Oh bow down poor fools to the great conman that never cared about family or health matters.Just another dangerous cult leader who must of ripped off one person to many to be executed and was that important that nobody bothered to document his life while alive as would happen today with even half decent people.He created hell to scare misguided folks to believe his lies as never mentioned in old testament and he pulled it from his arse to cause trouble.
Jesus is not God of gods hence why the scripture ends with Lord of Lords. Jesus is and will always be second in power. Jehovah alone is the Grand God. Isaiah 43:5 This is what the true God, Jehovah, says, The Creator of the heavens and the Grand One who stretched them out.
There is a lot of mixed up here in Psalm 2:8-12, there is a big difference from judgment of the world, and Jesus triumphant rulership over this old world now, Psalm 2:1-end is happening now in his name, we rule together with him now as Romans 5:17, Read Psalm 2:1-10 you would see he triumph already as prophesied, bible in Psalm 2:4 said he that sitted in heaven...and now he sitted already, so other scriptures you quoted in Mathew, Rev. Is not same thing at all, those events will take place when he returns to judge the world, he is not coming to reign over them or preach to them while the judgement comes.... Seek for revelation first before you come up with all these scriptures, the judgement and reigning is noy the same at all. He is reigning now in his name and through us, but in the world to come before he delivered the kingdom to the father, he would reign as kings with his holy kings i.e the sons of God he gathered into himself, then later delivered the throne to his father after all the ruling, both now and the world to come...this was why Isaiah prophesied the old world would past away and come no more to the heart, then the new world be established.
What a horrible thought of your paradise.Eternally being forces to worship a being that deserve nothing but condemnation for all the bloodshed caused and still causing in endless religious wars in his name and to gutless to say enough is enough and stop the slaughter but that takes real empathy and compassion and power to be decisive but something him or jesus not have as to busy playing with his toy mankind to really care.
Lord of hate and bloodshed someone not to nice to know and deserving of the punishment got.Even created his own dungeon to eternally torture sensible people who not follow his lies and infinite punishment for an alleged finite crime not fair or ethical and shows not impartial but warped and very petty to dish out undeserving punishment for his own pleasure.
@@Markybothegoat Citation needed as no proof to back up your statement.using material 200 years after his death not actually real time accurate reporting of knowledge and suspect at the best and certainly not historical.
@bati am disappointed you censor critical thinking and truth just because not suit your narrative.Did you the courteousy of giving you a long and thoughtful reply to what you said about me and must be to close to the truth to be conformable and as happens when most religious people put in a corner cannot answer is to delete all evidence and pretend never happened.Hope you feel proud that by your actions are continuing to encourage sin and intolerance to flourish and all feel is pity that you so religiously indoctrinated that beyond hope and take more then your fake faith healer to solve worlds problems.what need is someone with moral strength to stand up to religious corruption as organized religion had over 2000 years yet wars still increasing.
@Returned Missionary It takes pure stupidity to use 'faith' when 'faith' is a lack of evidence - Only feelings and no proof... Hilarious nonsense from the deluded who think that they need gods for something... hahaha
Please everyone who reads this please pray for Marina to be saved and know Jesus Christ as her lord and savior thank you and please everyone spread the word. God bless you all
Well While we pray for Marina, I will also pray that all church goers know that Jesus, the Son of God (💎Hebrews 4:14) is not the only one you all need to know, but his Father, (our Almighty God 💎17:1; 35:11) as well 💎John 17:3. Eternal life for you hinges on this. 💎Romans 10:9 you must publicly declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and exercise Faith in your heart (not just believe) that his Father (Almighty God raised him up from the dead, you will be saved. That’s what this Scripture is telling church goers and unbelievers.🤷🏽♀️False teaching is going to cause many to miss out on Salvation. I will also pray that you all come to know and understand that our Lord and savior Jesus Christ who is, our Messiah, Prince of Peace, Eternal Father, mighty God, Wonderful Counsellor, Lamb of God (💎Isaiah 9:6) is not our Heavenly Father, our Almighty God🤷🏽♀️. Scriptures make this very clear. You all are getting stumbled over 💎John 1:1. Jesus is might God, NOT Almighty God. Might God identified at 💎Isaiah 9:6 is the one who came to dwell on earth at 💎John 1:14 by means of the Virgin Mary. See 💎Luke 1:30-33. These are the things I will pray for.
Thankyou Almighty Lord for everything I fear you Lord please forgive me my sins I lov you I'm not scare from my death but your word I fear Oh Lord God King of King make me strong until Son of God Juses Christ second coming led me on your path Oh Lord King of King
Had better start first with himself and god as they have the worst record in the universe for evil,murder,genocide and hatred and human morals way above what heckle and jeckle have done which why does not want humanity to succeed as will outclass them doing real goodness.
LONGING I long for you Oh Father God With my entire being Come and live within my soul And guide what I am feeling I long for you Oh Savior Christ With everything I'm feeling Wash me clean I plead your blood 'Cause at your feet I'm kneeling I long for you Oh Spirit of Truth Teach me what I am seeing To understand and know for sure Pure undefiled believing Oh Trinity for you I long You're everything I'm needing In your presence I belong Never to be leaving FILL ME Be with me today Lord God Guide my steps I pray Keep my mind in prayer to you Every hour of the day Guide my thoughts today Lord God May I think of you all day Keep my tongue under control And speak of you I pray I need you in my life Lord God Please use my life I pray This world is nothing without you Fill me with you all day
If Jesus Christ judge me according to my sins, i will accept it! I already repent my sins to god? If he returns for his second coming, it’s up to JESUS Christ if i belong to heaven! If not, i am ready to suffer for my consequences! I do believe Christ is coming back to earth! But, no one knows when is that day. If i will be asking again if i believe in god, yes, i do believe even though i don’t seem the mighty one. Amen! 🙏🙏🙏
First of all Easter is a pagan in it origin. You may want to look that up. God and his Son Jesus Christ has nothing to do with paganistic traditions or celebrations or practices. Christmas is included in this as well as many of these holidays people celebrate annually. A part from the Bible, Google can help you out with this. Passover is what Jesus who was a Jew celebrate not Easter. So if I were to venture to guess, I would say that may not be the time he would be returning. He doesn’t recognize or acknowledge paganism🤷🏽♀️
@@CS-dn8rd Well I understand all the pagan holidays but it does say That he will Return in the same way he Ascension. Which also makes sense to me. I appreciate your time explaining your views as well. I did say Hopefully! Prayers sent your way CS
Under our apostle pauls ministry,today we are only saved by BELIEVING The Gospel of Jesus Christ,1st Corinthians Chapter 15 verse 1-4.Jesus Christ died on the cross,was buried, and rose again on the third day.Jesus Christ Shed Blood is what saves you when you believe this plan of salvation with your heart.
There is no reason to wait for the second coming of Christ because he never left!! He is right here and now. What is required is for you to open and purify your heart center and align yourself with the vibration of the Christ Logos and you can experience the second coming of Christ for yourself now.
I've lost track of how many interpretations of the Bible I've heard through my life. Words in the Bible not having the correct translation. Scripture that was added or changed completely. Different churches having more books included in their Bible than others. Bow down and worship God. Obey him. Repent. If not, you will burn in Hell fire and tormented for eternity. Remember, God loves you.
Just wait until Jesus returns, it won`t be like his last visit, this time he will be back to take all the goody two shoes Christians up to his Disneyland in the sky, then the fun will begin, he will enter every house and drag us sinners outside, he will tell us how bad we have been and then cast us, one by one, into a big fiery pit where we will be greeted by red demons with horns, tails and pitchforks, these demons will hurt and torment us for a long time, we deserve this because we didn’t believe in an invisible magician with super powers who lives in the sky, how silly of us not to believe that there is a man with a large beard in the sky who loves us so much that he will see us tortured forever just to teach us a lesson. Back to the story, after Jesus has sorted us all out he will commence the complete destruction of the world, There will be four Angels on horseback flying around in the clouds blowing trumpets and waving swords, I don`t know why they are doing this, it seems a lot of effort for no reward as Jesus has the whole scene under control, There is something fishy about all this because God is then supposed to have a big fight with Satan and of course God will win, If God kills Satan who is going to burn and torture us forever? we will be down in Hell with no supervision, This will be great because we will be able to do whatever we want, we`ll build bars, gambling Casinos, strip clubs, pool halls and every other type of den of iniquity we can think of, it will be just like the Earth we left, all the goody two shoes Christians will be looking down from their clouds in envy, I know this has been a long story but I thought that all the Christians should know so they can mend their ways and start a new life of sin and debauchery. Amen.
