my parents for years(really almost my entire life). But you shouldn’t give up on them. Is never too late to homer them.
I'm a Christian. I cut ties with my mother to protect myself. At some point, one must understand that keeping a "relationship", - an abusing relationship- with a parent, is enabling them to continue the abuse. "If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." (Rom.12:18) This was not possible. At the end, I finally offered family therapy and was willing to pay for it, she refused. There has never been any possible discussion for reconciliation, not that I didn't try! I took distance, I took breaks, several times, to take time to heal. But she would still come back with her evil behaviour toward me. Now, I do honour her, by distance, by praying for her and by praying for me so that God protects my heart from resenting her. But I will never let her abuse me, ever again. It is a tough place to be. No one wants to be rejected from a parent. But "Though my [father and] mother forsake me, the LORD will receive me." (Psalm 27:10) If you are in an abusing relationship, please seek help. Honor your father and mother, yes, but you do have to endure and by doing so, enable any abuse.
There is such a thing as abusive pearents. Those "pearents" do not deserve the luxury of having children under any circumstance. But those cases are entreaty rare. It would be morally impossible to honor someone who is abusive to you..
As.a child when I read Exodus 20 "you shall honour your father and your mother that you may live well and live long ...." I put it to practice. I used to speak to my parents in a respectful way and later demanded from my children respect. I testify that I had a good relation with my parents as much as possible from ny side. My father blessed me when he left this world. My children respect me and we have a blessed relation for following this commandment Many families who don't follow this commandment are messed up and they are unhappy!
The reason it says "honor your father and your mother" is because children tend to honor the mother more, so it emphasizes the father. (honor has to do with liking or loving someone). Elsewhere it says "be in awe of your mother and your father", emphasizing the mother, because children tend to be more in awe of the father (awe is related to fear). Thus these balancing statements are saying that one should treat both parents the same. IIRC the honor part has to do more with taking care of the parents, while the awe part has to do with listening to and obeying them. Another thing is that if you live in a society in which elders are cared for, then when you are an elder you will be cared for, which helps you enjoy a long life as opposed to if no one cared for you, so that you then couldn't work and had to live off your savings alone, and possibly without company. A society that respects its elders is a society that respects and therefore benefits from wisdom. Remember that according to the bible one must learn the teachings of God every day and every night, so after a lifetime of learning and experience you will grow in wisdom. Wisdom is the understanding of human nature, morality, and how the world works, as opposed to knowledge which has to do with things like science and therefore is concerned with accumulating dry facts.
+b nkansah As someone who studied in religious institutions I find that the video is slightly inaccurate, and that there is additional interesting information that is missing.
I agree w/everything ELSE you said here, but as for what God's intention was, regarding this commandment...IF you are correct, then why wouldn't the verse re MOTHERS be listed as a commandment ALSO??
“Give honor to whom honor is due” (One of Paul’s letters) If the parent is abusive, absent, a murderer, a rapist, etc. They do not in any aspect deserve honor. Thank God for the NEW testament to clarify on that law.
Down to the Core Productions+ What constitutes "abuse" in your thinking? My mother abuses verbally in the sense that she backbites,gossips and is just generally so negative I feel like I am dying around her. It scares the living life out of me. I've tried so hard to help - it just seems like an absolute joke.
I'm not a christian but i think a straight up commandment from God should be more highly regarded then anything else in the new testament or the old testament. This while highly regarding the words of the prophets.
@@יהודילאומי in Christian theology there's no difference between the old and new testament and the word of God, there are all the same. A command from God (in the 10 commandments) is not different from anything we find, for example, in Paul letters.
I have started SERIOUSLY and PRAYERFULLY following God’s commandment to honour my 80-year-old mother who had a bad fall 2 months ago and now needs assistance and I must say I am less stressed and happier. Following God’s way is indeed beneficial to us.
It hurts so much because my parents are cruel. Very refinedly cruel. They oscilate between love and cruelty. And I can't honor them. I just can't, I can't find it in my heart, because if I honor this kind of cruelty, then my morals are worthless.
You could honor the position they hold in your life, but you are not obligated to obey anyone who asks you to do anything contrary to what Jesus says. If I were to be invited to the White House [under any leader], and I chose to go, I would honor the position, but probably not the person so much. The position of your parents is most important to honor before your own children and grandchildren, but keeping yourself from dishonoring them in front of your offspring. Also, I would suggest that your love will bring them around more than any hate.
I understand where you are coming from. My paster said something to me one day that helped my come to terms about my innermost feelings about my parents. They did not honor God when they where mistreating me. They made it impossible for me to love and honor them. God does not want us to sin, so do not spend time with people who can bring you to that place. I didn't even cry when my father died, I just went about the work of cleaning up his affairs after his death. My mother is 84 now and I am sure I will not mourn her death either. My siblings will tidy up after her death. I wish that I had parents that nurtured the love and respect God wanted me to have for them but they took that ability away from me too many times to count. We are not alone.
As a Muslim I must commend this video. Very well done and perfectly explained. It's a message societies really need - we can already see the disintegration of respect around us and this is encourage by very innocuous seeming media like 'kiddies films'. Just look at Frozen: 'no right no wrong. No rules for me' etc God help us :-)
@Cartoon Crash Abrahamic religion is no better. See: the entire Bible, the Qur'an, and the new upstarts Mormonism and Scientology. All are totalitarian, and all preach guilt by association.
God acts the exact same way as Elsa in Frozen, or any other Disney Princess. Taking zero responsibility for His actions, then why does it surprise you how the Divine Right of Kings led to abuse of executive power, and argued that those who derived their authority directly from God, per Jeremiah's Nebuchadnezzar, were unaccountable?
@@TheRojo387 hey hey Quetzalcóatl states pretty clear that as a sacrifice you must pinch your thumbs instead of the heart sacrifice of other deitys of the same aztec pantheon
Be serious. God is reality, and reality is only "unfair" to the philosophical imbecile. Kings had their flaws, but were often among the best educated and morally superior of their dismally corrupt societies. Our governors today act no more or less selfishly.
Even if they were cruel to you and not annoying you can still do your best to honor them. This is exactly why the bible use the word honor and not love..
Well, actually, no. I for myself interpret this "Honor them if they treated you honorably." It would be insane to honor somebody who has no honor. And the way you treat someone who is in total need of you in order to survive (which is exactly what every child has to face) shows exactly if you (as a parent) have any honor at all. So I have another objection to this video. Parents who do not deserve to be honored are the rule, not the exception. At least in our society.
Yes, I am. And it is not easy, especially since I really try to live what I've laid out here. But at least my children will honor me for what I did for them, not just for accidentally being my offspring.
I agree with the themes of this video. I can't see though that "There is no-one else who the Bible commands us to honour" (1 min 59 seconds)... • Romans 13:7: Render therefore to all their dues... custom to whom custom, fear to whom fear, honour to whom honour. • 1 Timothy 5:17: Let the elders [of the church] that rule well be counted worthy of double honour... • Peter 2:17: Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the King. • Revelation 4:11: Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power... There are many other verses.
It baffles me that some people in the comments are saying "the only way to make the commandments better is to eliminate God from the whole equation". Like, God is the reason for the whole Ten Commandments!!! If you take away God in a country, what do you get? Or a better question; if you take away the idea of a being you believe created the universe, and a government says it is unlawful to hold this being in highest regard (which is what worship means), then what do you get? I'll give you a hint... This is what Communist governments do to gain power; if you take away God as the highest thing to worship, then that means that the government will make you worship something else, namely itself. The government becomes a god. Don't believe me? Look at the history of communist countries: every single one took freedom of religion away first. Look at the Old Testament and see what Israel's enemies did; they conquered people and told them to make their king a god. Without God, the world wouldn't be here. In fact, I believe nothing would exist without God
'Removing God from the commandments' isn't meant to be forcing God out of the equation. It's meant to say that even those who don't believe in him, or those who believe in other gods, should also be just as willing to follow the commandments to an extent. If we say they're basic human decency and not just things God demands of us to be allowed into heaven, then it's far easier to see how they can benefit everyone, religious or not, by guiding them all to be better people. And is that not what God would want? For everyone to be better? It may not be belief in him, but it still would make the world a far better place if everyone tried to live by the golden rules laid out in the commandments. I know some religious folks who still don't respect those around them, throwing stones without prior knowledge, and it shocks me to see how little forethought they have as they beat the commandments into those around them without following them themselves. My grandmother insists she just wants me to go to heaven and yet her hurtful words to try and convince me are concerningly not christ-like, as she insists upon being. Nor are the words she uses on her husband, nor the things she taught my father that made him become the hurtful man he is today, having attempted to kill me on multiple occasions and beaten me many days a week while I was barely in elementary school. The commandments aren't perfect, which is why a lot of the grey area of 'what if' is left up to 'you and God', like the drinking of Tea and Coffee and Alcohol as well as Cigarettes and Cigars being considered impure for the temple that is your body, and yet many still partake. In my case, I am sure God forgives me for stepping away from my father rather than 'respecting him'. By 'taking God out of the equation', it allows people to interpret in a similar way as to how they might with God, to ensure they're still trying to be the best person they can be, while also realizing the Bible is centuries old, and times have changed. People who love more fully are allowed to love more freely, people who used the words of God to harm are properly condemned for oppression, and everyone is seeing how truly loving and accepting God is if you just listen. If we let people start small with the commandments, they may take steps that, if God is real, will lead them into heaven, and if not, will at least lend them to a better afterlife overall.
The point at 0:06 is so interesting. Another commandment that gives a reason for following it is the 4th, remembering the Sabbath because of creation. Never thought about how rare reasons are given.
Just to clarify: Even though my parents have divorced, I meet my father often, and I only said that as a joke. And I didn't become an atheist because of the sadness. Although he is a reason I became an atheist, because he is extremely religious.
My form of honoring my parents is that, at the time, they might have understood why I did what I needed to do. However, in the end I was successful and an overcomer. At that time, they will be astonished. Realizing that they were a huge part of my raising and my thinking. My honor is when and if God says to me in the end, "Well done faithful servant. Enter into the joys of the Lord." I want my parents to be honored at that time.
Obedience without content is wrong and blind. If your father is alcoholic, he dont take care of you and sometimes abuse you. Your mother on the other hand is beating you up, why you should honor them? You shouldnt, becouse they are terrible people and that is why I have BIG problem with that commandment. If parents want to be honored, they need to honor their children first. They are models, and they cant expect children to respect them, if they do not respect their children needs first. Be there for your child, take care of his needs, listen and guide him, talk to him and respect his personhood, be good role model and then your child will naturally honor you. Being lousy parent and expecting child to honor you is lazy and abusive. And it gives free pass to bad parents, which is bad for "stability and sustainability" of society in the long run too.
Yes, he did. I would argue that these cases are not that rare as he told. I dont know if I am living in strange circle, but almost everyone I know was abused and neglected in childhood by their parents, and not just mildly. The thing is most people are in denial of that and too close to their parents to see the bigger picture.
