To be fair, Zaheer totally lied about letting the Air Nomads go if Korra turned herself over, when in reality he moved them out of the Temple and double-crossed everyone. He's not really a trustworthy individual in terms of trusting in his words, but you can at least trust him to stand by his basic Red Lotus principles.
Wolf6120 well, to be fair, maybe he was gonna let them go after she turned herself in, and after they killed her. Didnt ever say when he'd let them go. Just after she turned herself in
you can always expect a dishonest man to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly....stupid.” ― Captain Jack Sparrow
It's hard to say for sure what Zaheer planed to do if Korra cooperated, since she didn't. Korra and the group didn't abide by the terms of the exchange, so why would Zaheer? His "deception" may have just been an insurance policy.
The creators are on record saying they had the whole story of Wan, Raava, Vaatu, and the lion turtles thought up from the days of ATLA, but they couldn’t find a place in the series to tell the story. All that was ever said about the nature of the Avatar State in ATLA was "The Avatar State is a defense mechanism, designed to empower you with the skills and knowledge of all the past Avatars. The glow is the combination of all your past lives, focusing their energy through your body." All that is true - Raava holds the skills and knowledge of all Wan’s successors in the form of their memories, and the raw power is Raava coming to the forefront. When Raava possessed Wan for the first time (to break up the fight) Wan’s eyes weren’t glowing because he wasn’t bound to Raava at the time. When we saw Korra’s cosmic inner spirit (which she projected into the physical world to battle UnaVaatu), her eyes weren’t glowing because she wasn’t bound to Raava at the time. Aang’s cosmic inner spirit’s eyes were glowing because he was bound to Raava at the time.
All true, except Wan had no predecessors. Raava had never fused with another human before, so Wan's avatar state was simply the raw spiritual energy of Raava. Aang's avatar state also channeled Raava, but because Raava holds holds the experiences of the avatar's past lives Aang also received their bending expertise in addition to the overall power boost from Raava. Korra pre-Unalaq is like Aang, and post-Unalaq is like Wan.
The connection Korra lost was between her and the spirits of the previous avatars. The avatar state is the perfect connection between the avatar and Rava, that's why they say it is tapping into all the previous avatars, because they are connected to Rava as well. Wan could go into the avatar state, and he had no previous avatars to "tap" into their power. The avatar state comes from Rava, not only the previous avatars.
Like when aang goes into the avatar state in book 1 he could bend the elements that he didnt even learn to bend. Thats because the knowledge of past avatars. But if you dont have any past avatars you just have raava boosting your bending abilities thats all
this is one of my favorite LOK episodes. zaheer is a bad dude but he's principled, and that makes him such an interesting character. i was glad we got to see him again, and it was so cathartic that the man who caused korra all that pain was the one who was able to help her accept what happened to her.
One of the things I love about Zaheer is that compared to the other villains, he isn't a bad guy through and through. He doesn't bear hate for Korra despite her being the Avatar, he can acknowledge his actions were wrong, and he even offers his help in order to fix what his actions created. I also really love his dynamic with Korra. It makes me feel like he would've been a great mentor for Korra if he wasn't so set in his beliefs. Zaheer being the one to help Korra accept what happened, move past her mental block, and finally move forward overall was simply amazing. It's been a long and hard journey, but she's definitely on the path to full recovery now. Yeah, Korra's Avatar State is just solely her and Raava's power (just like with Wan). How I see it is as each Avatar passes on, all their skills and knowledge would add to the Avatar State, making it more powerful. With the connection to her past lives gone though, the Avatar State is still powerful, but it isn't as powerful as say Aang's Avatar State because it's without all those skills and knowledge.
Lalisa T I wouldn’t say he acknowledges his actions as wrong but more so that he realizes that Kuvira is a big threat. That and the fact that she basically represents everything Zaheer was against. I would say it’s a classic case of “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” and he only helped her so let to take out Kuvira and out of no true altruism or repentance of his actions
justin morency Well, he does certainly look guilty for what his actions caused, especially when Korra threw that fact at him lol but I get what you're saying.
It's gonna suck for these guys when Korra ends. They've been watching Avatar consistently on a weekly basis since 2016! Small break between ATLA and Korra aside.
karl jonson I heard they released some graphic novels to continue the story. I'm going to read it today so I obviously don't know what happens. But maybe you should check it out if you want more Legend of Korra stories.
I love the music when Korra heals. From getting rid of the poison to getting past her mental block, and to a VERY epic moment in the finale. It seems to be the right theme for getting past a rough event and rising to heights never before possible.
Dark Saiyan Knight helped me when I lost my goal in life and struggled to get back on my feet. It is like the god is in the rain scene in V for Vendetta.
Idk i'm usually not a fan of ptsd victims confronting their assaulter's but if Korra's willingly doing it then i can respect that plus it has been 3 yrs.
I love how this show portrayed Korra's PTSD as both a physical and spiritual battle. I also loved how she overcame the physical battle with the help of someone deeply connected to the physical world in Toph. After that she overcame the spiritual battle with the help of Zaheer who is deeply connected to the spiritual world. I also appreciate that Korra now realizes she can't go back to her old self before the trauma. As Tenzin said, "True wisdom begins when we accept things as they are."
The tour guide from the first scene is the air bender Korra tries to bully into leaving his mom's basement. I love how this show keeps bringing people back and forth.
The way I see it is that the Avatar state is two things; 1) a power boost from Rava and 2) the knowledge and skills of the past avatars. I believe Korra maintains the power boost but looses the knowledge and skills part. Her Avatar State is now like Wan's.