Col. 3:1 1 What advantage then hath the Jew? or what profit is there of circumcision? Jesus sitted already as Psalm 2:4 prophesied and we rain with him now, and we will rain with him in the world to come when the old world is folded up, and fesyroyed by fire 3Peter 3:10-13. So Psalm is happening now, and he through the church is instricting the wicked to repent now Psslm 2:10-12, so on the judgement while he shall return there shall be no repentance, and that negated some teaching you put up about reigning and judgemebt stuff.
I have understood your examples chosen from the Holy Bible and most of the scriptures quoted amount to blatant threats of violence and because they are written in the Holy Bible I can understand how some people could read into the gospels as if they have a duty to take it upon themselves to inflict harm on anyone they class as unbelievers, and they are convinced they are just because they are doing it in the name of God.
I strongly disagree. Followers would know the correct actions. Goats (biblical alluding to the worshipers of Baphomet; goat headed perversion of male and female) seek chaos and pain. For it is them, the corrrputors and leadin astray of sheep, whom Jesus is promising brutal judgment upon.
Excellent point!…..Those, you see, are imitation Christians and they are as much a danger, even more so than any non-believers would ever be. These are the ones who give “true followers of Christ a bad name. The ones who don’t display the qualities inherent in Jesus and his Father. The ones who drive others away from coming to know the One true God and the one he sent, his Son Jesus Christ 💎John 17:3. The ones who don’t practice the fruitage of the spirit mentioned at 💎Galatians 5:22. Nothing contrary of those qualities are of God or from God 💎Ephesians 5:9. So based on that truth, You will know them by their fruits 💎Matthew 7:16. They are thoroughly deceiving themselves. They often times believe the have the truth and know it and nothing opposite of what’s shown to them by means of the Scriptures they accept. But God will allow them to believe the lies because they have hardened their heart to the truth 💎2 Thessalonians 2:11. They are heading for destruction themselves and the fools who lacking wisdom don’t even know it🤦♀️. The deluding spirit has captured their mind, hearts and soul. So after sharing the truth, I leave them be.
Our timeline is corrupted by the evil one. He wants us to believe and fear the tribulations are coming. But it has passed long ago with the mass persecutions of Christians in the fall of Rome. But we wait on the Lord to come to pass his final judgment. The devil is loose on the Earth deceiving the nations. Do not be deceived. You are deceived daily and most importantly you are deceived spiritually.
Exactly! And much of the deception is taking place in the churches with their false teachings and traditional practices and customs rooted in paganism. Like the Israelites who failed to worship the one true God in the way and the manner they were taught to do as per the guidelines given to them by Moses and suffer calamities, so will people today who follow the teaching of many of these churches. Satan has been allowed to infiltrate what is supposed the be the body of Christ….the body he is supposed to be the head of and as you can see the scandals, failed leadership and the fall of these so call spiritual leaders. Jesus and his Heavenly Father are no where near these places. Sin and holiness/righteousness do not reside in the same space. I pray that people come to know Bible truth before it is too late.
Can only pray that never returns as done enough damage from his hidey spot now and the world be a lot better moral place if his bigitory not believed by so many.
Oh Lord the Gospels you must remember I don't understand speaking to the children of Israel, he was not speaking to those people with the church age, which ends with me gathering together or rapture, but it started on the day of Pentecost, and Christ's return is to establish is Kingdom or what what you doing it's Jerusalem back to Israel to establish Paradise children of Israel and for the Old testament believers, he was not there for the people of the church age, forever saved by grace and all those things were paid for by the blood of Christ and will never see the great white throne judgment, that judgment is for Israel going homes for rent before at the beginning of the church age !!
My dear neighbours in which I love as myself. I care not of your faith, your race, or your sexual preference. I don't understand why Jesus had to get tortured and killed for any kind of sacrifice. it is not needed. animal sacrifices are not needed. our nameless Gods grace and mercy is freely given to all according to their hearts and spirits. heaven is for all good people. my parents are not born again like I am. I swear on my soul that my parents are soo good that they would humble anyone. they are going to heaven and not hell. I know many good people with little faith. I fell away from christianity because of the contradictions and outrageous stories!. oh Dear Friends, I love you all as myself take care kind regards Coval😞
What sort of person would murder their children at the behest of a God wanting proof of their devotion? most people would rather die themselves than see their offspring killed, but not old Abraham, he willingly put his son Isaac onto a stone sacrificial altar and was about to cut his throat when God relented, any normal human being would have told God to go to Hell when he first made the request. Abraham must have been a person of very weak character to accede to that demand and how did he feel afterwards whenever he thought about the whole scenario? the guilt would stay with you for a lifetime, murdering your child in order to claim a place for yourself in Heaven after your death, And what about this loving God who asked for that sacrifice from one of his followers? he is supposed to be all knowing yet he didn’t have the ability to gauge Abraham’s devotion without some display of proof. This is the God Christians profess to love, would you kill your children without a qualm if you believed any God wanted you to? I think not, you would protect your children with your life if you are a normal person. This reveals the morality of both Abraham and his fictitious God.
@@Lili-Benovent wow, you speak truth indeed. finally someone with wisdom and true knowledge. thank you for the wise old christians or them who fell away, do you not know the bible text and what it says in them? does at least one of you not know that the text in the kjv has had words taken out and added to it? like Luke 17:34, two men in a bed, one will be taken and the other left? or Luke 19:27 Jesus calling people to be slaughtered before his feet? Job @ his breasts are full of milk? therefore, don't get me wrong, i give no opinion about these texts being justified or not in what they say, but I am sure there are people that do. I'm interested in what this pastor has to say in regards to these verses. please note that I am not reviewing this out of hate, rebellion, or to be disrespectful in any way. I'm only after feedback that either mentions the above verses are true, or false. one or the other. I'm just concerned about peoples lives, that they are making the right decisions based on the knowledge of truth, or not, or perhaps so, or perhaps not so, or maybe, or I don't know!
@@Lili-Benovent Stop trying to understand spiritual things with your pea size human brain. It won’t work. The truth will not be revealed to you by our One true God because you are too busy playing around with his nemesis Satan the Devil. You don’t ask questions for understanding, you ask for the purpose of being critical hence the reason the truth will never be revealed to you. Now go away folks don’t have time to deal with ignorance. Have your Father the Devil find someone for you to possess and demonize. Go away. If you don’t believe any of this stuff why are you here? Find something else to do with your time. Unless your tortured soul is seeking answers. I bet you are a miserable, distressed, depressed human being. I wouldn’t be surprised. People who play around with the Devil usually are
@@covertgreen You are taking the satanic changes to the Kings James Version of the Bible and some of the other versions and dismissing the message God is teaching is about love. See how deceptive and deceitful Satan is. This is the aim and you falling for the deception. Look past the changes (which are going to get worst as they keep revising and making new translated versions). Grab what truth is left in the version you have and focus on the message and the commandments at 💎Matthew 22:36-40. Satan and his demons can try all they want but they will never change the fundamental message of God’s inspired word a d that is LOVE. Those who have Holy Spirit will be able to discern. God’s Holy Spirit will grant them the wisdom to know truth from lies.