This popped up as an ad for me. I would like to state: If your father or mother failed as a parent? Whether that be by physically and verbally abusing and neglecting you as in my case Or by full on abandoning you or any other number of abusive or hurtful tendencies? You don't have to 'honor' them. God will forgive you if you choose to distance yourself from hurtful people, even if they happen to be relatives. Always remember that you choose your family, even if you can't choose your relatives. You don't have to speak to someone who hurt you. You don't have to love them or respect them. That isn't to say that they should be abused in turn. Still turn the other cheek. But know that they have given up any rights they had to be in your life by abusing you to the point that you'd heavily consider such a choice. Such a big choice is between you and God, of course, but it's important to hear that, as I grew up being abused most of my childhood, and after my parents divorced, my father's mother insisted I reconnect with the man who made me scared to come home, made heels clicking become a conditioned soothing sound because it meant mom was home and he wouldn't hurt me, made school be somewhere I wanted to stay because even without friends, it was better than being home with him. She knew about this. About how he had, in fits of sober rage, attempted to kill me on at least 5 seperate occasions, and yet she still believed I should honor him by letting him back into my life. And I did, for a brief few months, only to be blamed for something that was his fault, as he yelled at his girlfriend outside of the car, and said girlfriend's kids were understandably saddened, and he thought I had done something to make them sad, so he cornered me in the car to yell at me for an hour long drive. Don't let this commandment put you in harm's way.
I whole heartedly agree. This is a conversation that I have been having a lot lately and many of the same conclusions we seem to reach. This is essential thank you Sir.
When your parents are abusive and not interested in changing, severing contact is the only option. If the person upstairs really wanted people to honor their parents, he would have made sure everyone had the best damn parents possible. But I guess one can also disregard Dennis Prager’s rationale if we’re not having children.
Parents should honour their children as well.Seventeen years and never has my mother crossed the threshold of my house and sat down in my kitchen for a cup of tea.A man shall cleave to his wife.And a mother should respect that especially when I have given her the only grand children she will ever have.
So why would you want to introduce her abusive behavior to your kids? That would be abusive on part. Plus you have issues because you believe your husband should worship you...wait, you said, "man"...which is abusive in itself! You never mentioned your responsibilities, just about you and your needs! You appear to have some power and abuse issues you need to address.
I believe in honouring your parents....when they deserve it. If your father is abusive to you, your mother or anyone else. He does not deserve to tell you what to do. If my mother never took interest in my upbringing, she does not deserve to tell me what to do. If your parents tell you something you know is wrong, you are your own person and do not have to fallow through.
1:16 Actually, Jesus in the New Testament said that the two great commandments (on which the law and the prophets depended) are to 1. love God, and 2. love your neighbor. That includes parents. So yes, actually, the Bible says that we are to love our parents.
+Axar Herp Derp Define evil. God tells us exactly what he wants us to do. For non Jews that means following the 7 laws given to Noah and his descendants. For Jews it means following the 613 laws of the Torah (divine teachings). The 7 laws provide the bare-bones foundation for civilization. The purpose is to better ourselves as individuals and a society, and through that obtain blessing both in this world and the world to come. Christianity AFAIK teaches that all you need to do is believe in and love one man and that you will be saved. That there is no freedom of choice (then what exactly is the purpose of life? Either I am born a believer and are "saved", or I am born condemned. I did not do anything to deserve salvation or condemnation yet enjoy or suffer anyway). That the laws are a failed experiment (if there is no freedom of choice then how could we succeed or fail? Why even have an experiment in the first place?) and that God changed his mind and canceled them. It also teaches that people have an obligation to be good (but again, how can you demand anything of anyone if they are predestined to behave a certain way?), but is scant on specifics of what that means, and the specifics it does provide are lifted from the laws specified in the Hebrew Scriptures who they claim to be irrelevant, and with often creative interpretations that contradict the previously established consensus, or even the actual text. For example, Catholicism believes sex is a necessary sin, even though God refers to marriage and biological children as a blessing, allows polygamy even if he portrays it as ill-advised (polygamists are not sinners in the Bible, but they are plagued with marriage problems and horrible sibling rivalries), and commands all humans to be fruitful and multiply, meaning to get married and have lots of sex in order to produce many children. So in short, you don't need some savior figure. You need to behave in a morally righteous manner, and in so doing you will save yourself. You don't need an intermediary. You need to have a direct relationship with God.
+Lestibournes Thank you for your intelligent comment. As the Hasidim say G-d is where we let him in, and there is no place empty of Him. We either live together as brothers and sisters as G-d intended or we die together as fools.
For those who have had cruel parents or were abandoned, hopefully you have a grandparent(s) or other adults who have stepped into that parental role for whom you can show honor because honor really is as fulfilling for the child as the parent
I see my parents as fellow human beings, as I do with everyone else. But I choose to give honor and respect to them because they want it, and often made me do it. Throughout my years of growing up, I found it difficult to understand why I had to, but then I realized that they have had to raise a child, and tried to make it as easy for themselves as possible, while also giving me an amazing life. That is basic human behavior found in almost everyone; humans will find the most convenient way to complete a task, to achieve an easy and enjoyable life. So I saw a reason to respect them, because they were able to raise me. No gods or kings needed to tell me why. But I don't think that you're going to believe me.
I was raised correctly by parents and godparents, and am thankful for it every day. I naturally honored them in many of the same ways Dennis points out. I hope my kids do the same, and this value is continued to be shared for all our generations to come.
Most parents use honor and respect as a cop out to stop their children from challenging their outdated and emotionally/physically abusive parenting skills. They don't want honor, they want fear. They want fear so you don't act against the grain.
THIS. My dad mocked and ridiculed me, hit me and attacked my verbally, and then like a true coward would quote "honor thy father" when I had the temerity to get angry at him. Those that want respect, give respect. It doesn't matter if that person impregnated my mother or not. If you treat me like a piece of shit, you get no respect from me.
I agree. I'm not even religious or believe in God. But I always hear this. My grandmom said this to me a few weeks ago after my mom physically and verbally assaulted me like she's been doing all of my life. So I hit my mom back and got loud with her back. My grandma says that it doesn't matter whether I'm being abused or if I was abused by my mom growing up, but that I am to honour her because she gave me life and because she is my mother. And that's just something that I don't agree with. I didn't ask to be here, and she could have easily aborted me like she did the one before me. I just don't agree with this term. I've been hurt by my mom for so long. Verbally, physically and emotionally. My mom was and is still a toxic person. We've never had a mother/daughter bond ever. That is why I can't wait to move out.
Thanks Dennis Prager. Beautifully explained and illustrated. The biggest insight here is the differential between love and honor. Shows you the infinite wisdom of Bible.
One important thing about this commandment is missing: In the Jewish tradition, it is customary to divide the ten commandments into two parts: "Commandments between one and the Lord" (I-V) and "Commandments between one and one's friend"(VI-X). In this division, the fifth commandments is in the "Commandments between one and the Lord" part, and this is intentional - it is that important to God that one shall honor one's parents. Moreover, it ties with the fact that there is a "reward", as you explained, to this commandment - not following it is a sin towards *God*. rather that one's parents. This goes even further, as my Father says - the father is God's representative on this Earth.
+Amir “TheDiveR” Melnikov The complementary commandment which goes something like this: "and each man be in awe of your mother and your father and keep my sabbaths, I am the Lord" - meaning, you must obey your parents, but only so long as they don't ask you to violate God's laws. The parents (both of them) are God's partners in creation, and it is their responsibility to act in God's place and teach their children right from wrong. By learning to respect their parents children also learn to respect God.
Let me give a tap of faith...for those who are none's something that you NEEDED but u don't have it yet...let's test that there is a ruler of the world ...Ask for it in your heart only u knowing what it is that u need it will come ..just to shift ur faith and beliefs... nothing is to great for GOD ...put urself to the test of him ONE LOVE
I'm a Protestant Baptist, but I really appreciate the wisdom of Dennis in this video! I preached on the Fifth Commandment this last Sunday, and even referenced his comment about how we are called to honor our parents before we're called to love them. I just think that is so helpful for the people that have been abused by negligent parents!
The implication I took was that you don't. If I know one thing about Dennis Prager it is that he holds morality in the highest regard. If he says that you cannot morally do something he means that you should not do it.
AFTER escaping their destructive influence, honor first the fact that they created your life. No cruelty they have done can nullify that -- only if they take your life away have they removed that ultimate cause for gratitude. Honor second the general status of parenthood that your parents occupy. Even if a single police officer is bad, most of us do not want to live without law enforcement, so we respect the badge even if not respecting the officer. Third, honor the fact that if you can't forgive your parents' failures, those after you may take the same liberty not to forgive your failures.
God is the supreme authority, your parents are secondary If they are cruel to you in unreasonable ways, they are against God, therefore you don’t need to honor them
@@PriestlyBlock67 yes you do, even if they are cruel. They could have aborted you, like the left wants. Or they could have left you. They could be crueler than what they were.
Dennis, I generally agree with you. You are, in my opinion, the only level-headed, intellectual thinker on the radio. Like you, my moral compass points North. I have no equivocation with regards to issues of "right & wrong"....both are crystal clear to me. Honoring your parents is crucial, I understand your points completely. And, I would admonish all children to do so. But, the caveat is this: Honor your parents, but only if they honor you. Only at the very end of this video do you mention the possibility of the "cruel" parent. You have talked at length about your happy family & how much your recently deceased father meant to you. I know you know it & I'm glad for you. You really are a rarity...loving family,keen intellect,opportunity,recognition, success & financial freedom. This, I believe colors your thinking. I honestly think you have no idea how many truly evil, not just cruel, parents there are and how much permanent damage they have done. My personal story is not important here. I used to think I was the only one when I was young, but as I grew older I discovered stories far worse. I read about them continually today. Instead of honoring or fondly remembering my father, I'm cursed by his memory almost on a daily basis.
I nodded my head through the first part of your talk and really agreed with you until you started to speak about children without father figures in their lives and all of the bad choices and life experiences they are more likely to encounter. I was widowed 5 years ago with, at the time, 4 year old twins and a 14 year old son. I do my best to be both mother and father for my three children and I will assure you that I am doing a pretty good job so far. I would love for my children to have a father figure in their lives and hope that one day I will find someone who can wear those shoes but I found it quite unfair for you to say that so much hinges on the "father figure" My children do honor me and see me first and foremost as their parent instead of their friend and for now the DO NOT have a father but I'm sure they'll be just fine
+Esther Peart I understand your concern with what he said and i'm happy that you're such a responsible parent to your children. Lord knows we need more parents like you even in 2 parent households, but he said that children that grow up without a far more likely to end up going own a bad path in life
+Esther Peart You can dont like that, but that does not make it wrong or untrue. It is statistically highest predictor of bad outcome in live for a child to come from a single mother household. You are not the kind of woman who have child irresponsibly with a man who vanish. You had husband and I am sory you lost him. So your attitude is not that bad as for mother who choose bad man for her child. But nevertheless you need to be aware that having man around for a role model for your child, especially if you have son, is crucial to his development.