Chills from this entire episode. I just love korra so much. the animation, the voice acting, the PTSD themes it's just such an amazing series I love it so much
I read somewhere that the creators at first wanted to expand on Firelord Izumi and introduce her daughter who would become a love interest for makko but they decided not to as they felt it didn't contribute to the plot
Creepy Closet maybe that could be the next storyline that they do in graphic novel form. Man, I wish we'd gotten a fifth season. I love this show so much.
What I love about this episode is that the way Zaheer guides Korra into the spirit world is through an actual therapy method for treating PTSD - re-experiencing the traumatic memory without the trauma to distance the memory from the emotional trigger.
The avatar state is basically Raava taking over and using her power (and perhaps the avatar's power as well) and experience to fight with the avatar's body. When Raava could remember the previous avatars, she could remember their training and so was better at fighting. Now, she still has more power than Korra, but only has access to Korra's fighting techniques and experiences.
"This is what M Night Shyamalan should have done." Don't you dare mention that name ever again. We do not talk about him or that abomination of a movie.
All the questions you guys had as to how exactly bending works is the reason why in reality there are more than 4 elements. Remember, to the show's thinking, everything is either Earth, Air, Fire, or Water. The actual _composition_ of objects isn't a factor.
Her raw Power has always came from Ravaa. Same reason why Wan was able to kick ass even though, he was the first avatar with no previous ones. The past lives as I see it are just their for guidance and techniques, like how for example aang created his weird atom thing using all the elements , how he fired a rock off like sub machine gun, Aang becoming one with Roku in the fire temple.Tthose are all techniques that may have learned by previous avatars, but Ravaa provides the raw power to do all of that. I think that why we don't see Korra do anything creative after s2 in the AS, but all the Power is still there. Just my take on it
myke ant Yep. And she's possibly even more powerful than most Avatars since her connection to Raava is the strongest since Wan. She just doesn't have all of the knowledge and skills of the previous Avatars.
I love how she started off with such a weak spiritual connection in book one and then in the final book she's using never before seen spiritual powers and proficiency in some spiritual skills we have seen before. Which makes sense since as Aang said "When we hit our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change." She's gone though a huge low point so now she's flourishing.
The avatar state was a combination of a power boost from Rava, and an experience boost from the previous lives, now when Korra goes into the avatar state she is only getting the power boost from Rava's spirit, but without the connection to previous avatars she has to rely only on her own skills to use that power boost effectively.
The power from the Avatar State comes from Raava, while the extra knowledge and skill comes from the past lives. So I'd say that Korra's Avatar State is still as strong as Aang's was, she just doesn't have access to all that knowledge anymore, and has to do everything by herself even when she's in the Avatar State.
nope it is more than just knowledge. when Aang was Avatar. the avatar state was more than just the flow of energy between Raava and the avatar. at moment of entering the avatar state Aang was connected to all the spirits of the past avatar's and they would simultaneously bend together. if would be the equivalent of thousands of benders bending the same piece of rock together. they would have an accumulated power and control that can't be countered
Passione’s Giorno We literally only know of like seven Avatars out of potentially hundreds. So it’s kinda hard to tell that bud. All though Tenzin did say that Korra’s accomplished more in a couple years than most Avatars have in their lifetimes but whatever 🤷🏽♂️
Wan had only his power and was very powerful, Aang's avatar state was only strong because he had problems, he was one of the avatars that they couldn't control at first, unlike Korra
@@houseofaction Incorrect. Nice headcanon though. Roku is the one who explained that and he was inherently an unreliable narrator, a fact even Aang later accepted and that caused him to suppress his connection to Roku because his advice was no longer relevant.
Goddamn guys *HARMONIC CONVERGENCE* amplified the Spiritual Energy in the world. That's why Korra and Unavaatu could do those crazy spirit things. Why are they still confused about this? SOMEBODY INFORM THEM!
Alright, Korra did it! She faced her fear of what COULD HAVE happened and focused on what DID: She lived, and as she lives, she has to take up the mantle of the Avatar again, past lives or no past lives. I've always seen the Avatar State as what the show(s) said it was: It's a defense mechanism that taps into the spiritual connection of Raava and (formerly) the knowledge/skills of the past Avatars and the cosmic flow of the universe (even if we don't really have a firm grasp on how that works). Raava provides power, but Korra has lost the knowledge of her reincarnations and has to rely on her own skill set. And one of my favorite episodes is next! Can't wait! (:
They thought she couldn't. And maybe, the last time they saw her, decades before Korra encountered her, she couldn't. But she's never stopped metal bending, and I figure she can now.
As I interpret it, entering the Avatar State causes two things to happen: The first is it grants the Avatar access to the memories and experience of the past Avatars, the second is that it grants a massive power boost from "Cosmic Energy". Since Korra has no past lives anymore, she does not benefit from the first. This is presumably why she never uses the "Element Ball" technique Aang used after its reappearance in Season 2, as it may be a technique that requires multiple lives' worth of experience. For her, it's just a boost now.
I mean, Avatar Roku literally explained the Avatar State as being a connection to past lives in TLA Book 2 Ep1, so I can see where the confusion comes from. It's possible Roku was wrong, or that he simplified the information because it was better for Aang to be fed information in small dosages. Rava complicates things, but I'll allow it.
The Avatar State is a defense mechanism, designed to empower you with the skills and knowledge of all the past Avatars. The glow is the combination of all your past lives, focusing their energy through your body. Roku never said that they are the source of that power.
I think the way the avatar state works is in 2 ways first is a power boost and that’s he glowing eyes and stuff and 2nd it allowed previous avatars to control your body during times of great need so not so much their power but skill set instead
Man ..we have four episodes left till the end of our Avatar Journey ..that’s sad.i hope you guys do an overall retrospective on the show like you did with ATLA
Gotta remember that Korra is the same spirit as every Avatar before her. All of them are just the same spirit reborn again. There are no other avatars, there are only other forms and memories. Those backed up memories are what she lost. The avatar state therefore lacks the thousands of years of skill she had built up in her previous lives. When she goes into that state she can only really do thing she knows how to do.