Your preaching about two separate biblical events 1003 1/2 years apart from each other? Matthew 25-25, Luke 21, and Mark 13 The Coming of the Son of Man Jesus Christ to Gather His Elect and Chosen and Take Them Out of the Tribulation Periods is Linked to Revelation 6 and the 6th Seal and Revelation Chapter 7 where we are told who was Taken Out of the Tribulation Periods at the Mid Tribulation Point! Just as Jesus Christ Himself tells us in Matthew 24 & Luke 21, at the End of the Tribulation of Those Days and at the Beginning of the Great Tribulation Period? This is why Revelation 6 and the 6th Seal “The Cosmic Disturbances” and Matthew 24 & Luke 21 “The Coming of the Son of Man Jesus Christ” are described in the Exact Same Way? Jesus Christ Himself and His Angels Gather His Elect and Chosen from the 4 Corners of the Earth and Takes Them Out of the Tribulation Periods at the End of the Tribulation of Those Days, the Middle Tribulation Point! “Only for The Elect and Chosen Will the Days on Earth be Shortened”! All Other So Called Christians and Jews Will be Caught Unaware and Left Behind to Suffer God’s Wrath Upon the Earth and Mankind and to Suffer the Persecution bye the Beasts of Revelations Until the End of the Tribulation Periods! The End of the Tribulation Periods and the 2nd Return of Christ Jesus in Revelation is the Final Battle Between Heaven and Hell! Jesus Christ Himself will Return with his Army of Angels, Saints, The Elect and Chosen that Jesus Christ Himself Took Out of the Tribulation Period at the Mid Tribulation Period, Revelation Chapter 15! Jesus Christ Himself and his Angel and Saint are Army will do battle with Satan and his Demon Army? When Jesus Christ is Victorious! Jesus Christ Will Reign For 1000 Years and Imprison/Bind Satan on Earth for 1000 Years! After That 1000 Years Then Will be the Resurrection, Judgement and Rapture of the Last Day, (1 Thessalonians 4) and (Revelation 20)! Revelation 20 is the Only Time in Scriptures where the Dead in Christ Jesus Rise First and are Judged, then the Living are Judged and then those who are in the Book of Life are Raptured into Heaven Together and those who are not in the Book of Life are Thrown into the Lake of Fire for all Eternity! Two Separate Biblical Events 1003 1/2 year’s Apart!! Don’t Be Preaching About the Resurrection and Judgement of the Last Day, True Rapture and be Caught Unaware and Left Behind because You Missed the Gathering of The Elect and Chosen on The Day of the Coming of the Son of Man Jesus Christ? The Day Jesus Christ Himself Gathers His Elect and Chosen and Takes Them Out of the Tribulation Period! If You are A Christian and You are Caught Unaware and Left Behind, You Will Lose Your Place in Heaven? Jesus Christ Himself Warns Us 3 Times Not to Be Caught Unaware and Left Behind in Matthew 24-25! This is HOW IMPORTANT it is to Jesus Christ that True Christians Not Be Caught Unaware and Left Behind! If You are a Christian and You are Caught Unaware and Left Behind You Will Suffer God’s Wrath Upon the Earth and Mankind, You Will Suffer Persecution by the Beasts of Revelations and You Will Suffer Death in the Great Tribulation Period! You Will However be the Dead in Christ Jesus That We Return For in Revelation Chapter 20 and the Resurrection and Judgement of the Last Day! You Will Rise from the Dead on that last Day and be Judged First and Then Us Who are Still Alive and Your Offspring Who are Still Alive Will be Judged and Then and Only Then Will We All Be Gathered Up Together in Rapture and Ascend into Heaven! Don’t Miss Out on The Gathering of The Elect and Chosen on the Day of the Coming of the Son of Man Jesus Christ! And Be Caught Unaware Waiting On the Resurrection, Judgement and Rapture of the Last Day that are 1003 1/2 Years Apart from Each Other!! You Will be Left Behind and Suffer Death on Earth and God’s Wrath!
Those elected out the great Tribulation are those 144,000 sealed ones…The chosen anointed ones. If any of the selected 144,000 are alive at the time of the great tribulation they will go along with the ones to be resurrected (they will be resurrected first) to rule with Christ in heaven and fight the war of Armageddon. Contrary to false teachings that all saints are going to heaven. Another lie from Satan the Devil. Only a selected few are heavenly bound 💎Revelation 14:1; 💎Revelations 3:12 and you all will also need to read 💎Revelation 7:2, 3, 4. These ones, 144,000 will be the anointed ones to go to heaven to fight alongside Jesus Christ in the war of Armageddon and to be co-rulers with Christ over us the “great multitude”/ “the great crowd”. That was the first group he saw in his vision. The second group that John saw in his vision is recorded at 💎Revelation 7:9 and those he asked the elders about these ones and this is recorded at 💎Revelation7:13. Note the response he got to his question asked in his vision at 💎Verse 14. These ones will reside on earth. They are not apart of the heavenly bound saints/ holy, anointed, righteous ones. These ones, and if you get away from false teachings and the churches you too can be a part of this group, will be see apart of this new earthly kingdom to be established by our Almighty God and will be ruled by his Son Jesus Christ again as told to us at 💎Isaiah 9:6. He will rule that Kingdom you all pray to come in the Lord’s Prayer at 💎Matthew 6:10. We “none heavenly” bound saints will be residing on EARTH. How do we know this? Note what the Bible tells us at 💎Psalm 37:11, 22, 29; 💎Proverbs 2:20, 21; 💎Matthew 5:5.
Israel is not a "country"!! We are a family Nation of Negro "people" chosen from among all the family Nations of people of the earth to be our Father, the Lord God of Israel's "people", and for Him to be "our" God! Not "all" family Nations of peoples will be allowed into the Kingdom, repentant or not! Refs: 2 Corinthians 6:16 KJV; Genesis 17:7; Genesis 32:22-32 KJV; Exodus 6:7, 29:45; Ezekiel 34:24, 37:27, 36:28; Amos 3:2 KJV; Deuteronomy 7:2, 20:17, 23:3 KJV; Zephaniah 2:8, 3:20 KJV; John 7:42 KJV; Luke 2:11 KJV; Matthew 15:24 KJV.
Question is The Most High a liar !?! Why would he warn his children in the Torah and Old testament of false gods ? Why would he punish his children for a second time and promise them that he would punish their captors !?! And they would leave with Great Substance 😳!?! Why would he take the time to mention this to Abraham!?! Why and most of all when he wrote his law why didn't he say I should praise Jesus Christ ? He is the most high God 🙏 I don't think he thinks 🤔 alternative reality ! Why would he say you shall have no other GOD BEFORE HIM !!! Christianity is the most sinful religion !!! Yes his coming but he won't be a white deity !!! As Jacob put it the second Exodus will be greater than the first
Yes... Jesus Christ is coming and this will happen soon , .. During Noah’s time... people must have believed the flood won’t come ... and they continued in their daily way of living.. May none perish in this generation..May God open our heart to believe and draw us closer.... oh Godwin Your mercy save this generation from death .. that we may believe totally and be prepared for Your second coming in Jesus Christ Name Amen 🙏🏿
And the Bible prophecied you would say that. People saying nothing would happen. Thank you for proving the Bible is true. Repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.
Well you go on being the fool and believe that nonsense. God has an appointed time for everything. He is not working on your or any of us time schedule, you unwise being. You better be glad he didn’t have his Son return as yet. You wouldn’t be in good shape in terms of your salvation, spouting such nonsense as you did in your posting. Bible prophecies foretold the times we are living in now…the last days 💎2 Timothy 3:1-5 as well as other Scriptures in God’s inspired words. But if you were a Bible reader you wouldn’t utter the foolishness you did “Nothing is going happen”🤦♀️. Don’t you see the deterioration of the world and the people in it. The Bible and Bible prophets spoke about these times we are living in some have already come to pass, some are coming to pass, and the worst of these prophecies are about to be upon us. But of course you wouldn’t know this because you don’t read the Bible. Soon enough you will see. Mark my word on this. You will remember your statement “Nothing is going to happen! People have been saying this for 100s of years”. Hope your remember you said that. If you don’t you will be forced to.🤷🏽♀️
Exactly!!! Not even Jesus and the angels know and they are the closest to God. When it’s time for Jesus’s return, his Father will let him know. Everything is for an appointed time and Jesus return is one of those things
@@CS-dn8rd Just happy to let millions more to be murdered in his name just because to lazy and gutless to show his face and be held accountable for his crimes.
