@@coolnamefgtrfdhbtrhtr Honte sur toi. Tu es une personne sans culture qui ne sait rien sur le pays où il vit. En d'autres mot un QI à deux chiffres négatif.
@@Raisonnance. hm.. C'est vrai. Pour le francophone c'est beaucoup plus facile d'apprendre l'histoire de la France. Mais je pense l'important est juste de connaître les événements importants de la France. Les petits détails comme la révolution industrielle ou Charlie Hebdo sont déjà les connaissances secondaires, comme la personne peut de ne pas s'interesser du tout de l'histoire /politique, mais d'autres choses. Mais de vrai ça se voit en peu étrange pour un francophone.
The chaos, the fury, the hope, the sadness, the happines, not only its a masterpice of animation, but also its a masterpice in musical composition and feelings. This video produce me shivers everytime i see it. Bravo master bravo. Vive la france
C'est vraiment incroyable, malgré l'absence de paroles je comprends et reconnais tout les événements, la musique colle super bien, les expressions... c'est dingue gros gg
All of the events mentioned that maybe non-french viewers won't get (part 1) (in 2 parts due to character limitation : check out also the part 2 !) : 0:05 the storming of the Bastille and beginning of the French Revolution (1789) 0:11 dechristinization following the Revolution 0:12 slaughter of the nobles and of the monarchists during the Revolution ("La Grande Peur") 0:13 The 1st republic declares war on Austria and the Holy Roman Empire (1792) 0:14 perhaps the massacre of the Vendeans (monarchist uprising in Vendea in 1793) 0:15 execution of the king Louis XVI in 1793 and the Terror (1793-1794) 0:19 selling of the assignats (new national domains seized by the republicans from the clergy and the nobility) 0:25 Napoleon rise to power and proclamation of the French Empire (1804) (The eagle is the symbol of the Empire, it's a reference to the Roman Empire) 0:44 Napoleon crush the European coalitions (Austria, Prussia, Russia...) several times 0:48 Russian campaign and retreat after the Moscow fire (1812) 1:04 Following Napoleon's defeat, Congress of Vienna (1814-1815) and Restoration of the monarchy by the coalized powers 1:31 Conquest of Algiers to put an end to babaric piracy in the Mediteranean (Algiers was an important pirate's launching harbor) (1830). It will be followed by an inland conquest of Algeria. 1:39 Second French Revolution (1848) (reference to Delacroix's painting "La Liberté guidant le peuple") 1:49 Alexis de Tocqueville, French phiosopher/sociologist, writes his most famous book, "De la Démocratie en Amérique" ("About democracy in America") 2:08 Second French Empire instaured by Napoleon III (Napoleon's nephew) in 1852 after being elected president of the republic in 1848 2:10 Georges Eugène Haussman creates the modern Paris (parisians haussmanians boulevards) 2:12 creation of a railroad network in France and industralization of the country 2:22 Prussia defeat France in 1870 2:32 Prussia annexes Alsace-Moselle region 2:32 "La Commune" uprising in Paris in 1871 against the newly formed government ("Qu'est ce que la Propriété ?" "What is property?" = famous book of Proudhon, French anarchist thinker) 2:36 The German Empire is proclaimed in the Galerry of Mirrors, symbol of French power, in Versailles 2:47 The 3rd Republic, more stable than the previous ones, is established after the fall of the Second Empire 3:03 "Entente Cordiale" with the British and alliance with the Russians : the alliance of WW1 is set up. NB : the bridge on the picture is the Alexander III bridge in Paris, named in honor of the Russian Tsar to celebrate the franco-russian alliance. 3:06 : begining of the "Affaire Dreyfus" "Dreyfus case", the most important case of the 3rd Republic, about an officer suspected to be a German spy, wrongly accused by the army. The supporters of Dreyfus says that he was also accused because he was Jew. 3:12 Emile Zola, famous French writer, support Dreyfus with his "J'accuse", an article published in "L'Aurore", Clémenceau's newspaper 3:21 "Les hussards noirs de la République", "The black hussars of the Republic", nickname for the teachers under the 3rd Republic. All of the regional langages are now forbidden, only French is allowed, the country is centralized and the students are taught that France must take revenge on Germany for the loss of Alsace-Moselle annexed in 1870. The 3rd Republic is preparing France's next generation for war, that will be WW1. 3:28 Scramble of Africa and conquest of the French colonial empire in Africa and Indochina. 3:34 Agadir crisis between Germany and France about domination of Marocco. France finally manage to establish a protectorate over Marocco, but the incident almost sets off WW1 in 1911. 3:40 WW1 erupts in 1914, trench war, huge losses. 4:03 Victorious in 1918, the French insists to put harsh conditions of peace on the Germans despite the opposition of the British (and the Americans). 4:07 Verdun's Douaumont war memorial and military cimitery 4:17 Rise of the Socialists Syndicates (CGT) and of the SFIO (Leftist party with socialists and communists in it) 4:41 Crisis of 1934 : a massive anti-republican protest in Paris almost turns into a Coup of the "Les Ligues", a far right political movement. The skull is the symbol of "Croix-de-feu", "Fire Crosses", a WW1 veterans paramilitary organization that was part of the protest and similar to the German SA or the Italians "Squadristi" in its organization. 5:05 The program of the National Concil of Resistance for the post-war era : National Security, minimal wage, modern buildings infrastructures, "Etat providence" (national healthcare system and insurance / assistance system funded by either taxes or contributions to prevent misery, believed to be the cause of the rise of extremism like fascism or communism) 5:10 "Le gouvernement chute encore" "The governement has fallen again" : the 4rth Republic, established after WW2, was very unstable because the Constiution allowed the National Assembly to dissolve the governement wenether the opposition wanted. 5:14 Rise of the European Community, predecessor of the European Union 5:20 "Croissance en France" "Growth in France" : Begining of the "Trente Glorieuses", 30 years of economic prosperity and full employement between the 50's and the 70's. 5:21 Indochina War (1946-1954) 5:23 Massive protests for Algeria's independance since the end of WW2, that will erupt into the War of Algeria from 1954 to 1962. 5:24 Repression of the Algerians by the French. OAS means "The Organization of Secret Army", an secret organization supporting French Algeria created by French settlers living there, after De Gaulle granted Algeria independance in 1962. OAS made several terror attacks and assassination attempts agaisnt De Gaulle, who was considered by them a traitor. 5:27 French paratroopers and conscripts are hunting down Algerian rebels in the countryside during the war. 5:31 Charles De Gaulle, after a period of retirement, is called to power in order to manage the crisis in Algeria, the 4rth Republic being incapable of doing it. Here he yells his famous sentence "Je vous ai compris !" "I understood you!" to the enthuisastic crowd gathered in Algiers in 1958. Thus it seemed that he was in favor of a French Algeria, that is why he will be so hated and considered as a traitor by some when he finally gave independance to this country in 1962. 5:34 after a referendum organized by De Gaulle, Algeria is granted independance and the French settlers, called "pieds noirs" ("black feet") are forced to return in Metropolitan France. Those who stayed were slaughtered by the FLN, the Algerian rebel organization (they sent to the pieds noirs this message : "la valise ou le cerceuil" "the suitcase or the coffin") 5:44 Mai 68, a leftist important prostest lead by students of the post-war generation against De Gaulle's presidency, judged too authoritarian, and the rigidity of a traditionalist French society. The workers in the factories soon joined the protest of the students and a general strike was declared. 5:54 After a referendum, De Gaulle resign in 1969. 6:00 "L'ENA" is a famous state university for top officials in France. A lot of the Presidents of the 5th Republic graduated in this university. 6:12 Presidential televised debate between the two candidates, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing and François Mitterand, in 1981. "ORTF" is the television and the radio of the State under De Gaulle and its successors, in the 60s and the 70s, before the television became more liberal and more canals were held by private compagnies. 6:14 The Socialists lead by François Mitterand are elected in 1981 (The rose in the fist is the symbol of the French Socialist Party). Socialist reforms, nationalization of key compagnies, abolition of death penalty. But also begining of economic regression ("rigor policy"). 6:19 Mitterand build the pyramid above the Louvre Museum. 6:27 Creation of the EU with the treaty of Maastricht in 1992, a project especially undertaken by two French politician, François Mitterand and Jacques Delors.
Very nice, you just forgot the WW2 - Vichy France - Travail Famille Patrie segment, also some parts of the 1945 - 1950's social welfare programs, or some buildings shown after the Louvre.
Incroyable c'est vraiment ton chef d'oeuvre, je te suis depuis le tout début et je suis bluffé, bravo pour ton taff, je suivais tes avancées sur les réseaux et ça fait super plaisir de voir cette animation sortir sur YT. Gros bravo encore, j'ai adoré plein de détails il faudra que je la revois quelques fois je pense :)
France is one of the best country, and have one of the most beatiful and interesting history. And dont forget france filmography. Greetings from Czech Republic we are happy that we have such a big ally and we are not so different in culture only by language and food :D 🇨🇿❤🇫🇷
"Malgré tout, la France est toujours là" C'est... Très impressionnant. Je me rappelle encore il y a quelques années de la vidéo sur l'histoire de la Russie moderne que j'avais trouvé très réussie. Mais la, tu a atteint super niveau. Les petits détails disséminés partout, sans compter que la vidéo fait quand même quasiment 8 minutes ! J’espère voir encore de tes prouesses et je ne peux te souhaiter que le meilleur !
