Movie Oppenheimer-सवाल क्या बनता है?

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 156

  • @PleaseSitDown
    @PleaseSitDown  Год назад +162

    विद्यार्थियों से अनुरोध : वीडियो के अंत में एक सवाल आप दर्शकों से भी है कृपया उसका जवाब देने का प्रयास कीजिए

    • @hassanraza2222
      @hassanraza2222 Год назад +9

      1. Dono nuclear scientist
      2. Dono ne apne apne desh ko nuclear sampann desh banaya
      1. Oppenheimer ne technique khud se discover ki jab ki abdul qadeer khan pe aarop hai chhori ke
      2. Oppenheimer ne ye technique kisi ko bechi nahi na hi kisi country ko bataya jab ki
      Khan ne North Korea ko technique batayi
      Thank you sir
      Please evaluate

    • @prakharsrivastava9667
      @prakharsrivastava9667 Год назад

      Similarities in Both the scientists are they both want to explore the technologies in the field of quantum physics so that it can be helpful when needed.
      Dr Khan was called by the then President of Pakistan to create nuclear weapon for defeating india at any cost. Dr Khan has created weapon after knowing that this is only for the destruction of India but in case of Dr R. Opennheimer, He only wants to share the knowledge of Quantum Physics to Americans and only have a Nuclear Theory for creating nuclear bomb and know it's consequences. He never wanted to use it against the humanity but after convinced by the authorities they created it.

    • @vishnukant953
      @vishnukant953 Год назад

      दोनों में एक बड़ी समानता है कि दोनों ने अपने राष्ट्र के आदेशों को शिरोधार्य समझते हुए बिना किसी तर्क के कि द्वितीय विश्वयुद्ध को खत्म किया जाएगा या नहीं (ओपेनहाइमर के संदर्भ में)! या शीत युद्धकालीन राष्ट्रों के मध्य एक परमाणु संपन्न राष्ट्र बनकर अपनी आत्मनिर्भरता सिद्ध करने के लिए (अब्दुल कादिर खान के संदर्भ में) जैसा प्रश्न नहीं पूछा...
      परंतु एक पशोपेश के स्थिति भी दोनों में समानता दर्शाती है और वह यह कि दोनों को यह ज्ञातव्य था कि जिसका आविष्कार वे करने जा रहे हैं वह विज्ञान का विभत्सकारी रूप होगा अगर उसे किन्हीं कारणवश प्रयोग किया जाता है तो... इसपर दोनों ने ही कभी अपनी क्रिया प्रतिक्रिया व्यक्त नहीं की...
      विषमता यह है कि ओपेनहाइमर का आविष्कार उसके दिमाग की उपज थी जिसे उसने कई वैज्ञानिकों के साथ मिलकर आविष्कार किया था, ओपेनहाइमर को अपने आविष्कार पर खेद हुआ और उसने स्वयं को मृत्यु की संज्ञा देकर विज्ञान की भावी विभीषिका को रेखांतिक भी किया, किंतु अब्दुल कादिर खान के संदर्भ में ठीक इसके विपरित है... कादिर ने अपनी परमाणु बम के आविष्कार की नींव गुप्त तरीके से की और गुप्त दस्तावेजों का प्रयोग ईरान, दक्षिणी कोरिया जैसे देशों को प्रोत्साहन के रूप में सुपुर्द किया. इसीलिए दुनिया आज भी इसे एक छल की नींव पर खड़ा किया गया आविष्कार समझती है और कादिर के इस कृत्य को विश्व का सबसे बड़ा परमाणु प्रसार करने वाला कृत्य बताया गया है..!
      प्रणाम सर...!🙏

    • @lias934
      @lias934 Год назад

      *Similarities between Robert J Oppenheimer and Abdul qadeer Khan* :-
      1) Both were highly determined, renowned scientist ( (Oppenheimer - American Theoretical Physicist;. Qadeer- Pakistani Metallurgist ))
      2) Both delved into making atomic bomb under their particular apprehension and national demand
      (Oppenheimer - inspired by experimental physics- Percy Bridgman- course on thermodynamics and Hindu Holy text, Shrimad Bhagvad Gita line- "Kaalashmi";
      Qadeer khan-- inspired by India's successful test explosion of "Smiling Buddha" in 1974---))
      3) Both were awarded for their work
      (Oppenheimer - Enrico Fermi Award &
      Qadeer khan- Nishan-e-Imtiaz)
      • *Differences:-*
      1) Qadeer khan was allegedly accused of disclosing nuclear technology and expertise to Libya, Iran, North Korea and several other countries after completion of his project.
      Whereas, Oppenheimer warned against using his own invention of the "atomic bomb" having devastating consequences.
      2) Qadeer khan-dubbed as villain of the world was regarded as a " revered Hero" by Pakistani for contributing to their national security.
      Whereas , Oppenheimer went through public humiliation and eternity of investigations, suspections after Manhattan Project.

