Does the vaccine remain active in the blood? And if so could it be shed through sexual intercourse? Does anyone have any theories about this hypothesis?
Small town in BC, Canada.. family doctor Dr Charles Hoffe crying out after his First Nation patients were given Moderna vax, most now suffering with neurological effects. He approached the medical authority and was given a gagging order to stay quiet or he would lose his job with no prospect of working again. This has made him so angry that speaking out is now more important than his job.. Bless all those brave specialists risking their livelihoods for humanity.
I saw one of his videos, interview, I think the second part had already been taken down. That and the suppression of access to ivermectin in BC and the lack of Vitamin D messaging - criminal health authoritarianism, not medicine. If a doctor can't share his concerns, what society are we living in?
We have to keep sharing this information to everyone. This is the death jab. Drs have been telling it for months. Now Canadian government is trying to suppress the truth by stopping freedom of speech.
The most intelligent and honest doctor of our times. It is such a shame, that the mainstream has tried to discredit him. So many doctors knew how dangerous these vaccines are and didn t say anything because they were afraid of their reputation. He is a hero. God bless him.
All his claims have now been proven false. He's spreading harmful false information for RUclips money, making him one of the most dishonest and disgusting doctors out there.
Respectfully toward opinion only suggestion might be interested in searching out, top world renown Dr Peter Mc Cullough Testimony before HHS in Texas, video maybe?
@@marep9558, yes I know.. Our Australian Scientists have come out with proof on the dangers of the Jabs You can't cheat Science Professor Edward Steele It's a bomb
I wonder why governments are so desperate to "save" their people from this purported illness. I never got the impression before 2020 that they loved each of us so much.
Meanwhile in germany we have some covid reinfections in homes for senior citizens who already got the mrna vaccination (only minor symptoms or no symtoms did occur). So Bhakis hypothesis seems to be wrong for older people.
First: USE HEADPHONES TO LISTEN. I came back here after seeing the news about Thailand, when he explained what happened to the Thai princess. I also wanted to thank professor Bhakdi. You're one of the main reasons why I never took the jab. Thank you to this channel for giving him a platform.
The sadness in his eyes makes me sad. His fight and courage to tell the truth is outstanding and the shame he gets for telling the truth is disgraceful. I wish him all the best 💖
He retired long ago and should not have had to deal with this nonsense. He was very devastated and I think depressed at the beginning of this pandemic, you can see it all the more in his eyes in his early interviews, he's just devastated. He came to Germany for a better life, getting away from government corruption and tyranny in his home country, and loving Germany for the freedoms and good life he was able to find there. Then, all of this happened and everyone became miserable, afraid to live their lives, afraid of their neighbors, under the thumb of overreaching government. It is wonderful and inspiring that someone so long retired can find a second wind like this and serve a higher purpose to this degree. I am still relatively young but I think this man's recent work should serve as an inspiration to older-age folks who need a reminder that they can still achieve greatness and serve a great purpose late in life.
@@cloudsephiroth5382 He and his wife talked about how much this was disturbing them over half a year ago, before they co-wrote their first book. He said his wife was so depressed hearing all the lies she wasn't sleeping right and was getting digestive issues. This was an interview on The Highwire. His wife is much younger and they have a young child, so it has to hit them all the harder.
I saw a rare look of fear and sadness in him at the end of his Planet Lockdown interview. I just saw Michael Yeadon's new Planet Lockdown interview, which is blockbuster. Yeadon looks the same and is pretty cynical that all his efforts were for nothing, the slander he's taken, how his professional career is over for speaking up. Odysee, Bitchute and others are where all the best Planet Lockdown interviews are now.
Prof. Bhakdi is a genius. All what he said has come true. Unfortunately the government has not taken him seriously which is a shame. He is one of the best scientists of our times. I am deeply impressed by him. Several medical doctors I know are agreeing fully with Bhakdi but they are afraid of getting problems, so they rather say nothing and are hiding their true opinion about it.Thank you so much Prof, Bhakdi you are such a wonderful man and scientist.
It's about time that the medical doctors you know start to speak up. The excess mortality is going through the roof, and is directly related to the percentage "v'd" for each country.
Look at his eyes, he's telling a truth as he knows it of what he knows as a microbiologist. I've not heard anyone else break it down and explain it in this way in this most simplistic way. I'm a nurse of 45 years. Dr. Bhakdi lives the Hippocratic Oath he took.
Knut Wittkowski gave two interviews early last year (2020). I was fortunate to view these just days before they were deleted. I managed to view them on Daily motion. Listen to him and learn not to be scared.
7 months after this interview we have clear indications that the vaccine is lowering overall death rates per infection prior to before vaccines death rates. So the vaccines apparently help. What is Mr. Bakhdis stance on the vaccine today? Please interview him again!
I dont know what this man is saying, but Im fairly certain its innaccurate - They dont call it " hypocrites - hypocratic/hypocritical oath for nothin.. Im sure he is telling what be believes to be truth, according to the knowledge set he was in doc trinated with. Docs are called docs because they are the most thouroughly in doc trinated with lies. Folks are only as good as the knowledge they attain. If their knowledge be based on lies, it can cause all sorts of damage, (AND IT HAS! INCLUDING MAKING FOLKS SICK AND DEAD. ). The docs work for Hermes devil god of death and destruction (hermes is the med docs symbol ).. And that is who they work for. THE DOCS DONT KNOW WHATS IN THE POISONS THEY GIVE FOLKS, NO MORE THAN THEY KNOW THE MAN IN THE MOON. They are told "this will heal folks, or protect them or whatever", and the docs just believe them. The docs are hired hit men, oblivious to the fact that that is what they are, for the most part. Most of the sikness and disease in the world came with the rise of the science and history docs.
I fully agree. My immune system has kept me illness free for 23 years. Not even a flu. No cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular nor thousands of diseases. Covid-19 is not even a challenge for my immune system.
Great. "Intelligent" enough that hundreds of thousands of people die by autoimmune reactions. Immune systems kill vital tissues. Hopefully, some loudmouths will be facing that truth.
I've watched many Sucharit Bhakdi interviews. He's a big favourite in our house. I've never seen him in so much pain though. It pained me to see his eyes so sad. For those that have never seen him before, he's usually much more gentle. He was one of the first experts to speak up and try and talk people off the ceiling about the "pandemic" and all the false claims about the virus, and the bizarre superpowers it was given. He tried to warn that vaccines were not needed, and the design they were going to use was too dangerous. He was obviously much more hopeful back then. Now he has to watch the disaster he tried to avert unfold. I know how he feels and I feel it along w/ him. Edit: So many people can't hear Dr. Bhakdi, as there seems to be an audio glitch. Just plug in some earbuds on your phone, or auxiliary speakers or headphones on your computer/laptop. I had no issues hearing both, but I tested unplugging my laptop speakers, and I could only hear the interviewer too. Speakers back on, no problems again.
MHRA record that 624, 633 averse reactions to Pfizer and AZK gene treatments so far and 635 deaths (see uk column news). Where’s the mainstream news coverage ??
You can't argue with your teacher You can't end violence with votes You can't send the wealthy to jail Peace was never an option Oil up your gun get your bullets and get ready DEATH IS COMING
If it requires coercion, manipulation, gaslighting, 24/7 advertising, fear mongering , silencing of dissenting opinions and experts, slandering of alternative options , tons of questionable incentives and indemnification from liability , then it isn't required for health.
It's the last week of December 2022 and I'm still here. 2, 3 yrs ago when the first vaccine came out, the vaccinated begged me to get vaccinated. I said no. They told me if I didn't get vaccinated I wouldn't make it. Well....I did, where are they now.
Praise to this hero of a man. It saddens me to see the pain in his eyes during this interview, and in knowing the great burden of knowledge he carries in relation to this 'pandemic'. I've watched this interview twice, before RUclips will likely delete it. Your message is not unheard Dr. Bhakdi
IS PANDEMIC AND COVID19 VACCINATION JUST A PLAN TO REDUCE THE WORLD POPULATION TO AN EXACT NUMBER OF PEOPLE FROM THE SELECTED COUNTRIES? HOW? 1) Modify a virus from CORONA family and Create a few strains of the virus - from the most simple to the most DEADLY, 2) Release the simplest version (COVID 19) and start a pandemic, 3) Prepare the ‘special MRNA vaccine’ to be effective against Covid19 and also against ALL versions of the virus, especially against the Deadly Strain! THE CHALLENGE was to produce a vaccine against a 100% deadly virus, without using any components/parts of that virus. The MRNA vaccine which is only an injected CODE, just an instruction was the SOLUTION! If the vaccine was produced by the classical method, it should have contained part, a trace/proof of the killer virus! Mrna vaccines have NO virus or components of the virus so there is no proof of people are being immunized also against a future virus!! 4) Sell the special vaccine ONLY to countries where the survivors will be as USA, EU, Israel, Japan, Singapore, S.Korea, Qatar but NOT TO rest of African, South American or Asian countries, 5) Soon, after the immunisation of the target number of people, release the killer strain. Except for those who already immunised with the ‘special vaccine’, Everyone else dies (Unvaccinated and vaccinated with other brands other than the special vaccine)! Survivors would be only from the countries where the special vaccine was delivered. The number of World population would go down to the numbers of Special vaccine doses used! Why is Moderna not selling their vaccines to almost any of the South American, African or Asian countries (except S.Korea, Japan and Singapore)? Many of us thinks the reason of this mass vaccination is to damage vaccinated people’s health and at the same time to make money! Then why Moderna has refused these countries authorities’ vaccines requirements? The 1 billion doses already acquired for African countries by AVATT will come from four major suppliers: the COVAX Facility, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Johnson & Johnson not from Moderna! Why Moderna is sold only to a few selected countries as EU, USA, Canada, Japan, S.Korea, Israel, Qatar… Why keeping it only for some countries? Moderna started to deliver to England first time on 13th of April. By that time more than 90% of England’s over 50 years old people were already vaccinated! Astra Zeneca started to cause a rare blood clot on YOUNG people just before Moderna was delivered! This gave a reason to the Authorities to take a decision that all Moderna vaccines will be used for under 30 years old young people! The other countries started to give the same decision as S.Korea… Another coincidence? Pfizer and Moderna got their authorisations to be used in the same days of December. But only Pfizer started to vaccinate old, sick, handicap and homeless people at 86 countries while Moderna was vaccinating American soldiers from many bases around the World, like Afghanistan, Israel, South Korea, Japan. Moderna delayed shipping to almost all countries (except USA). IN THIS WAY, most of those countries’ old and sick people were already vaccinated by Pfizer or other brands and most of Moderna vaccines would be given mostly to younger and healthier people! So different countries receive Moderna vaccines at different times but always late enough so that most of the old, sick, and handicapped people are already vaccinated! In some countries as in Romania also political, juridical, defence authorities were given priorities and vaccinated by other brands together with old, sick people (to eliminate anybody in power, to erase all governments and to set One World Government?). Late arrivals assures that most of Moderna vaccines are given to younger and healthier people! Moderna was a failing company with no FDA approved products or no profits until a year before pandemic started! Suddenly it became World’s one of the biggest and the most important company producing a DNA coding MRNA vaccines for hundreds of millions of people! Another coincidence? Moderna increased its 2021 base plan to 700 million doses and is working to supply up to 1 billion doses in 2021! 2 doses are for 1 person, 1 billion doses are for 500 million people! This number is even written on famous Georgia Guidestones; Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature! Why is Moderna keeping his vaccine Mrna code as secret and unpublished while Phizer mrna was published (declared by Scientests of Standford)? Why are Moderna’s and Pfizer’s Mrna codes of spike protein different (check, reverse engineering publication of scientists from Stanford University on github!)? Another coincidence?Why is Moderna vaccine dose total 200 micrograms while Pfizer is only 60 micrograms? Both vaccines are made against the same Covid19! What are the extra mRNA for? Are they there to immunise people against a different future danger? Another coincidence? Moderna and Pfizer MRNA codes are supposed to produce the same Covid19’s identical spike protein! If the code is different, a person vaccinated with the different brands will develop different spike protein in their cells! And that will result in a different immunisation! An immunisation against what? Maybe against a future deadly danger? To survive only Moderna immunised people when that danger appears in the future? Another coincidence? The synthetic MRNA vaccine does not use any virus or components of a virus. It is just a code injected which instructs the cell to produce the spike protein of Covid19. In this way it is not known if the immunisation is only against covid19 or perhaps also against an already created but not released future deadly covid19 mutation? When experts are checking if a vaccine is efficient, they check if the people are immunised against Covid19. Nobody can check if an immunised person is also becoming resistant against another, much more dangerous strain of the same virus. MRNA vaccine is the only way to immunise people against a not circulating yet future deadly virus. Is this the way how this pandemic will end? Will a virus (in the name of a mutation) come and kill everybody except already immunised target number of people? With the classic way of making the vaccine they had to use the weakened deadly virus or components of it. Which would have been visible by the scientist when they check it! Were the mRNA vaccines produced for this reason, to be untraceable? This question was raised to virologists. Unfortunately for all of us, the answer was yes, it is possible to immunise people against another version of the same virus through coding of mRNA vaccines!Was it purposely spread and let conspiracies circulate on internet and media about vaccines and Covid19 to prepare the mindset of people to reject the facts about the real plan in case the truth comes out (if somebody finds out about the upcoming genocide and tries to warn other people, everybody would say “just another conspiracy” without even listening or checking about it!). Also, to make it sure nobody to have time, mind or knowledge to suspect about the plan; keep them busy, scared, confused, stressed with social, economic and health problem with nonstop bad news, unnecessary numbers, statistics, restrictions...The ‘Reducing the population down to exact numbers, resetting all political, juridical, financial and medical systems, eliminating almost all world's authorities, erasing all governments to set One world government’, all those dreams of Elite will come true, just by using the pandemic vaccination, to protect a group of special vaccine received people to survive against a future deadly danger! there is more. please people, authorities, secret services.... contact me to give you all info with links! +40732134134
This guy's opinion means absolute jack. He's a bacteriologist, not a virologist. There are specific subfields of microbiology, and he lacks the education and experience in virology/immunology. Would you let a gastroenterologist perform brain surgery on you? He has no idea what he's talking about, it has no scientific merit.
