I will not kill myself. I will not fall as low as the fallen have before. I will not dwell in my own sin and leave it unresolved. I will always love and trust you my god Lord Jesus Christ.
May God lift you high in your spirit Daniel! God bless you and keep you safe and meet your every need Peggy Lynn Smith from Corbin Kentucky I'll be praying for you
The day I realized that satan wasn't powerful as God was when my freedom from the devil began. The devil deceives people into believing the lie that he is God's equal in power , but as we know no one can is nearly as powerful as our God.. God has rescued me many times from the clutches of the devil. Praise be to the Living God Who reigns forever..
I knew that from the beginning. How could Satan a creation of God be equal to the creator? Any power Satan has is allowed by the permission of the creator to test us. May God bless you for finding the truth.
It’s not the Devil yall need delivering from, it’s each other. This world is brainwashed into blaming beings that they cannot fathom or communicate with for their poor ways and errors in judgement. Mankind is full of natural evil. Pray for delivery from your brother, foe and friend
Dear Jesus I’m here to pray about security, wisdom, knowledge and strength over my family and myself. I V pray that No matter who is against me you will always be for me. I thank you for the blessing I have not seen, I did see and the ones that comes in the future. I believe in the faith in you. I give you my blood, tears, Fears and weaknesses. I shall be by you though the difficulties and I will always keep my eyes looking up towards you. Thank you for showing me me things. Amen.
Jesus says to pray to the father not him and he also said not to worship him but only the father. Why can't you listen to what Jesus asks? It's pretty simple.
I want to wish YOU who are listening to this music a life full of joy and meaning. I pray god bless you realize your purpose and live happily in it and you may attract people who compliment you for who you are ♀✨💕 help god spread love, love to all sentient beings❤❤amen
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’” (Matthew 7:21-23).
liked it up2 him saying, demons possessing christians, this is impossible! as if one has the Holy Spirit dwelling inside, then no demon can share the body, for what does evil have in common with the spirit of God.
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’” (Matthew 7:21-23).
I will talk and create personal prayer to GOD in the hope I understand, and if I Fail the hope of days to come, Holy in thy glory in you, your forgiveness will Grace me.
Lord God. I look upon you through your son Jesus Christ our Lord to guide me into all truth & to abide in your word as led by your power and might. Cover me in your spirit so that I may not fail to realise your presence. Amen.
The story of the Lord is beautiful beyond words. There're multiple prisons, the one made for Satan and his angels will be the Abyss until the 1000yr reign is up, then all the prisons will be emptied and all those not in the book of Life will end up in the last prison for all eternity. The Lake of Fire.
@@harveywabbit9541 Not really. Similarities are common across the world in each different era. From the Aztecs to the Asian dynasties and empires etc. Though out of the "religions" Judeo-Christian is the most attacked and the one many try to debunk. Me personally, I've actually came in contact with demons, so now it's easier to see what's true and what's balderdash.
@@kylarshook9692 Isaiah 14. Babylon (gate-ram-sun) destroyed, i.e., winter passed, spring will succeed, when the Lord (Jahveh) will have mercy on Jacob (spring), and choose Israel (summer) and set them in their own land. Strangers (outsiders) shall be joined with them, i.e., at the proper time winter will appear, and they shall cleave unto the house of Jacob, i.e., these three seasons will complete the year. Israel shall possess them in the land of the Lord (summer), and shall take them captives, whose captives they were, and they shall rule over their oppressors, i.e., as summer comes, winter goes. Thus, the Lord shall give Israel rest from his sorrow (winter), and he shall exclaim against the king of Babylon (the winter Sun): - ah, how hath the oppressor fallen! -ceased to demand the golden days of spring, the gold of Ophir (v. 4). (Ophir is also Orpheus). The Lord hath broken the staff of him (winter) who smote the people - of him who persecuted, but is now persecuted in turn. The whole earth is now quiet -"at rest" (summer solstice); "they break forth into singing" (v. 7). "The fir trees rejoice" - put forth buds, etc. Yet Hell underneath is moving against thee to meet thy going (summer goes, winter comes); it (Hell) is bringing up the shades of the "goats" (Capricorn) out of the earth against thee. All they (the "goats," - see marginal reading) shall ask - art thou weak like us? Ah, yes! thy pomp is fallen down to the grave (Sheol, winter). How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thy heart, I will ascend into heaven; I will exalt my throne above the "stars of God" (El) I will sit upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most high (Sun at the summer solstice). Oh, what a correct, beautiful, and poetical description of Venus as she passes from evening to morning star; and " Oh, how necessary it is to understand the literal meaning of scripture that preposterous comments may be prevented " (Dr. Adam Clarke, in loco). Of course, this famous commentator interpreted this famous passage of Holy Scripture right, only he failed to write it down and publish it. But let me seek the meaning in my own way. (the solstices are alternately the sons or daughters of each other). Venus is an interior planet, i.e., she is situated between the Sun and the Earth. This the ancients understood. In changing from evening to morning star, Venus must pass from the east to the west of the Sun. This she does at her inferior conjunction B, as shown in the diagram, her superior conjunction being on the side of the Sun opposite that of the Earth A, as at D. Whether morning or evening star, she is always near the horizon, never departing above 47° from the Sun; hence she is "cut down to the ground" (horizon). The Sun being in Capricorn, as above indicated, the Earth and Venus would be in inferior conjunction in Cancer. Nevertheless Venus, being nearer the Sun than the Earth, would seem to the inhabitant of the latter, to be in Capricorn. Thus, as morning star and rising before the Sun, she would be above "the stars of God" (Aries on his meridian). When at her superior conjunction (Sun in Cancer), she sat upon the mount of the congregation on the sides of the north, and above the clouds. Thus, she resembled the Most High. Descending thence, she wasted the nations (the days grew shorter), and was brought down to the sides of the pit, hell, or the infernal regions of the dead, or winter (v. 15). In her descent, she was narrowly watched to find if she is the man that made the Earth to tremble - that caused it to become a wilderness, desolated its cities, and opened not the house of its prisoners (v. 17). But the Lord of hosts hath purposed all this; "it shall stand." Following the death of Ahaz, or summer, Isaiah prophesies, concerning "whole Palestina," which may not rejoice because the rod (summer) that smote it is broken (gone), for out of the serpent's root (winter solstice, - do serpents have roots?) shall come forth a cockatrice (the Sun) whose fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent (the hot summer days). The first-born (the Sun) of the poor (winter) shall feed (upon the short days, i.e., the days shall lengthen,) and the needy, i.e., the passing days, shall lie down in safety; and I (Isaiah) will kill thy root (winter solstice) with famine (want of the Sun's rays), and he (the Lord) shall slay thy remnant (the last half of winter). Therefore, "howl, O gate; cry, O city (winter solstice)! thou * whole Palestina' art dissolved (passing away), for there is coming from the north a smoke (the dust of Hezekiah's army = the summer days), and none shall be alone in his appointed times," i.e., the Sun in his course shall pass each zodiacal constellation in proper succession. Wherefore, then, shall anyone answer the national messengers (Philistines, - Fuerst) that the Lord (Jahveh) hath founded Zion (winter solstice), and the poor of his people (winter) shall trust in it. Milton Woolley, Science of Bible.
@@kylarshook9692 yes in here on earth we are not to judge because we still SINNERS, once we are glorify the saints ( us ) the church the TRUE believers we are going to judge Lucifer. You may ask Why? Well because right now Lucifer is the one accusing us, remember that us truly Christians our SIN has been FORGIVEN. We are new creatures, new creation we been JUSTIFY, SANCTIFY, and we are waiting to be GLORIFIED. And since we are children of GOD we must always remember that Lucifer hates the WORKS of GOD. And Lucifer hate us because God loves us so much that we found Grace in GOD, God gave us his SON, he redeemed us, for Lucifer and the fallen angels there is NOT and I repeat there is NOT forgiveness.
@@Jesuslittlesister To us a human is primarily food; our aim is the absorption of its will into ours, the increase of our own area of selfhood at its expense. But the obedience which the Enemy demands of men is quite a different thing. One must face the fact that all the talk about His love for men, and His service being perfect freedom, is not (as one would gladly believe) mere propaganda, but an appalling truth. He really does want to fill the universe with a lot of loathsome little replicas of Himself-creatures whose life, on its miniature scale, will be qualitatively like His own, not because He has absorbed them but because their wills freely conform to His. We want cattle who can finally become food; He wants servants who can finally become sons. We want to suck in, He wants to give out. We are empty and would be filled; He is full and flows over. Our war aim is a world in which Our Father Below has drawn all other beings into himself: the Enemy wants a world full of beings united to Him but still distinct. Enemy = God Father below = Satan -excerpt Screwtape Letter VIII by C.S. Lewis
God bless in the name of Jesus Christ my lord and savior. We need you now more than ever this is a demonic narcissistic backstabbing selfish evil wicked world.