Nobody does. But JESUS said that we should be able to discern the time and we should know when HE is about the GOD. He replied, “When evening comes, you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red,’ and in the morning, ‘Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times. A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah.” Jesus then left them and went away. - Matthew 16:2-4. We should be rapture ready and hold fast to our faith in JESUS our LORD. Amen.
The 2nd coming was the Holy Ghost.. the third coming is here.. this guy is full of crap. No J's in the Hebrew alphabet, who in the hell is jesus. AMOS 5:18-27
What makes it more accurate? This is one topic I do not agree. There are many versions from scholars that is more easier to read and understand. I do agree there are many out there that are not.
I hate to say it but you don't know. The Bible knows and the video tells you what the Bible says. If you aren't saved by faith in Christ you will meet him as your judge and be condemned. And yes that should scare you. Repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.
This is why you all stay clear of reading the Bible and especially the Book of Revelation. This matter is not for the purpose of scaring anyone. Those who read the Bible and have strong faith in God’s promises for us after this wicked world pass away along with the wicked, rejoice in the end of this system of things. We look forward to a life of peace, and all that 💎Revelation 21:3, 4 told us the new world will be. So is you feel fear or believe someone is trying to scare you, God is not ruling your life, fear is. There is no fear when you put faith in God. There is no fear in love because fear and worry and anxiety are things of the Devil, peace beyond all understanding is from God and his Holy Spirit.🤷🏽♀️ Now the hypocritical pastors/preachers who fleece their congregants for cash, well that’s another story. God nor Christ Jesus is with these wolves in sheep clothing or any where they claim to worship. These false teachers and prophets are not of our Holy Father and Christis not the head of them. Satan the Devil is. By their fruits you shall know them.
@@TheJpep2424 Our Almighty God’s wrath is what should be scary if we fail to remain obedient to his laws and the precepts written in his Word the Bible and living up to his standard. The fear we are to have of God is a healthy fear. One where our love for him increase our desire to serve him wholeheartedly because of his love for us and that he wants nothing but the best for us, and knowing that his way is the best way 💎Jeremiah 29:11. Besides we know the outcome for us when we don’t do things according to his ways….we suffer. So his gift to us is his inspired word the Bible 💎2 Timothy 3:16. Use the Israelites as an example on why we should fear God’s wrath, not him. See what calamities had befallen them when they were disobedient to God’s law. Our love should drive us to please him and his power to administer justice should keep us line. He doesn’t want us to fear him or serve him in fear. He want us to willingly come to him. He would never force us to serve him. If this were the case we would not be serving him from the heart and because we truly love him but because we were force to. Something the Devil would do. No one repents out of fear…at least they shouldn’t. They do it because they know they need to and that this is what is required of them if they love our Creator and appreciate all that he has done for us and gratitude for sending his Son as a ransom sacrifice that we may gain eternal life and forgiveness of our sins.
@@TheJpep2424 Until the trinity pay for there crimes mankind has no reason to be involved.They started,encouraged the myths and condoned all the slavery ,evil,sexual perversion ,genocide and crimes against humanity have done in there name and should be the first to be punished and locked up in there dungeon already created for most of humanity and that be a fitting punishment.
@@CS-dn8rd One blood sacrifice not make amends for evil condoned and the buck stops with god and no one else for the evil in the world.Out of nothing he created evil and man had nothing to do with it as created without morals or the knowledge about right from wrong as god wanted a robot and not an morally equal being to interact with in his hide n seek game.
You people are delerious.... Religion has been the cause of so much unrest and death to the people of the World that it's pathetic. Nobody is coming to save anyone. Thats just not going to happen. No God would allow the things that go on here on Earth. But keep making donations to the Church.... God loves you...
That’s completely new age and ridiculous. Morning and mourning are nothing more than homophones, words that sound the same but have a different meaning.
@@TheJpep2424 Not only him .The jw ,mormons,quakers ,puritans,scientoligists,right wing fundamentalists all guilty of spreading false witness that there the only true way for salvation and all do is make themselves look like a fool.the only thing they all have in common is suppress truth and more interested in money then souls.
By the evil and disingenuous deeds did in his last attempt that all hearsay as NO real time narrative of his life the world be a lot better place if he never showed his hypercritical face again and happy with being wear he is so can touch gods thigh as much as wants.Find me so real history and not something written 200 years after his death that cannot be believed by any sane person.
@@toosexyfortheviews7914 When he seriously stops playing hide and seek or uses his supposed almighty powers to stop millennia of bloodshed maybe can be believed in but unfortunately over recorded history he has never shown himself to the masses to say slavery and murder wrong and tell people sorry that by by his inaction's proves prefers warfare to peace and is totally uncaring. Also you are not allowed to use circular reasoning to prove a point and the statement should say disbelieve most read in the bible as it there without proof or citation from other sources and cannot say believe cause the bible tells me so and that the mark of a true fool .Look at it rationally if a book tells you genocide,slavery,sex enslavement,selling family as slaves,unhealthy blood lust and many other things as a moral person will you believe that and follow the instructions.Unfortunately many do and damm the morals.
What a blessed day this is going to be .Amen .
@@GraceDigitalnetwork 666
@@GraceDigitalnetwork 🤨🤩😝
@@juanbustamantegarcia7573 they'll pray for u,
“ Glory To Jesus Christ King Of Kings Lord Of Lords “
Amen Amen Amen
Amen glory to God
Oh bow down poor fools to the great conman that never cared about family or health matters.Just another dangerous cult leader who must of ripped off one person to many to be executed and was that important that nobody bothered to document his life while alive as would happen today with even half decent people.He created hell to scare misguided folks to believe his lies as never mentioned in old testament and he pulled it from his arse to cause trouble.
Jesus is not God of gods hence why the scripture ends with Lord of Lords. Jesus is and will always be second in power. Jehovah alone is the Grand God. Isaiah 43:5 This is what the true God, Jehovah, says, The Creator of the heavens and the Grand One who stretched them out.
JESUS is our savior. He is the way, the truth, the life.🙏
What's that mean literally? Real Question from a real seeker??
Amen Amen Amen
@Blah blah Halb halb so your saying we must become the spouse of Jesus Christ what??
Lord Jesus have mercy on our souls. Amen and Amen!
Amen 🙏♥️
Found deep in His everlasting wings, Carried and kept safe and cherished, May the healing power of Christ across your being now. In Jesus Name. Amen
Amen Amen Amen
There is a lot of mixed up here in Psalm 2:8-12, there is a big difference from judgment of the world, and Jesus triumphant rulership over this old world now, Psalm 2:1-end is happening now in his name, we rule together with him now as Romans 5:17, Read Psalm 2:1-10 you would see he triumph already as prophesied, bible in Psalm 2:4 said he that sitted in heaven...and now he sitted already, so other scriptures you quoted in Mathew, Rev. Is not same thing at all, those events will take place when he returns to judge the world, he is not coming to reign over them or preach to them while the judgement comes....
Seek for revelation first before you come up with all these scriptures, the judgement and reigning is noy the same at all.
He is reigning now in his name and through us, but in the world to come before he delivered the kingdom to the father, he would reign as kings with his holy kings i.e the sons of God he gathered into himself, then later delivered the throne to his father after all the ruling, both now and the world to come...this was why Isaiah prophesied the old world would past away and come no more to the heart, then the new world be established.
What a horrible thought of your paradise.Eternally being forces to worship a being that deserve nothing but condemnation for all the bloodshed caused and still causing in endless religious wars in his name and to gutless to say enough is enough and stop the slaughter but that takes real empathy and compassion and power to be decisive but something him or jesus not have as to busy playing with his toy mankind to really care.
Thank You...A blessed message for those that have ears to hear.
Jesus is the truth and no one goes to the Father but Him! Repent and receive Jesus as our Savior; and love ❤️ one another like He loved us!
Jesus is Lord! ☺️☺️🙋🏾♂️🙏🏾👊🏾🙌🏾
Lord of hate and bloodshed someone not to nice to know and deserving of the punishment got.Even created his own dungeon to eternally torture sensible people who not follow his lies and infinite punishment for an alleged finite crime not fair or ethical and shows not impartial but warped and very petty to dish out undeserving punishment for his own pleasure.