    • @devishankaryadav7295
      @devishankaryadav7295 Год назад

      नमस्ते सर
      संदर्भ के अंतर्गत आए प्रश्न कि अमेरिकी परमाणु भौतिकविद ओपनहाइमर और कादिर खान (पाकिस्तानी परमाणु भौतिकविद) के मध्य अंतर को बिंदुवार निम्न तरीके से समझ सकते है।
      :अनुसंधान के आधार पर
      अमेरिकी परमाणुविद ओपनहाइमर परमाणु को युद्ध में प्रयोग करने वाले प्रथम वैज्ञानिक थे अतः कहा जा सकता है कि ओपनहाइमर के शोध का स्तर व्यापक और बहुत गूढ़ था।
      जबकि कादिर खान के प्रयोग का समय बहुत बाद 90 के दशक का था जिसमे कहना उचित है कि उनकी यह व्यक्तिगत उपलब्धि नहीं थी केवल उनका योगदान उपस्थित तकनीक को पाकिस्तान में प्रयोग करने का था।
      :उपयोग संबंधित संज्ञानता
      ओपनहाइमर अपने बनाए बम के क्षतिकारक प्रभाव से बहुत भिज्ञ नही थे।
      जबकि कादिर खान ऐसे समय में इसका निर्माण किए जब पूरी दुनिया इसके प्रभाव से पूर्णतः भिज्ञ थी।
      : राष्ट्र के प्रति कर्तव्य
      दोनो वैज्ञानिकों ने अपने राष्ट्रहित के लिए अपने अनुसंधान का उपयोग किया
      :व्यक्तिगत और वैज्ञानिक(व्यवसायिक) नैतिकता
      ओपनहाइमर में वैज्ञानिक नैतिकता और व्यक्तिगत नैतिकता का स्पष्ट दर्शन होते है
      जबकि कादिर खान व्यक्तिगत लाभ के लिए इस तकनीक को उत्तरी कोरिया,सीरिया तथा ईरान को बेच दी थी जो सर्वथा अनुचित और नैतिक संकीर्णता परिचायक है
      :आत्मावलोकन के स्तर पर विभेद
      चूकि दोनो वैज्ञानिकों ने मानवता विरोधी शस्त्रों के प्रसार को अंजाम दिया लेकिन दोनो इसको देखने का अलग दृष्टिकोण अपनाते है जैसे अपने को जस्टिफाई करने हेतु ओपनहाइमर ने गीता के श्लोक का सहारा लेता है,यह और कुछ नही उसको स्वयं के कर्तव्यों का बोध और अत्मग्लानी का प्रभाव है
      जबकि ऐसी अत्मग्लानी या मानव विरोधी कार्य का संसय कादिर के वक्तव्य में कभी परिलक्षित नही हुआ है।🙏🙏

  • @utkarshshukla2726
    @utkarshshukla2726 Год назад +62

    Good Evening Sir!
    Sir as you asked views on Oppenheimer and Qadeer Khan in their roles, it is clear that both are done in different situations having different expectations from the results, in two different geopolitical scenarios but both are targeting the humanity only. If I am saying different expectations from the results then it means that Oppenheimer was expecting lower destruction as it occurred actually(i.e. more than 50 times as some sources say) but in case of Qadeer (who was indeed aware of the destruction intensity) was having expectations of higher destruction.
    Yes we can say that both Oppenheimer and Khan did nothing good if we talk about Atomic Bomb, because bombs like this can never be justified be it in the name of protecting the nation or whatsoever.
    Still the story of Oppenheimer is very different from what we get to see from the Khan's journey. I will not comment on their childhood excellence or after because both were scientists and obviously had ignited minds. Oppenheimer was a brilliant child and completed his PhD in 23rd years of his age and achieved many milestones that gave him opportunities to go to that heights that he was designated as head of Manhattan Project but because of his tilt towards left ideology he faced Backlash also. But if we see in Khan's stroy that was not the caes.
    Geopolitically, Germany was also working on nuclear chain reaction and bomb, Japan's role in the WW2 etc but Pakistan was trying to make in the light of 1975 India's test.
    The most interesting thing which we see about both of them is what they did afterwards. Oppenheimer's famous quoting of Bhagwat Gita (I became the death, Destroyer of the world) shows his regret, he also regreted after bombing Japan lateron he approached to the then President Truman to stop such destructing acts and opposed the testing of Hydrogen bomb also. But Khan was accused of sharing such destructive technology to North Korea, Iran and Libya. He confessed it that he did it to his own benefits
    Here we must be careful in analysing both that Oppenheimer was unknown about the destruction but Khan had example of Japan before him despite of that he chose to propagate it,,,,this shows that both have no comparisons in their character in seeing the deeds that they did to the world.
    Rest there are many things to discuss about both but one thing is clear that bombs can never be justified be it US, USSR, China or India. It is a domino result which should be stopped at any cost. We should strengthen those ideas which strive to stop it, because at last it is humanity only which suffers the most.
    There is a very relevant comment of Einstein on this which says a rat would never make it's rattrap but humans made Atomic bomb.
    Sorry sir if its too lengthy to read but I'll be obliged if you give it a look🙏
    Thankyou Sir.

  • @PleaseSitDown
    @PleaseSitDown  Год назад +67

    Thank you viewers for your insightful replies on Oppenheimer versus Qadeer Khan question. It is really heartening to see youngsters having perspective and vision.
    Please keep the replies coming. Also please read comments on this question by other viewers and see how diversity makes you better. I would try and respond collectively as and when possible.

    • @mazharimam1216
      @mazharimam1216 Год назад +1

      Thanks a lot sirji... For your precious guidance....

    • @mazharimam1216
      @mazharimam1216 Год назад +3

      Your channel name is just amazing... The very defining relationship between Guru and shishya.... ☺

    • @devapriyajoddar5185
      @devapriyajoddar5185 Год назад +1

      Sir, I have one earnest request! Can you explain your perspectives in English too. Hinglish would be fine too. Some words in pure Hindi are quite difficult for me to understand. Still, I'm trying Sir. It would be great if you kindly explain critical perspectives in English as well. I don't want to miss a single word you say.
      Regards. 🙏

  • @ravi.4155
    @ravi.4155 Год назад +74

    When we are talking about similarities, they both (American physicist Oppenheimer and Pakistan physicist Qadeer Khan)are nuclear physicist, they act as the main role to becoming their nation as Nuclear Capable Nation. When we are looking both of the situations as bird's eye view we thought that both the situations are same , But when we look in the depth of that they are totally different situations.
    1} When we are talking about Oppenheimer , they are in experimental period they know that the destruction happens but in what quantity they don't know.On the other hand Pankiani govt. very well know that what will happs after built an atomic bomb specially in that country which is politically not stable at all .
    2}When Oppenheimer bulit the bomb after it, He regret & stop all his R&D but Qadeer Khan on other hand gives that imp. Bomb codes to North Korea because of which In present time North Korea became as a nuclear capable nation
    At last , I am not saying that Oppenheimer was right and Khan was wrong . In my openion they both are good their filed but because of both of them the present day humanity suffers , because of Oppenheimer everyone sarted making bombs by following his path other countries make bomb like USSR , China ,and because of Khan the Indian Peninsular region suffers , as India not take any defence operation inside Pakistan to nuteralise the terrorism as they have bombs .
    So Whatever happens in past we have to learn from that and take the stance not in favour of using atomic bombs

    • @digitalera94
      @digitalera94 Год назад

      I think you have used wrong line,,that India is not taking any action against Pakistan because thay have nuclear weapon,,
      India is not taking action because of our peace policy

    • @devapriyajoddar5185
      @devapriyajoddar5185 Год назад

      Fyi, @rajat4155 Our former PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee adopted the "no first use" policy after Pokhran 2, in 1998. So, what you said in the end, is actually not possible unless the NFU policy is removed.