When she freed the imprisoned human spirits that the vines had imprisoned. Korra bent spirit energy, which is different from the elements. Aang bent spirit energy when he removed the fire lords firebending ability, but he never used it in the spirit world. Regular bending doesn't work in the spirit world because there is no physical elements, everything is just different forms of spiritual energy.
it should be fun for them to watch the behind the scenes video with the voice actors, I think it was called something like "avatar korra - the voice actors prepare"
I may be wrong, but i think the avatar state comes from the spirit of rava (being the spirit of good, light and order, it is connected with everything which is good). The fact that previous avatars could communicate better with the current avatar, is because their memories where storaged somehow inside rava's, pretty much in the same way she kept the power of the other elements for Wan, when he was only a firebender.
The creators have stated that Korra's role as the Avatar after Book 2 is essentially supposed to mirror Wan because after losing her connection to her past lives she became the "last Avatar" of the old era and the "first Avatar" of the new era similar to how Wan was literally the first Avatar ever during the Era of Raava. But then once he and Raava merged, the Era of Raava ended and the Era of the Avatar began. So with Raava being killed and then resurrected during Harmonic Convergence Korra is now the first Avatar of this new Era of the Avatar. It's kinda like the 2.0 to the era that Wan began
Korra maintained a similar level of power without her connection to the previous Avatars because opening the portals strengthened her spiritual connections and her connection to Raava.
I always thought what stopped benders of different elements from bending other elements, despite the overlapping factors(like having air in water) was the fact that they are different forms of matter, liquid, solid, gas, plasma. Although I guess fire and air are pretty similar
I know im going back a while but when he bacame unavatu (if i spelt that right) if they showed other evil avatars and went with that for a little bit they could have made that into another story line for another series
He also lied to keep korra in the spirit world while his team captured her body outside the spirit realm.. I remember not trusting him much.. if he can still get into the spirit world from where he is i feel like he's a huge threat still.. Iroh could do the same thing, and we saw that imprisonment couldnt stop him.
Zahir had a point. They have been enemies but their interests aligned here. If I were Korra, I would have allowed him to help me into the spirit world, even after his attempt at killing me because knowing his heart was in the right place would have been a possible path to lead me to forgive him. In fact, I'd even want to learn from him because he is the second Airbender in history to ever have learnt how to fly. There must be knowledge in that ticker of his that not a single other person on the planet could understand.
LoK Big Bad Guys: Book 1 - Nonbender* Book 2 - Waterbender Book 3 - Airbender Book 4 - Earthbender All of the main bad guys for LoK were members of the "good guy" groups in the last series. _*Amon was later revealed to be a bloodbender, but that is how he was originally portrayed_
The Avatar State is a well of infinite power. That power comes from the fact that the Avatar's soul is eternally bonded to Ravaa, a spirit whose power is pretty much on par with the gods. Having lost her ability to have a tea party with her past lives does not change the fact that the spirit of light and good is still a part of her. In LAB they said the Avatar State was power gained from previous lives, but think about that for a minute. Aang talked to the 4 lives that existed before him and didn't bother going back any further. The only concrete evidence of previous Avatars was the statues in the Air temples and curation/knowledge of the names behind those statues died with the Air Nomads. The oldest statues had been all but worn away over time. When the 100 year war started a great deal of knowledge was lost. The fact is the characters in LAB knew practically nothing about the Avatar State and its nature.
I feel sorry for the people who see Korra as a bad and weak character when the reality is the opposite or tell me how strong you would be if you had to face all the problems and fears or situations that were presented to her during the whole series. ? In my opinion a strong person is not the one who handles the greatest number of elements or the one who can do everything or the one who wins the most epic battles, if not that even if his spirit or soul is broken like a mirror or a fearful woman and flee from the problem or seeming to be what is not so that others do not see their pain and suffering at least try or make an attempt to stand and move forward, knowing that it is so broken or broken that even a blow would break it again, that is for me the true strength and Korra has shown it in the 4 books with his falls and fears, in this way he is learning to be more wise as for example when he no longer feels the amount of spiritual energy that is around him but thanks Toph has learned to connect with everything around him, or to handle problems more calmly instead of throwing himself headlong into the fray. Not to mention that the number of issues and problems that comprise the series are deep and delicate problems both in the psychological and physical, that even make you question what would be the best decision because after all action has a reaction, and that is what makes Korra and the legend of Korra my favorite series because it is not the typical character that can do anything this character sweats and suffers to hit bottom and have to get up and continue.
No, you guys are confusing what the Avatar state is, the Avatar state is Raava, its driven by Raava's power, not the previous Avatars. The previous Avatars are just the past lives, Wan never had that, the Avatar other lives are Wan and Raava's pact. The Avatar state comes only from Raava, not spirit energy.
I think the past Avatars are just knowledge of their past experience and lives. It's has nothing to with Raava herself. That's why when Aang was asking Roku or Kyoshi something, they would say, in my day, this is what happened, this is my wisdom to you to try and figure out what to do. This is why I wished Korra had Aang or someone else frequently to have to help her, but I guess with the series going short they had no choice. I kinda want them to do a Netflix show and give like an alternate storyline, like what would of happened if they had time to make the other 3 seasons, would she have to go back to the other nations and re learn everything else? something like that. I also hope they can make a new season after this one and maybe find a way to bring back the past Avatars, maybe if Koh is around if you remember him?
Matthew Brownlee the past avatars are gone tho. The cycle started over with Korra. So my guess if they were to get the others back it would be through a real asspull.