Concerning Fallen Angels: Jude 1:6 - And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.
Jesus the Lord and King of Kings! Son of the Almighty, the messiah. I praise Jesus, I love Jesus and I thank God today that I know Jesus. I pray that my words lead others to the light and so that they may walk with Jesus Christ as I have and know the true story of his 12 disciples who’s 144,000 chosen descendants can continue their mission for God. ✝️
Fallen Angels are not demons! Angels have their own body. Demons are disembodied spirits of the Nephilim. They seek to inhabit a body. Hence to possess humans.
@@theemeraldfox7779 Yes and No. Do you think Lucifer and crew stopped reproducing with women. They have no place in either Heaven or Sheol when flesh dies
Matthew 19:17 And he said to him, Why do you ask me about what is good? There is only one who is good. If you would enter life, keep the commandments. Leviticus 18:5 You shall therefore keep my statutes and my rules; if a person does them, he shall live by them: I am the Lord. Matthew 19:18-19 He said to him, Which ones? And Jesus said, You shall not murder, You shall not commit adultery, You shall not steal, You shall not bear false witness, Honor your father and mother, and, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. Deuteronomy 5:16-21 Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God commanded you, that your days may be long, and that it may go well with you in the land that the Lord your God is giving you. You shall not murder. And you shall not commit adultery. And you shall not steal. ‘And you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. And you shall not covet your neighbor's wife. And you shall not desire your neighbor's house, his field, or his male servant, or his female servant, his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor's. Matthew 19:20-21 The young man said to him, All these I have kept. What do I still lack? Jesus said to him, If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me. Haggai 1:6 You have sown much, and harvested little. You eat, but you never have enough; you drink, but you never have your fill. You clothe yourselves, but no one is warm. And he who earns wages does so to put them into a bag with holes. Luke 12:33 Sell your possessions, and give to the needy. Provide yourselves with moneybags that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys. Matthew 19:22 When the young man heard this he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions. Ezekiel 33:31 And they come to you as people come, and they sit before you as my people, and they hear what you say but they will not do it; for with lustful talk in their mouths they act; their heart is set on their gain. Matthew 19:23-24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. Psalm 49:6-7 those who trust in their wealth and boast of the abundance of their riches? Truly no man can ransom another, or give to God the price of his life, Proverbs 11:28 Whoever trusts in his riches will fall, but the righteous will flourish like a green leaf. Psalm 52:7 See the man who would not make God his refuge, but trusted in the abundance of his riches and sought refuge in his own destruction! Psalm 9:10 And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you. Psalm 5:11 But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them ever sing for joy, and spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may exult in you.🙏🏼
Thanks GRACE DIGITAL NETWORK for this in depth exposition on God's word to us. You started with fallen angels but you are finishing with demons. Could it mean that Fallen angels and Demons are the same thing?
How can the evil ones (Demons) who are held down in chains and darkness until judgement day,. At the same time, be able to walk among mankind and create havoc?
Thank u for this information. I read it as Hell , is a place where they have to remain there for eternity, for what they did. There no light there cause light is good , just darkness and loneliness for them. They deserve it cause there were things we should've NEVER HAVE LEARNED about. It made a huge, HUGE, change in our world , and what we did after all this knowledge was given to us. It was all bad. 😪 THERE were so many things we shouldn't have EVER LEARNED ,as HUMANS. 😫
We shouldn't have partaken of the fruit 🍓🍑 of the Tree 🎄 of the Knowledge of Good and Evil 🙈🙉🙊. Forgive us, Father, for we did not 🚫 know what we were doing. Help us to partake of the Tree of Life instead.
ברוך הבא בשם יהוה The appointed time has come beloveds, bless the Creator oh my soul and awake the spirit of the Living God within us all who ask and seek His righteous presence. Put into the minds and hearts of all living and dead who still walk thy saving grace and have them remember there savior Christ Jesus our Lord of all Lords and our King of all Kings! Surly thy will shall be done, and surly His Kingdom has Come, let us all say who know his words/walk and believe in He which is Holy and true say Amen and Amen! All Glory and Praise to God our Father in Heaven!
Not yet it hasn’t. A few things are clear and people will know. The rapture, the trumpets followed by tribulations. The temple of Solomon being rebuilt.
What would make the angels want to fall? In Enoch 69:4-13 we see 6 fell at the beginning and were in the garden. Enoch even gives their names. But the Watchers the 200 did not fall till later in the time of Jared as Enoch states. Enoch states it was the first ones who led the Watchers into falling. So why would they want to leave heaven and forsake God? Knowing they were binding themselves by mutual implications, or making a pact to go against God. Having everlasting life doing God's will, no pain, no suffering, no death etc. what would be so bad to make them want to lose eternity? When Noah had to pray and ask God to stop Mastama from killing his grandchildren. Here we see the same thing again, giants and all infiltrating the son's of Noah. Mastama was allowed to keep a certain part of them to do his will on earth.
You need to edit your video to take out time mark "eleven minutes and forty eight seconds" where at that time mark there is a "flash" picture of someone who looks like Jesus but it says over the picture "And, since his fall from Heaven," and it is a very quick flash almost not noticed and with NO explanation to what that is. Hope that helps and I can not pass this video along with that there for obvious reasons.
8:19 angels have six wings and eyes covered all around. So it means the angels that we have known for long do not exist. Christians especially African need to know more about the bible.
That which can inhabit the body of a non saved believer of the gospel can be inhabited by the spirit of disembodied nephellim who after their bodies perished ( were half human half spirit) their remaining spirit was condemned by God to roam the earth until judgement . This is not the same as the fallen Angels !!! That’s very important .
THE DEVILS GOT INTO THE HOGS. Having taken a ship (Noah's) at Capernaum, with his disciples, Jesus passed over the lake (the rainy season), and arrived at the country of the Gadarenes (a patronym of Gad, God or Aries = March. As he was about to land, a naked man (the dreary and desolate Earth) met him. This poor man was possessed by a legion, or collection of Devils, who compelled him to go naked and dwell in the tombs (winter months). He had often (every winter) been caught by them and bound in chains and fetters (frost). But he had just broken his fetters, and was dwelling in the wilderness, the devils still keeping possession of him. The man wanted to get rid of them but they held on. When the Savior sided with the man, the naughty devils besought him not to order them into the deep. So, Jesus, commiserating the poor devils, told them to get into a herd of swine close by. No sooner, however, had they got possession of the unlucky grunters, than they raised the devil with them, and they all ran violently down a steep bank into the lake, and were choked. The hog was an emblem of winter. It is too late in the day to deny this. On some very ancient Greek coins a lion is seen killing a boar, i.e., summer succeeds winter. The Syrian Adonis was killed by a boar, and his death and resurrection were once celebrated the same as in the case of our Savior. See R. Payne Knight's Symbolical Language of Ancient Art and Myth., p. 86, “The Dumb man possessed of a Devil” was the Earth in winter; the blind man, the same.
@@Tkidddd Earth, in winter, is male. But I (Isaiah = the spring Sun), will take vengeance - I will not meet thee as a man (the barren Earth), but as a woman (the Earth in summer) Isaiah 47.3..
@@Tkidddd The prophecy of Christ's (the spring Sun's) coming may be found almost anywhere in the Bible. Hence the frequent heading, “Christ's Coming,” throughout the Old Testament. Passing all others we shall dwell somewhat on this most distinct one found in Isaiah 7:14,-4 Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” To the initiated, whose number is extremely limited, this prophecy is as clear and well-defined as any astronomer of our day could make regarding the rising of the Sun on the morning of any future day, or of any eclipse of the Sun or Moon in any future year. It had reference to the coming of the following spring (the Lord, or Jahvah). Ahaz (the Zodiac) of whom the sign was asked, would not tempt the Lord (Jahvah). So the Lord (Adoni, in the depth below = winter) gave the sign (Pisces). Now, let the reader be careful to observe that there are two distinct Lords concerned in this relation. 1. The Lord, Jahvah, or spring that asked the sign; and 2. The Lord, Adoni, or winter, that gave the sign. The end of winter was near, when Adoni (Sun in Pisces) said; “Behold (i.e., see), a virgin shall conceive (i.e., come opposite the Sun) and bear a son (i.e., the Sun shall pass into Aries) and shall call his name Immanuel” (God is with us = Sun in Aries). Again, let the reader notice the rascality of the translators as displayed in the rendering of the passages having reference to this prophecy. 1. There are two words Jahvah and Adoni, as above noted translated respectfully “LORD" and “Lord;” no clue being given whereby the English reader, who was to be deceived, might distinguish the difference in sense between the two. 2. The word Haalemah is translated “a virgin;” whereas it is literally “the she that is hiding”-the reference being to Virgo then setting, or going into the night hemisphere.