References (part 2) : 6:29 Boom and golden age of French industry : 6:29 The TGV, the first high-speed train (1981) ; 6:30 The Concorde, the first civilan functional supersonic airplane, made in collaboration with the British (hence its name) (1969) ; 6:31 The Ariane rocket, an European project mostly funded by France, taking off from Kourou, the French launching site of ESA in French Guyana (1973). 6:39 Begining of unemployment crisis (still going on today) in the 70's-80's 6:46 France wins the soccer's mondial cup for the first time in 1998 against Brasil 6:48 The Euro became the new currency in 2002 in replacement of the national currency, the Franc 6:50 Jean-Marie Le Pen, candidate of the far-right for presidency, is almost elected in 2002, creating a big shock in the country. He was present on the second round of the election, but after a big fear in the counrty his opponent Jacques Chirac, of the liberal right, is largely elected. 6:51 Jacques Chirac creates the UMP in 2002, a coalition party of the liberal right. 6:51 radars installed on all the highways of France, generating a lot of money for the State from fines, to the big dissatisfaction of the Frenchmen already highly taxed. 6:52 Dominique de Villepin, Minister of Foreign Affairs, following Chirac's instructions, declares at the UN that France is opposed to the American intervention in Iraq in 2003. This is the first time since De Gaulle that France show such a defiance to the US. In reaction, the US will iniate the "French bashing" in pop culture... 6:53 The Viaduc de Millau, higher bridge in the world completed in 2004. 6:54 The islamic veil is prohinited in public space in 2010 (if it completely covers the face). Big controversy about islam in France since decades that results in a rise of the far right, since the arab/muslim immigration in France is extremely important (it began in the 60's and continue to go on to this day). 6:55 Crisis of 2005 : uprising of the arab immigrates and of the French of Arab origin in the suburbs of Paris following the accidental death of two young people chased by the police. The suburbs will burn for an entire mounth and 3 people were killed. 6:56 The French vote "NO" to the European constitutional treaty of 2004. This is the first time that the French people opposes the development of the EU. The treaty will be revised and will pass under the name of Treaty of Lisbon in 2007 anyway, this time not with a referendum but via the National Assembly. 6:56 Zinedine Zidane, the best member of the French soccer team, head butt an italian player after he allegedly insult his sister during the world cup final in 2006. This will lead to a disqualification of Zidanne and to an Italian victory, provoking a big irration of the French towards the Italians for a while. 6:57 Economic and financial crisis of 2008 6:59 Dominique Strauss-Khan, socialist candidate for French Presidential elections of 2012 expected to be the winner, is arrested in New-York for sexual assault in 2011. He will be replaced by the First Secretary of the Socialist Party, at the time relatively unknown to the public opinion, François Hollande. 7:00 François Hollande is elected against Nicolas Sarkozy with the slogan "Le changement c'est maintenant !" "The change is now!" (first time a socialist is elected since Mitterand) 7:01 "Manif pour tous" ("protest for all") protest against the law project for decriminilization of the gay marriage, promise of François Hollande during his campaign. Big controversy in France between traditionalists and progressives. (2012) 7:02 Gay mariage is decriminalized (2013). 7:03 François Hollande is spotted by a paparazzi going to visit incognito his secret love Julie Gayet, thus cheating on his wife the First Lady Valérie Trierwieler. Scandal in France and on a global scale. 7:04 Famous picture of Hollande in Kazakh traditional outfit during an official visit in Kazakhstan. His opponents made a lot of fun of him with this picture and this contributed to giving him the reputation of a ridiculous President. 7:05 "Pacte de Solidarité" "Solidarity Pact" : project of Hollande's administration : in exchange of a reduction of taxes, the French compagnies are commited to employ more people in France. 7:05 Portal full of cameras, installed on all the highways of France, for an ecological tax on the most polluting vehicles. The project was abandonned by Hollande's administration and millions were thus wasted in the installation of these portals. 7:06 "Bonnets rouges" "Red caps" : nickname of a protest of peasants from Britanny against the governement in 2013-2014. 7:06 Opération Serval : the French army saves Mali from an islamist invasion (they were about to take the capital Bamako after the fall of Tumbuctu) in 2012. 7:07 Rise of Islamist terror attack threat on France : 7:07 "Je suis Charlie", famous slogan after the terror attack on the satiric newspaper Charlie Hebdo in 2015 in Paris by islamists. 12 people were killed and it had a symbolic importance because the Frenchmen realized in shock that the liberty of expression was threatenned (the attack was made beacause of a caricature of the Prophet Mahomet). Big displays in favor of the liberty of expression in the days follomwing the attack, 7:08 Paris terror attack in 2015 by islamists commandos. 138 dead. Biggest attack on French soil since WW2. "Fluctuat Nec Mergitur" is the Latin motto of Paris, it means "It flucuates but do not sinks", 7:09 Opération Vigipirate decided in response (military presence in all of the risky spots such as monuments, train stations, airports, synagogues, some churches, etc) 7:10 Unpopular reforms about the work regulation under the pressure of a liberal policy of the EU 7:11 Yellow Vest protest against the rise of taxes and the Presidency of Emmanuel Macron in 2018-2019 : biggest protest of the history of the 5th Republic 7:16 Emmanuel Macron, Minister under Hollande, creates his movements "En Marche !" "Let's move!" in 2016, a movement that allegdley wants to break the old opposition left/right without being extremist. He will be elected President of the Republic the following year. 7:26 Coronavirus crisis 2020 and lack of medical supplies in the hospitals.
FRA 17 22 Well done! Still, there are a lot a little mistakes or things that could be expressed differently, and a few details missing (le Minitel !) I may write them if I find the time
from a french viewer and to name of all french people, thank you to tell our history to everyone. It's truly a masterpiece, and the slight detail is here. Thanks for this professionalism its clear you have a passionate heart in this domain. Keep doing those videos you're truly a brilliant man, and just to tell, have you done the same thing about great britain, it could be super cool to see that (even if it's way lots job to do). Love ya man
il manque 13 siecles d histoire de france ! mais j amagine ca aurait été trop long ! lol 13 century of history is missing but I imagine it would have been too long ! lol
J'ai eu ça dans mes recommandations et putain je suis pas déçu ! Y'a tellement de petits détails c'est juste parfait. Bravo pour ce que tu as fait mec c'est incroyable. La dernière image elle est parfaite. Tu rends un bel hommage à notre histoire. Ça réchauffe le cœur. Merci, vraiment merci merci. 🇫🇷🔥
Sans doute le meilleur hommage qu'une personne pourrait faire à la France,je redécouvre cette vidéo et je trouve toujours de nouveaux détails,mille respect à vous monsieur
Ta tellement raison vive la France 🇫🇷 et aller vous faire foutre les gliché nul comme on ais peureu on parle que de vin et de pain on ais quand même le pays avec le plus de victoir de guerre on a sauver des tonne de pays on sait battu même quand on a perdu la second guerre mondial respect
Greetengs from Russia! 🇷🇺 🇫🇷 France always was a close to Russia. Not in territory, but in cultural. I don't know, maybe because France culture in 17-18 century had a colossal fluence in Europe, and in Russia it was new and prestigious. So we can actually feel that. Viva la France!
unfortunatly, france and russia are not allies today, they used to be their closest friends, but since the creation of nato, their relatioships went.... really bad
It’s so beautiful.... the art and everything! I swear every frame of background can be a wallpaper. Also 7 minutes? Wow... That’t the longest one yet! I’m so blown away.
@@stasiudziobek8669 England and France are possibly permanent enemies but under NATO they heaten up their friendship altogether. Without NATO and the United States, England (UK) and France might declare war eachother once again. Even France gets invaded by England if it is monarchist (e.g. Hundred Years War). That would be France and the UK be like if USA never gained independence, nor if NATO wasn't born. And without American Revolution, France might've still been a Monarchy. But even without the revolution itself, Democracy has been a thing before France and England was born. So, Democracy in France without the American Revolution might be possible. Vive l'empereur. Monarchism (Bourbons) in France are abolished.
just logged on this account till i scroll one of my most favorite youtubers when i started high school. always wondered and waited patiently for your masterpieces during those times. now ive just started college and yet the latest video ive watched now still gives me the thrill :)
Yeah like honestly, America wouldn’t even exist without the French. Also, what choice did the French have in WW2. Have your country razed and destroyed or surrender and save your country.
@@Pikaclev the real problem was the french leadership, they were a mess at dealing with the problem and it was a huge problem. First they opted for appeasement, then they refused to atack their enemies in fear of retaliation and let's not forget about how their military command structure was too centralized and, therefore, too slow to keep up with the krauts. But since a good chunk of that leadership was elected into power, you can put some of the blame onto the French population itself.
@@guimts8881 Yeah but considering the damage left by the 1rst WW, isn't that just understable? My family lost 70% of their member during the 1rst world war....Can you imagine the damage? How can you be willing to repeat the same event 20 years later? it was on everybody minds. Always easy to criticise when you are living a confortable life, with no tragedy that crippled and affect everybody you know. Losing many sons and daughters etc. And if you are american, I think your lake of history and neighbooring enemy make you feel so powerfull....But remember war you wages, remember how destroyed are your soldiers when they came back from vietnam or Korea. Now imagine facing stuff like that inside your country, maybe you'll be less stupid about your analysis.
@@lepangolin4080that doesn't change the fact that a lot less people would have died if the French leadership, chosen by the French People, had been more assertive and stopped the Nazis at the remilitarization of the Rhineland, no appeasement. Also I'm not American.
Un court-metrage de grande qualité, qui rend un si bel hommage à la France, à la complexite de son histoire, sans jamais se tourner vers un discours pompeux et nationaliste. C'est une célébration de l'humanisme, la diversité, mais aussi de la culture, la littérature (avec d'innombrables references à Hugo, Tocqueville, Sartre...). Je ne trouve pas les mots pour exprimer ma joie face à ce film, qui est aussi une grande prouesse artistique et technique. Bravo!
En soit le nationalisme c'est aimer sa nation et le mot n'est donc pas à lier à l'extrême droite ou autre parti que l'on peut considérer comme "dangereux" ou "xénophobe". Le problème c'est que ce sens a été détourner par "haïr les autres" et est devenu un mot assigné à la xénophobie et à la haine.
@@pujo6532 En fait il existe aujourd'hui plusieurs définitions de nationalisme, soit c'est la réunion des personnes de même culture, ethnie, langue ou autre dans un pays, soit c'est la définition que tu as donné.
@@pujo6532 Malheureusement même le mot patriote qui n'a rien de négatif à l'origine devient péjoratif à cause de certains groupes qui l'utilisent à leurs fins...
Love the work, France is my favourite European Nation (Russia close second) and This, even though I already know most of it was beautiful to watch. I know this most likely won’t be seen but, just wanted to give my appreciation for the effort you put in. Greetings from Canada, stay free my French friends. 🇨🇦🇫🇷
@@abeloofrite9557 Russia is culturally European, it's the direct descendant of Muscovy and the Kievan-Rus. While around 3/4 of the landmass is East of the Ural mountains, 3/4 of the population live west of it, Siberia is just connected colonial lands, the Heartlands are slavic. Russia has been a major player in european history since it's foundation, it even had close ties with the byzantines (medieval rome)! how could it possibly not be considered an European nation?