I mean its the Avatar, they always find new and different ways to do something so I wouldn't be surprised if that's what she tried to do for her lifetime and then the next Avatar comes and maybe there is a way he does what she couldn't...
Ricois I guess they need it out of necessity. Remember, it's easier to mine in a world with earthbending, and you wouldn't want a house which a metalbender could tear to pieces.
I think, the source of power, has always been Raava and the pure connection between human and spirit, perfect, unyielding, as one. However, the loss of the connections has lost not power, but knowledge. All the skills, and wisdom, and emotion, and experience. Yes Raava has felt that too, but there's no longer the genuine connection that Raava felt. I'd probably compare it to someone losing their memory. Maybe still physically, mentally powerful, raw power, but less refined in the way it can be channeled. The skill and dexterity is lost.
I think it would be great if after korra is over to watch the Avatar movie just to have the series current end fresh in mind to tear the damned film apart.
I know u guys are aware of the comics, could u guys consider reacting to them , they put them together in a videos, check out Motion Comic Get more info how Republic City was made What happened to Zuko mom And more
Man this Rick dude is everywhere insulting people. Also you're just putting words in their mouth, it's not like the dislike Korra as a series or character.
“No... but you do.” *disappears* whew chills man. Zaheer is so badass
he is so fine. if i were korra i'd stalk him in the spirit world and try to smash. zaheer more like zaddy.
bleep blorp dafuq is wrong with you
To be fair, Zaheer totally lied about letting the Air Nomads go if Korra turned herself over, when in reality he moved them out of the Temple and double-crossed everyone. He's not really a trustworthy individual in terms of trusting in his words, but you can at least trust him to stand by his basic Red Lotus principles.
Wolf6120 well, to be fair, maybe he was gonna let them go after she turned herself in, and after they killed her. Didnt ever say when he'd let them go. Just after she turned herself in
Or when he talked to Korra in the spirit world while his friends tracked her down in the real world
That1Guy how is that a lie tho? Its not like he never said he wasn't stalling her, or that they weren't tracking her.
you can always expect a dishonest man to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly....stupid.”
― Captain Jack Sparrow
It's hard to say for sure what Zaheer planed to do if Korra cooperated, since she didn't. Korra and the group didn't abide by the terms of the exchange, so why would Zaheer? His "deception" may have just been an insurance policy.
The creators are on record saying they had the whole story of Wan, Raava, Vaatu, and the lion turtles thought up from the days of ATLA, but they couldn’t find a place in the series to tell the story. All that was ever said about the nature of the Avatar State in ATLA was "The Avatar State is a defense mechanism, designed to empower you with the skills and knowledge of all the past Avatars. The glow is the combination of all your past lives, focusing their energy through your body." All that is true - Raava holds the skills and knowledge of all Wan’s successors in the form of their memories, and the raw power is Raava coming to the forefront. When Raava possessed Wan for the first time (to break up the fight) Wan’s eyes weren’t glowing because he wasn’t bound to Raava at the time. When we saw Korra’s cosmic inner spirit (which she projected into the physical world to battle UnaVaatu), her eyes weren’t glowing because she wasn’t bound to Raava at the time. Aang’s cosmic inner spirit’s eyes were glowing because he was bound to Raava at the time.
Daniel Cohen l plano ll lá Mlk
All true, except Wan had no predecessors. Raava had never fused with another human before, so Wan's avatar state was simply the raw spiritual energy of Raava. Aang's avatar state also channeled Raava, but because Raava holds holds the experiences of the avatar's past lives Aang also received their bending expertise in addition to the overall power boost from Raava. Korra pre-Unalaq is like Aang, and post-Unalaq is like Wan.
They have no reason to lie.
No u
Daniel Cohen And JK Rowling always knew Dumbledore was guy and George Lucas knew R2 and 3peo belonged to Anakins
The connection Korra lost was between her and the spirits of the previous avatars. The avatar state is the perfect connection between the avatar and Rava, that's why they say it is tapping into all the previous avatars, because they are connected to Rava as well. Wan could go into the avatar state, and he had no previous avatars to "tap" into their power. The avatar state comes from Rava, not only the previous avatars.
Like when aang goes into the avatar state in book 1 he could bend the elements that he didnt even learn to bend. Thats because the knowledge of past avatars. But if you dont have any past avatars you just have raava boosting your bending abilities thats all
Fernando arantes but still she has lost connection to all of them
Tyron Wells I think its pretty obvious. I dont understand why are they having hard time to figure this out
blarf mcscarf well what you're saying is facts. That is exactly what roku told aang in book 1 ATLA. He said knowledge and skills from past avatars
Yeah, it´s like Kora is then first avatar
this is one of my favorite LOK episodes. zaheer is a bad dude but he's principled, and that makes him such an interesting character. i was glad we got to see him again, and it was so cathartic that the man who caused korra all that pain was the one who was able to help her accept what happened to her.
One of the things I love about Zaheer is that compared to the other villains, he isn't a bad guy through and through. He doesn't bear hate for Korra despite her being the Avatar, he can acknowledge his actions were wrong, and he even offers his help in order to fix what his actions created. I also really love his dynamic with Korra. It makes me feel like he would've been a great mentor for Korra if he wasn't so set in his beliefs.
Zaheer being the one to help Korra accept what happened, move past her mental block, and finally move forward overall was simply amazing. It's been a long and hard journey, but she's definitely on the path to full recovery now.
Yeah, Korra's Avatar State is just solely her and Raava's power (just like with Wan). How I see it is as each Avatar passes on, all their skills and knowledge would add to the Avatar State, making it more powerful. With the connection to her past lives gone though, the Avatar State is still powerful, but it isn't as powerful as say Aang's Avatar State because it's without all those skills and knowledge.