There is no God without the truth of the fall. By now true angels have fallen at suffering in this world, we all share, just to save you, and satan is his bitter enemy was never divine feminine beauty, but was sataniel before and after the fall. Let there be light. Blessings.
Demons are the offspring of the human/fallen angel hybrids, who were flooded during Noah times, them going into the pigs and then going to the water is becausr the water is where their spirits dwelled
How can the fallen angels in the time of noah do evil to men when they are chained in hell? While the fallen angels mentioned in revelation that Jesus saw fall on earth these are the angels that may possess humans. And the stories of evil possessions on man happened only in the new testament and non in the old testament. Satan and his demons lost the priviledge of freewill for if they have no prophesis about them will happen.
First thing first: the fallen angels and demons are separate entities; angels can take a human form, they have ( had ) a celestial body. 2) Demons are spiritual entities ( no BODY) they're always looking for a body ( animal or human) to rest. Before NOAH'S time there was a rebellion against God, when the SONS of God ( angels) took the daughters' of MEN (human women) as WIVES. Genesis 6:1 These are the fallen angels of the book REVELATION 9: 14-15. These angels before NOAH'S time which are under chains( prison) near the Euphrates rivers. Jude 1:6. These the angels which kept NOT THEIR FIRST ESTATES ( purity), but left their own habitation, He (God) reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto judgement of the great day. In the book of revelation mention above; these angels are going to be released to harm every person who worship the antichrist as punishment for idolatry. Yes in the Old Testament talks about possessing entities when God talks to the king of Tyre because God knows that behind every kingdom there are demonic spirits, like Hitler, ETC, ETC. Ezekiel 28 Genesis 3 1 Samuel 16: 23. When Jesuschrist came and walked among us, Lucifer( satan, devil)) Knew that something was going to happened ( he didn't know exactly what, because Lucifer is NOT omniscient) but with Jesuschrist Death and RESURRECTION; Lucifer was DEFEATED and Lucifer lost the crown (Lucifer took that crown when Adam and Eve Sin). And two thing we need to understan is that Lucifer knows the scriptures; because when he tempted Jesuschrist; Lucifer said " It is written" and Jesuschrist replied " IT IS ALSO WRITTEN" 2) Lucifer knows the clock is ticking, and his time is near, that is why from Jesuschrist DEATH, RESURRECTION; Lucifer activity has increased, and more in these times since I don't have a doubt in my mind that we are the last Generation before the second coming of Jesuschrist.
THE DEVILS GOT INTO THE HOGS. Having taken a ship (Noah's) at Capernaum, with his disciples, Jesus passed over the lake (the rainy season), and arrived at the country of the Gadarenes (a patronym of Gad, God or Aries = March. As he was about to land, a naked man (the dreary and desolate Earth) met him. This poor man was possessed by a legion, or collection of Devils, who compelled him to go naked and dwell in the tombs (winter months). He had often (every winter) been caught by them and bound in chains and fetters (frost). But he had just broken his fetters, and was dwelling in the wilderness, the devils still keeping possession of him. The man wanted to get rid of them but they held on. When the Savior sided with the man, the naughty devils besought him not to order them into the deep. So, Jesus, commiserating the poor devils, told them to get into a herd of swine close by. No sooner, however, had they got possession of the unlucky grunters, than they raised the devil with them, and they all ran violently down a steep bank into the lake, and were choked. The hog was an emblem of winter. It is too late in the day to deny this. On some very ancient Greek coins a lion is seen killing a boar, i.e., summer succeeds winter. The Syrian Adonis was killed by a boar, and his death and resurrection were once celebrated the same as in the case of our Savior. See R. Payne Knight's Symbolical Language of Ancient Art and Myth., p. 86, “The Dumb man possessed of a Devil” was the Earth in winter; the blind man, the same.
@@harveywabbit9541 i thank you for your interpretation on the man possessed by a legion of demons that was freed by Jesus. I am sorry for not the believing the connection of what had happened to nature. The point in my comment is that ther was no demon possession that had happened in the old testament stories and it only started in the time of Jesus that He was on earth and continued upto the present day. So we can conclude that the angels cast to earth as demons in the revelation happened in the time Jesus when He was on earth. As Jesus said He saw satan fell from heaven unto earth.
@@kiwiburciaga you are mix-up my friend rev 9:14-15 belongs to the sixth trumpet of the wrath of God that never happened yet. The verse that refer to is, Rev 12:9 ISV The huge dragon was hurled down. That ancient serpent, called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world, was hurled down to the earth, along with its angels. This verse states that satan and his angels the demons were throwned to earth something that Jesus saw in, Luk 10:18 ISV He told them, “I watched Satan falling from heaven like lightning. When did this happened? In this verse you will know that satan only persecuted the followers of Jesus that were not in existing before. Rev 12:17 ISV The dragon became angry with the woman and went away to do battle against the rest of her children, the ones who keep God’s commandments and hold on to the testimony about Jesus. The timing of the fall of satan and his demons unto earth greatly disprove one thing the teaching of the occult jehovas witnessis and the adventists that Jesus is archangel michael because the war happened in heaven with angel michael who faught luscifer while Jesus was on earth who saw the fall of satan and his demons.
Doesn’t revelation happen in the future? How did he take 1/3rd of the angels with him if that doesn’t happen until the future? Take out your checkbook and I am sure this guy will explain
Please review the Book of Enoch, the video is including 2 different things as though the are 1. Watch, The Watchers. They LEFT THEIR DOMAIN to mingle with humans.
I am finding my faith again through science. Whilst interpretation I do believe you can see the evidence of god and the trinity. Revelations I read before regaining the start of faith. I liked some parts because it was clear. Most of it didn’t make sense but now what doesn’t make sense is how revelations is used. Is it future events or is it both future and past. The rebellion in heaven was meant to have happened before man’s creation. They then were cast into hell. However revelations makes it sound like they are not cast out until then. That is when Satan is cast down and locked into the pit for 1000 years. Before being let out as promised. It also talks about the lake of fire. Those cast into it die a second death, which sounds more like being erased from all creation. Hell also sounds like it will exist for a limited time. All get judged at some point and cast into the lake of fire.
@@harveywabbit9541 I am talking science. Hydrogen is the trinity in one element. It is also the Alpha and Omega of life. Hydrogen makes star’s, star’s make every other element. No more hydrogen and no more stars can be formed.
." In 2 Pet. 3.8, we learn that " a day with the Lord (summer) is as a thousand years." In the cosmogony of the Persians, as quoted by Dupuis (Origin de tons les Cultes, torn, 3, p. 21), we find a thousand years are as one month,' hence, it will follow that if a day with the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years are as one month, a day must be equal to a month. Thus, is our way made clear, and we may proceed to analyze the remainder of this myth as follows: During the first day (month March) of summer, God (the summer Ram) divided "between the light and between the darkness" (marginal reading), i.e., he made the days and nights of equal length = twelve hours each. He dried the waters off the earth during the second day (month April), leaving the ground fit for cultivation. During the third day (month May), he made the grass grow, when the cattle are turned loose to feed on it. The Sun, having gained his highest point (summer solstice) in the heavens during the fourth day, when he made the Sun and Moon, ruled the day; i.e., the longest day of the year. At this time, too, God, or Aries, having gained his zenith at sunrise, becomes the Most High God, i.e., the Most High Ram. The Moon, being at her full in the eastern horizon at sunset, of course gave light by night, i.e., shone all that night. On the fifth day (month July), God brought forth insects, creeping things, etc., which we all know nourish best at this time. * "A month is a day and night with the Patriarchs, and is divided into two parts: the bright half is their day for laborious exertions; the dark half, their night for sleep. A year is a day and night for the Gods; and that is also divided into two halves; the day is when the sun moves toward the north; the night when it moves toward the south." (Asiat. Research, Vol.1, p. 280.)