@@tmorelli1982 I can easily tell that you just went into Google and searched his name, and took the first thing that confirmed your bias without fact-checking obviously. Yet you stand here telling us proudly that "he has no idea what he's talking about, it has no scientific merit" while you uhh, have no idea what you are talking about. Lmao. Literally the Dunning-Kruger-Effect in action, good job on that btw. Here are the actual facts: He's a medical microbiologist, as it's shown correctly on the German version of his Wikipedia page. Furthermore, in Germany you study medicine and then have the possibility to a five year postgraduate professional education in "Microbiology, virology and infectious disease epidemiology" (German term: "Mikrobiologie, Virologie und Infektionsepidemiologie" ) which he did, as again is shown in the german version of his Wikipedia page and has the actual sources on pinned on it. A small advice: Next time, think before commenting. This was really the dumbest comment I've read here since a while and I read a bunch daily.
@@tmorelli1982 I wonder how you can comment about him ,how did you manage to hear him? Coincidentally the sound disappears only when the doctor starts speaking.
I watched this video 3 times to process as much of the info in my non-scientific brain. I am a teacher whose school has been open since September with a school population of 93 students and staff. I am one of 4 staff members that have refused the jab after researching the pros and cons of it. This doctor is very clear with his information that added the layer that confirms my suspicions of its danger. Thank you for posting and sharing. God Bless you in your continued efforts to expose this catastrophe.
American doctors also warn of viral spike proteins 8 ways mRNA injection can kill you Dr. Judy Mikovits recently gave interview on RUclips’s “Freedom Watch” video titled, “Citizens Grand Jury with Prosecutor Larry Klayman - Dr. Judy Mikovits!” A must watch! Doctors across the globe challenge COVID hoax! PCR inventor Kary Mullis conveniently died in 2019! Here’s what he said about FRAUDCI Lawyers and medical experts start legal proceedings against W.H.O. and world leaders for their crimes against humanity! Recent interview with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
I believe you will really appreciate: Ranier Fuellmich on Delingpole on Vimeo. It is amazing. All the information you need is in this video and that one. There are other great vids w Ranier Fuellmich.
I watched Dr. Bhakdt when this jab first came out where he worned everyone about the jab. I listened and never got the jab. He probably saved my life. Thanks Doc.
Hi ya'll, I live in Ontario Canada, I'm here to express my Gratitude & Thankfulness for Professor Sucharit Bhakdi & his colleagues who did contact the proper health authorities of their concern & equally grateful he shared his experienced knowledge to explain it Thank you to Journeyman for asking the questions we need to hear & understand God Bless
"I learned how Canada’s chief public health officer Dr T, is also on the oversight committee of the WHO with Dr Tedros; making her, I think, a double agent. I have listened to her often-bizarre dissertations to Canadians regarding covid-19.
This mans voice is muted 😏 when answering questions, therefore, I believe that has been purposefully done. He's obviously talking about something that we're not supposed to know , but Thank you for sharing that information 🙏 listening from Ireland ☘❣
@@jillymouseful Direct quote: BMJ: " A mass screening programme of more than 10 million residents of Wuhan, China, performed after SARS-CoV-2 was brought under control, has identified 300 asymptomatic cases of covid-19, none of which was infectious." "The researchers found no “viable virus” in cultures from asymptomatic samples." "The findings cannot be extrapolated ...?"
The fact there are 27k comments on here acknowledging sheer reality surprises me and gives me a glimmer of hope after Biden’s speech tonight. People who know the truth are not alone.
You are not alone. But I can tell that your fellow truthfinders are undereducated, traumatized in early life, are raised with a lack of trust in anything superiour and overly sensitive for peerpressure.
Dr. Bhakti is an excellent speaker, easy to understand for people with no medical background. It is clear that danger lurks in these shots. The more I hear, the more I learn horrific outcomes for those who receive injections and are used as lab animals. Your courage and obvious caring for humanity is a breath of fresh air in this evil world.
FYI💉🤦♀️As of May 20, 2021, the sound of Dr. Bhakti's voice has been MUTED through the entire interview. This happened on both my phones. Lip readers might make out his words though. Is this so RUclips can say "we didnt take the video down?"🙏🌎
Watch also, Knut Wittowski, an epidemiologist who said in march 2020, not to worry about it. It'll be over in 6 months. Then there's the propaganda that the jab saved lives. This cannot be tested as most of the people who would die from it, already did, before the jab went mainstream. If there were no jabs, the virus was going to mutate to more infectious but less deadly form. We all knew this in the early 90s, working on vaccine technology for horticultural diseases. Therefore the death rate throughout the history of epidemics always attenuates. This is why some real experts stated that vaccines during an epidemic cannot really prove efficacy. Better given before the event.
And even more do now. And yet Wikipedia still starts right off by saying he spread misinformation about Covid and immunizations. They should have to edit and apologize.
I'm a very healthy Young Male in his 30s, never have taken the flu shot and I'm healthier than an ox. Why would I take something that could potentially harm or kill me? My immune system has worked perfectly naturally for the past 30 years.
@@globug8864 Not just EvilGates. FOULchi got Wuhan Million$ in grant$ to produce no less than 19 different strains of their flu. And guess what goes w/each one? Yep! *More **_government jabs!_* All the better to kill off the population, to their more acceptable levels, worldwide. Especially getting rid of those pesky 3rd world country drains, seniors, sickly, & otherwise impaired. It’s becoming survival of the fittest...Literally. But that’s what they want. ;) People need to seek & get right w/Jesus. No One else is going to save anyone from themselves, or the extreme evils, yet to come. And they’re well on their way. :/
My girlfriend is a swimming coach at an international school here in Bangkok. Her company sent her an email pretty much saying "there's a lot of mis information flying around about the covid vaccines being dangerous, but they are approved by the WHO your concerns are ridiculous, and if you refuse the vaccine you'll be fired" My girlfriend is a healthy 24 year old, I can't describe how pissed off I was at the attitude of her company telling her what to do with her body, absolutely disgusting
@@Johannes-kn2op ummm these vaccines were produced in record time and while that’s impressive, there is still a lot that is unknown even to the makers of the vaccines. We are the test subjects, not sure how that’s even debatable.
@@Ninjaagentxx pls tell me which "vaccine makers" are unsure of their product? We already have vaccines against other types of corona viruses which were tested for more than 20 years now. Millions of people died from Covid!!! with the vaccine you just show your body how to fight the virus in advance without risking of getting Covid. Most of the anti-vaccine people will never ask whats in their food, which chemicals and where they come from. Food has far more impact to your body than a vaccine... but you dont care I guess? I just dont get you guys!
@@Johannes-kn2op In regards to food, I agree with you 100%, and I eat very clean. In fact, my exact reason for not yet trusting these vaccines is the fact that I make a lot of sacrifices to keep myself healthy and put only good things into my body. With that said, I could spend my whole day collecting articles and drafting a presentation of all of the interviews, medical and scientific journals… throw a rock and you’ll see a legitimate article or report of how no one truly knows what to expect from these vaccines, but I already know you will not be swayed. Why waste my time arguing, I gain nothing from winning a pointless argument against some stranger on RUclips. You do you boo-boo, just don’t try and tell me to put things in my body because you think you know it all.
@@Ninjaagentxx I see you are a good person and you know how to lead a discussion. My pov is that WE as humanity know how viruses can lead to certain diseases and we also know how our body reacts in order to beat the virus. With THAT knowledge we were able to produce vaccines and eradicate several deseases like polio for example. The affected scientists did their research for decades know, they know their shit and helped us beat diseases. So why is it any different this time? They basically extract a specific (unharmful) protein from the virus and show it to your body so it can produce antibodies without getting the disease... On the other hand if you get infected, your body is shown the very same protein BUT you will also risk getting the disease (COVID). Just let that go through your head...
It's almost January 2023 and I have not been vaccinated and I have no intentions of getting vaccinated. I was called names by the vaccinated when this whole ignorant stupid thing started. The vaccinated lied to me and other people. I'm not the one having multiple health problems and health issues, but I've been called an idiot for not getting vaccinated.
@@rebeccasage2 What's really stupid is when the vaccinated ask "don't you want your family to be healthy and stay healthy"? My question to them was always, what makes you think my family isn't healthy now ? Since y'all know so much about my family what makes you think they aren't healthy ? On n On n On
@@eyemnew2991 yeah definitely. The rhetoric gets very repetitive doesn't it. I used to ask them ( in a concerned manner) weather they did and personal research before they got jabbed. But of course the answer would be no, they felt like they were forced. Sad really
@@rebeccasage2 👍 When the virus first came out, first month, first week, first days of the first week, I watched it on the news like a hawk. It made me very very suspicious. All them deaths in so little time, day after day after day. It was amazingly stupid.
It's 3 years on now. September 2023. And I have never forgotten watching this interview, a couple of times. It made a big impact on me, as I had applied to be a candidate in the J&J trials in South Africa. I didn't qualify, and then this interview. To date I have never taken any vax, and I thank this man for pulling me straight. My sister has had a stroke from a blood clot...
The fact that he uses metaphors in his explanations shows how passionate he is of his work- and people that are truly passionate about their work are often very knowledgeable of the truth.
➡️ Our immune systems work FOR us to help PROTECT us the best it can as it was designed to do by our creator...the “politicians” and chosen group of “scientists” that were put in front of us by the controllers under the guise of our protection are here to do just the opposite.
You are absolutely correct and 10 others official's in Tanzania were taken out as well. Along with 5 others presidents in Africa who would NOT COMPLY with this scamdemic plandemic.
Me too! I'm a therapist and teacher of 19 yrs. I received a medical exemption but it wasn't enough. Now, my job wants access to my medical they're making my health decisions. Lol When they fire me, I'll never look back. I'll look forward to a life free of this jab. Stay strong and walk in faith.
Wow, this pisses me off. A female co-worker just lost her 39 year old sister to c19 nanobot shot. She wasn't even sick but now she's dead, and YT has the nerve to silence this man? Unbelievable.
My adult daughter had blood clots, among other things, after her Pfizer booster. The only good thing that came out of it was her deciding not to have her three teenage daughters vaccinated.
After all this time anyone can see that the vaccines have saved countless lives. For any age, you are about 10 times less likely to die if you are vaccinated than those who are not. The likes of Bhakdi have now made their millions of dollars out of the fools, many of which have died or contributed to others they have influenced, dying.
Please read up on Fulvic- & Humic acid it could help the body fight the spike protein, Detox and strengthen the immune system naturally. The best brand is Theon 🙏🏽💚🙏🏽. I am unvaxed but take Fulvic- and Humic acid as people shed spike proteins and i want to protect my body 🙏🏽.
Out of all the doctors that I have listened to (God Bless Them) this man is the most articulate in his description of what is happening and his passion is so incredible Love this guy
Summary Don't take vaccines if u have received 1 or 2 shots and you have not had any bad events please do not take anymore shots when 3 4 5 shot become mandatory say no
@@tracymcnair1303 Messes with your immune system causing it to over react non stop and wrecking havoc on your body at a cellular level, which is dangerous. Blood clots occur plus paralysis .. body jerking etc. Headaches warn you something is not right. If you are ok after the first shot and then take the second shot you are just continuing to make it worse. If you take a 3rd shot...maybe need to think about making out your will. Adverse reactions are deadly in most cases. So, you can NOT alter your immune system! When you do are playing Russian Roulette with your health. He is NOT fear mongering. He is speaking out and telling the TRUTH. This vax is basically experimental without enough time to determine the long term effects on your body even if you feel okay after getting the shot. It will NOT protect you from getting COVID. Some have got it despite getting the vax. Ivermectin helps you to recover if it gets serious. But you don't hear that on MSM. There are truths being kept hidden. A woman let them give the shot to her baby and it died! What does THAT tell you? He is appalled children are being given this vax. They do NOT need it! very sad. No Vaccine! TRY WATCHING IT ON YOUR LAP TOP.
I am glad that the whole World can get this Important Information on this way. Professor Bhakti is an honourable Scientist from Germany. About 12.000 medical Doctors were teached by him at Mainz University over the years. He is far away from any 'tin foil hat' or conspiracy theorist.
@Sir Dukingham PubMed is a good legitimate source for raw research, statistical analysis and papers that are from the experts themselves. There’s no such thing as free thought when it comes to what they put out. It’s held to the highest ethical standards and absolutely must be based off reality with no conflicts of interests. And if so, they must allow it to be cited at the bottom of their papers.
@@audimaster5000 - He’s not lying that this is not a “vaccine!” Many doctors which are being censored are saying so!
@@audimaster5000 - Here’s what doctors are posting on MedScape
Tried to share this on FB and it was blocked. That's how I know it's true. I was starting to waver under the relentless pressure, keeping my opinion to myself to avoid confrontation, but this has steadied my resolve. No jab for me.
You cant be serious trying to share this on FB ? You now know cancel culture is for real ! They only allow the "Taliban" and Chinese propaganda a free pass ..shocking place ?
When Fauci denounced homeopathic & holistic remedies and health care I knew all of this was evil and pretentious!! Ugh!!! I could see right through Fauci (always) Gates&Gates all of them. Evil folks who have a toxic self aggrandizing white saviorship on deck.