@@anprimdude I don't know why should it be considered as a bad thing. I mean that's cool if he can learn something trough this medium. It is a good introduction for someone to history. He can still move on to other medium to learn like history books for example.
German and France are the same people ... We are brothers since the time of the germanic tribes ... the birth of Germany by "Louis II Le Germanique" (Ludwig der deutsche) son of Ludwig der fromme and grandson of Charlemagne (Karl Der Grobe) that's too sad that we fought for so long. Fortunately we are in peace now 🇨🇵❤💪🇩🇪
Der geschichte auf frankreich und deutschland ist ein unvergessen geschichte und mit der belgium und Niederlande und alle Land auf dem europa union sind Bruder Und Cousins (es tut mir leid fur meinen Fehler ich bin Französisch) L'histoire de la France et de l'Allemagne est une inoubliable histoire et avec la Belgique et les Pays-Bas et tous les pays de l'union européenne nous sommes des frères et des cousins The history of France and germany is a Unforgettable history and with belgium and Netherlands and all countries of Europe union we are brothers and cousins Danke Zu haben liest das. 🇩🇪 Merci d'avoir lu ceci. 🇨🇵 Thanks to have read this. 🇺🇸🇬🇧 Et à tous les autres. 🇦🇹🇧🇪🇧🇬🇨🇭🇨🇿🇨🇾🇩🇰🇪🇸🇪🇪🇧🇴🇨🇮🇬🇷🇮🇹🇱🇺🇱🇻🇲🇹🇳🇱🇵🇱🇵🇹🇸🇪🇫🇮
Salut (de La Russie) J’aime votre culture et votre langue. On s’est battus ensemble contre le Reich!!! Et peu importe ce qu’il y a entre nous maintenant, il importe ce que nous étions. (Changé) Merci pour ce type de soutien. Je pense que je suis l’un des rares qui apprennent Français (en Russie)
Eh si la Russie n'avais pas battue Napoléon l’Europe voir plus serai Française et le monde serai a mon avis on aurais détruit les culture des autre pays et la succession de Napoléon aurai encore a mon avis des conflit d'une ampleur de guerre mondial
@@Anaptixism Je trouve qu'il est dommage que les dirigeants actuels de la France Bafouent la constitution et ne soit que de vulgaires marionnettes au service des US...😢
Our countrys had a lot of problems in the past, but never the relationship between France and Germany has been so peaceful! Respect and love to our German neighbours! 🇫🇷🤝🇩🇪
Interesting history, thanks for video! Love France from Ukraine! We started our diplomatic Ukrainian-French relations since 838 and also, when the Ukrainian duchess and French queen Anna Yaroslavna (Anna de Kyїv) (1024-1075) came to Paris.
Greeting from France, hope we won't have to write another chapter of that relation with the blood of our soldiers to help you against your neighbour. Also thank for the information, didn't know our relations were so old, but just, it's generally admitted that France and Frankish Empire are not the same thing, so our relations began really in 987 I guess, when France came to the world with the first "King of France" (and not "King of the Franks", the little difference is very important here
Tour simplement incroyable ! Tu m'as mit les larmes aux yeux tellement que c'était beau ! Tu peux être fière de toi Raphaël c'était vraiment à coupé le souffle
french are verry VERRY into politic, that why ther is so much revolutions and strikes, you need more courage to rule france than for invading it and france is the country ho have the most millitary victory on recorded human history
Je me passerai de faire des vannes sur la Pologne, vous êtes un beau pays Même si la philosophie c'est comme la Pologne : plat, marécageux et régulièrement envahie par les Allemands
@@lorytkx4491 Et nous c'est litteralement, on est la pays qui a gagné le plus de bataille, on a pris l'Europe quasiment entière, mais tout le monde se souvient de nous pour 1941, c'est triste
The amount of effort put into this piece is amazing, when only 7 minutes feels like 20, you can feel the amount of work put into it because of how often you look at details and the animation. Truly amazing keep it up
Took me hours of rewatching to make sure I got every reference. It's actually a very well researched video of France after the revolution, I highly recommend it.(Loved the "Democracy in America" around 1:45-1:50. Classic Tocqueville). I hope that France gets better soon... Love from Greece!
@@augustin5611(sorry in advance for this railroad of an answer) Listen my friend, for my whole life I have lived in a country in the EU, and I honestly wouldn't have it any other way. I don't like the violent mess that was Europe before the EU, I won't go back to it. Mind you, I am Greek, and if anyone has the right to be pissed off by the EU it's me, but I am not. Our corrupt politicians were not the Unions fault. They were corrupted way before we joined, and even though we protested against the austerity measures, in private conversations lots of us thought that they were actually necessary and should have been implemented a long time ago... Our Union surely has flaws, she is slow and bureaucratic, but she is also one of the few organisations that can fight against huge corporations (like Google or Facebook) and win, promotes fair trade (that isn't as much an opinion as a fact), promotes women rights (several of EUs top figures are female), allows for health treatment wherever you are ( which saved my life when I suffered a kidney failure in Barcelona last year. I called 112 and found a hospital in minutes and in English, I was very lucky because I don't speak Spanish 😅), gives the workers the chance to organise and fight for their rights in a continental instead of a country level (which has raised the power the Greek worker unions have when negotiating with our government, because of the backing the other countries unions provide, something unheard to us before the 1980s, and is the global leader in the eco friendly transition of the economy (which is something one must appreciate) and I would never abandon her, and dissolving her is of the table, PERIOD! Reforming her into a more democratic and truly united organisation, for me that is a cause worth fighting for... As for your second hope, although I acknowledge that it's a great one, I fear that the people will never understand. Not because they don't want to, but because they forget. As older people die, their experiences die with them, all their maturity and calmness that comes with time gets replaced by the recklessness of youth and an eagerness to relive and exceed the glorious days of the past, with little thought about the tragedies and misery those days brought along with them (and mind you, this is a 22 year old writing). The day all the people of Europe realise that their nations are nothing more than branches of the same tree, that of Europe, then we will no longer need the EU, we will be united already. But until that day finally comes, which mind you, it may never will, the Union is not only our best bet, but our biggest necessity as well... Sorry again for the long answer, if you read all of it I admire your patience! Salut mon ami!
Purely out of curiosity, from which region of France are you actually from? I love France, it's my favourite country after my own, and I plan on visiting her for the first time next year! (and I love not having to pay for my passport renewal!)
Γεια σου φίλε First, thanks for the time you took for answering me, even more because english isn't our mother tongue ! About the EU, allow me to disagree and sorry for not giving you a reply as long as yours (maybe another time ? :p). Then, I live in Aquitaine, or Nouvelle-Aquitaine with the new regions. Next to the Atlantic Ocean, at the south of Bordeaux. A really nice place, I hope you'll come and visit one day ^^
And I really like greece too. I learned how to read greek at school because I studied ancient greek and the Antic Greece. Plus, I've litteraly grew up with your ancient mythology as bedtime stories ^^
Ever since your Polandball orchestra video, I knew you were talented in syncing animation to music and vise versa but Jesus hell, you brought it up to a new level with this bad boy... Truly amazing, and thanks for your content!
Holly hell dude. The video is truly incredible,the animation and the draws are sick,the history of my homeland is perfectly described and you also payed attention about the little details of our history(The proclamation of the 5th republic,the trial of Dreyfus etc..) Tu gère l'ami,continue ainsi. +1 subscribe Greetings from France.
trés impressionné, une vidéo réussie qui retrace tous les aspects de l'histoire de France sans jamais ce moquer ou faire de blagues (de merde) facile ni de french bashing, vidéo réussie, continue ainsi ! :D
@@Pintor-aleman si le *français* et *l’espagnol* se ressemble énormément (j’étudie *l’espagnol* au lycée) et le fait que nos langue soit *latine* aide beaucoup. Mais l’on remarque à l’oral toute les différences.( *l’espagnol* et *l’italien* se ressemble plus je trouve… puisque les deux langues prononce toutes les lettres, après le *Portugais* a eu des influence étrange qui dans la plupart de l’écrit,change. Mais à l’oral reste similaire à *l’espagnol* , le *Roumain* est l’un des pays perdu qui reste une langue *latine* … juste perdu dans l’Est de l’Europe.)
God, the amount of work in this polandball animation is amazing, this is 100% my favourite countryball / polandball animation in my entire time in this community which I’ve been around for 2 years. It’s amazing how much work this guy put into making such a masterpiece based on silly shitpost people would also make against this. I hope this gets 100k likes honestly.
Cette animation est tellement belle que je pleure, vraiment magnifique.. Merci pour ton travail // this animation is so beautiful that I've got tears, truly magnificent.. Thank you very much for your work
Cette animation est tellement représentative de l'esprit français et de son histoire, merci de mettre en lumière la partie de la France que seul les français connaissent. La France n'est pas que Paris et "i surrender"
Et a côté les même ricains ont été créé par la France et doivent au moins le respect a ceux qui leurs ont sauvé les miches pour emmerder l'angleterre mdr
@@user-io1bq9qk7l laisse les ricains de toute facons c'est des loppettes qui maltraite les petits pays d'afrique, si tu regarde dans leur histoire les ricains on jamais gagné une guerre contre une autre nation tous seul. même pour le japon il ont eu besoin des russes donc bon.
@@jonathanfelix1822 Les idéaux sont pacifiques, l'histoire est violente. C'est mal d'être prêt à prendre les armes pour sa nation ? C'est mal de vouloir servir son pays ? C'est mal que pour les lâches comme toi.
This video is absolutely incredible !! Congratulations a thousand times ! I'm French and one of the things that impressed me is the precision of the stuffs you relate, the little details of a famous article, photo, painting, logo... I can watch it many times and still be amazed :)
Although the fire of Notre Dame was not included, this video is still incredibly detailed and records many major events of the modern history of France. Truly a masterpiece, and the syncopation of the music with the animation was of high quality. Oui
The choice of music, the drawings and the capacity to explain complex concepts like the soviet revolution or WW2 in a couple of seconds, that is a good job. Really good.