Lalisa T
I wouldn’t say he acknowledges his actions as wrong but more so that he realizes that Kuvira is a big threat. That and the fact that she basically represents everything Zaheer was against. I would say it’s a classic case of “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” and he only helped her so let to take out Kuvira and out of no true altruism or repentance of his actions
Oh my god, that would've been such a cool concept for another Avatar show. A morally grey "villain" being the mentor for the Avatar? If only...
Some of the best villains are the ones who believe they are doing the right thing
Lalisa T Hey! we're finally here and you're right Korra was willing to accept help from Z, sure i guess i can get onboard with that :)
justin morency Well, he does certainly look guilty for what his actions caused, especially when Korra threw that fact at him lol but I get what you're saying.
It's gonna suck for these guys when Korra ends. They've been watching Avatar consistently on a weekly basis since 2016! Small break between ATLA and Korra aside.
Dude. Thats what I felt when ATLA ended when I was in gradeschool.
I finished Korra on Easter. I need more dammit!
That's when they start watching reactions to numb the pain.
karl jonson I heard they released some graphic novels to continue the story. I'm going to read it today so I obviously don't know what happens. But maybe you should check it out if you want more Legend of Korra stories.
They should watch Voltron: Legendary Defender. It's made by a lot of the same people as Korra
I love the music when Korra heals. From getting rid of the poison to getting past her mental block, and to a VERY epic moment in the finale. It seems to be the right theme for getting past a rough event and rising to heights never before possible.
Nathan Fite Every time I feel lost or I'm worked up over my actions I just listen to that and think about zaheer's speech
Lucas Luna all I know is that the 3 min piece is called “to heal” I personally think it should be Korra’s theme if it isn’t.
Lucas Luna its korra theme mixed with the overall avatar theme
Dark Saiyan Knight helped me when I lost my goal in life and struggled to get back on my feet. It is like the god is in the rain scene in V for Vendetta.
I love the interaction between Korra and Zaheer this episode and a perfect way to bring him back into the season!
Idk i'm usually not a fan of ptsd victims confronting their assaulter's but if Korra's willingly doing it then i can respect that plus it has been 3 yrs.
Season 4 Bolin is a great character.
Rick Jones To each their own I guess I love bolin
a wasted character
Much better than Mako...although Mako still has an epic moment coming up.
Jude Miller korra :raava I've missed you where have you been?
Raava :i have always been inside of you (Lenny face)
I love how this show portrayed Korra's PTSD as both a physical and spiritual battle. I also loved how she overcame the physical battle with the help of someone deeply connected to the physical world in Toph. After that she overcame the spiritual battle with the help of Zaheer who is deeply connected to the spiritual world. I also appreciate that Korra now realizes she can't go back to her old self before the trauma. As Tenzin said, "True wisdom begins when we accept things as they are."
The tour guide from the first scene is the air bender Korra tries to bully into leaving his mom's basement. I love how this show keeps bringing people back and forth.
I keep hoping that one day, Calvin will be able to pronounce characters names correctly. Today is not that day.
I keep praying that his beard won't fuse with his hair and eat him alive, but I know deep down that one day, it will.
Love your name and Avatar, GarikLoran
GarikLoran , :-D
Like “water lee” when it’s actually “watari” 😂
Lol, not today!
The way I see it is that the Avatar state is two things; 1) a power boost from Rava and 2) the knowledge and skills of the past avatars. I believe Korra maintains the power boost but looses the knowledge and skills part. Her Avatar State is now like Wan's.
That is indeed exactly how it works. I don't know why they seem to find it confusing.
Aquaintence Buddy, I don't follow.
Aquaintence Buddy what’s not cannon
Chills from this entire episode. I just love korra so much. the animation, the voice acting, the PTSD themes it's just such an amazing series I love it so much
Me too bud.
I read somewhere that the creators at first wanted to expand on Firelord Izumi and introduce her daughter who would become a love interest for makko but they decided not to as they felt it didn't contribute to the plot
Creepy Closet dammit
Yeah dammit
Creepy Closet maybe that could be the next storyline that they do in graphic novel form. Man, I wish we'd gotten a fifth season. I love this show so much.
That would've been nice! I actually forgot that Izumi had a daughter. I bet if the seasons were a little longer we might've gotten that.
From what I understand that was the plan but the budget and crew kept getting slashed due to Nick’s opposition to the ending.
What I love about this episode is that the way Zaheer guides Korra into the spirit world is through an actual therapy method for treating PTSD - re-experiencing the traumatic memory without the trauma to distance the memory from the emotional trigger.
EMDR, best therapy for me
More like SWDR am I right
(spirit world desensitization and reprocessing, that wasn't as clear as I had hoped)
Pablo360able lol, well its also a 4 letter acronym so it works!!! Always nice to see when you aren't alone in needing special therapy.
“Accept what has happened. Not what might have been.”
The avatar state is basically Raava taking over and using her power (and perhaps the avatar's power as well) and experience to fight with the avatar's body. When Raava could remember the previous avatars, she could remember their training and so was better at fighting. Now, she still has more power than Korra, but only has access to Korra's fighting techniques and experiences.
Is Operation Beifong the next episode? I love that one
Ragnar Lothbrok _ I believe so. And that is a great episode
yeah it is, awesome episode :)
"This is what M Night Shyamalan should have done."
Don't you dare mention that name ever again. We do not talk about him or that abomination of a movie.
MetallicaRules Actually... Legend of Korra could a lot easier fit in the format of a movie... (maybe except season 2)
There is no movie in Ba Sing Se
Call Me Julia the earth king has invited you to lake laogai
Greatedcarrot 123 I am honored to accept his invitation
All the questions you guys had as to how exactly bending works is the reason why in reality there are more than 4 elements. Remember, to the show's thinking, everything is either Earth, Air, Fire, or Water. The actual _composition_ of objects isn't a factor.
