seeing all of Andrei's championships who could have done over 270 kilos if he didnt get so big but wow to do all the weight he did and have the bar not rest on your shoulders is beyond believe. If he lost the weight and did it where the bar rests on you, who knows what could have been.
Chemerkin has got to be one of the strongest men who ever lived.
lol at the transcription! Someone was not getting what was said!
Why the first attemp of Andrei was wrong ?
Chemerkin cleaning it high school gym style!
Не понял,почему двое судей не засчитали?
seeing all of Andrei's championships who could have done over 270 kilos if he didnt get so big but wow to do all the weight he did and have the bar not rest on your shoulders is beyond believe. If he lost the weight and did it where the bar rests on you, who knows what could have been.
Had surgery that ruined his flexibility (kinda ruined chance of ever doing 270+)
is this scerbatihs first comp as a super?
It sounds like they're yelling "Pressout! Pressout!" at 0:58 lol.
second attempt was worst than the first one ....