I am shocked and amazed at just how much emotion can be conveyed by a simple ball. I genuinely wish I knew more about French history to understand this beautiful video.
@@TannonJudkins Well I mean France kinda saved the American colonies (which became the USA) by sending supplies,soldiers, Generals and helping with the French navy.
Stop clinging to your Liberal delusions of "equality" and embrace a Right-Wing restoration of Vietnamese Kingship and culture under a Mahayana-Buddhist Dynasty. Refuse, as is your right, and I'd be more than happy to come on over with my American buddies and finish what was started during the Tet Offensive. Socialists are, and always will be, weak and traitors to their own kith and kin, much like the French were during their "revolution". Don't be a jumped-up peasant, such ideals are anathema to true liberty.
Incroyable ! Toute la splendeur, mais aussi les heures sombres de la France traité avec brio et sincérité ! Que de références, que de talents, que de maîtrise graphiques ! Je suis époustouflé ! Un récit complet, novateur et révolutionnaire (sans mauvais jeux de mots) de notre pays parfois martyr, parfois bourreau, mais toujours lucide et lumineux ! J'approuve ! Bravo, mille bravos ! Vive la France, et vive l'Algérie Libre
@@emilefalez2499 c'est pas moi qui l'invente mais les différents traités qui permet à la France d'avoir des avantages commerciaux avec l'Algérie . Sache que je suis franco-maghrebin avant de cracher ton venin ici .
Truly a masterpiece of the genre!
Oh God you're here!!
Ты здесь!
@@funnyvalentine103 да он тоже здесь
Ви тоже тут по ссилке?
Я один по ссылке перешёл, а так видео годное
This is a piece of art! Not only a countryball’s story.
Yeah. I think everyone can agree to that.
Jsi z Česka?
@@eskirix1069 určitě
@@eskirix1069 já jo
this is a piece of *revolition*
This is one of the best stories I've seen
Didnt expect you here
Историю какой страны дальше будешь делать, Русбол?
О, здравствуй)
Hey rusball
Your work is equally as good
This has to be the best Countryball animation in RUclips’s History!!
"Rome wasn't built in a day"
Beautiful as always...
But it burned in one
@@sauronmordor7494 Nan il fera pas l'histoire du Mordor ne rêve pas !
@@comteraffayn8351 Ok
@@rogaldorn8116 Actually not
If you understood everything without pausing, you're a true french
je suis français et j'ai rien compris 😗...
@@coolnamefgtrfdhbtrhtr Honte sur toi.
Tu es une personne sans culture qui ne sait rien sur le pays où il vit.
En d'autres mot un QI à deux chiffres négatif.
Or you just know history
J'ai presque tout compris mais je ne suis pas française du tout. Je suis une ukrainienne qui justement frequente l'école française la 10ème année
@@Raisonnance. hm.. C'est vrai. Pour le francophone c'est beaucoup plus facile d'apprendre l'histoire de la France. Mais je pense l'important est juste de connaître les événements importants de la France. Les petits détails comme la révolution industrielle ou Charlie Hebdo sont déjà les connaissances secondaires, comme la personne peut de ne pas s'interesser du tout de l'histoire /politique, mais d'autres choses.
Mais de vrai ça se voit en peu étrange pour un francophone.
The chaos, the fury, the hope, the sadness, the happines, not only its a masterpice of animation, but also its a masterpice in musical composition and feelings. This video produce me shivers everytime i see it. Bravo master bravo. Vive la france
You said what?
@@RV-cv2yt what?
@@ares5897 i said what ?
@@RV-cv2yt i meaned why you posted that comnent
@@ares5897 my youtube had glitched and it showed me another comment from another video.
RUclips glitches nowdays. Weird AF...
C'est vraiment incroyable, malgré l'absence de paroles je comprends et reconnais tout les événements, la musique colle super bien, les expressions... c'est dingue gros gg
We are incroyable, we can use the passwords to compromise and recreate to many years, the music is very beautiful, the expressions
it's crazy big
@@SandeaterIV Did You Try To Translate?
@@empireofitalypsstimfromano5025 i used google translate
@Roi balls oui vive la France
@@cc.omendo2387 yes
All of the events mentioned that maybe non-french viewers won't get (part 1) (in 2 parts due to character limitation : check out also the part 2 !) :
0:05 the storming of the Bastille and beginning of the French Revolution (1789)
0:11 dechristinization following the Revolution
0:12 slaughter of the nobles and of the monarchists during the Revolution ("La Grande Peur")
0:13 The 1st republic declares war on Austria and the Holy Roman Empire (1792)
0:14 perhaps the massacre of the Vendeans (monarchist uprising in Vendea in 1793)
0:15 execution of the king Louis XVI in 1793 and the Terror (1793-1794)
0:19 selling of the assignats (new national domains seized by the republicans from the clergy and the nobility)
0:25 Napoleon rise to power and proclamation of the French Empire (1804) (The eagle is the symbol of the Empire, it's a reference to the Roman Empire)
0:44 Napoleon crush the European coalitions (Austria, Prussia, Russia...) several times
0:48 Russian campaign and retreat after the Moscow fire (1812)
1:04 Following Napoleon's defeat, Congress of Vienna (1814-1815) and Restoration of the monarchy by the coalized powers
1:31 Conquest of Algiers to put an end to babaric piracy in the Mediteranean (Algiers was an important pirate's launching harbor) (1830). It will be followed by an inland conquest of Algeria.
1:39 Second French Revolution (1848) (reference to Delacroix's painting "La Liberté guidant le peuple")
1:49 Alexis de Tocqueville, French phiosopher/sociologist, writes his most famous book, "De la Démocratie en Amérique" ("About democracy in America")
2:08 Second French Empire instaured by Napoleon III (Napoleon's nephew) in 1852 after being elected president of the republic in 1848
2:10 Georges Eugène Haussman creates the modern Paris (parisians haussmanians boulevards)
2:12 creation of a railroad network in France and industralization of the country
2:22 Prussia defeat France in 1870
2:32 Prussia annexes Alsace-Moselle region
2:32 "La Commune" uprising in Paris in 1871 against the newly formed government ("Qu'est ce que la Propriété ?" "What is property?" = famous book of Proudhon, French anarchist thinker)
2:36 The German Empire is proclaimed in the Galerry of Mirrors, symbol of French power, in Versailles
2:47 The 3rd Republic, more stable than the previous ones, is established after the fall of the Second Empire
3:03 "Entente Cordiale" with the British and alliance with the Russians : the alliance of WW1 is set up. NB : the bridge on the picture is the Alexander III bridge in Paris, named in honor of the Russian Tsar to celebrate the franco-russian alliance.
3:06 : begining of the "Affaire Dreyfus" "Dreyfus case", the most important case of the 3rd Republic, about an officer suspected to be a German spy, wrongly accused by the army. The supporters of Dreyfus says that he was also accused because he was Jew.
3:12 Emile Zola, famous French writer, support Dreyfus with his "J'accuse", an article published in "L'Aurore", Clémenceau's newspaper
3:21 "Les hussards noirs de la République", "The black hussars of the Republic", nickname for the teachers under the 3rd Republic. All of the regional langages are now forbidden, only French is allowed, the country is centralized and the students are taught that France must take revenge on Germany for the loss of Alsace-Moselle annexed in 1870. The 3rd Republic is preparing France's next generation for war, that will be WW1.
3:28 Scramble of Africa and conquest of the French colonial empire in Africa and Indochina.
3:34 Agadir crisis between Germany and France about domination of Marocco. France finally manage to establish a protectorate over Marocco, but the incident almost sets off WW1 in 1911.
3:40 WW1 erupts in 1914, trench war, huge losses.
4:03 Victorious in 1918, the French insists to put harsh conditions of peace on the Germans despite the opposition of the British (and the Americans).
4:07 Verdun's Douaumont war memorial and military cimitery
4:17 Rise of the Socialists Syndicates (CGT) and of the SFIO (Leftist party with socialists and communists in it)
4:41 Crisis of 1934 : a massive anti-republican protest in Paris almost turns into a Coup of the "Les Ligues", a far right political movement. The skull is the symbol of "Croix-de-feu", "Fire Crosses", a WW1 veterans paramilitary organization that was part of the protest and similar to the German SA or the Italians "Squadristi" in its organization.
5:05 The program of the National Concil of Resistance for the post-war era : National Security, minimal wage, modern buildings infrastructures, "Etat providence" (national healthcare system and insurance / assistance system funded by either taxes or contributions to prevent misery, believed to be the cause of the rise of extremism like fascism or communism)
5:10 "Le gouvernement chute encore" "The governement has fallen again" : the 4rth Republic, established after WW2, was very unstable because the Constiution allowed the National Assembly to dissolve the governement wenether the opposition wanted.
5:14 Rise of the European Community, predecessor of the European Union
5:20 "Croissance en France" "Growth in France" : Begining of the "Trente Glorieuses", 30 years of economic prosperity and full employement between the 50's and the 70's.
5:21 Indochina War (1946-1954)
5:23 Massive protests for Algeria's independance since the end of WW2, that will erupt into the War of Algeria from 1954 to 1962.
5:24 Repression of the Algerians by the French. OAS means "The Organization of Secret Army", an secret organization supporting French Algeria created by French settlers living there, after De Gaulle granted Algeria independance in 1962. OAS made several terror attacks and assassination attempts agaisnt De Gaulle, who was considered by them a traitor.
5:27 French paratroopers and conscripts are hunting down Algerian rebels in the countryside during the war.
5:31 Charles De Gaulle, after a period of retirement, is called to power in order to manage the crisis in Algeria, the 4rth Republic being incapable of doing it. Here he yells his famous sentence "Je vous ai compris !" "I understood you!" to the enthuisastic crowd gathered in Algiers in 1958. Thus it seemed that he was in favor of a French Algeria, that is why he will be so hated and considered as a traitor by some when he finally gave independance to this country in 1962.