The 5th Commandment is THOU SHALT NOT KILL. The 4th Commandment is HONOR THY FATHER Y MOTHER. Great talk. So true. Everyone needs to hear this talk. God bless America.
46 While Jesus was still talking to the crowd, his mother and brothers stood outside, wanting to speak to him. 47 Someone told him, “Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak to you.” 48 He replied to him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” 49 Pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. 50 For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”
My 18yo son, diagnosed with ASD, had a major falling out with his mother (we're divorced) and, not unjustly, has refused to see or contact her in any fashion. This video has helped him see the importance of keeping in touch via text, at minimum, with her. Thank you for this. Hopefully, with time, my wife, his therapist, and I will be able to help him increase his interaction with his mother.
I told my mom that I could no longer take part in her lifestyle and that I didn't want my kids around her on a regular basis. That we would only be seeing her for big holidays or big family get togethers. Also that I would keep in contact through face time and would send pics of our family. This was not good enough for her and she decided to cut off all communication with me. It was because she couldn't control me and how much she sees me/grandkids anymore 🤷♀️so, that's on her.
Honoring your mother and father is so much deeper than just commandment its self. It correlates how we see God as our ultimate Father. If we can't honor our earthly parents, what hope do we have to honor God whom we can't see.
I was taught to hate and alienate, my father and Love, and enmesh with my mother. And I was a brat to both. Now I’m trying to undo this toxic road I’ve been on and recreate not only myself but my family line. It feels hard to honor my parents with such toxic programming in my brain. As I learn the truth the more angry I am at them. They still want me at war with eachother and side with them, and I find it easier to just go away. Which I did for over 2 years. How do I do this? How to I teach this to my kids? I’m learning. I’m ex atheist now Christian. And with what I see going on in the world today, I realize how important Christian values are and study the Bible more and more. I’m trying to bring these values into my heart and mind and home while trying to undo my own programming. Teaching my kids and husband in different ways so that we can fight against this war on families. Trying to honor my parents regardless of how invisible I was/am to them. I get they only see their own pain. The more, I learn -the more I see, the more I see - the more I realize the less I know, The more I realize the less I know - the more I want to learn, and now I feel like I’m traveling full speed ahead, trying to learn as quickly as possible. I’ll feel so behind and yet grateful I can see. Hoping I can save my family and myself.
I really struggled with that years ago. I have verrrrry baaaad parents. I prayed and asked God; how do I honor people like them? God didn't just tell me, he showed me to make sure I understood it deep in my heart and mind. Two weeks after I prayed that prayer, I was at work one Saturday and the police called me to tell me my 10 year old and nephew broke into their school. When I got there, the police was smiling and saying the kids wanted to play on the computer so they checked their homeroom door. It was opened. He said they weren't there to vandalize it, they really did want to play on the computer. However, because it was private property, they had to go before the judge. When we got home from court, I was overwhelmed with sadness, grief and fear for my child. As I was hugging my child and crying at the same time, God spoke to my heart in that moment. He said, this is how you honor your parents. I raised you up in my name. I taught you right from wrong. I did not teach you to go out into the world to do bad things. Your parents taught you bad things but I was the one who raised you. Therefore, when you walk outside your door to start your day, you walk under the banner of my name. He was talking about my last name which is my family name. We are to honor God through how we act in public, with people and anything we do. Regardless of how bad my parents were, I still have my family name and my children have that name too. I want my children to be blessed and honored under their family name by the people in society and everywhere they walk.
So, what about kids who don't do everything you just listed off to honor they're parents. What if a kid calls his dad or his mom by they're first name, what about if they disagree with something so they say "No, I'm not doing that". What if they don't say "Yes Mom" "Yes Dad "Yes Sir" Or "Yes M'am" After everything that's asked of them. There are so many things that are left out and so many things wrong with all of this, this just hurts my brain man...
if loving your parents is psychologically and emotionally impossible, then loving your neighbour or strangers can be impossible for these reasons as well, no?
This is how you build an argument. If you accept premises in first sentence as truth then conclusion is truth, and then ppply the same logic to premises in second sentence, then if first is correct, second is correct.
And no, my father honoured very well his father, but I mean, he's a very very difficult man, it's not good to honour him. I will honour him if he starts changing.
"5. Honor Your Father and Mother" According to the Bible, Jesus said "And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven." ( Matthew 23:9)
@Saint Knight I quoted the Bible directly. Your vague response was: "Poor understanding, much?" 1) you didn't explain how the Bible passage i quoted was ( as you claim) poorly understood by me. 2) your response was grammatically incorrect Can you explain how my posting & quoting exactly what the Bible says WITHOUT inserting any interpretation by me or commenting about the passage is "poor understanding"?
@Saint Knight " Because you should be looking at the context or the original language." The Bible is supposed to be the word of god. Is god so stupid he is unable to communicate his words clearly? Context? In what context is it moral to own another human being as your property? Both testaments say this is OK.
@Saint Knight Why are you changing the subject? You said "you should be looking at the context or the original language." I asked In what context is it moral to own another human being as your property? Both testaments say this is OK. I am still waiting for you to explain what context makes it moral to own another human being a your property.
My great great grandfather was abusive, my great grandfather was less abusive, my grandfather was rarely abusive, and my Dad was never abusive. Each generation still honoured their parents.
Do you not think that parents should earn the respect of their children? Why does it need to be commanded? This commandment is perhaps more vague than the others. Is it enough to honour your father and mother with one thing you do? Do you need to honour them both with everything you do? Do you need to honour your father, and then, honour your mother in a separate act? What if honouring your father dishonours your mother? Very confusing is it not? @0:19 Why does this feel like bribery or even extortion? Especially in context of the rest of the old testament narrative. Yahweh: I am giving you land. Honour thy father, and your mother, or your days here will be short." @0:46, 1:05, 1:09, 2:46, 2:56, 3:13, 3:50, 4:10 CITATIONS NEEDED. Please link relevant scientific peer reviewed papers in support of these opinions. @1:45 Yet the bible, elsewhere, does demand that we love our neighbours, strangers, even our enemies, and certainly God regardless of how psychologically or emotionally impossible that might be. @1:58 It's OK then to dishonor God, neighbours, strangers as long as we love them? @2:56 Is it not likely that these statistics you haven't identified actually show the result of growing up in poverty and/or being parented by a mother that a father found he could not bear to live with even to support his own child? There are many good reasons for couples to split and it's not always 'best for the children' to stay together. This focus you have on fatherless families borders on misogynistic. @3:28 Here I think is the real reason for this commandment (if they are indeed so well thought out). It sets up a willingness to accept authority without question. This is confirmed at 3:39 thank you. @4:02 Allegiance is not honour. @4:58 But God still demands it does he not? Are there to be exceptions to this commandment, however rare? Are there rare exceptions to other commandments? Based on who's judgment? Is the morality here to be subjective? Your interpretation of "...that your days may be long in the land..." to mean "...essential for a successful society..." is a very interesting. How do you know it's not way less metaphorical? Certainly dishonoring your father or mother will result in death (Ex 21:17, Det 21:18-21) so your days in the land will be more/greater/longer if you don't. Or perhaps it means that honoring ones parents will literally or figuratively make days feel longer to you. It's not clear if nights will be correspondingly shorter. There are plenty of sillier ideas in the bible. Instead of presenting evidence, you're asserting the reason for this commandment is that it is good for society. There may in fact be tons of evidence to support a causative correlation between honoring your parents (however horrid they may be except for rare exceptions) and a successful society but you don't show it. Do you not find it odd that this one commandment states a reason but none of the others do. You've argued that the other commandments are also good for society why is the reason stated here only?
Sometimes the only way we can honor them is loving and forgiving them from a distance, drawing boundaries they are not to cross, and praying for a better relationship in the future.
Latrell Panganiban If that's the intention then what your setting up is blind obedience. By your interpretation the commandment seems to require and equate the blind, and necessary, obedience of small children to their parents to a similar unquestioning obedience to God. Or... what if your Father and Mother did not follow God and did what was evil in the eyes of the Lord (like the Israelite an so many of their kings in the OT.) What if honoring your Father would dishonor your god?
The short answer is that, as with everything else, you start off with the basic principle, and once you have got that established, start to consider the rare situations where it might not fully apply.
Came to this video for the last few sentences. My dad was pretty bad. Beat my mother, wouldn’t provide placing all the financial responsibility on her, she no she died he abandoned us and we were raised with our grandmother, he then asked us back just to send me to a boarding school away from everyone, then he asked us back again and finally had me kicked out and in handcuffs. I don’t think the Bible requires me to honor him. I’ve had many fathers in my life, uncles, church goers, older men wanting to teach. Been blessed in that way.
"There are such cases, but they are rare" I've personally known about 5 or 6 people who had horrible, shitty abusive parents. Two girls I was friends in school with were raped by their fathers and one now has gender identity issues. My boyfriend's mother regularly beat him bloody and verbally harassed him to the point that his first suicide attempt was at 8. My own MOTHER had a father who once beat her sister so badly that she couldn't go to school for a week. ChIls abuse is not at all rare.
If my parents were cruel jerks who no honoring features (thankfully, that’s not the case), I would not honor them, because they are not people worth honoring
A very interesting and valid point and Dennis Prager did specify the exception to the rule... I have 2 parents who got divorced when I was 23years old... my sisters and I saw this father was an alcoholic and life at home was hell sometimes...he is what you consider a functioning alcoholic....he worked 40 hours a week...provided food and clothing and a roof over our heads...but his relationship with my mom was mother knew who he was before getting married yet still married him...she falls into the category of " oh, I can change him " syndrome....nothing changed over 25 years, only got father could be the most loving father when he wasn't drinking...not everything was gloom and doom, we had good times (far and few), went on vacations etc. But home life was like being on edge and the fact that he practiced corporal punishment on us... sometimes to an extent... At 16 years of age I finally exploded and opened a can of wupass on him....(think Muhammed Ali hovering over Sonny Liston in the second fight, 1964)...I felt bad, the worst feeling of my life and always played with my mind for years...of course, he never raised his hand on me or my mother while I was present...some years later my youngest sister also whipped his ass while I was in college....the point of all this is that I have taken the higher road and still honor him as my father after the divorce from my mom..eventually sought help (A.A.) and remarried, he's been sober for over 25 years and more happier than before...its easy to take the other road of hating your parents, and I had a gazillion reasons for that but I chose the way to forgive him and ask him to forgive me as mother and him are on more friendlier terms...his present wife is a very lovely person who I think helped him find a better path in life.... so if I can forgive my father, I'm sure others can too.. I am at peace with myself and care for both my parents....I'm not trying to score brownie points with God but believe its the right thing to do.
@Daniel Kramer Actually it is rare. Also did you think for yourself growing up against your parents wishes so you could live a life outside your family. Parents instill all their beliefs but "forcing" them requires violence. But that's the definition - I have a feeling you want hyperbole.