@@harveywabbit9541 I am not taking away from the bible and what you said there also is part of what I was thinking about Genesis. God created a timeline but being outside of it. What is a day for him could be billions of years.
There are questions that can’t be answered. I also questioned that before,but I thought that it’s not important cause God wants me to seek Jesus more rather than angels.
@@urmomincloset The Holy Trinity is more interesting than angels. Angels doesn’t have power. If you’re just interested to their physical appearance then look at devil because they’re once been an angel
Ovisly hell has been mentioned alot since I'm pro and gave my testimony Like I say once I got to God he showed me scriptures I shared my experiences Satan is real God is reel You decide HEAVEN Or Hell
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Is a lamp bought to be put under a basket or under a bed is it not to be set on a lamp stand for there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light. And he said he who has ears to hear let him hear.
THE DEVILS GOT INTO THE HOGS. Having taken a ship (Noah's) at Capernaum, with his disciples, Jesus passed over the lake (the rainy season), and arrived at the country of the Gadarenes (a patronym of Gad, God or Aries = March. As he was about to land, a naked man (the dreary and desolate Earth) met him. This poor man was possessed by a legion, or collection of Devils, who compelled him to go naked and dwell in the tombs (winter months). He had often (every winter) been caught by them and bound in chains and fetters (frost). But he had just broken his fetters, and was dwelling in the wilderness, the devils still keeping possession of him. The man wanted to get rid of them but they held on. When the Savior sided with the man, the naughty devils besought him not to order them into the deep. So, Jesus, commiserating the poor devils, told them to get into a herd of swine close by. No sooner, however, had they got possession of the unlucky grunters, than they raised the devil with them, and they all ran violently down a steep bank into the lake, and were choked. The hog was an emblem of winter. It is too late in the day to deny this. On some very ancient Greek coins a lion is seen killing a boar, i.e., summer succeeds winter. The Syrian Adonis was killed by a boar, and his death and resurrection were once celebrated the same as in the case of our Savior. See R. Payne Knight's Symbolical Language of Ancient Art and Myth., p. 86, “The Dumb man possessed of a Devil” was the Earth in winter; the blind man, the same.
“But humans are created to live on Earth, not angels” 11:15 in your video is what you said. Sounds more like an opinion of yours rather than the word of God. We don’t know half of the work and ordinances of God. The word of God is for us to obtain knowledge about God. A glimpse of his ways. Therefore you shouldn’t speak from your own opinions, you will lead others astray. Hebrews 13:2- “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” From age to age angels have encountered people of God .Gabriel is a messenger of God and has appeared to a few people in the Bible. Angels physically appear to people. Gabriel and Michael are the two angels mentioned by name in the Bible. Gods work and nature is beyond our comprehension. The ways of God are higher than our ways.
There’s different rankings of angels. Different angels assigned for different things. We know very little about the kinds of angels God( because of Gods word) not by our own knowledge. I’m sure there’s more than just thousands and thousands. God is GOD. His ways are higher!
Heaven is full of angels but not all are angels, just like earth is full of humans but not everything is human. We wouldn't look at a dog and say that's just a different type of human. We tend to categorize everything in heaven as angels, but there are seraphim, cherubim, living creatures etc. They all are far different from each other with completely different purposes. Angels are messengers they are more human looking no wings, cherubim gaurdians, seraphim proclaim God's attributes, living creatures carry God's throne, the weight of his glory. The Bible defines each as what they are it doesn't call cherubim angels or angels seraphim. Sorry not trying to argumentative just trying to help.
The fallen angel of the Orient seas is boiling with anger for he and his cohorts were pinned down instantly and easily for their stupidity, plans foiled, their ace front helpless and their connections trembles. Their triple network stars without a Sun sent in the past with the radius in mind occupied by a King of everyplace, everytime, and everywhere not just at the center stage very powerful that can turn their Arena into one of the scopes of the Colisseum of Caesar and they can do nothing about that. Apocalypse battle planned at the trade path as they start to converge, that convergence rendered useless and transformed as regional fortress counter to their ambitious plans, remember the 3rd heaven key partly done door half opened anytime they descend any stupid foolish act you do yours done for they detects that.
Were do you think we come from,what do you think we are, were do we go when theses bodys exspire. We all made a choice to cone here we are angels in host bodys, we are the fallen as well yet we are not the 200 that made a pact to rebel against god now did we, thats why we can be redeemed and return to our former state of being the 200 can not,we followed they planned!?
Katy revelations is my purpose alpha ✨️ and the omega ✨️ team work lord Jesus The supervisor I the follower Judgment day God always knows Iike team work ovisly people person I can't stand to be by myself at a job boring unless to me I love the world 🌎 ♥️
..saw an interesting comment a few months ago when Brandon's approval rating fell to 31% ... prior to the Battle in Heaven, Satan had a better approval rating among the angels.
Well, it sounds like they came in to make sure that Heggans thing didn't happen and all killed themselves cause I said, here, it's Ty and Lyla, see what you can handle! Cause I sure as fucking hell cant! Lucifer oO ( listening )
I will not kill myself. I will not fall as low as the fallen have before. I will not dwell in my own sin and leave it unresolved. I will always love and trust you my god Lord Jesus Christ.
Amen! Your faith strengthens me, brother. Don't forget, the righteous man falls down 7 times but gets up 8.
May God lift you high in your spirit Daniel! God bless you and keep you safe and meet your every need Peggy Lynn Smith from Corbin Kentucky I'll be praying for you
One God..the Father..blessed be the God and Father of Jesus Christ our Lord
God"" my phone's mistake. And mine aswell.
The day I realized that satan wasn't powerful as God was when my freedom from the devil began. The devil deceives people into believing the lie that he is God's equal in power , but as we know no one can is nearly as powerful as our God.. God has rescued me many times from the clutches of the devil. Praise be to the Living God Who reigns forever..
I knew that from the beginning. How could Satan a creation of God be equal to the creator? Any power Satan has is allowed by the permission of the creator to test us. May God bless you for finding the truth.
It’s not the Devil yall need delivering from, it’s each other. This world is brainwashed into blaming beings that they cannot fathom or communicate with for their poor ways and errors in judgement. Mankind is full of natural evil. Pray for delivery from your brother, foe and friend
@@La_abbess Continue in your ignorance.. Live in denial all you want . The day you die is the day you will regret your ignorance..
Dear Jesus
I’m here to pray about security, wisdom, knowledge and strength over my family and myself. I V pray that No matter who is against me you will always be for me. I thank you for the blessing I have not seen, I did see and the ones that comes in the future. I believe in the faith in you. I give you my blood, tears, Fears and weaknesses. I shall be by you though the difficulties and I will always keep my eyes looking up towards you. Thank you for showing me me things. Amen.
Jesus says to pray to the father not him and he also said not to worship him but only the father. Why can't you listen to what Jesus asks? It's pretty simple.
Amen , Kimberly You're Faith in Our God is soooo BEAUTIFUL !!!! 🤍
Timely and EXCELLENT TRUTH all who follow Yeshua/Jesus must know!
I want to wish YOU who are listening to this music a life full of joy and meaning. I pray god bless you realize your purpose and live happily in it and you may attract people who compliment you for who you are ♀✨💕 help god spread love, love to all sentient beings❤❤amen
To be sure, Hillsong is of the devil.
Amen! 🙏🙏🙏
Praise to our Lord Jesus ✝️🙏Amen.
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’” (Matthew 7:21-23).
liked it up2 him saying, demons possessing christians, this is impossible! as if one has the Holy Spirit dwelling inside, then no demon can share the body, for what does evil have in common with the spirit of God.
Thanks for the uplifting words, and keep up the work. I am a believer.
Amen Jesus Christ is Lord 🙏❤️
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’” (Matthew 7:21-23).
I will talk and create personal prayer to GOD in the hope I understand, and if I Fail the hope of days to come, Holy in thy glory in you, your forgiveness will Grace me.
Lord God.
I look upon you through your son Jesus Christ our Lord to guide me into all truth & to abide in your word as led by your power and might.
Cover me in your spirit so that I may not fail to realise your presence.
The story of the Lord is beautiful beyond words. There're multiple prisons, the one made for Satan and his angels will be the Abyss until the 1000yr reign is up, then all the prisons will be emptied and all those not in the book of Life will end up in the last prison for all eternity. The Lake of Fire.
You left out two of the lakes, aka Lake of Water and Lake of Air.
@@harveywabbit9541 no torment in those two lakes 🤣
A large part of the book of revelation is taken from Egyptian astrology. You might try the works of Gerald Massey and E.A. Wallis Budge.