Andrew Craft.........Whenever someone tries to pressure you to take the jab that you do not want to take, just say I am still thinking about it (which is true) rather than saying outright "I am not going to take it ". When you give this ambiguous reply, they have no more reason to harass you because you did not say you will not take it.
This month FB put up a video which shows 2 people who died, and others with severe neurological disease that started soon after the Vaccine in Australia. (The MSM says nothing). No other cause was found for these Adverse Events.
I don't think it was very nice of the Nazis to have made lampshades out of the skins of Jews. Bahkdi comparing the vaccination programme in Israel, that has saved countless lives, to how the Germans once treated the Jews in Germany is quite outrageous. One person on this thread mentioned about questioning the Holocaust, does that person believe it was made up? None of the rest of you rebuked that comment. Shame on any of you that read it who did not rebuke that person.
I agree he heeds to get time on all platforms as he speaks out of knowledge, i respect you Prof Bhakdi. The human race needs more honest people Prof like you. May God bless you for years to come!
Be prepared to stand your ground. The gas-lighting of this non-sense is only going to intensify. Remember back more than a year when this started people said covid being an acronym for "certification of vax ID" was just a conspiracy theory?? Now, crickets!
@@DMSJagXK true but what are the true long term side effects of these vaccines. As it stands no one knows. You'll probably say that we know the side effects, this truly isn't the case as they didn't expect these cases of blood clots & heart inflation. It may protect you against the more severe cases of covid but what about the other symptoms from taking this new technology vaccine.
E-ink Below is a reply I sent to someone else so I've copy and pasted it here since it has some points that might be relevant. It is refreshing to read your comment since it comes across as being thoughtful rather than just bashing the government. Everything will be okay, keep safe. A pledge not to profit Vaxzevria is the result of a non-profit partnership with Oxford University’s Jenner Institute. AstraZeneca pledged not to profit from the vaccine during the pandemic and is selling it for a far lower pricethan its competitors (around $4 per dose vs. $25 to $37 for Moderna, for example). The UK is also allowing other countries to produce the vaccine we created at no cost re licenses/copyright. UK are giving away 500 million doses of vaccine to 3rd World countries and covering all costs. I don't know what the USA and other countries are doing but in the 7G meetings the other week a billion doses of vaccine were pledged for 3rd World countries. The link discusses whether we should just vaccinate the most susceptible. It deals with the selective pressure argument (nothing to do with pressure to make you have the vaccine by the way) and herd immunity. I have on numerous occasions made it clear that I would not support anyone being forced to have the vaccine. I have looked at the daily death rates in both the USA and the UK. As a result of the vaccination programme nearly all the people who were most susceptible to being killed by the virus have been vaccinated which explains why the vaccine has had such a big impact on the daily death rate. Ideally it would have been better to have been able to carry out research over a longer period of time but vaccines are not new, even the messenger Ribo Nucleic Acid ones. The FDA for example gave emergency authorisation for the use of vaccines rather than just the usual authorisation solely because it was judged that it would be more dangerous to life to not give the vaccine than to give it. The FDA did analyse the results of scores of double blinded placebo projects carried out by labs all around the World and also analysed the efficacy of the vaccine in the countries that had already been using them. Don't forget at one point In the USA there were several thousand people dying each day in the USA of Covid related causes. In the UK we were regularly getting more than 1500 deaths a day and now we get around 5, some days we've had none. I.m not sure why I've bothered writing this because people just question the figures. It has got to the stage where anything the Government says, the World Health Organisation, the National Health Service, the Mayo Clinic etc. say is not believed so how can anyone disprove all the myths that are flying around. I do know how mRNA works and if you are scared have one of the no mRNA vaccines if you decide to have a vaccine. The mRNA from the vaccine goes to the ribosomes which are outside the nucleus. The ribosomes read off the mRNA to make spiked proteins that triggers the body to make antibodies against it, these antibodies are the ones that can also debilitate the virus. Your DNA is a double helix and is in the nucleus. It contains your genetic code. When it unzips bases line up against the exposed bases of your DNA to make your own mRNA which go to your ribosomes to make more of your own proteins, this has nothing to do with the vaccine.
@@DMSJagXK Ivemectin could've done this months ago. Check out bret weinstein - ivermectin, don't take my word for it. The vax has been rolled out partially for good reasons but there's a LOT of greed that's come with it, greed so heinous that people have been allowed to die even with a drug existing that could've prevented those deaths.
The world needs more doctors like him! These days our world is filled with doctors who care more about their wallet and pride than the truth and human life😣
Absolutely, Brian. This is the best video I've seen on the coronavirus so far. He explained it so well and he is so genuine that only a fool would deny his authenticity.
@@kevinmd1974 - Dr. Judy Mikovits was also interviewed 3 days ago on RUclips’s “Freedom Watch” video titled, “Citizens Grand Jury with Larry Klayman - Dr. Judy Mikovits.” A must watch! Also USA doctors warn of viral spike proteins
@@luckyapple2655 They feared losing their license , being defamed and censored. Doctors are nothing but puppets for the Big Pharma . Very-very few will have the backbone to stand for Truth despite risking their livelihood .
+++P🌍rn-Gate+++ P/S Porn in #Thai translates to blessings. From #monk blessings to #Buddhist blessings and more, there is enough #porn to go around....
Thank you for speaking out because when I try to, nobody bothered. I didn't want to take any vaccine but under family and social pressure I took 1st vaccine. After 3 hour my left face goes numb and my throat starts to feel metal taste coming up. I swear on my life until now months later, my left face and mouth still feel numb. I'm lucky I didn't go paralyse but I refused to take 2nd dose. I will not be pressure anymore.
Good for you. I myself have had the first dose and will not be taking the second either for similar reasons to you. It wouldn't end after taking the second dose anyway, we would find renewed pressure to take a 3rd, 4th and 5th dose. This will only end when people (and especially young people) decide to reject this insanity and say NO. People need to stop giving in to emotional blackmail and coercion. It's totally wrong and too many are unnecessarily paying very high price for it. I wish you well and a full recovery
@@Strutter693r unfortunately that's not how it will end for the americans and people around the world. Who ever refuses to take ALL vaccinations and signup with the NWO, will be sent to FEMA camps for re-education and if that's not effective the government has now the legal right to execute by decapitation by guillotine. Watch "CAN WE TRUST THE COVID-19 VACCINE? Guest Dr. Lorraine Day (The Bible Big Mouth Show)" on RUclipsвидео.html
This is horrifying. The world needs to see this - the truth. I sure damn hope this doesn’t get censored. I’m not worried about coronavirus, I’m worried for humanity.
This is why it's important to download good videos like this. I hope someone got it downloaded. I wrote notes on this video when I first heard it. I wrote everything he said on paper. I wanted to keep it for reference.
I viewed his video when covid vaccines first came on the scene and I prayed about whether I should get it,and I discerned immediately in my spirit a loud NO.I trust in God for guidance.He hasn't ever failed to answer. me
Patte Kelly 0 seconds ago TRUTH ! ! What Is TRUTH ? ? What ever advances YOUR AGENDA......THE VACCINE WILL EFFECT YOUR LIFE FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE ! !
It´s really heartbreaking to see him spiritually broken. But keep your head up, there´s some folks listening too you Prof. Bhakdi ! You´re work wasn´t in vain!!!
@K L I’m afraid of the authoritarianism, but I’m not afraid of covid at all with 99.8% recovery rate for most people. You shouldn’t be afraid of the vaccinated because even if the MRNA gene therapy does cause people to be symptomatic and therefore be able to spread remember that covid for most people is 99.8% recovery with most not even getting sick, add to that the nature of virus, covid will naturally disappear anyway! It’s not the virus we need to be afraid of!
@K L I’m thought the fool for being the only one in my family who didn’t get jabbed & for trying to warn them about the truth of it w/articles from NaturalNews & videos from The Highwire...among others. What I’m more concerned w/now, are all those jabbed who are ‘shedding’ on us who are not jabbed. There are thousands reporting issues from working in offices around jabbed ppl & living in the same households. Similar health issues...miscarriages, blurred vision &/or dizzying headaches, heavy bleeding in women w/longer cycles & menopausal women bleeding again. Not concerned about the Covid either, but definitely concerned about being around the jabbed. I am avoiding them as much as possible. :/ I feel very bad for a good friend who’s husband got jabbed just so he could go on a fishing trip w/his buddies, after saying he wouldn’t b/c he didn’t trust it. Then when he was told he wouldn’t be able to go to their big annual affair, he got it w/o even telling her till after! They’re still studying the effects of spouses on each other in cases like that. She’s praying for God to cover her on this. I am too. Another good friend baby sits her grandkids regularly all day long & her son & wife both took them for their jobs. 2 of the 3 are under 5 & she is exposed to them several hours weekly in their home. Also praying for protection from any fallout. 3 others I know who got jabbed, I’m not spending time with & staying physically distant from them when I do see them. They know my concerns & think I’m nuts. Let them. I told them “tell me what you think w/in the next 18 mos”. Same w/my foolish family. I’m just praying for them all. And to acknowledge Jesus as their Savior before they ‘go’. Not much else to do. :/ Look up info on the shedding. Not good. Looks like the Global Cabal Evildoers got everyone coming & going w/this bs. As they’ll continue to release many of their over 20 strains upon the world, so they can keep giving *unapproved* jabs to the brain dead masses. Population control at its easiest.
@@OMGAnotherday Be very concerned about ‘shedding’ of the jabbed onto you. Keep your distance! Avoid if possible. Don’t know if this site will post... Copy before I’m sen sored.
In the UK we have given over 75 million vaccinations and yet haven't had any more blood clots than normal. Since the vaccinations were introduced our daily death rate has gone from over 1500 to under 5. Thousands of professors and doctors in the UK say get vaccinated. Is this guy a foreign agent? Just saying!
And this should make you suspicious. Why it's so easy to understand ? Cause it's all made up, it answers questions nobody else can answer, cause answers are invented. Of course, people prefer answers over no answers. They dislike scientist without answers. But for no logical reason.
In the UK we have given over 75 million vaccinations and yet haven't had any more blood clots than normal. Since the vaccinations were introduced our daily death rate has gone from over 1500 to under 5. Thousands of professors and doctors in the UK say get vaccinated. Is this guy a foreign agent? Just saying!
Bhakdi was invited to several german TV shows, where he presented his view on the vaccines and he was bashed everywhere as covidiot. Although he was 100% reasonable and fact based. He was microbiologist at the Gutenberg University in Mainz and decided to leave germany because of all the bullshit he was put through. It's a shame. I feel truly sorry for him and hope he gets the respect he deserves somewhere else.
@@MrFtothelo Bhakdi is a person of integrity. He does not speculate on his own gain, but seeks the good of all people. He has received very, very many awards in Germany, but after telling the scientific truth about the so-called "corona pandemic", he is treated like an idiot and enemy of the state. That should be food for thought.
Dr Bhakdi Thank Sir for your Humanity and Courage I think you are great , I’m just a normal working man who listened. Thank you God for sending people like you 🙏 and thank you Dr ❤
This is one amazing human being. May God bless him and may his moral conviction and professionalism be the guiding light for all medical professionals. Thank you!
Dr. B is so patient in explaining what’s happening! I am so grateful for his taking the time to teach many of us who are uneducated but hungry for knowledge! I am convinced that this shot is going to explode into disaster. I am tired of being abused by others when they find out I am not getting the jab, but videos like this empower me to stand firm.
I agree, I’m not what anybody would call an anti vaxxer , in fact I work in a travel and vax clinic , but we don’t give flu vaccine. That being said, I haven’t worked in months due to obviously not many travelers and I’m per diem anyway. And I’ve been learning so much since this hit the scene. I’m definitely anti This gene therapy.. and the people that are saying we need to get this jab for the safety of everyone else and it’s selfish not to. Sorry . Brainwashed. This is experimental. It’s horrific. Has anybody seen the VAERS reports? Hundreds dying. There is treatment for sar$ c0v -two Mind boggling
I STIL GO THROU SHAKING AND DEEP DEPREASSION. 4 years later from taking injection of the swelling anti thats in the vaccines. i went through brain fat loss, adrenal shutdown for hours then just suffered in pain and agony. Dexamethisone also gave me 2 weeks of brusing and acking bones OSTIOPEROSSIS My DNA MIght be changed and Adrenals glands may have spots on them for life. 4 years ago 1 injection for poison ivy and swelling from a product. ADRENAL GLANDS ARE the most important operating system in the human body. Adrenals are what keeps your SSRI LEVELS UP AND NORMAL. Also they keep you live like and wanting to live and your mind emotions level. with spots is destroyes adrenals causing cushings like syndrome. Grace Sorry about type crappy can't think or see good. DEXAMETHISONE RAGE And emotions destroyed enough for me to loose my family in a big way. i believed in creation God for years and that was taken away by a Hell feeling with no love feelings. sick but true, Many 1000s hiden comiting suicide on you tube from steroid induced sychossis has been hidden and going on for years. Doctors give these injections for poison ivy. patient comes back complaing. Doctors are told that this med has no to litte side effects and only in the past year i start finally seing Doctors and my Doctor becoming worry about what they have been injection so many patients for pouison ivy ,a drug for sevier CANCER PATIENTS WHO HAVE ONLY 6 MONTHS TO LIVE TAKE THIS POISON. Many people who take the weekest Steroid Prednisone , a lot end up taking it for life for the cortisole levels are out of wack and if they don't they go in to agonising withdrawl. THEY CALL PREDNISONE ON YOU TUBE ( SATINS LITTLE HELPER) Many hundreds of steroid psychossis you tube's are gone and i was with them at times but it seems i can't find many of these videos i subscribed too? sorry if you can't read this right.