5:34 after a referendum organized by De Gaulle, Algeria is granted independance and the French settlers, called "pieds noirs" ("black feet") are forced to return in Metropolitan France. Those who stayed were slaughtered by the FLN, the Algerian rebel organization (they sent to the pieds noirs this message : "la valise ou le cerceuil" "the suitcase or the coffin")
5:44 Mai 68, a leftist important prostest lead by students of the post-war generation against De Gaulle's presidency, judged too authoritarian, and the rigidity of a traditionalist French society. The workers in the factories soon joined the protest of the students and a general strike was declared.
5:54 After a referendum, De Gaulle resign in 1969.
6:00 "L'ENA" is a famous state university for top officials in France. A lot of the Presidents of the 5th Republic graduated in this university.
6:12 Presidential televised debate between the two candidates, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing and François Mitterand, in 1981. "ORTF" is the television and the radio of the State under De Gaulle and its successors, in the 60s and the 70s, before the television became more liberal and more canals were held by private compagnies.
6:14 The Socialists lead by François Mitterand are elected in 1981 (The rose in the fist is the symbol of the French Socialist Party). Socialist reforms, nationalization of key compagnies, abolition of death penalty. But also begining of economic regression ("rigor policy").
6:19 Mitterand build the pyramid above the Louvre Museum.
6:27 Creation of the EU with the treaty of Maastricht in 1992, a project especially undertaken by two French politician, François Mitterand and Jacques Delors.
Very nice, you just forgot the WW2 - Vichy France - Travail Famille Patrie segment, also some parts of the 1945 - 1950's social welfare programs, or some buildings shown after the Louvre.
Thank you as a romanian really i didn't understand what is going on after Napoleon , with socialists and red-ism and ww2 in 3 sec
@@andreiz112dn5 You're welcome I did it for non-French viewvers indeed :)
Incroyable c'est vraiment ton chef d'oeuvre, je te suis depuis le tout début et je suis bluffé, bravo pour ton taff, je suivais tes avancées sur les réseaux et ça fait super plaisir de voir cette animation sortir sur YT. Gros bravo encore, j'ai adoré plein de détails il faudra que je la revois quelques fois je pense :)
5:57 America is reading the thing upside down lol
Ahaha j'avais pas vu bonne remarque.
This is accurate
No it's América, it's usa, América Is a continent not a country...
@@elbrayan4511 no one cares
France is one of the best country, and have one of the most beatiful and interesting history. And dont forget france filmography.
Greetings from Czech Republic we are happy that we have such a big ally and we are not so different in culture only by language and food :D
Thx bro 🇨🇵👋
All country is best
Thank you 🇫🇷❤🇨🇿
🇨🇿🫶🇫🇷 ❤❤❤
"Malgré tout, la France est toujours là"
C'est... Très impressionnant.
Je me rappelle encore il y a quelques années de la vidéo sur l'histoire de la Russie moderne que j'avais trouvé très réussie.
Mais la, tu a atteint super niveau. Les petits détails disséminés partout, sans compter que la vidéo fait quand même quasiment 8 minutes !
J’espère voir encore de tes prouesses et je ne peux te souhaiter que le meilleur !
Je suis tout à fait d'accord!
reste plus qu'à faire une vidéo pour les 1300 ans qui précède 1789 et on aura tout. Cependant c'est très bien fait et amusant.
References (part 2) :
6:29 Boom and golden age of French industry : 6:29 The TGV, the first high-speed train (1981) ; 6:30 The Concorde, the first civilan functional supersonic airplane, made in collaboration with the British (hence its name) (1969) ; 6:31 The Ariane rocket, an European project mostly funded by France, taking off from Kourou, the French launching site of ESA in French Guyana (1973).
6:39 Begining of unemployment crisis (still going on today) in the 70's-80's
6:46 France wins the soccer's mondial cup for the first time in 1998 against Brasil
6:48 The Euro became the new currency in 2002 in replacement of the national currency, the Franc
6:50 Jean-Marie Le Pen, candidate of the far-right for presidency, is almost elected in 2002, creating a big shock in the country. He was present on the second round of the election, but after a big fear in the counrty his opponent Jacques Chirac, of the liberal right, is largely elected.
6:51 Jacques Chirac creates the UMP in 2002, a coalition party of the liberal right.
6:51 radars installed on all the highways of France, generating a lot of money for the State from fines, to the big dissatisfaction of the Frenchmen already highly taxed.
6:52 Dominique de Villepin, Minister of Foreign Affairs, following Chirac's instructions, declares at the UN that France is opposed to the American intervention in Iraq in 2003. This is the first time since De Gaulle that France show such a defiance to the US. In reaction, the US will iniate the "French bashing" in pop culture...
6:53 The Viaduc de Millau, higher bridge in the world completed in 2004.
6:54 The islamic veil is prohinited in public space in 2010 (if it completely covers the face). Big controversy about islam in France since decades that results in a rise of the far right, since the arab/muslim immigration in France is extremely important (it began in the 60's and continue to go on to this day).
6:55 Crisis of 2005 : uprising of the arab immigrates and of the French of Arab origin in the suburbs of Paris following the accidental death of two young people chased by the police. The suburbs will burn for an entire mounth and 3 people were killed.
6:56 The French vote "NO" to the European constitutional treaty of 2004. This is the first time that the French people opposes the development of the EU. The treaty will be revised and will pass under the name of Treaty of Lisbon in 2007 anyway, this time not with a referendum but via the National Assembly.
6:56 Zinedine Zidane, the best member of the French soccer team, head butt an italian player after he allegedly insult his sister during the world cup final in 2006. This will lead to a disqualification of Zidanne and to an Italian victory, provoking a big irration of the French towards the Italians for a while.
6:57 Economic and financial crisis of 2008
6:59 Dominique Strauss-Khan, socialist candidate for French Presidential elections of 2012 expected to be the winner, is arrested in New-York for sexual assault in 2011. He will be replaced by the First Secretary of the Socialist Party, at the time relatively unknown to the public opinion, François Hollande.
7:00 François Hollande is elected against Nicolas Sarkozy with the slogan "Le changement c'est maintenant !" "The change is now!" (first time a socialist is elected since Mitterand)
7:01 "Manif pour tous" ("protest for all") protest against the law project for decriminilization of the gay marriage, promise of François Hollande during his campaign. Big controversy in France between traditionalists and progressives. (2012)
7:02 Gay mariage is decriminalized (2013).
7:03 François Hollande is spotted by a paparazzi going to visit incognito his secret love Julie Gayet, thus cheating on his wife the First Lady Valérie Trierwieler. Scandal in France and on a global scale.
7:04 Famous picture of Hollande in Kazakh traditional outfit during an official visit in Kazakhstan. His opponents made a lot of fun of him with this picture and this contributed to giving him the reputation of a ridiculous President.
7:05 "Pacte de Solidarité" "Solidarity Pact" : project of Hollande's administration : in exchange of a reduction of taxes, the French compagnies are commited to employ more people in France.
7:05 Portal full of cameras, installed on all the highways of France, for an ecological tax on the most polluting vehicles. The project was abandonned by Hollande's administration and millions were thus wasted in the installation of these portals.
7:06 "Bonnets rouges" "Red caps" : nickname of a protest of peasants from Britanny against the governement in 2013-2014.
7:06 Opération Serval : the French army saves Mali from an islamist invasion (they were about to take the capital Bamako after the fall of Tumbuctu) in 2012.
7:07 Rise of Islamist terror attack threat on France : 7:07 "Je suis Charlie", famous slogan after the terror attack on the satiric newspaper Charlie Hebdo in 2015 in Paris by islamists. 12 people were killed and it had a symbolic importance because the Frenchmen realized in shock that the liberty of expression was threatenned (the attack was made beacause of a caricature of the Prophet Mahomet). Big displays in favor of the liberty of expression in the days follomwing the attack, 7:08 Paris terror attack in 2015 by islamists commandos. 138 dead. Biggest attack on French soil since WW2. "Fluctuat Nec Mergitur" is the Latin motto of Paris, it means "It flucuates but do not sinks", 7:09 Opération Vigipirate decided in response (military presence in all of the risky spots such as monuments, train stations, airports, synagogues, some churches, etc)
7:10 Unpopular reforms about the work regulation under the pressure of a liberal policy of the EU
7:11 Yellow Vest protest against the rise of taxes and the Presidency of Emmanuel Macron in 2018-2019 : biggest protest of the history of the 5th Republic
7:16 Emmanuel Macron, Minister under Hollande, creates his movements "En Marche !" "Let's move!" in 2016, a movement that allegdley wants to break the old opposition left/right without being extremist. He will be elected President of the Republic the following year.
7:26 Coronavirus crisis 2020 and lack of medical supplies in the hospitals.
FRA 17 22
Well done!
Still, there are a lot a little mistakes or things that could be expressed differently, and a few details missing (le Minitel !)
I may write them if I find the time
@@azertyuiop61473 Thanks. Well, it's possible, I did that quickly without veryfying every detail. What kind of mistakes ?.. I may correct them.
@@Fra1722 Bonnets Rouges weren't peasants only, it was also agricultural related workers and some regionalists/syndicalists
@@azertyuiop61473 I missed General Boulanger and some other things yes
ah ok en fait j'avais pas vu ce com mdr
Finally not french bashing and *real history.*
from a french 🇨🇵
Mouais je ne trouve pas que cela fasse gloire à la France, vidéo de gauche
@@pouetpouet2065 faire gloire n'est pas faire l'histoire
Il me paraît l'auteur de la vidéo est français...
@@pouetpouet2065 vidéo de gauche wtf
@@pouetpouet2065 D'où la vidéo est de gauche ?
Tu sais que c'est une bonne vidéo quand la seconde guerre mondiale fait uniquement 5 secondes sur toute l'histoire de la France.
Je rectifie ^^ tout l'histoire poste révolution car la france existe depuis bien plus longtemps que celà
On y voit même Ouradour-Sur-Glane, le créateur de la vidéo est un génie.
@@Diegomax22 3615 ula, les petits details comme ca
La France a tout plein de français magasin maison association et les 3 mot important ç est l liberté égalité fraternité
Y'a d'autre pays qui ont faits des alliance anglais Allemagne ect
from a french viewer and to name of all french people, thank you to tell our history to everyone. It's truly a masterpiece, and the slight detail is here. Thanks for this professionalism its clear you have a passionate heart in this domain. Keep doing those videos you're truly a brilliant man, and just to tell, have you done the same thing about great britain, it could be super cool to see that (even if it's way lots job to do). Love ya man
Who was that running countryball at [[3:52]]
@@thomashaeyen6942 what do yu mean?