@@BobSmith-ew5oi Jesus is Lord! 😊 Got it kid! 😭👊🏾
@@Markybothegoat Citation needed as no proof to back up your statement.using material 200 years after his death not actually real time accurate reporting of knowledge and suspect at the best and certainly not historical.
@bati am disappointed you censor critical thinking and truth just because not suit your narrative.Did you the courteousy of giving you a long and thoughtful reply to what you said about me and must be to close to the truth to be conformable and as happens when most religious people put in a corner cannot answer is to delete all evidence and pretend never happened.Hope you feel proud that by your actions are continuing to encourage sin and intolerance to flourish and all feel is pity that you so religiously indoctrinated that beyond hope and take more then your fake faith healer to solve worlds problems.what need is someone with moral strength to stand up to religious corruption as organized religion had over 2000 years yet wars still increasing.
@@BobSmith-ew5oi Hush lil boy! 🤣🤡👊🏾
Praise to our Lord Jesus ✝️🙏Amen.
Thank you for a very good lesson I heard long ago, it has given me hope again. The prayer 🙏was comforting, God Bless You and all that love the Lord.
Thank you so much for sharing this very very important message with us! Most appreciated indeed! God bless you abundantly!
JESUS IS COMING BACK SOON WHAT A beautiful day that will be Repent before its to late God bless everyone 🙏
@Returned Missionary where?
@Returned Missionary hahaha... now - where..?? Got a selfie...?
@Returned Missionary Then it is all in your mind...
@Returned Missionary It takes pure stupidity to use 'faith' when 'faith' is a lack of evidence - Only feelings and no proof... Hilarious nonsense from the deluded who think that they need gods for something...
@Returned Missionary Yep - there are millions of prophecies to choose from ... hahaha'
Now try to prove your god... hahaha
Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech Ha'Olam. 🙌
Jesus is coming soon he's our savior Amen Jesus is a real Superhero God bless you 😇
Glory to God
Jesus is my king of king
Jesus is my only one
Jesus is my powerfull
Glory to Jesus the son of the Lord well save us sll.
He is in control of the visible and the invisible.
God is everywhere amen he is the light and the truth time to repent to be save.
Please everyone who reads this please pray for Marina to be saved and know Jesus Christ as her lord and savior thank you and please everyone spread the word. God bless you all
She is a unbeliever.
Thank you so much and God bless you
Well While we pray for Marina, I will also pray that all church goers know that Jesus, the Son of God (💎Hebrews 4:14) is not the only one you all need to know, but his Father, (our Almighty God 💎17:1; 35:11) as well 💎John 17:3. Eternal life for you hinges on this.
💎Romans 10:9 you must publicly declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and exercise Faith in your heart (not just believe) that his Father (Almighty God raised him up from the dead, you will be saved. That’s what this Scripture is telling church goers and unbelievers.🤷🏽♀️False teaching is going to cause many to miss out on Salvation.
I will also pray that you all come to know and understand that our Lord and savior Jesus Christ who is, our Messiah, Prince of Peace, Eternal Father, mighty God, Wonderful Counsellor, Lamb of God (💎Isaiah 9:6) is not our Heavenly Father, our Almighty God🤷🏽♀️. Scriptures make this very clear. You all are getting stumbled over 💎John 1:1. Jesus is might God, NOT Almighty God. Might God identified at 💎Isaiah 9:6 is the one who came to dwell on earth at 💎John 1:14 by means of the Virgin Mary. See 💎Luke 1:30-33.
These are the things I will pray for.
Thank you and God bless you
Thank you Lord Jesus Hallelujah praise God
Thankyou Almighty Lord for everything I fear you Lord please forgive me my sins I lov you I'm not scare from my death but your word I fear Oh Lord God King of King make me strong until Son of God Juses Christ second coming led me on your path Oh Lord King of King
Your Jesus Christ must return this time of Pandemic to save the world.
Must ?
It needs to happen I'm glad I'm on the right side x it needs to happen now x
thats a sin saying that lol.
I know I believe him in the 2nd time return and he will burn 🔥all the peoples who hurt me the most. Because I am a daughter of God.
Had better start first with himself and god as they have the worst record in the universe for evil,murder,genocide and hatred and human morals way above what heckle and jeckle have done which why does not want humanity to succeed as will outclass them doing real goodness.
Thank you for this imperative truth 🙏
I wish one day God to restored earth. Like me I see what the earth handled by the. Leaving human it's a verry dangerous. For time time..
i really want Jesus to come as soon as possible :(
I long for you Oh Father God
With my entire being
Come and live within my soul
And guide what I am feeling
I long for you Oh Savior Christ
With everything I'm feeling
Wash me clean I plead your blood
'Cause at your feet I'm kneeling
I long for you Oh Spirit of Truth
Teach me what I am seeing
To understand and know for sure
Pure undefiled believing
Oh Trinity for you I long
You're everything I'm needing
In your presence I belong
Never to be leaving
Be with me today Lord God
Guide my steps I pray
Keep my mind in prayer to you
Every hour of the day
Guide my thoughts today Lord God
May I think of you all day
Keep my tongue under control
And speak of you I pray
I need you in my life Lord God
Please use my life I pray
This world is nothing without you
Fill me with you all day
Amen he is the truth and always 💞😘 be and it okay give when don't it sin ☺️ it batter help the poor
14:56- 17:26 is a bomb *** prayer
If Jesus Christ judge me according to my sins, i will accept it! I already repent my sins to god?
If he returns for his second coming, it’s up to JESUS Christ if i belong to heaven! If not, i am ready to suffer for my consequences!
I do believe Christ is coming back to earth! But, no one knows when is that day.
If i will be asking again if i believe in god, yes, i do believe even though i don’t seem the mighty one. Amen! 🙏🙏🙏
God coming be ready
Imanual is the Way the Truth and the Life. No one can come to the Father except through Me.
Jesus is amazing he is our savior
Amen Amen Amen
Isaiah 42:8 includes your "Jesus" and our King, Immanual HaMaschiach (Isaiah 7:14, 8:1-3).
God...in the bigining and the last he's the one. No other than....Jesus son of god. Jesus he followed ..what God says into him...
The clock is ticking and our times are running out, we need to repent from all things that pollute our souls.
Our Lord is Preparing and watching from Above! 100 % Hopefully His Return will be Easter 20: 22
First of all Easter is a pagan in it origin. You may want to look that up. God and his Son Jesus Christ has nothing to do with paganistic traditions or celebrations or practices. Christmas is included in this as well as many of these holidays people celebrate annually. A part from the Bible, Google can help you out with this. Passover is what Jesus who was a Jew celebrate not Easter. So if I were to venture to guess, I would say that may not be the time he would be returning. He doesn’t recognize or acknowledge paganism🤷🏽♀️
@@CS-dn8rd Well I understand all the pagan holidays but it does say That he will Return in the same way he Ascension. Which also makes sense to me. I appreciate your time explaining your views as well. I did say Hopefully! Prayers sent your way CS
God is good
Under our apostle pauls ministry,today we are only saved by BELIEVING The Gospel of Jesus Christ,1st Corinthians Chapter 15 verse 1-4.Jesus Christ died on the cross,was buried, and rose again on the third day.Jesus Christ Shed Blood is what saves you when you believe this plan of salvation with your heart.
Amen 🙏
There is no reason to wait for the second coming of Christ because he never left!! He is right here and now. What is required is for you to open and purify your heart center and align yourself with the vibration of the Christ Logos and you can experience the second coming of Christ for yourself now.
Lord Jesus I repent amen
The 'Elite's' will have such a shock when they realise that it's the 'Meek' who shall inherit the Earth and not them!
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Ain’t that the truth
All hail to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
No One Knows what will happen.
John 3:16
I've lost track of how many interpretations of the Bible I've heard through my life. Words in the Bible not having the correct translation. Scripture that was added or changed completely. Different churches having more books included in their Bible than others. Bow down and worship God. Obey him. Repent. If not, you will burn in Hell fire and tormented for eternity. Remember, God loves you.