    • @devapriyajoddar5185
      @devapriyajoddar5185 Год назад

      ​@@digitalera94 right

    • @digitalera94
      @digitalera94 Год назад

      @@devapriyajoddar5185 shukriya

    • @ravi.4155
      @ravi.4155 Год назад

      @@digitalera94 I fully agree with you . At that time I used some not accurate words, not intentionally.

  • @PleaseSitDown
    @PleaseSitDown  Год назад +13

    Corrected. Its today 4:30. Thanks

  • @restlessaspirant2152
    @restlessaspirant2152 Год назад +19

    1)both nuclear scientist
    2)both followed the orders but they didn't want to(as against their personal values)
    3)patriotism in their personalities
    4)both charged of conspiracy by the authority(openheimer-ussr,qadir khan-n korea,tech sell)
    Differences :
    1)openheimer's situation was like the invention was for the protection of nation but later used against japan,while qadir khan's had not such compulsion
    2)openheimer everytime realised that the bomb is not for betterment of human kind while qadir khan blindly followed the orders(ethical perspective)
    3)ww2 period might be the influencer of such invention but pakistan had not such needs..

  • @shreyapushkar4649
    @shreyapushkar4649 Год назад

    Through light on Content and body language during public speaking.

  • @mazharimam1216
    @mazharimam1216 Год назад +9

    As per similarities they both were nuclear scientists who invented real monster of destruction. For contrast
    1) Oppenheimer was a kind of quixotic scientists who later also regretted and expressed it in form of sloka from Gita
    2) while AQ khan was a kind of bombastic scientists who allegedly sold nuclear formula to country like North Korea, Egypt, Libiya, Iran etc.
    He can be equated with Edward Teller though.

  • @a.p.shriram7735
    @a.p.shriram7735 Год назад +3

    Nayak ya khalnayak refers to comparing two individuals, in this case, Oppenheimer and Qadeer Khan. J. Robert Oppenheimer was an American physicist known for his role in the development of the atomic bomb during World War II, while Abdul Qadeer Khan was a Pakistani scientist known for his involvement in Pakistan's nuclear program.
    Comparing them, Oppenheimer's work was significant in the development of nuclear weapons, whereas Khan played a crucial role in Pakistan's nuclear program, which led to the country becoming a nuclear power.
    It's essential to note that their roles were quite different, as Oppenheimer's work was mainly in research and development, while Khan's contribution was more towards the practical application of nuclear technology. Both individuals have had significant impacts in their respective fields, but their legacies are distinct due to their different roles and contexts.

  • @beyond_the_failure
    @beyond_the_failure Год назад +1

    मैं upsc एस्पिरेंट तो नहीं हूं लेकिन आपकी वीडियो बहुत ध्यान से देखता हु।
    इससे सामाजिक जीवन के पेचीदा सवालों के जवाब मिल जाते हैं।
    धन्यवाद गुरु जी । आपके वीडियो देखने का अवसर भी एक सुखद अनुभव है।

  • @LaxmanSingh-kv8pm
    @LaxmanSingh-kv8pm Год назад +2

    Mai ek rural area s belong krti hu or current ko lekar hmesha Confusions rahti hai
    Par aapke show ko dekhne ke bad current ki samajh ko lekar Confusions dheere dheere door ho rhi h
    Jaha tk maine dekha h y u tube par apni tarah ka akela platform h
    Aapka dil s dhanywad sir ❤

  • @Abhimanyu2.2
    @Abhimanyu2.2 Год назад +3

    Sir Oppenheimer and qadeer khan both are nuclear scientist but their are few similarities along with few diffreneces which i want to draw your attention ..
    1. Both are nuclear scientist and having vision of making their countries nuclear power
    2.Both scientist are doing state funded project with team of trusted scientist ...
    1. Oppeheimer during Manhattan project was always in dilemma and ethical conflict about this dangerous atomic bomb and its impact on humanity
    While qadeer Khan was in mode to not only nuclear capability but also to sell this uranium enrichment technology to make massive money ...
    2. They both are different in approaches
    The history is best teacher and it is evident from these two characters that if human mind is used for ill way , it can destroy the humanity ...
    A need of balance and learning from such incidences can be better way forward...

  • @deepakrajak4569
    @deepakrajak4569 Год назад +1

    धन्यवाद सर❤❤😊😊

  • @Rahul-06x
    @Rahul-06x Год назад +1

    Good evening sir 🙏🇮🇳.
    As you ask questions: similarity and defference between Oppenheimer and qadeer khan.
    Similarity: both were great physist, prominent role of making nuclear bomb which they had done and the test both countries were successful.
    Difference: the destruction of Oppenheimer approach was less but destruction of qadeer approach was high . After the blast of nuclear bomb gun method , fission with two 32U235 (little boy) in Hiroshima and 'Fat man' ( fission with to 34Pu235 in implosion method ) in Nagashaki before Oppenheimer test chain reaction to illuminate the bulb which show his intelligence .
    After blast the bomb he said of quote in Bhagawat Gita - "I became death. Destroyer of the world" which show regret for him . After it , he forbid to order of US president Truman to create of Hydrogen bomb .
    Whereas another hand qadeer created nuclear bomb and test it but after blast he was interest it to do again he was not regret about any country that what will they doing
    In all over approach capitalised the wrong point I find in qadeer Khan in certain amount of wron view in my opinion .
    Please give review 🙏
    Thanking you !!