@@Kira-no666c'est juste une partie de l'histoire mais bon quand même superbe animations pour raconter la suite après la révolution française
il manque 13 siecles d histoire de france ! mais j amagine ca aurait été trop long ! lol
13 century of history is missing but I imagine it would have been too long ! lol
@@thomashaeyen6942 idk
J'ai eu ça dans mes recommandations et putain je suis pas déçu ! Y'a tellement de petits détails c'est juste parfait. Bravo pour ce que tu as fait mec c'est incroyable.
La dernière image elle est parfaite.
Tu rends un bel hommage à notre histoire.
Ça réchauffe le cœur. Merci, vraiment merci merci. 🇫🇷🔥
Je te vois partout
@@gutsjoestar7450 On m'appelle Passe-Partout
Mdr 😂
I think we can say, this is the best countryball animation of RUclips.
Kalinigrad generals new christmas special is pretty phenomanal too
@@benb5038 agree again
D'accord, mais qu'en est-il des ragondins ?
Sans doute le meilleur hommage qu'une personne pourrait faire à la France,je redécouvre cette vidéo et je trouve toujours de nouveaux détails,mille respect à vous monsieur
Ta tellement raison vive la France 🇫🇷 et aller vous faire foutre les gliché nul comme on ais peureu on parle que de vin et de pain on ais quand même le pays avec le plus de victoir de guerre on a sauver des tonne de pays on sait battu même quand on a perdu la second guerre mondial respect
@@Bmaitons It's not Poland !!!
Vive la France!!! 🇫🇷 Greetings from cold Russia.
Merci ami russe , courage avec ce froid . Vive la Russie
Spasiba et Vive la Russie éternelle.
Greetings russia from 🇺🇸
🇷🇺 💘 🇺🇸
Sorry for Napoléon
Thank you ^^ ! Love from France !
Greetengs from Russia! 🇷🇺 🇫🇷 France always was a close to Russia. Not in territory, but in cultural. I don't know, maybe because France culture in 17-18 century had a colossal fluence in Europe, and in Russia it was new and prestigious.
So we can actually feel that.
Viva la France!
I as a German don't like where this is going
@@funtimefredboi3877 it's Entente time, boy !
unfortunatly, france and russia are not allies today, they used to be their closest friends, but since the creation of nato, their relatioships went.... really bad
@@funtimefredboi3877 calm down, bad old times are gone, now we must fight with global problems
Russian culture can be sad and sentimental. French too.
Une histoire épique d'un grand pays. Vive la France. 🇨🇵
Salutations du Brésil! 🇧🇷
(Google Translate)
Ahah, Google translate did it's job perfectly so.
E muito obrigado por escrever em francês !
I salute you Brasilian friend.
Bien joué
Quel beau pays !
When you've won the most battles in history but everyone remembers you for surrendering
Maybe the americans remember France for surrendering, while Europeans not so much...
Cause everyone don't considering the impact and destruction on french soil by WW1
@@maximilienrigobert4189 and American think they beat Germany, this is false, it's Ussr who has beat Germany, America just help allies
@@AAA-hf9ki true they think they beat Germany and Japan alone they needed allies across the world to win
@@lastprussian71 mostly colonies
part 1: revolt
part2: revolt
part3: revolt industrial
part4: revolt
France love to fight! An when there isn't any foreign enemy, it fights itself!
@@FoxTrotteur sadly its true...
comme a dit un très grand agent spéciaux français :j'aime me battre
It was worth to wait.
Quel chef-d'œuvre !
C'est clair
@Drift HunterMinho bonjour
Trop.... c’est magnifique
@@jujuchampijujuchampi6084 Tu me rappelles quelqu'un sur Instagram
Kaokroa BRO... sérieux?? X’DD
History of France : War, Revolution, Peace, Religious problem, repeat the loop.
C'est ça it's exact
yes and its true
Il y a des fr?
Don't forget about baguettes
history of france in 5 words. bravo.
A masterpiece. Finally a video that showcase France's History without saying "lol surrender baguette". This is magnificent.
Burger burger
Surrender is what France enemy do :3
@@noahdecoco4232 hehe
Même si la politique française est devenu une catastrophe après mai 68
It’s so beautiful.... the art and everything! I swear every frame of background can be a wallpaper. Also 7 minutes? Wow... That’t the longest one yet! I’m so blown away.
Raphaël Melki after he finished this be like: *LIBERTÉ!*
@Drift HunterMinho What?
Viva La Roi
Revolution sucks
@@stasiudziobek8669 Le Roi ? Pfff...vive l'Empereur.
@@stasiudziobek8669 England and France are possibly permanent enemies but under NATO they heaten up their friendship altogether. Without NATO and the United States, England (UK) and France might declare war eachother once again.
Even France gets invaded by England if it is monarchist (e.g. Hundred Years War). That would be France and the UK be like if USA never gained independence, nor if NATO wasn't born.
And without American Revolution, France might've still been a Monarchy.
But even without the revolution itself, Democracy has been a thing before France and England was born.
So, Democracy in France without the American Revolution might be possible.
Vive l'empereur. Monarchism (Bourbons) in France are abolished.
@@wilhelmlegothdegascogne9674 no emperor
vice la républic!
Don’t blink or you might miss 200 years
m n r/woosh
m n it’s almost like I was being sarcastic
Paul Bowen r/ihavereddit
m n how do you not notice that it is an absurd amount of years to be in one second.
@m n Boy you must be so fun at parties
My Four Time Great Grandfather fought in the Grande Armee. He was 20 when he survived the Russian invasion. He also fought at Leipzig and Waterloo.
Rip, he was a brave and fought for the country !
Vive l'Empereur
@@noahdecoco4232 thanks
A masterpiece with a lot of small but extremely nice details. Hats off to you, you've gained a french sub.
France is my favorite anime, so many amazing characters and plot twist
you haven't seen the prequel in the medieval times
Germany too has an interesting ark
@@funtimefredboi3877 i have to admit the prussian spin off is golden
*”bRuH iTs noT a AnIMe!11!!1”*
tu es la bienvenue en France
3:36 -Germany : "Oh, you're approching me ?"
-France: "i can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer".
Is that a jojo reference ?
@@sosobel5843 yes
just logged on this account till i scroll one of my most favorite youtubers when i started high school.
always wondered and waited patiently for your masterpieces during those times.
now ive just started college and yet the latest video ive watched now still gives me the thrill :)
Raphaël's gonna make the greatest comeback
I started watching his videos when I was is elementary and now I’m in High School. funny how time flies
Pause: François Hollande sur son scooter
J'aime le créateur
@M.canard yusta 7:03
avec sa chapka hahaha
Le seul français que je vois 👁️👄👁️
Salut les France
@@niaraa8378 François Hollande est russe ?
France: makes America exist and gives Statue of Liberty
USA: lololol France surrenderland
Yeah like honestly, America wouldn’t even exist without the French. Also, what choice did the French have in WW2. Have your country razed and destroyed or surrender and save your country.
@@Pikaclev the real problem was the french leadership, they were a mess at dealing with the problem and it was a huge problem. First they opted for appeasement, then they refused to atack their enemies in fear of retaliation and let's not forget about how their military command structure was too centralized and, therefore, too slow to keep up with the krauts. But since a good chunk of that leadership was elected into power, you can put some of the blame onto the French population itself.
@@guimts8881 Yeah but considering the damage left by the 1rst WW, isn't that just understable?
My family lost 70% of their member during the 1rst world war....Can you imagine the damage? How can you be willing to repeat the same event 20 years later? it was on everybody minds.
Always easy to criticise when you are living a confortable life, with no tragedy that crippled and affect everybody you know. Losing many sons and daughters etc.
And if you are american, I think your lake of history and neighbooring enemy make you feel so powerfull....But remember war you wages, remember how destroyed are your soldiers when they came back from vietnam or Korea. Now imagine facing stuff like that inside your country, maybe you'll be less stupid about your analysis.
@@lepangolin4080 im sorry for the losses in your familly
@@lepangolin4080that doesn't change the fact that a lot less people would have died if the French leadership, chosen by the French People, had been more assertive and stopped the Nazis at the remilitarization of the Rhineland, no appeasement. Also I'm not American.
Un court-metrage de grande qualité, qui rend un si bel hommage à la France, à la complexite de son histoire, sans jamais se tourner vers un discours pompeux et nationaliste. C'est une célébration de l'humanisme, la diversité, mais aussi de la culture, la littérature (avec d'innombrables references à Hugo, Tocqueville, Sartre...). Je ne trouve pas les mots pour exprimer ma joie face à ce film, qui est aussi une grande prouesse artistique et technique. Bravo!
En soit le nationalisme c'est aimer sa nation et le mot n'est donc pas à lier à l'extrême droite ou autre parti que l'on peut considérer comme "dangereux" ou "xénophobe". Le problème c'est que ce sens a été détourner par "haïr les autres" et est devenu un mot assigné à la xénophobie et à la haine.
@@Elta305 nationalisme c'est mettre en avant son pays en dénigrant les autres pays, à ne pas confondre avec patriotisme
@@pujo6532 En fait il existe aujourd'hui plusieurs définitions de nationalisme, soit c'est la réunion des personnes de même culture, ethnie, langue ou autre dans un pays, soit c'est la définition que tu as donné.
@@Elta305 tu as raison, ça reste confus, c'est pour ça, selon moi il vaut mieux utiliser le mot patriote ça évite les incompréhensions
@@pujo6532 Malheureusement même le mot patriote qui n'a rien de négatif à l'origine devient péjoratif à cause de certains groupes qui l'utilisent à leurs fins...
Какой труд! Спасибо за прекраснейшую анимацию!! With love from Russia:')
Love the work, France is my favourite European Nation (Russia close second) and This, even though I already know most of it was beautiful to watch. I know this most likely won’t be seen but, just wanted to give my appreciation for the effort you put in.