@@harveywabbit9541 Not really. Similarities are common across the world in each different era. From the Aztecs to the Asian dynasties and empires etc. Though out of the "religions" Judeo-Christian is the most attacked and the one many try to debunk. Me personally, I've actually came in contact with demons, so now it's easier to see what's true and what's balderdash.
@@harveywabbit9541 God came before the Egyptians. Try again😊
They tried to drag as many HUMANS' souls as they can because we are going to JUDGE them. Isaiah 14: 15-17
I never thought about that wow!
Is it not man’s place to judge? I read Isaiah 14:15-17 just now and I don’t quite understand. Could you help me understand what you mean by that?
Isaiah 14.
Babylon (gate-ram-sun) destroyed, i.e., winter passed, spring will succeed, when the Lord (Jahveh) will have mercy on Jacob (spring), and choose Israel (summer) and set them in their own land. Strangers (outsiders) shall be joined with them, i.e., at the proper time winter will appear, and they shall cleave unto the house of Jacob, i.e., these three seasons will complete the year. Israel shall possess them in the land of the Lord (summer), and shall take them captives, whose captives they were, and they shall rule over their oppressors, i.e., as summer comes, winter goes. Thus, the Lord shall give Israel rest from his sorrow (winter), and he shall exclaim against the king of Babylon (the winter Sun): - ah, how hath the oppressor fallen! -ceased to demand the golden days of spring, the gold of Ophir (v. 4). (Ophir is also Orpheus).
The Lord hath broken the staff of him (winter) who smote the people - of him who persecuted, but is now persecuted in turn. The whole earth is now quiet -"at rest" (summer solstice); "they break forth into singing" (v. 7). "The fir trees rejoice" - put forth buds, etc. Yet Hell underneath is moving against thee to meet thy going (summer goes, winter comes); it (Hell) is bringing up the shades of the "goats" (Capricorn) out of the earth against thee. All they (the "goats," - see marginal reading) shall ask - art thou weak like us? Ah, yes! thy pomp is fallen down to the grave (Sheol, winter). How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thy heart, I will ascend into heaven; I will exalt my throne above the "stars of God" (El) I will sit upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most high (Sun at the summer solstice). Oh, what a correct, beautiful, and poetical description of Venus as she passes from evening to morning star; and " Oh, how necessary it is to understand the literal meaning of scripture that preposterous comments may be prevented " (Dr. Adam Clarke, in loco). Of course, this famous commentator interpreted this famous passage of Holy Scripture right, only he failed to write it down and publish it. But let me seek the meaning in my own way. (the solstices are alternately the sons or daughters of each other).
Venus is an interior planet, i.e., she is situated between the Sun and the Earth. This the ancients understood. In changing from evening to morning star, Venus must pass from the east to the west of the Sun. This she does at her inferior conjunction B, as shown in the diagram, her superior conjunction being on the side of the Sun opposite that of the Earth A, as at D. Whether morning or evening star, she is always near the horizon, never departing above 47° from the Sun; hence she is "cut down to the ground" (horizon). The Sun being in Capricorn, as above indicated, the Earth and Venus would be in inferior conjunction in Cancer. Nevertheless Venus, being nearer the Sun than the Earth, would seem to the inhabitant of the latter, to be in Capricorn. Thus, as morning star and rising before the Sun, she would be above "the stars of God" (Aries on his meridian). When at her superior conjunction (Sun in Cancer), she sat upon the mount of the congregation on the sides of the north, and above the clouds. Thus, she resembled the Most High. Descending thence, she wasted the nations (the days grew shorter), and was brought down to the sides of the pit, hell, or the infernal regions of the dead, or winter (v. 15). In her descent, she was narrowly watched to find if she is the man that made the Earth to tremble - that caused it to become a wilderness, desolated its cities, and opened not the house of its prisoners (v. 17). But the Lord of hosts hath purposed all this; "it shall stand."
Following the death of Ahaz, or summer, Isaiah prophesies, concerning "whole Palestina," which may not rejoice because the rod (summer) that smote it is broken (gone), for out of the serpent's root (winter solstice, - do serpents have roots?) shall come forth a cockatrice (the Sun) whose fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent (the hot summer days). The first-born (the Sun) of the poor (winter) shall feed (upon the short days, i.e., the days shall lengthen,) and the needy, i.e., the passing days, shall lie down in safety; and I (Isaiah) will kill thy root (winter solstice) with famine (want of the Sun's rays), and he (the Lord) shall slay thy remnant (the last half of winter).
Therefore, "howl, O gate; cry, O city (winter solstice)! thou * whole Palestina' art dissolved (passing away), for there is coming from the north a smoke (the dust of Hezekiah's army = the summer days), and none shall be alone in his appointed times," i.e., the Sun in his course shall pass each zodiacal constellation in proper succession. Wherefore, then, shall anyone answer the national messengers (Philistines, - Fuerst) that the Lord (Jahveh) hath founded Zion (winter solstice), and the poor of his people (winter) shall trust in it. Milton Woolley, Science of Bible.
@@kylarshook9692 yes in here on earth we are not to judge because we still SINNERS, once we are glorify the saints ( us ) the church the TRUE believers we are going to judge Lucifer.
You may ask Why? Well because right now Lucifer is the one accusing us, remember that us truly Christians our SIN has been FORGIVEN. We are new creatures, new creation we been JUSTIFY, SANCTIFY, and we are waiting to be GLORIFIED.
And since we are children of GOD we must always remember that Lucifer hates the WORKS of GOD. And Lucifer hate us because God loves us so much that we found Grace in GOD, God gave us his SON, he redeemed us, for Lucifer and the fallen angels there is NOT and I repeat there is NOT forgiveness.
To us a human is primarily food; our aim is the absorption of its will into ours, the increase of our own area of selfhood at its expense. But the obedience which the Enemy demands of men is quite a different thing. One must face the fact that all the talk about His love for men, and His service being perfect freedom, is not (as one would gladly believe) mere propaganda, but an appalling truth. He really does want to fill the universe with a lot of loathsome little replicas of Himself-creatures whose life, on its miniature scale, will be qualitatively like His own, not because He has absorbed them but because their wills freely conform to His. We want cattle who can finally become food; He wants servants who can finally become sons. We want to suck in, He wants to give out. We are empty and would be filled; He is full and flows over. Our war aim is a world in which Our Father Below has drawn all other beings into himself: the Enemy wants a world full of beings united to Him but still distinct.
Enemy = God
Father below = Satan
-excerpt Screwtape Letter VIII by C.S. Lewis
God bless in the name of Jesus Christ my lord and savior. We need you now more than ever this is a demonic narcissistic backstabbing selfish evil wicked world.
We are suffering because of this
Beside God stated we must love one another if you wanted too make it in heaven our Father God Jesus Christ....💕💕💕💕💕💕♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Sorry, my Pit Bull killed him last night.
Any fallen angel who watch this keep it strong! Even tough we fall one day we will go back after the mission,ur little brother.
Concerning Fallen Angels: Jude 1:6 - And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.
Jesus the Lord and King of Kings! Son of the Almighty, the messiah. I praise Jesus, I love Jesus and I thank God today that I know Jesus. I pray that my words lead others to the light and so that they may walk with Jesus Christ as I have and know the true story of his 12 disciples who’s 144,000 chosen descendants can continue their mission for God. ✝️
Jesse is one of my killers to every once and a while he walks sometimes he be at boscos to
Inscet been attacking me and people been attacking me family
I have an evil spirit on my body that has been hurting me
The devil matallic rapping people for money and choking us
38 baby got voodoo on me and has been giving me hell to & the devil
Fallen Angels are not demons! Angels have their own body. Demons are disembodied spirits of the Nephilim. They seek to inhabit a body. Hence to possess humans.
Some people Has been attacking us all our life we crying for help every day
As well Fallen Angels are not demons. It is their disembodied children that are the demons.
Their offsprings were actually giants
@@beverlygavin9542 depends on the angel. The type that were the Watchers produced the giants. For not all angels are giants. Lucifer was not a giant.
The nephilim that were destroyed in the flood,their spirits are the demons of today!
@@theemeraldfox7779 Yes and No. Do you think Lucifer and crew stopped reproducing with women. They have no place in either Heaven or Sheol when flesh dies
God please help me believe and have faith.
Matthew 19:17
And he said to him, Why do you ask me about what is good? There is only one who is good. If you would enter life, keep the commandments.