  • @labanisingh4871
    @labanisingh4871 Год назад +10

    I don't know much about the two persons so I can't answer your qus. & I'm not preparing for UPSC. Still your speech acts as booster for me. You are one of the greatest personalities ever seen my life...thanks to social media to give me the opportunity to com in touch with you.
    Being a bengali aspirant of govt job I would request you to please add english subtitle with the videos so that we can gratify our store of knowledge smoothly. Thank you sir. Take regards.

  • @jitendrashah1424
    @jitendrashah1424 Год назад +5

    Oppenheimer and Kadir Khan were both famous scientists, but there was a big difference in their efficiency. Oppenheimer was a recognized scientist in the United States who played a key role in the Manhattan Project and contributed to the creation of Atom Bomb. Qadir Khan was working for the first energy minister of Pakistan and his main objective was to make nuclear weapons for Pakistan. Both scientists made their contribution with different objectives for different countries.

  • @aryanverma6121
    @aryanverma6121 Год назад

    Dhanyawad sir

  • @SonuKumar-lm8wc
    @SonuKumar-lm8wc Год назад +3

    Sir my point of view Oppenheimer ,he made the nuicleas accidently but Kadir khan know distraction of Nuclear,and also share this method with North koriya,which is distractive of whole world, thanks you sr❤❤❤

  • @SachinKumar-rc8tv
    @SachinKumar-rc8tv Год назад +1

    You are My inspiration sir...🙏🙏🙏😊😊💯💯💯

  • @deepubanna1821
    @deepubanna1821 Год назад +2

    ❤❤❤ aap jsa koi nhi guru dev

  • @piyushchoudhary9630
    @piyushchoudhary9630 Год назад

    Oppenheimer is thought of in a better way because he spent time thinking about what he was doing and how it might affect people. He talked about making rules to control the use of nuclear weapons and tried to stop countries from fighting with them. This shows he cared about the world's safety.
    Abdul Qadeer Khan, on the other hand, is seen as causing worry because he gave information about making nuclear weapons to other countries. This made people concerned that more countries might start using these dangerous weapons, which could lead to problems. He didn't follow the rules that were made to keep the world safe from nuclear weapons.

  • @vinubainada1205
    @vinubainada1205 Год назад

    Thanku so much sir ji🙏🙏

  • @hirdeshkumar9999
    @hirdeshkumar9999 Год назад +12

    प्रिय सर जी,
    सादर नमस्कार
    आपकी हर क्लास बहुत ही सुन्दर अद्भुत अनुपम और अद्वितीय होती है आपकी भाषा शैली बहुत ही सरल और सहज है
    आसानी से हर चीज समझ में आ जाती है
    आपको तहे दिल से शुक्रिया ताज नगरी आगरा से 🌻🌼💐🌼💐💐🌼💐💐💐🌼💐🌼💐💐💐

  • @mdshahnawaj4574
    @mdshahnawaj4574 Год назад +4

    Similarities - 1) both were following nation first approach, 2) patriotism and nationalism in their motive of action
    3) to become a world power it was,needed and to balance with india it was needed to pakistan despite we have the principles of second use ...etc

    • @safaruk2549
      @safaruk2549 Год назад

      Difference between nationalism and patriotism...??? Can u explain

    • @Pie-oq4np
      @Pie-oq4np Год назад


  • @anjalimewade5211
    @anjalimewade5211 Год назад +2

    Sir mene movie to dekhi nahi but i take your guidance carefully for exam really helps to create perspective...this weekend i will try to answer this question

  • @ajaysaini7736
    @ajaysaini7736 Год назад

    Thanks 🙏🏿🙏🏿

  • @PrakharRSingh
    @PrakharRSingh Год назад +1

    As the movie depicts, there was a buzz that Hitler led Germany was developing a nuclear weapon under the guidance of Werner Heisenberg. Also, the Stalin led USSR was into the arms race given the Wehrmacht was occupying Stalingrad (present day Volgograd) at that point. Now, the American bomb was solely made in order to give a loud and clear signal of post-war leadership as the war was just about dead rubber after the Russians made it to Berlin. Also, the scientist who led the development of USA's nuclear bomb was a German Jew which also was a very strong force for him to be building a bomb that was ought to be used against the Nazi Germany. Since, such a huge amount of investment was made, they had to show the world that they had "won" the race.
    Implications :
    - cold war
    - death of thousands of American PoWs in Japan
    - fall of Truman
    Now, before talking about Qadeer Khan, we need to talk about the Smiling Buddha led by Raja Ramanna and Homi Sethna. In 1974, India tested its first Plutonium bomb which was built according to the 'Fatman' blueprint. Since, at that point in time, Pakistan could afford to rival with India, they started investing into their own military application nuclear programme. There's nothing wrong or right in that. They had the support of USA and China so, it was easy for them to be able to invest in that, given India was facing western sanctions post 74. Also, Pakistan had lost their eastern territory in 71 where India was a catalyst - which is an attack on sovereignty as well. There was a fuming sense of obtaining equivalent power as India had humbled them in 1971 and now, had already tested a Plutonium bomb. The fight was to come out as the face of South Asia and since all of the nations have forever been in one or the other race, there was nothing wrong or right in that. You see, space explorations were also an arena of competition. USSR launched a mission, USA did a moon landing. It's all competition for influence. It is said that Qadeer Khan's research helped DPRK to develop their nuclear weapons, which is certainly not clearly bad if not good. You see, the west-aligned nations have nuclear weapons and if the eastern nations don't have these weapons, there's always a possibility of domination by the west. Since, the eastern bloc has ample nuclear stockpile, there is a balance and now, dialogues are preferred over waging war.
    So, if Ramanna, Bhabha, Sethna and Kalam are heroes, Oppenheimer is a hero, Sakharov is a hero and Qadeer too. And if Qadeer is a villain, the others are too.
    I believe, Oppenheimer's team developed a weapon that designed the world politics of the 21st century.