I Love my parents dearly I see them do everything for me and it's hard sometimes because they gotta deal with disrespect around the house from some of my siblings. But I pray everynight in my heart that my parents one day find rest,peace and joy I Thank God for my parents and how hard working they are and I don't care if I become 30 and my parents become 60+ years I'm going to still honor and Love them because I know I owe them alot. When God calls me to his judgement seat and tells me to testify against or testify on behalf of someone I'ma testify greatly of my parents 🥺😞😔😭
This commandment is one of the reasons why I left Christianity. Had parents especially my mom who demanded respect but was disrespectful herself (shit talked underneath her breath). Nope. Either it goes both ways or no way at all. I mean is it so difficult to lead by example in order for kids to learn about respect?
I think what he means is, he follows the traditions of Christianity such as going to church or praying but he doesn't like what God does. Just my thoughts.
Well, to be honest, I never went to chruch often. XD But I once felt love for God and liked honouring Him. Now I just believe He exists, nothing more. It may look kinda complicated
You can honor your mother just by helping her. If you can't stand her today, then just make sure you take care of her when she's old. This should be enough to honor her.
you should indeed love your parents. "love thy neighbor" meaning everyone living here on this earth with you, your parents are included in that. so honor your parents in addition to loving them
+T-Zay Jesus said to love and forgive your enemies, and to resist not evil with evil, he was also expecting God to return soon. Churches allover the world teach things in direct contradiction to th teachings of Jesus, and stand by their teaching.
It is better to love your parents. Honor your mother and Father the same as Love your parents . BIBLE SAID Love People . Bible said a Love your parents.
So what about those "rare cases" where the parents are cruel to their children? Does this mean this commandment doesn't apply to them? Therefore debunking the ten commandments?
The commandment does not say "love". It says "honor". Many of us had rather awful parents, but we still honor them anyway, even if the love bond was severed by their cruelty.
I have come to terms with mine. And I realized they were dealing with their own demons at the time. And I have since found them assisted living. And I did it not for their sake, but for mine, so I could move on and not repeat their wrongs upon my own children. Anyway, for the great majority of people, honoring and loving one's parents is the right thing to do.
Diego Martinez One must learn from that situation instead of demonizing it. If the adult parents are not acting in ways that a parent must act then all one has to do is learn from it and say to one-self that "I will not be the kind of parents that my parents are acting in front of me" sort of way.
Diego Martinez Holding on to hate doesn't help the holder.Honirng your parents even if they are bad makes you stronger.By honoring you don't respect the bad things they did, but you appreciate that they did do something for you. Also cruelty is a perception. Some parents may have been strict and even used corporal punishment because they thought it would prevent their children from turning out bad. They may be totally wrong and have abysmal parenting skills, but their motives may have been good.
This entire video has neglected one question. What if the parents are NOT morally good? Should the children honor people who are not fit to lead the youth? This video pisses me off very much. my father is a self-victimizing sociopath who has made many bad choices in his life and continues to do so. Am I supposed to just blindly Respect a man who demands way too much more respect than he should ever receive? THIS COMMANDMENT IS FLAWED!!! Anyone on RUclips want to defend this idiocy? Please and thank you.
FINE! I will watch this video again. *6 minutes later* Ok, At 4:45 Denis Preger acknowledges that there are cruel parents. Then he answers " There are such cases, but they are rare." That is NOT a good answer! I have the answer to this problem, "Respect is earned, not Inherited". You don't get respect just because of race, society culture, or what your ancestors did. You get respect because of what you've done and what you are doing now. FOR EXAMPLE: Dr. martin luther king Jr. has worked all his adult life for the betterment of American citizens of all races. You and I can respect him without questioning why. Kim Jong Il was the dictator of North Korea. he was given praise and respect all his life just because of what his father did and no one questions his authority to act like Adolf hitler. there's nothing to respect in that! But I digress... Respect is earned, NOT Inherited. And your right, I am not pissed off about this video. Just annoyed.
You're angry. It's obvious from your comment. And it sounds like you have a good reason to be pissed off. Just do the best that you can when dealing with your father. Be as honoring as he permits you to be. That's all God's asking you to do in your situation. But don't focus on this. This isn't really the root issue. The bigger problem is your lack of forgiveness. You're going to have to find a way to forgive your father. And it will not be easy or quick. I have issues with my mother, but I did find peace after several years of trying. You can too. Until you find it, you will be a slave to your emotions. Understand that forgiving your father actually frees you. And once you've found that, honoring your father to the best of your ability will be easy.
Joseph Calabrese Being angry with your parents, for the things they did wrong, will only make you damage yourself and inflict pain to others. I've seen it, friend. Forgive and be careful not to repeat the mistakes of your previous generations.
Howling Din No one ever said parents shouldn't be held accountable. They should. But irregardless of whether the parents do what is right or not, their children should respect them.
Honor is the American spelling of the word meaning, among things, (1) great respect or recognition, and (2) to show respect for. Honour is the preferred spelling outside the U.S. ;)
T-Zay Not exactly, America spells words correctly within the United States of America depending on the word(e.g. honour, colour, e.t.c). Now, in England or other places, the word "color" is spelled wrong. So in this case you are incorrect because in our country we spell and speak differently than other countries.
I got in a huge fight with my mom 2 days ago because I got fed up with her. She always compares me to my siblings and never did I hear from her words of encouragement with my endeavors in life. She defines us siblings that we will only become successful when we give back to her financially. I dealt with that for 25 years, even had depressions on how she made me feel. How am I to honor her when I built-up hatred inside me as to how she treats me???
thanks mom and dad for all you did for me and I'm sorry for the mistakes that I have made and the pain that you have experienced in your heart and tears that have rolled from your eyes. I love you both. Thank you for giving me life.
Say that to your parents not RUclips..
amadeo calderon Beautiful tribute 💓💓
Amadeo Calderon jr you sir, i commend you.
Oh didnt know youtube was your parents
This is a message that we should be giving our parents on a daily basis.
I am an atheist, but I admit there is a lot more to the ten commandments than I at first realized. I certainly agree that they are the bedrock of western society, and we owe a lot to christianity. I'm not quite there with the big man in the sky business, but whoever wrote the commandments was no fool. Thanks Dennis!
This comment is sufficient reward to the effort Prager put into making this series...
God doesn't live in the sky he created it, and he's not a big man.
***** I think in the Bible(my father often read them when I was young to us), God has given us the free-will to obey/follow his commandments or not. In short the commandments are there and laid in stone but one has the will to not follow it per word or something so those death-thingies are guide-lines back in a more violent/empire riddled world.
Henry Pinder It is trivially easy to write a better set of commandments than th is.
Step 1: Remove the bits that tell us to kill people for breaking commandments
Step 2: Remove the commandments that have nothing to do with morality or ethics (no other gods before me, don't work on the sabbat etc.)
Step 3: Add even the slightest hint that slavery is wrong.
Step 4: Add even the slightest hint that raping your wife is wrong
Step 5: Add even the slightest hint that women are equal to men and not the property of their fathers and husbands
That would be a good start.
***** If Obama passes a law like that then you have the free will to say fuck it and go to Canada or Mexico. Take a third option and shoot him, take another option and protest and go to prison or just make no decision at all.
I’m an adult child of a narcissistic mother and as a Christian, I still try to honor her. I don’t go around trash talking her to people I know (well I guess I am here, but nobody here knows her) and I speak to her respectfully, but I do try to keep low contact because she is draining, exhausting and controlling. I have to pray often for the wisdom to now how to act and deal with her. (And also not act like her towards my children)
My mother had Narcissistic Personality Disorder. I understand.
I needed to read that today. Ty
I love the honesty
The trouble with narcism is that it feeds on attention so to follow God's commandment requires to feed the demon in them. The issue is that there is no exceptions. I think that ultimately because its about you and God and not you and them.
A narcissist cares only for themselves.
Something not mentioned in the video is that as a parent, you love your kids so much. No matter what. And you want to do good to and for them. When you’re dishonoured by them, the emotional pain is significant.
It works both ways. Parents who don't mirror respect to their children will not know how to mirror respect back. Yes it hurts to not be respected and honored back, and in a lot of cases, one has to ask why children behave the way they do when they dishonor their folks. Where do they learn disrespect from? It usually begins in the home environment, then the outer environment comes next.
@@belladonnabudgets7362 I have observed on more than one occasion where kids love and respect abusive parents and also kids who disrespect good parents. While it is important for parents to respect their children, treating them as equals is a mistake. Kids are ignorant and impressionable. Couple this with supreme self-confidence in adolescence and you have a recipe for trouble. Kids need to be guided. Being a parent is much more important than being their buddy.
I remember hearing a sermon by Michael Scott on the subject when I visited London in 1980. He pointed out that the commandment doesn't have a time limit on it. When you grow up, get married, and start a family of your own, your focus must be on them, but your duty to your parents never goes away. I'm now old enough to know this is correct. At the end of her life, my mother suffered with dementia, and I needed to first, take care of her, and then to arrange her nursing home care, as well as manage her finances. Now I see the same problem looming with my parents-in-law. Remember: one of these days you will need your own children to honour you.
This video changed my life, my way of thinking towards mi Dad. Now I have peace. Thanks Prager.
see my comment
I honestly wish I honored my parents more. I was a very ungrateful and rebellious child. I didn't honor my parents in the way that I would have liked to now. I've grown to regret deeply that mistake, as it turns out many of the things my parents sought to teach me were very helpful. Parents are never perfect, but honoring them is more important than most come to know.
FusionOmni Is okay man. Humans aren’t perfect. Believe it or not,I feel the same way. I been arguing and fighting with my parents for years(really almost my entire life). But you shouldn’t give up on them. Is never too late to homer them.
I felt guilty after watching this, and called my father after a month or so.
Good, now civilization won't collapse.
Hopefully this leads to reconciliation between you two.
I’ve been rebellious throughout my whole life. Now I know imma die quicker
After watching this I felt no guilt, going on year 4 without talking to them!
1Orderchaos wow! Congratulations, what an accomplishment!! NOT!
My dad sent this to me I really want to make sure he knows I love him
I pray for my fam that relationships can be rebuilt ❤️🙏🏾
Thank you god for the best parents ever i love you and my parents Amen!🙏🙏🙏
wow i needed this insight thank you
I'm going through a ruff time trying to love my parents right now
@@tazzydoesathing2733 Screw that typo. I'm going through that right now. My mom is so freaking annoying and I've lost all respect for her
Maybe they are having a rough time loving you.
Family is just another word for a people you know, and kinda know
Good I sight from Prager.
I'm a Christian. I cut ties with my mother to protect myself. At some point, one must understand that keeping a "relationship", - an abusing relationship- with a parent, is enabling them to continue the abuse. "If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." (Rom.12:18) This was not possible. At the end, I finally offered family therapy and was willing to pay for it, she refused. There has never been any possible discussion for reconciliation, not that I didn't try! I took distance, I took breaks, several times, to take time to heal. But she would still come back with her evil behaviour toward me. Now, I do honour her, by distance, by praying for her and by praying for me so that God protects my heart from resenting her. But I will never let her abuse me, ever again. It is a tough place to be. No one wants to be rejected from a parent. But "Though my [father and] mother forsake me, the LORD will receive me." (Psalm 27:10) If you are in an abusing relationship, please seek help. Honor your father and mother, yes, but you do have to endure and by doing so, enable any abuse.