Judgement day : HE Will be back
Just wait until Jesus returns, it won`t be like his last visit, this time he will be back to take all the goody two shoes Christians up to his Disneyland in the sky, then the fun will begin, he will enter every house and drag us sinners outside, he will tell us how bad we have been and then cast us, one by one, into a big fiery pit where we will be greeted by red demons with horns, tails and pitchforks, these demons will hurt and torment us for a long time, we deserve this because we didn’t believe in an invisible magician with super powers who lives in the sky, how silly of us not to believe that there is a man with a large beard in the sky who loves us so much that he will see us tortured forever just to teach us a lesson. Back to the story, after Jesus has sorted us all out he will commence the complete destruction of the world, There will be four Angels on horseback flying around in the clouds blowing trumpets and waving swords, I don`t know why they are doing this, it seems a lot of effort for no reward as Jesus has the whole scene under control, There is something fishy about all this because God is then supposed to have a big fight with Satan and of course God will win, If God kills Satan who is going to burn and torture us forever? we will be down in Hell with no supervision, This will be great because we will be able to do whatever we want, we`ll build bars, gambling Casinos, strip clubs, pool halls and every other type of den of iniquity we can think of, it will be just like the Earth we left, all the goody two shoes Christians will be looking down from their clouds in envy, I know this has been a long story but I thought that all the Christians should know so they can mend their ways and start a new life of sin and debauchery. Amen.
Col. 3:1
1 What advantage then hath the Jew? or what profit is there of circumcision?
Jesus sitted already as Psalm 2:4 prophesied and we rain with him now, and we will rain with him in the world to come when the old world is folded up, and fesyroyed by fire 3Peter 3:10-13.
So Psalm is happening now, and he through the church is instricting the wicked to repent now Psslm 2:10-12, so on the judgement while he shall return there shall be no repentance, and that negated some teaching you put up about reigning and judgemebt stuff.
I have understood your examples chosen from the Holy Bible and most of the scriptures quoted amount to blatant threats of violence and because they are written in the Holy Bible I can understand how some people could read into the gospels as if they have a duty to take it upon themselves to inflict harm on anyone they class as unbelievers, and they are convinced they are just because they are doing it in the name of God.
I strongly disagree. Followers would know the correct actions. Goats (biblical alluding to the worshipers of Baphomet; goat headed perversion of male and female) seek chaos and pain. For it is them, the corrrputors and leadin astray of sheep, whom Jesus is promising brutal judgment upon.
Excellent point!…..Those, you see, are imitation Christians and they are as much a danger, even more so than any non-believers would ever be. These are the ones who give “true followers of Christ a bad name. The ones who don’t display the qualities inherent in Jesus and his Father. The ones who drive others away from coming to know the One true God and the one he sent, his Son Jesus Christ 💎John 17:3. The ones who don’t practice the fruitage of the spirit mentioned at 💎Galatians 5:22. Nothing contrary of those qualities are of God or from God 💎Ephesians 5:9. So based on that truth, You will know them by their fruits 💎Matthew 7:16. They are thoroughly deceiving themselves. They often times believe the have the truth and know it and nothing opposite of what’s shown to them by means of the Scriptures they accept. But God will allow them to believe the lies because they have hardened their heart to the truth
💎2 Thessalonians 2:11. They are heading for destruction themselves and the fools who lacking wisdom don’t even know it🤦♀️. The deluding spirit has captured their mind, hearts and soul. So after sharing the truth, I leave them be.
Our timeline is corrupted by the evil one. He wants us to believe and fear the tribulations are coming. But it has passed long ago with the mass persecutions of Christians in the fall of Rome. But we wait on the Lord to come to pass his final judgment. The devil is loose on the Earth deceiving the nations. Do not be deceived. You are deceived daily and most importantly you are deceived spiritually.
Exactly! And much of the deception is taking place in the churches with their false teachings and traditional practices and customs rooted in paganism. Like the Israelites who failed to worship the one true God in the way and the manner they were taught to do as per the guidelines given to them by Moses and suffer calamities, so will people today who follow the teaching of many of these churches. Satan has been allowed to infiltrate what is supposed the be the body of Christ….the body he is supposed to be the head of and as you can see the scandals, failed leadership and the fall of these so call spiritual leaders. Jesus and his Heavenly Father are no where near these places. Sin and holiness/righteousness do not reside in the same space. I pray that people come to know Bible truth before it is too late.
Sorry Guys; You missed it. He came last Thursday. Better luck next time.
Bring it on I hope the ones in heaven take better
Care of us this time. This time is a JOKE.
New Jerusalem is 12000furlongs wide high and long. Ezekiel saw His smaller craft.
no one knows whats gonna happen when thr LORD comes again
Can only pray that never returns as done enough damage from his hidey spot now and the world be a lot better moral place if his bigitory not believed by so many.
God knows...
❤ this
Love this content. What’s up with the speaking synthetic voice?
My Lord and My God.....🙏
The bible says...all sins man com i t ed will be forgiven
Why would Jesus need feathered wings, He Arose not Flew!
How can he return when he never came in the first place?
and the bride with 144,000 elect the twelve tribes
Oh Lord the Gospels you must remember I don't understand speaking to the children of Israel, he was not speaking to those people with the church age, which ends with me gathering together or rapture, but it started on the day of Pentecost, and Christ's return is to establish is Kingdom or what what you doing it's Jerusalem back to Israel to establish Paradise children of Israel and for the Old testament believers, he was not there for the people of the church age, forever saved by grace and all those things were paid for by the blood of Christ and will never see the great white throne judgment, that judgment is for Israel going homes for rent before at the beginning of the church age !!
My dear neighbours in which I love as myself. I care not of your faith, your race, or your sexual preference. I don't understand why Jesus had to get tortured and killed for any kind of sacrifice. it is not needed. animal sacrifices are not needed. our nameless Gods grace and mercy is freely given to all according to their hearts and spirits. heaven is for all good people. my parents are not born again like I am. I swear on my soul that my parents are soo good that they would humble anyone. they are going to heaven and not hell. I know many good people with little faith. I fell away from christianity because of the contradictions and outrageous stories!.
oh Dear Friends, I love you all as myself
take care
kind regards Coval😞
What sort of person would murder their children at the behest of a God wanting proof of their devotion? most people would rather die themselves than see their offspring killed, but not old Abraham, he willingly put his son Isaac onto a stone sacrificial altar and was about to cut his throat when God relented, any normal human being would have told God to go to Hell when he first made the request. Abraham must have been a person of very weak character to accede to that demand and how did he feel afterwards whenever he thought about the whole scenario? the guilt would stay with you for a lifetime, murdering your child in order to claim a place for yourself in Heaven after your death, And what about this loving God who asked for that sacrifice from one of his followers? he is supposed to be all knowing yet he didn’t have the ability to gauge Abraham’s devotion without some display of proof. This is the God Christians profess to love, would you kill your children without a qualm if you believed any God wanted you to? I think not, you would protect your children with your life if you are a normal person. This reveals the morality of both Abraham and his fictitious God.
@@Lili-Benovent wow, you speak truth indeed. finally someone with wisdom and true knowledge. thank you
for the wise old christians or them who fell away, do you not know the bible text and what it says in them? does at least one of you not know that the text in the kjv has had words taken out and added to it? like Luke 17:34, two men in a bed, one will be taken and the other left?
or Luke 19:27 Jesus calling people to be slaughtered before his feet?
Job @ his breasts are full of milk?
therefore, don't get me wrong, i give no opinion about these texts being justified or not in what they say, but I am sure there are people that do.
I'm interested in what this pastor has to say in regards to these verses. please note that I am not reviewing this out of hate, rebellion, or to be disrespectful in any way.
I'm only after feedback that either mentions the above verses are true, or false. one or the other.
I'm just concerned about peoples lives, that they are making the right decisions based on the knowledge of truth, or not, or perhaps so, or perhaps not so, or maybe, or I don't know!