The "criminals" are too busy making hundreds of billions. So, they will leave such lone wolves alone for now. There is no "pandemic" in adverse reactions and all cases are explained away quickly. If over three years, millions start to get cancer, brain tumors, etc. you bet it will be impossible to link the vaccines to those critical illnesses. I am avoiding vaccines.
@@eddieleong6490 I'm expecting the damages even earlier. Just think about the "vaccines" given to 500,000 US soldiers prior to "Desert Storm". 11,000 died within 2 years, 100,000 are now severely disabled.
Time will prove the anti maskers and anti vaccinators wrong. The overwhelming science tells us to wear masks and to get vaccinated. Death rate for whole of UK is around 5 per day, Texas over 40 and yet Texas only a third of the population. Your views will lead to more people losing their lives and the economic recovery taking much longer. Many of your grandparents were prepared to risk their life for your freedom, now you are willing to risk their life for your freedom. I guarantee my views will, when all this is over and everything is analysed, prove to be right. I hope you are not a foreign agent trying to destroy places like the USA and the UK, even if you are not you would have the same script. I'm amazed the USA has proved to be the country that has the most gullible people in it, fortunately you are still in the minority and you can only go on about people who think differently to you as being scared, or sheep or brainwashed etc. I believe in the Law of Universal Gravitational Attraction, does that make me a sheep? Grow up and get real.
@@DMSJagXK even spanish flu couldnt eradicate humans so stop panicking...yes covid may be a serious ilness but we just dont know the facts because everyone has their own agenda and media just thrive on bad news
Emilly Yelen I'm not panicking, in the UK we have around 5 covid related deaths a day. I've been double vaccinated. I'm on this page trying to enlighten people about why we should wear masks and get vaccinated.
they were wiping away the global sex trafficking of live art and the atrocities they commit in secret. EXPOSED they will soon be. Judgment is coming for them all.
Im german and I´m very proud of doctors like hime, Wodarg, Köhnelein etc. who right away spoke out there minds always based on medical studies and statistics and with a very good energy! How is it posible that the majority fall that easy for that so obvious lie!!!??????
It was Wodarg who exposed the WHO over swine flu a decade or so ago. The WHO then changed criteria for calling a pandemic, got a fraudulent ,non validated, test in place to give so many false positives, and away we go!! He alerted me to this complete CONvid bulls*it before we had lockdowns in the UK. May the EVIL perpetrators of this crime against humanity be brought to justice
@@Mase251 and so? This guy was to clever to cheat and could organized real physions licenses. EVERYBODY felt in to this trap.And he was even better in treatments than the real docs. Does this reduce the work what Dr Wodarg did for us in the swinflu? NO!!!!
This has to be one of the most significant interviews of our time. Thank you so much for bringing us this incredible man into our hearts and minds. Amazing reporting.
One of those who reported cleanly from the first hour, even though the msm started one smear campaign after another. And everything he says can be verified by anyone with a brain. I think those afflicted with emotional plague are against anyone who stands up for the living.
Some of the false and onesided information Bhakdi is spreading: # no infection possible without active covid symptoms (if this was true no single superspreading-invent could be explained and i.e. influenza is known to be extremely contageous one day before the onset of symptoms.) # 2 % of all administered PCR-tests give false positive results (absolute nonsense regarding statistical data) # older virus-stems of the corona-type and influenza-type viruses produce false-positive PCR-results # Bhakdi never gives information about longterm symptoms after a covid-infection. He only adresses „dead versus alive“ therefore you can be sure he underestimates the dangers of a covid-disease # loves to cite outdated opinion of Ioannidis # never corrected himself on his statement from October 2020 „the pandemic is over“
He looks absolutely horrified. A true adherent to the hippocratic oath. I'm extremely grateful for courageous professionals of your integrity sir. Keep fighting the good fight.
May humans wake up and remember that they are god because everything is divine, and this idea of a god the almighty is a lie keeping them in darkness about who they are.
You are a HERO doctor. I’m glad I listened to you when I was researching to make my decision on whether to take the poison or not. Thank you so much for your bravery.
I love listening to Prof. Sucharti Bhakdi, his voice is so calming and I’ve learnt a lot from him. Thank you Sir for your knowledge, may god bless you and your family.
If people took note of what he said he would have cost millions of lives. Fortunately there are literally thousands of professors, doctors and the science community that fundamentally disagree with him. The risk assessment is that it would be more dangerous to life to not use the vaccine than to use it hence why the FDA gave emergency authorisation to use the vaccine.
Thank God for this Doctor and everyone like him. The tsunami of insanity has swept up the majority of us and swept our brains and courage into the abyss.
I have been an infectious disease clinical Pharmacist since 1980. Dr Bnakdi has my respect.
Is he from Japan?
Clearly time has proved that you are a fool!
@@cecilitaH Thailand
Does the vaccine remain active in the blood? And if so could it be shed through sexual intercourse? Does anyone have any theories about this hypothesis?
@@Hohnsmith What drugs are you on?
I cannot believe that the media has tried to discredit this man. May God bless him. Thank you Sir for doing this video.
yes, and many other honest doctors.
They muted the sound to censor himвидео.html
Wikipedia even says he spreads misinformation about covid
@@PankZhanna: actually his name Sucharit mean Honest in Thai language "สุจริต"... 😁
Small town in BC, Canada.. family doctor Dr Charles Hoffe crying out after his First Nation patients were given Moderna vax, most now suffering with neurological effects. He approached the medical authority and was given a gagging order to stay quiet or he would lose his job with no prospect of working again. This has made him so angry that speaking out is now more important than his job.. Bless all those brave specialists risking their livelihoods for humanity.
I saw one of his videos, interview, I think the second part had already been taken down. That and the suppression of access to ivermectin in BC and the lack of Vitamin D messaging - criminal health authoritarianism, not medicine. If a doctor can't share his concerns, what society are we living in?
Found itвидео.html
We have to keep sharing this information to everyone. This is the death jab. Drs have been telling it for months. Now Canadian government is trying to suppress the truth by stopping freedom of speech.
@@grandmaG67 👍
@@yukonsusie Thank you!
The most intelligent and honest doctor of our times. It is such a shame, that the mainstream has tried to discredit him. So many doctors knew how dangerous these vaccines are and didn t say anything because they were afraid of their reputation. He is a hero. God bless him.
REPUTATION ?? they would stand before God someday and be sent to hell over all the murdering, over a reputation? that is incredible !
Amen..same thought
@@ItsMe-ke6qw thank you
All his claims have now been proven false. He's spreading harmful false information for RUclips money, making him one of the most dishonest and disgusting doctors out there.
This man makes the most sense of anyone I have heard and I am a nurse. He is clear and concise.
Propaganda to control the narrative used by nazis.
He's a world renowned scientist! I'd rather take notice of him then the governments dialogue!
Respectfully toward opinion only suggestion might be interested in searching out, top world renown Dr Peter Mc Cullough Testimony before HHS in Texas, video maybe?
@@marep9558, yes I know..
Our Australian Scientists have come out with proof on the dangers of the Jabs
You can't cheat Science
Professor Edward Steele
It's a bomb
It's,, You can't cheat the universe in science "
A doctor that isn’t under the control of pharmaceutical companies, and corrupt government.
Superb 👍🏻
He is emirated. But yes, he is brave, authentic and full of knowledge and human wisdom.
But he is banned/censored on RUclips, Facebook and on German TV.
Government doesn’t want people to know what he‘s saying. I am from Germany.
I wonder why governments are so desperate to "save" their people from this purported illness. I never got the impression before 2020 that they loved each of us so much.
Meanwhile in germany we have some covid reinfections in homes for senior citizens who already got the mrna vaccination (only minor symptoms or no symtoms did occur). So Bhakis hypothesis seems to be wrong for older people.
@@bobgillis1137 me neither , very worrying .
Thank you so much, Dr. Bhakdi, for your courage and integrity in standing up against this horrible injustice.
More info from American doctors on viral spike proteins!
I came back here after seeing the news about Thailand, when he explained what happened to the Thai princess. I also wanted to thank professor Bhakdi. You're one of the main reasons why I never took the jab. Thank you to this channel for giving him a platform.
Thanks for the message. ❤ Headphones make possible to listen
He is THE ONLY reason I didn't get jab.
Dr. Bakhti , you have my upmost respect. My prayers are for your safety and that the truth will be heard .
Hi Marlene
People should collectively send this doctor prayers for gratitude to him and for protection for him. Heaven bless him.
Thank you, Dr. Bhakdi.
NOT just him every one beside you. He is God send.
Wise words
He is a famous atheist
@@I_0..0_I gonna have a surprise on the other side, he is loved as was Christopher Hitchens x
The sadness in his eyes makes me sad. His fight and courage to tell the truth is outstanding and the shame he gets for telling the truth is disgraceful. I wish him all the best 💖
He retired long ago and should not have had to deal with this nonsense. He was very devastated and I think depressed at the beginning of this pandemic, you can see it all the more in his eyes in his early interviews, he's just devastated. He came to Germany for a better life, getting away from government corruption and tyranny in his home country, and loving Germany for the freedoms and good life he was able to find there. Then, all of this happened and everyone became miserable, afraid to live their lives, afraid of their neighbors, under the thumb of overreaching government. It is wonderful and inspiring that someone so long retired can find a second wind like this and serve a higher purpose to this degree. I am still relatively young but I think this man's recent work should serve as an inspiration to older-age folks who need a reminder that they can still achieve greatness and serve a great purpose late in life.
@@cloudsephiroth5382 Thank you I agree, we honor Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi for his dedication, his commitment and his hard work. Keep the faith 💖
@@cloudsephiroth5382 He and his wife talked about how much this was disturbing them over half a year ago, before they co-wrote their first book. He said his wife was so depressed hearing all the lies she wasn't sleeping right and was getting digestive issues. This was an interview on The Highwire. His wife is much younger and they have a young child, so it has to hit them all the harder.
I saw a rare look of fear and sadness in him at the end of his Planet Lockdown interview. I just saw Michael Yeadon's new Planet Lockdown interview, which is blockbuster. Yeadon looks the same and is pretty cynical that all his efforts were for nothing, the slander he's taken, how his professional career is over for speaking up. Odysee, Bitchute and others are where all the best Planet Lockdown interviews are now.
@@saintejeannedarc9460 I’ll look at those , and agree with all the above comments. Thank you.
Prof. Bhakdi is a genius. All what he said has come true. Unfortunately the government has not taken him seriously which is a shame. He is one of the best scientists of our times. I am deeply impressed by him. Several medical doctors I know are agreeing fully with Bhakdi but they are afraid of getting problems, so they rather say nothing and are hiding their true opinion about it.Thank you so much Prof, Bhakdi you are such a wonderful man and scientist.
The government doesnt care all they care about is money life means nothing
It's about time that the medical doctors you know start to speak up. The excess mortality is going through the roof, and is directly related to the percentage "v'd" for each country.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 only for people like you that has no idea about thus subject
Very true. Pathologists now explaining the mechanisms of how the vaccine causes damage and it's exactly what Dr Bhakdi predicted.
This man is the whole reason why my family and I never took that shot. I'm forever grateful that I came across his message years ago.
There are many of us. Now we can see his predictions being justified in front of our eyes. Word by word...😢
Me too.
Me three !
May I ask - when did he warn you? Was it just before vax rollout or during ?
Same here. I still refer to him & get told I'm crazy, But I'd rather be called crazy than have heart problems.
Look at his eyes, he's telling a truth as he knows it of what he knows as a microbiologist. I've not heard anyone else break it down and explain it in this way in this most simplistic way. I'm a nurse of 45 years. Dr. Bhakdi lives the Hippocratic Oath he took.
Knut Wittkowski gave two interviews early last year (2020). I was fortunate to view these just days before they were deleted.
I managed to view them on Daily motion. Listen to him and learn not to be scared.
@@theflaca He can still be found on YT, and has done more recent interviews as well. Search his name.
7 months after this interview we have clear indications that the vaccine is lowering overall death rates per infection prior to before vaccines death rates. So the vaccines apparently help. What is Mr. Bakhdis stance on the vaccine today? Please interview him again!
his voice has been removed from VIDEO
I dont know what this man is saying, but Im fairly certain its innaccurate - They dont call it " hypocrites - hypocratic/hypocritical oath for nothin..
Im sure he is telling what be believes to be truth, according to the knowledge set he was in doc trinated with. Docs are called docs because they are the most thouroughly in doc trinated with lies.
Folks are only as good as the knowledge they attain. If their knowledge be based on lies, it can cause all sorts of damage, (AND IT HAS! INCLUDING MAKING FOLKS SICK AND DEAD. ). The docs work for Hermes devil god of death and destruction (hermes is the med docs symbol ).. And that is who they work for.
THE DOCS DONT KNOW WHATS IN THE POISONS THEY GIVE FOLKS, NO MORE THAN THEY KNOW THE MAN IN THE MOON. They are told "this will heal folks, or protect them or whatever", and the docs just believe them.
The docs are hired hit men, oblivious to the fact that that is what they are, for the most part. Most of the sikness and disease in the world came with the rise of the science and history docs.
"Our immune system is much more intelligent than our politicians and scientists" - I LOVE IT!!! God Bless you Professor Bhakdi!
0 virus
Millions AWAKE
I fully agree. My immune system has kept me illness free for 23 years. Not even a flu. No cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular nor thousands of diseases. Covid-19 is not even a challenge for my immune system.
You are so right, but when the World Wakes we are so much stronger
Keep trying he is so good to listen to, try another platform,
Good luck, much love x
Great. "Intelligent" enough that hundreds of thousands of people die by autoimmune reactions. Immune systems kill vital tissues. Hopefully, some loudmouths will be facing that truth.