Leviticus 18:5
You shall therefore keep my statutes and my rules; if a person does them, he shall live by them: I am the Lord.
Matthew 19:18-19
He said to him, Which ones? And Jesus said, You shall not murder, You shall not commit adultery, You shall not steal, You shall not bear false witness, Honor your father and mother, and, You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
Deuteronomy 5:16-21
Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God commanded you, that your days may be long, and that it may go well with you in the land that the Lord your God is giving you. You shall not murder. And you shall not commit adultery. And you shall not steal. ‘And you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. And you shall not covet your neighbor's wife. And you shall not desire your neighbor's house, his field, or his male servant, or his female servant, his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor's.
Matthew 19:20-21
The young man said to him, All these I have kept. What do I still lack? Jesus said to him, If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.
Haggai 1:6
You have sown much, and harvested little. You eat, but you never have enough; you drink, but you never have your fill. You clothe yourselves, but no one is warm. And he who earns wages does so to put them into a bag with holes.
Luke 12:33
Sell your possessions, and give to the needy. Provide yourselves with moneybags that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys.
Matthew 19:22
When the young man heard this he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.
Ezekiel 33:31
And they come to you as people come, and they sit before you as my people, and they hear what you say but they will not do it; for with lustful talk in their mouths they act; their heart is set on their gain.
Matthew 19:23-24
Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
Psalm 49:6-7
those who trust in their wealth and boast of the abundance of their riches? Truly no man can ransom another, or give to God the price of his life,
Proverbs 11:28
Whoever trusts in his riches will fall, but the righteous will flourish like a green leaf.
Psalm 52:7
See the man who would not make God his refuge, but trusted in the abundance of his riches and sought refuge in his own destruction!
Psalm 9:10
And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you.
Psalm 5:11
But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them ever sing for joy, and spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may exult in you.🙏🏼
Christianity is all about charity and not about hoarding wealth for oneself or tribe.
Some of them can't stand to see us smile and some of them haven't met their wives
Thanks GRACE DIGITAL NETWORK for this in depth exposition on God's word to us. You started with fallen angels but you are finishing with demons. Could it mean that Fallen angels and Demons are the same thing?
The fallen angels are shackled, chained until the day of Judgement in the book of JUDE CHAP 1:6 , they do not roam nor operate Now !
Keep your lamps full my brother's and sister's the veil is being lifted and the stage is set it's show time family
Not big into Christianity, no offense to everyone 😅 I honestly love the stories, they're pretty awesome.
How can the evil ones (Demons) who are held down in chains and darkness until judgement day,. At the same time, be able to walk among mankind and create havoc?
Held down in chains mean they are stuck here/grounded here and don't have the power to go back up to where they were cast down from
Thank u for this information. I read it as Hell , is a place where they have to remain there for eternity, for what they did. There no light there cause light is good , just darkness and loneliness for them. They deserve it cause there were things we should've NEVER HAVE LEARNED about. It made a huge, HUGE, change in our world , and what we did after all this knowledge was given to us. It was all bad. 😪
THERE were so many things we shouldn't have EVER LEARNED ,as HUMANS. 😫
Revelation is 100% astronomy/astrology.
We shouldn't have partaken of the fruit 🍓🍑 of the Tree 🎄 of the Knowledge of Good and Evil 🙈🙉🙊.
Forgive us, Father, for we did not 🚫 know what we were doing.
Help us to partake of the Tree of Life instead.
Appreciated the review on an interesting topic.
I do miss hearing voices of living men & women on spiritual presentations, though.
I'm a believer! I love u Jesus that you saved us, who believes in you!
This is very good ❤
Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior🙏
ברוך הבא בשם יהוה
The appointed time has come beloveds, bless the Creator oh my soul and awake the spirit of the Living God within us all who ask and seek His righteous presence. Put into the minds and hearts of all living and dead who still walk thy saving grace and have them remember there savior Christ Jesus our Lord of all Lords and our King of all Kings! Surly thy will shall be done, and surly His Kingdom has Come, let us all say who know his words/walk and believe in He which is Holy and true say Amen and Amen! All Glory and Praise to God our Father in Heaven!
Not yet it hasn’t. A few things are clear and people will know. The rapture, the trumpets followed by tribulations. The temple of Solomon being rebuilt.
You asked what is fictional about these beings? Answer is nothing is fictional about them!
Pliz preach about Pauls teaching an peters teaching
What would make the angels want to fall? In Enoch 69:4-13 we see 6 fell at the beginning and were in the garden. Enoch even gives their names. But the Watchers the 200 did not fall till later in the time of Jared as Enoch states. Enoch states it was the first ones who led the Watchers into falling. So why would they want to leave heaven and forsake God? Knowing they were binding themselves by mutual implications, or making a pact to go against God. Having everlasting life doing God's will, no pain, no suffering, no death etc. what would be so bad to make them want to lose eternity? When Noah had to pray and ask God to stop Mastama from killing his grandchildren. Here we see the same thing again, giants and all infiltrating the son's of Noah. Mastama was allowed to keep a certain part of them to do his will on earth.
You need to edit your video to take out time mark "eleven minutes and forty eight seconds" where at that time mark there is a "flash" picture of someone who looks like Jesus but it says over the picture "And, since his fall from Heaven," and it is a very quick flash almost not noticed and with NO explanation to what that is.
Hope that helps and I can not pass this video along with that there for obvious reasons.
Good that you pointed it out.
@@radrook2153 Pointed it out so that they might take it out of the video :)
Jesus is id as Venus in the book of Rev. He is also id as the sun, moon, and five nearest planets.
Yes that was a little weird. Thanks for pointing that out
8:19 angels have six wings and eyes covered all around. So it means the angels that we have known for long do not exist.
Christians especially African need to know more about the bible.
That which can inhabit the body of a non saved believer of the gospel can be inhabited by the spirit of disembodied nephellim who after their bodies perished ( were half human half spirit) their remaining spirit was condemned by God to roam the earth until judgement . This is not the same as the fallen Angels !!! That’s very important .
The demons and pigs have nothing to do with the falling angels
Having taken a ship (Noah's) at Capernaum, with his disciples, Jesus passed over the lake (the rainy season), and arrived at the country of the Gadarenes (a patronym of Gad, God or Aries = March. As he was about to land, a naked man (the dreary and desolate Earth) met him. This poor man was possessed by a legion, or collection of Devils, who compelled him to go naked and dwell in the tombs (winter months). He had often (every winter) been caught by them and bound in chains and fetters (frost). But he had just broken his fetters, and was dwelling in the wilderness, the devils still keeping possession of him. The man wanted to get rid of them but they held on. When the Savior sided with the man, the naughty devils besought him not to order them into the deep. So, Jesus, commiserating the poor devils, told them to get into a herd of swine close by. No sooner, however, had they got possession of the unlucky grunters, than they raised the devil with them, and they all ran violently down a steep bank into the lake, and were choked.
The hog was an emblem of winter. It is too late in the day to deny this. On some very ancient Greek coins a lion is seen killing a boar, i.e., summer succeeds winter. The Syrian Adonis was killed by a boar, and his death and resurrection were once celebrated the same as in the case of our Savior. See R. Payne Knight's Symbolical Language of Ancient Art and Myth., p. 86, “The Dumb man possessed of a Devil” was the Earth in winter; the blind man, the same.
@@harveywabbit9541 Jesus didn't tell them to go into the swine , they asked to go.
Earth, in winter, is male.
But I (Isaiah = the spring Sun), will take vengeance - I will not meet thee as a man (the barren Earth), but as a woman (the Earth in summer) Isaiah 47.3..
@@harveywabbit9541 do another bong hit
The prophecy of Christ's (the spring Sun's) coming may be found almost anywhere in the Bible. Hence the frequent heading, “Christ's Coming,” throughout the Old Testament. Passing all others we shall dwell somewhat on this most distinct one found in Isaiah 7:14,-4 Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.”
To the initiated, whose number is extremely limited, this prophecy is as clear and well-defined as any astronomer of our day could make regarding the rising of the Sun on the morning of any future day, or of any eclipse of the Sun or Moon in any future year. It had reference to the coming of the following spring (the Lord, or Jahvah). Ahaz (the Zodiac) of whom the sign was asked, would not tempt the Lord (Jahvah). So the Lord (Adoni, in the depth below = winter) gave the sign (Pisces). Now, let the reader be careful to observe that there are two distinct Lords concerned in this relation. 1. The Lord, Jahvah, or spring that asked the sign; and 2. The Lord, Adoni, or winter, that gave the sign. The end of winter was near, when Adoni (Sun in Pisces) said; “Behold (i.e., see), a virgin shall conceive (i.e., come opposite the Sun) and bear a son (i.e., the Sun shall pass into Aries) and shall call his name Immanuel” (God is with us = Sun in Aries).
