♫♪ CLASSICALLY SEDAKA LIVE ♫♪♫♪ Puccini 'Nessun Dorma'

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024

Комментарии • 33

  • @LVVocalTraining
    @LVVocalTraining 13 лет назад +8

    This brilliant writer, made an opera standard, a modern, beautiful story that gave me goose bumps. if you are over 50, have lost your dad, it makes you weep. he is a great performer, I just saw him, and he was amazing. He is a songwriter, then singer, like Carol King, they are writers first, singing is decent, Not Sinatra, not trying to be, put this in perspective people!!!!!

  • @sweetmarie60
    @sweetmarie60 12 лет назад +17

    Just saw him live Aug 16, 2012 in Niagara Falls for the 5th time and once again, he performed this beautifully...tears all around; me too remembering my father. Met Mr Sedaka at a meet and greet, then informally in an elevator. I talked, he listened. I told him that he sang my life and his music shaped the person I am. He was humbled, but I know that I am not the only one. He loves what he does and he is a masterpiece himself of talent!

  • @lesababy
    @lesababy 12 лет назад +10

    I remember the 1994 performance so well. I moved back in with my parents because my dad was ill with cancer. One Sunday morning I was awoken by this rendition of my favorite song. I went into my parents room and while this song played I watched my dad as he slept. He was so sick and frail and he way dying. I wished so much that I could have turned back the hands of time.

  • @ruandted
    @ruandted 13 лет назад +3

    late 40's , a five year old boy waiting for his dads bus bringing him home from work . wonderful parents , RIP mum and dad .

  • @jawalsh57
    @jawalsh57 13 лет назад +18

    @Bullz4eva93 Get a grip on yourself man. He did a wonderful rendition of a song, that a lot of the English speaking world hadn't a clue what it was all about and Mister Sedaka did this for a lot of people. Excellent

  • @Paulinerom1
    @Paulinerom1 11 лет назад +17

    Just Beautiful, Ive Always loved him, ever since i was a teenager and first heard him , Fabulous talent.God bless him Always. XXXXX

  • @christinescamel
    @christinescamel 16 лет назад +9

    So happy to find this on youtube. I originally saw Mr. Sedaka discuss and perform this on a television talk program around 1994, and searched endlessly for it until 2000 when he sang it as an encore to a Las Vegas show. It was from an album not sold in the US, said he. Filled with emotional sentimentality for anyone loving Turandot and loving and missing a father. Thank you, Neil Sedaka; thank you Tuneweaver2008.

  • @nightingaleron
    @nightingaleron 15 лет назад +4

    Brilliant to say the least. Makes me cry each time I hear it on the radio. I have been searching for this song for so long. Thank you.

  • @CHARON1314
    @CHARON1314 14 лет назад +2

    I've loved this interpretation for many, many years now. I bought the album after watching him perform tracks from it back in the '90's, IIRC. Brings a tear to my eye every time, those who don't appreciate the words to the wonderful music surely haven't suffered the loss of someone close....

  • @terryluna83
    @terryluna83 12 лет назад +4

    Wonderful music I feel my heart melt. Beautiful voice,e Neil is a great singer of all times.

  • @lkijju
    @lkijju 15 лет назад +10

    Superb. Immensely moving. Neil is a fantastically talented entertainer

  • @all4amcandoltl
    @all4amcandoltl 13 лет назад +5

    I got the feeling from hearing this for the first time LIVE Thursday night (Nov 3) that this was a tribute to his late father. I thought that it was beautiful.
    OF COURSE there are opera singers who can sing this better and in Latin but for me, Neil Sedaka's rendition was fine

  • @eez507
    @eez507 13 лет назад +2

    wonderfull performance great song wel sung my hearty congratulations

  • @DEOO100
    @DEOO100 12 лет назад +11

    I too think of my dad when I hear this song, so moving and such a fantastic voice.

  • @tammas2000
    @tammas2000 15 лет назад +2

    Neil's best songs were never as popular as the "Oh Carols" etc funnily enough: "stephen"; "Going Nowhere"; "The Hungry Years" et al.
    Does anyone have "My Son and I?" It's very sentimental, but pulls at the heart-strings?