I've watched many Sucharit Bhakdi interviews. He's a big favourite in our house. I've never seen him in so much pain though. It pained me to see his eyes so sad. For those that have never seen him before, he's usually much more gentle. He was one of the first experts to speak up and try and talk people off the ceiling about the "pandemic" and all the false claims about the virus, and the bizarre superpowers it was given. He tried to warn that vaccines were not needed, and the design they were going to use was too dangerous. He was obviously much more hopeful back then. Now he has to watch the disaster he tried to avert unfold. I know how he feels and I feel it along w/ him.
Edit: So many people can't hear Dr. Bhakdi, as there seems to be an audio glitch. Just plug in some earbuds on your phone, or auxiliary speakers or headphones on your computer/laptop. I had no issues hearing both, but I tested unplugging my laptop speakers, and I could only hear the interviewer too. Speakers back on, no problems again.
Oui d'accord. He seems much older than a year ago.
@@godislove8740 I noticed that too.
You said it for me x
Well said - A real gentleman, We have listened to him for a long time, he is really worried over all this
MHRA record that 624, 633 averse reactions to Pfizer and AZK gene treatments so far and 635 deaths (see uk column news). Where’s the mainstream news coverage ??
Really scary times we live in. These executives from RUclips, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter should be in jail for censoring medical experts.
@rjb555. Amen!! Sadly they won't be though.
Its so sad i cant hear the scienist talking this youtube muted the scientist except this guy whose conducting the interview
But thank God for a decerment no to vaxx
You can't argue with your teacher
You can't end violence with votes
You can't send the wealthy to jail
Peace was never an option
Oil up your gun get your bullets and get ready
Sadly the only way to stop them is to leave the platform
If it requires coercion, manipulation, gaslighting, 24/7 advertising, fear mongering , silencing of dissenting opinions and experts, slandering of alternative options , tons of questionable incentives and indemnification from liability , then it isn't required for health.
Preach ! ✊
For a disease so mild, you have to do a test to find out if you’ve got it.
Ita really strange, I cannot hear a word the Doctor is saying on my phone only the interviewer. Whysthat ,i wonder?
@@leilajangdhari1989 i cant hear his reply on my phone either :( x
And no subtitles are available!!!
It's October 2022 and everything this man said, has come to pass!!
It's the last week of December 2022 and I'm still here.
2, 3 yrs ago when the first vaccine came out, the vaccinated begged me to get vaccinated.
I said no.
They told me if I didn't get vaccinated I wouldn't make it.
Well....I did, where are they now.
He was one of the very first to predict these clots. I believe it was even before the vax came out
You ain’t seen nuthin yet.
@@eyemnew2991 k
It's gonna get worse I know
Praise to this hero of a man. It saddens me to see the pain in his eyes during this interview, and in knowing the great burden of knowledge he carries in relation to this 'pandemic'. I've watched this interview twice, before RUclips will likely delete it. Your message is not unheard Dr. Bhakdi
RUclips has muted all of the Doctor's responses to the questions We no longer live in a free speech society
They didn't delete it, but there's no sound when he speaks a week later.
Indeed knowledge can be painful when you don't have political power to benefit humans.
@@monicakittleson1468 plug in headphones then you can hear it
@Bonesmama Loudly Silenced use earphone you can hear him
May God bless you Professor Bhakdi. Thank you for all of your efforts to stop the madness since day 1.
1) Modify a virus from CORONA family and Create a few strains of the virus - from the most simple to the most DEADLY,
2) Release the simplest version (COVID 19) and start a pandemic,
3) Prepare the ‘special MRNA vaccine’ to be effective against Covid19 and also against ALL versions of the virus, especially against the Deadly Strain! THE CHALLENGE was to produce a vaccine against a 100% deadly virus, without using any components/parts of that virus.
The MRNA vaccine which is only an injected CODE, just an instruction was the SOLUTION!
If the vaccine was produced by the classical method, it should have contained part, a trace/proof of the killer virus! Mrna vaccines have NO virus or components of the virus so there is no proof of people are being immunized also against a future virus!!
4) Sell the special vaccine ONLY to countries where the survivors will be as USA, EU, Israel, Japan, Singapore, S.Korea, Qatar but NOT TO rest of African, South American or Asian countries,
5) Soon, after the immunisation of the target number of people, release the killer strain.
Except for those who already immunised with the ‘special vaccine’, Everyone else dies (Unvaccinated and vaccinated with other brands other than the special vaccine)! Survivors would be only from the countries where the special vaccine was delivered. The number of World population would go down to the numbers of Special vaccine doses used!
Why is Moderna not selling their vaccines to almost any of the South American, African or Asian countries (except S.Korea, Japan and Singapore)? Many of us thinks the reason of this mass vaccination is to damage vaccinated people’s health and at the same time to make money! Then why Moderna has refused these countries authorities’ vaccines requirements? The 1 billion doses already acquired for African countries by AVATT will come from four major suppliers: the COVAX Facility, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Johnson & Johnson not from Moderna! Why Moderna is sold only to a few selected countries as EU, USA, Canada, Japan, S.Korea, Israel, Qatar… Why keeping it only for some countries? Moderna started to deliver to England first time on 13th of April. By that time more than 90% of England’s over 50 years old people were already vaccinated! Astra Zeneca started to cause a rare blood clot on YOUNG people just before Moderna was delivered! This gave a reason to the Authorities to take a decision that all Moderna vaccines will be used for under 30 years old young people! The other countries started to give the same decision as S.Korea… Another coincidence?
Pfizer and Moderna got their authorisations to be used in the same days of December. But only Pfizer started to vaccinate old, sick, handicap and homeless people at 86 countries while Moderna was vaccinating American soldiers from many bases around the World, like Afghanistan, Israel, South Korea, Japan. Moderna delayed shipping to almost all countries (except USA). IN THIS WAY, most of those countries’ old and sick people were already vaccinated by Pfizer or other brands and most of Moderna vaccines would be given mostly to younger and healthier people! So different countries receive Moderna vaccines at different times but always late enough so that most of the old, sick, and handicapped people are already vaccinated! In some countries as in Romania also political, juridical, defence authorities were given priorities and vaccinated by other brands together with old, sick people (to eliminate anybody in power, to erase all governments and to set One World Government?). Late arrivals assures that most of Moderna vaccines are given to younger and healthier people!
Moderna was a failing company with no FDA approved products or no profits until a year before pandemic started! Suddenly it became World’s one of the biggest and the most important company producing a DNA coding MRNA vaccines for hundreds of millions of people! Another coincidence?
Moderna increased its 2021 base plan to 700 million doses and is working to supply up to 1 billion doses in 2021! 2 doses are for 1 person, 1 billion doses are for 500 million people! This number is even written on famous Georgia Guidestones; Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature!
Why is Moderna keeping his vaccine Mrna code as secret and unpublished while Phizer mrna was published (declared by Scientests of Standford)? Why are Moderna’s and Pfizer’s Mrna codes of spike protein different (check, reverse engineering publication of scientists from Stanford University on github!)? Another coincidence?Why is Moderna vaccine dose total 200 micrograms while Pfizer is only 60 micrograms? Both vaccines are made against the same Covid19! What are the extra mRNA for? Are they there to immunise people against a different future danger? Another coincidence?
Moderna and Pfizer MRNA codes are supposed to produce the same Covid19’s identical spike protein! If the code is different, a person vaccinated with the different brands will develop different spike protein in their cells! And that will result in a different immunisation! An immunisation against what? Maybe against a future deadly danger? To survive only Moderna immunised people when that danger appears in the future? Another coincidence?
The synthetic MRNA vaccine does not use any virus or components of a virus. It is just a code injected which instructs the cell to produce the spike protein of Covid19. In this way it is not known if the immunisation is only against covid19 or perhaps also against an already created but not released future deadly covid19 mutation? When experts are checking if a vaccine is efficient, they check if the people are immunised against Covid19. Nobody can check if an immunised person is also becoming resistant against another, much more dangerous strain of the same virus. MRNA vaccine is the only way to immunise people against a not circulating yet future deadly virus. Is this the way how this pandemic will end? Will a virus (in the name of a mutation) come and kill everybody except already immunised target number of people? With the classic way of making the vaccine they had to use the weakened deadly virus or components of it. Which would have been visible by the scientist when they check it! Were the mRNA vaccines produced for this reason, to be untraceable?
This question was raised to virologists. Unfortunately for all of us, the answer was yes, it is possible to immunise people against another version of the same virus through coding of mRNA vaccines!Was it purposely spread and let conspiracies circulate on internet and media about vaccines and Covid19 to prepare the mindset of people to reject the facts about the real plan in case the truth comes out (if somebody finds out about the upcoming genocide and tries to warn other people, everybody would say “just another conspiracy” without even listening or checking about it!). Also, to make it sure nobody to have time, mind or knowledge to suspect about the plan; keep them busy, scared, confused, stressed with social, economic and health problem with nonstop bad news, unnecessary numbers, statistics, restrictions...The ‘Reducing the population down to exact numbers, resetting all political, juridical, financial and medical systems, eliminating almost all world's authorities, erasing all governments to set One world government’, all those dreams of Elite will come true, just by using the pandemic vaccination, to protect a group of special vaccine received people to survive against a future deadly danger! there is more. please people, authorities, secret services.... contact me to give you all info with links! +40732134134
This guy's opinion means absolute jack. He's a bacteriologist, not a virologist. There are specific subfields of microbiology, and he lacks the education and experience in virology/immunology.
Would you let a gastroenterologist perform brain surgery on you?
He has no idea what he's talking about, it has no scientific merit.
@@tmorelli1982 I can easily tell that you just went into Google and searched his name, and took the first thing that confirmed your bias without fact-checking obviously. Yet you stand here telling us proudly that "he has no idea what he's talking about, it has no scientific merit" while you uhh, have no idea what you are talking about. Lmao. Literally the Dunning-Kruger-Effect in action, good job on that btw. Here are the actual facts: He's a medical microbiologist, as it's shown correctly on the German version of his Wikipedia page. Furthermore, in Germany you study medicine and then have the possibility to a five year postgraduate professional education in "Microbiology, virology and infectious disease epidemiology" (German term: "Mikrobiologie, Virologie und Infektionsepidemiologie" ) which he did, as again is shown in the german version of his Wikipedia page and has the actual sources on pinned on it. A small advice: Next time, think before commenting. This was really the dumbest comment I've read here since a while and I read a bunch daily.
@@ikidu1102 are you under the impression that there's no differentiation between a clinical microbiologist and a virologist?
@@tmorelli1982 I wonder how you can comment about him ,how did you manage to hear him?
Coincidentally the sound disappears only when the doctor starts speaking.
I watched this video 3 times to process as much of the info in my non-scientific brain. I am a teacher whose school has been open since September with a school population of 93 students and staff. I am one of 4 staff members that have refused the jab after researching the pros and cons of it. This doctor is very clear with his information that added the layer that confirms my suspicions of its danger. Thank you for posting and sharing. God Bless you in your continued efforts to expose this catastrophe.
American doctors also warn of viral spike proteins 8 ways mRNA injection can kill you Dr. Judy Mikovits recently gave interview on RUclips’s “Freedom Watch” video titled, “Citizens Grand Jury with Prosecutor Larry Klayman - Dr. Judy Mikovits!” A must watch! Doctors across the globe challenge COVID hoax! PCR inventor Kary Mullis conveniently died in 2019! Here’s what he said about FRAUDCI Lawyers and medical experts start legal proceedings against W.H.O. and world leaders for their crimes against humanity! Recent interview with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
I believe you will really appreciate: Ranier Fuellmich on Delingpole on Vimeo. It is amazing. All the information you need is in this video and that one. There are other great vids w Ranier Fuellmich.
I didnt get anything from this interview
Thanks for all this info. I really believe in every word of his explanation
@@idhakarina9650 Some won't, hearts are beginning to be hardened.
I watched Dr. Bhakdt when this jab first came out where he worned everyone about the jab. I listened and never got the jab. He probably saved my life. Thanks Doc.
Me too!
Hi ya'll, I live in Ontario Canada, I'm here to express my Gratitude & Thankfulness for Professor Sucharit Bhakdi & his colleagues who did contact the proper health authorities of their concern & equally grateful he shared his experienced knowledge to explain it Thank you to Journeyman for asking the questions we need to hear & understand God Bless has all the information on this, it's in the spars 2025-2028 video
"I learned how Canada’s chief public health officer Dr T, is also on the oversight committee of the WHO with Dr Tedros; making her, I think, a double agent. I have listened to her often-bizarre dissertations to Canadians regarding covid-19.
@@dustinbanneddotvideo2082 thanks dear!
This mans voice is muted 😏 when answering questions, therefore, I believe that has been purposefully done. He's obviously talking about something that we're not supposed to know , but Thank you for sharing that information 🙏 listening from Ireland ☘❣
@@jillymouseful Direct quote: BMJ: " A mass screening programme of more than 10 million residents of Wuhan, China, performed after SARS-CoV-2 was brought under control, has identified 300 asymptomatic cases of covid-19, none of which was infectious." "The researchers found no “viable virus” in cultures from asymptomatic samples."
"The findings cannot be extrapolated ...?"
The fact there are 27k comments on here acknowledging sheer reality surprises me and gives me a glimmer of hope after Biden’s speech tonight. People who know the truth are not alone.
My goodness I couldn't agree more
29,229 Comments on the 25 of october 2021
@@niko-laus many watch and don’t comment either:)
You are not alone. But I can tell that your fellow truthfinders are undereducated, traumatized in early life, are raised with a lack of trust in anything superiour and overly sensitive for peerpressure.