@@Lili-Benovent Stop trying to understand spiritual things with your pea size human brain. It won’t work. The truth will not be revealed to you by our One true God because you are too busy playing around with his nemesis Satan the Devil. You don’t ask questions for understanding, you ask for the purpose of being critical hence the reason the truth will never be revealed to you. Now go away folks don’t have time to deal with ignorance. Have your Father the Devil find someone for you to possess and demonize. Go away. If you don’t believe any of this stuff why are you here? Find something else to do with your time. Unless your tortured soul is seeking answers. I bet you are a miserable, distressed, depressed human being. I wouldn’t be surprised. People who play around with the Devil usually are
@@covertgreen You are taking the satanic changes to the Kings James Version of the Bible and some of the other versions and dismissing the message God is teaching is about love. See how deceptive and deceitful Satan is. This is the aim and you falling for the deception. Look past the changes (which are going to get worst as they keep revising and making new translated versions). Grab what truth is left in the version you have and focus on the message and the commandments at
💎Matthew 22:36-40. Satan and his demons can try all they want but they will never change the fundamental message of God’s inspired word a d that is LOVE. Those who have Holy Spirit will be able to discern. God’s Holy Spirit will grant them the wisdom to know truth from lies.
When jesus returns will he take Trump to jail where he needs to be
second jerusalem he will come at the east ,shem territory ,garden of eden
Your preaching about two separate biblical events 1003 1/2 years apart from each other? Matthew 25-25, Luke 21, and Mark 13 The Coming of the Son of Man Jesus Christ to Gather His Elect and Chosen and Take Them Out of the Tribulation Periods is Linked to Revelation 6 and the 6th Seal and Revelation Chapter 7 where we are told who was Taken Out of the Tribulation Periods at the Mid Tribulation Point! Just as Jesus Christ Himself tells us in Matthew 24 & Luke 21, at the End of the Tribulation of Those Days and at the Beginning of the Great Tribulation Period? This is why Revelation 6 and the 6th Seal “The Cosmic Disturbances” and Matthew 24 & Luke 21 “The Coming of the Son of Man Jesus Christ” are described in the Exact Same Way? Jesus Christ Himself and His Angels Gather His Elect and Chosen from the 4 Corners of the Earth and Takes Them Out of the Tribulation Periods at the End of the Tribulation of Those Days, the Middle Tribulation Point! “Only for The Elect and Chosen Will the Days on Earth be Shortened”! All Other So Called Christians and Jews Will be Caught Unaware and Left Behind to Suffer God’s Wrath Upon the Earth and Mankind and to Suffer the Persecution bye the Beasts of Revelations Until the End of the Tribulation Periods!
The End of the Tribulation Periods and the 2nd Return of Christ Jesus in Revelation is the Final Battle Between Heaven and Hell! Jesus Christ Himself will Return with his Army of Angels, Saints, The Elect and Chosen that Jesus Christ Himself Took Out of the Tribulation Period at the Mid Tribulation Period, Revelation Chapter 15!
Jesus Christ Himself and his Angel and Saint are Army will do battle with Satan and his Demon Army? When Jesus Christ is Victorious! Jesus Christ Will Reign For 1000 Years and Imprison/Bind Satan on Earth for 1000 Years! After That 1000 Years Then Will be the Resurrection, Judgement and Rapture of the Last Day, (1 Thessalonians 4) and (Revelation 20)! Revelation 20 is the Only Time in Scriptures where the Dead in Christ Jesus Rise First and are Judged, then the Living are Judged and then those who are in the Book of Life are Raptured into Heaven Together and those who are not in the Book of Life are Thrown into the Lake of Fire for all Eternity!
Two Separate Biblical Events 1003 1/2 year’s Apart!! Don’t Be Preaching About the Resurrection and Judgement of the Last Day, True Rapture and be Caught Unaware and Left Behind because You Missed the Gathering of The Elect and Chosen on The Day of the Coming of the Son of Man Jesus Christ? The Day Jesus Christ Himself Gathers His Elect and Chosen and Takes Them Out of the Tribulation Period! If You are A Christian and You are Caught Unaware and Left Behind, You Will Lose Your Place in Heaven? Jesus Christ Himself Warns Us 3 Times Not to Be Caught Unaware and Left Behind in Matthew 24-25! This is HOW IMPORTANT it is to Jesus Christ that True Christians Not Be Caught Unaware and Left Behind! If You are a Christian and You are Caught Unaware and Left Behind You Will Suffer God’s Wrath Upon the Earth and Mankind, You Will Suffer Persecution by the Beasts of Revelations and You Will Suffer Death in the Great Tribulation Period! You Will However be the Dead in Christ Jesus That We Return For in Revelation Chapter 20 and the Resurrection and Judgement of the Last Day! You Will Rise from the Dead on that last Day and be Judged First and Then Us Who are Still Alive and Your Offspring Who are Still Alive Will be Judged and Then and Only Then Will We All Be Gathered Up Together in Rapture and Ascend into Heaven!
Don’t Miss Out on The Gathering of The Elect and Chosen on the Day of the Coming of the Son of Man Jesus Christ! And Be Caught Unaware Waiting On the Resurrection, Judgement and Rapture of the Last Day that are 1003 1/2 Years Apart from Each Other!! You Will be Left Behind and Suffer Death on Earth and God’s Wrath!
Those elected out the great Tribulation are those 144,000 sealed ones…The chosen anointed ones. If any of the selected 144,000 are alive at the time of the great tribulation they will go along with the ones to be resurrected (they will be resurrected first) to rule with Christ in heaven and fight the war of Armageddon.
Contrary to false teachings that all saints are going to heaven. Another lie from Satan the Devil. Only a selected few are heavenly bound 💎Revelation 14:1; 💎Revelations 3:12 and you all will also need to read
💎Revelation 7:2, 3, 4. These ones, 144,000 will be the anointed ones to go to heaven to fight alongside Jesus Christ in the war of Armageddon and to be co-rulers with Christ over us the “great multitude”/ “the great crowd”. That was the first group he saw in his vision.
The second group that John saw in his vision is recorded at 💎Revelation 7:9 and those he asked the elders about these ones and this is recorded at 💎Revelation7:13. Note the response he got to his question asked in his vision at 💎Verse 14. These ones will reside on earth. They are not apart of the heavenly bound saints/ holy, anointed, righteous ones. These ones, and if you get away from false teachings and the churches you too can be a part of this group, will be see apart of this new earthly kingdom to be established by our Almighty God and will be ruled by his Son Jesus Christ again as told to us at 💎Isaiah 9:6. He will rule that Kingdom you all pray to come in the Lord’s Prayer at 💎Matthew 6:10. We “none heavenly” bound saints will be residing on EARTH. How do we know this? Note what the Bible tells us at 💎Psalm 37:11, 22, 29; 💎Proverbs 2:20, 21;
💎Matthew 5:5.
Send in the van and prepare the padded white room.
Israel is not a "country"!! We are a family Nation of Negro "people" chosen from among all the family Nations of people of the earth to be our Father, the Lord God of Israel's "people", and for Him to be "our" God! Not "all" family Nations of peoples will be allowed into the Kingdom, repentant or not! Refs: 2 Corinthians 6:16 KJV; Genesis 17:7; Genesis 32:22-32 KJV; Exodus 6:7, 29:45; Ezekiel 34:24, 37:27, 36:28; Amos 3:2 KJV; Deuteronomy 7:2, 20:17, 23:3 KJV; Zephaniah 2:8, 3:20 KJV; John 7:42 KJV; Luke 2:11 KJV; Matthew 15:24 KJV.
There are so many foolish humans out there, This shit only happens in movies 😂😂
Opiate of the masses.🙄🤷🏽♂️
I don’t think god judges me.
You mean when the Aliens return?
Question is The Most High a liar !?! Why would he warn his children in the Torah and Old testament of false gods ? Why would he punish his children for a second time and promise them that he would punish their captors !?! And they would leave with Great Substance 😳!?! Why would he take the time to mention this to Abraham!?! Why and most of all when he wrote his law why didn't he say I should praise Jesus Christ ? He is the most high God 🙏 I don't think he thinks 🤔 alternative reality ! Why would he say you shall have no other GOD BEFORE HIM !!! Christianity is the most sinful religion !!! Yes his coming but he won't be a white deity !!! As Jacob put it the second Exodus will be greater than the first
When Jesus returns herd that one before and he doesn't speak our language so how can we understand him 🐑
Nothing is going to happen! People have been saying this for 100s of years
Yes... Jesus Christ is coming and this will happen soon , ..