  • @meshram22
    @meshram22 Год назад

    Both have made significant contributions to nuclear science and technology.
    They were involved in research related to nuclear weapons development.
    Background and Nationality: Oppenheimer was an American physicist who played a key role in the Manhattan Project, which developed the first atomic bomb. Tatha Qadeer, on the other hand, is a Pakistani nuclear physicist known for his involvement in Pakistan's nuclear program.
    Time Period: Oppenheimer's most significant work took place during World War II, while Qadeer's contributions are more recent, primarily in the latter half of the 20th century and beyond.
    Oppenheimer's work was focused on the development of atomic weapons during a time of global conflict. Qadeer's work was tied to Pakistan's national security concerns and its efforts to establish a nuclear deterrent.
    Cultural and Political
    The motivations and geopolitical contexts for their work were quite distinct. Oppenheimer's work was driven by the war effort and concerns about the Axis powers. Qadeer's work was influenced by regional dynamics and Pakistan's relationship with neighboring countries....

  • @Sahay1008
    @Sahay1008 Год назад

    Thanks for explaining sir ji!

  • @PrabhatKumar-jn2rc
    @PrabhatKumar-jn2rc Год назад

    Sir lekin aap bolte bahut aache hai

  • @amansharma3929
    @amansharma3929 Год назад


  • @utkarshvashistha7803
    @utkarshvashistha7803 Год назад +8

    Sir both have studied technically same as they create nuclear weapons .
    American scientists are not pressurized to do so they are making it only for emergency but unfortunately they used there weapon in war . May be they are doing experiment in the war and want to see the damage after that they may be come in guilt and may be they took lessons from that incident
    but pakistan scientists mr khan may be in pressure to create such harmful weapons to scold the other countries or to show , create unnecessary dominancy . America reaches there by a process but Pakistan ruled under the influence of there army and army works under the influence of some terrorist so ... This may be the reason Pakistan come forward only in the field of nuclear weapon .
    Sir pls make me correct 🙏🙏

  • @nirdoshkumarnarayan471
    @nirdoshkumarnarayan471 Год назад

    Thank you sir ❤❤❤

  • @samchoktanzin2732
    @samchoktanzin2732 Год назад +3

    prime similarity I found is that they both contributed to nuclear race other than their background.
    diff. founded is Oppenheimer on one hand was man of ethics and morality (as per movie)
    while on the other side khan sold it to the authoritarian countries or countries with political turmoil.

  • @MANOJKUMAR-ke4dt
    @MANOJKUMAR-ke4dt Год назад

    General understanding ki nazar se bhi kaphi hai Dear sir💓🤗💐
    Lots of love from Uttarakhand ❤️💓❤️💓💙💚

  • @SI.Dineshyadav
    @SI.Dineshyadav Год назад +4

    सर आपने बुलडोजर कल्चर की बात कही यदि इंटरव्यू में बुलडोजर कल्चर के बारे में पूछा जाता है तो इस पर हमारी क्या राय होनी चाहिए इस पर मार्गदर्शन प्रदान करे

    • @Sandeep200
      @Sandeep200 Год назад +2

      Bilkul is pr sir ko ek video banana chahiye.

  • @DheerajkumarDK1999
    @DheerajkumarDK1999 Год назад +2

    Hlo sir, I am in CA Finals, still i love to watch your views on movies.

  • @RakhiKumari-ic3ox
    @RakhiKumari-ic3ox Год назад +1

    Nuclear Power hona aaj pratek desh ki jarurat ban gyi hai ,iska mukhya udharan Ukraine hai.isliye kai deshon ke scientists ne iss area me athak prayaas kiye hai,jinme se Oppenheimer or Kadir Khan hai.un dono scientists ne duty vs huminity,destroyer vs creater,and life vs death ki dilema ka saamna kiya saath hi dono ne kai nidao ko jhela.But mackiyaveli ke kathan anusaar rajya hit sarvopari hai.

    • @moderator7006
      @moderator7006 Год назад +1

      I was searching this type positivity.❤

  • @MAMTArani-mv8sg
    @MAMTArani-mv8sg Год назад

    Thanks Sir 😊

  • @atuljaiswal2005
    @atuljaiswal2005 Год назад +2

    सर मणिपुर के मुद्दे पर भी एक वीडियो बनाए इंटरव्यूर की नजर से 🙏

  • @shantanudeepak7313
    @shantanudeepak7313 Год назад +4

    दिए गए प्रश्न से संबंधित उत्तर।
    इस पहले हम दोनों व्यक्तियों की तुलना करें, हमें समझना होगा दोनों व्यक्तियों के व्यक्तित्व क्या है।
    अपेनहाइमर और कादिर खान दोनों ही न्यूक्लियर साइंस के छेत्र में खिलाड़ी हैं और अपने अपने देशों के न्यूक्लियर प्रयोगों में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाई है, मगर दोनों में बुनियादी फर्क समय और इस एक्सपेरिमेंट से जुड़े सीक्रेट्स को लेकर है। ओपनहाइमर द्वित्य विश्वयुद्ध के दरमियान थे तो वहीं, कादिर खान 90 के दशक में पाकिस्तान के न्यूक्लियर प्रोग्राम को भागदौड़ सम्हालते हैं।
    बम तो दोनों ही बना लेते हैं, मगर ओपनहाइमर इसे दूसरे देशों के साथ साझा नहीं करते मगर कादिर खान न्यूक्लियर टेक्नोलॉजी की मंडी खोल देते हैं, कादिर खान पर आरोप है कि उन्होने ईरान और उत्तर कोरिया जैसे गैर जिम्मेदार देशों को सहायता पहुंचाई और तो और कई बार न्यूक्लियर इक्विपमेंट की ब्लैक मार्केटिंग में भी संलिकत पाए गए वहीं ओपनहाइमर ने किसी प्रकार का गैर जरूरी कार्य नहीं किया। लेकिन दोनों ही विज्ञान के मामले में एक अव्वल वैज्ञानिक रहें बस अंतर उसके उपयोग का रहा।

  • @sln3736
    @sln3736 Год назад

    दोनो की जिंदगी एक बहुत बड़ी शख्सियत के रूप में उभरी लेकिन सुरक्षा और अपनी रक्षा के नाम पर एक खतरनाक चीज को जन्म दिए जिससे खुद भी तबाह होंगे और दुनिया को तबाह करेंगे

  • @Anchalsony-ph8ys
    @Anchalsony-ph8ys Год назад +1

    Sir... Jiske graduation me botany (honours) tha... To unse interview me kaise question puchhe ja sakte h... Subject se related question ke bare me v video banane ki kripya kre....🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @niluthpalbhowmik
    @niluthpalbhowmik Год назад +2

    1)Both were nuclear scientist
    2)Both developed a nuclear bomb for there country
    1)openhimer developed the nuclear technology (first in the world)(Manhattan project). A.Q Khan used to work in a laboratory in Netherlands and stole some secrets from there
    2) AQ Khan used to sell nuclear secrets (nuclear proliferation) while openhimer didn't
    3) openhimer was a theoretical physicist while Khan was physicist and metallurgical engineer.