Again, let the reader notice the rascality of the translators as displayed in the rendering of the passages having reference to this prophecy. 1. There are two words Jahvah and Adoni, as above noted translated respectfully “LORD" and “Lord;” no clue being given whereby the English reader, who was to be deceived, might distinguish the difference in sense between the two. 2. The word Haalemah is translated “a virgin;” whereas it is literally “the she that is hiding”-the reference being to Virgo then setting, or going into the night hemisphere.
There is no God without the truth of the fall. By now true angels have fallen at suffering in this world, we all share, just to save you, and satan is his bitter enemy was never divine feminine beauty, but was sataniel before and after the fall. Let there be light. Blessings.
If they were cast into the underworld and chained it the depths until judgement day. How do they get out to subvert mankind?
Michael the archangel releases them
@@Tkidddd not during the end times, but throughout history
When the river dries up the angle will sound the Trump and release them
So then if they're chained up who's causing all the chaos
@@brunoberardi4815 DEMONS AND THE DEVIL
Revelation 5:11. Heard the voice of many angles the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands.
The demons begged to be pigs ? After they drowned did they go to hell or that other place ..
Demons are the offspring of the human/fallen angel hybrids, who were flooded during Noah times, them going into the pigs and then going to the water is becausr the water is where their spirits dwelled
How long do you think you can hide God I'm going to drag you down with me
That caught me off guard..
Freewill they say, up until two decided for us... freewill is a lie.
I hope it is
Fallen angels are still with us living as celebrities
How can the fallen angels in the time of noah do evil to men when they are chained in hell? While the fallen angels mentioned in revelation that Jesus saw fall on earth these are the angels that may possess humans. And the stories of evil possessions on man happened only in the new testament and non in the old testament. Satan and his demons lost the priviledge of freewill for if they have no prophesis about them will happen.
First thing first: the fallen angels and demons are separate entities; angels can take a human form, they have ( had ) a celestial body.
2) Demons are spiritual entities ( no BODY) they're always looking for a body ( animal or human) to rest.
Before NOAH'S time there was a rebellion against God, when the SONS of God ( angels) took the daughters' of MEN (human women) as WIVES. Genesis 6:1
These are the fallen angels of the book REVELATION 9: 14-15.
These angels before NOAH'S time which are under chains( prison) near the Euphrates rivers.
Jude 1:6. These the angels which kept NOT THEIR FIRST ESTATES ( purity), but left their own habitation, He (God) reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto judgement of the great day. In the book of revelation mention above; these angels are going to be released to harm every person who worship the antichrist as punishment for idolatry.
Yes in the Old Testament talks about possessing entities when God talks to the king of Tyre because God knows that behind every kingdom there are demonic spirits, like Hitler, ETC, ETC.
Ezekiel 28
Genesis 3
1 Samuel 16: 23.
When Jesuschrist came and walked among us, Lucifer( satan, devil)) Knew that something was going to happened ( he didn't know exactly what, because Lucifer is NOT omniscient) but with Jesuschrist Death and RESURRECTION; Lucifer was DEFEATED and Lucifer lost the crown (Lucifer took that crown when Adam and Eve Sin).
And two thing we need to understan is that Lucifer knows the scriptures; because when he tempted Jesuschrist; Lucifer said " It is written" and Jesuschrist replied " IT IS ALSO WRITTEN"
2) Lucifer knows the clock is ticking, and his time is near, that is why from Jesuschrist DEATH, RESURRECTION; Lucifer activity has increased, and more in these times since I don't have a doubt in my mind that we are the last Generation before the second coming of Jesuschrist.
Having taken a ship (Noah's) at Capernaum, with his disciples, Jesus passed over the lake (the rainy season), and arrived at the country of the Gadarenes (a patronym of Gad, God or Aries = March. As he was about to land, a naked man (the dreary and desolate Earth) met him. This poor man was possessed by a legion, or collection of Devils, who compelled him to go naked and dwell in the tombs (winter months). He had often (every winter) been caught by them and bound in chains and fetters (frost). But he had just broken his fetters, and was dwelling in the wilderness, the devils still keeping possession of him. The man wanted to get rid of them but they held on. When the Savior sided with the man, the naughty devils besought him not to order them into the deep. So, Jesus, commiserating the poor devils, told them to get into a herd of swine close by. No sooner, however, had they got possession of the unlucky grunters, than they raised the devil with them, and they all ran violently down a steep bank into the lake, and were choked.
The hog was an emblem of winter. It is too late in the day to deny this. On some very ancient Greek coins a lion is seen killing a boar, i.e., summer succeeds winter. The Syrian Adonis was killed by a boar, and his death and resurrection were once celebrated the same as in the case of our Savior. See R. Payne Knight's Symbolical Language of Ancient Art and Myth., p. 86, “The Dumb man possessed of a Devil” was the Earth in winter; the blind man, the same.
@@harveywabbit9541 i thank you for your interpretation on the man possessed by a legion of demons that was freed by Jesus. I am sorry for not the believing the connection of what had happened to nature. The point in my comment is that ther was no demon possession that had happened in the old testament stories and it only started in the time of Jesus that He was on earth and continued upto the present day. So we can conclude that the angels cast to earth as demons in the revelation happened in the time Jesus when He was on earth. As Jesus said He saw satan fell from heaven unto earth.
@@kiwiburciaga you are mix-up my friend rev 9:14-15 belongs to the sixth trumpet of the wrath of God that never happened yet. The verse that refer to is,
Rev 12:9 ISV The huge dragon was hurled down. That ancient serpent, called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world, was hurled down to the earth, along with its angels.
This verse states that satan and his angels the demons were throwned to earth something that Jesus saw in,
Luk 10:18 ISV He told them, “I watched Satan falling from heaven like lightning.
When did this happened? In this verse you will know that satan only persecuted the followers of Jesus that were not in existing before.
Rev 12:17 ISV The dragon became angry with the woman and went away to do battle against the rest of her children, the ones who keep God’s commandments and hold on to the testimony about Jesus.
The timing of the fall of satan and his demons unto earth greatly disprove one thing the teaching of the occult jehovas witnessis and the adventists that Jesus is archangel michael because the war happened in heaven with angel michael who faught luscifer while Jesus was on earth who saw the fall of satan and his demons.
Have you seen any dragons in the sky?
Somebody has been dropping wild spiders
Doesn’t revelation happen in the future? How did he take 1/3rd of the angels with him if that doesn’t happen until the future? Take out your checkbook and I am sure this guy will explain
Revelation also references the past
Look how beautiful my Egypt was! Ra
Please review the Book of Enoch, the video is including 2 different things as though the are 1.
Watch, The Watchers. They LEFT THEIR DOMAIN to mingle with humans.
the watchers are different from
the angels that left with satan
@@ricardothomas151 correct
I am finding my faith again through science. Whilst interpretation I do believe you can see the evidence of god and the trinity. Revelations I read before regaining the start of faith. I liked some parts because it was clear. Most of it didn’t make sense but now what doesn’t make sense is how revelations is used. Is it future events or is it both future and past.
The rebellion in heaven was meant to have happened before man’s creation. They then were cast into hell. However revelations makes it sound like they are not cast out until then. That is when Satan is cast down and locked into the pit for 1000 years. Before being let out as promised. It also talks about the lake of fire. Those cast into it die a second death, which sounds more like being erased from all creation. Hell also sounds like it will exist for a limited time. All get judged at some point and cast into the lake of fire.
Water = winter, Air = spring, and Fire = summer. This is the baptisms.
@@harveywabbit9541 I am talking science. Hydrogen is the trinity in one element. It is also the Alpha and Omega of life. Hydrogen makes star’s, star’s make every other element. No more hydrogen and no more stars can be formed.