There is such a thing as abusive pearents. Those "pearents" do not deserve the luxury of having children under any circumstance. But those cases are entreaty rare. It would be morally impossible to honor someone who is abusive to you..
As.a child when I read Exodus 20 "you shall honour your father and your mother that you may live well and live long ...." I put it to practice. I used to speak to my parents in a respectful way and later demanded from my children respect. I testify that I had a good relation with my parents as much as possible from ny side. My father blessed me when he left this world. My children respect me and we have a blessed relation for following this commandment Many families who don't follow this commandment are messed up and they are unhappy!
This is from God, no human could’ve made this up. It’s so beautiful
True. Because no mere human has the perspective of eternity and an understanding of how the universe really works.
So this is from you
You have NOT read the Bible.
The reason it says "honor your father and your mother" is because children tend to honor the mother more, so it emphasizes the father. (honor has to do with liking or loving someone). Elsewhere it says "be in awe of your mother and your father", emphasizing the mother, because children tend to be more in awe of the father (awe is related to fear). Thus these balancing statements are saying that one should treat both parents the same.
IIRC the honor part has to do more with taking care of the parents, while the awe part has to do with listening to and obeying them.
Another thing is that if you live in a society in which elders are cared for, then when you are an elder you will be cared for, which helps you enjoy a long life as opposed to if no one cared for you, so that you then couldn't work and had to live off your savings alone, and possibly without company.
A society that respects its elders is a society that respects and therefore benefits from wisdom. Remember that according to the bible one must learn the teachings of God every day and every night, so after a lifetime of learning and experience you will grow in wisdom. Wisdom is the understanding of human nature, morality, and how the world works, as opposed to knowledge which has to do with things like science and therefore is concerned with accumulating dry facts.
Or........ We could just watch the video to seek the answer?
+b nkansah As someone who studied in religious institutions I find that the video is slightly inaccurate, and that there is additional interesting information that is missing.
Lestibournes but you just aren't gonna say what is wrong? Then this comment is disregarded.
I was expecting to hear that in the video, but it was not really mentioned... So thank you for adding this!
I agree w/everything ELSE you said here, but as for what God's intention was, regarding this commandment...IF you are correct, then why wouldn't the verse re MOTHERS be listed as a commandment ALSO??
Powerful. The ending - with the child becoming the elderly parent - gave me chills.
“Give honor to whom honor is due” (One of Paul’s letters)
If the parent is abusive, absent, a murderer, a rapist, etc.
They do not in any aspect deserve honor.
Thank God for the NEW testament to clarify on that law.
Down to the Core Productions+ What constitutes "abuse" in your thinking?
My mother abuses verbally in the sense that she backbites,gossips and is just generally so negative I feel like I am dying around her.
It scares the living life out of me. I've tried so hard to help - it just seems like an absolute joke.
@@cristinadriviera8144 There's a video on youtube about this exact situation ;) "how to honor a toxic mother"
see my comment
I'm not a christian but i think a straight up commandment from God should be more highly regarded then anything else in the new testament or the old testament. This while highly regarding the words of the prophets.
@@יהודילאומי in Christian theology there's no difference between the old and new testament and the word of God, there are all the same. A command from God (in the 10 commandments) is not different from anything we find, for example, in Paul letters.
beautiful animation along with insightful content, thanks a mill!
I have started SERIOUSLY and PRAYERFULLY following God’s commandment to honour my 80-year-old mother who had a bad fall 2 months ago and now needs assistance and I must say I am less stressed and happier. Following God’s way is indeed beneficial to us.
Thank-you! This is so important and so often overlooked.
It hurts so much because my parents are cruel. Very refinedly cruel. They oscilate between love and cruelty. And I can't honor them. I just can't, I can't find it in my heart, because if I honor this kind of cruelty, then my morals are worthless.
Well, you could fake it as many do that are into virtue signaling.
You could honor the position they hold in your life, but you are not obligated to obey anyone who asks you to do anything contrary to what Jesus says. If I were to be invited to the White House [under any leader], and I chose to go, I would honor the position, but probably not the person so much. The position of your parents is most important to honor before your own children and grandchildren, but keeping yourself from dishonoring them in front of your offspring. Also, I would suggest that your love will bring them around more than any hate.
I understand where you are coming from. My paster said something to me one day that helped my come to terms about my innermost feelings about my parents. They did not honor God when they where mistreating me. They made it impossible for me to love and honor them. God does not want us to sin, so do not spend time with people who can bring you to that place. I didn't even cry when my father died, I just went about the work of cleaning up his affairs after his death. My mother is 84 now and I am sure I will not mourn her death either. My siblings will tidy up after her death. I wish that I had parents that nurtured the love and respect God wanted me to have for them but they took that ability away from me too many times to count. We are not alone.
In that case, it would be morally impossible to honor pearents, if they behave cruely.
Thank you God. Thank you Father and Mother. Thank God for every person who has been here for me as well.
As a Muslim I must commend this video.
Very well done and perfectly explained.
It's a message societies really need - we can already see the disintegration of respect around us and this is encourage by very innocuous seeming media like 'kiddies films'.
Just look at Frozen: 'no right no wrong. No rules for me' etc
God help us :-)
@Cartoon Crash Abrahamic religion is no better. See: the entire Bible, the Qur'an, and the new upstarts Mormonism and Scientology. All are totalitarian, and all preach guilt by association.
God acts the exact same way as Elsa in Frozen, or any other Disney Princess. Taking zero responsibility for His actions, then why does it surprise you how the Divine Right of Kings led to abuse of executive power, and argued that those who derived their authority directly from God, per Jeremiah's Nebuchadnezzar, were unaccountable?
@@TheRojo387 hey hey Quetzalcóatl states pretty clear that as a sacrifice you must pinch your thumbs instead of the heart sacrifice of other deitys of the same aztec pantheon
Be serious. God is reality, and reality is only "unfair" to the philosophical imbecile. Kings had their flaws, but were often among the best educated and morally superior of their dismally corrupt societies. Our governors today act no more or less selfishly.
Shandouze! A True Testament of one one man's visit to Mecca that left him Vicac (full of life).
Even if they were cruel to you and not annoying you can still do your best to honor them.
This is exactly why the bible use the word honor and not love..
Well, actually, no. I for myself interpret this "Honor them if they treated you honorably." It would be insane to honor somebody who has no honor. And the way you treat someone who is in total need of you in order to survive (which is exactly what every child has to face) shows exactly if you (as a parent) have any honor at all.
So I have another objection to this video. Parents who do not deserve to be honored are the rule, not the exception. At least in our society.
You are a parent yourself?
Yes, I am. And it is not easy, especially since I really try to live what I've laid out here. But at least my children will honor me for what I did for them, not just for accidentally being my offspring.
Good for you.
Mark Grisham "Respect is Earned, NOT Inherited."
YOU SIR, have my respect.
I agree with the themes of this video.
I can't see though that "There is no-one else who the Bible commands us to honour" (1 min 59 seconds)...
• Romans 13:7: Render therefore to all their dues... custom to whom custom, fear to whom fear, honour to whom honour.
• 1 Timothy 5:17: Let the elders [of the church] that rule well be counted worthy of double honour...
• Peter 2:17: Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the King.
• Revelation 4:11: Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power...
There are many other verses.
Failing miserably, failed spectacurly. Sorry Lord, so, so, so sorry Lord!
I repent of disrespecting my parents and I promise to honor them even if I feel they are wrong they gave me life and I will love them in Jesus name
It baffles me that some people in the comments are saying "the only way to make the commandments better is to eliminate God from the whole equation". Like, God is the reason for the whole Ten Commandments!!!
If you take away God in a country, what do you get? Or a better question; if you take away the idea of a being you believe created the universe, and a government says it is unlawful to hold this being in highest regard (which is what worship means), then what do you get? I'll give you a hint... This is what Communist governments do to gain power; if you take away God as the highest thing to worship, then that means that the government will make you worship something else, namely itself. The government becomes a god.
Don't believe me? Look at the history of communist countries: every single one took freedom of religion away first. Look at the Old Testament and see what Israel's enemies did; they conquered people and told them to make their king a god.
Without God, the world wouldn't be here. In fact, I believe nothing would exist without God
God is a communist government Himself.
Well said!
'Removing God from the commandments' isn't meant to be forcing God out of the equation.
It's meant to say that even those who don't believe in him, or those who believe in other gods, should also be just as willing to follow the commandments to an extent.
If we say they're basic human decency and not just things God demands of us to be allowed into heaven, then it's far easier to see how they can benefit everyone, religious or not, by guiding them all to be better people.
And is that not what God would want? For everyone to be better? It may not be belief in him, but it still would make the world a far better place if everyone tried to live by the golden rules laid out in the commandments.
I know some religious folks who still don't respect those around them, throwing stones without prior knowledge, and it shocks me to see how little forethought they have as they beat the commandments into those around them without following them themselves.
My grandmother insists she just wants me to go to heaven and yet her hurtful words to try and convince me are concerningly not christ-like, as she insists upon being. Nor are the words she uses on her husband, nor the things she taught my father that made him become the hurtful man he is today, having attempted to kill me on multiple occasions and beaten me many days a week while I was barely in elementary school.
The commandments aren't perfect, which is why a lot of the grey area of 'what if' is left up to 'you and God', like the drinking of Tea and Coffee and Alcohol as well as Cigarettes and Cigars being considered impure for the temple that is your body, and yet many still partake.
In my case, I am sure God forgives me for stepping away from my father rather than 'respecting him'.
By 'taking God out of the equation', it allows people to interpret in a similar way as to how they might with God, to ensure they're still trying to be the best person they can be, while also realizing the Bible is centuries old, and times have changed.
People who love more fully are allowed to love more freely, people who used the words of God to harm are properly condemned for oppression, and everyone is seeing how truly loving and accepting God is if you just listen.
If we let people start small with the commandments, they may take steps that, if God is real, will lead them into heaven, and if not, will at least lend them to a better afterlife overall.
The point at 0:06 is so interesting. Another commandment that gives a reason for following it is the 4th, remembering the Sabbath because of creation. Never thought about how rare reasons are given.
I need to find my father and talk to him..
+garnet1223 It is summed up perfectly at 3:32
My father doesn't exist, neither does God.
Natan Sandle
I'm sorry you feel that way.
Just to clarify:
Even though my parents have divorced, I meet my father often, and I only said that as a joke.
And I didn't become an atheist because of the sadness.
Although he is a reason I became an atheist, because he is extremely religious.
My father is brain damaged, I grew up with him growing more and more paranoid. Honoring him isn't going to help.
My form of honoring my parents is that, at the time, they might have understood why I did what I needed to do. However, in the end I was successful and an overcomer. At that time, they will be astonished. Realizing that they were a huge part of my raising and my thinking.
My honor is when and if God says to me in the end, "Well done faithful servant. Enter into the joys of the Lord."