  • @ashutoshshukla8143
    @ashutoshshukla8143 Год назад +1

    1. Background in science: Both J. Robert Oppenheimer and Abdul Qadeer Khan had backgrounds in scientific fields.
    2. Contributions to nuclear science: Both individuals were associated with nuclear science and technology.
    3. Nationality: Both were citizens of their respective countries, with Oppenheimer being American, and Khan being Pakistani.
    1. Nationality and affiliations: Oppenheimer was an American physicist known for his work on the Manhattan Project during World War II, which led to the development of the first atomic bomb. On the other hand, Abdul Qadeer Khan is a Pakistani metallurgical engineer and is widely known for his controversial involvement in Pakistan's nuclear weapons program.
    2. Roles and contributions: Oppenheimer played a key role in the theoretical aspects of nuclear physics and the development of the atomic bomb during wartime. In contrast, Abdul Qadeer Khan is often referred to as the "father" of Pakistan's nuclear program due to his significant contributions to the development of Pakistan's nuclear weapons.
    3. Controversy: While Oppenheimer's legacy is associated with his scientific achievements and leadership during the Manhattan Project, he faced controversy later in his life due to his alleged communist affiliations during the McCarthy era. On the other hand, Abdul Qadeer Khan faced controversy for his involvement in nuclear proliferation activities, which led to international sanctions against Pakistan.
    4. Global impact: Oppenheimer's work significantly impacted global politics and the course of history, as the atomic bomb ushered in the nuclear age. Abdul Qadeer Khan's contributions played a crucial role in making Pakistan a nuclear-armed nation, altering the regional security dynamics in South Asia.
    In summary, both J. Robert Oppenheimer and Abdul Qadeer Khan were significant figures in the field of nuclear science, but they had different roles, backgrounds, and impacts on history. Oppenheimer was involved in the development of the atomic bomb, while Khan played a key role in Pakistan's nuclear program.

  • @Poornimas_Universe
    @Poornimas_Universe Год назад +1

    🚩 Good afternoon sir😊🙏💐
    Sir Both of the scientist Openhimer and Qadeer were the main leader in the development of atomic bomb and also both of Both of them were accused for their nations security concerns.
    But Oppenheimer was making this atomic bomb for the 2nd ww for Americsns victory.
    But on the other hand Qadeer was involved in proliferation network and sharing the important secrets of atomic bomb development to other nations.

  • @jawedalam8588
    @jawedalam8588 Год назад +4

    A superb series has been started by you I say it not a useful series for the student or aspirants as well general persons who interested balanced view...

  • @VivekKumar-00001
    @VivekKumar-00001 Год назад

    Sir good step taken by u...

  • @PriyankaKumari-ie9cc
    @PriyankaKumari-ie9cc Год назад

    Hum jyada to nhi jante lekin itana malum hai ki,,,openhammer vishv yudh me santulan lane ke liye parmadu bomb ko banaya jisase manvata ki raksha ho sake, lekin uske upyog se unhe atmglani bhi hui,,,,,,,,vahi qudeer Khan parmadu farmula ka upyog vyapar krne ke liye jo manav jati ke khilaaf tha

  • @sekuribindu2170
    @sekuribindu2170 Год назад

    When there is an ethical conflict, it's better to step back and quit,. The point of ethical conflict is where we need to make a decision and that will create history. Since Germany was on the verge of defeat, Oppenheimer should not have taken up the project, hence he is my khalnayak. As far as Qadeer khan is concerned, he is like Abdul kalam to Pakistan. Any how the nuclear weapons have already become a reality when he started out, getting the technology for his own country makes him a Nayak. It should not be about being negative towards Pakistan if we need an unbiased understanding.

  • @spiritonics2488
    @spiritonics2488 Год назад +1

    Oppenheimer and Qadir khan were nuclear physist. Although the former regretted his decisions and inventions on the ground that humanity will suffer if this invention was to be used in a destructive way. Oppenheimer's dilemma can easily be traced in the artiles published.He could anticipate that power harnessed from nucleus can be used in a more constructive way.Md Qadir's intention was a little bit non-coherent with that of Oppenheimer. He wanted Pakistan to be enlisted in the states with nuclear capabilities. Although both of them were great. But latter was allegedly involved in the infamous case of sharing the nuclear technology with the states like North Korea which would later on prove to be a threat to humanity.

  • @MehaBhardwaj-r4u
    @MehaBhardwaj-r4u Год назад +2

    श्री भगवत गीता का जो प्रशंग है , मुझे लगता है कि ओपनहाइमर परमाणु बम बनाने के पश्चात खुद से बहुत दुखी थे तथा परमाणु बम के प्रभाव को देखकर उसे भुलने की कोशिश को दिखाने के लिए वह दृश्य फिल्माया गया है

  • @sharadkumarsingh649
    @sharadkumarsingh649 Год назад

    Sir mujhe aapki shalinta bhut pasand hai, mai bhi sikhne ki koshis kr rha hun, sir mai pgt history ki taiyari kr rha hun

  • @knowledgesea9329
    @knowledgesea9329 Год назад +1

    Sir please make a video how to overcome Stammering problem.........its very problematic to me 😭😭😭😭😭😭 sir please take a session on it...i know there are very few audiences with stammering problem but still help us

  • @shiromanikumar1828
    @shiromanikumar1828 Год назад

    Good sir

  • @ashokbeda
    @ashokbeda Год назад +2

    कादर ख़ान और open हाईमर को में केवल वैज्ञानिक की दृष्टि स देखता हुँ| उन्होंने केवल अपने कर्तव्यों का पालन किया। यदि मैं भी एक वैज्ञानिक होता तो वही करता जो उन लोगों ने किया था।

  • @ManjuArya-p7o
    @ManjuArya-p7o Год назад

    Respected sir though I haven't watched the movie but through limited sources about both the scientists I perceive in similarity between the two as, as a scientist both of them are extraordinarily experts in their fields and their respective Nations needed them for the safeguard of their countries in the discovery of nuclear weapons. So, as you mentioned in the video about fulfillment of the duty towards the Nation vs personal interest/ethics, I believe both of them put their duty towards their respective Nations prior to the personal interest/ ethics.
    At the end not to put myself in any controversy that could harm me or my future I will like to add my personal views of peace building that might sound kiddish but I will definitely mention if there will be no production of any kind of weapons then there will be no wars.