Biden is extremely dumb
Dr. Bhakti is an excellent speaker, easy to understand for people with no medical background. It is clear that danger lurks in these shots. The more I hear, the more I learn horrific outcomes for those who receive injections and are used as lab animals. Your courage and obvious caring for humanity is a breath of fresh air in this evil world.
Excuse but u r wrong he's a microbiology professor, watch it again, he's more than doctor he's a microbiologist and professor
Very Good.Thank you for your loving care for ppl. May God bless and rewards Dr Bhakdi’s richest in Honor and Glory for the world to see 👍👍
He's entitled to his research and speak it
FYI💉🤦♀️As of May 20, 2021, the sound of Dr. Bhakti's voice has been MUTED through the entire interview.
This happened on both my phones. Lip readers might make out his words though. Is this so RUclips can say "we didnt take the video down?"🙏🌎
@Blah Blah is this true about this man?
Now we are seeing this doctor being proven right with all the neuro events and clots .. thank you to this doctor for fighting ! ❤❤
Much LOVE to you Dr.Bhakdi
Watch also, Knut Wittowski, an epidemiologist who said in march 2020, not to worry about it. It'll be over in 6 months. Then there's the propaganda that the jab saved lives. This cannot be tested as most of the people who would die from it, already did, before the jab went mainstream. If there were no jabs, the virus was going to mutate to more infectious but less deadly form. We all knew this in the early 90s, working on vaccine technology for horticultural diseases.
Therefore the death rate throughout the history of epidemics always attenuates.
This is why some real experts stated that vaccines during an epidemic cannot really prove efficacy.
Better given before the event.
Inner Warrior 📱
A. Bourla
A story about myself and vaccination.🤔🤔
And even more do now. And yet Wikipedia still starts right off by saying he spread misinformation about Covid and immunizations. They should have to edit and apologize.
Sucharit is muted now and I only hear the interviewer.
I'm a very healthy Young Male in his 30s, never have taken the flu shot and I'm healthier than an ox. Why would I take something that could potentially harm or kill me? My immune system has worked perfectly naturally for the past 30 years.
Exactly! Stay smart young man! This is depopulization at work, compliments of Bill Gates..
@@globug8864 Not just EvilGates.
FOULchi got Wuhan Million$ in grant$ to produce no less than 19 different strains of their flu.
And guess what goes w/each one? Yep! *More **_government jabs!_* All the better to kill off the population, to their more acceptable levels, worldwide.
Especially getting rid of those pesky 3rd world country drains, seniors, sickly, & otherwise impaired.
It’s becoming survival of the fittest...Literally.
But that’s what they want. ;)
People need to seek & get right w/Jesus. No One else is going to save anyone from themselves, or the extreme evils, yet to come. And they’re well on their way. :/
they are controlling his speach
@@globug8864 your brain is Mush!!! Get Free of the Quaaludinon Drug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My girlfriend is a swimming coach at an international school here in Bangkok. Her company sent her an email pretty much saying "there's a lot of mis information flying around about the covid vaccines being dangerous, but they are approved by the WHO your concerns are ridiculous, and if you refuse the vaccine you'll be fired"
My girlfriend is a healthy 24 year old, I can't describe how pissed off I was at the attitude of her company telling her what to do with her body, absolutely disgusting
“Humans are being the test animals.” He’s right. I love this guy, at least someone is keeping it real.
He is right because you say so? But what if you dont say the truth?
@@Johannes-kn2op ummm these vaccines were produced in record time and while that’s impressive, there is still a lot that is unknown even to the makers of the vaccines. We are the test subjects, not sure how that’s even debatable.
@@Ninjaagentxx pls tell me which "vaccine makers" are unsure of their product? We already have vaccines against other types of corona viruses which were tested for more than 20 years now. Millions of people died from Covid!!! with the vaccine you just show your body how to fight the virus in advance without risking of getting Covid.
Most of the anti-vaccine people will never ask whats in their food, which chemicals and where they come from. Food has far more impact to your body than a vaccine... but you dont care I guess?
I just dont get you guys!
@@Johannes-kn2op In regards to food, I agree with you 100%, and I eat very clean. In fact, my exact reason for not yet trusting these vaccines is the fact that I make a lot of sacrifices to keep myself healthy and put only good things into my body. With that said, I could spend my whole day collecting articles and drafting a presentation of all of the interviews, medical and scientific journals… throw a rock and you’ll see a legitimate article or report of how no one truly knows what to expect from these vaccines, but I already know you will not be swayed. Why waste my time arguing, I gain nothing from winning a pointless argument against some stranger on RUclips. You do you boo-boo, just don’t try and tell me to put things in my body because you think you know it all.
@@Ninjaagentxx I see you are a good person and you know how to lead a discussion.
My pov is that WE as humanity know how viruses can lead to certain diseases and we also know how our body reacts in order to beat the virus. With THAT knowledge we were able to produce vaccines and eradicate several deseases like polio for example.
The affected scientists did their research for decades know, they know their shit and helped us beat diseases. So why is it any different this time?
They basically extract a specific (unharmful) protein from the virus and show it to your body so it can produce antibodies without getting the disease...
On the other hand if you get infected, your body is shown the very same protein BUT you will also risk getting the disease (COVID).
Just let that go through your head...
"our immune system is much more intelligent than our politicians ..." totally agree.
no question there.
Yes, the unfortunate irony is the governments, hospitals, medical institutions and the media cannot or no longer be trusted. Devastating!
@@sequr2091 yes it is, and never to be forgotten.
our immune system is capable of treating any virus, infection and cancer
Welcome to 2022..ongoing..thx Prof. You are a hero!! As an unvaccinated person I am happy and healthy while everyone around me struggles like crazy...
It's almost January 2023 and I have not been vaccinated and I have no intentions of getting vaccinated.
I was called names by the vaccinated when this whole ignorant stupid thing started.
The vaccinated lied to me and other people.
I'm not the one having multiple health problems and health issues, but I've been called an idiot for not getting vaccinated.
What's really stupid is when the vaccinated ask "don't you want your family to be healthy and stay healthy"?
My question to them was always, what makes you think my family isn't healthy now ?
Since y'all know so much about my family
what makes you think they aren't healthy ?
On n On n On
@@eyemnew2991 yeah definitely. The rhetoric gets very repetitive doesn't it. I used to ask them ( in a concerned manner) weather they did and personal research before they got jabbed. But of course the answer would be no, they felt like they were forced. Sad really
When the virus first came out, first month, first week, first days of the first week, I watched it on the news like a hawk.
It made me very very suspicious.
All them deaths in so little time, day after day after day.
It was amazingly stupid.
@@eyemnew2991 good point. We now know how we've been deceived by mainstream media for a long time and of course the bs continues.
This doctor has a beautiful soul. Look at his eyes. Thank you.
Yes I was thinking exactly the same thing, the man's eyes are full of compassion and concern, he knows.
Souls do not exist, he has lived a healthy life without smoking, which clearly shows in his eyes and skin
Someone who has earned those humbled genuine eyes, by effortfully living in integrity with his soul.
Yes I can feel the goodness emanating from him he is a Good Doctor. A Good Soul. ❤️👨👩👧👦☘️🙏🌻
I keep thinking this - it's like watching a really, really horrible movie. And I can't stop it. Thanks for doing this interview.
Anyone got s copy of this with dound
OMG protect us Lord God . Let's share this to all.people. God bless us.
Why can’t we hear his replies??
It's 3 years on now. September 2023. And I have never forgotten watching this interview, a couple of times. It made a big impact on me, as I had applied to be a candidate in the J&J trials in South Africa.
I didn't qualify, and then this interview. To date I have never taken any vax, and I thank this man for pulling me straight. My sister has had a stroke from a blood clot...
You were so fortunate to have avoided these poison injectables. Very very sad this happened to your sister😢
The fact that he uses metaphors in his explanations shows how passionate he is of his work- and people that are truly passionate about their work are often very knowledgeable of the truth.
Can you hear him? I cant and my sound is turned up all the way
@@ellavek1998 I had to put in ear phones to hear him !
they have removed his voice from the VIDEO.
was thinking exactly the same ! he´s a man ! a HUman!
I really liked what he said... "Our immune system is much more intelligent than our politicians and scientists..." So true
I believe what he says ..we have a unique immune system creating by God
Amen !
Is it just me or they cancelled the sound on the video?
➡️ Our immune systems work FOR us to help PROTECT us the best it can as it was designed to do by our creator...the “politicians” and chosen group of “scientists” that were put in front of us by the controllers under the guise of our protection are here to do just the opposite.
God, please protect him and all that speak out. I pray they don’t kill them like they killed the president of Tanzania.
In Jesus Christ name. Amen!
Tanzania ? were is that. and this Doc seems so truth full you can see it as clear as the sun shines.
You are absolutely correct and 10 others official's in Tanzania were taken out as well. Along with 5 others presidents in Africa who would NOT COMPLY with this scamdemic plandemic.
who are "them"?
@@trafficjon400 Tanzania is a country in Africa
And here we are in Nov 22. How time has shown this man to be a speaker of truth.
I have decided against the vaccine and because of this I will soon be losing my job in a care home 😔but thank you so much for this 👏
I'm sorry you have been put in that position 😞
Pretty sad... but its better than losing your life. Dont take it
When one door closes, another will open. Keep strong. All the best to you.
Keep strong 💪me and my husband too. Don't be afraid. Believe that we are protected
Me too! I'm a therapist and teacher of 19 yrs. I received a medical exemption but it wasn't enough. Now, my job wants access to my medical they're making my health decisions. Lol When they fire me, I'll never look back. I'll look forward to a life free of this jab.
Stay strong and walk in faith.
Prof. Bhakdi, I can't thank you enough! - Vielen herzlichen Dank, lieber Prof. Bhakdi! Gott segne Sie und Ihre Familie!
American doctors speaking about viral spike proteins!
Wow, this pisses me off. A female co-worker just lost her 39 year old sister to c19 nanobot shot. She wasn't even sick but now she's dead, and YT has the nerve to silence this man? Unbelievable.
You can still hear the sound if you plug in headphones.
Screen_Spirit THANK YOU! I was so disappointed there was no sound & read your comment. Headphones worked 😘
At what point does sensoring become criminal?
@@lissyadams6497 I’d like to know too
Silenced because nanobots aren’t that sophisticated or small yet.
My adult daughter had blood clots, among other things, after her Pfizer booster. The only good thing that came out of it was her deciding not to have her three teenage daughters vaccinated.
At least she learned. Many get clots are still in DENIAL!!
Good for her daughter's. 👍
After all this time anyone can see that the vaccines have saved countless lives. For any age, you are about 10 times less likely to die if you are vaccinated than those who are not. The likes of Bhakdi have now made their millions of dollars out of the fools, many of which have died or contributed to others they have influenced, dying.
Please read up on Fulvic- & Humic acid it could help the body fight the spike protein, Detox and strengthen the immune system naturally. The best brand is Theon 🙏🏽💚🙏🏽.
I am unvaxed but take Fulvic- and Humic acid as people shed spike proteins and i want to protect my body 🙏🏽.
Out of all the doctors that I have listened to (God Bless Them) this man is the most articulate in his description of what is happening and his passion is so incredible
Love this guy
Problem is...fakebook is so gutless they have silenced him in this video. There is no sound! I do like this Doctor...he is so wise!
We can't here it so can somebody tell me what did he say
Don't take vaccines if u have received 1 or 2 shots and you have not had any bad events please do not take anymore shots when 3 4 5 shot become mandatory say no
@@tracymcnair1303 Messes with your immune system causing it to over react non stop and wrecking havoc on your body at a cellular level, which is dangerous. Blood clots occur plus paralysis .. body jerking etc. Headaches warn you something is not right. If you are ok after the first shot and then take the second shot you are just continuing to make it worse. If you take a 3rd shot...maybe need to think about making out your will. Adverse reactions are deadly in most cases. So, you can NOT alter your immune system! When you do are playing Russian Roulette with your health. He is NOT fear mongering. He is speaking out and telling the TRUTH. This vax is basically experimental without enough time to determine the long term effects on your body even if you feel okay after getting the shot. It will NOT protect you from getting COVID. Some have got it despite getting the vax. Ivermectin helps you to recover if it gets serious. But you don't hear that on MSM. There are truths being kept hidden. A woman let them give the shot to her baby and it died! What does THAT tell you? He is appalled children are being given this vax. They do NOT need it! very sad. No Vaccine! TRY WATCHING IT ON YOUR LAP TOP.
@@tracymcnair1303 you can’t hear him on Bluetooth. You have to listen under regular audio. Worth watching!!!!
I am glad that the whole World can get this Important Information on this way.
Professor Bhakti is an honourable Scientist from Germany. About 12.000 medical Doctors were teached by him at Mainz University over the years.
He is far away from any 'tin foil hat' or conspiracy theorist.
@@michaelsuter4523 You’re absolutely lying
@Sir Dukingham PubMed is a good legitimate source for raw research, statistical analysis and papers that are from the experts themselves. There’s no such thing as free thought when it comes to what they put out. It’s held to the highest ethical standards and absolutely must be based off reality with no conflicts of interests. And if so, they must allow it to be cited at the bottom of their papers.
@@audimaster5000 - He’s not lying that this is not a “vaccine!” Many doctors which are being censored are saying so!
@@audimaster5000 - Dr. David Martin saying this is NOT a vaccine!
@@audimaster5000 - Here’s what doctors are posting on MedScape
Tried to share this on FB and it was blocked. That's how I know it's true. I was starting to waver under the relentless pressure, keeping my opinion to myself to avoid confrontation, but this has steadied my resolve. No jab for me.
You cant be serious trying to share this on FB ? You now know cancel culture is for real !
They only allow the "Taliban" and Chinese propaganda a free pass ..shocking place ?