I want my parents to be honored at that time.
Obedience without content is wrong and blind. If your father is alcoholic, he dont take care of you and sometimes abuse you. Your mother on the other hand is beating you up, why you should honor them? You shouldnt, becouse they are terrible people and that is why I have BIG problem with that commandment.
If parents want to be honored, they need to honor their children first. They are models, and they cant expect children to respect them, if they do not respect their children needs first. Be there for your child, take care of his needs, listen and guide him, talk to him and respect his personhood, be good role model and then your child will naturally honor you.
Being lousy parent and expecting child to honor you is lazy and abusive. And it gives free pass to bad parents, which is bad for "stability and sustainability" of society in the long run too.
You are a wise and thoughtful person, I can see that you have insight and you also know what you are talking about. You preach! 💓
In the video, he did address that there are exceptions where it's morally impossible to honor your parents.
Yes, he did. I would argue that these cases are not that rare as he told. I dont know if I am living in strange circle, but almost everyone I know was abused and neglected in childhood by their parents, and not just mildly. The thing is most people are in denial of that and too close to their parents to see the bigger picture.
Someone must have stolen your s's.
Also, a couple A's. Some tenses, and especially all the plurality distinctions.
This aged like wine in 2023. We see kids and young adults hating authority and father figures. They shun wisdom
This popped up as an ad for me.
I would like to state:
If your father or mother failed as a parent?
Whether that be by physically and verbally abusing and neglecting you as in my case
Or by full on abandoning you or any other number of abusive or hurtful tendencies?
You don't have to 'honor' them.
God will forgive you if you choose to distance yourself from hurtful people, even if they happen to be relatives.
Always remember that you choose your family, even if you can't choose your relatives. You don't have to speak to someone who hurt you. You don't have to love them or respect them.
That isn't to say that they should be abused in turn. Still turn the other cheek. But know that they have given up any rights they had to be in your life by abusing you to the point that you'd heavily consider such a choice.
Such a big choice is between you and God, of course, but it's important to hear that, as I grew up being abused most of my childhood, and after my parents divorced, my father's mother insisted I reconnect with the man who made me scared to come home, made heels clicking become a conditioned soothing sound because it meant mom was home and he wouldn't hurt me, made school be somewhere I wanted to stay because even without friends, it was better than being home with him.
She knew about this. About how he had, in fits of sober rage, attempted to kill me on at least 5 seperate occasions, and yet she still believed I should honor him by letting him back into my life.
And I did, for a brief few months, only to be blamed for something that was his fault, as he yelled at his girlfriend outside of the car, and said girlfriend's kids were understandably saddened, and he thought I had done something to make them sad, so he cornered me in the car to yell at me for an hour long drive.
Don't let this commandment put you in harm's way.
I understand
I whole heartedly agree. This is a conversation that I have been having a lot lately and many of the same conclusions we seem to reach. This is essential thank you Sir.
Never understood this commandment till this video
most never fully understood any of them until these videos
this needs to be seen everywhere
Wayne Ekeh agreed
Dr Professor He didn't becoz he didn't knew that there were Idiot like you who don't know the meaning of HONOUR
what are you, stupid?
Brought me to tears Mr Prager….Thank you! And love you always Mom and Dad.
I so appreciate all your posts. Truth, clarity, and the rightness of faith comes through so beautifully and easily understood by all.
When your parents are abusive and not interested in changing, severing contact is the only option. If the person upstairs really wanted people to honor their parents, he would have made sure everyone had the best damn parents possible. But I guess one can also disregard Dennis Prager’s rationale if we’re not having children.
Parents should honour their children as well.Seventeen years and never has my mother crossed the threshold of my house and sat down in my kitchen for a cup of tea.A man shall cleave to his wife.And a mother should respect that especially when I have given her the only grand children she will ever have.
So why would you want to introduce her abusive behavior to your kids?
That would be abusive on part.
Plus you have issues because you believe your husband should worship you...wait, you said, "man"...which is abusive in itself!
You never mentioned your responsibilities, just about you and your needs!
You appear to have some power and abuse issues you need to address.
It says in the bible for parents to now provoke their chidren to anger.
I believe in honouring your parents....when they deserve it. If your father is abusive to you, your mother or anyone else. He does not deserve to tell you what to do. If my mother never took interest in my upbringing, she does not deserve to tell me what to do. If your parents tell you something you know is wrong, you are your own person and do not have to fallow through.
1:16 Actually, Jesus in the New Testament said that the two great commandments (on which the law and the prophets depended) are to 1. love God, and 2. love your neighbor. That includes parents.
So yes, actually, the Bible says that we are to love our parents.
+Joe Vasicek If you love God and your neighbors, you will never want to do evil at all, exactly the evil describe in the Ten commandments
Axar Herp Derp Disagree. You can want to do something and still choose not to do it. The commandments are about choices-temptation alone is not a sin.
+Joe Vasicek That only holds true if you believe in the Christian Scriptures.
+Axar Herp Derp Define evil.
God tells us exactly what he wants us to do. For non Jews that means following the 7 laws given to Noah and his descendants. For Jews it means following the 613 laws of the Torah (divine teachings). The 7 laws provide the bare-bones foundation for civilization. The purpose is to better ourselves as individuals and a society, and through that obtain blessing both in this world and the world to come.
Christianity AFAIK teaches that all you need to do is believe in and love one man and that you will be saved. That there is no freedom of choice (then what exactly is the purpose of life? Either I am born a believer and are "saved", or I am born condemned. I did not do anything to deserve salvation or condemnation yet enjoy or suffer anyway). That the laws are a failed experiment (if there is no freedom of choice then how could we succeed or fail? Why even have an experiment in the first place?) and that God changed his mind and canceled them. It also teaches that people have an obligation to be good (but again, how can you demand anything of anyone if they are predestined to behave a certain way?), but is scant on specifics of what that means, and the specifics it does provide are lifted from the laws specified in the Hebrew Scriptures who they claim to be irrelevant, and with often creative interpretations that contradict the previously established consensus, or even the actual text. For example, Catholicism believes sex is a necessary sin, even though God refers to marriage and biological children as a blessing, allows polygamy even if he portrays it as ill-advised (polygamists are not sinners in the Bible, but they are plagued with marriage problems and horrible sibling rivalries), and commands all humans to be fruitful and multiply, meaning to get married and have lots of sex in order to produce many children.
So in short, you don't need some savior figure. You need to behave in a morally righteous manner, and in so doing you will save yourself. You don't need an intermediary. You need to have a direct relationship with God.
+Lestibournes Thank you for your intelligent comment. As the Hasidim say G-d is where we let him in, and there is no place empty of Him. We either live together as brothers and sisters as G-d intended or we die together as fools.
For those who have had cruel parents or were abandoned, hopefully you have a grandparent(s) or other adults who have stepped into that parental role for whom you can show honor because honor really is as fulfilling for the child as the parent
honor is earned not given
I see my parents as fellow human beings, as I do with everyone else. But I choose to give honor and respect to them because they want it, and often made me do it. Throughout my years of growing up, I found it difficult to understand why I had to, but then I realized that they have had to raise a child, and tried to make it as easy for themselves as possible, while also giving me an amazing life. That is basic human behavior found in almost everyone; humans will find the most convenient way to complete a task, to achieve an easy and enjoyable life. So I saw a reason to respect them, because they were able to raise me. No gods or kings needed to tell me why.
But I don't think that you're going to believe me.
I was raised correctly by parents and godparents, and am thankful for it every day. I naturally honored them in many of the same ways Dennis points out. I hope my kids do the same, and this value is continued to be shared for all our generations to come.
Most parents use honor and respect as a cop out to stop their children from challenging their outdated and emotionally/physically abusive parenting skills. They don't want honor, they want fear. They want fear so you don't act against the grain.
Ronnie Harris this is exactly my circumstance rn. Do you have personal experiences where this was the case?
THIS. My dad mocked and ridiculed me, hit me and attacked my verbally, and then like a true coward would quote "honor thy father" when I had the temerity to get angry at him. Those that want respect, give respect. It doesn't matter if that person impregnated my mother or not. If you treat me like a piece of shit, you get no respect from me.
So true. We’re dealing with this issue with my husband’s parents.
I agree. I'm not even religious or believe in God. But I always hear this. My grandmom said this to me a few weeks ago after my mom physically and verbally assaulted me like she's been doing all of my life. So I hit my mom back and got loud with her back. My grandma says that it doesn't matter whether I'm being abused or if I was abused by my mom growing up, but that I am to honour her because she gave me life and because she is my mother. And that's just something that I don't agree with. I didn't ask to be here, and she could have easily aborted me like she did the one before me. I just don't agree with this term. I've been hurt by my mom for so long. Verbally, physically and emotionally. My mom was and is still a toxic person. We've never had a mother/daughter bond ever. That is why I can't wait to move out.
RonnieHarris+ They want to USE you, sap your life energy out of you because they DON'T go get cleaned up by GOD . I 'm over it.
Dennis Prager, you are a real American hero! Thank you for your efforts. This information is exactly what our country needs right now.
Honor your father and mother
Thanks Dennis Prager. Beautifully explained and illustrated. The biggest insight here is the differential between love and honor. Shows you the infinite wisdom of Bible.
One important thing about this commandment is missing: In the Jewish tradition, it is customary to divide the ten commandments into two parts: "Commandments between one and the Lord" (I-V) and "Commandments between one and one's friend"(VI-X). In this division, the fifth commandments is in the "Commandments between one and the Lord" part, and this is intentional - it is that important to God that one shall honor one's parents. Moreover, it ties with the fact that there is a "reward", as you explained, to this commandment - not following it is a sin towards *God*. rather that one's parents.
This goes even further, as my Father says - the father is God's representative on this Earth.
+Amir “TheDiveR” Melnikov The complementary commandment which goes something like this: "and each man be in awe of your mother and your father and keep my sabbaths, I am the Lord" - meaning, you must obey your parents, but only so long as they don't ask you to violate God's laws.
The parents (both of them) are God's partners in creation, and it is their responsibility to act in God's place and teach their children right from wrong. By learning to respect their parents children also learn to respect God.
So then the father represents--and adheres to--a moral standard that God Himself does not.
@@Lestibournes + But if the parent is constantly violating God's laws by being foul mouthed and abusive , what of that?
Let me give a tap of faith...for those who are none's something that you NEEDED but u don't have it yet...let's test that there is a ruler of the world ...Ask for it in your heart only u knowing what it is that u need it will come ..just to shift ur faith and beliefs... nothing is to great for GOD ...put urself to the test of him ONE LOVE
This video inspired me to message my father. Thank you, sir!
I'm a Protestant Baptist, but I really appreciate the wisdom of Dennis in this video! I preached on the Fifth Commandment this last Sunday, and even referenced his comment about how we are called to honor our parents before we're called to love them. I just think that is so helpful for the people that have been abused by negligent parents!
You sort of glossed over the whole, "what if they're cruel?" issue. Why honor someone who does not deserve to be honored?