    @DEEPAKSAMRAT-vp1ln Год назад

    Oppenheimer became a great peace messenger after japan accident , he opposed america hydrogen bomb plan strategy
    But in the other hand pakistani nuclear scientist had never feel like this , he sold nuclear bomb theory to north corea and iran that is main world unstability issue for iran and north korea .

  • @luera6980
    @luera6980 Год назад +1

    Hi guruji

  • @hollywoodmovieinhindi3526
    @hollywoodmovieinhindi3526 Год назад

    Sir american scientists openhymmer and kadar khan life similarities is that both are working for strengthening their own country hard power bit difference is that both are working in difference situation one for fullfilng his country wrong intention of destabilize democracies that is Pakistan and one for winning ww2 along with allies for defeat fascism

  • @BituKumar-fb5yi
    @BituKumar-fb5yi Год назад


  • @jyotikesharwani9280
    @jyotikesharwani9280 Год назад

    Hello Sir
    As you ask to us the similarities between Abdul kadeer khan and Oppenheimer both are great person of their nation which build their nation a nuclear power but some instance and situations completely differ like Oppenheimer was the first person who test and innovated this harmfull technology or defend technology where kadeer khan followed the innovation and experiences
    And After the testing and Hiroshima Nagasaki instance Oppenheimer lived their life in self guilt where kadeer khan such person who transfer and bonding there technology with other countries like Lebiya and north Korea
    One side Amrican country oppose Oppenheimer and one other sides pakistani gov make huge respectful image of kadeer khan
    What is impact of govt perspective of both person this is other thing which we should khow and learn we always use this technology when no any option present

  • @restinmusic2571
    @restinmusic2571 Год назад

    Sir please don't change camera angles too frequently it affects eye and brain ,causes concentration problem.

  • @NiralaYou
    @NiralaYou Год назад +4

    Iam big fan of you ❤❤❤❤Sir
    आपकी चरणों की धूल को में हमेशा संभाल कर रखूंगा लेकिन उस तक पहुंचने के लिए बड़ी बाधाओं का सामना करना बाकी है। आप हमेशा मेरे आदर्श बने रहेंगे में उत्तराखंड टेहरी गढ़वाल से ।। आपसे रूबरू एक दिन जरूर होऊंगा गुरुजी आप थोड़ी सी धूल मुझे सौंप देना । आजीवन अपने पास रखूंगा ।❤🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @drvoom
    @drvoom Год назад +1

    DEAR SIR , what could be the ideal answer of that bulldozer my opinion we should create balance between government order and people of state but in practicality we can't do it hence inclination towards government orders...please ans sir

  • @gudiyarawat7677
    @gudiyarawat7677 Год назад +1

    Sir Hobbies m shrimdbhagwat KO rkh skte h or isse kis type k question puche ja skte hai

  • @AmanRtMishra
    @AmanRtMishra Год назад

    Sir aapka eye contact 🎥 camera se alag dikh rha h

  • @vineetpandey522
    @vineetpandey522 Год назад +1

    Sir Hobbies se kis type ke questions puche ja sakte hai? Ispe bhi guide karen?

  • @sanjayyadav2518
    @sanjayyadav2518 Год назад

    Aaj jb desh Main aghosit apatkaal hai tb desh ko jodne ki baat ek deshbhakt HI kr sakta hai ye pm etna jhooth kyu bolte hain espe bhi boliye mhasay ji Great work ❤❤❤

  • @Vibrant_bharat-0
    @Vibrant_bharat-0 Год назад +3

    I think, Qadar Khan also deserve the respect what needs in scientific world without any hesitation , Openhimer is a famous scientist and he hadn't any hatred thought to district any country behind the construction of atom bomb 💣 but Qadar Khan had the hatred vision for our country Bharat because he had a hatred vision for a country so he had many dissimilarites to Openhimer

  • @kingsurya3215
    @kingsurya3215 Год назад

    I request you to talk about movie of Michelangelo antonioni

  • @UltimateGuide13
    @UltimateGuide13 Год назад dekhna interview me apna hobby batana kis type ka impression dalta hai interviewing board par ???
    Please respond

  • @pikeshpandey215
    @pikeshpandey215 Год назад

    apne hint diya ki , dono ke life me overlappinng dikhai deti h... .....isse yh to kha ja skta hai...... Dono ke life personal & public life me conflict of interest tha..... Pakistani hona unki glti nhi h... Na honi bhi chahiye jab nation ke liye kam kre .....magar yha kha ja skta h ki oppenheimer ne apne karm ko kiya jo uski duty thi....similarly....the other one also did....... Point of reflection yh h ki dono ke results ..... Nation -society ke najariye she bhinn bhinn pratit ho rhe h..

  • @dineshchawala3026
    @dineshchawala3026 Год назад

    Help sar ji

  • @harshil.d.parmar
    @harshil.d.parmar Год назад

    From the perspective of both nuclear scientist of america and pakistan state played very importent role to build bomb. (Nationalism)....race started by america to establish superpower itself..but pakistan joined race in to way of defence of country (after loosing against india) but according to my opinion if america could not started race any other country could be.

  • @hanuman4386
    @hanuman4386 Год назад +1

    Please sit down, aaye bathiye, kuchh halki fulki baate karte h

  • @bottle-
    @bottle- Год назад +2

    Yar, spoilers to nhi h na?