Greetings from Canada, stay free my French friends. 🇨🇦🇫🇷
Thanks a lot and love from France 🇨🇵❤🇨🇦
Thanks 🙏
Wait,Russia is European? I guess I have to revise my geography...
@@abeloofrite9557 Russia is culturally European, it's the direct descendant of Muscovy and the Kievan-Rus. While around 3/4 of the landmass is East of the Ural mountains, 3/4 of the population live west of it, Siberia is just connected colonial lands, the Heartlands are slavic.
Russia has been a major player in european history since it's foundation, it even had close ties with the byzantines (medieval rome)! how could it possibly not be considered an European nation?
where i learn history
10% school
90% RUclips
And you're proud of it...
@@anprimdude I don't know why should it be considered as a bad thing. I mean that's cool if he can learn something trough this medium. It is a good introduction for someone to history. He can still move on to other medium to learn like history books for example.
@@anprimdude You do understand that your statement is quite funny coming from a man with a MLP profile picture ?
@@unemusiqueunjour 🤣 I know
I am laughing 😂
@@unemusiqueunjour Dates and events aren't history. It's even more lacking than what they learn in school.
That one dislike.
mAx wE'rE sEndiNg mAnY pEopLe tO tHe gUilLotIne
It's 61 now.
@@lewiss.9632 To the guillotine!
robespierre approuve ce message
for the revolution for the république
la France fut et sera toujours un peuple révolutionnaire
United we stand, united we fall!
From your German neighbor 🇩🇪💙🇫🇷
German and France are the same people ... We are brothers since the time of the germanic tribes ... the birth of Germany by "Louis II Le Germanique" (Ludwig der deutsche) son of Ludwig der fromme and grandson of Charlemagne (Karl Der Grobe) that's too sad that we fought for so long. Fortunately we are in peace now
@@Malfhast yeahh
Der geschichte auf frankreich und deutschland ist ein unvergessen geschichte und mit der belgium und Niederlande und alle Land auf dem europa union sind Bruder Und Cousins (es tut mir leid fur meinen Fehler ich bin Französisch)
L'histoire de la France et de l'Allemagne est une inoubliable histoire et avec la Belgique et les Pays-Bas et tous les pays de l'union européenne nous sommes des frères et des cousins
The history of France and germany is a Unforgettable history and with belgium and Netherlands and all countries of Europe union we are brothers and cousins
Danke Zu haben liest das. 🇩🇪
Merci d'avoir lu ceci. 🇨🇵
Thanks to have read this. 🇺🇸🇬🇧
Et à tous les autres. 🇦🇹🇧🇪🇧🇬🇨🇭🇨🇿🇨🇾🇩🇰🇪🇸🇪🇪🇧🇴🇨🇮🇬🇷🇮🇹🇱🇺🇱🇻🇲🇹🇳🇱🇵🇱🇵🇹🇸🇪🇫🇮
Together my German friends😁
@@Malfhast Yes de la part d'un français
Salut (de La Russie) J’aime votre culture et votre langue. On s’est battus ensemble contre le Reich!!! Et peu importe ce qu’il y a entre nous maintenant, il importe ce que nous étions.
Merci pour ce type de soutien. Je pense que je suis l’un des rares qui apprennent Français (en Russie)
Eh si la Russie n'avais pas battue Napoléon l’Europe voir plus serai Française et le monde serai a mon avis on aurais détruit les culture des autre pays et la succession de Napoléon aurai encore a mon avis des conflit d'une ampleur de guerre mondial
Et puis escadron Normandie yemene montre l'amitié entre la France et la Russie durant la seconde guerre mondial
Merci de votre compréhension vous.Ce que vous n'avez pas commencé à crier:Fu russe, il boit de la vodka, il est kominnist, etc. En général, merci
@@Anaptixism On pense pas ça et j’espère que tu nous vois pas avec un béret une baguette un ver de rouge donc merci aussi
@@Anaptixism Je trouve qu'il est dommage que les dirigeants actuels de la France Bafouent la constitution et ne soit que de vulgaires marionnettes au service des US...😢
Me: How many times do you want to revolt?
La France: O U I
S'est pas la française s'est la France ^_^ (alala Google traduction)
c'est pas "s'est" c'est "c'est" alala
eh ça va je rigole
Je suis français mais je parle anglais même si je parle tout le temps français je fais pour rire avec mes amis
I can´t describe how well this is made.i have never seen a better polandball video in my life.
Much love from Germany 🇫🇷🇩🇪
Let's work together for a strong, peaceful and united Europe
Our countrys had a lot of problems in the past, but never the relationship between France and Germany has been so peaceful! Respect and love to our German neighbours! 🇫🇷🤝🇩🇪
agree, but we have to do some changes in the idea of europe
@@ArthTutur what is cp?
He protecc
He atacc
But most importantly
He's bacc
You mean she protecc
And he'll be back, I hope
Thanks for helping us out from our abusive father.
Vive le France! From USA
Love USA from your oldest allie 🇨🇵❤🇺🇸
@@earl.of.cornwall salut compagnon breton
La not le
I'm french it's la France but you right
France, always a major character in history.
You right Dataizm
So true, with Britain .
Sad that France and Britain aren't as great as they were
@@bloomerrr1 no i'd say it is good as the *great* days of both nations were founded on exploitation and inequality
Interesting history, thanks for video! Love France from Ukraine! We started our diplomatic Ukrainian-French relations since 838 and also, when the Ukrainian duchess and French queen Anna Yaroslavna (Anna de Kyїv) (1024-1075) came to Paris.
Greeting from France, hope we won't have to write another chapter of that relation with the blood of our soldiers to help you against your neighbour.
Also thank for the information, didn't know our relations were so old, but just, it's generally admitted that France and Frankish Empire are not the same thing, so our relations began really in 987 I guess, when France came to the world with the first "King of France" (and not "King of the Franks", the little difference is very important here
Tour simplement incroyable ! Tu m'as mit les larmes aux yeux tellement que c'était beau ! Tu peux être fière de toi Raphaël c'était vraiment à coupé le souffle
This is one craziest History I've ever seen.
french are verry VERRY into politic, that why ther is so much revolutions and strikes, you need more courage to rule france than for invading it and france is the country ho have the most millitary victory on recorded human history
And believe me, as French i could tell you that about insurrection and revolution.... this not over xD !!!!
France be like :
Civil war
War against Germany
Civil war
War against Germany
Civil War
War against Germany
You forgot "war against engleand"
Yes you defined the 1848-1945 period
Take Alsace
Lost Alsace
Retake Alsace
Relost Alsace
Reretake Alsace
(I'm alsacien)
@@tristanlouis6150 bonsoir l’alsacien
/guten abend
Greetings from France to India
Salut de la France à l'Inde
@@commandantrisk oui salutation de la france et tout ces citoyens!
Greetings from Poland 🇵🇱🇫🇷
Vive la France
Je me passerai de faire des vannes sur la Pologne, vous êtes un beau pays
Même si la philosophie c'est comme la Pologne : plat, marécageux et régulièrement envahie par les Allemands
@@comteraffayn8351 Magnifique, c'est limite de la poésie à ce niveau la (X
@@lorytkx4491 Et nous c'est litteralement, on est la pays qui a gagné le plus de bataille, on a pris l'Europe quasiment entière, mais tout le monde se souvient de nous pour 1941, c'est triste
This is absolutely delightful. The music fits perfectly and the frames are exceptionally well drawn. Worth every second of wait
The amount of effort put into this piece is amazing, when only 7 minutes feels like 20, you can feel the amount of work put into it because of how often you look at details and the animation. Truly amazing keep it up
As a French that got me tear me up, incredible work, I'm proud of my country.
Took me hours of rewatching to make sure I got every reference. It's actually a very well researched video of France after the revolution, I highly recommend it.(Loved the "Democracy in America" around 1:45-1:50. Classic Tocqueville). I hope that France gets better soon... Love from Greece!
Much love to you from France and hopes for the better in the future !
Free of the EU and it's many harm but still united as european nations.
@@augustin5611(sorry in advance for this railroad of an answer) Listen my friend, for my whole life I have lived in a country in the EU, and I honestly wouldn't have it any other way. I don't like the violent mess that was Europe before the EU, I won't go back to it. Mind you, I am Greek, and if anyone has the right to be pissed off by the EU it's me, but I am not. Our corrupt politicians were not the Unions fault. They were corrupted way before we joined, and even though we protested against the austerity measures, in private conversations lots of us thought that they were actually necessary and should have been implemented a long time ago... Our Union surely has flaws, she is slow and bureaucratic, but she is also one of the few organisations that can fight against huge corporations (like Google or Facebook) and win, promotes fair trade (that isn't as much an opinion as a fact), promotes women rights (several of EUs top figures are female), allows for health treatment wherever you are ( which saved my life when I suffered a kidney failure in Barcelona last year. I called 112 and found a hospital in minutes and in English, I was very lucky because I don't speak Spanish 😅), gives the workers the chance to organise and fight for their rights in a continental instead of a country level (which has raised the power the Greek worker unions have when negotiating with our government, because of the backing the other countries unions provide, something unheard to us before the 1980s, and is the global leader in the eco friendly transition of the economy (which is something one must appreciate) and I would never abandon her, and dissolving her is of the table, PERIOD! Reforming her into a more democratic and truly united organisation, for me that is a cause worth fighting for... As for your second hope, although I acknowledge that it's a great one, I fear that the people will never understand. Not because they don't want to, but because they forget. As older people die, their experiences die with them, all their maturity and calmness that comes with time gets replaced by the recklessness of youth and an eagerness to relive and exceed the glorious days of the past, with little thought about the tragedies and misery those days brought along with them (and mind you, this is a 22 year old writing). The day all the people of Europe realise that their nations are nothing more than branches of the same tree, that of Europe, then we will no longer need the EU, we will be united already. But until that day finally comes, which mind you, it may never will, the Union is not only our best bet, but our biggest necessity as well...
Sorry again for the long answer, if you read all of it I admire your patience!
Salut mon ami!
Purely out of curiosity, from which region of France are you actually from? I love France, it's my favourite country after my own, and I plan on visiting her for the first time next year! (and I love not having to pay for my passport renewal!)
Γεια σου φίλε
First, thanks for the time you took for answering me, even more because english isn't our mother tongue !