Mayhemm007 We've explained this a bunch of times. They don't even read the comments.
SWIHALOSTORM3 Whoah a guy from the Xbox channels. Whats up?
SWIHALOSTORM3 Ahaha I know just weird to see you here. Don't think I have seen you in any other ATLA or TLOK videos before.
Her raw Power has always came from Ravaa. Same reason why Wan was able to kick ass even though, he was the first avatar with no previous ones. The past lives as I see it are just their for guidance and techniques, like how for example aang created his weird atom thing using all the elements , how he fired a rock off like sub machine gun, Aang becoming one with Roku in the fire temple.Tthose are all techniques that may have learned by previous avatars, but Ravaa provides the raw power to do all of that. I think that why we don't see Korra do anything creative after s2 in the AS, but all the Power is still there. Just my take on it
myke ant Yep. And she's possibly even more powerful than most Avatars since her connection to Raava is the strongest since Wan. She just doesn't have all of the knowledge and skills of the previous Avatars.
@@finalaccount4483 And I think it's fair to assume ravaa will never be forgotten again
I love how she started off with such a weak spiritual connection in book one and then in the final book she's using never before seen spiritual powers and proficiency in some spiritual skills we have seen before. Which makes sense since as Aang said "When we hit our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change." She's gone though a huge low point so now she's flourishing.
The avatar state was a combination of a power boost from Rava, and an experience boost from the previous lives, now when Korra goes into the avatar state she is only getting the power boost from Rava's spirit, but without the connection to previous avatars she has to rely only on her own skills to use that power boost effectively.
My second last day on patreon. Im going to college and I'll be sure to be back when I'm financially able to afford it. Great stuff guys!
The power from the Avatar State comes from Raava, while the extra knowledge and skill comes from the past lives.
So I'd say that Korra's Avatar State is still as strong as Aang's was, she just doesn't have access to all that knowledge anymore, and has to do everything by herself even when she's in the Avatar State.
nope it is more than just knowledge. when Aang was Avatar. the avatar state was more than just the flow of energy between Raava and the avatar. at moment of entering the avatar state Aang was connected to all the spirits of the past avatar's and they would simultaneously bend together. if would be the equivalent of thousands of benders bending the same piece of rock together. they would have an accumulated power and control that can't be countered
Yeah right, Cause Korra isbetter than All avatars right?🙄
Passione’s Giorno We literally only know of like seven Avatars out of potentially hundreds. So it’s kinda hard to tell that bud.
All though Tenzin did say that Korra’s accomplished more in a couple years than most Avatars have in their lifetimes but whatever 🤷🏽♂️
Wan had only his power and was very powerful, Aang's avatar state was only strong because he had problems, he was one of the avatars that they couldn't control at first, unlike Korra
@@houseofaction Incorrect. Nice headcanon though.
Roku is the one who explained that and he was inherently an unreliable narrator, a fact even Aang later accepted and that caused him to suppress his connection to Roku because his advice was no longer relevant.
"That's what M Night should've done"
"Oh you mean the Last Airbender movie"
"Oh yeah I forgot about that"
Must've been the the greatest feeling ever
I can't believe you guys have almost finished this forever 😭😭😭
Goddamn guys *HARMONIC CONVERGENCE* amplified the Spiritual Energy in the world. That's why Korra and Unavaatu could do those crazy spirit things. Why are they still confused about this? SOMEBODY INFORM THEM!
For real you guys should do a one-off reaction to the Last Airbender movie it would be hilarious.
Alright, Korra did it! She faced her fear of what COULD HAVE happened and focused on what DID: She lived, and as she lives, she has to take up the mantle of the Avatar again, past lives or no past lives. I've always seen the Avatar State as what the show(s) said it was: It's a defense mechanism that taps into the spiritual connection of Raava and (formerly) the knowledge/skills of the past Avatars and the cosmic flow of the universe (even if we don't really have a firm grasp on how that works). Raava provides power, but Korra has lost the knowledge of her reincarnations and has to rely on her own skill set. And one of my favorite episodes is next! Can't wait! (:
Timberwolf410 you can say she is in avatar wans shoes not relying on her previous lives relying on her own courage to move on
They explicitly said that Toph couldn't bend platinum back in Season 1.
They thought she couldn't. And maybe, the last time they saw her, decades before Korra encountered her, she couldn't. But she's never stopped metal bending, and I figure she can now.
You say your power has limits
I say it's *Limitless*
As I interpret it, entering the Avatar State causes two things to happen: The first is it grants the Avatar access to the memories and experience of the past Avatars, the second is that it grants a massive power boost from "Cosmic Energy". Since Korra has no past lives anymore, she does not benefit from the first. This is presumably why she never uses the "Element Ball" technique Aang used after its reappearance in Season 2, as it may be a technique that requires multiple lives' worth of experience. For her, it's just a boost now.
"You say your powers are limited, I say they are limitless" - Zaheer
Possibly one of the best villains in ATLA & ATLOK
I mean, Avatar Roku literally explained the Avatar State as being a connection to past lives in TLA Book 2 Ep1, so I can see where the confusion comes from. It's possible Roku was wrong, or that he simplified the information because it was better for Aang to be fed information in small dosages.
Rava complicates things, but I'll allow it.
The Avatar State is a defense mechanism, designed to empower you with
the skills and knowledge of all the past Avatars. The glow is the
combination of all your past lives, focusing their energy through your
body. Roku never said that they are the source of that power.