  • @tobys_transport_videos
    @tobys_transport_videos 13 лет назад +3

    @jawalsh57 I couldn't agree more! When i first heard the song about 4 years ago, I loved it! It was one of those sings that I just had to have. Like most English-only speaking people, I too have no idea what Nessun Dorma is all about. Neil Sedaka took this song and made a modern day Musical Masterpiece of it. :-D

  • @susanwood6773
    @susanwood6773 11 лет назад +2

    What a fantastic cd and what a talent. Come back to the City Hall in Sheffield Please

  • @happymanoftheworld
    @happymanoftheworld 11 лет назад +5

    Delighted to have found this - especially the comment from Lesababy. I have to play/sing for a funeral of a friends father on Monday and was a bit apprehensive. It is a lovely version and I will be very movrd ehilst performing it.
    Could any Sedaka-ites tell me the name of the tune with the lovely intro at the end of this video? Thanks (in hope and anticipation). Have a GREAT day wherever you are in the world.

  • @all4amcandoltl
    @all4amcandoltl 13 лет назад +1

    these are Neil's lyrics. He wrote the words. I think he did a marvelous job. but to each his own! Even though I don't understand Latin or Italian (whatever language Puccini wrote the opera in), I still think that it is a beautiful piece of music.

  • @lesababy
    @lesababy 12 лет назад +1

    @christinescamel Thank you Christine. I remember that performance also and have looked for this for years. Read my comment below.

  • @lesababy
    @lesababy 12 лет назад +2

    @dongibson100 You are smart. Elvis sang "It's now or never" which is a version of "O Sole Mio".

  • @dongibson100
    @dongibson100 13 лет назад +2

    Whats wrong with a guy having a go at operatic singing.It's only his tribute to those who made this song their own, like Pavarotti. Don't forget Elvis did his version of all the classics and they became big hits for him. If your a fan, everything they sing is a treasure. Bobbysnr

  • @cliffworks4321
    @cliffworks4321 14 лет назад

    Nessun dorma, None shall sleep
    an aria from the final act of Giacomo Puccini's opera Turandot,is one of the best-known tenor arias in all opera. It is sung by Calaf, the unknown prince who falls in love at first sight with the beautiful but cold Princess Turandot. However, any man who wishes to wed Turandot must first answer her three riddles; if he fails, he will be beheaded and so on.'
    These pop lyrics don't cut it!
    Don't fix it if it ain't broken!

  • @all4amcandoltl
    @all4amcandoltl 13 лет назад

    he didn't butcher this piece of music as you have so bluntly put it. I saw him perform this live last week (Nov 3) and what he did was WRITE HIS OWN LYRICS!

  • @lesababy
    @lesababy 12 лет назад

    @Gingersoprano Wow! I thought everyone knew that people do this. It's modern term is sampling. Rappers do this but did you know that our own Star Spangled banner is set to the music of a English drinking song? Or how about Greensleeves? People have used that tune widely with the verses of poems. This has always been done with music.

  • @lkijju
    @lkijju 16 лет назад

    so have i tom1234wwe.
    many thanks to Tuneweaver2008

  • @melaontour
    @melaontour 13 лет назад

    my dad

  • @Bullz4eva93
    @Bullz4eva93 13 лет назад

    @jawalsh57 I'm not trying to take away from the man himself, I'm sure that he was (or is) a great musician. But you're for sure correct -- operatics aren't his thing.

  • @jawalsh57
    @jawalsh57 13 лет назад

    @Bullz4eva93 I didn't know this as I hadn't a clue what the words of the song were. You still can't take it away from the man, he has a great voice but maybe should stay from operatics and stick with his own songs.

  • @Bullz4eva93
    @Bullz4eva93 13 лет назад

    @jawalsh57 He didn't perform the song in correct translation. He would sing "turn the hands of time" in place of the classically famous ending words Vincero (I will triumph). It was a made up meaning of the song. Nonetheless, he turned a tenor aria into a child like serenade piece of garbage, nothing against him personally. I'm sure he was a great musician.

  • @VicDominatus
    @VicDominatus 14 лет назад +1

    He must have been a butcher in his previous life. He surely butchered this classic. What the phuk was this?

  • @Bullz4eva93
    @Bullz4eva93 13 лет назад

    I have to say, as a musician, I'm not going to say that this man himself is a bad musician, because I am unaware of his complete works. But, as an avid fan of Opera, specifically this aria, next to Aretha Franklin's rendition of Nessun Dorma, this is a close second to being the worst abomination of this piece I've ever listened to.