About the EU, allow me to disagree and sorry for not giving you a reply as long as yours (maybe another time ? :p).
Then, I live in Aquitaine, or Nouvelle-Aquitaine with the new regions. Next to the Atlantic Ocean, at the south of Bordeaux. A really nice place, I hope you'll come and visit one day ^^
And I really like greece too.
I learned how to read greek at school because I studied ancient greek and the Antic Greece.
Plus, I've litteraly grew up with your ancient mythology as bedtime stories ^^
Mon Dieu! That was incredible! Absolutely spectacular job my friend. Like nothing I’ve seen before.
Ever since your Polandball orchestra video, I knew you were talented in syncing animation to music and vise versa but Jesus hell, you brought it up to a new level with this bad boy... Truly amazing, and thanks for your content!
Respect from Vietnam even tho France attack North Vietnam where I live in but still respect from Vietnam because France go all through the wars 🇻🇳🤝🇨🇵
Holly hell dude.
The video is truly incredible,the animation and the draws are sick,the history of my homeland is perfectly described and you also payed attention about the little details of our history(The proclamation of the 5th republic,the trial of Dreyfus etc..)
Tu gère l'ami,continue ainsi.
+1 subscribe
Greetings from France.
Omg that was so awesome !!!
Best animation ever
Keep up bro
Love from Algeria 🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿
@@samrevlej9331 "hear"
trés impressionné, une vidéo réussie qui retrace tous les aspects de l'histoire de France sans jamais ce moquer ou faire de blagues (de merde) facile ni de french bashing, vidéo réussie, continue ainsi ! :D
Jaja no pensé que sería tan fácil entender el francés no se si te pasa lo mismo con el español
@@Pintor-aleman si le *français* et *l’espagnol* se ressemble énormément (j’étudie *l’espagnol* au lycée) et le fait que nos langue soit *latine* aide beaucoup. Mais l’on remarque à l’oral toute les différences.( *l’espagnol* et *l’italien* se ressemble plus je trouve… puisque les deux langues prononce toutes les lettres, après le *Portugais* a eu des influence étrange qui dans la plupart de l’écrit,change. Mais à l’oral reste similaire à *l’espagnol* , le *Roumain* est l’un des pays perdu qui reste une langue *latine* … juste perdu dans l’Est de l’Europe.)
Tous les aspects ? Il manque plein de trucs. L'expédition d'espagne 1823, celle du Mexique, la guerre de Crimée...
@@kerdart351 pas tous mais une grande partie et les événement majeurs
God, the amount of work in this polandball animation is amazing, this is 100% my favourite countryball / polandball animation in my entire time in this community which I’ve been around for 2 years. It’s amazing how much work this guy put into making such a masterpiece based on silly shitpost people would also make against this. I hope this gets 100k likes honestly.
7:03 Ah là là, François et son scooter x)
un moment HISTORIQUE
@@TheMegamyGamer exactement
The best animation ever for my country 💙❤🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷
I indo hi frâncé
Hi from 🇪🇸
I never felt so FRENCH
Non je ne chanterais pas jamais de la vie cette chanson ellet trop dur
@@toadcrafter8770 Euh... dure ?
@Nathanrog 06 oh non pas toi nannnn..'.
@Nathanrog 06 ayaa
You got the talent, you got the inspiration, you got the time, you got the Balls... I'm loving it, nice job doing this animation.
Balls in his pants or the countryballs ? ...meh, surely both
Cette animation est tellement belle que je pleure, vraiment magnifique.. Merci pour ton travail // this animation is so beautiful that I've got tears, truly magnificent.. Thank you very much for your work
This animation is so splendid that make me cry
Discovered this in my recommendations, glad I did. This is so cool. Allons enfants de la Patrie, le jour de gloire est arrivé!
Contre nous de la tyrannie
L'étendard sanglant est levé (x2)
Entendez vous dans les campagnes
Mugir ces féroces soldats
The masterpiece of the French and the world! Great art, Melki! And great job for your art, i will rate it 10/10!
I can notice that you put a lot of effort! Keep going!
Saludos desde Argentina!
Cette animation est tellement représentative de l'esprit français et de son histoire, merci de mettre en lumière la partie de la France que seul les français connaissent.
La France n'est pas que Paris et "i surrender"
Et pourtant les Ricains ne connaissent que ça, et par la même le monde entier xD
Et a côté les même ricains ont été créé par la France et doivent au moins le respect a ceux qui leurs ont sauvé les miches pour emmerder l'angleterre mdr
@@user-io1bq9qk7l laisse les ricains de toute facons c'est des loppettes qui maltraite les petits pays d'afrique, si tu regarde dans leur histoire les ricains on jamais gagné une guerre contre une autre nation tous seul. même pour le japon il ont eu besoin des russes donc bon.
J'adore cet vidéo car je je vois que les français adores la guerre et les massacres en plus la France n'est pas une démocratie
@@jonathanfelix1822 Les idéaux sont pacifiques, l'histoire est violente.
C'est mal d'être prêt à prendre les armes pour sa nation ? C'est mal de vouloir servir son pays ? C'est mal que pour les lâches comme toi.
This video is absolutely incredible !! Congratulations a thousand times ! I'm French and one of the things that impressed me is the precision of the stuffs you relate, the little details of a famous article, photo, painting, logo... I can watch it many times and still be amazed :)
What happened to France in the 1800s?
France: Yes
Although the fire of Notre Dame was not included, this video is still incredibly detailed and records many major events of the modern history of France. Truly a masterpiece, and the syncopation of the music with the animation was of high quality. Oui
From Québec 🇨🇵🌹
Thom's Vive le Québec libre from France !!
Vive le Québec ^^
J’habitais à Toulouse
@@slavicball3550 :)
I love how you combine it with the music! What piece is this? A piano concerto I presume?
Nevermind I saw the last line.. But really impressive nontheless!
This is a pretty epic concerto. Saint-Saëns 2
Nobody else read the description :'(?
flouy Please look at the full subthread
@@flouy7430 He saw, don't worry
Incredibly detailed + amazing animation, overall an impressive job, thank you !!!!!
7:03 mdr c'est hollande qui ramene des croissants sur son scooter
C'est le HOLLANDais Volant !!!
Sur sa tmax
@@sosobel5843 tu m'as tué
The choice of music, the drawings and the capacity to explain complex concepts like the soviet revolution or WW2 in a couple of seconds, that is a good job. Really good.
to jest świetne!
love France from Poland
Thanks for this masterpiece and even some flash history (and the music passes perfectly to the video) FROM LUXEMBOURG!
I am shocked and amazed at just how much emotion can be conveyed by a simple ball. I genuinely wish I knew more about French history to understand this beautiful video.
I am a Vietnamese Socialist Nationalist
But who care
@@TannonJudkins The war was made we enemy but now we are Trade partner and Friend
@@TannonJudkins No you can't make fun of us , we have a history , you haven't .
@@TannonJudkins Well I mean France kinda saved the American colonies (which became the USA) by sending supplies,soldiers, Generals and helping with the French navy.
@@27tranquocthang54 hello
Stop clinging to your Liberal delusions of "equality" and embrace a Right-Wing restoration of Vietnamese Kingship and culture under a Mahayana-Buddhist Dynasty.
Refuse, as is your right, and I'd be more than happy to come on over with my American buddies and finish what was started during the Tet Offensive. Socialists are, and always will be, weak and traitors to their own kith and kin, much like the French were during their "revolution".
Don't be a jumped-up peasant, such ideals are anathema to true liberty.
This is art
Not like that countryhuman crap
Alfax you have right countryhumans is worser than countryballs
Countryhumam is cringe
@@cesarzteczohito3331 ball= good
ur right coubtryhumans are cringe af and oh god why the f do they ship countries like USSR x Third Reich
Countryhumans needs to dissapear.
It feels like I just watched an entire movie with no words said
7:32 Merci for having added Québec.
L'auteur est français, il a pas oublier nos cousins Outre Atlantique du Québec 🇨🇵❤️
Incroyable ! Toute la splendeur, mais aussi les heures sombres de la France traité avec brio et sincérité ! Que de références, que de talents, que de maîtrise graphiques ! Je suis époustouflé ! Un récit complet, novateur et révolutionnaire (sans mauvais jeux de mots) de notre pays parfois martyr, parfois bourreau, mais toujours lucide et lumineux ! J'approuve ! Bravo, mille bravos !
Vive la France, et vive l'Algérie Libre
Vive la France!!! la par d'un Algérien ◉‿◉
*Quand tu te rends compte que l'Algérie et déjà libre* lel
l'Algérie est française et restera française
@@akhimuwahhid si tu veux
@@emilefalez2499 c'est pas moi qui l'invente mais les différents traités qui permet à la France d'avoir des avantages commerciaux avec l'Algérie . Sache que je suis franco-maghrebin avant de cracher ton venin ici .
salut! Je viens du Belarus. Ceci est un chef-d'œuvre! Je dessinerais cette année, un travail très minutieux👍👍👌. (Google translate)🇧🇾🇫🇷🥐🥖
Wow ! même par google translate ton Français est très bien XD, bonne chance pour tes dessins !
@@pnjijy Justement , il parle pas français , il a just utilisée google traduction :/
@@mrronron7328 C'était de l'humour, il me semble...
@@alioshax7797 Ah .-.
En francais, "Belarus" se dit "Biélorussie" ;)
L'une des meilleures vidéos de l'histoire de France. Je l'ai tellement aimé, continuez avec un excellent travail
Im from East Europe and im cant feel it fully, but
im watching for forty minutes.
Glory too Raphael!
Glory too France!
I know some people dislike every videos they see, we cant stop them, but isn’t it a crime to dislike a year’s work video which is demonetised ??
This reminds me that France is a beautiful nation
A beautiful nation about to die...
@@pierreriviere9158 shut up
@@pierreriviere9158 watch list of every French war to European history
@@pierreriviere9158 because we have a lot of victories but because of the WW2 we said we are losers
@@galaxyamaury2783 I'm refering to our future and not our glorious past (my name is obviously french if you don't notice it...)
France🇫🇷 has a compelling story full of twists and turns, it almost looks like a novel
It is much more better than a novel ;)