Plus, Roku let Sozin leave him to Roku don't know
I think the way the avatar state works is in 2 ways first is a power boost and that’s he glowing eyes and stuff and 2nd it allowed previous avatars to control your body during times of great need so not so much their power but skill set instead
Man ..we have four episodes left till the end of our Avatar Journey ..that’s sad.i hope you guys do an overall retrospective on the show like you did with ATLA
Gotta remember that Korra is the same spirit as every Avatar before her. All of them are just the same spirit reborn again. There are no other avatars, there are only other forms and memories. Those backed up memories are what she lost. The avatar state therefore lacks the thousands of years of skill she had built up in her previous lives. When she goes into that state she can only really do thing she knows how to do.
Bolin is so pure 👌❤️
good start of the weekend, added to my watch later for after work
I get so happy when I see the thumbnail
Avatar Korra is the first person to bend in the Spirit World. GOAT Avatar just doing GOAT things.
When did she bend?
When she freed the imprisoned human spirits that the vines had imprisoned. Korra bent spirit energy, which is different from the elements. Aang bent spirit energy when he removed the fire lords firebending ability, but he never used it in the spirit world. Regular bending doesn't work in the spirit world because there is no physical elements, everything is just different forms of spiritual energy.
I love Korra but aang is the GOAT
Nah aang is the GOAT
SuperMessi G.O.A.T Kyoshi’s the G.O.A.T.
it should be fun for them to watch the behind the scenes video with the voice actors, I think it was called something like "avatar korra - the voice actors prepare"
After the legend of Korra y’all should watch The Spectacular Spider-Man. Best Spider-Man cartoon ever.
One of the best avatar fight scenes is coming next episode
I may be wrong, but i think the avatar state comes from the spirit of rava (being the spirit of good, light and order, it is connected with everything which is good). The fact that previous avatars could communicate better with the current avatar, is because their memories where storaged somehow inside rava's, pretty much in the same way she kept the power of the other elements for Wan, when he was only a firebender.
trust is not necessarily forgiveness and forgiveness doesn't necessarily mean trust.
The creators have stated that Korra's role as the Avatar after Book 2 is essentially supposed to mirror Wan because after losing her connection to her past lives she became the "last Avatar" of the old era and the "first Avatar" of the new era similar to how Wan was literally the first Avatar ever during the Era of Raava. But then once he and Raava merged, the Era of Raava ended and the Era of the Avatar began. So with Raava being killed and then resurrected during Harmonic Convergence Korra is now the first Avatar of this new Era of the Avatar. It's kinda like the 2.0 to the era that Wan began
Korra maintained a similar level of power without her connection to the previous Avatars because opening the portals strengthened her spiritual connections and her connection to Raava.
Just the ‘pick me up’ I needed. 😊♥️
I always thought what stopped benders of different elements from bending other elements, despite the overlapping factors(like having air in water) was the fact that they are different forms of matter, liquid, solid, gas, plasma. Although I guess fire and air are pretty similar
I know im going back a while but when he bacame unavatu (if i spelt that right) if they showed other evil avatars and went with that for a little bit they could have made that into another story line for another series
He also lied to keep korra in the spirit world while his team captured her body outside the spirit realm.. I remember not trusting him much.. if he can still get into the spirit world from where he is i feel like he's a huge threat still.. Iroh could do the same thing, and we saw that imprisonment couldnt stop him.
ShirtSon Oneakay Iroh had a bunch of things on his side. The will to continue to fight, he was able to manipulate his guards, the eclipse...
There was a firebender villain in this series Pi li the combustion bender Zaheers girlfriend
I love how these guys just appreciate Bolin so much
I really wanted to see more about Izumi and her family 😂
Zahir had a point. They have been enemies but their interests aligned here. If I were Korra, I would have allowed him to help me into the spirit world, even after his attempt at killing me because knowing his heart was in the right place would have been a possible path to lead me to forgive him. In fact, I'd even want to learn from him because he is the second Airbender in history to ever have learnt how to fly. There must be knowledge in that ticker of his that not a single other person on the planet could understand.
The first (and last) time we see the children of Aang, Katara, Toph and Zuko having conversation....
hold your reactions guys ... OPERATION BIEFONG favorite
Did anyone else know Shane was about to sing Remember Me from Coco, when Eric said Mufasa lol
LoK Big Bad Guys:
Book 1 - Nonbender*
Book 2 - Waterbender
Book 3 - Airbender
Book 4 - Earthbender
All of the main bad guys for LoK were members of the "good guy" groups in the last series.
_*Amon was later revealed to be a bloodbender, but that is how he was originally portrayed_
So yeah really
Book 1 - Waterbender
Book 2 - Water bender
Book 3 - Airbender
Book 4 - Earthbender
The Avatar State is a well of infinite power. That power comes from the fact that the Avatar's soul is eternally bonded to Ravaa, a spirit whose power is pretty much on par with the gods. Having lost her ability to have a tea party with her past lives does not change the fact that the spirit of light and good is still a part of her.
In LAB they said the Avatar State was power gained from previous lives, but think about that for a minute. Aang talked to the 4 lives that existed before him and didn't bother going back any further. The only concrete evidence of previous Avatars was the statues in the Air temples and curation/knowledge of the names behind those statues died with the Air Nomads. The oldest statues had been all but worn away over time. When the 100 year war started a great deal of knowledge was lost. The fact is the characters in LAB knew practically nothing about the Avatar State and its nature.
The next episode is my personal favourite of book 4 ( operation beifong )
Izumi? Isn't that the name of Teacher from FMA? :D
Eric is quite red
Naga was a pretty big character in the first season actually. I don't know what she could do now.