During Noah’s time... people must have believed the flood won’t come ... and they continued in their daily way of living.. May none perish in this generation..May God open our heart to believe and draw us closer.... oh Godwin Your mercy save this generation from death .. that we may believe totally and be prepared for Your second coming in Jesus Christ Name Amen 🙏🏿
And the Bible prophecied you would say that. People saying nothing would happen. Thank you for proving the Bible is true. Repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.
@@TheJpep2424 when is he coming??
Well you go on being the fool and believe that nonsense. God has an appointed time for everything. He is not working on your or any of us time schedule, you unwise being. You better be glad he didn’t have his Son return as yet. You wouldn’t be in good shape in terms of your salvation, spouting such nonsense as you did in your posting. Bible prophecies foretold the times we are living in now…the last days
💎2 Timothy 3:1-5 as well as other Scriptures in God’s inspired words. But if you were a Bible reader you wouldn’t utter the foolishness you did “Nothing is going happen”🤦♀️. Don’t you see the deterioration of the world and the people in it. The Bible and Bible prophets spoke about these times we are living in some have already come to pass, some are coming to pass, and the worst of these prophecies are about to be upon us. But of course you wouldn’t know this because you don’t read the Bible. Soon enough you will see. Mark my word on this. You will remember your statement “Nothing is going to happen! People have been saying this for 100s of years”. Hope your remember you said that. If you don’t you will be forced to.🤷🏽♀️
@@CS-dn8rd I didn't say I didn't want him to come. I'm waiting.....this world needs to end!!!
With all due respect you don’t know what, where or when Jesus will return or what will happen.
Exactly!!! Not even Jesus and the angels know and they are the closest to God. When it’s time for Jesus’s return, his Father will let him know. Everything is for an appointed time and Jesus return is one of those things
@@CS-dn8rd Just happy to let millions more to be murdered in his name just because to lazy and gutless to show his face and be held accountable for his crimes.
Nobody does. But JESUS said that we should be able to discern the time and we should know when HE is about the GOD.
He replied, “When evening comes, you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red,’ and in the morning, ‘Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times. A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah.” Jesus then left them and went away. - Matthew 16:2-4.
We should be rapture ready and hold fast to our faith in JESUS our LORD. Amen.
The 2nd coming was the Holy Ghost.. the third coming is here.. this guy is full of crap. No J's in the Hebrew alphabet, who in the hell is jesus. AMOS 5:18-27
A Guess, to reel in suckers who fall for this shit.
Jesus aint coming back people ....
Would you Please read from the KJV, its More Accurate , thank you
What makes it more accurate? This is one topic I do not agree. There are many versions from scholars that is more easier to read and understand. I do agree there are many out there that are not.
Doubt that very much🤷🏽♀️
I hate to say this but you don’t know. And scaring people is all you doing. I guess you can get more cash doing this.
I hate to say it but you don't know. The Bible knows and the video tells you what the Bible says. If you aren't saved by faith in Christ you will meet him as your judge and be condemned. And yes that should scare you. Repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.
This is why you all stay clear of reading the Bible and especially the Book of Revelation. This matter is not for the purpose of scaring anyone. Those who read the Bible and have strong faith in God’s promises for us after this wicked world pass away along with the wicked, rejoice in the end of this system of things. We look forward to a life of peace, and all that 💎Revelation 21:3, 4 told us the new world will be. So is you feel fear or believe someone is trying to scare you, God is not ruling your life, fear is. There is no fear when you put faith in God. There is no fear in love because fear and worry and anxiety are things of the Devil, peace beyond all understanding is from God and his Holy Spirit.🤷🏽♀️
Now the hypocritical pastors/preachers who fleece their congregants for cash, well that’s another story. God nor Christ Jesus is with these wolves in sheep clothing or any where they claim to worship. These false teachers and prophets are not of our Holy Father and Christis not the head of them. Satan the Devil is. By their fruits you shall know them.
@@TheJpep2424 Our Almighty God’s wrath is what should be scary if we fail to remain obedient to his laws and the precepts written in his Word the Bible and living up to his standard. The fear we are to have of God is a healthy fear. One where our love for him increase our desire to serve him wholeheartedly because of his love for us and that he wants nothing but the best for us, and knowing that his way is the best way 💎Jeremiah 29:11. Besides we know the outcome for us when we don’t do things according to his ways….we suffer. So his gift to us is his inspired word the Bible 💎2 Timothy 3:16.
Use the Israelites as an example on why we should fear God’s wrath, not him. See what calamities had befallen them when they were disobedient to God’s law. Our love should drive us to please him and his power to administer justice should keep us line. He doesn’t want us to fear him or serve him in fear. He want us to willingly come to him. He would never force us to serve him. If this were the case we would not be serving him from the heart and because we truly love him but because we were force to. Something the Devil would do.
No one repents out of fear…at least they shouldn’t. They do it because they know they need to and that this is what is required of them if they love our Creator and appreciate all that he has done for us and gratitude for sending his Son as a ransom sacrifice that we may gain eternal life and forgiveness of our sins.
@@TheJpep2424 Until the trinity pay for there crimes mankind has no reason to be involved.They started,encouraged the myths and condoned all the slavery ,evil,sexual perversion ,genocide and crimes against humanity have done in there name and should be the first to be punished and locked up in there dungeon already created for most of humanity and that be a fitting punishment.
@@CS-dn8rd One blood sacrifice not make amends for evil condoned and the buck stops with god and no one else for the evil in the world.Out of nothing he created evil and man had nothing to do with it as created without morals or the knowledge about right from wrong as god wanted a robot and not an morally equal being to interact with in his hide n seek game.
Another wasset.
You people are delerious.... Religion has been the cause of so much unrest and death to the people of the World that it's pathetic. Nobody is coming to save anyone. Thats just not going to happen. No God would allow the things that go on here on Earth. But keep making donations to the Church.... God loves you...
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 whatever
Stop saying good morning (MOURNING) ..do you really want to keep MOURNING ?? Smh.
Words are spells !
That’s completely new age and ridiculous. Morning and mourning are nothing more than homophones, words that sound the same but have a different meaning.
@@breannat3765 new age ? 😂😂😂
Words are words. They aren't magic or spells unless you're into witchcraft or idiots like Kenneth Copelands word of faith heresy.
And mourning is how it's spelled in Europe. You're biblically ignorant and spewing new age sorcery.
@@TheJpep2424 Not only him .The jw ,mormons,quakers ,puritans,scientoligists,right wing fundamentalists all guilty of spreading false witness that there the only true way for salvation and all do is make themselves look like a fool.the only thing they all have in common is suppress truth and more interested in money then souls.
Fake news. He was an opportunist, the same that Trump on this days.
By the evil and disingenuous deeds did in his last attempt that all hearsay as NO real time narrative of his life the world be a lot better place if he never showed his hypercritical face again and happy with being wear he is so can touch gods thigh as much as wants.Find me so real history and not something written 200 years after his death that cannot be believed by any sane person.
Only fools say in their heart "THERE IS NO GOD".They are corrupt and their actions are evil;Not one of them does good.
~PSALMS 14:1~
@@toosexyfortheviews7914 When he seriously stops playing hide and seek or uses his supposed almighty powers to stop millennia of bloodshed maybe can be believed in but unfortunately over recorded history he has never shown himself to the masses to say slavery and murder wrong and tell people sorry that by by his inaction's proves prefers warfare to peace and is totally uncaring. Also you are not allowed to use circular reasoning to prove a point and the statement should say disbelieve most read in the bible as it there without proof or citation from other sources and cannot say believe cause the bible tells me so and that the mark of a true fool .Look at it rationally if a book tells you genocide,slavery,sex enslavement,selling family as slaves,unhealthy blood lust and many other things as a moral person will you believe that and follow the instructions.Unfortunately many do and damm the morals.