  • @shibpreetpanda5833
    @shibpreetpanda5833 Год назад +6

    Big fan of you sir.

  • @akshaysaha3913
    @akshaysaha3913 Год назад +1

    Donon mein Samanta yah hai donon ne apne Desh ke liye Apne Desh ke Suraksha ke liye nuclear project pe kaam kiya .
    Pakistan ka scientist ko Shayad koi regret feel nahin hua aur unko achcha saman Mila. USA ke scientist ko regret feel vah aur unko kabhi Na kabhi USA mein court mein bhi khada hona pada communist tha isliye
    Personal opinion

  • @manojk2923
    @manojk2923 Год назад

    Sir, please use English also.
    I am from South India.

  • @Raj-ul3dr
    @Raj-ul3dr Год назад

    upsc nhi IIT ka bola tha sir..

  • @dineshchawala3026
    @dineshchawala3026 Год назад

    Help sir ji

  • @News5524-u1p
    @News5524-u1p Год назад +1

    Sir me apka behaviour ka Deewana

  • @Dream_Lbsnaa27312
    @Dream_Lbsnaa27312 Год назад

    Hello sir good evening
    I have a doubt
    Please tell me one thing that
    Sir meri 10th 12th ki marksheet me km iram Anjum h
    Or graduation or post graduation me iram Anjum h
    Sir me upsc ki preparation kar rahi hu
    Please tell me
    Document verification me koi problem to create ni hogi please sir btaiye

  • @evilclassmate6276
    @evilclassmate6276 Год назад +1


  • @utkarshvashistha7803
    @utkarshvashistha7803 Год назад +3

    Good evening sir 👏👏

  • @saurabhsirupgsresearchcent6452
    @saurabhsirupgsresearchcent6452 Год назад +1

    🙏 माननीय महोदय
    ओपएनहऐमर और कादिर खान के सम्बन्ध में कुछ समानता और असमानता इस प्रकार है
    दोनो वैज्ञानिकों के द्वारा परमाणु हथियार निर्माण के पीछे अपने राष्ट्र सुरक्षा का मूल कारण था
    दोनो ही परमाणु वैज्ञानिक थे
    ओपएनहऐमर ने परमाणु बम का निर्माण किया परन्तु बाद में वे परमाणु हथियार के घोर विरोधी बने जिसके परिणामस्वरूप अमेरिका में उनको परमाणु वैज्ञानिक के पद से हटा दिया गया। परन्तु कादिर खान के बारे में ऐसी कोई जानकारी नहीं है
    ओपएनहऐमर को विश्व में परमाणु बम का जनक माना जाता है
    परन्तु कादिर खान पर यह आरोप लगता रहा है कि उन्होंने भारतीय परमाणु कार्यक्रम में से तकनीकी चुराई थी

  • @anuradhaojha6126
    @anuradhaojha6126 Год назад

    Both r great scientist openheimer was in ethical dilema due to bomartment at nagasaki and herosima he relise its big mistake create a atom bomb its really dangerous weapon wipe out humnity , otherside pakistani scientists do work their nation protect powerful enemy

  • @mixtape2742
    @mixtape2742 Год назад

    Both scientists was great in their field in their country.Both developed nuclear capibilities in their countries.
    But both have difference also Openheimer was not betray to his country either he was tilted towards communist thoughts because he was scienctis so he had to contribute to his country over his individual liberty and he did which was great deal .But Quadar kha had betrayed to his country Pakistan which was unacceptable in any condition. He was accused for selling of nuclear bomb knowledge to other countries for money which showed his low level mentality and unforgivable because nuclear bomb ,a mass destruction weapon and this should not go in immature country sach as north Korea otherwise it can become danger for whole world; but it went into hand of North Korea like country due to Quadar kha like scientists only for money .Both have great knowledge in their field but not great personality

  • @jaymaharashtra817
    @jaymaharashtra817 Год назад +1

    Thank you Master❤

  • @poemswithmadhu
    @poemswithmadhu Год назад +1

    Sir mujhe lagta hai dono scientist apne desh ke liye Kam kr rahe the

  • @Surajit-sh9rt
    @Surajit-sh9rt Год назад

    Sir i,m in 12 stendered so what shell i do

  • @sushantsingh304
    @sushantsingh304 Год назад

    Oppenheimer - Did knew that what he was making but didn't expect the resultant to be that much destructive.
    As a Nuclear Physict, he was doing R&D that was truly professional, if he hadn't develop the bomb. Somone else could have done
    But the key is he knew what he has given to humanity in coming years. Tried his best to controll the forthcoming damages.
    Weapon of anykind is destructive, but the positive thing is due to this weapon nations are not attacking one another.
    A.Q. Khan - Did what a nuclear physict could do for his country.
    Every nation was in a race to become a nuclear state. So did Pakistan was.
    Giving such a technology to others for own benefit isn't professional at all.
    But it also has broken the monopoly of US, as US had ruined the African horn m middle east.
    Now due to North Korea, the presence of US is challenged in Indo Pacific region everytime

  • @saarclasses1620
    @saarclasses1620 Год назад

    Jab sawal rashtra ki raksha ka ho tab vyaktigat swatantrata ko peeche chodna zaroori ho jaata hai kyunki aap ek bade paridarsha mein baat kar rahe hote hai.. Kyunki rashta hoga tabhi to aap ka adtitivabhi bachega

  • @bharatdarshanworldtourism
    @bharatdarshanworldtourism Год назад

    Sir anter itna hi h ki ek itihas rache h or dusre itihas bane ge 😂😂😂😂

  • @utkarshvashistha7803
    @utkarshvashistha7803 Год назад

    Today I will watch u live in my life first time

  • @RakshitJyoti
    @RakshitJyoti Год назад +1

    Big fan sir

  • @manojk2923
    @manojk2923 Год назад +1

    Similarities :
    * Both under state pressure
    * both had scientific temper
    Difference :
    No such notable difference I found

  • @RiteshYadav-9
    @RiteshYadav-9 Год назад

    Dono me yah common hai ki dono paise pe bik gaye

  • @hpallad
    @hpallad Год назад +1