When Fauci denounced homeopathic & holistic remedies and health care I knew all of this was evil and pretentious!! Ugh!!! I could see right through Fauci (always) Gates&Gates all of them. Evil folks who have a toxic self aggrandizing white saviorship on deck.
Blocked on my Facebook also.
Andrew Craft.........Whenever someone tries to pressure you to take the jab that you do not want to take, just say I am still thinking about it (which is true) rather than saying outright "I am not going to take it ". When you give this ambiguous reply, they have no more reason to harass you because you did not say you will not take it.
This month FB put up a video which shows 2 people who died, and others with severe neurological disease that started soon after the Vaccine in Australia. (The MSM says nothing). No other cause was found for these Adverse Events.
You were always right Dr. Bhakdi!!! This documentary saved my life and that of some of my family! You are forever cherished by me!!
Truth does not mind being questioned whereas a lie does not like being challenged.
Well put.
Same reason why it's literally illegal to question the holocaust in many countries.
This is exactly what this is! Prof Bhakdi has nothing to "gain" from warning humans of the dangers of this experiment!
I don't think it was very nice of the Nazis to have made lampshades out of the skins of Jews. Bahkdi comparing the vaccination programme in Israel, that has saved countless lives, to how the Germans once treated the Jews in Germany is quite outrageous. One person on this thread mentioned about questioning the Holocaust, does that person believe it was made up? None of the rest of you rebuked that comment. Shame on any of you that read it who did not rebuke that person.
I agree he heeds to get time on all platforms as he speaks out of knowledge, i respect you Prof Bhakdi. The human race needs more honest people Prof like you. May God bless you for years to come!
Great message🙏🏼
I can't hear him. The audio isn't working. I'm assuming at some point you could hear the doctor.
@@peace5647 Audio works just fine
Do you still respect him now? Everything he said turned out to be crap.
I love this gentleman; straight talk; no beating around the bush and to the point; this is another reason why nobody in vaccinating me.
Absolutely, Clarence. I refuse to be a guinea pig for the government or big corporations.
Be prepared to stand your ground. The gas-lighting of this non-sense is only going to intensify.
Remember back more than a year when this started people said covid being an acronym for "certification of vax ID" was just a conspiracy theory?? Now, crickets!
@@guyindecatur 🎯
@@louiselindersson1212 Gird your loins. It's going to be a bumpy ride..
YOURE a rigger
Thank you Professor Bhakdi, it shows you really care about people, unlike a lot of professionals. You are a very good and brave man.
This professor is one of the best educators since the beginning of the pandemic
i love him
Obviously not doing a good enough job if you still refer to it as a pandemic.
@@dill899 It is and remains a huge scam
@@heinzaichhorn5195 I think you mean it isn't and it remains a huge scam
All this man is asking for is that we have an honest conversation about these vaccines, why are we rushing all this.
Because of power
Because millions more people would have died if we didn't.
@@DMSJagXK true but what are the true long term side effects of these vaccines. As it stands no one knows. You'll probably say that we know the side effects, this truly isn't the case as they didn't expect these cases of blood clots & heart inflation. It may protect you against the more severe cases of covid but what about the other symptoms from taking this new technology vaccine.
E-ink Below is a reply I sent to someone else so I've copy and pasted it here since it has some points that might be relevant. It is refreshing to read your comment since it comes across as being thoughtful rather than just bashing the government. Everything will be okay, keep safe.
A pledge not to profit
Vaxzevria is the result of a non-profit partnership with Oxford University’s Jenner Institute. AstraZeneca pledged not to profit from the vaccine during the pandemic and is selling it for a far lower pricethan its competitors (around $4 per dose vs. $25 to $37 for Moderna, for example).
The UK is also allowing other countries to produce the vaccine we created at no cost re licenses/copyright.
UK are giving away 500 million doses of vaccine to 3rd World countries and covering all costs.
I don't know what the USA and other countries are doing but in the 7G meetings the other week a billion doses of vaccine were pledged for 3rd World countries.
The link discusses whether we should just vaccinate the most susceptible. It deals with the selective pressure argument (nothing to do with pressure to make you have the vaccine by the way) and herd immunity.
I have on numerous occasions made it clear that I would not support anyone being forced to have the vaccine.
I have looked at the daily death rates in both the USA and the UK. As a result of the vaccination programme nearly all the people who were most susceptible to being killed by the virus have been vaccinated which explains why the vaccine has had such a big impact on the daily death rate. Ideally it would have been better to have been able to carry out research over a longer period of time but vaccines are not new, even the messenger Ribo Nucleic Acid ones. The FDA for example gave emergency authorisation for the use of vaccines rather than just the usual authorisation solely because it was judged that it would be more dangerous to life to not give the vaccine than to give it. The FDA did analyse the results of scores of double blinded placebo projects carried out by labs all around the World and also analysed the efficacy of the vaccine in the countries that had already been using them. Don't forget at one point In the USA there were several thousand people dying each day in the USA of Covid related causes. In the UK we were regularly getting more than 1500 deaths a day and now we get around 5, some days we've had none.
I.m not sure why I've bothered writing this because people just question the figures. It has got to the stage where anything the Government says, the World Health Organisation, the National Health Service, the Mayo Clinic etc. say is not believed so how can anyone disprove all the myths that are flying around.
I do know how mRNA works and if you are scared have one of the no mRNA vaccines if you decide to have a vaccine. The mRNA from the vaccine goes to the ribosomes which are outside the nucleus. The ribosomes read off the mRNA to make spiked proteins that triggers the body to make antibodies against it, these antibodies are the ones that can also debilitate the virus.
Your DNA is a double helix and is in the nucleus. It contains your genetic code. When it unzips bases line up against the exposed bases of your DNA to make your own mRNA which go to your ribosomes to make more of your own proteins, this has nothing to do with the vaccine.
@@DMSJagXK Ivemectin could've done this months ago. Check out bret weinstein - ivermectin, don't take my word for it. The vax has been rolled out partially for good reasons but there's a LOT of greed that's come with it, greed so heinous that people have been allowed to die even with a drug existing that could've prevented those deaths.
The world needs more doctors like him! These days our world is filled with doctors who care more about their wallet and pride than the truth and human life😣
It's because they take a hypocritical oath, meaning they have to push drugs whether they want to or not. Same with Pharmacists.
...or they're just cowards and love their own needs above others.
he pushes covid
POLICE DIVOC.19........видео.html
thank you Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi … you are living proof of civil courage paired to scientific knowledge and wisdom of the heart.
"Let's not fight people...let''s help these people. " what a great beautiful brilliant and extremely good person.
It's time they make an antidote for all humanity
POLICE DIVOC.19........видео.html
Dr Bhakti is a global treasure. Intelligent, experienced, erudite and with a genuine concern for human life. Believe the science, people! HIS science!
Absolutely, Brian. This is the best video I've seen on the coronavirus so far. He explained it so well and he is so genuine that only a fool would deny his authenticity.
@@kevinmd1974 - Dr. Judy Mikovits was also interviewed 3 days ago on RUclips’s “Freedom Watch” video titled, “Citizens Grand Jury with Larry Klayman - Dr. Judy Mikovits.” A must watch! Also USA doctors warn of viral spike proteins
His science is good science and not payed for by pharmaceutical big wigs
He’s absolutely right in every single way .We need to praise these doctors for his courage!!
why are such a few doctors to expose the truth?
They feared losing their license , being defamed and censored.
Doctors are nothing but puppets for the Big Pharma .
Very-very few will have the backbone to stand for Truth despite risking their livelihood .
This guy is just another retired fraud:
@@guyfournier are you retired too or why are you taking the time to re-post this exact same comment under every recent comment here?
@@hereonlynow Because this fraud will harm people. Prolonging the pandemic will only cause more suffering.
What a wonderful doctor. This is enlightenment. He is clear, caring & worthy to listen to.
Fadia Sultan from Australia
Why the world so dumb, and not hear this decent professional risk his life and warming people!!! God bless !!!!
could you hear the doctor?
Because they have been conditioned from birth. Watching this gentleman does determine intelligence
He is risking his life too !
@@joyredden7038 I think he's been muted, other parts of the video are fine
P/S Porn in #Thai translates to blessings.
From #monk blessings to #Buddhist blessings and more, there is enough #porn to go around....
Thank you for speaking out because when I try to, nobody bothered. I didn't want to take any vaccine but under family and social pressure I took 1st vaccine. After 3 hour my left face goes numb and my throat starts to feel metal taste coming up. I swear on my life until now months later, my left face and mouth still feel numb. I'm lucky I didn't go paralyse but I refused to take 2nd dose. I will not be pressure anymore.
Watch "CAN WE TRUST THE COVID-19 VACCINE? Guest Dr. Lorraine Day (The Bible Big Mouth Show)" on RUclipsвидео.html
Good for you. I myself have had the first dose and will not be taking the second either for similar reasons to you. It wouldn't end after taking the second dose anyway, we would find renewed pressure to take a 3rd, 4th and 5th dose. This will only end when people (and especially young people) decide to reject this insanity and say NO. People need to stop giving in to emotional blackmail and coercion. It's totally wrong and too many are unnecessarily paying very high price for it. I wish you well and a full recovery
@@Strutter693r unfortunately that's not how it will end for the americans and people around the world.
Who ever refuses to take ALL vaccinations and signup with the NWO, will be sent to FEMA camps for re-education and if that's not effective the government has now the legal right to execute by decapitation by guillotine.
Watch "CAN WE TRUST THE COVID-19 VACCINE? Guest Dr. Lorraine Day (The Bible Big Mouth Show)" on RUclipsвидео.html
@@ulaper6465 grow up
@@makeupxdanielle2253 they are!
This is horrifying. The world needs to see this - the truth. I sure damn hope this doesn’t get censored. I’m not worried about coronavirus, I’m worried for humanity.
It's been censored
That's a great statement.
Exactly right!!
"Fact Checked" on Fakebook...
Yup people like him and Dr Vernon Coleman have been sayin this for months..
This is why it's important to download good videos like this. I hope someone got it downloaded. I wrote notes on this video when I first heard it. I wrote everything he said on paper. I wanted to keep it for reference.
I viewed his video when covid vaccines first came on the scene and I prayed about whether I should get it,and I discerned immediately in my spirit a loud NO.I trust in God for guidance.He hasn't ever failed to answer. me
Still viewed on RUclips 3/10/24 Bloodclots and Beyond
What a dear, great and intelligent man. I'm so thankful to him, such an humble honesty.
What IF virus don´t exist or are not pathogenic?
USA doctors speaking up about viral spike proteins!
Prof. Dr Sucharit Bhakdi is a very good and strong man who fights for the truth.
Patte Kelly
0 seconds ago
It´s really heartbreaking to see him spiritually broken. But keep your head up, there´s some folks listening too you Prof. Bhakdi ! You´re work wasn´t in vain!!!
Yes he’s soooo compassionate! A true human being whereas the corporations are run by psychopaths how else could they be OK with what they are doing?!
@K L
I’m afraid of the authoritarianism, but I’m not afraid of covid at all with 99.8% recovery rate for most people.
You shouldn’t be afraid of the vaccinated because even if the MRNA gene therapy does cause people to be symptomatic and therefore be able to spread remember that covid for most people is 99.8% recovery with most not even getting sick, add to that the nature of virus, covid will naturally disappear anyway!
It’s not the virus we need to be afraid of!
@K L I’m thought the fool for being the only one in my family who didn’t get jabbed & for trying to warn them about the truth of it w/articles from NaturalNews & videos from The Highwire...among others.
What I’m more concerned w/now, are all those jabbed who are ‘shedding’ on us who are not jabbed. There are thousands reporting issues from working in offices around jabbed ppl & living in the same households.
Similar health issues...miscarriages, blurred vision &/or dizzying headaches, heavy bleeding in women w/longer cycles & menopausal women bleeding again.
Not concerned about the Covid either, but definitely concerned about being around the jabbed. I am avoiding them as much as possible. :/
I feel very bad for a good friend who’s husband got jabbed just so he could go on a fishing trip w/his buddies, after saying he wouldn’t b/c he didn’t trust it. Then when he was told he wouldn’t be able to go to their big annual affair, he got it w/o even telling her till after!
They’re still studying the effects of spouses on each other in cases like that. She’s praying for God to cover her on this. I am too.
Another good friend baby sits her grandkids regularly all day long & her son & wife both took them for their jobs. 2 of the 3 are under 5 & she is exposed to them several hours weekly in their home. Also praying for protection from any fallout. 3 others I know who got jabbed, I’m not spending time with & staying physically distant from them when I do see them. They know my concerns & think I’m nuts. Let them.
I told them “tell me what you think w/in the next 18 mos”.
Same w/my foolish family. I’m just praying for them all.
And to acknowledge Jesus as their Savior before they ‘go’.
Not much else to do. :/
Look up info on the shedding. Not good.
Looks like the Global Cabal Evildoers got everyone coming & going w/this bs.
As they’ll continue to release many of their over 20 strains upon the world, so they can keep giving *unapproved* jabs to the brain dead masses.
Population control at its easiest.
@@OMGAnotherday Be very concerned about ‘shedding’ of the jabbed onto you.
Keep your distance! Avoid if possible.
Don’t know if this site will post...
Copy before I’m sen sored.
@@me-fd5cj TY
Del BigTree w/The Highwire & NaturalNews, are both worth a good look.
Thank you Professor Bhakdi. I'm so glad I didn't let my family doctor talk me into getting the jab! I left his office and found a new doctor
I hope that I'll be able to hug this guy someday. He saves so many lives.
Those two, Trudeau and Ford, are globalist and want people dead.
Incredibly intelligent and important. Why such an intelligent person cannot be listened to?
A lie travels the globe before the truth has a chance to put its pants on. That might sum it up.