." In 2 Pet. 3.8, we learn that " a day with the Lord (summer) is as a thousand years." In the cosmogony of the Persians, as quoted by Dupuis (Origin de tons les Cultes, torn, 3, p. 21), we find a thousand years are as one month,' hence, it will follow that if a day with the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years are as one month, a day must be equal to a month. Thus, is our way made clear, and we may proceed to analyze the remainder of this myth as follows: During the first day (month March) of summer, God (the summer Ram) divided "between the light and between the darkness" (marginal reading), i.e., he made the days and nights of equal length = twelve hours each. He dried the waters off the earth during the second day (month April), leaving the ground fit for cultivation. During the third day (month May), he made the grass grow, when the cattle are turned loose to feed on it. The Sun, having gained his highest point (summer solstice) in the heavens during the fourth day, when he made the Sun and Moon, ruled the day; i.e., the longest day of the year. At this time, too, God, or Aries, having gained his zenith at sunrise, becomes the Most High God, i.e., the Most High Ram. The Moon, being at her full in the eastern horizon at sunset, of course gave light by night, i.e., shone all that night. On the fifth day (month July), God brought forth insects, creeping things, etc., which we all know nourish best at this time.
* "A month is a day and night with the Patriarchs, and is divided into two parts: the bright half is their day for laborious exertions; the dark half, their night for sleep. A year is a day and night for the Gods; and that is also divided into two halves; the day is when the sun moves toward the north; the night when it moves toward the south." (Asiat. Research, Vol.1, p. 280.)
@@harveywabbit9541 I am not taking away from the bible and what you said there also is part of what I was thinking about Genesis. God created a timeline but being outside of it. What is a day for him could be billions of years.
@@50001mick Michael
Harvey Wabbit is either an atheist with far too much time on
his hands, or a very advanced bot. Don't waste your time on him/it.
Can you explain the angel hierachy more? Which angel is the highest? What are their roles? Was lilith ever a angel?
There are questions that can’t be answered. I also questioned that before,but I thought that it’s not important cause God wants me to seek Jesus more rather than angels.
@@julielo9124 angels are alot more interesting💀
@@urmomincloset The Holy Trinity is more interesting than angels. Angels doesn’t have power. If you’re just interested to their physical appearance then look at devil because they’re once been an angel
Shhhhhhh, they are among us.
Free will? What scripture? They have a will but where it says they have free will?
Rhianna has a PR oblem with me to they don't understand the word murder or kidnapped
My feet are still hurting and has been suffering with servers cramps they leaving us with servers pain
Ovisly hell has been mentioned alot since I'm pro and gave my testimony
Like I say once I got to God he showed me scriptures
I shared my experiences
Satan is real
God is reel
You decide
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Is a lamp bought to be put under a basket or under a bed is it not to be set on a lamp stand for there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light. And he said he who has ears to hear let him hear.
The Kingdom of Heaven ends at the autumn equinox. Heaven begins at the spring equinox and ends at the autumn equinox. Make hay while the sun shines.
Man has changed the truth of the Holy book to fit his lie. They really can't call his true name.
Will you ask Dolly if we can have fried chicken for dinner? Satan isn't speaking to me.... Lucifer
Lucifer means "Morningstar"
There's no lake of fire in my kings kingdom
funny thought, not even the pigs wanted to be possessed by the demons, they would rather die, sad state it is when pigs are smarter than people
Having taken a ship (Noah's) at Capernaum, with his disciples, Jesus passed over the lake (the rainy season), and arrived at the country of the Gadarenes (a patronym of Gad, God or Aries = March. As he was about to land, a naked man (the dreary and desolate Earth) met him. This poor man was possessed by a legion, or collection of Devils, who compelled him to go naked and dwell in the tombs (winter months). He had often (every winter) been caught by them and bound in chains and fetters (frost). But he had just broken his fetters, and was dwelling in the wilderness, the devils still keeping possession of him. The man wanted to get rid of them but they held on. When the Savior sided with the man, the naughty devils besought him not to order them into the deep. So, Jesus, commiserating the poor devils, told them to get into a herd of swine close by. No sooner, however, had they got possession of the unlucky grunters, than they raised the devil with them, and they all ran violently down a steep bank into the lake, and were choked.
The hog was an emblem of winter. It is too late in the day to deny this. On some very ancient Greek coins a lion is seen killing a boar, i.e., summer succeeds winter. The Syrian Adonis was killed by a boar, and his death and resurrection were once celebrated the same as in the case of our Savior. See R. Payne Knight's Symbolical Language of Ancient Art and Myth., p. 86, “The Dumb man possessed of a Devil” was the Earth in winter; the blind man, the same.
They're fallen alright very fallen like the kaaba
We want our life to get better because they didn't give us a chance to grow up we was already kidnapped and molested
Amen 🙏❤️🙏
There is no hell.. Jesus never spoke of such a place...
Ask him
God doesn't have a beginning or End.
How did you produce yourself?
I been a hostage all my life
“But humans are created to live on Earth, not angels” 11:15 in your video is what you said. Sounds more like an opinion of yours rather than the word of God. We don’t know half of the work and ordinances of God. The word of God is for us to obtain knowledge about God. A glimpse of his ways. Therefore you shouldn’t speak from your own opinions, you will lead others astray. Hebrews 13:2- “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”
From age to age angels have encountered people of God .Gabriel is a messenger of God and has appeared to a few people in the Bible. Angels physically appear to people. Gabriel and Michael are the two angels mentioned by name in the Bible. Gods work and nature is beyond our comprehension. The ways of God are higher than our ways.
There’s different rankings of angels. Different angels assigned for different things. We know very little about the kinds of angels God( because of Gods word) not by our own knowledge. I’m sure there’s more than just thousands and thousands. God is GOD. His ways are higher!
Heaven is full of angels but not all are angels, just like earth is full of humans but not everything is human. We wouldn't look at a dog and say that's just a different type of human. We tend to categorize everything in heaven as angels, but there are seraphim, cherubim, living creatures etc. They all are far different from each other with completely different purposes. Angels are messengers they are more human looking no wings, cherubim gaurdians, seraphim proclaim God's attributes, living creatures carry God's throne, the weight of his glory. The Bible defines each as what they are it doesn't call cherubim angels or angels seraphim. Sorry not trying to argumentative just trying to help.
We will become the most valuable above all to God.
@@sixtenalin9751 We already are! Jesus didn't die for the angels..that's the best part!
@@chrism8683 Yeah, but right now we are not higher than them. We sure are most valuable to God, but we will see the glory we will have.
@@sixtenalin9751 Very true!
The fallen angel of the Orient seas is boiling with anger for he and his cohorts were pinned down instantly and easily for their stupidity, plans foiled, their ace front helpless and their connections trembles. Their triple network stars without a Sun sent in the past with the radius in mind occupied by a King of everyplace, everytime, and everywhere not just at the center stage very powerful that can turn their Arena into one of the scopes of the Colisseum of Caesar and they can do nothing about that. Apocalypse battle planned at the trade path as they start to converge, that convergence rendered useless and transformed as regional fortress counter to their ambitious plans, remember the 3rd heaven key partly done door half opened anytime they descend any stupid foolish act you do yours done for they detects that.
Were do you think we come from,what do you think we are, were do we go when theses bodys exspire. We all made a choice to cone here we are angels in host bodys, we are the fallen as well yet we are not the 200 that made a pact to rebel against god now did we, thats why we can be redeemed and return to our former state of being the 200 can not,we followed they planned!?
So uhm are we doomed or not I'm kinda confused
Is a fallen Angel a demon then
Daniel 7 speaks of thousands upon thousands and 10k by 10k meanung 100 T...meaning 100 trillion angels😆
Thousands upon thousands were serving Him,
And myriads upon myriads were standing before Him
The NASB (above) is different, but I don't know why.
Katy revelations is my purpose alpha ✨️ and the omega ✨️ team work lord Jesus The supervisor I the follower
Judgment day
God always knows Iike team work ovisly people person
I can't stand to be by myself at a job boring unless to me
I love the world 🌎 ♥️
God created Lucifer, just like me, but I'm in his image, Lucifer was a cherubim.
Yeah well they sound like their fighting too! Lucifer
..saw an interesting comment a few months ago when Brandon's approval rating fell to 31% ... prior to the Battle in Heaven, Satan had a better approval rating among the angels.
He also been getting attacked to
Like it's our fault the volcanoes are gonna blow! Don't we have a government at all? OO Lucifer
Anlois oliver holding quint hostage
Well, it sounds like they came in to make sure that Heggans thing didn't happen and all killed themselves cause I said, here, it's Ty and Lyla, see what you can handle! Cause I sure as fucking hell cant! Lucifer oO ( listening )
How did I defect from heaven? Is that why they had me in ropes? Wtf is the deal with my herrum anyhow? Lucifer
We didn't even have water has been with lowdown people all our life
We been molested all our lives
Beyonce having dome issues
Acting she my mom
Jesus said he died on a cross and his land people attacked him
See why I said, why bother! Lucifer oO ( listening )