Oh man, this episode has one of the best YTP's ever, -[ Korra YTP ]- Avatar Useless, Flushes a Cosmic Toilet by Legojake94
LOL Guru Patrique would have been such a good name for a DJ
I feel sorry for the people who see Korra as a bad and weak character when the reality is the opposite or tell me how strong you would be if you had to face all the problems and fears or situations that were presented to her during the whole series. ?
In my opinion a strong person is not the one who handles the greatest number of elements or the one who can do everything or the one who wins the most epic battles, if not that even if his spirit or soul is broken like a mirror or a fearful woman and flee from the problem or seeming to be what is not so that others do not see their pain and suffering at least try or make an attempt to stand and move forward, knowing that it is so broken or broken that even a blow would break it again, that is for me the true strength and Korra has shown it in the 4 books with his falls and fears, in this way he is learning to be more wise as for example when he no longer feels the amount of spiritual energy that is around him but thanks Toph has learned to connect with everything around him, or to handle problems more calmly instead of throwing himself headlong into the fray.
Not to mention that the number of issues and problems that comprise the series are deep and delicate problems both in the psychological and physical, that even make you question what would be the best decision because after all action has a reaction, and that is what makes Korra and the legend of Korra my favorite series because it is not the typical character that can do anything this character sweats and suffers to hit bottom and have to get up and continue.
Eric pay attention !!! They did say una-vatu lol
If what Korra's going through is PTSD, Zaheer saying "You choose to hold yourself down." and that playing out as correct is kinda shitty trauma work
8:40 the music i love but i dont know the name pls someone tell me
It's "To Heal":видео.html
The attack of the pod people!
Why does Calvin still calls Bolin Brolin , Jesus Christ................
Because Bolin's a bro ;)
Timo you just beat me to it
steel58836 By 6 days.
Timo apparently XD
Bolin is a bro at all times.
I forgot it was Saturday. Saturday and Wednesday are the best days of the week
STAHP you mean Friday
steel58836 I’m Australian
Tyron Wells I’m Australian, so I get Korra on Saturday and death note on Wednesday
STAHP ah okay, that makes sense. Sorry bout that
They would LOVE Fate/Zero!
Dustin Vader I'm thinking of becoming a patreon just because of that hehehe It would be awesome
No, you guys are confusing what the Avatar state is, the Avatar state is Raava, its driven by Raava's power, not the previous Avatars. The previous Avatars are just the past lives, Wan never had that, the Avatar other lives are Wan and Raava's pact. The Avatar state comes only from Raava, not spirit energy.
It just occurred to me that there are only 4 episodes left...shit.
I think the past Avatars are just knowledge of their past experience and lives. It's has nothing to with Raava herself. That's why when Aang was asking Roku or Kyoshi something, they would say, in my day, this is what happened, this is my wisdom to you to try and figure out what to do. This is why I wished Korra had Aang or someone else frequently to have to help her, but I guess with the series going short they had no choice. I kinda want them to do a Netflix show and give like an alternate storyline, like what would of happened if they had time to make the other 3 seasons, would she have to go back to the other nations and re learn everything else? something like that. I also hope they can make a new season after this one and maybe find a way to bring back the past Avatars, maybe if Koh is around if you remember him?
Matthew Brownlee the past avatars are gone tho. The cycle started over with Korra. So my guess if they were to get the others back it would be through a real asspull.
I mean its the Avatar, they always find new and different ways to do something so I wouldn't be surprised if that's what she tried to do for her lifetime and then the next Avatar comes and maybe there is a way he does what she couldn't...
Loved this reaction!
Are you guys considering watching altered carbon?
Calvin keeps mean mugging me in the reactions lol
1:30 did you just expose Calvin
My cousin is named Zaheer. Now I wish I was named Zaheer.
Well I think the Avatar State was always strong, but the additional experience of the former Avatars made it more efficent, maybe.
Avatar state is the connection between avatar and rava.
They really have a LOT of platinum in the Avatar world! On Earth, all the platinum mined by humanity would fit in a small room.
Ricois I guess they need it out of necessity. Remember, it's easier to mine in a world with earthbending, and you wouldn't want a house which a metalbender could tear to pieces.
I think, the source of power, has always been Raava and the pure connection between human and spirit, perfect, unyielding, as one. However, the loss of the connections has lost not power, but knowledge. All the skills, and wisdom, and emotion, and experience. Yes Raava has felt that too, but there's no longer the genuine connection that Raava felt. I'd probably compare it to someone losing their memory. Maybe still physically, mentally powerful, raw power, but less refined in the way it can be channeled. The skill and dexterity is lost.
Biggest mystery
Does fire lord izumi have Mai temper 😂
You should react to the Upgrade red band trailer.
I think it would be great if after korra is over to watch the Avatar movie just to have the series current end fresh in mind to tear the damned film apart.
Damn Clavins beard is fucking majestic.
Korra needs to play some Persona 4, learn to accept herself and all that.
Zaheer lied by omission
Is that...a star vs reference?
I know u guys are aware of the comics, could u guys consider reacting to them , they put them together in a videos, check out Motion Comic
Get more info how Republic City was made
What happened to Zuko mom
And more
Damn that's some deep shit. Got flaying but now he's tide to chains for the rest of his life. That sucks big time.
this is the last weve seen of Zaheer so far. I was hoping he will get out of prison somehow and be relevant again
Entire episode focusing on the progression of Korra's character and mental health...
Never talks about her in the discussion.
It's getting pretty absurd at this point, my money is on the finale discussion being 96% talking about aang and the semantics of the world
They did talk about her? They talked about how she had to accept what had happened to her instead of fighting it!
Violet24xo like I said, there will be a generous 4% of conversation for Korra lmao
Rick Jones calm down lol
Man this Rick dude is everywhere insulting people. Also you're just putting words in their mouth, it's not like the dislike Korra as a series or character.