The implication I took was that you don't. If I know one thing about Dennis Prager it is that he holds morality in the highest regard. If he says that you cannot morally do something he means that you should not do it.
How about because GOD said to do it and for no other reason. When you obey God...he will reward you for obedience.
AFTER escaping their destructive influence, honor first the fact that they created your life. No cruelty they have done can nullify that -- only if they take your life away have they removed that ultimate cause for gratitude. Honor second the general status of parenthood that your parents occupy. Even if a single police officer is bad, most of us do not want to live without law enforcement, so we respect the badge even if not respecting the officer. Third, honor the fact that if you can't forgive your parents' failures, those after you may take the same liberty not to forgive your failures.
God is the supreme authority, your parents are secondary
If they are cruel to you in unreasonable ways, they are against God, therefore you don’t need to honor them
@@PriestlyBlock67 yes you do, even if they are cruel. They could have aborted you, like the left wants. Or they could have left you. They could be crueler than what they were.
Dennis, I generally agree with you. You are, in my opinion, the only level-headed, intellectual thinker on the radio. Like you, my moral compass points North. I have no equivocation with regards to issues of "right & wrong"....both are crystal clear to me. Honoring your parents is crucial, I understand your points completely. And, I would admonish all children to do so. But, the caveat is this: Honor your parents, but only if they honor you. Only at the very end of this video do you mention the possibility of the "cruel" parent. You have talked at length about your happy family & how much your recently deceased father meant to you. I know you know it & I'm glad for you. You really are a rarity...loving family,keen intellect,opportunity,recognition, success & financial freedom. This, I believe colors your thinking. I honestly think you have no idea how many truly evil, not just cruel, parents there are and how much permanent damage they have done. My personal story is not important here. I used to think I was the only one when I was young, but as I grew older I discovered stories far worse. I read about them continually today. Instead of honoring or fondly remembering my father, I'm cursed by his memory almost on a daily basis.
I nodded my head through the first part of your talk and really agreed with you until you started to speak about children without father figures in their lives and all of the bad choices and life experiences they are more likely to encounter.
I was widowed 5 years ago with, at the time, 4 year old twins and a 14 year old son. I do my best to be both mother and father for my three children and I will assure you that I am doing a pretty good job so far. I would love for my children to have a father figure in their lives and hope that one day I will find someone who can wear those shoes but I found it quite unfair for you to say that so much hinges on the "father figure"
My children do honor me and see me first and foremost as their parent instead of their friend and for now the DO NOT have a father but I'm sure they'll be just fine
+Esther Peart I understand your concern with what he said and i'm happy that you're such a responsible parent to your children. Lord knows we need more parents like you even in 2 parent households, but he said that children that grow up without a far more likely to end up going own a bad path in life
+Esther Peart You can dont like that, but that does not make it wrong or untrue. It is statistically highest predictor of bad outcome in live for a child to come from a single mother household. You are not the kind of woman who have child irresponsibly with a man who vanish. You had husband and I am sory you lost him. So your attitude is not that bad as for mother who choose bad man for her child. But nevertheless you need to be aware that having man around for a role model for your child, especially if you have son, is crucial to his development.
Sometimes I think that our parents are our link to the divine, warts and all. And therefore by honouring them, we honour God
Bottom line obeying ur Father and Mom is a good thing, went u grow up u will honor ur teachers, boss,Pastor,husband,wife etc.Praises The Lord
The 5th Commandment is THOU SHALT NOT KILL. The 4th Commandment is HONOR THY FATHER Y MOTHER. Great talk. So true. Everyone needs to hear this talk. God bless America.
46 While Jesus was still talking to the crowd, his mother and brothers stood outside, wanting to speak to him. 47 Someone told him, “Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak to you.”
48 He replied to him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” 49 Pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. 50 For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”
My 18yo son, diagnosed with ASD, had a major falling out with his mother (we're divorced) and, not unjustly, has refused to see or contact her in any fashion. This video has helped him see the importance of keeping in touch via text, at minimum, with her. Thank you for this. Hopefully, with time, my wife, his therapist, and I will be able to help him increase his interaction with his mother.
I'm one of those rare cases (My biological mother is someone I cannot honor). So I honor my father and step-mother!
Striker Zac care to elaborate If you don't mind
I must admit, this has been the best breakdown of this I've heard to date!! Thank You
I told my mom that I could no longer take part in her lifestyle and that I didn't want my kids around her on a regular basis. That we would only be seeing her for big holidays or big family get togethers. Also that I would keep in contact through face time and would send pics of our family. This was not good enough for her and she decided to cut off all communication with me. It was because she couldn't control me and how much she sees me/grandkids anymore 🤷♀️so, that's on her.
Honoring your mother and father is so much deeper than just commandment its self. It correlates how we see God as our ultimate Father. If we can't honor our earthly parents, what hope do we have to honor God whom we can't see.
I was taught to hate and alienate, my father and Love, and enmesh with my mother. And I was a brat to both.
Now I’m trying to undo this toxic road I’ve been on and recreate not only myself but my family line.
It feels hard to honor my parents with such toxic programming in my brain. As I learn the truth the more angry I am at them. They still want me at war with eachother and side with them, and I find it easier to just go away. Which I did for over 2 years.
How do I do this?
How to I teach this to my kids?
I’m learning.
I’m ex atheist now Christian.
And with what I see going on in the world today, I realize how important Christian values are and study the Bible more and more.
I’m trying to bring these values into my heart and mind and home while trying to undo my own programming.
Teaching my kids and husband in different ways so that we can fight against this war on families.
Trying to honor my parents regardless of how invisible I was/am to them. I get they only see their own pain.
The more, I learn -the more I see,
the more I see - the more I realize the less I know,
The more I realize the less I know - the more I want to learn,
and now I feel like I’m traveling full speed ahead, trying to learn as quickly as possible.
I’ll feel so behind and yet grateful I can see. Hoping I can save my family and myself.
in not a christian but although i may not totally love my parents i do honor them...
did anyone ask
It’s more that just children honoring their parents but also everyone honoring anyone who is a Father or Mother.
I love this channel
i dont
@@antonios130 Sorry that you feel that way
The Bible, through Peter, also says to honor the emperor. And to outdo one another in showing honor. Thanks for this message.
If you don't want people forcing their belief system down your throat, then don't try to force your belief system on someone else.
I really struggled with that years ago. I have verrrrry baaaad parents. I prayed and asked God; how do I honor people like them? God didn't just tell me, he showed me to make sure I understood it deep in my heart and mind. Two weeks after I prayed that prayer, I was at work one Saturday and the police called me to tell me my 10 year old and nephew broke into their school. When I got there, the police was smiling and saying the kids wanted to play on the computer so they checked their homeroom door. It was opened. He said they weren't there to vandalize it, they really did want to play on the computer. However, because it was private property, they had to go before the judge. When we got home from court, I was overwhelmed with sadness, grief and fear for my child. As I was hugging my child and crying at the same time, God spoke to my heart in that moment. He said, this is how you honor your parents. I raised you up in my name. I taught you right from wrong. I did not teach you to go out into the world to do bad things. Your parents taught you bad things but I was the one who raised you. Therefore, when you walk outside your door to start your day, you walk under the banner of my name. He was talking about my last name which is my family name. We are to honor God through how we act in public, with people and anything we do. Regardless of how bad my parents were, I still have my family name and my children have that name too. I want my children to be blessed and honored under their family name by the people in society and everywhere they walk.
Truth seeker+ Sorry I don't understand your point!
see my comment
@@rone1200 hard to find you amongst 1500 comments.
So, what about kids who don't do everything you just listed off to honor they're parents. What if a kid calls his dad or his mom by they're first name, what about if they disagree with something so they say "No, I'm not doing that". What if they don't say "Yes Mom" "Yes Dad "Yes Sir" Or "Yes M'am" After everything that's asked of them. There are so many things that are left out and so many things wrong with all of this, this just hurts my brain man...
Yes honor your mommy and daddy. They love you all in your heart ❤️ Right, and you're living in the best Country. 🥺
All you need to do is sit inside the car.
if loving your parents is psychologically and emotionally impossible, then loving your neighbour or strangers can be impossible for these reasons as well, no?
+Tony Nameless No, that is logical way of interpreting things :)
This is how you build an argument. If you accept premises in first sentence as truth then conclusion is truth, and then ppply the same logic to premises in second sentence, then if first is correct, second is correct.
This is universal in Successful Cultures. Hinduism teaches that "Parents are your first Gods"
God bless those who honor bad parents.
And no, my father honoured very well his father, but I mean, he's a very very difficult man, it's not good to honour him. I will honour him if he starts changing.
"5. Honor Your Father and Mother"
According to the Bible, Jesus said "And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven." ( Matthew 23:9)
Matthew 23:9 is a lie.
@Saint Knight How nice. You are able to post a comment that is so vague as to be meaningless... much like all the descriptions I have heard for god.
@Saint Knight I quoted the Bible directly.
Your vague response was:
"Poor understanding, much?"
1) you didn't explain how the Bible passage i quoted was ( as you claim) poorly understood by me.
2) your response was grammatically incorrect
Can you explain how my posting & quoting exactly what the Bible says WITHOUT inserting any interpretation by me or commenting about the passage is "poor understanding"?
@Saint Knight " Because you should be looking at the context or the original language."
The Bible is supposed to be the word of god. Is god so stupid he is unable to communicate his words clearly?
Context? In what context is it moral to own another human being as your property? Both testaments say this is OK.
@Saint Knight Why are you changing the subject?
You said "you should be looking at the context or the original language."
I asked In what context is it moral to own another human being as your property? Both testaments say this is OK.
I am still waiting for you to explain what context makes it moral to own another human being a your property.
My great great grandfather was abusive, my great grandfather was less abusive, my grandfather was rarely abusive, and my Dad was never abusive. Each generation still honoured their parents.
Do you not think that parents should earn the respect of their children? Why does it need to be commanded?
This commandment is perhaps more vague than the others. Is it enough to honour your father and mother with one thing you do? Do you need to honour them both with everything you do? Do you need to honour your father, and then, honour your mother in a separate act? What if honouring your father dishonours your mother? Very confusing is it not?
@0:19 Why does this feel like bribery or even extortion? Especially in context of the rest of the old testament narrative. Yahweh: I am giving you land. Honour thy father, and your mother, or your days here will be short."
@0:46, 1:05, 1:09, 2:46, 2:56, 3:13, 3:50, 4:10 CITATIONS NEEDED. Please link relevant scientific peer reviewed papers in support of these opinions.
@1:45 Yet the bible, elsewhere, does demand that we love our neighbours, strangers, even our enemies, and certainly God regardless of how psychologically or emotionally impossible that might be.
@1:58 It's OK then to dishonor God, neighbours, strangers as long as we love them?
@2:56 Is it not likely that these statistics you haven't identified actually show the result of growing up in poverty and/or being parented by a mother that a father found he could not bear to live with even to support his own child? There are many good reasons for couples to split and it's not always 'best for the children' to stay together. This focus you have on fatherless families borders on misogynistic.