Because he is honest.
The only one that has to put his pants on is this old lying geezer...
@@robiniesesam7378 yes
The interviewer did a great job, eliciting these important perspectives on the facts. We thank this doctor for his revelations.
POLICE DIVOC.19........видео.html
This one physician's view goes against the thousands of professors and doctors view. Let's believe the one retired physician then
In the UK we have given over 75 million vaccinations and yet haven't had any more blood clots than normal. Since the vaccinations were introduced our daily death rate has gone from over 1500 to under 5. Thousands of professors and doctors in the UK say get vaccinated. Is this guy a foreign agent? Just saying!
I can’t believe this video is still online! He was so spot on, look at the massacre going on now…
Dr. Bhakti is very honest, he is always saying the truth 🙏
I believe every Word he says 🙏❤️🙏
Me too! Never doubted him. Just compare him and his body-language to Dr. Fraudci!
How do you know ? Are you a colleague of him, another professor confirming it ?
This is the MOST informative and easiest to understand explanation on the entire internet.
Watch this, he is being proven rightвидео.html
And this should make you suspicious. Why it's so easy to understand ? Cause it's all made up, it answers questions nobody else can answer, cause answers are invented.
Of course, people prefer answers over no answers. They dislike scientist without answers. But for no logical reason.
Bhakdi is one of the few people that have my total trust in this Covid situation.
You can fool some of the people
In the UK we have given over 75 million vaccinations and yet haven't had any more blood clots than normal. Since the vaccinations were introduced our daily death rate has gone from over 1500 to under 5. Thousands of professors and doctors in the UK say get vaccinated. Is this guy a foreign agent? Just saying!
Bhakdi was invited to several german TV shows, where he presented his view on the vaccines and he was bashed everywhere as covidiot. Although he was 100% reasonable and fact based. He was microbiologist at the Gutenberg University in Mainz and decided to leave germany because of all the bullshit he was put through. It's a shame. I feel truly sorry for him and hope he gets the respect he deserves somewhere else.
The target of the vaccines is a Women’s Ovaries! We must thank the Eugenicist Bill the Pedophile Gates! My new book “ People are the Problem “!
@@MrFtothelo Bhakdi is a person of integrity. He does not speculate on his own gain, but seeks the good of all people. He has received very, very many awards in Germany, but after telling the scientific truth about the so-called "corona pandemic", he is treated like an idiot and enemy of the state. That should be food for thought.
Dr Bhakdi Thank Sir for your Humanity and Courage I think you are great , I’m just a normal working man who listened. Thank you God for sending people like you 🙏 and thank you Dr ❤
This is one amazing human being. May God bless him and may his moral conviction and professionalism be the guiding light for all medical professionals. Thank you!
media destroyed this honest man, he has so much knowledge
They do it to everyone who goes against their narrative. It's been going on for a long time.
Don't worry, no truth seeker is fooled by such too demonstrably limited media
No they did not
They tried to but it didn’t work
American doctors speaking about viral spike proteins!
Dr. B is so patient in explaining what’s happening! I am so grateful for his taking the time to teach many of us who are uneducated but hungry for knowledge! I am convinced that this shot is going to explode into disaster. I am tired of being abused by others when they find out I am not getting the jab, but videos like this empower me to stand firm.
I agree, I’m not what anybody would call an anti vaxxer , in fact I work in a travel and vax clinic , but we don’t give flu vaccine. That being said, I haven’t worked in months due to obviously not many travelers and I’m per diem anyway. And I’ve been learning so much since this hit the scene. I’m definitely anti This gene therapy.. and the people that are saying we need to get this jab for the safety of everyone else and it’s selfish not to. Sorry . Brainwashed. This is experimental. It’s horrific. Has anybody seen the VAERS reports? Hundreds dying.
There is treatment for sar$ c0v -two
Mind boggling
Im with you anyone iv spoke with are taken it to go back to normal or holidays will they be normal inside after this vaccine .
I STIL GO THROU SHAKING AND DEEP DEPREASSION. 4 years later from taking injection of the swelling anti thats in the vaccines. i went through brain fat loss, adrenal shutdown for hours then just suffered in pain and agony. Dexamethisone also gave me 2 weeks of brusing and acking bones OSTIOPEROSSIS My DNA MIght be changed and Adrenals glands may have spots on them for life. 4 years ago 1 injection for poison ivy and swelling from a product. ADRENAL GLANDS ARE the most important operating system in the human body. Adrenals are what keeps your SSRI LEVELS UP AND NORMAL. Also they keep you live like and wanting to live and your mind emotions level. with spots is destroyes adrenals causing cushings like syndrome. Grace Sorry about type crappy can't think or see good. DEXAMETHISONE RAGE And emotions destroyed enough for me to loose my family in a big way. i believed in creation God for years and that was taken away by a Hell feeling with no love feelings. sick but true, Many 1000s hiden comiting suicide on you tube from steroid induced sychossis has been hidden and going on for years. Doctors give these injections for poison ivy. patient comes back complaing. Doctors are told that this med has no to litte side effects and only in the past year i start finally seing Doctors and my Doctor becoming worry about what they have been injection so many patients for pouison ivy ,a drug for sevier CANCER PATIENTS WHO HAVE ONLY 6 MONTHS TO LIVE TAKE THIS POISON. Many people who take the weekest Steroid Prednisone , a lot end up taking it for life for the cortisole levels are out of wack and if they don't they go in to agonising withdrawl. THEY CALL PREDNISONE ON YOU TUBE ( SATINS LITTLE HELPER) Many hundreds of steroid psychossis you tube's are gone and i was with them at times but it seems i can't find many of these videos i subscribed too? sorry if you can't read this right.
I admired Dr Sucharit Backdi 🤗 May God bless him always
A true doctor to patients and a very, very noble man. Yet somehow certain criminals don't seem to like him - but that's just another badge of honour!
The "criminals" are too busy making hundreds of billions. So, they will leave such lone wolves alone for now. There is no "pandemic" in adverse reactions and all cases are explained away quickly. If over three years, millions start to get cancer, brain tumors, etc. you bet it will be impossible to link the vaccines to those critical illnesses.
I am avoiding vaccines.
A Real Hue-man being..Kudos..
He is disliked only because he is a threat to billions of dollars and for no other reason.
@@eddieleong6490 I'm expecting the damages even earlier. Just think about the "vaccines" given to 500,000 US soldiers prior to "Desert Storm". 11,000 died within 2 years, 100,000 are now severely disabled.
More doctors speaking about viral spike proteins!
It is wonderful to see a person with intact, functioning emotions and intellect.
POLICE DIVOC.19........видео.html
Idiots, stop saying things that will increase the death rate and elongate the recovery time.
Time will prove the anti maskers and anti vaccinators wrong. The overwhelming science tells us to wear masks and to get vaccinated. Death rate for whole of UK is around 5 per day, Texas over 40 and yet Texas only a third of the population. Your views will lead to more people losing their lives and the economic recovery taking much longer. Many of your grandparents were prepared to risk their life for your freedom, now you are willing to risk their life for your freedom. I guarantee my views will, when all this is over and everything is analysed, prove to be right. I hope you are not a foreign agent trying to destroy places like the USA and the UK, even if you are not you would have the same script. I'm amazed the USA has proved to be the country that has the most gullible people in it, fortunately you are still in the minority and you can only go on about people who think differently to you as being scared, or sheep or brainwashed etc. I believe in the Law of Universal Gravitational Attraction, does that make me a sheep? Grow up and get real.
@@DMSJagXK even spanish flu couldnt eradicate humans so stop panicking...yes covid may be a serious ilness but we just dont know the facts because everyone has their own agenda and media just thrive on bad news
Emilly Yelen I'm not panicking, in the UK we have around 5 covid related deaths a day. I've been double vaccinated. I'm on this page trying to enlighten people about why we should wear masks and get vaccinated.
Not being able to hear him makes one highly suspicious of something they don't want us to learn.
Right? This is censorship beyond anything we’ve seen before in the west...
Unbelievable but true
they were wiping away the global sex trafficking of live art and the atrocities they commit in secret. EXPOSED they will soon be. Judgment is coming for them all.
I can't hear him either and that raises my concerns even more.
My prayers are for this Dr. be put on every platform possible. Extreme courage on his part. God bless him and his family.
Im german and I´m very proud of doctors like hime, Wodarg, Köhnelein etc. who right away spoke out there minds always based on medical studies and statistics and with a very good energy!
How is it posible that the majority fall that easy for that so obvious lie!!!??????
It was Wodarg who exposed the WHO over swine flu a decade or so ago. The WHO then changed criteria for calling a pandemic, got a fraudulent ,non validated, test in place to give so many false positives, and away we go!! He alerted me to this complete CONvid bulls*it before we had lockdowns in the UK. May the EVIL perpetrators of this crime against humanity be brought to justice
@@bernparsons3194 it was also Wodarg who hired a postman (Postel) as his vice chair at the Gesundheitsamt Flensburg... a blast from the past.
@@Mase251 and so? This guy was to clever to cheat and could organized real physions licenses. EVERYBODY felt in to this trap.And he was even better in treatments than the real docs.
Does this reduce the work what Dr Wodarg did for us in the swinflu? NO!!!!
They used FEAR, this is how they operate
Heiko Schoenning
This has to be one of the most significant interviews of our time. Thank you so much for bringing us this incredible man into our hearts and minds. Amazing reporting.
More info from American doctors on viral spike proteins!
I've been following this guy for months. This guy is great. Humble man.
One of those who reported cleanly from the first hour, even though the msm started one smear campaign after another.
And everything he says can be verified by anyone with a brain.
I think those afflicted with emotional plague are against anyone who stands up for the living.
Some of the false and onesided information Bhakdi is spreading:
# no infection possible without active covid symptoms (if this was true no single superspreading-invent could be explained and i.e. influenza is known to be extremely contageous one day before the onset of symptoms.) # 2 % of all administered PCR-tests give false positive results (absolute nonsense regarding statistical data) # older virus-stems of the corona-type and influenza-type viruses produce false-positive PCR-results # Bhakdi never gives information about longterm symptoms after a covid-infection. He only adresses „dead versus alive“ therefore you can be sure he underestimates the dangers of a covid-disease # loves to cite outdated opinion of Ioannidis # never corrected himself on his statement from October 2020 „the pandemic is over“
@@amuthi1 we have been waiting for you :-)
@@Macrotodon Bhadi is waiting for your money to be spent on his second book.
@@amuthi1 Who pays you?
He says “This is so foolish that it hurts.” Love this doc! Great explanation, too!
He looks absolutely horrified. A true adherent to the hippocratic oath. I'm extremely grateful for courageous professionals of your integrity sir. Keep fighting the good fight.
Chip under the skin .
I'm terrified so thank god I didnt trust them, this is a scientific nightmare.
His heart looks like it is aching... Empaths can feel emotion, he makes my heart sink for humanity😢
People need to stop taking a shot that is unknown what it will do for a curable illness
We who aren't vaccinated should not donate blood or plasma till this prejudice is gone
May God protect him and all who speak out.
Fuck you , simple minded, fear living sheep
May humans wake up and remember that they are god because everything is divine, and this idea of a god the almighty is a lie keeping them in darkness about who they are.
But he can't even protect children from being raped by his priests.
USA doctors speaking up about viral spike proteins!
This Dr was saying truths right from day 1 ,He is such a good man.
He and witowski
@@DS40764 he and thousand others which get censored by our "free" press..
@@kokaburadidgeridoo3700 Yes
@@kokaburadidgeridoo3700 the so called “free press” is nothing more than the governmental propaganda machine.
Fauci is a fraudulent liar.
I saw this video last year before RUclips shut this doctor's response in the interview off. RUclips is TRULY DISGUSTING!!
Stream onto you TV RUclips the sound comes through fine.
People need to switch off their TV and switch on their brains. Before it is too late.
Mainstream blind believing ist the problem.
@@selberdenken778 Obviously all over the world, not only in Germany...
@@c.s.6388 Yes, but Germany order fulfilling zombies are 60-70 percent!! Don't come here ever again. Mentally ill country
I'm starting to think it is too late.
riiiiiight! OMG!
This man is a real human being. Such a delight to listen to. Grateful for his informed contribution, thank you.
Here’s another interview with Dr. Bhakdi
A very wise doctor! Many doctors are seeing the same issues, but are being quieted. Nurses are also speaking up.
You are a HERO doctor. I’m glad I listened to you when I was researching to make my decision on whether to take the poison or not. Thank you so much for your bravery.
I love listening to Prof. Sucharti Bhakdi, his voice is so calming and I’ve learnt a lot from him. Thank you Sir for your knowledge, may god bless you and your family.
You can't hear the video! Most people can't? 😱 💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💊💊💊
He is one smart Austrian.
100% agreed
@@tiff7217 those videos are bullshit.....this is more just big pharma not caring about their actions.
Fauci is a deep state operative....he could care less about health.
That Fauci guy seems more like somebody very untrustworthy.
So far this man has saved 1.4 million peoples’ lives and counting. He is a hero to the world 🙏🏼
Yes 👍 Dr Bhakti is our hero. He is so kind n patient to explain things so clear in his patient n care. God bless Dr Bhakti’s kind heart dearly. Amen
May I ask you..Why 1.4 million people?
If people took note of what he said he would have cost millions of lives. Fortunately there are literally thousands of professors, doctors and the science community that fundamentally disagree with him. The risk assessment is that it would be more dangerous to life to not use the vaccine than to use it hence why the FDA gave emergency authorisation to use the vaccine.
@@DMSJagXK name some. Then go check out the world doctors alliance and put your head on straight.
Thank God for this Doctor and everyone like him. The tsunami of insanity has swept up the majority of us and swept our brains and courage into the abyss.