@3:28 Here I think is the real reason for this commandment (if they are indeed so well thought out). It sets up a willingness to accept authority without question. This is confirmed at 3:39 thank you.
@4:02 Allegiance is not honour.
@4:58 But God still demands it does he not? Are there to be exceptions to this commandment, however rare? Are there rare exceptions to other commandments? Based on who's judgment? Is the morality here to be subjective?
Your interpretation of "...that your days may be long in the land..." to mean "...essential for a successful society..." is a very interesting. How do you know it's not way less metaphorical? Certainly dishonoring your father or mother will result in death (Ex 21:17, Det 21:18-21) so your days in the land will be more/greater/longer if you don't. Or perhaps it means that honoring ones parents will literally or figuratively make days feel longer to you. It's not clear if nights will be correspondingly shorter. There are plenty of sillier ideas in the bible.
Instead of presenting evidence, you're asserting the reason for this commandment is that it is good for society. There may in fact be tons of evidence to support a causative correlation between honoring your parents (however horrid they may be except for rare exceptions) and a successful society but you don't show it. Do you not find it odd that this one commandment states a reason but none of the others do. You've argued that the other commandments are also good for society why is the reason stated here only?
Sometimes the only way we can honor them is loving and forgiving them from a distance, drawing boundaries they are not to cross, and praying for a better relationship in the future.
+T-Zay or just work on it. Praying doesn't mean shit
You need to respect/honor your parents because if you can't respect your parents then you can't respect God.
Latrell Panganiban
If that's the intention then what your setting up is blind obedience. By your interpretation the commandment seems to require and equate the blind, and necessary, obedience of small children to their parents to a similar unquestioning obedience to God.
Or... what if your Father and Mother did not follow God and did what was evil in the eyes of the Lord (like the Israelite an so many of their kings in the OT.) What if honoring your Father would dishonor your god?
The short answer is that, as with everything else, you start off with the basic principle, and once you have got that established, start to consider the rare situations where it might not fully apply.
Came to this video for the last few sentences. My dad was pretty bad. Beat my mother, wouldn’t provide placing all the financial responsibility on her, she no she died he abandoned us and we were raised with our grandmother, he then asked us back just to send me to a boarding school away from everyone, then he asked us back again and finally had me kicked out and in handcuffs. I don’t think the Bible requires me to honor him. I’ve had many fathers in my life, uncles, church goers, older men wanting to teach. Been blessed in that way.
"There are such cases, but they are rare"
I've personally known about 5 or 6 people who had horrible, shitty abusive parents. Two girls I was friends in school with were raped by their fathers and one now has gender identity issues. My boyfriend's mother regularly beat him bloody and verbally harassed him to the point that his first suicide attempt was at 8. My own MOTHER had a father who once beat her sister so badly that she couldn't go to school for a week. ChIls abuse is not at all rare.
If my parents were cruel jerks who no honoring features (thankfully, that’s not the case), I would not honor them, because they are not people worth honoring
Almost seems like mindless obedience...
It says honor not obey
A very interesting and valid point and Dennis Prager did specify the exception to the rule... I have 2 parents who got divorced when I was 23years old... my sisters and I saw this father was an alcoholic and life at home was hell sometimes...he is what you consider a functioning alcoholic....he worked 40 hours a week...provided food and clothing and a roof over our heads...but his relationship with my mom was mother knew who he was before getting married yet still married him...she falls into the category of " oh, I can change him " syndrome....nothing changed over 25 years, only got father could be the most loving father when he wasn't drinking...not everything was gloom and doom, we had good times (far and few), went on vacations etc. But home life was like being on edge and the fact that he practiced corporal punishment on us... sometimes to an extent... At 16 years of age I finally exploded and opened a can of wupass on him....(think Muhammed Ali hovering over Sonny Liston in the second fight, 1964)...I felt bad, the worst feeling of my life and always played with my mind for years...of course, he never raised his hand on me or my mother while I was present...some years later my youngest sister also whipped his ass while I was in college....the point of all this is that I have taken the higher road and still honor him as my father after the divorce from my mom..eventually sought help (A.A.) and remarried, he's been sober for over 25 years and more happier than before...its easy to take the other road of hating your parents, and I had a gazillion reasons for that but I chose the way to forgive him and ask him to forgive me as mother and him are on more friendlier terms...his present wife is a very lovely person who I think helped him find a better path in life.... so if I can forgive my father, I'm sure others can too.. I am at peace with myself and care for both my parents....I'm not trying to score brownie points with God but believe its the right thing to do.
see my comment
@Daniel Kramer Actually it is rare. Also did you think for yourself growing up against your parents wishes so you could live a life outside your family. Parents instill all their beliefs but "forcing" them requires violence. But that's the definition - I have a feeling you want hyperbole.
I Love my parents dearly I see them do everything for me and it's hard sometimes because they gotta deal with disrespect around the house from some of my siblings. But I pray everynight in my heart that my parents one day find rest,peace and joy I Thank God for my parents and how hard working they are and I don't care if I become 30 and my parents become 60+ years I'm going to still honor and Love them because I know I owe them alot. When God calls me to his judgement seat and tells me to testify against or testify on behalf of someone I'ma testify greatly of my parents 🥺😞😔😭
This commandment is one of the reasons why I left Christianity. Had parents especially my mom who demanded respect but was disrespectful herself (shit talked underneath her breath). Nope. Either it goes both ways or no way at all. I mean is it so difficult to lead by example in order for kids to learn about respect?
I am still a Christian but that's the reason why I stopped loving God.
Antonis Rountas How can you be a Christian and "stop loving God"? That's Antithetical
I think what he means is, he follows the traditions of Christianity such as going to church or praying but he doesn't like what God does. Just my thoughts.
Well, to be honest, I never went to chruch often. XD But I once felt love for God and liked honouring Him. Now I just believe He exists, nothing more. It may look kinda complicated
You can honor your mother just by helping her. If you can't stand her today, then just make sure you take care of her when she's old. This should be enough to honor her.
you should indeed love your parents.
"love thy neighbor" meaning everyone living here on this earth with you, your parents are included in that. so honor your parents in addition to loving them
Honor your parents, yeah.. where is honor your children??? There's abusive parents too! I'm not honoring anyone who abuses me!
Your parent is your neighbor so we are commanded to love our parents.
Jesus even told us to love our enemies sooooo...
+T-Zay Ha'Shem tellls us to love all creatures.
+T-Zay Jesus said to love and forgive your enemies, and to resist not evil with evil, he was also expecting God to return soon. Churches allover the world teach things in direct contradiction to th teachings of Jesus, and stand by their teaching.
It is better to love your parents. Honor your mother and Father the same as Love your parents . BIBLE SAID Love People . Bible said a Love your parents.
We Love you @JamesDavis-kc6kk
So what about those "rare cases" where the parents are cruel to their children? Does this mean this commandment doesn't apply to them? Therefore debunking the ten commandments?
The commandment does not say "love". It says "honor". Many of us had rather awful parents, but we still honor them anyway, even if the love bond was severed by their cruelty.
Cali Curmudgeon so the abused kids must keep contact with their abusive parents?
I have come to terms with mine. And I realized they were dealing with their own demons at the time. And I have since found them assisted living. And I did it not for their sake, but for mine, so I could move on and not repeat their wrongs upon my own children.
Anyway, for the great majority of people, honoring and loving one's parents is the right thing to do.
Diego Martinez One must learn from that situation instead of demonizing it. If the adult parents are not acting in ways that a parent must act then all one has to do is learn from it and say to one-self that "I will not be the kind of parents that my parents are acting in front of me" sort of way.
Diego Martinez Holding on to hate doesn't help the holder.Honirng your parents even if they are bad makes you stronger.By honoring you don't respect the bad things they did, but you appreciate that they did do something for you. Also cruelty is a perception. Some parents may have been strict and even used corporal punishment because they thought it would prevent their children from turning out bad. They may be totally wrong and have abysmal parenting skills, but their motives may have been good.
This is such a great video. So much biblical knowledge and wisdom in a way that is easy to understand and it's concise.
This entire video has neglected one question. What if the parents are NOT morally good? Should the children honor people who are not fit to lead the youth?
This video pisses me off very much.
my father is a self-victimizing sociopath who has made many bad choices in his life and continues to do so.
Am I supposed to just blindly Respect a man who demands way too much more respect than he should ever receive?
Anyone on RUclips want to defend this idiocy? Please and thank you.
FINE! I will watch this video again.
*6 minutes later*
Ok, At 4:45 Denis Preger acknowledges that there are cruel parents. Then he answers " There are such cases, but they are rare." That is NOT a good answer!
I have the answer to this problem, "Respect is earned, not Inherited".
You don't get respect just because of race, society culture, or what your ancestors did. You get respect because of what you've done and what you are doing now.
Dr. martin luther king Jr. has worked all his adult life for the betterment of American citizens of all races. You and I can respect him without questioning why.
Kim Jong Il was the dictator of North Korea.
he was given praise and respect all his life just because of what his father did and no one questions his authority to act like Adolf hitler. there's nothing to respect in that!
But I digress... Respect is earned, NOT Inherited. And your right, I am not pissed off about this video. Just annoyed.
You're angry. It's obvious from your comment. And it sounds like you have a good reason to be pissed off.
Just do the best that you can when dealing with your father. Be as honoring as he permits you to be. That's all God's asking you to do in your situation. But don't focus on this. This isn't really the root issue.
The bigger problem is your lack of forgiveness. You're going to have to find a way to forgive your father. And it will not be easy or quick. I have issues with my mother, but I did find peace after several years of trying. You can too. Until you find it, you will be a slave to your emotions. Understand that forgiving your father actually frees you. And once you've found that, honoring your father to the best of your ability will be easy.
Joseph Calabrese
Being angry with your parents, for the things they did wrong, will only make you damage yourself and inflict pain to others.
I've seen it, friend. Forgive and be careful not to repeat the mistakes of your previous generations.
Howling Din No one ever said parents shouldn't be held accountable. They should. But irregardless of whether the parents do what is right or not, their children should respect them.
Howling Din If they're different things then how do you define them separately?
I'm glad my mom was the best ever but there are those who were abused by their parents or they just did terrible things in general.
You spelled honour wrong.
Honor is the American spelling of the word meaning, among things, (1) great respect or recognition, and (2) to show respect for. Honour is the preferred spelling outside the U.S. ;)
America spells everything wrong, lol.
T-Zay Not exactly, America spells words correctly within the United States of America depending on the word(e.g. honour, colour, e.t.c). Now, in England or other places, the word "color" is spelled wrong. So in this case you are incorrect because in our country we spell and speak differently than other countries.
He spelled it CORRECTLY, he is British. The World Wide Web is not relegated to America.
I got in a huge fight with my mom 2 days ago because I got fed up with her. She always compares me to my siblings and never did I hear from her words of encouragement with my endeavors in life. She defines us siblings that we will only become successful when we give back to her financially. I dealt with that for 25 years, even had depressions on how she made me feel. How am I to honor her when I built-up hatred inside me as to how she treats me???
Forgive and take some advice from a believer in God or a pastor.
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